How to Get Your First 1000 Subscribers on YouTube — 5 Tips

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so how do you get your first 1,000 subscribers on YouTube when you're just starting out in this video I'm gonna be sharing five little-known strategies I really haven't talked about these anywhere else and five of the biggest mistakes that are going to hinder you from getting your first a thousand subscribers but hey my name is Sean kennel for just meeting and here on think media we recently crossed 1 million subscribers thank you for being a part of the journey of course YouTube sends this plaque out to you and now I've grown a couple different YouTube channels to over a hundred thousand subscribers and of course this channel and I think about the journey and I think about okay what do I wish I knew back when I was starting that could have helped me go faster and grow my subscribers and here's the deal right now there's been never been a better time to be creating content on YouTube you know because of the lockdown in this pandemic we've seen that YouTube viewership is skyrocketing in fact they've said that Nielsen is revealed consumption is up over 75% this time last year there was about 15 billion minutes consumed now it's about 32 billion in some industries or some niches it's about 75% as you can see on screen from this Bloomberg article and subscriber surging has been happening as well due to people being locked down so right now is your time to be a creator creators create leaders lead it's time to punch fear in the face punch perfectionism in the face and press record and I'm gonna help you go faster especially with the strategies in this video and we're gonna be breaking those down in just a second but again I'm Sean Kent I wrote the book youtube secrets co-author Benji Travis and if you're fired up for this training hit that like button if you happen to be here live it's good to see ya when the Ken Leon vergine Gaby thanks so much for being here let's get it at tip number one and it's this you got to start before you're ready and post your first 35 videos ok you might be like 35 freakin videos like that's that's kind of crazy man but no you gotta start before you're ready and post a lot of videos let me tell you the mistake on this one judging your results too early now that I've been helping other creators and entrepreneurs grow their YouTube channels I see one of the biggest mistakes people make is they only post like two videos or seven videos or maybe even a lot of videos but they're just all over the place they're super scattered they're like I just don't know why I'm not to a thousand subscribers yet you can't judge your results too early you need to post about 35 videos from our research even as we've started new channels to trigger the algorithm to get things going so tell me in the comments how long have you been on YouTube and how many videos have you posted so far if you want to get to a thousand subscribers and you've only posted six videos sporadically one two years ago of a dance recital and then you you know like you're probably not gonna get there and you got to start before you're ready and just keep posting like you can't be that judgmental when you're just starting out of even your content like your first videos are gonna be your worst videos and you can improve as you go in fact you know now I've posted over two thousand videos online I have I've had a couple failed YouTube channels that led to the successful one sometimes you win sometimes you learn and you got to fail forward and I actually want to play the first video I posted on my personal channel just to say you got a press record and start even if you're gonna suck at the start watch this all right so this is I guess the first Sean thinks blog and I'm gonna try to vlog every single day mainly so I can remember what I'm even doing and what's going on because I just feel like I have a lot that I'm thinking about and I figured hey why not share it and if you find something interesting that's awesome now this is definitely as real as it gets so I'm not gonna try to be energetic or entertaining though maybe sometimes I will but anyways see I see too many bad videos crazy isn't it I mean it's pretty funny I see way too many people though again taking all this time to watch this channel or to watch some of my friends like Darrow or Tim or Nick or whoever and just take information information and that's good because you want to get some strategies you want to get you want to start right but if you're not posting videos listen the secret to success on YouTube is posting videos on YouTube thank you every simply see you later we'll take care I mean either you might like that's maybe obvious but you gotta be posting videos and you don't want to judge your don't judge the results too soon put you start Messi punch fear in the face post videos and post a lot of videos cuz you'll learn as you go but this brings us to tip number two and you gotta answer a lot that I'm thinking the question of controlling your livestream the who and what question that's next answer the who in what question alright who is it you're serving and what problem do you solve for them in fact tell me in the comments most creators have not answered this question and it's the reason you're not gonna get to a thousand subscribers listen to this why should someone subscribe to your channel that's the who and what question hey