The Art of War | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Elements Of Strategy

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we are in a new series and you were instructed to get the reading plan off of w w all nations w a fort slash reading plan if you've not done that do that because you've got to keep up with the discussion okay and I'm going to go through some core values of this book how many of you have to start already with Sun Tzu's Art of War alright if you haven't done it do it again it will literally change your life and your thinking it is amazing and if you are about to engage on anything that you've never done before this is something you've got to throw yourself into okay now I won't put up real quick proverbs twenty four and six I'm going to give you a crash course in this and then we're gonna do Sun Zeus elements of strategy elements of strategy proverbs twenty four and six and I want it in the message version I want it in the message version if you do not have it yes I don't have it okay if you got already say I got it alright I mean ain't got nothing but the Holy Ghost and you're just not a shame okay Jesus proverbs 24 actually I think I want verses five and six in the message version because this is going to be the premise of what we do today I'm sensing some stuff in the room proverbs twenty four five and six it is better to be wise than strong can we say that together it is better said again it is alright don't be a big dummy there's a lot of things that are big and not wise size does not always equal strength because strength is a matter of strategy let's say this together it is better to be wise than strong intelligence outranks muscle any day that's the next part of the boy the verse intelligence outranks muscle any day here is our landing point strategic planning is he to warfare to win you need a lot of good counsel I'll read it again strategic planning is the key to warfare to win you need a lot of good counsel as I mentioned last week this is an age-old war treaties by military commander who literally are mastered the art of war he mastered what it looked like to win and there are principles that he writes in this BC document that are extraordinarily profound and biblical and he writes from that angle one of the things that we call God is good born and it means a God of War or the God of War we have a fighting God but all fighting is not physical some fighting most fighting if you do it well is mental and we are in a time of mental fitness where people are evaluating what's going on in the landscape of their mind say yes because that's where real strategy is born and a lot of your frustrations in any area of your life have to do with your being able to get smarter to get smarter and so the church by and large has struggled in my opinion not with planning things but with strategically planning things with the concept of strategy the idea of bringing necessary components to a table making a decision and a direction based upon the outcome you want we are very experimental and the way that works is if we see a need or have a desire we act on it but that's impulsive existence what it means is that we act we live we create we save on impulse we hire on impulse marry on impulse sometimes we befriend on impulse but if it is no strategic backing on it it's probably not going to win now in order to make this compelling to you I want you to realize that your destiny your career your ministry your family narrative has a full an opponent resisting powers that do not want you to be what you were to be so what you're gonna spend the lion's share of your life doing is developing the strategy to live out the plan of God for your life say yes for example you cannot in faith make real-life business plans if you don't like to talk about money assess money how you are with it what you do with it there's a lot of people who are business owners in this by faith but they've not understood what it is to educate and surround themselves watch with people who are easily doing what you're struggling to do it's a part of strategy it's connecting it's linking in to those that advance in an area and so some zoo basically is a philosopher he is a theorist and what a philosophy is not assuming that you're slow but what a philosophy is is a body of information and thought that creates a vast concept of philosophy and from that you can derive things to make your life appliquéd so from a broader philosophy you can bring out principles that you're going to apply alright it's also a theorist a theorist what a theorist is and does it's cons with concepts or theories behind or because of a thing have you ever heard the phrase conspiracy theorist what they do is they sit up in a lot of people in church do especially you people that want to be prophetic they just make up theories about everything all day where they sitting there cuz they sleeping with her he's sleeping down here oh he can't look me and I because he got this a spirit you know so it's just you know y'all call it discernment but what it is is conspiratorial spiritus but here's the Sun who says about strategy all right take some notes strategy is the plan of action the policy design to achieve a major or overall aim strategy is the plan of action or the policy design to achieve a major or overall aim so let's say you have a life vision that's not enough say it ain't enough vision is the beginning point but the follow-up discussion is the strategy if I have a broad life vision this is the vision of God for my life this is our partner with it my real struggle is not gonna be in just perceiving that it's going to be figuring out the key players the key credentials but the key conversations what rooms I need to be in what spaces I need to be in now for example unlike most of my colleagues the brethren I'm not really good I have had to learn over the years to work a room so I'm not really one to go into a space and shake hands and and do all of that I've had to grow into that but there are others that are just natural they bring personality effervescence into rooms with them and they do not struggle for that let's say God has a plan for a personality like me in civil in the civil world I'm going to have to pick up skills that are not native to Who I am and adapt listen my preference for my purpose god I love your word and some of you are not close enough to your purpose because of things that are preferential I don't prefer this kind of people I don't prefer that type of audience I don't prefer this kind of race but when you are ruling and when you are in a situation of influence you will always be around people better not preferential I don't have to like it and work with you that's one of the things the church got wrong they think that we've got to like each other to partner now I don't like most of you but when it comes to the kingdom I'm not gonna put my preference help me today in the way of our productivity we can be productive even if we're not necessarily alike strategy idan as its strategy the way Jesus says a shrewdness sagacity or sagacious ness lift your hand say make me a strategist basketball is a game of strategy football is a game of strategy chess is a game of strategy even down to if you are in a tug-of-war match it's not always the