Keith Moore Transformed Pt 4 Think on these things

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security if you had turned in the scripture to Romans the 12th chapter this evening hold up your hand if you didn't bring a Bible with you ha rushers have extra Bibles would be glad to let you use one of ours hold up your hand real high and let's everybody go to Romans chapter 12 can you take some more the truth will make you free and His Word is truth so let's look at some word and let's get more free Romans 12 and 2 Romans 12:2 says be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God let me read some other translations to you the new living says don't copy the behavior in customs of this world but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think did you hear that phrase let God transform you into a new person do you need to be transformed into a new person or are you perfect just like you are right now I see some people look puzzled about that then let me help you yeah you need to change you have not arrived in fact you need to be you need to change a lot look at your neighbor help amount say say you need to change a lot now what is your response to that now if you don't need to change a lot that means as you sit here tonight you have already arrived at christ-like perfection and if that is not the case then you need to change a lot how are you going to be changed into a different person how now see this is where a lot of folks have gotten off-track they said well I'm going to be changed into a different person by people laying hands on me or by praying and fasting or by numbers of other things that are good in their own right but if that had been the main way to change you into a different person that's what he just said wouldn't it he would have said you're gonna be transformed by praying you're gonna be transformed by people laying hands and he could have said that but that he didn't say that because that is not the main thing that's going to change you and I into different people what's going to change us the renewing of our minds does something need to happen to our minds after we're born again this thing when you got born again scripture says that old things are passed away behold all things have become new you are a new creation in Christ Jesus that's not talking obviously about your body because if you had gray hair before you were born again you had gray hair the next day or no hair our wrinkles or long nose or short nose blue eyes or brown eyes right you you didn't get a new body that's not what became new and if you acknowledge it you didn't get a new mind it was your spirit that was recreated and the man upon being born again then we're told now you need to do something with your mind and you need to control your body I think this has been a source of confusion because some have thought and sometimes it was because preachers left the wrong impression then I'm just gonna go down to the altar and I'm getting saved and I'm never gonna have any problems again I see a bunch of people shaking their heads because you found out that just wasn't the case you found out you had the same flesh the next day you you could be tempted with some of the same temptations you had you remembered you had the same mind the same memories and that has not been clear enough the difference is now you are not estranged and separated from God you are not dead you are alive spiritually and now you do not have to be the servant of sin now you the greater one is living inside you and you have the power to control your mind to control your mouth to control your desires your feelings you've got the power in you as a child of God to decide and that makes all the difference now you're not you're no longer a victim you're no longer a weakling you're more than a conqueror in him now whether you act like it or not it's another thing but you are there are no defeated ones born into the kingdom of God we're all born into the kingdom of God into his own likeness and image just like him and how many other master is not a defeated one he is and we're in him and he's in us his victory is our victory and the same spirit that he walked in on the earth we now have saying exactly the same holy spirit now the Bible the word conformed here said don't be conformed to this world means to fashion alike to conform to the same pattern and being transformed by the renewing of your mind that means changing in to another form and the key word here is changed we get we actually get our word from the word used to your transform we get our word morph or metamorphosis from the Greek word here and it basically means change but it doesn't mean change slightly it means change into something else like a caterpillar changing into a butterfly and this is after you're born again is everybody with me this is after you're born again can you turn can you change into a completely different person after you've been born again for five years ten years I'm getting nose and yeses and there's frogs listen to the question who's he writing to in the book of Romans hmm go back to the first chapter chapter 1 verse 1 Romans 1:1 Paul the servant of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle separated in the gospel of God verse 2 which he had promised before verse 3 concerning his son Jesus Christ our Lord verse 4 declared him to be the Son of God keep going you know where we hit it says its first they didn't seven or eight mm-hmm seven to all that be in Rome beloved of God what called not to be is added by the translators called Saints is he writing to sinners or saints saved or lost people he's writing to Christians so twelve chapters in what does he tell people that have already been born again that they can be changed into different people by the renewing of their minds so thank God for the new birth but that's not the end of change in our life thanks be unto God go with me are you are you believing with me this evening go with me over to you're right there in Romans 12 go back to the eighth chapter while while we're here and then we'll go over to Philippians 4 I think Romans chapter 8 and verse 4 romans 8 in verse 4 it says that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit now there's a lot of murkiness confusion about being spiritual versus being fleshy and when you talk about being in the spirit or being spiritual so many Christians just really have a very vague notion of what that might be or have concocted some of their own ideas of what it is but notice what is he's talking about walking not after the flesh but after the spirit verse 5 for they that are after the flesh do what mind the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit of the words they mind the things of the Spirit what's involved in being fleshy versus being spiritual what you mind another way of saying that it's what you think of and verse 6 for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded his life and he could have said a lot of other words he could have said joy he could have said this he could have said what do you say though peace peace and we're going to get some into this tonight does it matter what you and I think on how much does it matter according to this it's life or death what we think I'll fake it on the wrong thing ministers death to you is that true for now I want you to know there are dangerous thoughts deadly deadly thoughts if people were enlightened and aware to what was going on when that when the very beginning of that thought approached their mind they would holler they would say rebuke that they would cast it down because it is as deadly as a rattlesnake in your chair are you listening it is poisoning