this channel is for my mom my mom my wife Sonya is 20 weeks pregnant and she was just doing a workout this morning and she was watching it on YouTube by the way a lot of at home workouts huge niche that's blowing up right now we got Sean Bradley jr. jr. it's a boy on the way right now and she's doing this workout that was second trimester home workouts for women obviously on the women part so it's a very specific channel that was helping giving workouts at home for women that are pregnant and even in their specific trimester so who you serve in well obviously not dudes that need a home workouts clearly alright obviously not gamers that are trying to figure out how to beat Reno and Final Fantasy 7 remake right like who and then like what problem do you solve was that home workouts for it but look even if you're doing comedy like what problem do you solve you you solve boredom if you even if you're doing vlogs you solve people that need like maybe an escape or they want some kind of entertainment however sometimes that can be even hard to get harder to get discovered what is your who and what question who is that you're trying to serve you haven't defined kind of your target audience another word for this is your value proposition who is it you're serving and what problem do you solve for them the mistake here is huge and this is probably one of the most major mistakes that's going to keep you from a thousand it's making selfish content versus service content okay selfish content versus service content you got to ask yourself why is it do you want a thousand subscribers and I've seen a lot of people that the reason they want a thousand subscribers it's like because I want a thousand subscribers yo help me get to a thousand yo help me get my channel going bruh help me get the subs rolling in yo I'm trying to hit like for what what are you gonna do for me like you want me to subscribe to your channel for you like unto what so that you can be famous so that you can and this is where most creators mindset like this really became clear to me when we the co-author of YouTube secrets Benji Travis got to go to New York to meet with Gary Vaynerchuk and you know multiple New York Times bestselling author considered one of the leading social media experts and we got to ask him what advice would he give to new YouTube creators and he actually had a clip about this very idea of selfish content so listen to this what he had to say I think it's about are you putting out entertainment are you putting out education because 90% of people are putting out selfish content 90% of people are putting out press releases they want to they want you to think something about them they're making it selfish for themselves they wanted to go to Maui and surf so that's the content you're getting but did that bring you any value they want you to think they're cool ninety percent of the content right now are people acting like PR agents of themselves I'm asking people to look like educators for entertainers do you think about the audience first or don't you do you think about the audience first or don't you think about that question the reason a lot of people aren't getting to a thousand subscribers it's because we're really not thinking about the audience first like you know I kind of won't want to make videos that like I want to make I kind of want to be like a travel vlogger well cool and I'm not saying you can't do that but I'm saying do you think about the audience first or don't you in fact that's what Gary's saying and I'm echoing and he also said really pick either entertainment or education let me know in the comments are you an entertainment or education it's YouTube it's like if you're not in one of those by the way all the data right now during the pandemic is both or through the roof both types of content are exploding so it's really never been a better time to be creating content and so let me know and hit the like button if you've been getting value out of this video which brings us to the next tip which is once you're answering the who and what question once you're starting before you're ready and just posting a lot of videos without judging your results like you do those first two points you're gonna get to a thousand subscribers but I got more tips for you tip number three is you're going to want to skill up skill up and study successful channels skill up and study successful channels tip number three so once you're posting videos Messi I'm saying don't try to get perfect first and then start posting videos I'm staying post your first video like today like like right now like turn this video off and go like shoot a video on your phone and go post your first video like for real because you got to just be posting videos Messi start Messi ready is a lie but then you want to start to skill up and in two ways one identify what skills do you need to learn in terms of video editing in terms of designing thumbnails in terms of on-camera presence but also have you studied the successful channels in your niche if you haven't done this identify five to ten channels doing what you want to do that are successful if you haven't taken the time to number one make a list of these are channels and by the way if you can't find any channels doing what you want to do that way like your Nisha's or your vision is you're either about to tap into something super brilliant and I'm not saying this is impossible but competition