biggest that wins it's a game of strategy and my goal is to make this church more strategic in what we do it will stretch your money it will extend your days and if you are strategic enough you don't have to make as many mistakes as you do trying strategy okay breathe thinking through what you're going to do here are some juice here's another one I want you to write this down if you catch it if not get on the replay strategy it's the great work of the organization if there is an organization now I want you if you're thinking about this corporately that's fine but your family is an institution you and your husband and our wife are the founders of that institution that man if he aina Ahab is the CEO that woman if she ain't Jezebel is the CEO own now every Jezebel ain't female you don't want to help me today hallelujah I said every Jezebel a female there are men who had jessebella tendencies they put their eyes upon people of power and attached himself to manipulate how they see it's just a bell lick anyway but that is an institution your family should not be seen just as a loosely affixed group of relationships that just came to be that's deliberate family its strategic family - how you teach your kids they are if you build it right they should be your employees shout-out to those of you that give your kids money for doing nothing bless you for sending more lazy people into an entitled society by making them think that their bosses gonna reward them just like you know your job as CEO come on your job as CEO is to prepare your children to be useful valuable productive contributors to their society not just to their school so where we went wrong I'm sure you'll agree with this is we were teaching them how to bake and how to dissect pH and I've got a doctorate and I still don't know what the heck I've dissected a pig for but they should have been teaching us in 4th grade is Business Economics why won't you I'm tell my strategy I know this don't excite you but if the public school system had a whole entrepreneurial course we wouldn't have to go back and backtrack to teach our kids out of system it's pretty its strategic education so your sons and daughters should be your employees this is what is available to you but this is what you must do to walk in it and to have it maturely I am NOT going to give you the world without war because in your life this is to your kid it's everything that that has to be had will be worth fighting for and you ought not want it if you don't want to fight for it now this is not in my notes that I'm gonna say this because I hear it prophetically some of you are struggling with PTSD and I'm not saying that to be funny there is the same amount of trauma going on in the streets of Englewood as there is in the streets of Baghdad you were not supposed to be exposed to gun violence rape murder abortion and all of that as a regular matter of life and then be expected to be emotionally stable at 18 so one of the real I don't want to take a turn here but one of the real things we've got to do is talk about trauma and where it goes because just does it hurt don't mean it's healed I told you that last week there are traumatic things that give you a lens for life some of you have gender trauma where you've been taught to see the opposite all the same sex the right way the wrong way so trauma is a real thing and without addressing it you don't even have the bandwidth for strategy say man all right so it is a great work of the organization here's what I love this statement is powerful it is in situations of life and death it is the issue of survival or extent extinction what that means is that survival determines if a thing can drive or if a thing will grow extinct what that means is that if an organization if an idea if it's not just something that's created as a matter of Kairos or necessity for the moment if it grows extinct like many mainline denominations in America is because of the absence of strategy the biblical word for is the spirit of wisdom that the power to think about the future hallelujah now when you hear the word wisdom very often what you think is experienced because in your mind wisdom is based upon what was but wisdom is for the future tense when you're reading a proverbial book like the book of Proverbs it's called the wisdom books because it guards the future it has nothing to do with you just learning from other people's past and as everything to do with preserving and guarding the future throw your hands up say make me wise now Jesus said the children of Darkness are more wise than the children of light it means that they probably spend more time thinking about the future and so if we don't deliberately take how so to talk about the coming days we will not only not be prepared for them we will be devastated by them this makes sense to anybody strategy strategy I think you need a strategy for when you have kids there is a such thing as not being ready okay this is always a touchy issue when you teach a broken race is about family principles strategy is necessary there ok let's go through these five principles and then I almost think I'm gonna prophesy prophets are trying to listen they'll want you talking to them well I kind of zone out I'm half crazy ok number one mission write it down mission mission mission mission the first element of strategy is mission this is the ability to inspire people that have the same visions ideas and anticipations mission so you need a life mission I'm gonna say words and you're gonna repeat back to me mission alright you need a life you need a marriage you need a ministry you need a money you need a relationship you need a mission for all of that this is where we're going I was talking to a possible talent who's away preaching today about making a decision yesterday and I felt like he wanted some prophetic confirmation on whether or not this is the right thing to do so I asked him what is your bottom line mission is the bottom line when you I said if you do this in 10 years what will you retire from and what rooms are you in mission is the ability to mentally and spiritually dry to the end and then reverse and decide what steps need to be taken to get there everybody in the room needs to be thinking actively about how you're gonna retire I can I borrow a man from the front row Clarissa okay you need to be and listen have no anxiety around it the reason why you don't need exact anxiety over how you're going to retire you is nobody has anxiety and focus and your issue of retirement is a matter of focus this is why the spirit of well I think there's a lunatic spirit on the nation right now but one of the reasons why the culture is an anxiety right now is because the enemy's plan listen is to revive soul ties I love your word I say to you as a puppet of God I have looked at many bellies in the room and have seen old flings trying to come up and you know my theory is when God is doing a new thing here comes the old Fling let me tell you about going back to your ex it's not always a good idea since you're quiet where'd you are focused on the future anything that mandates that you go back to the past is a distraction as a matter of fact I'm not even who you fell in love with and then whatever is active in you resists well I'm going strategically I'm okay so if you