The Mystery Of Travail | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | New Years Eve 2021

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[Music] there is a word from the lord i don't want to hold you very very very long because i know that many of you need to get home to gumbo and black eyed peas but i'm going to give you what the lord gave me um so far this is not necessarily the word of the lord for the year this is the word of the lord for tonight and this is something that you're going to have to wrestle with and something you're going to have to decode very often by my own acknowledgment i'm going to violate several hermeneutic and homiletic principles but i'm going to give you the word of the lord as was given to me tonight we're talking about the mystery of travail we're talking about travail one of the things that i've seen that is coming to this next year and one of the things that i know that has happened in the former year is that this has been a year of travail and it has been a year where men and women have struggled to understand where god was say yes what god was doing say yes and where god was taking us say yes and i know that there are certain things that happens in the events of history that leave humanity into confusion where they don't know exactly what the will of god is and unfortunately for the dominant portion of the body the scriptures have been locked so they don't know exactly where to find the will and the purpose of god in a season and in a moment where they need answers uh but thankful for the holy ghost my best friend the ultimate warrior the keeper of the saints is the holy ghost what he does in moments like this is he undergirds and he upholds people and he highlights the scriptures so as to help them understand that the lord even when he's not understood he's still there he is the elohim and what that means is that he is always present how many of you know he is a very present hell i don't know about you and tonight the way i'm feeling i will preach to myself he is a very present help he has been a very present help when there was not a lot of help i have seen the omniscience of god show up in such a way where i could reach him and touch him and grab him and hear from him and so we're walking through this issue here and i'm going to give you several scriptures which is why i'm not opening up with it but i want to give you this as a principle and a theory here uh so this message tonight is going to unfold the phenomena of travail and how it's displayed in the scriptures and how travail is really a system and a technology that excavates and that escalates things from god's worlds to ours for example if you're sitting on a chair or you're laying on a bed or if you have on a jacket if you've got on shoes it was a concept before it was made manifest it was an idea it was a vision it was a possibility it was a probability before it became manifest and so when it moved from possibility and vision and could be and should be into is and into manifestation and into physicality the process and the space and the in-between is called travail now you may call it development and you may call it progress and you may call it procedure and you may call it level you may even call it strategy and tactic and technique but what the bible shows us is that there is a place called travail where something is seeded and something is sown into one place and then it navigates to another it's the travail of god we see it in the book of genesis we see it in the book of exodus i submit to you that we see it in the entire uh uh of books the collection the logo serema we see that there now our contemporary abuse of terms particularly in 2020 is a common occurrence and it robs us of meanings that we are so desperately in need of we need meaning we need reach and we need depth and we need height and we need expanse and we need exploration into the deep things of god but also the things that plans our lives and so common to the pentecostal and the charismatic tradition travail is one of those words that i feel willing to be wrong has been abused it's been misused we treat your veil like it's a sound you can just say oh and that's travail or we can say oh and that's travail we can moan and we can grow and what that does is it makes travail a sound i submit to you tonight that travail is not a sound it's a season travail is an event travail is an action you can make all the church noises you want to and not bring forth but travail is something that happens upon a man upon a woman upon a girl upon a boy upon a movement upon a place upon a mission upon a vision where something goes into the possible moves through the birth canal of struggle and wrestle and blood and sweat and tears and pain and then there is a push and then there's production but what i want to let you know tonight what's going to go to the grave in 2021 is false fabricated theatric noises that people think is travail we've been making noises for years but we've not been able to push help me through here we've been making sounds for a lot of seasons but we're not able to produce and i want to know is there somebody in here that's going to be honest about the fact that this was a year of the travail of god in me i felt some stuff open that i didn't know could open i felt some stuff rip that i didn't know had elasticity i felt some consistent pains that i didn't know was widening in me it's the travail of god and so we're visiting this tonight because in my diligent study i saw it i saw it in the life of eve where god told her from this moment forward you're going to have childbirth when it's time to bring forth there's going to be a battle before your next beginning because you did not handle the first beginning well what i'm going to show you is what it actually takes to begin let me take a minor bunny trail here prior to any beginning there's going to be a battle there is no such thing as a beginning without a battle if you don't want to battle you don't want a beginning battle is the birthplace of beginning and you know how i know that when we open up into genesis 1. hey mr preacher and you open up and you say in the beginning god i'm getting to my texts in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth what we don't consider is what jesus revealed to the twelve i saw satan fall light lighting lord mocha he said he saw it and the scene watched this and the setting and the scenario means everything that means that by the time there was a heaven by the time there was a earth by the time there was grass by the time there was foxes by the time there was beast by the time there was fish before there was a noah before there was abraham before there was an ezekiel jesus said i saw satan fall and not only did he fall ricky he feel like lightning it meant the ninja fell real fast didn't take a lot of effort hey didn't take a lot of attention it just meant one word and he failed that was the battle before the beginning this is why the scriptures give us that we were made in him from before the foundations of the world but foundations require a fight you're not listening to me there will be no foundation if there is no fight and so 2020 was