Easy YouTube Strategy that Anyone Can Do to Get 1000 Subscribers

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so hey welcome to session number one of the youtube 1k challenge in this training i'm going to be sharing my best advice for how to get your first 1000 subscribers and how to earn your first 1000 online i'm also gonna be sharing some lessons that i personally learned the hard way so you can go faster and avoid the mistakes i've made in my youtube journey i'm also going to be sharing some tips for making money and then imagine 12 months from now that you were maybe holding even a silver play button i believe you can get to your next 1 000 subscribers soon but beyond that what about 10 000 subscribers 50 000 subscribers with the strategies you're learning in this very training you're going to be learning exactly how to get those kinds of results but hey if you're just joining this is our youtube 1k challenge we're actually doing this in a private facebook group you might be watching this first session on youtube and over the next three days we're actually going to be covering three of my favorite strategies for crushing it on youtube today we're going to be covering the asq method this simple and easy youtube strategy that anyone can do to get 1 000 subscribers and beyond tomorrow we're covering the tss method how to turn your knowledge and life experience into views and make money on youtube and then day three we're covering the rss method the best type of youtube videos for earning one thousand to ten thousand dollars per month throughout this entire series you're going to be seeing these green dollar signs and these are moments for the money these are the moments where we're going to be talking about the different ways to monetize on youtube so be looking for those and listening for the sound effect and if you haven't registered for this and you want to be a part of the challenge just go to tube1kchallenge.com and there's also of course a link in the description down below now i have a question from you where are you watching from in the world drop that in the comments i'm coming to you from seattle washington i'm fired up today and if you want to share during this special event then use the hashtag grow with video on your favorite social media platform so my self and the think media team can engage with you over the next few days in fact if you tag me on instagram at sean cannell maybe on stories use the hashtag grow with video i'm going to be giving away copies of my book youtube secrets all week long we're going to be giving away ebooks the physical book we'll ship it to you and so all you got to do is just uh tag me at sean cannell specifically on instagram on stories or and use the hashtag so we can see the post share the post find it connect with you and uh would love to connect today's topic is answers is uh the asq method and we're gonna be talking about the simple and easy youtube strategy that anyone can do to get 1 000 subscribers and beyond um we're going to share some new youtube stats stats that you need to know as far as the state of youtube right now in the second half of 2021 the powerful youtube secret that i learned from dave ramsey and gary vaynerchuk and how to use the asq method to get views and earn money and a whole lot more and so if you happen to be watching this on youtube this is different than kind of your average video right get a journal get a pen because we're going deep with some real strategy that will get you results um and the first question though is why youtube you know why youtube why go all in on youtube right now well i don't know if you've heard there's 2.3 billion monthly active users on youtube right now sometimes it can feel like man it's 2021. sean is it too late to start it just feels like competition is getting bigger every day and that is true that's an accurate observation but it's not the full picture the full picture as there's also more people watching youtube every single day in fact the pandemic accelerated the consumption of online content and there are people all over the world that are looking for content about specific things about their interests about things they want to discover communities they want to connect with so this amount of people means your audience your community if your business owner your customers if you're looking for leads like whatever it is they're on youtube 2.3 billion monthly active users and this next decade is going to be the best decade on youtube because youtube continues to grow so it's a really good time to be going all in additionally if you haven't seen signalfire did a study of what's called the creator economy and i think there's something about making a decision to say that's that's my economy like that's the business i'm gonna go into i don't know if you were like me towards the end of high school you started to go to a career counselor and they're like what college do you want to go to do you know what you want to be when you grow up and i'm like dude i want to be like richard branson dude i'm trying to like fly in a plane but he didn't pass the carmen line so is he really an astronaut i don't think so listen i want to be an astronaut i want to be a firefighter you know the fastest growing small business type right now is content creators this is not my opinion this was a full deep dive of it being you could see it underlined there and what's crazy is that the amount of money in the crater economy just continues to grow over the next couple years this is going to double it was saying that there's two million content creators million earning over six figures or seven figures a year that there's like another 48 million that are on different stages and six figures is a crazy target like imagine if you just earn an extra 5k or 10k or 33 000 a year doing what you love as a content creator as a youtube creator or connecting youtube to your current business this is a real thing you know i grew up in a small town and sometimes people around me would be like why are you making youtube videos why don't you get a real job well 10 years ago that was like an accurate thing to say like that was that's fair enough right but now i'm able to say uh get a real job this is a real job like data supports that this is the fastest growing small business type so this is this is a real thing and and what i want you to hear from me and the think media team is we're not trying to over hype anything you know what i mean like sometimes it just feels like oh you're just trying to like no we're presenting data to you so it's up to you to view that data with a cynical perspective or to actually say man if i learn the right strategies if i get the right business model i position myself right i get the right skills man this is a real thing that can make a real impact in my life and in the lives of others because the creator economy is on fire and that's what's happening really over the next decade now the biggest thing though and lean in because this is real strategy we have to understand that youtube is the best place to invest your time there's a lot of social media platforms but youtube is a discovery machine which makes it different than other platforms what do you mean well you got instagram you got snapchat tick tock linkedin twitter facebook cool platforms right and and by all means people are crushing it on these platforms tick tock influencers i get it but youtube is different than all of these other platforms see these other platforms are content feeds right it's a constant feed just an algorithm algorithm feeding new content feeding new content youtube is unique because youtube is a content library you ever remember going to the library in the dewey decimal system like you go to the librarian you're supposed to study history and at the moment you needed to write a paper on a historical event you went to the library and they took you to the history section to the exact book c521 i don't remember the dewey decibel system at all but like they would take you and and you would go to that specific piece of information that is what youtube is it's not a content feed although it has the power of both because the algorithm will suggest videos to you on your homepage but it's a content library and when somebody has a