have anxiety and most of you this comes around 30 for some of you it's 40 others of you it's 45 some 15 where all of a sudden you start to think like I'm more at the end than not and then rather than have a peaceful discussion with you the Holy Ghost and your cabinet about the next steps for your life all of a sudden something happens in your nervous system where it's difficult to sit down and think it through I wish I'd said this last year I watch terror in the eyes pastor Tasha of many people blowing out birthday candles afraid of coming birthdays not having full strength because they're not where they want to be but not being where you want to be should not be an issue of torment it is an issue of strategy okay and you have the right to deal with tormenting spirits not just in your body I'm in term of headaches I'm talking about the torment that won't allow you to finish degrees to go back to school because you know wanna be embarrassed and starting over the torment of not even having a budget some people don't even bother to budget if they don't think they make enough money but if you don't learn how to budget how to budget fifty thousand scream strategy you need to think strategically into this mission what is your mission where are you going I have decided that one of the things I'm going to and the Holy Ghost Josh just asked me about this just so you don't think I'm better than you in this the spirit of god chastised me about not taking my legacy serious and he rebuked me sir he rebuked me about attaching legacy to death he told me that legacy is not a matter of death that's carnal legacy is a matter of life what they read after your death is what you did you should be living out your legacy so the Spirit of God convicted me deeply about taking my legacy serious and making sure that once my body is gone my mind is still in the earth that's a part of mission so one of the things that I've been struggling because I am so wordy and and and you know low-key I think I'm somewhere between Malcolm X Nipsey Hussle GE Patterson I'm a little mixture of all of him but one of the things I've decided is I'm going to spend the rest of my life through and in and for the revelation of Jesus the parts of me that are revelatory the gifts of the Spirit they are for the sake of revealing Jesus so in whatever spheres of life I'm going to serve I will be making him known now that sounds simple to you I'm gonna tell you how it took and is taking three weeks just for me to come up with that one sentence cuz it sounds strong but then it also sounds not enough in Mission listen the Spirit of God will take you through a process of elimination if you don't know where to start start by eliminating what you are not good at is this boring you a part of your mission should be an hour.get then in the next service is identifying what you are not good at one of the things I was born to do was reveal the man when I'm proper sighing I'm revealing him the church's I built revealed him so part of my boring destinies through the gifts of the Spirit through churches through leaders through enterprise I reveal the messiah revelation is my destiny for some of you it's restoration you're gonna be the type of a life and or company and/or Midwife that comes in to repair a broken thing so it's about identifying how God uses you instrumentally and every field I've been in school a family discipleship I have made known the mysterious so part of what that means that I've taken something out of the invisible made it pragmatic and that's the work of Revelation if you stay away from mission you won't know where to retire this make sense before you sign up for that degree drive to the bottom line you are getting this for what now in anxiety I'm gonna hit you with this I know you weren't here I feel like what I'm doing is I'm preaching up against a lot of indecision out of Hall ways to force you to make decisions about where you're going if you are a preacher it's not enough if you are cosmetologist it ain't enough for example if you do hair you cannot afford carpal tunnel if your whole career is based upon your hands what you gonna do if one of your hands have a stroke and you can't braid with your teeth you're laughing but I'm serious if you are preacher what happens if some unforeseen life tragedy happens and you ain't got no throat and ain't learn sign language where is your prosperity and significance then say comma C comma Paul was an apostle and a tentmaker Jesus was the savior of the world and he's around like about these breeches Tori Jesus was the Lamb of God and had a job I said he was a Lamb of God and that's what he could say I will build my church it wasn't spiritual it was a revelation of natural skill but to spiritual use so I don't know why y'all so anxious to get off your 9 to 5 until you got a reason not to I know that sounds funny but God ain't calling everybody off they job [Applause] he is not calling everybody off the job [Music] and if America ever had a glitch in the internet they go mostly our future the idolatry at Facebook where your entire career is social media center do you know how dangerous that is if any Enterprise arises and weakens Facebook should it ever occur where is going to be your stuff being back to the drawing board but if you've got a mission god I love you then you've got plan a plan B season 1 season 2 level a level B there are levels to everything you're gonna do woe unto you who put all your eggs in one basket slap somebody safe diversify you need to figure out more ways on how to do what you recall to do don't limit yourself I feel something in the name of Jesus may the power poverty and limitation and restriction that you inherited by this culture be burned off of you lights fire you can tell the devil I'm too big for your box I don't care what you think a preacher should look like I ain't it I have no interest mission what are you living for what are you going to do all right that makes sense to you if you want a specific office a specific place in the culture to whatever you got to know mission number two here is a favorite one of mine to make is this blessing you if it's blessing here I'll keep going because they do hey like I came to here he got up on the third day appreciate all that we know it ground is the second rule of strategy ground say ground listen to this the rule of ground according to son Zhu is to be able glory to God to master mountains the ability to master valleys the ability to master rivers the ability to master planes and it's about the situation on all of them it is the ability look at this distant or immediate difficult or easy to identify opportunities and risks it's about the ground you've got to know how to thrive everywhere if I'm in a high season I know how to thrive if I'm in a low season I know how to thrive a part of my strategy is a survival plan what I'm going to do when I'm in unfamiliar ground say ground now church is only one sphere one type of landscape but there's a lot of different landscapes that we're not educating ourselves with learning for example prophet to the nation's hi do you have a passport when you go to sad nation are you talking to the rulers it to the other church people and if you're talking to the church people are you a prophet to the nation's or proper