your food as a 45 a barrel against your head I know that may sound like an exaggeration but it did I read the scripture just now What did he say challenges problems heart you said death death death there are deadly thoughts dangerous thoughts they can come to you right in the middle of a service like this they can come to you at home laying across your bed they can come to you riding down the road in your car they can come to you at your workplace to work or at school or whatever you know brother Kenneth Hagin my father in the faith said this numerous times he said even the most holy child saint of God has found in their mind thoughts that were ugly thoughts that were repulsive and and perverted are you with me why being he went on to explain he said the enemy can bring thoughts to you from the outside that doesn't mean you came up with him but he said it's like this you may not be able to prevent a bird from flying over your head but you can prevent him from building the nest in your head right and you you may not prevent every thought from coming to you and trying to broke your mind but you don't have to receive it and think on it the rest of the day do you you do I do we do have a choice as to what we think on and this is one of the latest truths we can get established in is that I don't have to think on anything I don't want to this is very important truth to get a hold of because I don't know what the people have I've talked to and they cried and sobbed and said I thought try not to think about a trial but I just can't that's a lie that is a lie no such thing as being unable to stop thinking about something I'm pausing for effect what do you mean well because I can just sit some people going I don't know about that that's dangerous territory your own as long as you are unsettled about that you are easy prey for the enemy to just have a heyday in your mind and in your life because if you can't help what you think on you are helpless you are a victim and born again men and women of God are not victims we are victorious Victor's we are hyper 90s now if you are here last week then you're not on the on the note in the note does it matter what we think don't help me out verse 6 read it again to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace because the carnal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be so then they that are in the flesh cannot please God but you're not in the flesh he's right in the Saints why we've been born again we're if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you and if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he's none of his he hadn't been born again but if Christ be in you the body is dead because of sin but the Spirit is life or alive because of righteousness we are not dead we are alive inside spiritually we are alive thanks be unto God go to Philippians the fourth chapter please if you hold in that place we're going to see this from other places for more and more confirmed as we go through but I think you already know this and believe this that we are instructed in the scriptures that there are certain things we are to think on and there are other things we are not to think on should we obey these scriptures when we're told don't think on this do think on this now what he have told us don't think on this do think on this if we can't control what we think if we can't help would he have told us that or is he going to find out you know well I know I wrote that but you know after looking at your case you really are a weak-minded individual you just you can't you can't help it I yeah you are an exception I'm sorry no no no child of God has to think on things they shouldn't your mind is your mind and you can think on what you choose and you can refuse to think on what you shouldn't think everybody said out loud my mind is my mind I am in control of what I think of I never have to think on anything I shouldn't think of nothing can force me to my mind it's my mind I'm in control with God's help of what I think prays go do you believe that choose to believe it choose to believe it it'll safeguards it'll protect you so many of the people that are confined to mental institutions today one of their biggest issues is they came to believe they couldn't keep from thinking on it and if you believe that you can plunge off the deep end because it can just get worse and worse and worse and people just quit resisting and they just yield to these thoughts and feelings and if you do you can absolutely lose yourself but they begin to go awry way back here sometimes years ago they could have easily chosen not to think on that and all the hellish stuff they've been through would never have happened isn't it good to know that God didn't give you a spirit of fear but he gave you spirit of power and of love and a sound sound month he actually gave you the very mind of the Christ The Anointed One and his very peace he said my peace I give unto you didn't he say said out loud I've got his mind I've got his peace I want you to say something by faith I want you to sit with every fiber of your being this is affecting your future right here tonight set out loud I by the grace of God will never lose my mind I will never go crazy I will never go insane I will never my whole life long lose my mind never never I will always have a sound mind sound mind that's what the Lord gave me a sound mind he's never going to take it back I'm never going to turn loose of it people wind up in terrible shape because they turn Lucifer because they think on things they should not and then they get to the point where they become obsessed with that thinking and they think about it night and day night and day and friend that's dangerous it's dangerous that is how you lose your mind let me say it again some thoughts are deadly some thoughts are absolutely dangerous they're poisonous they're deadly and we need to know enough that when it comes across our mind we don't play with it for a moment we grab it we throw it down sometimes you need to say it out loud no no no I'm not thinking that much let's doing it no no that's not right I'm not thinking on it I'm not talking about it and I'm never going to do it and if you'll do that every time that comes up you'll always be safe you'll always work but if you sit there and you think about it for half the day and and then you start talking about it and then it becomes an obsession of yours and you just think talk about it all the time you're in trouble you're going down you're going down the path of darkness and it only gets darker and worse instead of that you could be being transformed just like that path leads to darkness what if you thought what the Lord told you to think and you thought it every morning and every afternoon and every night when you laid your head on the pillow and you thought it and talked about it and you meditated his word night and day and it's in your mouth all the time then you you would be changing only not bad you would be changing becoming more and more like him you get to where you think like him and you talk like him and you act like him and you literally have his mind glory to God member of the apostles and disciples this spent so much time with him and even after he was gone to sit down at the right hand of Majesty on high and they saw the things that were going on in the Apostles ministry and they took note of them that they had been with Jesus why because they were talking just like him and acting just like and doing the same things he was doing is that our cause it is but it won't happen just by saying I'm a believer hallelujah going to church once in a great while I'm not paying attention how will we