the fight for the foundation [Applause] i'm talking to you about travail i want to give to you and present to you an understanding of what travail is it is not noise and sounds and schemes and groans and moans it is an event and an occurrence that nobody can escape if in fact you live for god at some point your life will come and travail if in fact you're obeying god at some point your life will come and travail if it is your intent and your motive to obey the will of god you will come in travail something's going to happen listen to me where a seed is going to come from one place it's going to enter another place and there will be cultivation there will be some embryonic transformations in your body and changes and these will be changes that you may or may not understand and you will cultivate it and you will carry it and so i want to give you some basic definitions of travail but then true to my theological self i'm going to give you biblical examples of men and women and things that came in travail church i've been in travail don't need to be worried or afraid or hiding or scared your leader has been a man that's been laying on his side trying his best to push out the thing that's coming next trying his best to make sure that there was no abortion of the thing that the lord put in me for the next place and the next season and so we have reduced travail to noise and body posture and the scripture has outlined in several places i'll give it to you be patient uh that that that that identify what travail is and what travail does now this is the process if you're looking for a very basic scientific discussion on what travail is it is a process by which something goes from invisible to visible good god from zion it is the process and the stage by which something goes from being unmanifested to manifested it is a process by which something goes from being concept and theory and idea and it is the strange season in betwixt and in between here's the tool and therefore where something goes from not being able to be seen and or recognized with the natural eye from being able to be easily seen with the natural eye preach near grow and so if travail is not a noise if it's not a body posture if it's not a quickening and a twitching if it's not to wreck syndrome that it means to wretch uh it means that travail for us means that we all will pay attention to and watch when god wants something to come out i've got a whole bunch of points to preach and not a lot of time to preach it in but if you're in the room or if you're watching me i want you to scream the word come out [Applause] if you're watching me type the word come out i'm not talking about a devil this time i'll get there in a couple of weeks but there is a brand new coming out of god there is a whole lot of things that he's been working on designing crafting building in you i know you don't know it you've been too busy but there is a brand new come out coming of you and it's not going to be for your freedom only it's going to be your future here's the thing you got to realize the lord does not set you free just to make you free the lord sets you free because you got a future if there was no future there be no need for a freedom so the whole vision hey hey hey hey come on darrell the whole purpose the whole mission the whole objective the whole students will be able to learn is that god has a future for you and that future necessitates your freedom because you can't have a future as a slave and so travail is mandatory travail is mandatory sagibak is mandatory you can't escape it you can't escape it i'll preach you can't escape it you you can't bind it kenza you can't fast it away you can't loose it away you you can't decree it away or declare a wage travail you just got to go through it you got to walk through it you got to process through it you got to think through it you got to talk through it and unfortunately it is not like natural travail charles listen to me be patient you can't get an epidural there is no such thing as an angel that walks upon you and put a needle in your back to make sure you don't feel the agony of trivia pain is a part of travail uh patience is a part of travail waiting is a part of travail you're not going to like this but i don't care blood is a part of travail rips are a part of travail tares are a part of travail it all matters uh when you're trying to get something from one place to another one world to another and so the transaction listen zion of travail is pain it's pressure in exchange for a product it is a phenomenon that says if you want the product in some cases it's a child in other cases it's a business in other cases it's a ministry or a company but you can't have what you want to produce without undergoing the pressure that it takes and what we saw in my estimation this year is an unparalleled uh insurmountable and unprecedented amount of pressures pressures from the north and the south and the east and the west and the culture and the democrats and the republicans pressures from mama and daddy and sister and brother precious from yourself pressures from your past precious from your resume pressures from your children pressures from husband and precious for husband pressures from wife and pressures from what there were pressures on every angle and you won't tell the truth but this level of pressure was such that it could have absolutely drawn you out of your mind i don't understand why there is anybody watching me in cyber land that is not running around their houses just because they are able to understand depression just because they are able to interpret depression now i know what this means god was not trying to break me what he was trying to do was get something out of me and i didn't know that something else was in me hi but because god saw the seed that was implanted in me even the engrafted word of god he allowed the pressure to make me produce pressure produces let's preach here pressure produces pressure produces pleasure does not pressure does it requires pressure to produce and you've got to be used to pressure you've got to welcome pressure you've got to know i'll get to my text when i want to you got to know what to do when pressure hits you you got to react well with pressure you've got to relate to pressure you've got to interpret pressure you actually got to want pressure what is life without pressure what is destiny without pressure i'll explain exactly what it is you have no performance you have no production you have no perfection you have no maturity it takes pressure and it's going to continue to take pressure to bring out the best of you lift your hands and say pressure points come on throw your head back and say pressure points if you're watching me online go ahead and type pressure points can i give you a prophetic word i wasn't trying to do this tonight but i feel like the spirit of god is visiting your points of pressure every area in your life that would have made you quit with a major stop with a major block with a major walk away would have made you quit would have made you fire would have made you retire would have made you dehydrated would have made you constipated would have made you turn your