is good in fact let me know if you've ever felt discouraged by competition like I just feel like there's too many people doing what I did want to do is too many beauty channels there's too many gardening chat like whatever there's too many Fitness channels competition is a good thing especially if the competition's successful why because it's actually proof that people care and they watch that kind of content if you can't find a channel doing what you want to do it does it that's not a complete guarantee that you won't be able to do it but you really want to find like cuz you're gonna do it different by the way you got to be you times - you're not gonna copy the channel you're gonna do with a different style a different approach it's just gonna be proof listen of an audience right so when you identify 5 to 10 channels thing 1 have you then gone and watched their videos and thought and made a list like you've got a journal and been like oh that's that's awesome the way they're opening their videos oh like oh look at how they're doing look how they close their videos well that makes sense and like really studied not to copy but because success leaves clues success leaves clues and so let me know an example of somebody doing what you want to do here's another reason for it because then you can kind of draft behind them like an Indy 500 race there are people that have pioneered it's not that you're gonna do it exactly the same it's that you might even end up taking an amalgamation of five different channels and says it's gonna be a little bit of that but it's also gonna kind of serve people this way it's actually that style but his audience he's like reaching guys I'm like the girl version of that and I'm gonna have like a Millennial female audience you put some of those pieces together you're gonna get so much dang clarity for getting your first 1000 subscribers and here's the mistake not shortening your learning curve there's two ways to get wisdom right one is your mistakes that's the slowest way to get wisdom you probably can relate like what are some mistakes you made in your life I think about growing up like there's some times when you know I was partying in high school I drank too much you know what I mean is a mistake you like woke up you're like okay I learned like I don't feel that great after I did that there was times when I disagreed with my wife all right you know what I mean and like or or I I did something stupid and I got in trouble I said I was gonna be home at a certain time and I came home two hours later and I didn't text her call I made a mistake and and I got wisdom out of that because the attitude and the vibe you know don't stay on my vibe what I was that she was sending my way but you get wisdom but listen there's two ways to get wisdom one is your own mistakes let me know a mistake you made the other ways other people's mistakes it's the fastest way to get wisdom that's the beauty of buying a book because you paid like fifteen dollars to get 10 20 20 35 years of experience for like 20 bucks and it's other people's mistakes that's what this channel is all about it's like we've had some successes and sure along the journey you know we've learned a lot of things I've had also some failed YouTube channels that I had to learn in the journey and you're here so I can help you go further faster you shorten your learning curve by investing in wisdom and by looking at somebody else that can say oh just I wasted a whole year doing it wrong I I wasted three years without getting this information so you gotta shorten your learning curve and you're getting value hit the like button and I'm super super excited to announce to what we're doing something we've never done before here at think media and it's called the YouTube influence challenge we're actually doing a 7 day free challenge you can sign up at tube influence calm link in the description below and for seven days we're actually gonna be going live every day myself in the think media team and we're gonna be teaching our best strategies for growing on YouTube all the lessons we've learned in fact we have a couple programs like our YouTube hyper growth blueprint and we have our video ranking Academy system this 7 step system right here have has only previously been taught in our online courses but because of what's happening in the world we wanted to basically do like a YouTube growth stimulus right and just do like a free 7 days of actionable high value content and so if you go to tube influence calm you can sign up who's it for if you're an influencer meaning maybe social-media influencer but specifically if you're an author speaker coach online marketer or if you're an entrepreneur all business owner and you want to figure out how to increase your revenue and get customers and also if you're a creator and whether you're just starting or you want to grow your current channel myself and the entire think media team is gonna be a part of this so definitely check it out we're doing camera giveaways microphone giveaways lighting giveaways software giveaways we've got all kinds of sponsors canon blue microphone it's gonna be epic y'all like you can't miss the youtube influencer challenge it's gonna be so fun and so click the link in the description below to get all the details and to sign up Heather Taurus is gonna be teaching a lot of content myself we have Tony Nolan Omar that are gonna be in some sessions it's