to the church in that nation there is a difference if you are in fact a proper to the nation and you have no knowledge of monarchy law if you've not invested in becoming a prophetic sociologist you don't even understand the power of human behavior to be calling yourself that it's an indictment to that calling you are a prophet to the local church because that's where you go to make sense see just because you are a missionary does not make you international because you're travelling right you're going but you don't have the ears of the gatekeepers of the nation so you're not a prophet to the nation you see how many forgot to change they buy old just stop lying you should humble yourself let the lips of another man praise you and not yourself if you sell yourself and you sell yourself wrong and then you get in the room and you not what you sold you will be quickly removed I love it I love to be underestimated it brings me so much joy when people size me up like who are you what can you do where'd you come from I love that you ain't got no expectation but when I show up what you don't see behind me is the Elohim and all I've got to do is open my mouth and this wisdom is about to rock he'll come out of prostitution in your resumes in your pile you don't have to lie or exaggerate about who you are just be they'll see [Applause] it's about the ground so if you've only been groomed in church spaces if you're honest it can be intimidating to learn different grounds just to start throwing yourself in now I I'm like Paul I speak with tongues more than you all however when watching political debates unless I'm binding a demon in somebody I'm not speaking with tongues I'm listening attentively to the key issue so that I know what's impacting the people that I lead what kind of Shepherd is ill-informed we are accustomed to ignorance and leadership but a leaders knowledge of various grounds makes them more appropriate for strategy does that make sense learn your ground where are you going now when I say learn your ground something you say I'm gonna shout that's my ground me too but I'm talking about Monday what is the ground the landscape of your war how are you going to achieve it now if I may say something to you prophetically I want you to catch it there is a season upon us of divine opportunity well the Spirit of God told me was that he was gathering the former and the latter rain and many of you are afraid of discussions like this because you feel like there's more time behind you they're not God has the power to situate moments for you Joshua and Caleb steal the people as old men so do not think that just because you're getting older that you have less opportunity it's about seizing the moment before you all right lift your hands I need to say something to you may the power the tendency the habit of procrastination be broken off every area in your life financially emotionally relationally academically I say you're being delivered from the power of procrastination and you're being launched violently into diligence in the strong name of Jesus shall we see that there are things that are in the back of your mind that need to be in the front and a part of where you start is the prophetic word you see what it did there you go to the things that were spoken you know how I get wisdom for now I look at journals from 99 I go back hey hey hey hey that almost made me lose it how do you know here is a promise keeper I'm a witness and he's telling everything he told me he would do I am living out purposely now if you don't know what to do next start rehearsing the things God has always been saying to you if you have a repetitive dream I am a seer a prophet dreams are a language dream interpretation is a manifestation of the interpretation of tongues dreams is a language if I can interpret I can also unlock the mystery of dreams it is the riding upon the wall if you have repetitive dreams those are Destiny dreams those are not dreams to say I always had this dream since I was a child if God is showing you something when you go to bed over 10 years that is a destiny dream my point is if one of the functions of the Holy Ghost is to give you dreams and visions you shouldn't laugh at it it's a serious method of communication about what you should be doing some of you dream about yourself you see yourself in big rooms or or on large walls or when I was a boy I started having several dreams and it comes even now I would go to the top of this massive old castle and I was a huge x-men head because I didn't have any other thing to relate to for the gift so I love that stuff and I would go to the top and right when I would get off the top our hand would push me off the building and I turn into an ego I didn't know that ego was the National the sign of the prophetic I didn't know that God was dealing with me about ancient thrones and ancient existences and structures that once I got to the top I would be positioned as a seer to that I would also have a dream that I would there was a ladder which is a sign of leadership the Bible that would be erected from the earth and I would tell her come up and then I will go to the top of the ladder a hand will put gifts in my hand and I will come down and put them on the earth I just thought Christmas was coming but I am an incubator a conveyor you're not going to come around me and have inactive gifts accidentally I stir people one conversation one handshake it moves like that this hand is not something to play with it would either launch you so fast in the future that your head spins or it will drag something out of the past that you forgot was there it's how God listened makes room for a gift to be stirred if there is a thing from the past that gift can thrive so this is my deliverance flows to my life I'm not confronting demons because I like discussing them they occupy a space where a gift needs to be and so if you start studying your dreams that's study what happens when you're sleep you'll know what to do in your wake it is a viable way that God communicates business decision were made by them in the Bible family decisions were made by them so those are not something you should put in your subconscious mind bring it to the front all right that's ground and God will show you grounds and like Esther he may reveal grounds to you that you ain't ever ever this is not a subject of confirmation it's one a direction you will be in rooms and your testimony will be I don't know how I got here you will be at tables with people that have years of more experience than you and your testimony will be I don't know how I got here see God is preparing you for the unknown and the invisible you're not just preparing for what you know you're preparing for what you don't know as well I feel like I'm prophesy to people here's a third one here's a third one the first one was mission the second one was ground the third is climate climate climate it's nature and changes in climatic conditions every territory land sea all of them have climate changes you have to know what it is to be it watch what Paul tell his son in and out of season in and out of season many of you may have an assignment before you a thing God is calling you to do in another season listen I know the devil one of the ways he torments people is by allowing them he