faith over it's about the spirit of god visiting your pressure points and here's why your enemy has studied what makes you break i can't hear nobody on the world wide web your enemy has investigated your adversary has assessed your points of break but your points of break are not your weaknesses hear me they're your pressure points who am i what am i where do i go when i'm under pressure so we're looking now at this biblical phenomena and consistency about the rhythm you know if there's pain for whatever reason if the lord allows it if he does not stop it block it and or prevent it it's to achieve and or accomplish something to produce he wants something out of it he wants to do and so i want to talk to you just a minute about the things heaven likes to produce yeah i i know you didn't know that heaven has products it's not like walmart or target or walgreens and sears and all of that but in god's world there are eternal determinations that means that there are things that want to be brought into manifestation because expansion is necessary all right so i'm going to show you this in the following light and then we're going to move to our verse and we're going to scoot around a little bit and then we'll go home is a reaction treville is not an initiation trivial is a reaction travail is not the starting point it is the response something happened before travail some type of covenant hallelujah some type of transaction and or travail or that mandated that pain come upon you this is a very necessary paradigm shift because we think that pain is always the reaction of sickness disease or something wrong very often pain is the part or the reaction of something that went very well life for example begins in pain life does not be it's called morning sickness life does not begin in in ease and comfort and convenience it actually begins in seasons we call them trimesters but life begins and is developed in trimesters and so we're looking at this and we're opening this up because i think that as you look at your marriage you may find out that you're not arguing you're all in travail you may look at your business and you're not suffering this is not bankruptcy this is travail you may look at your church and you don't know who or what you're going back to or what's going to be there when or if you return and you're thinking oh my god i'm nervous i'm panicking but this is the mystery of travail is that there is a deepness into it and a depth to it that leaves all of us in a point in a place of exploration so then travail watch me i've got a lot of text don't be worried travail then is a reaction a response jordy a trigger but here's my favorite it's an announcement travail is something that shows up and happens to let you know what's coming next it is not something hallelujah that comes on it's on accord it it does not be to be you don't just come in travail because travail wants to [Laughter] [Music] glory to the son of man travail is something that introduces what's on the way travail is the precursor it's the parenthesis travail shows up and says hi i'm pain hi i'm grief hi i'm sorrow hi i'm whatever and then right after travail i wish i had the help in here lord give me a preaching church i said right after travail right after travail right after travail here's a deal if you get stuck in the confusion of the frustration of the pain of trivial you're not going to appreciate and or nurture what travail came to bring god i love your word what travail does it says hello open yourself hello prepare yourself hello make the way ready for example i'm getting to my text mind your business when john the baptist showed up in the wilderness what he was doing was travailing that's the reason why he preached the same thing over and over because his job was to make readier people his job was to go where nobody had gone before he was nobody in their wilderness what no conversations there what no conferences there but john the baptist showed up in the wilderness he said let me take you under because the world you're about to see the reality you're about to see the message you're about to hear it's going to require that people be made ready i've got a word from the lord but when i give you this you got to be made ready i want a preaching church real quick put your hand on your chest and say make me ready i said make me ready type it in the comments make me ready because a lot of us have been believing for fasting for praying for decreeing for what we ain't ready for i'm here to tell you tonight travail is what god allows to make you ready because you can want it and not be ready you can see it and not be ready you can believe it and not be ready you can fast and not be ready but readiness is not a choice readiness is the consequence of truth [Applause] so we've got to explore this deeply we got to see what this mean okay so now we're dealing with an issue of announcement to travail is an introduction and announcement travail is like hey i'm not the main point glory i i'm not the bottom line i'm the precursor i said i'm the precursor what travail shows up and does it says i'm the precursor that means that pain is the precursor when you're hurt that's not the beginning or the end it is the hello to something that's coming after that it is the introduction of something that's going to follow something consequently and or subsequently so let's look at this if we're dealing with an announcement jordy we're also dealing with times rhythms seasons frequencies when a woman goes into birth the indication that the child is on the way is not the depth of the pain hear me it is the consistency of it it is not about how hard it feels it's about how frequently it comes we know you're ready to deliver i bless your wonderful name we know you're ready to deliver when it's back to back we know you're ready to deliver when you're only 30 seconds apart it is not about you not liking it it is not about you not wanting it it is about the fact that you're trying to sh and lamaze your way through something that is coming back to back i'm here to tell you the reason why it was back to back it's cause something is coming out of you you ain't never seen it before hey you ain't never dreamed it before you ain't never imagined it before but it takes back to back pain to produce back-to-back breakthrough but because we don't understand pain the point of it the purpose of it what it does we don't value it my text is coming be quiet pain is something that was not designed by the devil it was designed by god hurt is not something that lucifer was intelligent enough to imagine i show you a mystery god designed pain to make men aware of what was next god designed orchestrated formulated created the patent for pain for people to pay attention for what was coming next problem with you and i is when we go through pain hallelujah when we experience it when we feel it when we fear it we take our eyes off of what it introduces we we we say this hurts so much this feels so bad i don't have it in me to wait for what's next oh god we we we say if this feels like that if this looks like that if if any of that is in the same way we're so busy running from hurt that we're not producing