going to be insane what's the point is to shorten your learning curve you want to get to a thousand faster don't go alone the other cool thing about this challenge is getting connected to a community of people other purpose-driven entrepreneurs like you that are Purpose Driven creators Purpose Driven people that want to not just build their influence not just make an income you know our mission here at think media is to help 10,000 people create a full time living doing what they love while making a difference in the world with YouTube and online video but it's also so you can make an impact influence income and impact like impact so you make a difference in the world and connecting with others man when you link arms with others iron sharpens iron so check it out tube influencer calm shorten your learning curve and you'll get to 1,000 faster and tip number four is focus on search based content so focus on search based content and answer specific questions people debate now all the time you know like do tags matter is YouTube its search engine anymore it's actually a felonious debate because yes YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world in fact 65% of people use YouTube to help them solve a problem come on who and what who do you serve and what problem do you solve look if people are going to YouTube to solve a problem then the best way to get discovered Sean how do I get discovered nobody knows me yet Sean how do I get discovered like how do I get subscribers if like no one even knows I exist so of a problem answer a specific question listen I'm not saying this is the only content you will ever make Sean I kind of want to entertain and inspire and some of the topics I want to talk about they don't really like they're not search based cool bro cool sis but you should start with search based content because once you have subscribers you can talk about whatever you want cuz they're there they know you but how do you actually get someone to know like and trust you if they don't even know you yet right how'd you actually have to get discovered so I'm leaving this on screen 65% of people use YouTube to help them solve a problem and so listen the mistake here is making content that nobody wants to watch and that nobody is searching for like a lot of people start why am I not getting subscribers while I'm not I'm not getting views well have you are you actually crafting content that you've done the research you know people are interested in it we're gonna be talking about that and the YouTube influencer challenge are you crafting content that people are interested in watching and that people not alike you can actually discover what kind of content people want to watch as well as what kind of content people are searching for and then think about it when you make that content people watch it and then they subscribe why do you got to answer who and what because if you can't tell me why I should subscribe to your YouTube channel because of how it will benefit me then you'll never get to a thousand subscribers you might even do one off good video but there's no reason for me to subscribe to the channel I just like the one off video you got to get a clear vision man and make content that people want to watch and that people are searching for and then tip number five friends and hit like if you're getting value and let me know if you've even kind of maybe get some clarity with this because I mean let me know how many subscribers you're at and if you feel stuck being at that particular level of subscribers but I really think when you apply these tips they're gonna make a huge difference but here's tip number five and then I've got some bonus stuff for you after and it's this pretty simple commit commit what's the mistake dabbling what do I mean really this is actually probably should have been tip number one because I actually think the main reason a lot of people don't reach a thousand subscribers is because they've never actually made a real commitment to get their like commitment is the foundation of all accomplishments like commitment is like the little choices we make every day that lead to the final results we're looking for like I think about my wife Sonia and I have been married for 15 years that's a commitment there was plenty of times when I could have broken that commitment and thought you know what I I just it's hard so I give up but it wasn't that it hasn't been hard in fact the first two years of our marriage were hell like they were that's why we committed when we gave our vows but then we went to counseling and we worked through our issues and we were at each other's throats and we learned how to communicate and I had to say I'm sorry and we had to ask forgiveness like it wasn't easy but it was worth it and now we got little Shawn Bradley jr. on the way and we got 15 years under our belt ups and downs but it's commitment YouTube growth it's hard not saying it's gonna be easy if you listen if you're following anyone that's like oh it's easy they're lying to you I'm not saying it's easy I'm saying it's worth it I'm saying you got to commit though you got to commit there's something about commitment commitment is not making a purchase you're up watching an infomercial eating some Ben & Jerry's come on sipping on some drink and and you know infomercial comes on that's like you could get in shape my friend chalene johnson you could do piyo for $35 we'll send you