be transformed our minds we've got to change our thinking has got to change because the truth is there's entirely too much ungodly worldly thinking in most Christians Minds we must not assume that the bulk of our thinking that we got as a child or a teenager is godly just because we thought like that all our life or just because our parents or our grandparents thought like that it doesn't mean it's godly or just because a lot of other people think that way doesn't mean it's right I know when we first went to Rhema Bible Training Center we were just there for just a few weeks and in a time of prayer the Lord spoke to my heart he said I don't mean to hurt a voice now and you know he speaks to you the way you understand if he spoke to me in Hebrew I wouldn't understand a word of so he speaks to me in Southern drawl [Laughter] and I get it how many believe the Lord speaks Missouri and Arkansas huh Texan New England he speaks it off French yeah and he spoke to my heart he said Keith I want you to examine everything you believe we're being immersed in teaching and preaching there in the Bible school which was wonderful and he said I Keith I'm instructing you examine everything you believe and find it in the written word find it I understood that was a directive and so I began to do it every time I think about something I believed I wouldn't just say okay that's good enough I went to the book and I got him a concordance out and I begin to look for scriptures that say that and sometimes I'd find them pretty quick and oh yeah praise God yeah there it is but a number of times I couldn't find it I looked and I looked and I looked high and low and I searched the concordances and I couldn't find one thing that said that and the Lord had instructed me if you can't find it in my word you have no right to have that as a doctrine it's something you believe and he helped me to sell some of these things through looking for him for much because some of them were pretty foundational to me and my family and where I came from and and I finally realized that's not in the Bible in fact I found some scriptures that contradicted and I realize I heard somebody say that I heard a preacher say that when I was a boy I Rand Paul said dad mama said dad or our cousin said dad or whatever and sometimes you hear something several times especially if you hear it in church with hallelujah amen on one end of it then people tend to think well that's well that's holy that's that's the word and it's so far from the word not the word and so that can you see what the Lord was doing with me what was he doing with me help me out he was renewing my mind I had he knew much better than I did I had a lot of stuff I needed to get out that I thought was right I thought was Bible I thought was God and he knew it wasn't and I'm not saying I've arrived there yet but should you be willing should every believer be willing to examine critically existing everything that they believe and and disciplined themselves to find it in the Word of God in Philippians 4 notice this Philippians 4 and bout verse 4 what'd he say you know we this is how the service started out there may be a time that you mourn your not mourn like the world like those who have no hope but mourning should not be the norm you know that should just be brief things here and there but most of the time you're to be bouncing with a big old smile and if you're not things are not right either you're not born again or you're not walking as a child of God the Bible said awake thou that sleepest and Christ will give you light what will light do for light will brighten you up all this depression absolutely unnecessary and ungodly well there's just so many problems in the world brother Keith and it just burdens me down that's religion ungodly religion I'm pausing again for do you think you're the Saviour you think not enough spin done for their salvation hmm you think you sorrowing and being a sad sack and raining on everybody's parade is gonna put them closer to Jesus no the truth is the price has already been paid totally Jesus has already done everything that needs to be done for everybody to be safe and yes we ought to tell everybody we can and do everything we can to get that word out but it's not going to cause them to want to come in if we're depressed all the time there are a lot of folks who are not Christians because they have relatives who are and they think hey if being a Christian is being like Uncle Joe ain't Mildred or or my sister then forget it why because they're always down and they're always judgmental and they're always finding fault and always putting their bony fingers and self-righteous and all this other stuff and that never was god I'm looking at faces you know what salvation is salvation is ever lasting life salvation is being washed from all your sins and being clean with no guilt and no shame and no condemnation salvation is having the peace that passes understanding having your body healed having your needs met and your bills paid come on salvation is having the very wisdom of God coming up to your mind all the time and a quickening and a grace in life that makes you more than enough for every situation and a glorious hope that in just a few more clicks we're out of here going to glory and that's not sad sack and grouchy and Woolies you those are not the same thing Philippians for you still there I got stuck on that fourth verse what does it say read it out loud rejoice also say it loud rejoice come when I was about 20% of the crowd help me rejoice rejoice rejoice rejoice in the Lord every Sunday no no always and again I'm telling you rejoice rejoice rejoice verse 5 let your moderation be known unto all men the Lord is at hand I have heard this scripture used for everything under the Sun except what it said you know we're talking about some of this Deardon offering I've heard you say that now the Bible says be moderate in all things that's not what he said no that means not too big not too little not too nice not too junky moderate moderation in all things that scripture does not say that King James word moderation you kind of have to look up anybody got another translation let me read some of them to you I won't go through all the translation one several translations say forbearance now that's a different meaning than moderation to us how many language changes over the years forbearance another one says considerate gentle kind spirit now that's a total different idea then don't get too nice now graciousness I like the Wiest along this line it says let your sweet reasonableness be known to all men that means you should be so nice and so easy to get along with what a different meeting look it up for yourself see how do you know you shouldn't try to build doctrines on one verse or one word in one verse baba said in two or three witnesses let every word be established what's the word I'm looking for I mean the enemy's always trying to get you to settle for ya mediocrity that's a good word and people try to use that verse to substantiate and say yeah I don't don't get carried away don't get too nice then get too big is there such a thing as the body of Christ getting too big in the earth the work of God getting too big or reaching too big or orbit is there is this such a thing as being too healed our to blast huh are too excited about God or too much too much joy too much life then I calm it down brother moderation no no no I can show you a number of scriptures that talk about how excessive God is he is the God who will absolutely run your cup over and spill it on the floor and yet a lot of these preachers and these theologians leave the idea that God will kind of