I found this impossible 2000 IQ challenge in GTA 5

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-All right, we're checking out the only game where the higher my IQ goes, the faster I die. It's GTA. Welcome to what Alex has promised me is the most ridiculous IQ challenge ever made. I actually have to describe to you exactly what I'm doing so you'll understand. Oh, my God, let me land this. [screams] What it is, is there's six IQ challenges that I have to complete, and each IQ challenge will give me one valuable keyword. If I put all the keywords together, I will find a secret. Apparently, I have to jump this way up to the top. There we go. I can put all the secret words together to actually beat the board, [chuckles] but without them, I guess he said there's literally no way I can win. Where does this end? I probably should've looked ahead of time. Oh, this camera. Oh, my God. Oh, oh, oh. I went the wrong way. [chuckles] How many words does it--? Hold on a second, let me see. I hate you-- No, that's only four. Your boards cause me only pain. That's actually six. The first word is your. I'll pretty much know where this is going. Oh, Jesus. Hold on, I got it. There we go. Oh, I forgot to turn the camera earlier. How long is this one loop? All right, so right when it starts to transition-- Yes, right here. Here, here, here, here. When it starts to transition kind of like-- There it is. This is a tough-- Oh, wow. That is a sheer wall. Luckily, this car does have really good traction, but I'm literally transferring onto a 90-degree wall and yes, all right, you know what? First-person was a terrible-- Oh, first-person was a terrible idea, never doing that again. Shoot off the top, big lean to the right. Beautiful. Land it, keep all the speed, and now, we do the first-person. This is going to make this a lot easier. I told you, the number one enemy in any of these boards is always the camera. Which way-- Oh, God. Oh, okay, this way, this way, all right. Oh. I wasn't even close. I'm going to get it eventually. [chuckles] It's going to be one of these times, I just need to figure out how I need to lean the car and pull back. Oh, yes. Okay, I'm getting close. Wow. First IQ challenge. Apparently, my IQ isn't as high as I thought it was. Well, to be fair-- Yes. What is this? What is this? What is this? Wait, what? Wait, it disappears? How are you suppo-- Wait, what? Oh, it's just turning invisible. I thought it was-- Okay, I got it, okay, okay, okay. [chuckles] I was going to say, "There's literally no way to beat it, it just vanishes." I have to just remember. Okay, so lean up, I don't know, right about here, and lean down. Oh, God. It's like, "How good is your memory, Gray?" It's not great, okay? Oh, God. Okay, right by the water. Am I too far up? I need to use the ground as a reference. All right, up. I'm dead. I hate this. Come on, come on. This is about right. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh, no. Oh, I'm doing this backwards now. All right, new plan, I'm never taking the top road again. It's just stupid. We're going the bottom one. This one's way-- All right, well, it was way easier. I feel like I was lied to. Down. I hate that my-- Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, so close to-- No, no, no, I was close to dying. Yes. Yes. Don't mess this up, Gray, and yeetus and-- [laughs] Woo. Okay, so the first word-- What do we got here? The first word is can, okay? Or can. All right, cool. Okay, so this is challenge number two, and this one says, "Keep on moving." What is this? Wait, what? Oh, okay. It's like a figure eight, and then it has-- Well, that one doesn't have a teleporter, though. Oh, the teleporter appears. Oh, God. Beautiful landing, total saved. Okay, so the thing's up here, the teleporter appears, I got to hit it just the right time, and then I teleport through. Okay, no problem. Does it go right? It goes left to right. Left-- Ow. I can't believe I landed that. All right, and line it up. Oh, yes, here we go, here we go, here we go. Perfect. Oh, no. Wow, so you actually can't-- You can't just stop and then line up, you need a lot of speed on this. Okay, it should go to my right. It should appear-- Yes, right there, right there, okay. Then, go through it. Seriously? Okay, now, but the problem-- It's all backwards. Okay. It's fine, it's fine, it's fine. It's going to go to my right. It's going to go to my right. Here we go, here we go. Yes, yes, yes, yes. No. Oh, no, that