What Am I Giving Birth To? (Game)

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That last one was gold.

Link: "Most WOMEN can smell it for free? Can men smell it?"

Rhett: "I have. And I didn't pay for it."

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/BurnZ_AU 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Between yesterday and today, the fanfic writers are going to have a field day!

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/RamblinFlerken 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

The dialogue for the last guess had me laughing so hard the entire time lol.

Link: Is the scent... nice? Is it a good scent?

Rhett: Well I think it depends on... the circumstances.

Link: Stevie knows more about this than you do!

Rhett: Yeah, she does. For sure.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/xkatiecatx 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don't know why, but the Oberto gag really cracked me up this time around ... ♬♪

Link: "His name is gonna be T___!"

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/FergusCragson 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oh great... The fanfic episode with the mpreg fanfiction..... Thanks, GMM...

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/EyeEating 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Some times I wonder just what people are on when they come up with ideas for the show. Good episode either way.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/mrboat-man 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Rhett and Link really came up with some unique ideas for GMM during quarantine lol

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/jesd2 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thumbnail gave me Elsagate flashbacks....

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/kingXcazam 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I enjoyed this game because it took the concept of some of their older guessing games (like "What's on My Head?") and added in a few more opportunities for, um, comedy.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Today we both become baby daddies. - Let's talk about that. (funky electronic intro music) - Good mythical morning. - Now, I have personally witnessed the miracle of birth twice and let me tell you, I've never seen anything else so simultaneously beautiful and nasty. (both laugh) - I was in the room for all three of my kids being born, but I was afraid to look. - Good. - But my doctor made me do it. - Okay, I think it is significantly less gross from the viewing angle of the mother, so today we're assuming that POV. - It's time for "Can we guess the items of varying girths, which will surely result in some beautiful births?!" - Welcome to the delivery room, Mr. McLaughlin. How are you feeling today? - I'm so nervous. - [Link] I know, of course. This is your first pregnancy, right? - [Rhett] Mhmm. - You've never delivered a strange object before? - No, but I already love it. I've already got plans for it's life. I'm on the waiting list for that school down the road. - But you don't know what it is, do you? - I have no idea. - Have no clue. That's right, today we're both going to be delivering babies and they're gonna be strange. And before we can deliver them, as with every pregnancy, we have to guess what that baby is by asking yes or no questions. - But we have four lifelines at our disposable. Disposal. - Well, they're not disposable. - They're just completely disposable. We've got the wiggle, which is where the person with the baby can wiggle and see if they can learn anything. The giggle, where the doctor will tell a joke that is a hint. The pickle, where we literally can poke the baby with a pickle, see if we can learn anything. And then finally, the nickel where the doctor will throw a nickel up here and make contact with the baby and we'll listen for it and see... You know, it's all medical stuff! See what it sounds like. - Okay, when we're delivering our babies, we can ask as many yes or no questions as we want, but then we only have one official guess. If you get it right, you get a point. In the end, the winner gets a new set of golf clubs. - Wow, okay. I'm excited about that. (bells jingling) (heavy breathing) - Doctor, this baby is coming. - Okay, just calm down. Oh my goodness, you're very dilated. But remember, you can't deliver this baby until you've correctly guessed what it is. - I don't know why that's how this works! - Yes or no questions. Just breathe and ask yes or no questions. - Is it an animal? - No. - Is it a food? - You calmed down nicely, that's