problem or when somebody wants to learn something or when somebody's looking for a piece of information they can find your content and listen it might have been a video you posted a month ago it might have been a video you posted one two three four five years ago i've got videos that are 10 years old that people still watch that's different than every other platform so when i'm asking in this competitive world where should i be spending my time in this noisy world where should i be spending my attention youtube is a strategic place to be thinking about that because it's the only platform where your content lives forever why it's the second largest search engine it's a search engine and let me illustrate this is a video that came out june 11 2018 all right so this video is three years old a little bit older than that now you can see the upload date this video gets 107 views every 60 minutes every hour of every day around 100 people watch this video every hour when i'm asleep they're watching this video when i'm working they're watching this video when i'm out with my wife shopping they're watching this video when i'm eating lunch with my family they're what does it make so this video is working for me when i'm not working and if you look at some of the results look on the right side this is where you see your analytics and it says where views are coming from half of those views are coming from youtube search when somebody is looking for music to use for their youtube videos they're discovering this video the video was earned 14 666 dollars at the time of taking this screenshot and this video has produced some absolutely crazy results so why do i share all that well this challenge is all about how do you get your first a thousand subscribers how do you get your first a thousand dollars this one video has grown my channel think media by 36 000 subscribers it's earned 14 000 just one video now i get it i'm not suggesting that's going to be your first video you upload but you start seeing the power that okay if i'm using the right strategies and we're going to get into today's method and we got three methods over the next three days then you can get here a lot faster than most who are approaching youtube the wrong way and this is why some of the most consistently influential entrepreneurs use youtube whether it's a brandenburg shard or gary vaynerchuk or lewis howes or grant cardone why even in the business world do these guys invest a ton of time and energy into youtube because it has unique power compared to the other social media platforms not everybody sees this light bulb moment of youtube but i hope you're seeing it today any smart business owner understands the power of leverage they want they ask the question what can i do today that will give me more time tomorrow and when i create a smart youtube video today that works for me tomorrow i actually am multiplying time i'm actually giving myself the ability to work on other things as a creative let me know what's one of your goals with youtube what are or what's one of your goals with your career what i mean is do you want to write a book one day do you want to create an online course do you want to sell physical products or do some arts or crafts type of products on etsy you know what are do you are you not sure what your thing is or what you want to do do you just want to create youtube videos and and monetize content through entertainment like what are some of the things you want to do i know for me personally there's just so many different things i want to do whether that is write books we run an event you know planning an event takes a lot of energy i i like doing all kinds of stuff i want to build out educational programs i like to coach i like to speak but it all takes time and so whenever you say yes to one thing you're saying no to something else unless you multiply your time right so when you have youtube videos working for you maybe covering the bills you get to work on that next project you get to work on that next activity or that thing that you ultimately want to invest in this is why i love youtube and i see uh so many great things you're sharing i want to pay rent with my art um we've heard it said the starving artist there's a great book by jeff goins called real artists don't starve youtube is one of the powerful ways to do that if you can set up passive income streams if you can set up uh income streams that are paying you so you can work do woodworking business good to see you odin you know to start a successful woodworking business tapping into youtube is the most strategic thing that you do i want to be a coach i want to write books i want to be a philanthropic influencer i love that and of course hear me you got to invest the time into youtube to get these results but eventually once youtube is working for you then when you're spending your time coaching somebody youtube's still working right and so it's time to go type all in in the chat if you're fired up today and if we're just meeting um my name's sean my mission is to help people build their influence with youtube i've built a couple channels gold play button silver play buttons um but i'm most passionate i wrote a book called youtube secrets with my friend benji it's the number one best-selling youtube strategy book in the world um worked with a couple uh brands in our industry like canon or amazon or vid iq now i'm a small town kid college dropout i started shooting videos in my room now the think media team is a team of about 18 people that are on a mission to expand the what think media is doing helping people with youtube and so a lot of us are based in las vegas we work remote some of us are able to meet up it's been a crazy journey but we're most proud about our students we've impacted a lot of different people in different ways and you know getting a silver play button is not the only measure of success in fact many people have built big businesses even million dollar businesses with less than 100 000 subscribers with less than 50 000 subscribers however there's something powerful about hitting that 100 000 subscriber mark where you get your silver play button and we've seen even a couple people on screen here joined some of our programs at zero they had not posted a video yet and they've been on that journey all the way to uh a hundred thousand subs so that's been absolutely crazy but there's something really powerful that i've learned two things as we get into this first strategy when it comes to youtube right now you see their journey you see the silver play buttons you're like man this is crazy though sean it's already 20 21 and i feel like i'm too late i feel like there's so much to learn you might be saying sean i'm not ready like i'm kind of i'm a little nervous you know i've even been posting videos but it's hard to go all in i'm kind of leaning back a little bit right i'm not able to i i don't feel like i'm ready and i would say if that's how you feel then you feel like everybody else when they started youtube like you're in good company because 100 of people when they first hit record on a video felt like they were not ready i promise you uh and that's the first big idea when it comes to youtube is you got to start before you're ready you got to start before you're ready and i want to illustrate this really quick um i i posted my first video on my personal channel mind you this wasn't even my first video i was making videos for my church since like 2003 but this was my first video i posted publicly that i think embodies the principle start before you're ready all right so uh this is i guess the first sean thanks vlog and i'm gonna try to vlog every single day um mainly so i can remember what i'm even doing um and what's going on because i just feel like i have a lot that i'm thinking about and i figured hey why not share it and if you find something interesting that's awesome now this is definitely as real as it gets so i'm not going to try to be energetic or entertaining though maybe sometimes i will but anyways uh man i tell you what uh if you want that's maybe all the tips you need tip number one actually set your background up nice tip number two try to be energetic and entertaining right you know what i mean like this video is absolutely ridiculous i