but it takes a level of pain to change you molecularly muscularly mentally to be able to handle and manage what's coming next i want you to understand this you don't believe me so i'll give you some examples and first samuel the fourth chapter the 19th verse you can go there at your will there was a woman by the name she she had a husband named fedayas finesse and and and and she bows the bible says in travail and she bows in travail and she names her son after the pain she feels the reason she bowed was because the ark had left israel and she bowed over in travail to push out a child and rather than name the kid after the revelation of the season she named the child at the reality of what she felt she called them ichabod because she said the glory had departed from israel could it be that you or i or me or us name things wrong titled things wrong label things wrong because of how it felt don't lie to me there's a possibility that some of the identity of the things in your world and in your realm and in your life are what they are because it felt bad this is betrayal this is fakeness this is hypocrisy but this template and i believe i'll get there when i'm back on sundays every woman in the scriptures is a type of a church uh and so fernandez's wife boughs over i'll get there later paneas wife bows over and wrongly names a baby who has nothing to do with what she experienced and she sentences him to a name that's related to death and grief and departure the glory has departed so this shows that women can come and travel churches can come into travail and that means that the trick of travail hear me is that you got to name the thing right if you go and travail you got to be careful about what you're calling it if it's travail it ain't witchcraft if it's travail it's not offense if it's travail it's not phoniness if it's travail it's not adversity if it's travail it's travail and you've got to be careful in 2021 you better hear me as by the spirit of god you got to be careful in 2021 of what you call in your stuff i understand that you went through some things this season that may have tempted you to call a lot of things a lot of things but you've got to call where you are what god said you got to call where you are what the lord revealed you got your call where you are what he showed you because if you call it what you feel then you throw yourself over into the destiny of a feeling and no feeling has a long lifespan feelings are not eternal you won't help me today feelings are not they don't become senior citizens feelings are such that they have a short lifespan they die they they come and they go they rise and they fall feelings are fickle and so when you start tagging stuff and tagging stuff because of what you feel you may miss the whole purpose of travel scream yes to me here's another favorite of mine you may have to help me through here read grease because i feel a little bit in my rib cage in galatians 4 19 there was a man by the name of the apostle paul i've been holding this in and the apostle paul went through so much rigor both academically and relationally he went through so much with going through sitting and studying at the feet of gamaliel he went through having to validate and almost debate about the authenticity of his apostolicity he had to go through fighting through them believing that he was a shariaq having to go through believing that he was a penitentiary of god and moving in the same power of the christ that appeared to him he says something in galatians 4 that troubles me and a part of what he says has not been said in a lot of the churches that i've been going to for the last three years throw your hands up and say travail put in the comments travail you know what the apostle paul said he said my children the other day i was in travail watch this not so you could look like me not so you could sound like me not so you could have my mind not so you could have my brain not so you could have my hand not so you could have a check not so you could have compensation not so you could have volume not so you could have attention not so you could have a clubhouse not so you could have an outhouse i gave you moments of travail i gave you hours of travail i gave you reasons for travel and the reason i wanted to travail for you watch this is so that christ could be formed i feel the holy ghost i wonder how many people would be better off if their leaders would travail until christ was formed i wonder how many believers would be delivered until christ was formed i wonder how many addictions would be broken if we had a preacher that when they dropped the micah they found themselves on their face until christ be formed in you the thing that it shows me is that christ has not formed until men travailed there's got to be a labor unto christ this form kenza the objective of god is not to make you a better you he is not looking at you admiring who you are the father is not looking at you trying to say let me perfect his gift let me perfect her craft let me make her a better coach you know he's trying to get his son out of you he's trying to see what you're willing to endure until christ is on if he looks at you if any man have not the spirit of god he is none of his i wonder how many christians have had the christ formed in them and i wonder if that lack of formation is due to the fact that nobody went through travail that people were in intimidated by travel that's my other example another example this is not my text just be patient putting another example is romans 8 22. you know pastor david this scripture has always worried me the creature and biblical terms in greek that refers to everything and anything under the sun scream yes this the creature this is what the writer says in romans 8 22 that the creature groaneth together that means things under the created order in earth waiting for the manifestation of the sons of god another version of that says for the creature is in travail so if men can come in travail based upon galatians four if women can come in travail based upon phineas's wife then the earth can also come in travail you mean to tell me that corona is not a disease at all it's the travail of god you mean to tell me that a pandemic is not punishment for people's sin and pride is simply the truth it's the travail of god that something needed to occur to get something from one space to another from one place of intubation and cultivation for another i have differing opinions from my colleagues i am starting to feel startled i'm starting to believe that this entire year was about travail i'm starting to have the suspicion that the lord inseminated prophetess erica something in the belly of his people that most of them didn't have the faith to receive so they rejected it and they rejected it because they couldn't conceptualize it and because of that only those that lasted could carry and make sure that if my loved one dies i believe god i test positive i believe god if i lose my job i believe god there is not a whole bunch i believe god people out there and i believe that jehovah was waiting on somebody that would simply believe him no strings attached do you believe me i i understand what this