5 INSANE Chess Openings by Stockfish...

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ladies and gentlemen one of the most amazing things about watching computer chess engines go up against one another in t-sec the top chess engine championship or basically anywhere else is the fact that they introduce completely unheard of opening ideas throughout human history whenever a strong player would play a new opening idea in a tournament it would be studied dissected uh oftentimes by hand and by the human mind um and then it would be implemented or it would be improved upon or thrown into the garbage well in this video i'm going to share with you five uh chess engine ideas that were played in a variety of different openings we're going to begin with the one that stockfish played uh and then we're just going to talk about all of them and and i'm going to kind of just show you how obscene they are and then we will finish the game so time timestamps are on the video player the first game is between stockfish and slow chess i mean you really couldn't curse an engine more than this um and this game is actually from a game that was played yesterday in an online event which inspired this entire video so um slow chess begins with a con sicilian this is a a sicilian that is incredibly imbalanced oftentimes black will develop the queen and the bishop on the dark squares b5 will come with the bishop to this diagonal queen side pressure and in this opening white plays c4 uh this is uh one of the advantages of black not attacking anything in the middle you see if for example knight c6 is played here at least there is already something to deal with and also there is knight f6 which can lead to an entirely different variation um so because a6 is played the players play like this and black plays queen c7 this has been played many many times before um stockfish plays bishop e3 and then bishop e2 and plays the move f3 so black chooses a hedgehog setup and this is one of the one of the options that you can play if you're going to play a sicilian defense extremely flexible dynamic setup uh very spiky and the idea is that maybe in the future you will strike with one of these two pawn breaks and explode the board so white plays g4 alright plays g4 very early uh to basically show the indication that the move g5 is going to happen but this is not the crazy idea the crazy idea uh comes a little bit later in the form of king to d2 they say what what huh now the craziest thing is if you let stockfish run it actually likes both king moves it doesn't like king f1 it only likes king f2 and king d2 so this this happened yesterday uh in a game uh played between jordan van forrest and eric hansen and i think it was in in in maybe maybe this position uh very similar position where king d2 king c2 king b1 happened where in the middle of the position jordan just literally took his rook i mean took his king and manually walked it to b1 got it out of danger and then proceeded to attack well this game predates that game i don't know if he got it from this game in particular but the the fact that you could play g4 and not you know queen b3 or something like like this to my human eye looks far smarter you know long castles then king b1 i mean what are we even doing here well apparently because you need to deal with the c file first and you've already committed the g-pawn the short castles doesn't make any sense because you want to attack with these pawns but then why wouldn't you move the queen and i don't know but this is apparently the way you do this now king c2 and king to b1 i mean are you kidding me what even is that all right i'm out here trying to teach beginners not to make multiple piece moves in the opening castle early and then stockmaster is like i'm the best thing that ever existed king d2 king c2 can be one three king moves like nothing is even happening i can't begin to explain this to you i honestly can't um i guess basically the understanding is that the black position is not yet ready it's not like you know it's not like a popcorn kernel you can't really eat it it's that gross thing right in the middle it needs more heat before it can start you know popping out and while it needs that time white consolidates and is ready to play you know queen d2 and h4 white has the absolutely perfect setup here to create complications but why on earth does white need the rookier like again mathematically why couldn't white play queen d2 long castle king b1 or x2 i don't know i don't know but instead we have this and watch what stockfish does from this point forward from this point forward it's just engine you know it's just an engine game but king d2 king c2 king b1 in a hedgehog uh moroxy style bind against the con and as the game goes on well white just you know it's engine style very slowly building up uh ends up uh a little bit later sacrificing so white sacrifices the rook for the night and uh yeah i mean well we have a the attack rages on we have very typical computer stuff here closing two bishops out of the game uh on on the one hand we have two pawns blocking this bishop and we have their own pawns blocking this bishop and white just has more activity uh and this rook on the h file is sort of stranded uh white very slowly just inches forward typical engine stuff just you know method look at this sacrificing a pawn and then giving up another one so now technically slow chess is