What Your Strict Parents' Worst Rule?

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creditors who grew up with strict parents what was the craziest rule or punishment you had to deal with when i was in first grade i had a writing homework assignment my dad used to be weird about me raising because he wanted me to do it right the first time i ended up erasing a lot on this homework and my dad took the paper from me ripped it in half and told me to start over turns out it was the last sheet of paper in the entire house and i don't remember why but for some reason we couldn't go and buy more paper that night so ironically i ended having to completely erase an old homework assignment in order to have a sheet of paper to start over on i'm 22 now and still give him crap about this as one should the word disgusting was banned and could have been considered just as bad as saying frick we weren't allowed to close doors unless we were in the bathroom we weren't allowed to watch cartoon network because it was garbage they actually put a parental lock on cartoon network the worst punishment was one time they decided that we were such bad kids my sister was like 14 i was 12-ish that they took everything we owned and bagged it up into garbage bags and made us carry them out to a burn pile and they burnt everything we owned all of my childhood memorabilia pictures clothes diaries everything burnt it all fricked up when it was done burning the next day or so later my sister and i looked through the ashes and all that was left were two silver rings of hers that we cleaned off and kept a crazy crap i once got beaten and locked in the basement because my hands were literally not large enough to play a certain piano piece i couldn't play an octave separation yet before you ask yes i am asian french guy here i did violin my brother piano although we enjoyed it at first our love for music died out when passion was met with fair i was not allowed to use public restrooms i ruined our disney trip because of how many times we had to go back to the hotel not on site when i was six and i quite honestly had accidents when i was far too old to do so because my parents had my teachers reporting bathroom used to them too there was no place i could safely use the restroom other than home without getting into trouble comma finally i got to use public restrooms without punishment when i freaking went to college no i'm not kidding but i got pretty good at hiding restroom use in high school because the high school refused to report it to my parents why did none of these teachers spot the abuse how my parents once grounded me for two years for getting a bee on my report card took everything out of my room besides the bed and i wasn't allowed to do anything with friends a year and a half into it i asked if i could be ungrounded and at that point they had actually forgotten what they grounded me for but refused because i must have done something bad if they grounded me also they refused to let me stay up past 8 p.m even in high school when you're being punished without reason it's not punishment anymore when i was in preschool 1993 there was a girl who wasn't allowed to play outside because she'd get her dress dirty thankfully the staff always had a change of play clothes for her because effort i brought play clothes to my cousin's graduation party i said hi to all the adults and chatted for a while then put my shorts and t-shirt on to defend my badminton title i am 33. when i was a kid i had dysgraphia but my parents didn't know that so i used to take time to do my homework my mom would threaten to throw my homework out the window if i wasn't done by certain time i lived in an apartment block and this window was into a service shaft i too had undiagnosed dysgraphia for years i remember spending hours redoing my homework because it wasn't neat enough when i was in elementary school at about six years old i used to have accidents because my bladder was too small my mom would punch me in the bladder when i got home to make me pee myself and make fun of me when i did i still have issues and it turns out that my bladder and uterus is fricked up from a genetic disease that is awful but now you have a cool secret handshake to show your mom every time you visit her in her underfunded old age home no talking at the dinner table other than the occasional do you want some more of or please pass the we could not talk about anything at all no small idol chat was allowed first time you did it you got yelled at second time was a whooping and then sent to your room until the next day without the rest of your meal i make it a point now with my kids to chat up a storm each and every meal you could earn a full-on butt whooping for uttering any of the following shut up but accusing someone of lying for any reason we were not permitted to use the words liar liar lying instead we had to say that's not the truth or that doesn't sound right or any other phraseology that wasn't some iteration of the word lie i can relate my siblings and i weren't able to say boring without my mom freaking out not that crazy just something that stuck with me since i generally consider my parents to be good caring parents mainly just overprotective but when i was 15 i got really depressed