can't do nothing about it to have clear view of what's supposed to be but then torment them because it's not here yet it's warfare in the realm of season many of you are doing things you were called to do in another time this was the tactic of Satan against Jesus remember if you be the Son of God bound worship me I'll give you the kingdoms of this world and and and and all of that the problem is he did not say a false thing that was his destiny but it wasn't right now what is Satan try to do preach Negro take the process out of it lead him to the promise so that he would abandon his purpose because there is no purpose help me Jesus without a process and we like race we don't like process we like shouting we don't like process jesus knew the power of process it was the in-between place a beginning and purpose it was processed as how we got to his potential here's what Satan said to Jesus I'll give you what you're going to have and you don't have to die let's just take the whole cross thing out of the equation and go straight to the byproduct the end result now listen this is why you've got to guard your heart and I hate this I do aah I'm not the most patient person and I think God knew it that's why he called me to Pastor if if he wants you to be patient he'd go heighten your people calls people will make you patient and then if you're even more the more impatient you are the more demonization is gonna be around you if the people around you are Looney Toons one of the objectives of God for you is patience because you don't get to determine the deadlines of stories you didn't write so patience is the ability to allow perfection to incur occur in you now there are things that in your purpose that are manifesting in an impatience this is an impatient culture think about all of the business unborn now think about all of the business ideas that dry anything that takes less time apps microwaves GPS anything that takes labor or effort a wave thrives in this culture because we are an impatient people the fact elder Jason that y'all were acted like Boheme it's over this chicken sandwich you Negros and was in KFC grabbing hair punching waiters I want to know what type of crack was in the chicken that's got y'all humiliating an entire race over some ticket if you want to see how serious the issue of impatience is watch how people act in drive-throughs I want fresh fries there's 10 minutes on them fries Oh [Applause] ma'am of God defies now some of you convicted because you feel you act like that don't you but purpose is a matter of patience you've got to be a patient purpose person does that make sense to you the climate what happens when the climate or the season changes around you and and removes or compromises your stability for a minute can you have a good job that you like right and have a boss that you don't but resolve that God called you there and you're not interested in moving because of a personality clash this is why the issue of emotional intelligence is so important many of you have trust related traumas that when a person shows up as untrustworthy you no longer show up your best professionally you don't have to trust people you work with you don't want to know my truth you don't have to trust folk your work with if they do their jobs well and they don't compromise productivity Trust is emotional this is business [Applause] [Music] Jesus seldom let his feelings get in the way when he was doing work what type of person looks at somebody he loves and say you're going to betrayed me I have knowledge of this and that person says no I'm not I'm a lawyer less of a writer died all nations found my trifle and Jesus said I appreciate your shirt I value the fact that you're faithful but you're going to do it three times and you're gonna do it behind my back mm-hmm he says it with no tears no temptation to retreat no no retirement or no abdication in his mind he was emotionally intelligent a part of what that means is that I can assess the situation and choose how it impacts me you have a decision and you need to beat repeat out to me I'm okay with a bad day some of you have judged people for that day even the grapes have bad days I know some wonderful hair stylists that try to experiment something and it just don't come out like you planned they don't make you not great hit me out of bad yeah I know I'm not the best preacher in the world it makes me cringe when people post my old stuff now but all masters are their greatest critics it means that when you're interested in getting better than where you are you're going to always find a way to evaluate and critique yourself and if you critique yourself other people can do it then I hurt your feelings by the time you criticize me I probably considered the thing you're gonna present so what I'm doing is hardening myself to difficulty devil you will not break me I don't care what you say about how I'm building what I see will knock bridge that is a decision so what do you do when you just end a season your children may be in a season a climate and environmental issues that make sense to you here's a next one the rule of command are you learning anything the rule of command there is a rule of command leadership is necessary for everybody I feel a greater call coming to me and subsequently this church to throw ourselves in the conversation of leadership globally to champion the issue of leadership in underprivileged and or underserved communities the issue of right representation is a real one and if you've not noticed oh that was almost PR think this through the prophets a help Lord please pray now the political landscape of the last ten years has shown that people are no longer interested in being ruled by politics or politicians they want leadership subsequently we are in a leadership crisis I often tell my colleagues I don't know why y'all scared to talk about retirement I think about it every day some time to the point of it being unhealthy seriously so the issue of leadership is a real thing and it is something that is necessary for all factors of human life I don't understand come on and put this pressure here how you as a tongue talking born-again Bible totin altar working Christian can have problems preferences criticisms of delegated authority on Sunday and then work for all kind of aliens I know I know I know I know I know I know it's not your job to like who is in place it is your job to do what you're told and you're going to learn that in every area of your life now you're gonna fit it with all nations and not like it here I dare you to try that work I dare you to try to determine what tables you at at your job you won't do it y'all only pull that stuff in church this church allows in most leaders I'm scared to tell you shut up that's not your business you don't have to know do what you're told but in the world a bitter Betty can tell you ma'am sir I didn't hire you for this my the Bible says study y'all quiet today to be quiet you got to learn how to follow the rules of leadership here's why it is how you do when it's not your turn that's going to determine what you show up in when it is your turn and some of you don't have a turn listen because you didn't know how to behave in another man's so you destroy your own well how you handle somebody else it's the leadership