some DVDs and a meal plan and you know what we do we buy it by the way great love resources by the resource get the resource shipped to your house that resource is sitting in your garage some but if you don't take the dang DVD out of the DVD case does anyone even watch do you like it's all digital now Beachbody on demand okay and you don't put it in to your blu-ray player you know and then actually sweat for 30 minutes and do it more than one day a lot of people like video influencers think Media comment like yo Sean I've just am not growing and I check out their channel they posted a video like a week ago and then like four months before that and they have like five videos total and all I'm trying to say is that's not a sign of commitment commitment is showing up and making the hard decisions consistently you don't get the guns by doing push-ups once you don't watch the fitness DVD one time and all of a sudden you're like dear God I'm chiseled like a Greek god like Brad Pitt Fight Club ripped like I just overnight you do it by daily repetitious discipline and you keep showing up and you keep sweating and you keep doing the work wishing is not committing its but it's about making this a priority and I'm hitting this hard because I am completely confident that you're gonna get to a hundred to a thousand subscribers I believe that you do these first four tips I believe that you commit that you stop dabbling the mistake it's a mental attitude there's something about turning pro and here's some of the reasons why I think we're afraid to go all-in because if we're just dabbling and we fail because we're afraid of failure failing like it's not even that we're afraid of going for big dreams we're just afraid of being small at the start and the judgment of that you know we're afraid of of well what if I actually tell and what if I declare that I'm committed and I go all-in and I fail look if you don't quit you win failure I didn't believe in failure and yet I believe in failure the difference between successful creators and those that are not successful is their relationship with failure sometimes you win sometimes you learn failure is a stepping stone to success you have to fail if you're afraid to fail you're good news don't be you're gonna fail a lot the more you fail the sooner you'll get to a thousand subscribers you feel me that's why you're posting 35 videos without even much strategy cuz I'm trying to get you to just post videos because you learn those videos like mine will be bad but there'll be education so you could could you call the video a failure or could you call that video a stepping stone to success success the failure is quitting that's the only time failure is sealed when you keep going keep learning keep adapting keep pivoting keep leveling up but there's something about moving from a dabbling mindset and deciding I'm gonna go all-in I'm gonna commit and I'm gonna move into a dominating mindset I'm gonna turn pro in this thing there was a season when I would just kind of go on walks kind of jog around the neighborhood I was trying to get in shape like my friend Benji who's like a crazy runner he it's like he's done a marathon I've done two half marathons now but I'm like flexing a little bit he's done a full marathon and and he's like this pro runner but I noticed that if I didn't actually show up if I didn't get the gear by the way I bought the shoes and then I bought a second pair of running shoes because they look cool come on can anybody relate right now and then I bought like you know I bought some gear and then I kind of watched some YouTube videos about it and then I went on like a little walk but then I jogged a little bit and then I took three weeks off I wasn't committing to leveling up as a runner but when I started to decide that I'm gonna run at least 20 miles a week that I'm gonna run at least every other day that when it's snowing outside and we go up to where our family is up in Seattle Washington I'm gonna bring warm clothes and I'm gonna go run in the snow and that actually when it's hot here in Vegas I wear like this tiny little g-string not really but kind of and and I go running early morning when it's like 95 degrees and it's like hot yoga hot running and and and come hell or high water I show up and I do it because I'm committed to staying in shape into running are you committed to growing your YouTube channel have you committed have you just decided decide commit succeed decide and and what are you willing to sacrifice when you finally commit like commitments like a muscle you got to lean into it because again you're like man I want to get in shape but I'm not gonna sacrifice my time to do it I mean I want to save money but I'm not gonna stop impulse spending my credit card online and whenever I get retargeted with those ads for those jeans that have been chasing me around the internet I mean I really want to get out of debt but that would mean I might have to spend less than I make you gotta actually maybe say I'm gonna sacrifice something for what I want to do I just want you to win that's what this channel is about and I believe you will but it takes commitment why am i hitting this point so hard because I think this is the tipping point when you just commit when like a switch you just decide whatever it takes I'm gonna get up early I'm gonna stay up late like I'm not talking about burning out but I'm talking about seasons to sacrifice my