and kinda shut down academically and socially my parents didn't know what to do with me at one point they ran out of ways to ground me and my life was consequently made up of just going to school and coming home and lying motionless in bed staring at the wall or sleeping but my grades still hadn't improved so they thought denying me of privacy solitude by taking away my bedroom door would persuade me to get my grades up spoiler alert it didn't lol my stepmom and dad did this too i was into choir and loved music and they would take things that brought me any joy as the eldest son of a sore hearn baptist preacher i was held to some high standards being seen and not heard and that my every action was a reflection of my father as a leader to his congregation i found music to be great outlet but of course any non-christian music was not allowed and immediately destroyed upon discovery spare the rod spoil the child was a mantra ingrained in my daily life once i was into my teens and spankings with stretched out coat hangers was no longer enough to be considered punishment due to the lack of tears my father moved on to shaving my head nothing like the constant reminder of how unworthy one is once their physical source of personal identity is forcibly removed frick this threat sucks oh one i can answer my mother is an honest to god narcissist i graduated from high school early at 16 and didn't go to college immediately so i worked a part-time job while all my friends went to school anyways when all my friends graduated high school we celebrated by going to the movies my friend's mom dropped us off and another friend's father was going to be picking us up my mom was very upset at me going to the movies anyways since it wasn't going to be over until after 9pm by bedtime at the time anyways finally she lets me go on the condition that friend's dad gets me home by 10 p.m my friend's father ran into late night construction on the way home with me and several other friends in the van and the closer it got to 10 pm the more i started freaking out telling everyone i was going to be in huge trouble if i didn't get home like right now my friend's father assured me he would speak to my mom and all would be fine i was the first bb dropped off because i was panicking so severely the moment the van pulls into the driveway my mom comes barrelling out of the house telling me she was going to kick my butt for being late and keeping her up my friend's dad tries to calm her down and separate her from hitting me that is when she realizes i'm chewing gum now my mother hated gum said the only reason you would ever chew gum was to hide something so naturally she makes the assumption that i was late chewing gum because i was busy sucking my friend's dad dong yup that was the only explanation in her mind she grounded me for 12 weeks an entire summer i wasn't allowed to have a phone cell phone tv or books the entire summer every morning my mom would take the cable box home phone handset and keyboard to make sure i couldn't do anything needless to say my friends never invited me anywhere again in fear that my mom would call the cops and accuse me of sucking their dad dong she also used to report my car stolen if i didn't call her back when i was in college please tell me you two no longer see each other or speak i refused to greet my sister's new boyfriend with more than a sup so later that night my mom hulk smashed my laptop double fist style i dealt with a narcissistic abusive mother most of my punishments weren't huge because i was a really good kid but on my 18th birthday because i asked for gas money the day before the first time ever she took mine and her car keys with her to work and took the shed key no garage so i couldn't even ride my bike and left a note on the kitchen table saying happy now you're an adult so get out of my house i spent my birthday alone trapped and miserable all over ten dollars a few points yes she is the pinnacle of our reset but narcissists i have since moved out after being kicked out on and off for about a year i am going on 23 this year and left at 19. i have no contact with her and never want to ever again yes she is a c yes she had the right to take the car and it was not gta as the car was registered and titled in her name something she did on purpose to be able to take the car whenever she wanted and to everyone commenting yeah i got kicked out on my 18th birthday too i'm sorry if i don't get to you personally but i am so sorry and i hope you're all in better places my mother went crazy and left the house in tears on my 18th birthday because i wanted to go out with my friends she didn't come home till after 2 a.m bit late but one day the news said school might be closed for a cold day like a snow day but for when it's cold enough your exposed skin freezes in 10 minutes my mom demanded i start walking to school or she'd report me to the cops as truant we argued tv said school started late that day i decided to go anyways the being better than the arguing she then decided i was to stay home for her to call the cops i shoved past her which she yelled at me was assault and then locked me out of the house halfway to school i was told the school was closed i had to call my dad to be let in the house again that