good. - Yeah, because I can't have this baby unless I know what it is. You know how nature works. - [Link] Yes, that's an aspect of it. - [Rhett] Is it a tool? - No. A tool? - Well, I'm trying to find the non-food part of my baby. That seems to be the direction that you're sending me down. - I'm not sending you anywhere. I'm just answering your questions. If you want to ever deliver this baby, you gotta get the right answer. - Is it something that dispenses food? - [Link] Not in that way. - [Rhett] Is it a container? - Yes. - Is it a container of food? (Rhett laughing) - Yes. - It's weird to not know what something is, but already love it so much. - And it really wants to be here, I can tell. That thing is just wanting to spooch right out. - [Rhett] What do you put food in? - Spooch. That's the sound a baby makes when it's delivered. - [Stevie] I'm pretty sure that's something on Urban Dictionary. - Oh. - Do I need to be figuring out what the food is? - No. - I don't? - I didn't know we could ask yes or no questions about the technique by which we were playing the game. - [Rhett] Hey buddy, there are no rules. Okay, can you throw a nickel at it? I'm gonna use that lifeline. - Okay, yeah. - I'm gonna listen to see what it sounds like. - I have here a medical nickel. You ready? - Don't throw it too hard to do any damage, but throw it hard enough so I can learn. (nickel hits the wood with a small "tick") - [Rhett] There was a little "tck". Like a high pitched "tck". Like something crunchy, it hit something kind of crunchy, crinkly. - [Link] Oh, okay. Where's your partner? (camera crew laughing) - I don't know who he is, but based on what this is, I'll know which one it was. (Rhett laughing loudly) - I don't know if you will. - [Rhett] It was a crazy night. - I don't think it was night at all. - Is it a breakfast food? - It's not really about the food. It's about the baby. - Oh, oh, oh. Is it something you put your lunch in? - Technically, yes. - When you threw the nickel, it didn't sound like a lunch box. - No, but you're on the right track. - [Rhett] It's a lunch and you put the lunch in a particular thing. - Yes. - And the thing that you put the lunch in is my baby? (camera crew laughing loudly) - Yes. - [Rhett] Would you have this lunch at school? - No, but that's a good line of questioning. The baby wants to pop out, but it's not at school. - Would you have this lunch outside? - Yes. - Is my baby a picnic? - [Link] Push! (Rhett shouting in pain) - [Link] Oh gosh, I'm glad there's a handle. Push! (Rhett grunting loudly) Push! Push! (both screaming loudly) Push! Push! - [Rhett] Oh wow! - [Link] Push! Oh look! (Link pretending to cry like a baby) - Oh, my baby is a picnic basket! With ramen and jerky. - Not just any jerky, Mr. McLaughlin. That's Oberto! (Italian-style music plays) Hey! - Good! It was Antonio. He's the father. (bells jingling) (Link screaming as if in pain) - We've got a screamer. - Whoa, it hurts, doc. - Okay Mr. Neal. - The baby, the baby is coming. - We get it, we get it. It hurts a little bit. Get over yourself. - Seriously? - Okay, let's start asking questions bro because... First of all, let me just say, this baby is already half way out. Typically, I would just grab it and complete it, but you don't know what it is yet and I don't want to surprise you. - Okay, okay. Was my baby ever alive? - No. - Okay, my baby is an inanimate object? - [Rhett] Yes. - Is my baby a tool? - That is not how I would first describe this. - Okay, that's the wrong track. - I could technically say that it is used for a purpose, which is a tool, but then everything's a tool. You're a tool, I'm a tool, if that's the case. - Do I already have one of these babies? - [Rhett] No. - Do you have one of these babies? - I don't currently, but I used to. - You used to? Is it something I could buy at a Walmart? - Yeah, I would think so. - Okay. - In case you haven't watched Link play one of these games before, he does what is called the Walmart strategy where he goes through the Walmart, section by section. - [Link] You know what, I'm not going through the Walmart section by section this time. Here's what I'm gonna do. Would this cost more than $100? - [Rhett] No. - [Link] Okay, so it's cheap. Less then $25? - I'd say around $25 is not a bad guess. - Is this baby typically found in a particular environment? Like if I started guessing environments. - I think you need to go with activities that you might be doing where you would need this. - I need a lifeline. Can I wiggle it? - Oh, you can wiggle all you want. - Not just a little bit? What? - [Rhett] Go up and down. Whoa, whoa, whoa! - Am I gonna deliver the baby? - Yeah, don't