cover the bottom and go no we don't do no one do too much don't want to do too awful God will pour out until it's running on the table running down the floor running out the door and you go God it's running everywhere you go yeah ain't it great ain't it great really great that is who he is do you understand how many fish there are in the sea more fish than we will ever eat you know how many bananas fall off of the trees in the jungle and rot that the monkeys will never eat God is the god of abundance not just enough super abundance Wow more then enough you know how many stars there are out there no you don't because there are so many moderation in all things verse six be careful that means distracted and anxious for nothing why would you be full of care and distracted you'll see he's beginning to get into this in detail what would make you that way thinking on wrong thoughts there are thoughts you can be happy and doing good and there are thoughts that can come to you that if you'll receive them you'll lose your joy just like that you'll get upset you your heart rate will come up your blood pressure begin to come up just because that thought came to you of what may have happened or what might happen or what could happen or some terrible things and then there are other things you can be going along not particularly happy or sad anything but a thought can cross your mind and just make your day I mean just just the thought of it coming to you brightens your face makes you glad makes you happy it makes you look forward to the rest of the day because you had a thought he said don't be careful or full of care anxious about for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God that I mean that doesn't always take all day to pray so what do you do after you pray the rest of the day well you're a lot of your ruts are on the right track verse verse 7 and the peace of God which passes all understanding shall do what keep your hearts and your minds now I'm gonna get ahead of myself just a little bit but how would you know whether you're thinking on the right thing or the wrong thing one of the biggest indicators is peace the scripture said there is no peace to the wicked wicked means evil bad wrong and there can't be any peace in a wrong thought you're with me friends but God's right thoughts are going to minister peace to you so one of the ways you can know and be sure that you're thinking about the right thing is you got peace if you have no peace you've lost your peace it's obvious you're thinking about the wrong thing and you need to stop it immediately holds your place here and and we'll look in Isaiah they'll put it upon the screen for us but Isaiah 26 and 3 I say a 26-3 hold you place in Philippians Isaiah 26:3 this is a very great scripture like they all are if you don't have this one marked if you don't know it let me encourage you just to meditate on this one son he said thou will keep him in perfect peace whose what whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusts in thee so what are you thinking about you're thinking about what he said and how right it is and what he told you to do and how right that is and how faithful he is and how much you trust him and if you think about that all the time you will have actually the Hebrew here is literally piece piece a reiteration you won't just have some piece you'll have peace piece you will be mellow and happy and resting he content what if you're all agitated upset angry and mad hurtin upset and you need to repent or I need to repent who whichever one of us it is why because you wouldn't be that way thinking on the right thing would you go friends don't let this be too simple for you tonight this if you receive this and establish it in your heart and live by it it will protect you oh it'll protect you from the wiles of the devil all you got all you got to realize you'll be going along and you realize that you're anxious and annoyed about something and you get hold yourself immediately go quit it quit it what are you thinking about you don't you I have to you don't even special word you don't need an hour of counseling you know for you to be in that condition you've been thinking the wrong thing you know it because if you had been keeping your mind stayed on him he'll know the Lord is not a liar he's not going for if he said if you do that I will keep you in peace peace then he will and if you're not in peace peace it's not because he forgot you and didn't do it it's because you're not keeping your mind straight on him right you thinking about how bad it is you're thinking about what they said and what they did and what they didn't do and what they ought to do and and and how bad you messed up and how bad the economy is and what they said how many they gonna lay off and and what this problem isn't that problem you're thinking about stuff you should not be thinking about and if you cry and say well I tried to but it's just so no quit being such a whiny baby and leave the Bible and if the Lord told you don't think about that what are you gonna do you gonna get in his face and cry and that pitiful yo I know you told me through Lord but I didn't skate I just gave you think he's gonna change his eternal word for you and pat you on the head and go I know I know I know I said that but just forget it because you're so pitiful ah just being pitiful doesn't move the Lord towards you faith faith causes him to respond to you without faith it is impossible to please him listen to some other translations of this the Youngs literal translation that's the man who wrote the concordance you know certainly he knows something about this he said an imagination supported you fortify peace peace for in you it is confident that's literal that's where all these other translations get theirs from is this kind this is a transliteration you got to watch about some of these new translations they actually are not translations they're paraphrases and a lot of the phrases in them you shouldn't trust them because they're it's somebody's idea it's not exactly what the word said but in verse 4 in the Youngs literal it says trust G in Jehovah forever for in yah yah Java is a Rock of Ages and today's the first time I had really seen that I think I'd caught a glimpse of it in times past but maybe I let it slip from me or something listen to this and you'll see what I'm talking about uh let me not move too quick I'll we'll get there eventually the amplified says you will guard him this is verse 3 you will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind both its inclination and its character so not only have we thought about what he told us to but our inclination is to think about it I mean we're ready to think about him before we think about it we just ready to think about him and we're ready to be happy about whatever he's don't say because we know it's good before we hear it and whatever he tells us to do we're inclined to hear it and ready to hear it actually numerous scriptures talk about a ready mind that readiness is a mindset have you ever come across folk that did not have a ready mind it took an hour talking to them for them to even decide they might want to hear something obstinate mine that's not what you want you'll guard him and keep him in perfect in constant peace whose mind both the sink relation and character is stayed on you because he commits himself to you leans on you and hopes confidently in you verse four so trust in the Lord commit yourself to him lean on him hope confident in him forever for the Lord God is an ever lasting Rock The Rock of Ages and this is the connection that I was talking about the New Living Translation in verse 3 it