stuff is doing and what this stuff is saying and you're on cnn and fox news but i just want to know do you believe me do you still believe me against the odds do you still believe me against the season do you still believe me against the reason what the lord is showing us through romans 8 22 is anything can get this travail it's not just about people it's also about places houses can get it up cities can get it up families can get it if the earth can groan and travail who do you think you are you can also come into a moment where something has grown so large in you so big in you so seasoned and cultivated in you forgive my rudeness that it can come and travel now oddly something has gone on where we don't understand the opening process of god i'll take my time i'm fresh off sabbatical god has an opening process monkey he does things when he's trying to open things he doesn't just say hey voila it's not magic it's miracles he opens things when he looks at your life and looks at your gift and looks at where you're going if he decides and when he decides this needs to be opened what he's going to do is trigger it and it may hit some nerves so yes but he's going to open it and so if it can be widened if it can be opened if it can be separated it's ready for production scream the word travail and so god has coded this phenomena and this technology and everything chickens foxes turkeys people plants everything in the cycle of creation has a cycle i love your powerful word a season of travail you will carry until you're ready you will hold it until you can handle it you will see it in your belly until it's ready to be made manifest and god is such that he don't break rules and change laws because people are hurting you know because you're uncomfortable your name is power because you're uncomfortable does not rearrange listen duder the schedule of god you can say i bind this baby in the name of jesus and you still going to carry it 10 months you can say in the name of the lord jesus christ i command you to come out of me and that thing is still going to be there why there is a cycle ordained for you a season a season ordained for you a process of development ordained for you and what pregnant people don't understand as you're not just pregnant you are also matriculating you understand that there is information that you're going through from phase to phase and level to level and month to month because not only are you changing can you shout with me what's in you is changing it's it's bigger than what you first saw i i i know what you thought but god is doing more than what you thought put your hand on your chest if you're in the tabernacle and say he's doing more than what i thought if you're watching me on whoa whoa whoa whoa if you're watching me online i want you to type he's doing more than what i thought you know that's a problem for intellectuals pastor josh and that's a problem for philosophers because we like to plan and we like to prepare and we like to fire up and we like to hire but i served a god that said and i has not seen an ear has not heard what god has prepared for those that loved him but god has revealed it by his spirit so he's doing more than what you know and the sign that god is doing more than what you know is what you're feeling if you're feeling off if your rhythm is gone every day feels like saturday if you don't know where you're coming or where you're going and what's next for you it's because something is about to come if you don't believe me look at your life every time god is done anything major in your life every time god has allowed something major in your life but you went through this before that now i'm gonna tell you what makes this different all of us went through it the same time and normally when you're in travail you're in trouble alone but the united states of america has been in trail and so all of these nations and all of these peoples have been caring at the same time and nobody knows exactly how to console how to help how to support the pain it's because we're all being pivoted and positioned to produce but here is your ultimatum tonight and i'm still not at my here is your ultimatum tonight your ultimatum tonight is either you're going to succumb to the pain or you're going to pivot to produce you're either going to break down under the pain or you're going to change the way you approached it the way you said it the way you thought it the way you built it because the point of god is production he ain't stood in your pain if you go to god and say ouch that hurt what he's going to do is say position heal thyself you've got my word hey you got my spirit you've got the water you got the blood you've got grace you got mercy uh healing is easy for me but production is hard for you and i'm looking for people that's okay with producing producing what am i producing here is my text isaiah 66 verses 7 and 9. before she travailed she brought forth before her pain came she was deliberate of a man child verse 8 says this deimony who has heard such a thing in travail your reputation is going to come under extreme decay nobody has ever heard what god is trying to do with you they have no recollection no reference no point to connect or related to who has heard of this are you okay with having god do something in your world that nobody ever heard of are you okay with what that costs what that means to your reputation what that means to who you are if people look at you and say i never seen somebody do this have this go here walk there verse 8 says who has heard such a thing and then these rhetorical questions come up darrell shall the earth be brought forth in one day can a nation be born at once but as soon as zion travail i could run smooth through here as soon as zion travail she brought forth and here's our guarantee verse 9. china shall i bring you to the labor room and that cause you to bring forth shall i bring you to the labor room this is the word of god and shut your womb saith thy god the depth of this discussion is you can afford to be disappointed god will not bring you to the place of production and leave you there he's not going to bring you in the labor room and let you sit there and look at the nurses and look at the doctors and look at everybody around you no the devil is a liar i want you to know even though you felt alone and and you were alone and your relational plot has changed and all of that around you is different you have been in travail and the real truth about it pastor josh is i did a study in preparation for this word and i found a lot of people that gave birth in cars and they gave birth in cars because they did not know they were in travail that means that some of the pains you're experiencing some of the feelings you're experiencing you may be attributing it to other stuff but you might be just riding in your car thinking you're going from point a to point b and you're in full blown labor you may be experiencing some stuff with your husband and experience himself with your wife but you're in full-blown labor everybody producing don't know that they are but i'm here to tell you in the year of 20 and 21 the travail of the lord is about to bring the triumph of