friends like I wanted to build this freakin YouTube dream I had a vision think media is 11 people strong right now I had to carry a vision when it was just me when I was by myself and I was freaking lonely and I had negative comments and I don't have anyone in my corner and nobody could see what I saw and it was I was a small town kid college dropout and people my town thought I was ridiculous for posting videos online you think it like makes sense now it's 2020 I started YouTube back in 2007 for my church and then the first youtube channel I started in 2010 and people my talent like why he posts the videos online and I have anybody rooting for me and I don't have anybody cheering me on but I had to carry a vision and after I waited tables at Red Robin all day long and after I did video editing for clients and after I went out and did wedding videos and after I shot videos for small businesses and didn't even want to shoot her edit videos anymore and after I poured into my wife and we were going through crazy stuff losing our home because it was the financial crisis and the recession and then she's going through health challenges and I had to actually then sit up and whether it was a Friday night or a Saturday morning or a Tuesday evening a few hours before I had to get up and go to Red Robin and wait tables I would freak and work on my dream because I was committed to this vision are you committed what are you willing to sacrifice are you making it a priority are you acknowledging everything in your life and saying I'm not gonna be crazy I'm not gonna dishonor my responsibilities to do this but I can move some things around I can punt entertainment for a season and really focus on this I'm just saying if you want to get 1,000 subscribers or a hundred thousand subscribers or a million you have to commit my god I'm just checking in with you guys thanks for the super chat we thank you so much 400 tolerance may I appreciate it five videos 62 subs just getting started really appreciate a man Jay Pro appreciate you the more you learn and get out there the more people see you go yeah Jay Pro you got to just keep uploading and I think apply these five tips and my friends you want to get some momentum on YouTube join me for this challenge join me in the think media team for the YouTube influencer challenge 7 days something to do every day something to learn everyday questions to answer every single day to build massive momentum on your channel tube influence calm link in the description if you want to sign up free challenge right now especially during the lockdown I'll tell you this my life was dramatically changed thank you this owes travel for the super chat and thank you Schultz TV really really appreciates you for the super chat thank you for the support guys look what's so crazy about the time we're living in right now is that this YouTube dream that started and I remember what Benji and I were going through back in 2010 when I played my first video we just hit a million subscribers by the way it took 10 years and I'll show you the growth curve of think media so you can kind of get a perspective of you got to be willing to like not get results at the beginning it's like planting a seed like your dream is a seed you put it underneath the soil it disappears you don't see anything you don't see growth you'll see fruit you don't see you know you don't have any provision you got nothing going on and then it goes under this is that seed gets planted in soil and it starts getting crushed it's like getting disrupted it's going through transformation like ain't nothing nice about that and you don't see anything happening potentially for a long season of time here's think media's journey over the last 10 years okay here's 2010 when it started look at how flatlined this is now then look that in 2015 by the way this was really when I committed I was committed and actually I would say more than that this is actually when I got focused I committed here but I was scattered I was focused on multiple YouTube channels which is a bad idea when you're starting I had like multiple YouTube channels which is like I don't have one successful one why am i dividing my energy between multiple this is when I got focused and really got strategic and look at where the growth happened but what would happen if I would have stopped think media in 2014 what would happen if I actually gave up on think media in 2015 2016 right here on February 2nd but then we see this growth look it goes up it goes up but then look at this little spike right here look at that thing freakin nuts man like like it's been you know typically 56,000 views a day 61 thousand a day now we're at a hundred and fifty thousand a day we're going to whole new levels now but this journey was a decade my friend most people overestimate what they can accomplish in one year but underestimate what they can accomplish in five to ten you got to commit and what's so crazy and what I believe that right now it can be a turning point in your life your YouTube channel your future what you're building your vision your family is because that's the exact thing that happened to me 2008 2009 my wife almost dies Sonia can told my wife we go to the hospital for six days because she dropped to 82 pounds because of having a chronic illness and losing so much weight and we end up in the hospital for six days right at that same time we're losing two homes we had a rental