that determines the level now I know we don't like that but we are in a severe leadership crisis a severe one so the rule of command is how well do you take orders and execute them how well do you take orders and execute them here is deflective reaction to leadership now if you apply this right it works for all of life a deflective reaction to leadership is this John Doe do this how you going so now you've made the instruction and issue of my personality it does not change that you had an order now you're like it's not that serious well you're not in the fight you understand warfare basic war for warfare is hinged upon leadership and being a better leader let me put a big caveat to that since the mouse's are having a praise break if you do have an opportunity to lead a grace to lead leadership is not something you just land on you have to be daily involved in investigating what makes quality leadership because you could have been a great leader in 96 but all we've got of that now is memories how are you a good leader with today's challenges and crises and me so leadership and being adaptive is about becoming a better one all the time I'm always becoming a better leader who agrees with that always becoming a better leader that that's the power of command the power of command woe unto you that dishonor people that have the power to promote you you got to be very careful this is why the Bible says do not dishonor the king my mentor my pastors and that time our bishops I'm time about anybody of King Lia's state here's why because a little boy I'm talking about tweeting I'm not the teachers of my people I'm a sociologist myself our little bird will take what you said about the king and when that little bird got his moment with the king all of a sudden that little bird is going to remove themself from that conversation and they go say sister so-and-so said this there was a leadership situation of an individual who was no longer fellowshiping here that I was making decision to promote I was in a serious wrestle okay and the church is an organization so I come to all of these decisions all the time I was in my mind about it wrestling with it because a part of how God deals with me and leadership is if I'm making a wrong turn I have no peace some restless and I know God you're trying to show me something I was trying to bring said individual to a new level in the organization and I was wrestling for wisdom one day say a little bird a bird randomly watching myself on YouTube picture upset an old video of said individual comes up and they're preaching and they're bashing all nations this is why they were still here we were outdated we were still we get the same thing every week I'm not even exaggerating in the intro to the service just just just a completely disrobe it I was oh oh thank you little bird cuz you about to be position lists jobless you don't know what people come back and say it wasn't even intelligent if you're gonna do that you're gonna let somebody video record you gonna say what I'm saying a little bird here's a personal piece of wisdom for you if they do it with you they're going to do it to you so people are coming to you [Applause] you gotta be perfect cuz the moment you get only nerves they're going to use what you whispered as leverage against you it's the law of the little bird see so when it comes to leadership it's about knowing how to adapt and how to follow and here's why I I pray for a lot of people I tell them all the time I hope to god he never calls you the pastor because if you reap the kind of a sheep you were you're gonna quit you will reap it you will reap then kind of employee you are you will reap the kind of friend you are you will reap it all so the issue of leadership is a very very serious one does it make sense to you okay so that's leadership the last one is this Lord this is easier method method method method the law of method is the discipline the moral calls the reward the punishment the logistics and the metrics so in determining your methodology on an issue on a situation you had to have a body of information to determine how you're now going to be accountable to it so you have to discipline yourself for example if in your meditations about purpose you don't become more disciplined something's not right there is a miscommunication or a breach somewhere in your knowledge of your purpose your life's assignment you now should be retracting from that knowledge how you're going to live day to day it will keep you accountable when you know and believe what God has revealed to you about where you're going what it will do is heighten your personal value and Worth so now you determine what your time is worth now you determine what type of friends you need now you determine what text messages you respond to it determines what you stress over and about you have the power to choose that it's a part of the method is that makes sense now here is where we conflict in the body of Christ very often we're saying the same things in very different ways sometimes denominationally sometimes homiletic were saying the same thing but we have grown accustomed to being offended at method let's be honest most of us is from the hood right most I got a couple of neighbor villians in here I'll put myself out there I'm laying on the side of the road I'm blind I've been blind I don't know how I got here some preacher named jesus walks past me and I say hey I've been watching the the healeth on and I heard you you work your miracles and stuff yes I want to see can you do that sure how I am you are not going to then get mud I don't know what in the pic what in the cow what in a goat is down there and coronavirus is going on here and you gonna spit in my eye I would have said no thank you serve God I'll wait for another opportunity now some of you because we preach that backwards our life yes sir master whatever you want to do you know darn well if I walk up to you and say first of all in American culture it is a there are people who would rather you call them out their name than spit on them so to almost be insulted by spiff you want to get stole off of [Music] sometimes y'all forget I imagine I mean stole is that I Spit on somebody if you want to get stolen spit on my car it's a sign of reduction but what Jesus Jesus shows us is would you rather have the miracle and be offended with the method or would you rather like the method and abandon the miracle we don't like his method I love the miracle because now the man sees does it make sense to you so method is an issue that's always changing let me reduce this I feel like I'm going too deep there is a study method there is a listening method there is a conversational method there is oh you know one of my favorite things to do is arbitrate stuff so dream job would probably be judged for a day in a real court or on something like American Idol could you imagine it right now y'all will probably watch it like this is gonna be real good I can barely do anything without ten text messages immediately saying fix your face fix your face fix your face so imagine me on TV eyebrows all scrunched up y'all like what is going on here doubt to let this woman have it you know because I don't often think about what I'm saying so I would very well tell somebody if I'm judging them you