want that. - Oh, oh. - [Rhett] We don't want it to be a preemie. (Link shouting in surprise) There you go. - Now when you shoved my baby back in there, it's feels like a drawer. - First of all, let me just say that there might be a problem with your baby. It's not spitting out peas yet. - It sounds like wood and plastic. Is it a toy? - Not a toy. - It's for adults? - A kid could have fun with it, I guess, but typically its not a toy. Not a toy. - So does it have a particular function? - [Rhett] Yes. - Would you find it in a house? - No. - Would you find it outside your house? - Yes. - Like your yard. - Yes! Yard! - [Link] Do animals interact with it? - [Rhett] Yes. - Do birds interact with it? - Yes. - Do other animals interact with it? Squirrels? - I think, yeah. - [Link] Is it something to feed an animal? - No. - Is it something to bathe an animal? - No. - Is it something to kill an animal? - No. - [Link] Is it something to something an animal? - Yes. (Link screaming) - [Rhett] Hey, hey we're close. - [Both] It's something to something an animal! - But it doesn't bathe it, it doesn't feed it, it doesn't house it, it doesn't kill it. - What else can you do? You can... - Squeeze an animal? (everyone laughing) Please an animal? - No, it does not please an animal. That's the whole point. - Does it repel an animal? - Yeah. - Is it a trap? - [Rhett] No. - Is it on the ground? - You wouldn't put it on the ground because the thing that it's representing typically wouldn't be on the ground. - Is it a decoy? (Rhett making small, excited noises) - It's not an animal, but it looks like an animal? - Yes. - Okay, can my baby look all around? Did you just break my baby? - I just demonstrated your baby's abilities. - Is my baby an owl decoy? (Link screaming as if in pain) Yeah, I remember this thing! - [Rhett] Cradle it, cradle it. - Aww, look at it. Look at it, aww. His name is gonna be Tina. (Rhett laughing) And look, he can have a baby, too. - That's right, the circle of life. (bells jingling) - Well Mr. McLaughlin, you're back already. - Yeah. - You banged yourself up again. - Yeah, me and Antonio moved in together. - Okay, wow. Well, just breathe and sit tight while I give this promotional message. If you want to get the Rhett & Link "I'm On Vacation" vinyl, well, you gotta sign up for the Mythical Society 3rd Degree Annual or Quarterly plan by June 30th in order to get that thing. It's got all types of music on it. "I'm On Vacation", "I'm On Vacation" remix, brand new song "Why I Travel". Mythicalsociety.com - Yes, I second that! - All right, whew, you are crowning big time. Yes or no questions. - Is my baby made of metal? - No. - Is my baby gonna be a tool? - We like asking about tools, don't we? No. - Is my baby made of wood? - No. - [Rhett] Not wood, not metal. Is my baby made of plastic? - [Link] No. I think it's a synthetic material. - Would my baby be found in your house? - No. - Would my baby be found in a place of work? - People work there, yeah. - But you don't primarily think of this as a place of work. You think of this as a place as a consumer you'd go. (both laughing) - Yeah. - So is my baby at a store? - No. - Is my baby at a restaurant? - No. - [Rhett] Is my baby from a place you would go for your own personal entertainment? - Yes. (Rhett making excited sounds) - [Link] You have a lifeline, you want to use it? - Oh yeah. - Yeah, pickle. I want to poke it with a pickle. Pickle, I'm gonna use it, pickle. - Okay. Catch this pickle. And then poke on that side of the... - I can't poke... - No, you can't poke down there. That's what got you into this mess. (Rhett laughing) - Well, not exactly. Okay. - [Link] All right, I need my pickle back. Pickle back. Great band. - If felt round. My baby is round. - I didn't say your baby was a little bit round. You did. - Okay, maybe not. - [Link] Yes or no questions. - Is the place that you go for personal entertainment a place that you like go and play a sport? - Yes. - Is it a bowling alley? - Yes. (Rhett laughing excitedly) It's really crowning. - [Rhett] Is my baby the thing that you're throwing the ball at? - No. - Is my baby the thing that you wear while you throw the balls at the thing? - Push! What's your guess? - Bowling shoe! (pained screams) Oh baby! - Look at that. Now, I got to warn you, it's just a rental. - No, where's his twin? - Are you still feeling something? Push! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! - [Rhett] Yes! - You had twins! - This is what we wanted! This is what me and Antonio wanted! We wanted a big family. - Your life is gonna be miserable. Two at once? Gross. - We'll just treat them as one person. (bells jingling) - Mr. Neal, you sure are a fertile Myrtle. - Yeah, I know. My son Tina the owl needs a sister. - [Rhett] Well if just ask me some yes or no questions about this baby, I'll also deliver it. - Is my baby a mineral? - There may be minerals present, but I would not classify your baby as a mineral. - Is my baby an animal? - [Rhett] No. - Is my baby a vegetable? - There's may be a vegetable product present, but I would not classify your baby as a vegetable. - So my baby is a product of a manufacturing process? - [Rhett] Yeah. - [Link] Okay, is my baby a toy? - No. - Is my baby fast? (Rhett laughing) - [Rhett] No, your baby would not be fast. - [Link] My baby is motionless. - [Rhett] Yes. - Does it move? - It is not designed to be moved. - Is my baby used for a specific task? - No. - Can my baby get wet? (camera crew laughing) - [Rhett] I think it would be okay if it got wet. But it wouldn't be okay if it got wet while it was doing the thing that it's designed to do. - Does my baby plug in? - No. - My baby is not electrical? - It's not. - It's not electronic. If it gets wet while it's working, it breaks. - It doesn't break, it just stops doing what it's working to do. - My baby only does what it's made to do when it's dry. (everyone laughing) - I never thought that this is how we would get here, but yes. - My baby is so special. - [Rhett] I'm gonna just tell you this. You've got to get what it is, and then you've gotta get specifically which one it is in order to get the right answer. So I kind of want you to zero in on what it is in general, and then I think we can get to which one it is. - I need a lifeline. Can you tell me dirty doctor joke? - Why's it gotta be a dirty one? - I like dirty jokes. - I've got a joke for you. I keep it with my doctor's cards. Your baby is so crazy, it costs $75 even though most women can smell it for free. - Most women can smell it for free. Can men smell it? (camera crew laughing) - I have and I didn't pay for it. - Why on earth would you pay $75 for something you can smell for free? Is it a women's product? - I think women are the target audience. - Women are the target audience of this thing that smells. Is the scent nice? Is it a good scent? - Well, I think it depends on the circumstances. - What? - I mean, not always. (everyone laughing) - [Link] Do you put this thing in a bath? (everyone laughing harder) - I think if you're taking a bath, this is in the bath. - [Stevie] You don't put this thing in the bath because it wouldn't work. You would want to put this thing next to the bath. - Stevie knows more about this than you do. - Yeah she does. - [Stevie] Yes. - Yeah, she does, for sure. - [Link] Okay, I would find it in a woman's bathroom? - [Rhett] She might have one or many of these around her bath, especially a relaxing bath in a movie. - Oh, is my baby a candle? - Hold on, now you've gotten what it is in general. Which candle is it? - The one in my vagina. - [Rhett] Think of all the things that we have been talking about. What do candles do? - Burn. - And when they burn, they... - Melt. - And when they melt, they... - Drip. - And when they drip, they... - Smell. - [Rhett] Yes. - Scented candle. - [Rhett] Yeah. (Link struggling to find words while everyone laughs) - Is my baby Gwyneth Paltrow's vagina candle? - Link, push! (Link cheering) - [Link] I don't know if I want to see this! - [Rhett] Push! (ding) - Oh, "this smells like my vagina". - [Rhett] Isn't it beautiful? Congratulations. You can spend some time alone with that. Just don't get it wet. - Right, I get it now. - You said a lot of things. Congratulations to us. We both win, thank you Nurse Chase, a set of golf clubs. - A little smaller than I'd hoped for. - We're gonna have to split the balls because there's only three of them. - [Link] Wow, that was a wild ride. I'm glad that that's been expelled. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Leanne and this is Annabelle. We met Rhett & Link in October of 2018 and at that time she was the youngest Mythical Beast ever. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - She's out in the world. - Future mythical beast. Okay, click the top link to watch us play a game of baby raising trivia in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] Join the Mythical Society 3rd Degree Quarterly or Annual plan at Mythicalsociety.com to get the Rhett & Link "On Vacation" vinyl release.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,059,670
Rating: 4.8589425 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test
Id: rV0rOGJ6lW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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