the saints god has used this year to bring what was in the belly all the way out so that the world could see the hand of god in the midst of his people final scripture and i'm out of your way john 16 21 von jesus was talking over fish to the twelve and he was preparing them for his departure not his demise because he was never defeated scream yes he was telling them i'm leaving scream yes but i'm not losing scream yes because every leave is not a loss they don't hear me out there he was telling them i'm getting ready to leave and i'm going to move out of here but i want you to know this look at this language kenza he says when a woman is in travail she has sorrow he's preparing them for his departure and he gives him this allegory and this parable and he says when a woman is in travail there's sorrow that means in the moments of your life when you feel like god left you're in travail he was telling them yo in a couple of days i'm out of here and and here's how i want you to cope scream yes i want you to cope by knowing this when a woman is in travail there's sorrow i'm leaving because of what i put in you he was allowing them to know that you've got enough to win even in my physical absence when a woman is gone or in travail she has sorrow here's what makes me want to do cartwheels the reason yeah that she has sorrow elder jason it's because her hour has come throw your hands up and say my hour has come oh i can't hear you i said throw your hands up and say my hour has come the the dualism of this is intriguing what he's implying is when pain is upon you when pressure is upon you when sorrow is upon you when grief is upon you your hour is upon you it was not your hour before now but it is your hour now and you're going to feel your hour it's not going to feel like it felt when it was not your hour i love your word it's going to feel differently because your hour has come upon you and as soon in john 16 21 as soon as she is delivered of the child here is our promised prophet is erica she remembereth no more her anguish when the child gets here by quran when the child gets here when the thing gets here when the point gets here when the purpose gets here no matter how traumatizing how devastating how scary it was you don't remember here is our mystery again that means that in travail what you got to protect is your memory because your memory is the encasement of every moment you've had you you use your memory to collect and to correlate things to another thing in your memory you say i've been through that i'm not going through this in your memory you say this looks like that i don't want to walk through that in your memory say last time i obeyed this happened you you there it's it's like a um it's like a language base a definition base it's it's like a small area in the mind memory contains pictures phrases languages sentences if you were molested memory contains sins and sounds so in travail what the enemy likes to do is position himself your word is life to me position himself by your memory because if there are bad memories it is more likely that you will disobey god with what he tells you to do next the memory is the basis of most disobedience because you fear it if you fear you're like lord i hear you i'd like to sounds good but i remember when i tried i remember when i said i remembered when i hope and what i think there are people who want revival in the streets and they need it in their heads i think people need to empty the memory i think people need to pray like david prayed in psalms 51 have mercy on me o god lord i'm about to get drunk in this here robbie according to thy loving kindness thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions for they are ever before me and sin did my mother conceive me in iniquity was i formed in the belly and then he says this i want you to make sure that you blot out my iniquity i want you to move it out i want you to sweep it out i want you to make sure creating me you won't you won't help me it's not there right now so what i want you to do is take the opportunity and the right to create in me a clean heart lord have mercy and renewing me a right spirit why because against thee and against only have i sinned i know people are mad that i see it but i sin against him my real issue is with you but if you put your hand in my chest take what's in their house put something brand new here then maybe i can bring forth makes me wonder if tr repentance is travail make me wonder that if you really come to god in contrition and say lord i thought i knew more the lord i assumed lord i asserted lord i wasn't as reliant lord i thought i could do it in my own i overestimated myself i underestimated your grace if you will restore me from that and if you will do that in me then maybe i'll have the space and the place to rule and reign how you've given me to do so is repentance travail could it be that the lord did not halt stop or rebuke what we're calling this year and this season because he wanted repentance but not so he could get along with us but he wants something out of us he's not trying to love you more he's not trying to love us anymore he loved you before you knew you but i think this is about size i think this is about width i think this is about depth i think this is about height i think this is about what it takes to get a people to birth it big bigger than what it was bigger than how it looked now listen if the promise of god when a woman brings forth she does not remember her anguish because she's delivered of the child then you'll guarantee going into this next year is this it hurt scream yes you were scared scream yes you were uncertain say yes the new name of my series for january is the unknown i'ma teach you about what to do when you don't know what to do and about where to go when you don't know where to i think you've been in travail and when you're in travail size is everything the bigger it is the harder it is if the thing in you is large if the thing in you is big and weighty and massive and has the potential to you're going to rip you're going to tear you will bleed and it will not be the devil it will be travail the good thing about this and i'm not going to do this tonight is that a critical part of travail seasons is the handmaiden it's the midwife the messages the wisdom the relationships the lessons the conversations that stand around you and say no matter what you do don't stop pushing what the enemy wanted to do is take the push out of the people of god he wanted to make the people of god feel like it was no point to push no reason to push no rationale and pushing pushing means pain but can we say god can we develop a sensitivity to vana to the push of god and what it means to be in a hard moment and a hard season and a hard day and choose to push because of what's coming out of me what's coming out of you is going to cost you scream yes what's coming out of you it's going to make your sacrifice you're going to be in triage a while you may even have to be cut a little depending upon how big it is in seasons like 2020 people are so distracted by the pain that they don't discern to push i'm determined to go into this next year saying god what are you