day i promised myself i'd leave home as soon as possible i've stayed halfway across the country from my mom ever since no tv not as a punishment just no tv ever because apparently it lets the devil in the second eye as the last kid moved out they started watching tv all the time some things the move believed that we had to endure as kids women had to wear dresses no tv video games forced participation in religious ceremonies little to no contact with the outside world all my friends were moving exorcisms the school i went to was part of the move group too there was no escape wow okay just typing this out is kinda bringing me back to that place i gotta stop now and take a break as punishment my dad would make us face a corner stand on one leg and keep both arms straight up in the air for a certain length of time if our leg or arms went down he'd double the time sometimes he'd give you a surprise visit from his belt or shoe if he was particularly p at least i grew up to have fantastic balance uh that's called a stress position they did it to a certain prisons inmates there was an entire scandal when i was 13 no dating until uni when i was 18 no dating until i finish uni when i am 20 and about to graduate no dating unless it's someone i choose for you wtf in a year or two it will be why haven't you found a good person to give you kids yet i want grandchildren my brother stepped on the ps2 controller cable sending the ps2 flying off the shelf and smashing it all over the floor as punishment my dad whipped me across the back a few times and when i tried to run away he threw some rocks at me the whip mark stayed on my back for a few weeks my grandmother was a retired english teacher one day i called my brother stupid i was four or so she filled me in on her rule that if i couldn't spell stupid but i called someone stupid then it was really me that was stupid thus i should never call someone a name that i couldn't spell so in my four-year-old head rather than avoid name-calling realize that i did know how to spell dumb so that word must be permitted i spent the rest of the day over using the word dumb and she wasn't quite sure what to do at that point mum gave me a black eye one night when i came home from a friend's birthday party at a skate drink she made me tell people that i fell down and got hit in the eye by one of the wheels on a skate i was 12 it was because i forgot to put away the dishes before i left she also regularly broke remote controls throwing them at me would slam my doors open so hard the door knobs would smash through the drywall stole the allowance my granddad gave me no matter where i hid it and recently ripped a pair of my headphones out of my ears while i was using them and broke them by repeatedly whipping me in the face with them then followed it up by punching me a few times in the face the last instance was about four or five months ago i moved out and she regularly contacts me demanding money i really hope you aren't giving her money we weren't allowed to have food upstairs but i had food wrappers in my trash can so they searched my whole room ripping clothes off hangers throwing stuff out of drawers etc and for three months i wasn't allowed in my room for anything unless accompanied by one of them i slept on the couch my mom accused me of sleeping with my stepfather and grounded me for months at a time because i wouldn't confess to something i didn't do i have a little book worth of stories of the abuse i survived through but one time doctor phil's show told my mother that having a bed was a luxury for kids so she immediately took mine away i slept on a cold wood floor until i escaped that heck hole and cut off all contact my dorm in college was the first real bed i'd slept in for 10 years i didn't own a bed when i moved into my first apartment after college so i was back on the wood floor i'd moved in with the clothes on my back my cat and her stuff and my laptop which i used to make money by transcribing at night while i worked for seven an hour 12 hours a week out of delhi it was the only place that would hire me since i didn't have access to my own car i cried myself to sleep every night on that wood floor it was a reminder of how much i'd failed leaving myself back in that position my roommate must have heard me crying one night and figured it was back pain because they lent me an air mattress to sleep on it was like i'd moved into a four-star hotel eventually i saved up a spare 50 bucks and bought a bed off craigslist sketchy but i hadn't owned my own bed in 16 years before that i still have the bed and refused to part with it because i don't want to end up on the floor again i have many chronic back problems that i don't think will ever be fixed due to being forced to sleep on the floor starting at age seven i take pain meds when i can and do yoga but it does not help sometimes when i can't sleep in my normal bed i find myself still defaulting to the floor when i wake up i cry because i'm worried i'll always be like this parents have no idea how much they can frick up their kids frick dr phil well this one time i didn't want to finish drinking my milk so my dad threw the cup across the room shattering it and getting milk everywhere while he proceeded to flip my chair over while i was