says you'll keep in perfect peace all those who trust in you all whose thoughts are fixed on you and finally the God's word translation their thoughts are fixed on you can you fix your thoughts on God can you fix your thoughts on a problem can you fix your thoughts on a symptom can you fix your thoughts on something ugly somebody did to you or said to you and can that ruin your day can you be bumping along happy everything going good and then hear about something ugly that somebody said or did towards you and can you lose your joy and lose your peace and get mad and get upset and whose fault is that yours yeah but they did they did not make you lose your joy they don't have the power to forcibly rip your peace away from you yeah but they did yeah but that's not what's toads your piece I don't care what they did that's not what's told your joy and peace your incorrect response to what they said indeed was why you lost your joy and your peace because you could have kept it you could have heard what they said heard what they did it rubs you the wrong way you didn't like it but before it ever started taking you down you grabbed a hold of that thought you say no you don't know you don't know you know I've got too much to be happy and thankful about I am NOT going to let this get me to and you throw it down that's what the Bible said cast it down cast it down and set your mind on him and if you'll do that he will keep you how many like the sound of that God said he would keep you in peace peace but now is that all up to him tell me what your part is what is your part you got to keep your mind stayed on him and I'm not I'm not gonna stand here and tell you that that's the easiest thing you ever did I was ministering to a lady oh this has been a number of years ago she'd been in and out of mental mental institutions for years and just had been through some terrible terrible stuff and I was endeavoring to help restore she'd come for help and wanted prayer and I felt prompted to the Lord to take her to Joshua one week and put it up on the screen Joshua 1:8 you may know what it says Joshua 1:8 yeah this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate therein day and night that you may observe to do according all that's written therein for then you'll make your way prosperous you'll have good success what's the key to everything going your way going good having good success hmm book of the law not the part out of you about now they had back then was the law now we got the law of the prophets we got the New Testament we got the whole Word of God but it's not supposed to stop coming out of your mouth and you're supposed to meditate in it day and night and I began to talk to her some about meditating and day or night and she just interrupted me she said you can't do that she just said what a lot of other people thought you can't you can't think about the things of God day and night and I said well you reckon he didn't know that what did he say what did he tell you to do meditate in it day and night you did hear did he not know what we could do and couldn't do and while I was trying to be kind and share with her because she's kind of wanting to get aggravated about it the Lord helped me to see something I said sister no listen don't get upset listen it's not a matter of whether or not you can meditate on something day and night you already are you're already thinking on something day and night he's just telling you think on what I told you day and night I said you're already thinking on something they meditating on something day and night and it's obviously been the wrong thing because it's put you in the institution and what he's saying is quit thinking that and think of what I told you and Roman says it'll be life to you and peace to you somebody say glory to God now back to Isaiah 26:3 this is what I was endeavoring to get to a moment ago do you have a little bit more time or you just had all you can take or let me look at you let me see hmm watch out don't think any wrong thoughts I was at 26 three God's word translation I saw this clearer than I've seen it before today he said with perfect peace does that sound come on close your eyes think about that word does that sound good we're not talking about just a little touch of peace perfect does this you know the word perfect again and again means complete full he's talking about complete peace full peace you will protect those whose minds cannot be changed whose minds cannot be changed because they trust in you how does that how does that translate Hebrew that says mind stayed it does it brings out another aspect of it if your mind is stayed then it's not changed those whose minds cannot be changed because they trust in you verse 4 trust in the Lord always because the Lord the Lord alone is an everlasting rock and the basic the BBE of verse 4 do we have that one yeah it says let your hope be in the Lord forever for the Lord yah is an unchanging rock come on do you see the connection what if you're standing and on the unchanging rock your mind shouldn't change he doesn't change so you shouldn't change what he said doesn't change so your mind shouldn't change redemptive reality is not going to change so your thinking shouldn't changed and there will be tests and trials and thoughts and feelings aplenty to try to get you to change your mind but you're to make up your mind that no it is written by His stripes I was healed and that's what it read a hundred years ago that's what it'll read a hundred years from now and so that's what I'm gonna think about it is written with long life he'll satisfy me and show me his salvation now you can think about that and get happy or you can think about how you feel and you think about a bad report and you think about what happened to this one and what didn't happen to that one and how could you tell that your thinking on the wrong thing by what it's doing to you it's not difficult is everybody wait look at your neighborhood this is so important this is so important how can you tell that you are thinking on the wrong thing help me no peace among other things what is it doing to you look at the effect if you are just gritting your teeth if you're crying your eyes out if you feel terrible whose fault is it yours now this is not popular everywhere this message because a whole lot of people prefer what I call no-fault religion and that means they want to go somewhere where their preachers will tell them no matter what happens it's not your fault and no matter what doesn't happen it's not your fault the main thing to know life's going to be terrible it's gonna be hard but the main thing to know it's not your fault [Laughter] you're laughing but that is a central message in churches all over the world the problem with it you stay defeated you don't get your prayers answered you don't get what you need I like this I said I like this now I will keep him keep him keep him I like being kept keep him in perfect total full complete peace peace peace why because his mind stayed as much they stayed stayed and won't change off of him on me cuz because what's he thinking about he trusted me in order to be victorious in order to grow up in order to get free from the yo-yo up-down emotional upheaval so many people live their whole life in in order to get out of that and rise above that you've got to become disciplined in your mind you got to get hold of yourself about what you let yourself think and what you won't allow yourself to think many times when it comes to loved ones leaving died and going home to be with the Lord the Lord showed me this back years ago with my my granddad grandma and my father and different ones I know one day