can't believe i uploaded it online i'm so thankful i did because it's such an illustration of the journey i wasn't ready like i was nervous i was i actually have more of a much more outgoing personality like this but as soon as the camera came on i was like play it cool man like uh you know and i just i was all up in my fields all up in over thinking you ever deal with overthinking i was all up in comparison like other people were already doing this and that might even feel stronger today like all that energy but i want to encourage you you got to start before you're ready and if you're farther along and you're listening to this you have to keep that spirit like when we did our first event growth video live four years ago like we weren't ready i mean we like we made mistakes on it we actually ended up losing money on it but even though we lost the battle in terms of financially we believe that you can still win the war war if you don't quit because we're like well it's just our first event sometimes you win sometimes you learn well it's just your first video sometimes you win sometimes you you learn and it lose on that video even though that video didn't do anything positive really but but it was that momentum and so our whole spirit during this 1k challenge is man you got to start before you're ready you got to start messy you got to start poop your pants scared you got to just start you got to punch fear in the face punch perfectionism in the face and press record but the second thing that i think is really key and when i look this was posted 11 years ago was you got to commit to learning new skills we're not here to say oh yeah if just anybody wants to start a youtube channel just upload whatever videos and not take their personal discipline seriously their personal skills seriously the sean that posted that first video 11 years ago wasn't ready in that moment but i didn't just stumble into youtube success by accident i had to be intentional i had to learn new skills just like your hair doing and that's the point of this challenge is to learn the skills necessary none of us are entitled to any success on youtube but there are steps you can take and there are specific skills that anyone can learn but it takes commitment commitment is the foundation of all great accomplishments and on my journey i started to dive into new skills the reason we're able to uh i would say 11 years later why i'm here today is pretty much one thing a commitment to continuous growth buying books going to courses getting mentors going to events getting uncomfortable you know continuing to post videos studying them and being like those didn't work and then studying a little bit more being like oh that's why there's a lot to learn but if you pace yourself you're going to be able to learn it but you can't do it if you're not committed to doing it it's not just watching videos doing nothing and all of a sudden miracles happen and your channel grows it's commitment to do the work it's commitment to continue to learn its commitment to investing in learning new skills never compare yourself to somebody that has put in more time than you you're watching somebody on youtube right now one of your favorite youtubers in fact what are some of the channels you watch tell me in the comments uh what are some of the channels that are your favorite channels and you compare yourself to them and you go oh man they're so they're they're they they talk they're a better talker than me they're you know they're better at editing than me they're better at creating content than me but here's the thing they've probably put two thousand hours three thousand four thousand five thousand hours into their craft and you've probably put two hours you know what i'm saying like i mean whatever it is so why are you comparing yourself to someone who did what anybody can do and that is get focused get disciplined get committed really decide to say okay i'm going to treat this i'm going to stop dabbling and i'm going to start dominating when it comes to youtube if i wanted to to do anything as a career if i want to be great as a lawyer in life i want to be great as a doctor if i want to be great as a teacher if i want to be great as a history teacher or historian if i want to be great as an athlete you don't just make the decision and show up and you just know all the stuff you commit to doing the work and continuous learning number one start before you're ready number two commit to learning new skills and on the other side of that i share all this because it's really where the discovery came over the last decade of what videos you should make to get massive views the best ways to earn money from youtube and really what i wish i did differently and listen you can plug this in to any business that's what today's training is all about so if you're ready type all in and let's get started and here's the first method the asq method is answer specific questions sean what's the strategy what types of videos should i make to get to my first 1000 subscribers asq answer specific questions it seems too simple well it might be so simple that you might miss it so let's dive deep and explore really what this means you're out here trying to make fancy videos meanwhile this channel posts a video of how to drill into your wall and the video has 1.3 million views okay you're trying to get 130 views this video has a million views and it's how to drill into your wall 5.1 million views how to approach girls works every time that's a really good title too right i'm like i mean if this works every time then like i definitely got to watch this 5.1 million views beginner workout routine made simple 11 million views 2.6 million views renting versus buying a home the 5 rule and if you're in the challenge group you know that we're doing those quick tips every day and tony was sharing that strategy earlier about the versus strategy renting versus buying basic the five percent rule 2.6 million views well sean those are just unicorns with extraordinary success what could you believe for 10 of those results because if you got 10 of of 2.6 million views that's 26 000 views maybe it's actually 260 000. you're not here for math i'm like clearly i'm not a mathematician one percent i think is 26 000 views and so this is again these are basic they're answering specific questions what's a question you could answer on youtube where to start when reading the bible how to read the bible 69 000 views well sean other people have already made this video yeah and some are getting 69 000 views some are getting 33 000 some are getting 12 000 some are getting 88 which is a lot when you're just starting and no one knows you yet but what are you doing you're using the strategy asq method answer specific questions now here's why this is such a big deal because this is when i started youtube i learned this the hard way here's my first like 18 videos the first title of my first video you just saw a clip of it is beyond viral kevin nolte and heavy rain chris valatin it's two book titles there's it's the worst title i've ever seen written like it was it's meaningless the second one perseverance plus focus what like that's my second video right the third 10 10 10 plus karate kid and so i was like just putting random words like encouragement for home schoolers and only child heather i i forgot about that video we should watch that uh worship songs then i started filming clips places like freestyle eminem versus lady gaga i was free like these videos were just they're like they're meaningless i'm just kind of sharing my thoughts sharing my ideas you know just titling the videos terribly but hear me we coach so many people and a lot of times they haven't figured out that actual value-based angle with their youtube channel the titles are are terrible the thumbnails are also horrible but even the big idea like the positioning of the videos hear me if you just answer specific questions and you actually think about man what is what's the viewer that i want to serve like who am i trying to reach and what problems do they have it's crazy i'm not saying this is the only strategy we have a five-day challenge and we're gonna share so many other ones this is just a foundational one that'll get you going to your first 1000 subscribers