up three points of material but the evaluation is plus seven so add that up three points and it's plus seven that means it's a ten point advantage for stockfish which just plays bishop f4 there is now a hanging knight but bishop e5 is coming and you just win the game on the dark squares so i mean you basically render all the black pieces completely useless and uh you infiltrate with your army uh and at some point you start picking up the material and white is just a rook up but it's worse than that it's it's it's made and it's it's coming very soon and for some reason in these engine battles they tend to not resign until they just play they play until checkmate uh but stockfish gets the win but again what what did we just watch again instant replay in the middle of the game just totally normal king d2 king c2 king b1 well that's how you know we're going to be off to a good start right so this entire video is going to be redefining what we know about the openings no human in in in history will play king d2 kingston2k1 i mean you will be kicked out of the tournament and probably alcohol drug tested psychiatric tested you name it okay so the second game that i have for you is a game between komodo and stockfish this one is actually from the recently concluded uh t-sec final and this one was this sideline variation a kind of an anti-grunfeld because you know when black plays this it's either a king's indian or a grunfeld this is an anti-grunfeld because black could still play the king's indian right so if black was trying to play the grunfeld defense f3 is actually a thing but this this is not a thing not at all less than 0.1 percent of games have ever gotten knight h5 and the most incredible thing about the move knight h5 is that on the surface it looks like g4 simply wins the night i mean or black has to go back right so if you you can't go forward knight g7 i mean h4 like what are we even doing here right this is but g4 is a bad move because black will play e5 and if you take the knight there is this dynamite check if you block you get mated so it's never too early to lose the game you would know something about this right so uh bishop b4 check would come and then after knight c3 there is still this and this and this and uh black is winning the material back and the white king is very weak so g4 e5 leads to some completely absurd variations after something like knight h3 to try to cover this check knight g7 this has been played a couple of times in blitz by some strong players but i mean this just looks like a bad uh you know drug trip like a chess equivalent i mean i mean i i have simply no idea what the move knight h5 even is um but but uh komodo plays e4 so actually it deems that the knight on h5 is a little bit stupid uh but of course stockfish responds with e5 this is the entire idea actually so you try to take advantage of this f3 move with the move knight h5 i mean engines are just the the dumbest smartest things ever e5 now in this position uh bishop e3 is considered the best move again you cannot take because this is simply too strong uh and then there's always knight g3 stuff with the rook being captured but there is bishop e3 and in the game stockfish played the move d6 so i will show you what happened in this game however a hypothetical thing that could have happened here had stockfish played something different was the following variation that komodo saw you are not ready for this well you are because you're here um knight c6 okay natural move now white will play d5 okay now in this position there is bishop to b4 check you know just trying to activate some pieces and here komodo wants to play king e2 okay why i mean what was wrong with here's the idea the knight is hanging right then i just you don't want to go here you're going to lose a pawn so you go back you go to e7 you cut off your own bishop now a3 so if you go this way that's very easy you don't have to be a genius to understand that losing a bishop is game over so king e2 is played to kick out the knight and then kick out the bishop right all right great but now how are you going to develop i mean where you put your king in the middle of everything yeah king d3 yeah i'm serious like komodo wants to do that i mean what am i supposed to do with this i mean i have made a career educating beginners and intermediate players on chess what is this you see this all of my content is obsolete no one at this is i mean come on what are we even looking at this is a line the computer legitimately with a straight face wants to play this and the crazy thing is that you can't even do anything the best move here is d6 just playing normally ignoring this if you play f5 i mean it's not too late to lose you know pawn takes pawn takes f4 attacking the knight black's position is just not equipped to attack the the center immediately that didn't happen though but i wanted to share it because it was completely ridiculous i saw this on um matthew sadler who's a very strong english grand master uh and he's you know he's worked on game changer alpha zero stuff so uh i saw it on his twitter and i was like [Music] and um the game didn't go like that the game actually became a relatively normal looking position where you know stockfish uh just played with a slight space disadvantage and komodo tried to kick it out and in the long run you know uh stockfish uh in this head-to-head match against komodo in worse