I was I was feeling a little bit down when I met just one of my loved ones that just went home to be with the Lord and the Lord arrested me because he knew I knew what I'm telling you and he said Keith you know better I thought yeah I do but I'm not figuring it out risk right this minute and he helped me does I don't mean to hurt a voice but he said Keith there is no future in that path in in that path of thinking there is nothing but pain in it so why go down that path why let your mind go down that path he said when you if you do you think about this could have been this and could have had that mmm wanted to do this want to do that mmm won't be able to do this and he said you keep thinking about that your emotions will get stronger and stronger and the heaviness will get stronger you'll cry you'll feel bad and when you get through what will you have benefited what will it have helped you where will you be they will still be with me and you still not gonna see them again till you come to be with me or I come get you what's it going to change what's it going to help he said there is no merit in going down that road there's no benefit at all only darkness and pain to let yourself think about that because do you know what I mean by a path you start thinking on something you don't just stay there other thoughts come right and it takes you down a a path a vein of thought if you will and the Lord was telling me Keith there's nothing but pain in that vein of thought now if you know that why why go down it and what you should do and the Lord helped me that particular day get a hold of yourself and say quit that boy you know better than that don't think on that he began to ask me he said are you unthankful no sir I don't want to be on thankful he said do you know how much time you had with them all the things you got to do with them do you know how many people don't even know their granddad or they didn't even know their father or that they did they almost wish they didn't know him they didn't have a good one and the rich times you had and all the do you know how many hours you enjoyed with them I didn't I took out a calculator it was a huge number he said are you uh thankful I said no sir I'm not he said besides that boy like I said he talks to you the way you understand and I needed a boy right there you said beside that boy your daddy your grandpa who ever was you told me they're not just in your past they're in your future now let you stir when that thought came to me it just picked me up I just just like that just picked me right up I thought that's right what am i doing why sit here and mope and sorrow like those who have no hope I have hope a certain sure hope I know the truth and this is the truth they're not just in my past they're not gone forever we didn't lose them forever they're not lost they're saying we know where they are and they're not just in our past they're in our future and that is a good thought and that thought ministers life to you and administers peaced can you see that it ministers peace and life and strength to you so go down that vein of thought when the other comes to you slam the door and go no I'm not going down that road I'm not gonna do it you got to be disciplined because these feelings are real and they can be powerful and these thoughts are real and they can be powerful and you can be very tempted to lay down in the bed cry your lies and wallow in it but friend is nothing but pain in it nothing but pain and you can try to blame everybody for it but it's your fault because you didn't have to do it you could have dried your eyes you could have stood up you could have been strong you could have started thinking about something else you could have got your mind off yourself I started trying to help somebody else some of the best therapy in the world they just don't get any better than that and would not have had to endure all those long lonely times and sorrow and hurt and pain sorrow of mind is in Deuteronomy 28 as part of the curse of the law anybody know what the good news on that is according to Galatians 3:13 we've been redeemed from the curse of the law that means we don't have to have it we don't have to go through it somebody say glory to God Philippians 4 are you there I think maybe we kept on this a bit week weekend clothes said out loud he will keep me in perfect peace if I keep my mind stayed on him thank you Lord can you do it is it possible for you to do that yes it is it's your choice it's my choice Philippians 4 and verse 5 we had read this be careful distracted anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus and finally brethren as all let's go together he gives you a list and this is a imapilot so we were big on checklist and you need to be because there are so many things that you try to just remember everything you can miss something and so when the Lord gives you a list should you go by the list so I encourage you make you a checklist for your mind the Lord has given us a checklist for the mine we get up in the morning we start about our day and here comes this thought now we should have learned at least enough by now to know that we should not throw both doors open and just let any thought come and move in we should ask some questions where did this thought come from is this a god approved thought has this thought passed the rigorous testing of the most high it isn't a word thought is it a god thought isn't a faith thought and to help us along with this the Lord has given us the checklist can you see he started out by saying regice regice that get you on the right channel quit feeling sorry feyza could be in there because god's thoughts are life not death so this this already gets you in the right down the right vein and then he says and don't be full of care don't don't fret don't worry don't be anxious about anything don't worry about it don't fret about it pray about it and that's the Lord what you need to ask him and pray about it and then when you do and you give thanks the peace of God will come in the peace of God who that passes understanding it's going to keep your heart and mind and now when he says finally he's telling you how to hold on to the peace how to keep the peace that you got when you quit worrying and you prayed and believed God and his peace came into you now you need to keep that peace the rest of the day and the rest of the night this another way of saying they'll keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee but here he gives us New Testament detail of how to keep our mind stayed finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest honest whatsoever things are just just means fair and right whatsoever things are pure pure means clean whatever things are lovely lovely come on can you picture self closing your mind closing your eyes and touch your mind closing your eyes and going now that's a lovely thought lovely means pleasing agreeable one translation is friendly friendly thought what several things are of good reports amidst a good report if there be any virtue now that word means excellence excellence if there be any praise that means it's worth praising it's commendable and praiseworthy what do you say what do you say take on anything you want to think on whatever comes across your mind now think on these things these things so that loud think on these things if the New Testament tells us think on these things should we at least have an idea what things he told us the think oh yes let's go through our checklist what things should we think on but go back up to the top huh what's the opposite of true is it okay to think on false things no not on a checklist not God approved false