were really good up until the point where you started something like a struggling cat and please consider in another career fail but there is an arbitration method so let's say you're brought in and you're somebody that people rely on for counsel and you have one view and you have another view if you have a predisposition to believing whoever you know more you have already violated the rule of arbitration because an arbitration you're your responsibility is to be dutifully objective so whether or not I'm closer to you or not right is right help me in here wronged is wrong ask me why cuz some of your friends is liars now I know you're close to them and you trust what they say but they lie 30-love and many of you have grown into inherited offense because you heard somebody's version that was not even factual and then you start looking like a dummy when you see this look at the receipt oh but in arbitration it's not about immediate agreement it's about I understand the point of view that is an arbitration method I don't have a predisposition to who's right because I'm close now if I'm fair that is a difficult thing to do if you are at all intuitive if you are at all perceptive if you are at all discerning if you are at all investigative and probing then you walk into arbitration situations conflict situations would a small percentage of who you think is right I've done it y'all do it in the middle of conflict what happens is ooh what we do is we pull on the trusted narrative even if it's not a real one if there is no objectivity there can be no justice nothing is fair when there's a loss of objectivity so you got to have the power to remove yourself from relational history and/or historic information and to see a situation naked Lee before you put judgment on it does this make sense to anybody that's arbitration method any good salesman knows there is a sales method you know what the first principle of oh I hope I'm not out you people that sell stuff for most not all one of the techniques of cell psychology as you compliment them first you're dumb if you want to sell a product and the first thing you say is get this product you just lost the whole thing what you've got to do is assess oh look at that how's the baby I love that color on you it may it's so good now you're the massage that that ear and that esteem and that ego and ma'am of God is walking away with to or whatever you try to sell now some of you may call it manipulation it depends on how you look at it but it's a part of the wisdom of getting people to buy there are many of us I have bought things from people cuz I liked them and didn't need the product say prove it bucket boys bucket boys I don't personally advocate for folks sitting on the side of the road playing bone thugs-n-harmony on the mop bucket however i if i like the guy playing the buckets let me get his kids some money or it's something you going somewhere it's a seed go ahead and you know so people buy you people buy you people buy you people buy you I'm gonna say this I'm not dumb I don't think that everyone who comes to this ministry comes because they love the vision some people like me and my wife they think we're marketable I also believe with all of my heart that if we didn't if we weren't who we were this probably wouldn't be the type of church that it is that makes sense to you now that's not an issue of defeat is an issue of reality there are people who love to hear me preach and don't know what our vision is that makes us you so people buy into you they buy into you which means that if you're never working on your personality which you have control over if you're never working on your demeanor would you have control over one of the worst things for a leader or an influence to do is say this is just how I am and then to surround you with people that make no requirement of improvement that only affirm thank you for all two of you that clapped I appreciate you so much that only affirm and validate things that need to change prophesy to print to speak to stuff that's weakness you understand what I'm saying it's an issue of development don't just say oh that's that's how I am you're gonna get second they're not okay cool see you in public aid no shame no shame but people who are like that don't ever prosper God does not prosper the inflexible period because they're untrustworthy they are untrustworthy so you have to make it a business goal a relationship goal you know when the worst things start planning shut me up they offended one of the hardest things I've had to learn to do the hardest things the hardest things it's to teach my and that's why when you'll get a psychologist because I'm like if I have to learn how to do this someone's gonna have to help me up here because up here it's something's happening right now I have to teach myself probably from trauma listen that all circumstances are not the same I had a bad habit of you I can just like that and let me push myself out so learning to live case-by-case has been very difficult it's been an aim for me I try to pull myself out of because sometimes you show up in relationship and business if something happens that triggers something that had happened some time it is a prima tour fear a premature stress people can show up with similar personality traits of people that have wounded and/or hurt you and before you give them a chance to be messed up the signal and the stigma of that stuff pushes you out you know why it's that's problematic you're gonna be on relational career ministry rotation all of your life so in if you're going to endure you have to teach yourself all situations are not the same you have to learn to live case-by-case and you got to come out of saying I've been through this before because this person did that but the factors but conditions the reasons listen to this the motive and the intent may be rad different does that make sense to you all right it is not all the same if you go into a business environment and a boss reminds you of another boss there is a way to curb it to change it my wife almost became husbandless when I was going through her things about 10 years ago and found a book called how to change your husband in seven days how many of you used the term - even say that but I was sitting on that bed when she got home [Applause] I instantly felt attacked now typical how dumb men can be I did not bother to open it and see what it was about that was the name of the book but inside of it it was steps for her to do things to get different responses out of me and so when I realized I had been being worked on but without my knowledge I actually appreciated the diligence and her taking responsibility for herself because then it naturally changed me does that make sense to you alright so there is a way to get different stuff around you but you've got to be adaptive let me pray for you because I know that this probably you're probably encouraged but how many of you feel personally attacked I feel like I did my job yeah think about this stuff all right father in the strong name of Jesus I pray for bees Wow I pray for these I pray for these they are yours every one every age every story they belong to you I pray for these as you pray for the twelve and I'm praying father that you would not take them out of the world but