still in it then he crouched over my body saying you wanna frick with me a bunch and stormed out telling me to clean up the mess and just lots more stuff like that ro once said whatever to my dad in a bubba gump's restaurant on vacation in hawaii he proceeded to scream at me and yelled at me to get out of the restaurant i just sat there mortified and he left instead i got grounded from an end of year party i was 11 for getting a b on a paper even though i still got all a's i was devastated it was thrown by my best friend and i was never allowed to do anything and i had been looking forward to it all year i had the perfect dress to wear because my aunts via marriage mother had taken me shopping and bought this cool dress that made me feel like molly freaking ringwald i was never allowed to wear it before and it had been in my closet since september i was seriously having a cinderella moment although i honestly related more to jean air because i was adopted and a bookworm the day of party i'm bawling i'm a good kid i try to be perfect every waking moment now i'm grounded from my best friend's party the mom of my best friend knows how tough it is at home i'm screamed at belittled hit all the time this party was a freaking beacon arlene the bff mom barges in my house tells me to get ready and get my stuff together because i'll be spending the night my mom protests how about i call cps about the 50 freaking cats in your house i go to the party and arlene teaches me to be a bad butt frick yeah lean i had all the usual punishments no video games for a week no tv for x nights no pocket money this week groundings you name it i probably had it at one point or another one particular punishment tops the rest though for creativity and cruelty one day i was at a friend's place with my parents and discovered that if we opened his bedroom window all the way we could squeeze out of it and climb onto his roof his bedroom was on the second floor of their house and they lived on top of a hill so if we had fallen we would have fallen probably seven eight meters then tumbled another 20 30 meters to the bottom of the hill anyway both sets of parents walk outside at one point and hear us talking from the roof they flip their lids and call us back inside we scramble back into his bedroom and are sitting there terrified when our parents storm in we get called down into the kitchen and are told to sit down at the kitchen table and await our punishment my friend's dad opens up the pantry and starts pulling things out things to make a sandwich then it hits us like a ton of bricks our punishment is to eat a sandwich made of the most ill-complimenting grotesque food combinations that he had at his disposal the final product ended up being an unholy blend of vegemite oysters anchovies cheese creamed corn raw beef mints and hot english mustard i actually don't really recall what it tasted like other than being awful looking back on it as an adult i reckon it was just as much for their entertainment than our punishment but dang if it wasn't creative wooden spoon i got the wooden spoon until i was probably 15 then when my mom busted it over my backside because i wouldn't stop laughing she moved to the metal one standing in the corner was another big one my youngest sister got smart though and would get the corner where she could see the tv so that was exchanged for flat walls on your knees malcolm in the middle style another weird one i got was when my sister and i wouldn't stop fighting my mom made us sit next to each other holding hands and not speaking for hours on end my mom had a brilliant way to get us to stop fighting i have no idea how she thought of it but after the first time it was a go to punishment the two offending parties had to sit for it to foreign fold socks together within 10 minutes no more fighting just laughing because we each looked like a cyclops socks were partially folded and no more angry screaming children i asked my mum not to cough over the drink i made she was ill and it was on the counter she spat in it and hit me across the head a couple of times my mom threw a brick at my head yes it connected because i called her a bee i never even opened my mouth so apparently it was telepathy when i was little i would bite my brother parents would punish me by sprinkling tabasco sauce on my tongue the years that followed i developed a taste for it my mom used to make my brother drink hot sauce and he kept the fact that he loved hot sauce secret for years i couldn't drink water from my bathroom my bathroom genuinely had colder water and the best water in the house mum got suspicious when i'd leave to my bathroom for a few seconds every few minutes idk what she possibly thought i was doing but no more bathroom water and i had to drink lukewarm peasant water like the rest of my family it's mild but also freaking petty and plainly insane if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 18,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, storytime, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, meme awards, chill, story, stories, strict, parents, worst rule, rules, strict parents, parenting, ridiculous rules
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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