and one of the people who embodies this really well is a guy named dave ramsey now he's really famous in the personal finance space he's been on the radio for decades and he's crushing it on youtube it's a great example of a business owner who's evolved a lot of businesses stay stuck they don't continue to innovate they don't understand the signs of the times and they don't adapt to the culture into what's happening not only is he still on radio but his youtube channels are crushing what is dave ramsey's strategy with two over two million subscribers with a hun uh with 16 million views a month what's his strategy answer specific questions in fact he does it as a call-in show and people call into the show and he answers their questions and what they do is they turn the clips of those into specific uh videos and they post them on the channel what's the best way to invest your money should i pay off debt few uh first what should i do with my 1.7 million dollars that's saved up that's a problem like you know imagine that's your problem you're like i just have 1.7 million dollars and i don't know what to spend it on dave can you help me like it's a specific question very specific amount and uh sounds like a good problem to have you know what are the steps for buying a house listen friends dave ramsey built an empire answering specific questions i told you the secret that i learned from dave ramsey and gary veener vaynerchuk you ever heard of the askgaryvee show or his book askgaryvee he answers specific questions his keynotes are answering specific questions in a way much of his business career is the asq method meanwhile you're out here trying to just like come up with some creative really complex video ideas or whatever which fun that's fine but imagine if you just kept it really simple like how to drill a hole in the wall if you happen to teach people about woodworking or carpentry and you might say but sean i want to do the art i want to like there's so many things i want to create there's so many that sounds so basic it's not that inspiring friend this is a place to start because people need to know you before they can start experiencing your art and your creativity so this is a practical jump off point to where you can meet people that are interested in certain things and by answering specific questions you are then able to build momentum and hear me this is the 1k challenge you do this a couple times and you're gonna get to a thousand subscribers a lot faster this is marie forleo what is she doing here she's gotta call it colin show should i get my phd in anthropology that's a very specific question or chase a lifelong dream of becoming an astronaut she's asq answering specific questions so what is a specific question you could answer on your youtube channel not just a random question what are the questions that your target viewer is asking what are the questions that are going to attract your target viewer now in just a second you might say i don't know sean because i don't know the niche of my channel we're going to touch on that i don't know what i should make my channel about i'm still in those early stages good because we're going to cover that in just a moment but if you do have any clarity or if you just want to brainstorm these are questions to it's a question to help you write some questions about what you could answer on your youtube channel and i want to show you a cool trick if you could i'm curious what niches do we have here what what topics do we have if you're rather in the challenge or watching this on youtube drop those in the comments um what is your channel about like what kind of content are you creating because i want to show you a cool trick for coming up with video ideas based on what your channel is all about and so uh let's see my channel is all about rubik's cubes i missed it decluttering okay perfect so pat rat queen so here's what you're gonna do you can um you take your niche your topic we come up to the youtube search bar and this is using auto suggest to just brainstorm some topics for what videos should we make and i just pulled decluttering right out of the chat here so we go decluttering and organizing so right now see what happens youtube finishes your sentence for you okay these are it's called auto predict and these um auto complete suggestions here are what people are searching for in the order of how popular it is on youtube so people want to do decluttering and organizing now notice the strategy lean in for this all right a s q the strategy is not answer questions hear me it's answer specific questions well sean why are you emphasizing that and talking in such a way that makes it sound bizarre in terms of your tonality and your pausing good question the reason is because what the mistake people make is you just make a video called like decluttering and organizing that's way too broad to stand out on youtube but as soon as you get into like declutter makeup now things get interesting and now it's a specific video idea but hear me notice as i put space after makeup you can actually declutter your makeup palettes how do you declutter your makeup collection do you see what's happening here now you go oh well that i would love to talk about that i have a lot of tips i could share on that well let's do decluttering your makeup collection i put another space after it be organized my makeup collection makeup declutter small collection like my collection's not large so now we're getting very specific and there is a specific question a specific video idea that would be great to make if you feel it see here's the idea of topic research like that you go i'm into decluttering let me go do some research ooh this is what people are actually searching for this is where you're going to get those views on those first 1 000 subscribers now i i have some great tips on how to declutter a small makeup collection you know there's multiple specific details about the video as opposed to just decluttering tips 2021 you don't want to go broad especially when you're starting but sean the big channels just like they just make broad vid yeah because they already have subscribers so why are you trying to do the strategies or doing what the channel that already has a hundred thousand subscribers or a million subscribers you need to do the right foundational moves to start right eventually you can kind of do whatever you want because people know you but if they don't know you yet then your question is how do i actually get known and discovered if people have no clue who i am and so what's powerful about this is if you're into decluttering one other distinction here if you're going to cluttering okay let's go decluttering you also can start putting these words into a sentence i'm going to go to the front i'm going to go underscore space and you can see now it says minimalism decluttering extreme decluttering hey that's a show i don't know if that is a show but like that would be that's a good channel name like extreme decluttering um that could be an hgtv series my gosh um and now check this out you can put the letter a here and it's going to put the word decluttering in a sentence with a at the beginning affirmations for decluttering that makes sense like decluttering your emotions or something the art of decluttering then you could go b and then you might go bookshelf decluttering do you feel the power of this you don't have to go buy anything you have a bookshelf you have decluttering expertise you go i wanted to do that anyways boom there is a video idea and you and here's the thing at least you know humans are looking for this it's a strong clear specific video idea you then synergize that with something you could share tips on and then you make the video you do that over and over again 10 20 30 50 videos we're hitting a thousand subscribers all right so this is just the asq method during this challenge all right and then you so you grab a video like this you could use all those letters and that is just one nuance of course there's tools and ways to go deeper in topic research and and uh we could talk about those but this this is kind of like all you need to get those first video ideas and then you can get more advanced as you go and that is just using youtube auto predict can you see how