part disappears too. You have to do it perfectly timed. Watch this real quick and sticks the landing. I lined this up. I lined it up, it's so good. What? Come on, baby, this shouldn't be this hard. Can Gray survive this board? That's probably what it says. I hate my life. I know that one was going to miss. Okay, appear there. I got this one timed. I got it timed. Here we go, here we go, here we go. Boop, yes, perfect. Jump and bam, okay? Is it good? It's good. We're good. All right, what's the next word? The next word is you. Can you-- Can I what? I didn't show this, but what you do to get to your next challenge, you go through the teleporter and you go and-- Wait, what? What is this? What is this? What does that say? What? Welcome to what? Welcome to infinity trap. Are you serious? [laughs] -A few hours later. -Okay, so we're onto IQ challenge number three. The cool part is that there's actually no checkpoints. I just have to get the words, so as long as I get the words-- Whoa. Whoa. Oh, this is trippy. Okay, this is a really cool challenge, so all of the floors move, every single one and they're all-- If I kind of stay in the middle, wow, this is so confusing. If I stay in the middle, oh, God, it doesn't move that much, but the further I get to the edges, the more it moves, so I need to get to the-- Okay, there's the end, if you can see it, right in the distance right over there, to my left slightly. I have to get to that, so if I stay, I don't know how he comes up with this stuff. This is the craziest. Here we go. Whoa, it's simultaneously confusing, but also really, [grunts] really satisfying. All right, I think we're doing this the wrong way, you got to just go. Go, go, just go, Gray. Go right up the middle. Yes, yes. Oh, God, there's a giant. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yes. Oh, yes. Oh, yes, here we go. Okay, now slow, full 360, this is happening. This is happening right now and then how does this? It's the opposite way. I'm starting to get confused. I have no idea where I am. This is fine, I got this-- I'm so-- Oh. All right, I guess I'm fine, that's weird. Wow, I totally thought I was going to die there, but I just happened to land right in the middle of this challenge. I totally know how to do this now, so transfer right, transfer, transfer. Hold on, wait for it, wait for it, wait for it. Don't follow that, just keep following the thing straight ahead of my eyes. Transfer right, then transfer right, it's always to the right. Follow it, follow it, follow it, follow it. Wait for it, wait for it. Actually, I can kind of just chill out right here. It lines up. Where does it line up? Now. Okay, so I'm going to go from the left to the center, here we go, and then we're going to go straight ahead. Yes, here we go, here we go. We can totally do this, 360, and then it's slowly going to slowly move around. Wait for it, it's going to come on its own. Here we go, there it is, it's happening right now and now it would connect, that's how to do it. All right, I'll wait for it. Three, two, one. Oh, God, I'm dead. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, that's fine, I can do this again. I can do this again. I can do this again. As long as I don't fall to my death, it's fine. You know what? I'm actually going to sit on this side, there. Okay. Ouch. [grunts] Okay, can you move? What? Can you move? Yes. Well, not after losing most of my brain cells, but most yes. Yeet and ow. All right, onward to number four, take it easy. Yes, nothing about this looks easy. It's a giant long rotating pipe cleaner, that's what I'm dealing with right now. Also, I'm an idiot. If you look, all the swipey things that I just rode across, they actually spell move, so I don't even know if technically, I really needed to do that entire board. Okay, so I don't know, I guess just we're going to get some speed and I think I'm going to approach it from the-- Wow, I screwed that up. Nope, never mind, everything's fine. Oh, yes. There we go. Okay. Oh, ow, no, no, no, no. Okay, we're going to start on the cheese. We're going to start on the left. I'm really good at describing something and then having it not happen. Oh, God. [laughs] I know. Anytime I have an epic save, I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop at this point because I know it's happening. All right. Pull that there. Beautiful. Slightly to the left. Nice bounce. Left, nice bounce. Left, oh, yes. See? It