openings would try to draw and in the flip side on the stronger side of the worst opening would try to win uh and if you haven't watched my video stockfish is the world champion stockfish managed to defend itself against all of these positions so i mean if you notice white has a dominant space advantage black has absolutely zero counter play um but uh yeah even though uh komodo was putting kind of non-stop pressure uh stockfish actually in this game ended up sacrificing a rook you notice sacrificing a rook and then this bishop this dark square bishop was just the killer keep this bishop in mind by the way keep this bishop in mind in the rook in mind and just kind of this counter play because this is going to pop up a little bit later in the video the the engines ended up battling for a while and stockfish was able to repel the forces you notice that white has everybody on the king side but on the verge of uh of a breakthrough uh we go into a rook versus bishop end game and i will show the conclusion of this game because it is very funny um i apologize it's not this game it's a little bit later uh this game just ends in a draw because you would have to defend this and the king and the pawn cancel each other out this is just simply a drop because you will trade the final pawn so yeah um move three almost novelty i mean one of the most dumb things i've ever seen um and uh yeah putting a king on d3 of course no i mean the duh yeah how did you not know about that you guys don't study your engine games fourth game that i have for you is a game between uh stuff lis which is uh probably dutch because it's an absurd name or bell you know it's a flemish um but it sounds dutch uh versus scorpio uh or scorpion n-n-t uh and um actually i i saw this on king's crusher's channel he's a og on youtube um i believe it was this one uh this is um this is a king's indian defense by black obviously and white is playing something known as the fianchetto variation so a very very suffocating kind of variation very annoying variation you know not entering uh not entering the mainline territory but you also committed knight f3 move one whereas if you play the king's indian defense in kind of a traditional style like this you don't have a knight on f3 so you can play four pawns you can play samish as we've just seen uh but here we have we have a fiance king's indian defense now the most incredible thing about this game is that everything you've seen thus far the king walks and all that that's just like absurdly stupid looking stuff that turns out to be good what we see in this game is not something that ridiculous which actually turns out to be very powerful so bishop f5 um here there's a couple of ways for black to play obviously e5 is sort of always the idea a6 to play b5 later as an idea bishop f5 is designed to prevent anything from going to e4 and if you attack me i just go back and then if you try to play e4 great i'm ready with e5 so d5 has always been considered not super uh great after knight a5 like it's a little bit annoying uh the point is that this pawn is hanging and you cannot play the move b3 because that walks directly into this line of attack so obviously you play either knight here attacking this knight here attacking this or knight d2 so i think knight d2 here is as far as i know like the main line by far and then black will play this so the knight doesn't get trapped and then e4 and it's just very complicated however this is why we are here because i just told you you cannot play the move b3 which gets played in the game and then after the move b3 was played in this game it started getting played by like random grin master so like you checked the database now what the heck is going on here well again this is the entire point now black attacks this knight twice you can't defend it you have to take the knight you have to lose with the rook but the computer claims it's far from over it is far from over the idea is knight to d4 so now black's bishop is hit and i'm also threatening to move bishop to h6 so i'm going to be attacking this and my bishop is not necessarily going to take the rook but i will mate you so if bishop takes d4 queen d4 i mean this is sort of everything that white wants i think the engine will win this all the time however there is this move and in the game we have this however there is one absolutely idiotic variation here that i must show you white can ignore the recapture and play bishop h6 okay uh the reason for this is that bishop g2 queen a1 bishop f1 there is the incredible knight e6 so this is stockfish's uh sorry this is stuff lisa's idea mate and a queen is hanging and a rook is hanging so everything is hanging the knight is an idiot the bishop is trapped um however here there is the response bishop b1 you cannot take because now i take the knight and it's no longer defended uh but i could go here and then queen f8 and then something like knight back or even queen d2 with an x-ray so takes uh oh sorry no no queen d2 in this case wouldn't work because of bishop d4 but it would work in this case because take take there is mate so bishop to b1 i mean i'm telling you when you clicked on this video were you expecting this kind of idiocy no you were not don't lie to yourself well in the game this happened and there are obviously there's always variations where the sides kind of keep close um keep a very close evaluation um in this game we