powerful that is now i asked you a question a second ago what is one asq answer specific question you could do for your channel it's gonna be probably more informed it's great if you just reach into your own brain okay and just take it out of your own brain but even better is if you don't you don't live so myopic just focused on yourself and what you're thinking the question is what do people really want to see what videos do people want to watch and so when you use those research methods they can help you get insane results here's some examples you know of course this may seem obvious but i do my research and this is three years ago five ways to make money on youtube with a small channel okay 2.1 million views that's a specific question how to make money on youtube how to make a youtube video for beginners start to finish 1.7 million views now of course this is my niche is helping people on youtube and the reason as the asq method is so powerful is because 70 of viewers use youtube to help them solve a problem see people are they have problems right you're like i know they do like your your your partner your spouse like they have problems right don't they you you've got problems you are a pro okay listen and so people got problems man and they have problems they want to solve 70 of viewers use youtube to help them solve a problem so if you're answering questions that help people solve a problem think about how that can lead people into your world discover your channel get you views and to illustrate because this works in any niche or any topic this is nicole and nicole is one of our video ranking academy students she um made a video called tummy time for newborns all right now this is a specific problem that doesn't apply to everybody namely people that don't have a newborn now i'm 37 i'm coming up on my 38th birthday and my wife and i actually just had our first kid so up and for the last 36 years this was not a problem but now i've got a problem a 10 month old any parents can relate you know what i mean i'm trying to figure out feeding schedules i'm cleaning poopy diapers i'm trying to figure out is he going to walk is he gonna crawl what am i doing am i doing this right come on i've got some parent problems right any parents out there have a problem child no your kids are a blessing you would never say listen so tummy time for newborns she makes this video it has 3.2 million views answering specific questions and there he is there's little sean bradley uh there's my wife sonia and our dog sophie uh you know here he is like this was i think around uh easter this year or something we went out took a few photos you can see here clearly too i have really got fatherhood down you can see who's the dominant um male in the in the family we call him we actually call him the dictator like like we we also call him the chaos candidate he lately he's just been throwing like he has his monitor he's like slamming my phone on countertops he wants to hear the no the noise and stuff i don't know any parents can relate but here back on track tummy time so now think about it who are you trying to new moms specifically she's helping new parents and this is our first money cha-ching i don't know if you heard that uh is it working yeah it is all right youtube ads so one of the ways you could get your first a thousand dollars is youtube ads so i actually dm'd her and i said how much adrev have you made from your 2.7 million viewed tummy time video what's crazy is it's at like 3.3 now so i asked her a little while ago and she said 7 525 my friends you can't tell me that basic simple answer specific question videos can't grow your channel or help you earn big money but sean there's other people there's so many other this is one strategy like this is actually just and it's a really good way to start because this was one of the breakout moments for nicole was did every here's the question did every question video that she answered get three million views it did not that's not the point i'm saying that you put out enough videos the right one hits at the right time you kind of get one percent better every time you upload you you're you're learning you're leveling up your skills eventually one hits and it can change your life nicole now has a multiple six-figure business years past this video but even that that's some pretty serious results there she now has built this brand her legacy raising soul line kids while scaling your solo aligned business she's doing some incredible things but it started with answering specific questions here is just a screenshot of the 2020 ad revenue on youtube that we had on think media now hear me i realize this is like stupid you know what i mean like it's ridiculous but today we have multiple content creators if you haven't subscribed to the think media channel definitely hit the subscribe button think media on youtube heather's making videos nolan's making videos omar's making videos it's a whole other thing but don't get it twisted it started with this small town kid college dropout making videos by myself and i had to make ten dollars in adsense 28 in adsense 200 a month things are going amazing like this is cool fast forward to today a quarter million dollars in a year but it's from brick by brick by brick by brick posting videos personally committing to getting better and learning new skills and investing in myself and the results have been pretty spectacular hear me the practicality of 10 of these results in the crater economy not my opinion friend it's the fastest growing small business type the practicality of 10 percent 10 10 out here trying to do math that's 28 000 a year in youtube adsense later on we're going to be talking about 13 different ways to make money if you joined the youtube starter kit we have a guide in there for 51 ways to make money the point is it's not even just youtube ads as the only way to make money on youtube and if you want to learn more about that tubestarterkit.com just one of the resources in that is the 51 money making video ideas resource because it's not necessarily about how many subscribers or even views you get depending on your chosen chosen business model for your channel but sean what if i don't know what to make my channel about good question important question because you don't really just want to answer random questions you want to answer specific questions for a specific audience there's always like should i niche down should i uh you know do i need a specific niche and there's kind of like debates around that and the answer is like yes but people take it too far the bottom line is you need focus if you try and chase two rabbits you'll end up catching neither if you're chasing all these different topics or if your channel seems to be for 10 different types of people or 100 different types of people it's probably for too many there's confusion there and on youtube if you confuse you lose so how do you find what your channel should be about i want to share this framework with you and i really believe this is going to help you get clarity if you already feel like you have clarity i want you to go through this a fresh time because you may want to pivot your strategy this could either strengthen your current youtube channel it's going to help you start a youtube channel correctly that is going to succeed in terms of 1 000 subscribers and a thousand dollars of income and beyond but maybe you've been doing this for a while and you actually kind of need to reinvent yourself a little bit i want you to go through this a fresh time pull out a fresh piece of paper and let's do this exercise together the first thing i want you to draw is three circles overlapping right and there's that center area where they all overlap and when it comes to figuring out your niche your thing what should i make my channel about the first area i want you to write is passion what's my what am i passionate about and what i want you to write down is as many things as you can think about that hits you the most like for me i'm passionate about uh music and djing i actually grew up had dj turntables you know all the stuff i am passionate about cars i went through a whole season growing up too fast and i'm a fast and furious kid you know rest in power paul walker but like that first