deception is not God of proof thoughts so you can't think well that's helped me out honest dishonest thought ever come across your man oh yeah well hasn't no thing handled the truth I think I think I love them too much to tell them through all the Lord never told you you had any other option and as sure as you do you can think well maybe we if we won't tell them that we'll tell them this now what are you doing what are you doing you are you you have opened yourself up for the father of lies to come show you how to lie to them is that gonna make you feel good is that gonna give you any peace you're gonna get nervous you're gonna get jumpy and then if you tell one it's gonna take three more to cover it up and and brace it up and now you're wondering when that one's going to come out and if anybody's gonna find that and you've lost your peace and you become suspicious of everybody do they already know I've got no peace got no joy hmm why because you didn't do the checklist when that dish on this thought came up you should not have entertained it for 30 seconds it's not on the checklist has to be honest or I can't think do you think you're too good to think that the Lord obviously thinks I am and you are because he told us and we've all made mistakes in the past but is it possible for us to get a hold of this and get changes in their life and be transformed you think if you never let yourself think online you never let yourself think on a dishonest thing would that make you a different person would that change the way yes it would change you keep reading mmm whatever things are just now that means fair what if you win around half the day going now that's just not fair that just ain't that ain't right you supposed to go around thinking about it ain't right it's not on the checklist you're told not to think on that you're told to think of what is right fair just that just ain't right and see people will they'll they'll pray half the night God that ain't right God got it right like he didn't know god that ain't right Oh God you know it right you know Oh God you know well listen to yourself does he know then why you got to tell him another three hours oh god you know yeah he also knows he told you not to think on that which is why people pray and pray and fast and fast can't seem to get the victory you can't ignore the word and get results what else can you think on pure pure means clean if it's not clean what do we do how'd you place your go to second Corinthians tenth I know I'm taking a little time here tonight but somewhere else you got to be here something more important going on it won't be too much longer remember this is second service [Applause] if you hadn't wanted to stay for second service you know that's a joke second Corinthians 10 seconds 10 verse 3 though we walk in the flesh we're in this body we're in the world we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal let me just stop right there Warren in the flesh you can yell you can scream you can cry you can screech but if you don't quit thinking on it you're gonna continue to be tormented oh god please make me quit thinking on it no that's not okay he didn't tell you to get him to make you quit sitting in my mind is my mind I am in control of what I think I don't have to think anything I don't want to think I choose to think on what I will my mind is my mind I'm in control don't leave anything else I just want to give my mind to the Lord and let him take it over no I'm sorry but no he told you to do something with your mind you can't just give it to it we just got through reading Philippians he said think on these things not don't think Lord think for me he told you to think that's the whole message within itself think start to think it will be tormented said again my mind it's my mind I can think what I choose to think I never have to think on any wrong thought my man my mind my mind verse four for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations that's the word bhalo it means throw it throw it like a ball throw it what are you throwing a thought can you grab a thought and throw it obviously you can casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God everything that's contrary to that checklist and bringing into captivity what every thought you need to be a thought catcher you need to be you need to be ready with your head on and your gun and your net you are a thought catcher you catch some dudes before they get to one foot through the door good right I told him this some years ago and brother came to him after the service he said I got it brother Keith I got it I said what he said every mind needs a bouncer at the door look he spent a lot of time in clubs but that is the truth every mind needs a bouncer at the door because thoughts will come to you and they'll knock on the door and there go let me in and if you're foolish you just leave the door open and just let anything come in and think whatever crosses your mind and just yield any feeling in any imagination and you fantasize about this and you let your mind wander all over here one Rella and then wonder why you're so unhappy why your life is such a mess it's because you're loose with your mind like a loose woman you know you're not supposed to just jump in bed with everybody that you see do you know you're not supposed to just embrace every thought and just let every thought that would come by penetrate your mind and come into you you need to look through the peephole at the door and go who are you this is a very selective Club very very elite not just anybody can get in here who are where'd you come from who are you and then you need to hold up the check list right hold up the check list and go I'm sorry you're not on the list you're not you're not on the list so no you can't come in and if they come back knock on the door to try to get in your mind another 45 times today what do you do you're still not on the list they're not going to be on the list so they don't get in you don't think about it what is it's a casting down imaginations and everything high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ said out loud casting down imaginations bringing into captivity every thought every thought every thought to the obedience of Christ if it is not a Christ approved Word approved in agreement with Redemption faith joy life come on go back to your lists go back to your list go back to if it's not in agreement with that if it is not one of those kind of thoughts it doesn't get in your mind and friend if we would do this if we would actually do this we would never have another down day I didn't say you'd never have any tests or trials or temptations but you would never choose to yield to it and get depressed the Lord would always no matter what happened he would always give you life and joy and peace and victory and he would keep you in peace peace total peace the peace that passes understanding and this is what every psychiatrist and psychologist is looking for this is what every drug maker cure for depression anxiety what everybody's looking for and it's been here all the time the problem is people would rather take a pill than control their mind and it might put you in a zombie-like state but it ain't gonna fix you and if you ever get clear-headed again it's your problem I'll still be there no this is the answer this is the answer this is the way get you check this out help me out let's finish this up get your checklist checklist here's a thought has come to your mind and says think about this you just let it in know you got some questions right is this thought a true thought if not bounce it is this thought and honest thought well there's just so