just got a very normal looking position so literally stoofleys just gives up a rook for a piece and then acts like nothing happened now why do you think white did this because white understands that white has five active pieces that are ready to go on an attack right they're ready to go h4h5 and that's exactly what white does now black cannot play h5 normally you meet h4 with h5 here's the problem after something like knight g5 if black tries to do something here f4 like you just get killed so black's play is way too slow white is the one attacking every single piece white has is attacking five pieces the knight the bishops both bishops i don't care if this bishop is back here it's taking part in the game so black plays b5 sacrifices and tries to both play defense on this side of the board and offense right uh bishop back to d3 queen c2 and e4 and obviously all engine games at some point they're not just you know it's not one side completely decimating another side there's a lot of back and forth black has to decide whether to be active or go this way but over the course of time in this game it was the white pieces the five pieces that coordinated well and removed defenders and continued the attack and over the course of the game look at this king g2 rook h1 white built up the pressure defended everything in the position and uh broke through i mean it took a little while but again every piece is involved and this knight is just a joke right and even though the the evaluation is actually kind of like close and the counter play is there um at some point the pressure just simplifies into a losing middle end game so unlike humans who have a bloodlust for checkmate in a position like this like you think this you're not thinking i'm going to win the end game you're thinking i'm going to deliver mate engines don't care about that they care about winning the game the way they they can and uh well in the long run white just absolutely dominated and found a three on one you do not have to give mate you just have to win the game the three on one proves to be superior uh constantly threatening to push uh white jumps around ends up getting a three on zero and has a queen and black doesn't so this idea of d5 knight a5 and playing a move that is legitimately impossible completely puts this variation uh at risk for black i mean b3 a move that is not playable whatsoever and now and now there is 92. now black could avoid this black could just play the position the way it's normally supposed to be played but maybe now white gets bishop b2 bishop b2 is not something white is supposed to ever get in this position right and the reason for that is now the bishops see each other so in the long run you know maybe you have some situation where you get something that was never supposed to happen which is bad so b394 i think now with best play maybe black can hold but my goodness is this entire idea a huge question mark completely rendering the night offside the knight never found a way back into the game as white gave up the rook to win time and to win material that is actually useful white had five useful pieces black had maybe two the entire game so materially speaking black was winning but positionally speaking white was pressuring the entire game so b3 i mean my goodness what on earth did we just see third one um alpha zero and stockfish when they played their match uh sorry fourth one uh when they played their match they completely uh pioneered a ton of new ideas uh in the london system so uh since the this match was played uh this mainline london position with knight d2 uh most people play e6 here or cd with a bishop move but queen b6 trying to immediately punish white for being a little bit a little bit careless here uh seems to be a good move and dc5 queen b2 rook b1 queen c3 is all known bishop b5 so alpha zero plays this idea now you'll say well levy that's just the free pawn it is it is um c4 here is extremely strong and extremely tricky basically the queen is just surrounded by an army of pieces that can kick her around uh and it's very it's very difficult to operate so black normally plays e6 uh and white castles and in this position it's relatively well known that again taking the pawn with either thing is too dangerous queen c5 there is always c4 and bishop c5 there's like this i mean there's all sorts of nasty stuff here bishop c7 for example threatens to win the queen i mean it's a it's a very very messy position and thus people play bishop e7 and just try to castle however there is no bishop es7 and try to castle when your opponent is alpha zero so back then alpha zero uh introduced an idea although it's a little bit confusing because uh i mean it allegedly introduced an idea but at the same time um i i don't know like i i uh i've seen one game in the database with this idea prior to alpha zero but the idea is e4 so middle of a game just sack upon not only sack a pawn you sack a pawn with tempo here's the idea knight c4 if they take your knight then the queen is trapped the queen is completely trapped you just win a queen kind of simple right so you play knight c4 uh with the idea to go knight d6 and also rook b3 so if black castles and doesn't take your knight this also traps the queen so it it's not only that it's also bringing the bishop back and trapping the queen not for a rook right if you have a choice between giving up a bishop or a rook for a queen you