that you would keep them from the evil one sanctify them according to your truth for your word is true now Lord let the seven spirits of God administer round about the throne clothe and visit these I'm asking you Father for visitation and Lord not for random things or arbitrary things before specific direction and instruction that the compass of God be their portion that they would know how to steer and how to move and how to make their footing sure I'm asking that you would deliver every captive heart deliver every captive mind deliver every captain I did free them now and give them the focus to move into the future with great great courage in the name of Jesus now declare over these that they are strong and they are courageous and they are not afraid of the future in the matchless name of our conquering King amen amen put those hands together for the Lord [Applause] and finally I pray for your hearing that you would not be those that have ears and don't hear that you will be more sensitive to the voice of God than you've ever been in your life and I pray for those of you that have lost their sensitivity because of a hard season that your ear would be delivered and that you would hear on frequencies that you've never imagined before I released the power of clarity to your life and anything trying to bring you into the realm of ambiguity discombobulation or confusion I call it dealt with now and I say you are moving in greater sensory power greater perceptive power and you're learning the voice of God with everything in you finally I loose a blood border around anything in your life trying to bring you into deception I release the fire of God against anything trying to lure you into an illusion and I say that you will not live your life in smoke and mirrors but I declare you will know the truth and it will make hey hey hey it will make you free that your ears will hear a word behind you saying this is the way walk therein in the name of Jesus that you are the Covenant children of God and it is not your heritage to walk in deception but you walk in truth you know true you see the hand of God in your affairs I declare this over every area of your life Jesus and your relationships and your planning and your decision making that you will not be tempted by the power of deception but you're walking in the light hallelujah your word is a lamp your word is a lamp your is a lamp your word is a lamp your word is a lamp and your word is a light and we give you glory for that in Jesus name now listen I know this is unusual request I want you to literally take 10 seconds to give the Lord praise for unfulfilled prophetic words go ahead like that come on come on this to it as a discipline come on [Music] that perfect good right there he told me tell my people I have a promise cute [Music] it means he's still got some stuff to do for you come on positive baby don't as Malaysia we praise you your heart Chuck for a minute if you has not happened we patiently wait yes yes yes find yourself in that space you've got to learn how to praise be grateful while you wait [Music] i bind resentment of prophetic words [Music] those of you that have made covenants to resist revelation because it didn't happen before some of you have set at services and i've said in your heart don't prophesy to me I don't want another promise come on Joe I dare you let that go right now the bet is irreverent it is dishonorable it is a life of deafness come on you you need to I know this is weird but some of you need to forgive your prophetic words go ahead throw your hands up in the name of Jesus any resentment operating in our hearts because of prophecies we did not understand this is heavy because a prophecies we did not like because of prophetic promises that we were too afraid to believe forgive us for rejecting your word Wow forgive us for rejecting it and Lord if you're speaking we want to be in a position to hear if you're talking whoa we want to be in a position to know lord help us to value again what you what you've done to promise things to us the provisions you've gone through to prosper give us for dishonouring intercessors or Sears or prophetic people in our lives that have known the prophetic word forgive us for even rejecting them oh my god from moving back from them because we did not whoa whoa whoa make us knows that tremble at your word again make us those that tremble at your word again make us those that tremble at your word again over every area of our lives we don't want to be a people that resents the prophetic or becomes common with revelation you have given it to us and bounty and an abundance now help us to steward it some 30 some 60 and a hundred for the name of Jesus now like a tsunami my dream come by burden I read it I met it taught much better company visitation reddit time and Jesus in the midst of us we welcome [Music] the manifestations [Music] and I can't remember total revelation there was on [Music] agent we welcome you is your house we will no longer live it resistant we poverty we get up there give us [Music] [Music] just go ahead give it about ten seconds come on welcome in oh come on all nations no come on act like a crazy charismatic for a minute will the man jump a minute come out come on [Music] [Music] [Music] albeit in the spirit piece [Music] [Music] to the Holy Ghost [Music] no sensitivity is coming bye-bye [Music] the steel [Music] listen - shut up battlin remember to shut up I'm trying to hear cause open to us I'm trying to hear creation book trying to - here time to hear this trip over bodies of its creator I'm trying to be [Music] [Music] [Music] come on just flow in and flow in it you know the first place the Spirit of God moved was upon the waters your body is 70% water right now I said he's moving with inclination we are reliant upon you we are reliant upon the Holy Ghost let me give you this final count of this warning I don't know why the Lord is taking me here but to dishonor revelation the prophetic it is to dishonor the Spirit of God if the Holy Spirit decides to highlight you for whatever he wants to talk about and in your heart you pull away because you're afraid of your own ability to believe you smacked one of the resources of the Spirit of God to your life his word really is a lap and a light stop turning the light off because you're scared to live in hope hope maketh not ashamed you will live in hope of the things that are to come and other things that God planned you will live in hope and you don't want to ever be I think this is the father heart of God for this house you don't want to ever be in a situation where you feel hopeless because if there is no hope there is no energy let your hope be restored right now hope your hope your hope my hope is in the Lord my hope is in the Lord it's not in how he's going to do what he's going to do but my hope is in him it's not in minutes in him and he will not allow me to be overwhelmed by the unknown I love you Jesus I love you Jesus I love you Jesus come on Wow Wow hope
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 50,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xVRdz07MzLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 7sec (4807 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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