trying to get out of me because he's not trying to kill you he's trying to make you produce and in moments where god is trying to make you produce it's going to feel like he's trying to kill you if you don't believe me ask job job is the oldest book in the bible and he said though he slayed me and god wasn't trying to kill him he was trying to bring something out of him that he could not conceptualize i think god has something planned for the church yesterday honda i think god is trying to get something out of the church ah [Laughter] he's trying to get something out of the church and the church has not been positioned well enough for this baby to not be breached so he allowed a year like this to turn the thing the right side down so that we could reach who we were not reaching so that we could aim for who we were not aiming for so that we would not get comfortable in the building so that we would not have wrong understandings of what church is so that we would not be unhealthily reliant on the corporate anointing and so that we would work again to build within ourselves and internal well because when hell comes after you the corporate anointing is not going to help you what's going to happen is what you develop on the inside of you is going to determine what sustains you and if you've not taking the reason or the room or the space to develop a well here you can go to anywhere there and it's going to help you for a moment but when you're under attack when you're under siege when you're about to break what's within you is what's going to help you come out i've got a river of life flowing out of me it makes so lame to walk makes the blind to see it opens prison doors sets the captives free i've got a river of light flowing out of me spring up here we go right there spring up sprint up spring up a whale within my soul spring up a well where are the wells is there anybody that still got a reservoir they still got a history they still got a flow here is the stream right here that makes glad the city of god i didn't die because i had a whale getting wrong because i had a whale getting quick because i had something on me i didn't stop because something on the inside had not been stopped up like jacob i re-dumped the whales of my father and i pulled up the water [Music] i've got a well a reservoir god was teaching us stuff when we were comfortable for a time that we would not be comfortable visitations revelations explanations for a time that we would ask him where are you but the well within deals with the warfare without i set the well within it's to thank you jesus [Music] it's gratitude it's hallelujah it's i love you it's all of that that springs up and enables you to combat what the enemy wants to use to seduce you i say this to you by the permission of the spirit of god the enemy's objective for 2020 was to seduce you to offer you an option leave or stay go or stay vow or dishonor grow or stagnate the option it was like in between two worlds but because of the nature of travail there are people listening to me in this room but i ain't stupid and around the world that's exhaling now because they're like that's it i've been in travail something was trying to get out of me that i did not see something was trying to be born for me that i didn't believe you know why i didn't even think i was worth it didn't think i qualified but the lord allowed a season he was so kind darrell he gave us a whole year prophet jimmy to focus on the inner man he gave us a whole year to look at the condition of the heart he gave us a whole year in several weeks we would have been in what the world calls a pandemic for a year but what the lord gave us was a sabbath so that we could look at the soul and look at the quality of what we're doing but why we're doing what we're doing so that we can do it bigger and do it greater and do it stronger and do it harder and do it larger it is i've been able pastor josh to say yes lord because when i tried to bind it it didn't stop when i tried to curse it it didn't go away when i tried to return to cinder at state so somewhere in the mind you've got to say okay lord if i got all this authority and power and your name something about this must be your will something about this must be your will and if it is your will i want to be on the right side of it show me what you're bringing out of me i'm not going to be scared about who comes or goes what's there or what's not how or who or what or when or this i just want to know what you want out of me because if i'm in travail it's because you want something out of me throw your hands up and yell the word push if you're writing in the comment section type the word push my assignment tonight in 20 and 21 is to be like a midwife a prophetic midwife an intercessory midwife an apostolic midwife to help the saints push come on push new york push atlanta push charlotte push all over the world louisville you ain't done shut up devil the people are pushing they're not just praising us they're not just praying they're getting ready to push push headquarters you are the example oh yes you are you are the exemplar you are the standard you're the mother church you can't come to 2021 and cave in push i said push push at your i i said push pushing your preaching pushing your praise pushing your prayers pushing your passion pushing your friendships this is the hour for the first quarter of 2021 your only instruction your only instruction your only direction your only directive get in position and push get it possible until this thing comes out to me i got [Music] i gotta push gotta push [Music] shall i bring you to the labor room and not bring forth that is the encouragement to the saints of god that is the encouragement to the saints of god glory to i said that is the encouragement to the saints of god i know this felt like hell but i won't bring you to the labor room i choose to believe him and i won't bring you to the labor room without bringing forth what i put in you oh yeah thousands of people watching me as we just crossed over you're in a battle for your routine you're in a battle for your regular you're you're trying to figure out what normal is again don't be distracted push this push is going to require everything you've got down to who you connect to and who you separate from down to what you study and what you adhere to and meditate upon i'm pushing the first quarter of this year will be a reason and a season for the push of god push you've gone through mourning sickness you've gone through a change of physical posture now it's time [Music] sometimes when it's time you don't feel happy you feel hurt but it's time it is a time of god for you it's a time of god for us you just got to do everything in your power to get through travail i'm in travail we're in travail but the promise of god is when this is over and when the thing comes what's going to happen is you're going to forget i want you if you're in this room throw your hands up and praise god for what he's going to allow what he's going to allow you to forget come on if you're watching me go ahead and give the lord praise for what he's going to allow you to forget oh i can't hear you there are some things