should give up the bishop right so so e4 and if black plays knight e4 there is the absolutely amazing variation where you'd chop twice and play bishop d6 this move prevents black from castling right and if black chooses to take your knight you play takes takes check hunt the king out into the open and very promptly proceed to threaten both mate and the winning of the queen and you win the game in about 15 moves so e4 this entire idea dc queen b2 if you look at the database from this first time it was played in 2018 2019 um it's all top guys all of it i mean it's like magnus ding aroni and wesley farouja all the guys going into the cool kicks cool kids club of this engine stuff and yeah this e4 move is shocking the way the game actually went between alpha zero was that it obviously didn't take the bait uh and instead we got a position where uh white was down a pawn with a massive lock on the center so g6 you you cannot take the knight because discover check and i win the queen so this game was this entire game was alpha zero pressuring stockfish watch i mean locking down the king side so just like last game right active pieces actually involved in the game and um alpha zero spent this entire game trying to take stockfish's soul pay attention to stockfish's pieces which just basically don't move at all stockfish also found the only defensive idea which is this recreational rook attack uh i mean this looks like black is on the verge of death right the whole and now we attack on the b file we're getting in on both sides but it's stockfish i mean it is basically playing only moves herculean defensive tasks that i think no human would uh would be able to accomplish and this game had a very funny finish where alpha zero got fed up with stockfish's defenses and allowed it to make a queen so it allowed it to make a queen uh with the intention of sacrificing for a draw it's sacrifices to make a draw but the but and of course they could just repeat moves but they're engines so they have a sense of humor uh and they don't instead it takes the bishop it's still a draw because of how weak black's king is but white's king is also a little bit weak uh but alpha zero continues to to harass uh black and actually black is losing here black is losing if not for one defensive resource which is sacrificing the queen and the rook because it's stalemate because black has stalemated even though two pawns are on the board they can't move so black sacrifices a queen and a rook i mean it's unbelievable queen and a rook to survive uh and uh and obviously white chooses not to take it and just repeats moves because again engines have a sense of humor so they just repeat moves um but this london idea of dc and then later on e4 has been played about 2 300 times since alpha zero played it it's constantly pumping new and new ideas uh into it and um it's just interesting i mean like i said it the whole point of this video is to show how how engines show us things that we probably would have not found for ourselves in about 10 15 maybe 20 years i mean it's just such an absurd line like who even thinks of e4 like if you look at this of course you think knight d4 knight e5 to pressure the knight but yeah e4 is incredible and for black to take is too dangerous the last game that i have for you uh is a game between leela uh and stockfish um this was less shocking and more fascinating and i'll tell you why uh again actually credit to uh to king's crusher i don't know if i if i saw uh this game and the other game or or but king's crusher has a lot of very interesting and he's like i said he's og uh of youtube um and then the whole uh streaming thing for chess so uh we have a benoni we actually have a four pawns benoni because c d e and f all got involved now this position is extremely theoretical i'm not gonna really get into it too much but basically white tries to beat black into a hole in the first 10 moves so if black plays this there is e5 i mean it looks like you're just simply losing um it's not quite that simple uh as white uh has to you know deal with queen h4 not the first time in this video we've seen this you've been paying attention and there there's theory here like this this this i think i had this in some i don't know i i remember having this variation in some file of mine somewhere uh but anyway knight bd7 is not the move black actually has to play this uh to open the bishop and make sure that e5 no longer comes with tempo don't worry about the theory that is not the most impressive part the most interesting thing about this game uh first of all you know here white can take on d7 or go back i think kasparov once took on d7 not the point the point is this position um this is the binoni in the benoni white has much more space and is constantly looking at e5 f5 moving forward black has the e file so black will always try to create pressure here pressure on this diagonal and sort of vague pressure on the queen side with moves like c4 uh something on the dark squares knight here and rook b8 b5 in the long run these three pawns will try to go here and here uh this bishop is very important white will try to go this way so it's very common here to play like bishop f2 and then like bishop h4 to like just get rid of the knight and put a thorn in the position you know black tries to create counter play white tries to play e5 right so um this is like all extremely common e5 just chop