property again that was undeclared income and the structure of mortgages and all that stuff and we were hustling in Top Ramen to try to pay for these investments and now she can't work anymore we're dual income I'm challenged I'm in the hospital room like man I got a level up as a leader I got a level up as a man I got a level up as a provider and what are we gonna do and God why is this happening but also what's what's the next move this 2009 and in the midst of that recession and in the midst of her health coming under attack our finances being eviscerated and maybe you can relate right now maybe you've been laid off maybe you're on furlough maybe maybe your business has been completely disrupted or destroyed like we just got Brock we brought got brought down and nothing financially lost our homes and then we were part of a church the one that was volunteering on and then I was part-time there we've been there for eight years trust in your leaders community amazing environment got really toxic at the end so people stole some money and it went from 1,600 people on an Easter service to 200 and just got eviscerated so our community in our social circle to zero our finances to zero my wife's health to the edge of zero she almost dies and it was that six days in the hospital that there was a switch that flip for me that I got a commit and I'm gonna no matter what I'm gonna figure this thing out and let me kind of give you just another tip that I really believe in if you've been a part of our community you've heard this before but you got to keep coming back to it I really believe that reasons come first results come second and you got to ask yourself why why do you want a thousand subscribers on YouTube why do you want a hundred thousand why do you want a million why and like like what's it for and are your reasons fame fortune followers cool maybe maybe that's that's great is that gonna be pew motivated if it will then then get clear on your reasons if you wake up every day and you're like I want to be famous cool get clear for me my why got so clear in that hospital room by my wife's side and it was my wife was my family and always how am I gonna pay these medical bills and it was what's our future gonna look like and if we have kids someday and we start a family do we need to hire a full-time nanny someone to help like how could I work and do like how could I hate like I got to start hustling and I was just discovering it wasn't as clear as it is today that online is where things are at that ecommerce is where things are at that online video and YouTube consumptions going up y'all so you can keep making excuses is it too late to start is there too much competition is there there's a million obstacles and there always will be you just got to commit to say I will until and I just a switch flipped and I said I got to figure out a work from home not because I just want the light laptop lifestyle and want to drink pina coladas with my laptop sitting on the beach which is ridiculous by the way I would never take my MacBook Pro to the beach like it's like overheating you're getting sand in it like it's so but and by the way respect man it's we we are all about lifestyle by design the fact that you could build a business around travel around family around lifestyle it's all beautiful but it was desperation for me it was desperation to say man I want to figure out this YouTube thing so we have flexibility we have freedom this is about family this is about fighting for my faith and I went all-in and I just showed you the growth curve 10 years posted a lot of freaking videos a lot and like I told you one of the reasons why I think media also was so flatline was because I was spread too thin I think you got to get focused I did this channel for the longest time Shawn Cannell channel and that's where that first video came from and it was just a bunch of random terrible videos these videos are horrible like if you want to go watch them for some entertainment and they are all over the place but my friends I was just trying to figure out my rhythm I was just trying to learn I'm posting vlogs I'm reviewing amazing spider-man I'm posting recipe for garlic green beans reviewing bark boxes like what is happening like vlogging just all over the place but sometimes you win sometimes you learn this channel was one giant education a bunch of experimenting but look at this massive action posting learning failing failing experimenting posting trying pushing posting video after video after video after video after video over and over and over again but I'm so thankful because that was the building blocks of clarity that led to where we are today and it's crazy to report that 10 years later we're now celebrating that baby Bradley we just got like tests back like super healthy you know of course my wife Sonya is still dealing with chronic illness and and a thing called gastroparesis but we are just blown away by God's goodness over the years but we also didn't quit there was there was such dark seasons scary seasons times when we wanted to give up times when it didn't look like we were gonna make it but we just kept going and we did not quit I've been committed for a decade brick by brick video by video upload after upload and I want to encourage you you want to get to a thousand subscribers my friend commit come in commit to doing it messy commit to to posting a bunch of videos and maybe I don't you don't