much dishonesty in the world and they're just so much is everybody still awake much of the church world spends most of their time talking about how bad things are and they think that spiritual it's just the biggest mess biggest lying is corrupt bunch of folk did the Lord tell you you could think about that about how bad they are and all the shenanigans they've pulled off and how deceptive and now tricky and you can talk about that and dwell on that through supper and and riding in the car he told you not to whatever things are honest whatever things are just well that's just so unfair well quit thinking about it if you know it's unfair that's something you know suppose think about knowing it hearing it knowing it being aware of it is not the same thing as meditating on the rest of the day you know I don't know how much you know about the ministry ours Ministry grows and develops and you have a lot of people that you're dealing with and other ministries in the can but they're more and more things are happening and of course if you've got thousands of people then you've got thousands of situations whatever they're dealing with and if you let yourself you there'd be some problem you could I could be thinking about all the time something somebody needs something's not right somebody messed up this one needs that I could be thinking about something wrong all the time and if I did I'd have no joy I'd have no strength I'd have no peace if I hear something I want to help but I have found out worrying about it doesn't help and hearing somebody go through the hash and rehash the details with me for three hours it's not going to help he told me and you don't think about that didn't he I like brother Jesse Duplantis counselling directive he said he said I'm not a pastor he said you don't want me coming he said this is how I counsel admit it quit it forget it let's go what's the problem let's try that out admit it quit it forget it that's actually pretty good I like that what's wrong with that whatever things are true whatever things are honest whatever things are just whatever things are pure that means clean what if it's unclean how did you hear about did you hear about that nasty perverted stuff no one don't want to it's just awful look we're thinking about it I just came it just stuck in my mind so no you want to think about it that's why you keep me thinking about it last three days you want to think about it oh no no yeah yeah all right suppose you two quit I'm just thinking about how bad everything's so messed up people have gotten so far off and they just know that ain't spiritual that's being undisciplined that's ignoring the word I need to take you to another scripture can you tick can you help it receive it as maybe you can't help it I'm doing it [Laughter] Ephesians if he owed you place in Philippians but Ephesians 5 I guess I'm giving you both barrels tonight and I we're not holding anything back in Ephesians 5 verse 11 have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them for it is a shame even to what even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret the scripture tells us don't talk about the perverted stuff they do don't talk about what benefit you know a lot of things people didn't know they weren't aware of it they weren't even thinking about it till you brought it up and told him now they got that in their mind the rest of the day just perverted stuff it had been better off not meeting you right then hey well it's just so bad well quit thinking about it it's just it's just stuck in my head because you let it be you choose to know whatever things are clean what what if you just think about clean things only clean things unclean stuff comes you go know you don't know you don't you grab it you throw it down and you just think about clean when you think about clean makes you smile you know that's nice clean honest just pure keep reading what s is on the list lovely isn't that lovely now that's a lovely thought mmm what if it's what's the opposite of lovely help me out ugly thought don't open the door look through the keyhole and go whoa what's a ugly thought no no I don't let any ugly thoughts now told you this is an elite club no ugly thoughts in my club whatever things are of a good report what's opposite of a good report okay you hear a bad report does it mean that you can never hear one but you heard it now you heard it now what do you do you don't think about it the rest of the day and night you don't lay there in bed and think about the bad report and lose sleep what do you think about are there any good reports in this book could you find one of them to fake on instead of the bad report you're not denying that the report was bad you just don't have to think about well if this don't change then this is gonna happen if it doesn't happen then you gonna lose that and that's all going to you thank you for the report understand and in your mind you're thinking I got to get out of here and get something else on my mind pronto because if I dwell on that it will Minister death to me and how could you tell if you were thinking on the wrong thing help me out how could you tell no peace what's it doing to you what's it doing to you lovely good report virtuous excellent what's opposite of excellent shoddy second-rate junk what are you thinking about all that think about excellence if there be any praise if it's worth praising what if it's not worth praising don't think about it today worth praising and they worth thinking about think on these things finally go to Colossians 3rd chapter Colossians chapter 3 and 15 he said let the peace of God rule in your hearts to the which also you are called in one body and be ye thankful see that this piece and this thankfulness goes together doesn't it we saw don't worry about it but pray about it and thank God and keep the right thing on your mind you'll stay in peace peace and Thanksgiving peace and Thanksgiving let the peace of God rule in your heart - the which you were called in one body be thankful and let the word of Christ which contain his thoughts let it dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord does that sound like being depressed sound like being upset No can you choose to do this in every season in every circumstance in every situation can you choose to do this you can listen to the amplified on verse 15 the amplified let the peace from Christ rule let it act as umpire continually man that's exactly in line with the other passages that we've seen here comes a thought did it minister peace to you know you're out of here out of here you're the butt bust that thing right out of there no I'm throwing you out of the game come in here try to upset me not only I'm not gonna think about you I am throwing you out let that peace rule let that peace act as umpire continually in your hearts deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds in that peaceful state in which is members of Christ buddy you're called to live and be thankful hallelujah giving praise to God always hallelujah stand on your feet everybody Oh
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 50,172
Rating: 4.7825241 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Transformed, Pt, Think, on, these, things, Keith Moore, word of faith, Keith Moore Teachings, Faith life Church, Faith, life, church, keith, word, of, faith, preaching, teaching, God, god, Holy, Television Show, Hope, Talk, end, times, broadcast, FreewordofGod, free, Kieth Moore, kieth
Id: LUhgjDEo7i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 24sec (5724 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2011
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