chop chop go through the position um and so that actually happened in this game white played knight d2 is ready for this rook b8 right so black wants the queen side and the e file white wants the king side right simple enough okay until this game until this game in this game leela showed a completely new approach to playing the benoni completely new like okay i i'm sure you can find some historical games white does not play on the queen side all right white is trying to play where white has more space bishop f2 bishop h4 in this game leela says king h1 now again bishop f2 bishop h4 is unbelievably popular g4 g5 ideas e5 f5 we have king h1 and this i mean what on earth is king h1 bishop g1 leela basically is arguing that black has a game plan black has to implement that game plan or else black's position is horrible right because white will just play a bunch of normal moves like g4 so for example like if if if black does nothing rook a8 bishop g1 rook b8 white is now going to play knight c4 preventing the queen side from moving or we'll play g4 g5 h4h5 like just go for an attack white will find some way to attack so black plays all the moves that they're supposed to play c4 right shutting everything down i literally just talked about this and now white's like okay seven and leela goes i'm actually gonna attack you on the queen side a completely new approach to the position some of you might not really appreciate this because you know it's one thing when it's like boom boom boom checkmate it's another thing when it's like oh well you're not supposed to play on that side but you're playing on that side right so if you're like i don't know the difference i've never seen this in my life anyway i'm only rated like 600. this is why engines are so special because they play in ways that we would never think of so for the remainder of this game watch what leela does it invites the pawns in invites the pawns in and black obliges because if black just takes the knight is hanging right so now we have uh a position that ends up being uh there are some trades don't i mean i i guess if you want to go move by move you're like this night is hanging the reason why white is not moving the night out of the danger zone is because these two pawns restrict this night so lila doesn't want its night in jail it actually wants to get rid of that knight it's it's deliberately sacrificing the other knight which is it's really trying okay and it now ends ends up getting the two pawns but look at this position this is not the way the benoni is supposed to be played ever the benoni is a kingside attack for white fighting back against the queen side initiative well in this game leela flips the script entirely puts four of its five pieces on it might as well play knight f1 2 here come on have a have a sense of humor um and then just begins attacking on the queen side and spends the duration of this game consolidating plays the move b4 which looks like can it can be taken by both in fact it probably should be taken because if you don't take it i play b5 b6 and i win so now we get this and now leela's just up a full piece with the pawns all on the same side uh maybe black can defend this but it's highly unlikely and white now spends the remainder of the game dominating the dark squares and slowly okay picking up a pawn not allowing black to tie their pawns together and uh it takes a little while takes like 15 20 more moves but uh we get there in the end very slowly we crawl out of the position and uh we look at this we forced the pawn forward just one move one move at a time right i mean you can't forget stockfish is one of the best defenders in the world so it's gonna take time we get the trade the pawns are completely frozen and now white is just gonna swarm black resigns on move 79 um because uh you're just not going to stop the initiative so you know knight g5 king f6 and uh if you just go back and forth here i'll bring my king then i will get to the back rank and i'm going to win the the pawn on g7 so um yeah i believe i think this was the last move that was played uh i i would imagine that black resigned but yeah i think black resigned uh so go back or maybe black lost on time although i don't i don't think that's possible so bishop b5 uh bishop e2 and then this entire approach of playing on the other side of the board uh this one is probably the least shocking of any that you saw in this video doesn't make it any less impressive it's a completely different way of playing the opening so now we know and now for the future maybe in a banona game i'll play king h1 bishop g1 because i know that i can attack on the queen side i don't have to always attack in the middle so this was five examples uh most of which featured uh stockfish but obviously other engines as well of um just how much influence uh some of these computers can have on our openings and how can they they can redefine our thought process not just on uh moves specifically but ideas moving forward let me know if you enjoyed the video let me know if you want more engine videos uh i'll happily read through the comments and pick out your ideas for uh for future content i'll see you in the next video get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 725,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 46sec (2026 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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