fast in the furious movie uh with green ground lighting kit you know racing for slips like the whole thing i had a 1994 honda civic back in in high school it's all teal with yellow trim and uh even recently i just got a come on volkswagen golf gti turbo charged 2016 only 15 000 miles on it you know what i'm talking about you buy that old used car that grandma drove and was garaged what's funny is grandma was dr driving a golf i actually don't know who the previous owner was but uh all that to say is i could say cars i'm passionate about cars modding cars i'm passionate about music i'm passionate about um you know video personally so what are you passionate about and you write down different things that your passion books uh personal development non-fiction fiction you're writing down different things that uh you you you are passionate about here's the deal write down five to ten of those and then stop and you can come back to this exercise later but the next area is then proficiency proficiency what are you now out of those three to five to ten passions what are you good at that others would acknowledge you being good at now this is where we get stuck because sometimes we're really hard on ourself and we have the curse of knowledge we go i'm not really that good at you know this thing where it could be something you're passionate about gardening you're passionate about health and you know you're a nurse and you're passionate about nutrition and you've read like three books on the topic or 10 books you watch all these youtube videos and conversations you could say like um oh your energy's a little low well why don't i recommend a little glutathione and sleep a little bit and you need more electrolytes like you just would roll off some information that that could help somebody but you just think it's common no what do other people acknowledge in you and what out of those five to ten passions you've wrote wrote down are you good at are you proficient at you know for me uh growing up i grew up in church uh video i got started in video in my local church in a small town for 16 kids in the youth ministry and i was filming on a mini dv camera i was making video announcements that's why i got my start in video and why i wanted to start helping people with cameras and lighting and all that stuff on think media because i started uh years earlier learning cameras learning how to edit learning adobe premiere but when i was growing up even though that was also it was one of my passions the video and the cameras um and i was proficient at it as well there's just something about being around 19 at the time intern at a church and if you've ever been in church culture like maybe one of the coolest positions or things to be is is the worship leader guy you know i don't know if you've never been in church i'm weird but here like there's the guy and if you've ever been injured you know this guy he probably has like his sleeves are kind of rolled up he's got like tattoos you know he's got like a man bun like his beard you know the full deal he's wearing skinny jeans like we don't need those but he's got those on these weird little booty things you know and he's like and then he raises his arm like this the tattoo is under his arm that's just like god is awesome you know so whenever it's like come on chuch like and so i i just i'm 19 and i'm doing all this other stuff but i had a an acoustic guitar and i was like maybe i'm i'm called to be a singer and a guitar player you know david in the psalms was like a worshiper you know and i was like i'm single at the time you know now i'm married to my wife sonia i'm like that's probably a good way to get girls can i be honest with you you know what i mean can i be if i can be if i could get a tattoo right here and you know get a fedora and and and just start to rip it so legit i start i get this guitar i start taking guitar lessons i actually had these really awkward times where i invited people over to my house this is sometimes what we do as christians we're like singing in a circle and i was like playing the songs for the sing-along i was so bad like my voice isn't it's not a gift the guitar was not going well i'm trying to play and sing at the same time people are being real gracious i don't know why they came because i would never have gone to this in if their situations was reversed why do i tell this story because i actually didn't really see it at the time until i did i was passionate and still am about music and praise and and i'm i'm maybe you're like me are you like me where like in in you love singing in the shower you love singing in the car when the music's up but as soon as for some reason like a call comes in you're belting it out your favorite song from olivia rodrigo and you're like and you're and then all of a sudden a call comes in and now you're singing the music went away and you're like like being in key is not something that god gifted me with hear me uh and so as far as proficiency goes eventually there was a light bulb moment where i was like this isn't something that i should keep investing in in terms of my career or my strength friend what i really want you to hear in terms of getting your first 1000 subscribers building a real youtube career building a full-time business around your passion is that it's at the intersection of your passion and your proficiency so if i wrote down guitar singing publicly performing music as soon as i step into the proficiency circle that one is not it's getting crossed out and i can still be passionate about it and it can still be a hobby for my whole life that's cool but if i personally look and i go okay video youtube strategy online marketing passionate about it am i good at it yes it's been proven and even even when i was just getting started i've studied it i've learned about it i've got some experience in it i've got some history in it so now you're looking for thematic overlap you've got the five to ten things i want you to circle one two or three of the ones you're not just passionate about but you're also proficient at but there's one more and then that's profit that's profit hear me i will not apologize for talking about money and building a business i will not i don't believe that that's the only reason you should do youtube of course not you get to do youtube for whatever you want it's youtube it's your tube like that's that's like literally it's a blank slate for you and if you just want to make it about art if you just want to make it about creativity and if you don't care about making money that's completely fine but if you want this to be a business entrepreneurs solve problems for a profit okay therefore there needs to be a business model to it there needs to be economics to it if you actually want to make a living if you want if you love your job or you don't need to work or great this is up to you i'm here to if you would say sean i want guidance about how to build a real business around my youtube channel and if you are now selecting there's 10 things you're passionate about there's two three or four that you're strongest at that you're most proficient at that you have the deepest knowledge about friend that you could talk about for five hours at coffee and your friends like stop talking about it and you're like this is i'm passionate about it and i know a lot and they're like listen i didn't even ask you know the kind of thing where you actually wouldn't even really have to study before you could download details and information about that area but then the next question is you might be left with two three four things circled which one of those is potentially the most profitable the most practical for business in business terms it's asking is there a market for this what do i mean by market i mean is there how big is the market think about this are more people interested in hamburgers and fries in america right than boba tea more people are into hamburger and fries in america boba tea is a huge subculture and a sub niche and trend as well but it's just a smaller market that's great you get to decide but when you think about okay the three things how like is there an audience for this is there which ways am i going to monetize am i going to monetize and i know we haven't talked about those yet so