feels like you're going to go off but because this thing is providing left word momentum-- Oh, no. Because this thing is providing momentum to the right, you actually don't go off, it's really weird. This doesn't make any sense while I'm driving this, I have to just not think about where my trajectory should be. Well, I went too far that time. Okay, good start. Okay. Yes. Not that much to the left. Less. All right. That was a little much. There we go. Okay. Well, I'm starting to lose speed, that's not good. Perfect. Oh, boy. Oh, God. Oh, yes. Okay, yes. Yes, I've got it, I got the pattern. Watch this up and turn and boop. Perfect. Okay, what's the next word? Can you move the? You're not giving me a lot of good hints here, man. What do the numbers mean? Number five, just say the magic word and I'll give you a gun. The magic word is yeetus. [laughs] Do you speak taser? How about now? Oh, he actually does speak taser, that worked out really well. All right, out of the way. Okay, so now I have a gun, so-- oh, use a gravity gun to place cars in the right order. It was like car tetris, 25, 9, was it the second? Wait, do you want me to do like multiplication? What is this? Was this college? All right. I'm not going to lie, I have no idea what to do, so we're just going to do this a Gray way. I'm just going to start picking things up and putting them in holes, that's how I do it. Pick up a car, okay, put it in a hole. What the--? Wait, did you see it? Look, look at this, look. You see it? Oh, the wall is attached to the car, look. Yes. When the car leans, the wall moves with it, that's wild. Okay. Where does this wall go if I put you here? Well, you're supposed to go upright, I assume. Right like-- [groans] I hit myself with a wall. I don't even know you're supposed to be able to die on that board. Ow, I missed all of the shipping containers. I have been at this an ungodly amount of time. I actually came down here and started driving the cars because it's just easier. Well, my GTA is the only place you guys are leaving insane comments, I'm also starting to get them on my coffee shop now, ever since we just launched the new flavor, Lightning. Get struck, baby, it's delicious at floridamancoffeeco.com. What's happening is if I can put these cars in the right slot, it creates a tightrope and I can then ride the tightrope over to the end of this challenge and get the word. The only problem is you have to be a frigging architect to be able to know which car goes in which hole. Okay, 25 goes in. If I can get it to-- if I can get it to get seated inside correctly, I almost have all of the cars in the right order. Get in there. Get it there. Okay, so I have the cars, like all of them, except for one. I'm given no vehicles to do this with. The last vehicle is 25. It goes in this hole. This is a 100% the way this works. You have no idea how many different-- I don't even know if this is the right pattern or I don't even know if this is the right pattern, but it's close enough. Grab 25 and then nice and slow, grab the front, get in the hole. Get in there. Work with me. Perfect. Yes. Okay. All I have to do is just not fall to my death because I'm not doing this again and yeet, perfect. Okay, let's line this up nice and smooth and yeet. Yes, and this is a straight run, that's no problem, and then transfer over here and then a little bit of-- now, we'll jump at [grunts] okay, that was a little concerning, and then a jump and we're going to-- Jay, I just walk this one nice and slow. We don't want to screw this up, and now there's a tight rope. Now, we're going to use our gun for this because I really don't want to mess this up. Jump it just because [grunts] I don't know how big that last little hole was. Yes, look at it, there's a hole right there. The next word is-- There's nothing here, I don't get it. What is this? Okay, I had to get with Alex. He says that's the right way. He says it'll all come together at the end, so I'll just trust it. I think the word technically is nothing, it says what car to use, so I guess I'll use this one. Can I use any car I want? If that's right, it's can you move nothing? Does this disappear or--? Oh, it's timed, okay, cool. I just get to choose which way to go. Cool. All right, and yes, this doesn't seem that bad, and there's a check-- What happened? What is this? All right, let's try it again. Part of the board disappears. Left, this is doing fine, I don't understand what the problem