want to hear this commit I'm gonna show you this you can probably tell him a little fired up I'm low on edge right now shut mouth Sean's a little on edge haha right look at this channel 279 videos we posted on this channel it was it was cool what we started this by though this is me spread across multiple channels nine years ago we started posted videos we were interviewing people in the faith space the church space is called think international you know was it successful I mean it impacted and changed a lot of lives at the time it was awesome we learned a lot we impacted people but did we go it full-time did it turn into a movement did it - the only reason think media is called think media cuz it was the media side of think international by the way that's where the name came from like Shawn how did you come about the name we started this thing called thing international I was like I want to do place where we talk about like cameras and media so let me call it think media like if this is called thinking or not I mean there's like the level of thought that went into it um and and so think media was just a side place to post like media videos but look at video after video after video 279 uploads and guess what this channel we've essentially abandoned I don't think the channel was a failure it was a stepping stone to success but my question is are you committed would you be willing to build a channel even the channel you're building right now simply to get the lessons and the education and the insights and the learnings to then potentially get the moment where you go oh that's gonna be the move that's gonna be the thing that works and how did you even get those insights because you were studying because you were grinding because you were out the YouTube challenge because iron sharpens iron and you learn some stuff here and you experimented here and you practiced over here but you didn't quit I think that's the secret to getting to a thousand subscribers and if you've been getting value hit the like button I appreciate you being here and I want to thank you for being a part of this journey here at think media with us and I just want encourage you don't quit don't quit come on sandy don't quit yes learn research commit working on it my Empire forever keep trying commitment stop babbling and start dominating hey if you got value out of this video hit the like button and join us for the YouTube challenge I believe that this will get you crazy momentum in your life your business and your YouTube channel we're of course gonna be talking all about how to get views we're gonna be talking about all you know about the business side of building around your YouTube channel and we're gonna be breaking down this proven seven step YouTube influencer framework this is this is now over ten years what I've learned that we've repeated over multiple YouTube channels we have an it's channel right now it's a faceless channel with nobody else you know like it's just like outsourced video editors it's like a YouTube automation channel and it's get about 300,000 views every single month following this system following this system we're gonna be revealing this for free previously this has been a part of our programs which are amazing and and will let you know more about those but right now it's a hard time in the world but I believe it's a time to go all-in and so get signed up to been fluence calm is that where that's happening and I just want to say I'm grateful for you look I acknowledge I wouldn't be here you know we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you thank you for being subscribed thank you for believing in your dreams thank you for being ambitious thank you for going for something and building something and and being a part of this community we're passionate about saying connected as purpose-driven entrepreneurs and creators so Kevin make you for the super chat and really appreciate you as well thank you for that message and history explained said I got a copyright claim from epidemic sound yeah you could get it removed you email them and they usually can kind of go in the background and fix that for you so that shouldn't be a problem lots of love man thank you ray tons kitchen I hope I said your name right really appreciates you thanks so much for being here and and look if you actually want to go watch something right now get signed up for the challenge but the video I actually want you to watch next is how to make money if you have a small channel and we have a new podcast called to think marketing podcast and actually a new YouTube channel so if you haven't been over there yet just click or tap the screen to go check out that video right now love you and appreciate you so much keep crushing it keep smashing it and just click or tap the screen to go check out that video peace
Channel: Think Media
Views: 1,591,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get 1000 subscribers on youtube, how to get 1000 subscribers on youtube fast, get your first 1000 subscribers, 0 to 1000 subscribers, how to get first 1000 subscribers, starting a youtube channel 2020, how to get your first 1000 subscribers on youtube, how to grow on youtube 2020, how to get 1000 subscribers, 1000 subscribers, sean cannell, youtube tips, video influencers, think media, think marketing
Id: pnkVZm2ijfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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