stick with us through the whole challenge because we're going to break down the different kind of business models the profit pathways so then when you synergize your passion your proficiency and your profit at the intersection of these things is is what your sweet spot but hear me as we land the plane if you just have passion and proficiency you got a hobby that's right that's not bad if you want a hobby something to do on the weekends grow a community grow a channel but if you lack the business model aspect you're good at the thing you're passionate at the thing but there isn't really a clear pathway or the niche or positioning of your channel it's just a hobby if you actually are like oh this is the cool thing to do meaning like oh you know be a good idea for a youtube channel that could like make a lot of money and i'm kind of good at it but it's not a passion and it's not something that is really true to your heart you might get bored because like clearly you're good at it and you can make money from it but you get bored if you just have profit and proficiency so i would ask you what i know this is it's not i'm not asking for like a pledge commitment right now but i kind of am what would keep you fascinated and engaged for at least three years i know it's hard to make a decision to plan our flag and pick what we're gonna make our youtube channel about but i want you one of the secrets to making this thing work is the passion is that like i feel this i gotta get this message to the world this is something i would tell people about regardless i want them to be healthier i want them to laugh i want them to you know enjoy life more i want them to recover after divorce i want them like i'm so passionate about this topic the things i've learned i want to share those if you're just are like well i could i mean i could like here's how i make money i'm pretty good at this but like it's i'm not on fire for it it could just be boredom so at the intersection of the thematic overlap of the passions you're writing down finally if you and this is this can happen right this is me picture sean today i went down a whole different path can you imagine this it's 20 21. i'm out here in like you know a local coffee shop seven people just showed up to hear my songs will you come hear my songs you know like you know here i am and i'm still going for it you see the tats i got the fedora there i am and again i just need to be self-aware then i'm like listen i just need to share my music and my art with the world and i still am maybe a starving artist that's fine imagine like because i could have gotten better at guitar and i could have got voice lessons but i promise you friends self-awareness that's not my calling i could still be doing it and it would have been like this i believe you always get to do what you want but it would have been a misplaced form of commitment you need to strategically quit things i strategically quit my worship leader career and it was the best decision i've ever made strategically quitting what i'm not as strong at and so if you ultimately see that when you have only passion and profit i love this thing and this also could be a way i can make a living but you lack the proficiency it can lead to failure so my friends in the sweet spot of the middle is your youtube sweet spot and maybe you had some aha moments drop those in the comments what is your unlock from this is there what tell me your aha moment from the entire training but also have you had a breakthrough have you been like wow i need to change my youtube channel topic wow out of the 10 passions i wrote down when i think about proficiency and profit altogether this one is clearly the one that stands out and is the one that i should be leaning into and so ultimately uh this is what i personally did as i um is how i came to discover my clarity and focus on youtube as we land the plane here's just a couple lessons i learned from my journey on youtube um in 2003 video was my background there's me we're at our local church that's like some green screen screen fabric sewed together by a lady in the church we got some yellow shop lights from home depot like those are our lighting right if you if you know about creating content on a budget man that's my roots i've been doing videos since 2003 right so clearly there was not just something i was passionate about but i was developing my proficiency in that later on i learned it's like okay so what should my youtube channel be about that was the birth of think media but over the years i was working at red robin the first videos the first youtube channel i started was for my church in 2007. so two years after youtube started i started making youtube videos and they were not good right like but i was able to help and i'm helping people today with the thing i've been doing for years hear me you're most powerfully positioned to help who you were two three years ago does that make sense like if you're a new mom and you just survived the first three years you're most powerfully positioned now to help people that are just getting into it maybe going through pregnancy and in those first years if you're new to youtube i'm most powerfully positioned to help you from all the mistakes and the thousands of videos see what i'm saying you're most powerfully positioned to help you yesterday you don't have to be an expert you don't have to be somebody that knighted you and said you're allowed to go start sharing your message no i just had been doing youtube i'm waiting tables i'm on the hustle i'm doing this as a side hustle if you ever feel like oh i can't relate to sean now well that makes sense it's this is not just sean this is the whole think media team but you can relate to me because whether it was going through the process going through pain having to figure out how to do youtube while i had a job while i'm juggling family while i'm juggling stress why i'm juggling it i've been through every stage friend so i can help you navigate the journey but if you haven't heard our story in 2009 my wife almost died and when it came to discovering my passion and proficiency and what to start our youtube channel about my wife's name's sonia and two years after getting married she got super sick and as you can see she lost so much weight she had to get a feeding tube in her nose so they could stabilize her weight eventually what happened was they had to uh they put the feeding tube j-junam in her side and they placed it wrong so as you're pumping that food the first night we came home and we set all the machinery up and and it was kind of real like dark energy just because it's you're like man this is so heavy like what are we going through and we turned on the food and it wasn't going into her stomach it started to fill up her body cavity because they it wasn't going to the right place and all of that will suffocate your organs quick it'll kill you she's like my body's on fire know what's going on so we threw on our honda civic drove to everett washington to the emergency room they saw what was happening they got her stabilized put her in an ambulance so we drove to seattle washington i'm following the ambulance in our honda and we get to virginia mason hospital for six days i'm by my wife's side and i uh am trying to figure out like hey god what's happening b what are we gonna do and it was during those six days that i went through a freaking emotional rollercoaster as you can imagine highs and lows like is my wife gonna be okay we weren't doing well financially we just got crushed by the big short losing houses and all that kind of stuff and so man how am i gonna provide for my family how am i gonna what are we gonna do next but friend it was during the really darkest week of our life during the hardest years of our life that i started to tap deep into a fire and a passion i know when i share this story like you know or when people hear my passion for youtube or my passion for the creator economy uh it can maybe get written off or whatever but this is freaking real this is my journey and it was out of actually desperation during that time to say man i gotta figure out a way to work from home i gotta figure out a way to pay medical bills i gotta figure out a way you know some people wanna become an influencer and get into