was. Left, and then it was like right around here for some reason, the board just disappear. Is it really fake or is it timed? Hold on, let me just check something, I just want to see if-- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, it is fake. Come on, just rock yourself up. Rock it. Yes. All right, no, we're going to go right, we're going to go right and right again, so let right. Oh, really? I think I know what's going on here, right, okay, right, okay, and then, right, somehow it's all right. Okay, so I made a right again, and-- oh, it's fake, it's fake, it's fake, it's fake. Okay, so the edges are real, like this edge right here is real, so just kind of-- Can I go--? Oh, okay, all right. Yes, this goes around. Another right, always make a right, basically. I don't know how that's going to win me this board, but it's what's the truth has been. That's death, it has to be, but I can only make a left now, but wait, now I'm screwed, there's no other way to go, there's no other rights. I mean, I can go this way. There's another right. Yes, we'll go right. Get it. Choose the right car because you're always making rights, right? Yes, right, you wouldn't lie to me. No, I guess you would lie to me, so how do you--?It's right there, the end is right here. What? Huh? How? Are you ready to see something awesome? I figured out how this board works. You have to choose the right car, which means you have to choose the fastest car. And you're mostly making all right, and you need to get into that, but it rises up. See? Right there. You got to do it flawlessly, so we're going to do it flawlessly. Right, right, follow the Gray path, right, [laughs], okay. Oh, yes. Oh, this is fast. Oh, this is clean. Yes, right. Yes, I got it, here we go, and-- oh, yes, and give me that chip. No. [laughs] Are you kidding me? I was right there. Just run at the wall, Gray. Run at the wall like you want to hit it every split second. [grunts] It's a second, I need to complete this. I can't lose one millisecond of time. This is true F1 racing. There. I will three-wheel half of this thing if I have to. Go straight up here through the middle. Yes, yes, yes. Wow. Oh my God. Give me my word, Gray. Can you move nothing, Gray? Can you move nothing, Gray? What? What do the numbers mean? He said it would all come together in the end. What do these numbers mean? Hold on, wait a minute. A, B, C, D, E, F, I-- I got it. I finally figured it out, are you ready to see this? What's this? The numbers spelled infinity, the numerics for infinity. Can you move infinity, Gray? The answer is yes. This original stupid troll infinity trap can be moved so what you do, take the trap, put it in front of there, and that'll launch me onto the end to get the final checkpoint. All right, so you line this up. Okay, right about-- I want to make sure I'm on the pathway when I infinity on this. Otherwise, I'm going to be stuck in this trap forever again. Woo, don't go off the road. Whoa, where's it going? Where are you going, man? [laughs] That was weird. I didn't know the infinity trap it has a mind of its own. It's like, "No, Gray, please." All right, right in the pathway is where I want it. Now, to trigger the actual infinity trap so that I end up in the middle of it, I just have to beat the infinity track. It's not a figure eight, it's the infinity sign. Come round and yeetus. Grab it. Okay, then step out and this should work. Jump, and then-- oh, no. Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes. Tell me this is it. Tell me this is the win exit. Oh, yes. Yes. Oh, it almost threw me off the back of this freaking bridge. We have a winner. Well, I had my IQ tested and it hurt really bad. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA. Until next time, stay foxy, and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,872,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grand theft auto 5, graystillplays, gta, gta 5, gta 5 challenge, gta 5 choice, gta 5 hacked, gta 5 jump, gta 5 online, gta 5 races, gta challenge, gta choice, gta custom races, gta v, gta v challenge, gta v choice, gta v hacked, gta v jump, gta v online, gta v races, jump challenge, legend, pro, impossible, and this happened, in gta 5, i found, gta 5 mods, caylus, jelly gta 5, jelly, caylus gta 5, i beat this impossible 2000iq challenge, 2000iq challenge
Id: uCnSElIUqhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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