you're not don't remember there's some hurts and some worries you're not going to remember some fear some frustrations you're not going to remember some betrayal you're not going to remember somebody you're not going to remember some mistakes of your all it's not going to haunt you it's not going to taunt you it's not going to follow you you're going to forget i said you're going to forget you're going to forget you're going to forget behold i do a new thing shall you not know what you're going to forget god get ready i've been holding that i said your heart get ready to wash your memory wipe your soul clean your tongue wipe your subconscious be renewed in the spirit of your mind god's get ready i can hear you i said god's getting ready to renew you in the spirit of your mind and he's emptying and dumping and cleaning up every high thing i can't hear you every high thing that exalted itself take every thought captive i said take every thought captain make a slave of those thoughts make a slave of those memories make a slave of those peers arrest them they will help arrest them bind them and cut them capes send them to the sea of forgiveness and live to see why why you were why you were in travail i've been in travail you've been in travail we've been in travail but it's time to push we've got to get our focus back and travail push and produce and we will see elder shalandra the listen the reason for pain i i i want you to walk away from this message something just hit my ankle i want to walk away from this message with you having the confidence that pain is never pointless it always points to something so if you were hurt by it if you were hurt in it if you were hurt because of it it's because something's got to come out of it i want a lot i just need four i need about four that's all for the next 10 seconds go crazy we got a lot of room right here i want praise i want everybody that's been hurt uh no not that praise the other one i don't know i won't hurt people something happened to you come on praise him come on all over the room praise him all over the nation praise him i don't care if you're in your kitchen i don't care if you're in your bathroom i don't care if your neighbors hear you i don't care who's around you you have got to give god a tithe of praise a seed of praise for everybody in the room that's gone through hell this year i dare you to break out into praise right now don't worry you don't need a reason come on praise him come on praise him because it didn't work and praise him because it didn't happen praise him because the plan of the enemy failed praise him because of the enemy for evil god moved god word god changed come on please him it's only about 20 of us in here i did a run i didn't scream i get your job because you've been in travail and the best praise comes when you're in pain i said the best praise comes if you're in pain come on church we're crossing over there's so much work to do there's so much work to do there's so much work to do there's so much work to do you got to get your mind together get your heart together get your life together get your money together come on get your definitions together get your boundaries together get your vision together get your mission together come on church god's getting ready to lift his people to open the door to make the way to let the heavens open praise him you owe him this one i said you owe him this one you owe him this one you owe him this come on church if you're watching me on the world wide web get your channel up come on now with your bonnage with your tube and and give god the best praise i shall give him the best praise i said give him the best praise i said give him the best praise come on i need dancing come on dance come on cry come on weak there you go jimmy let's make sure that come on [Music] [Music] come on [Music] come on tired him praise him come on church come on and shout and shout come on inside come on and shop come on come on a little while longer come on church glory to god go ahead mocha i feel caught in here [Music] go ahead there you owe it to it [Music] you owe it to it you set up your future i've been in trouble i've been in waiting it was hurting but i'm into there i'm still pushing shut up devil i still gotta thank you jesus shut up devil i still got a hallelujah shut up devil i still got a yes lord [Music] i see the saints running forgive us online we just need a minute come on come on call the sacrifice of prison [Music] come on and shout come on and shout come on and shop come on and shop come on and shop come on and shop come on [Music] god's gonna be ready god's getting ready god's getting ready god's getting ready god's getting ready god's getting ready god's getting ready god's getting ready god's getting ready god's getting ready god's getting ready god's getting ready cops getting ready pop's getting ready constantly ready cop's getting ready cops get ready got's getting ready getting ready dawg's getting ready cock's getting ready cock's getting ready god's getting ready god's getting ready clunk's getting ready getting ready getting ready happy new year [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes sir yes sir yes lord my soul says yes my talk is my soul yes my soul yeah yeah yes for [Music] [Music] whoa my god jesus one more time open your mouth and scream yes if you need more he'll never say yes yeah yeah yes yes yes yes yes hallelujah thank you jesus i'll say yes lord yes to your will and to your way i'll say yes glorious i will trust you and obey when your spirit speaks to me with my whole heart i'll agree and my answer yes lord yes lord it's from the bottom of my heart just a little welcome to the depths of my soul [Music] yes same church completely yes yes my soul my song says yes verse it says this i love you that's the reason for the yes it's because i i love you it's from the bottom of [Music] [Music] yes yes oh yes [Music] oh yes yeah yes come on there's a dead man son yes yes hello lift it up come on this is how you go to new york yes yes [Music] yes [Music] it is my intense prayer madrid it is my intense prayer that this entire church of movement comes out of this year with a fresh yes to the lord and whatever he wants and whatever he's saying whatever he's doing however he's taking you throw your hands up and say yes lord the point and the purpose of travail i said the point in the purpose of travail is to get a fresh yes out of you and my answer is still yes now unto him that is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before the lord with exceeding great joy to him be all blessings honor dominion and power both now and forever i want to add this tonight because i'm in the mood for thine is the kingdom the power and the copay forever hey hey hey hey ho i said forever that's a powerful word mocha i said forever and ever let the church of god in christ say amen scream amen god bless you you can be this
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 33,316
Rating: 4.9236183 out of 5
Id: KAZEwZoXn5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 46sec (5266 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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