the crater economy because they want like the fame and the fortune and they wanna flex on social media and like if that's your reason for doing it cool but that wasn't my motivation my motivation was like how am i going to pay medical bills my motivation was like how am i going to take care of my family and my motivation here's why i'm sharing this with you is it kicked my butt into gear to stop dabbling and to start dominating because i had posted that video that was kind of like i'm not going to be energetic or entertaining but when this event happened i realized i had a choice i can either get bitter right now and let these circumstances overwhelm us or i can get better and who do i need to be for my family and my wife right now do i need to be depressed and discouraged or do i need to lead right now do i need to stand up and really be courageous did i know what was going to happen next i had no clue was i certain of what the future hold nobody is but what i did know is that i could commit to starting before i was ready and i could commit to learning the skills necessary to figure it out because we went on a windy journey but i realized okay i've got this this thing in my hand called video and i've already started youtube and i'd actually just read this book by gary vaynerchuk called crush it why now is the time to cash in on your passion and i was like this is it man i just got to go in go all in on this and i wandered and made a ton of mistakes for about five years testing theory some stuff work some stuff didn't that's the power of you being here is it's a shortcut this challenge is a shortcut but when i think about passion i am freaking passionate about youtube because youtube changed my life because i committed to doing the work but we have built a lifestyle where we can work from home a life on our own terms where we can uh where through medical treatments and through prayer and through all this we didn't think we'd be able to have a son in a family we're an entirely different place a decade later through discipline through god's grace through taking it step by step and i think this message is more important now than ever before because friends we just went through one of the craziest years maybe in human history especially probably in your in my history a global pandemic financial economic devastation inflation starting to rise right now massive disruption in jobs and unemployment happening right isolation the worst mental health crisis the world has maybe ever seen this stuff is real you want to talk about how serious i am i get this is like youtube i'm sir you need to go all in on youtube because people need encouraging helpful problem-solving content who's waiting on you who needs your message sean this is a little intense i get it if you just want to do like gaming videos that matters meaning like if you want to entertain people people need an escape from the troubles in the world right now we all do can i get an amen on a monday listen like this is this is an opportunity and i saw this window of opportunity 10 years ago and my friends it's still just getting started the data shows us this next decade is going to be the best decade in the creator economy and on youtube but i hope that this moment maybe as you tap into getting your butt kicked in 2020 getting your finances knocked down in 2020 whatever it is and really tap into that thing that you're passionate about because the work ahead in this challenge you're not going to hear like this is a get rich quick thing it's not it takes work it takes discipline and so when you have passion and you figure out your proficiency it's good enough for today but you gotta sharpen that axe you gotta sharpen that skill and you figure out your business model and then you commit my friends your youtube sweet spot is right in the center of those three seasons it's crazy the journey we've been on of course now we didn't think we'd be able to have a family and to be holding our son now and to be thinking about man sometimes you can't you definitely can't see the future and we had so many years of hell and over the last decade up and down but i heard a quote once right if you're going through hell keep going like don't stop like what is your goal that's ahead what is that thing you're fighting for and as we land the plane i want to ask you that why do you want to succeed on youtube like what's your why for doing youtube can you post that in the comments why do you want to succeed on youtube i wanted to succeed on youtube because i wanted to share video tips and friends i wanted to make money like of course like good reason so like i would like to make a living that's a good reason like i wanted to make money uh i want to share what i know i've made a lot of mistakes a video over the years why do you want to succeed on youtube though as you really get deep like i want to provide for my family this message needs to be heard around the world this is the type of person i want to help i've overcome this challenge or this illness or i'm in the middle of this and other people need encouragement this might i realize we're going to get more tony quick tips we have a lot more tactics to come we talked about the asq method today we got all these other methods and i know that sometimes this feels more maybe like kind of woo-woo but this is actually the real stuff this is the ingredients of you crushing on youtube over the long haul because reasons come first results come second right when you know your reason for getting up early staying up late taking time to edit the videos investing money before you're seeing the money coming back it's like to buy a camera how much money is coming in now zero okay but like you're you're seeing the future you're investing in the future what are you fighting for i'm getting gear i'm like going to events i'm buying courses i'm doing these things back in 2010 just because i had a vision for the future i knew what i was fighting for reasons come first results come second so share your reasons and gather around these reasons in this group because even just to type these out to share these in the comments to share your why simon sinek in the famous book said start with why the why is the motivation the y is what people will connect to on your channel your why is very powerful and that will be a it's the powerful center of the 3p framework that i just shared with you so today we learned that youtube is healthy and growing quick recap we learned that you can use the asq method to get 1000 subs and beyond and by the way today on think media we are still using the asq method it's not like that's just a beginner strategy it just will be your quickest path to a thousand subscribers number three you can earn money with youtube adsense and we got a lot more money making ways coming and i also want you to use number four the 3p formula for finding your youtube channel topic that's what we covered today and we got six more sessions of this four more days of this but i want to remind you commitment is the foundation of all great accomplishments i want to congratulate you for making it to the end of session one we've got vip q a we've got a couple announcements but legit commit to this challenge i mean commit to youtube but we're really just getting started block the time get it on your calendar get ready because this is the tip this is barely getting started i hope you got value out of today's session and i'm excited because we're going to welcome back uh the think media team for our daily challenge as well as uh some other announcements before we end today
Channel: Think Media
Views: 121,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get 1000 subscribers on youtube, how to get 1000 subscribers on youtube fast, how to get 1000 subscribers on youtube 2021, how to get your first 1000 subscribers, how to get 1000 subscribers, how to get your first 1000 subscribers on youtube, how to get first 1000 subscribers, how to get subscribers on youtube, how to get 1000 subscribers on youtube free, how to get your first 1000 youtube subscribers, think media, sean cannell
Id: 3DyIW0p1JO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 22sec (4102 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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