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[Music] it goes like camera action when i step into the limelight easily adapted to the high life dressed like a crimes [Music] [Music] we just got back from the grocery store and typically this is something we do once a week for a bigger shop but then we always end up back at the grocery store usually on thursday so this gets us through about sunday afternoon monday tuesday and wednesday and thursday morning and by thursday afternoon our fridge is usually looking pretty bare because patrick and i do eat a pretty good amount of food and we like to try to eat as fresh as possible so if i cook everything today on sunday it's not tasting quite as fresh so we gotta do two days of meal prep and two days of grocery shopping just one is a little bit bigger than the other so sunday is our big shop i got most of the stuff that we normally buy we still had a little bit left over for instance uh kodiak cakes we pretty much buy those every week and we bought two boxes last week so we're still pretty good on those sweet potatoes we still have some in the pantry and ground turkey we already have some ground turkey so other than that this is pretty much regularly what we buy so throughout the video i'm going to give you guys some tips on how to do a grocery haul a grocery haul how to get in and out of the store without buying the oreos and the the stuff that you really don't want to put in your pantry but when you're in the store just kind of starts calling your name and it looks delicious and it makes you really want it so then you put it in the cart and then you end up eating it and you're like why did i buy this so a couple tips on that and i think the first tip though that i'm going to start with is never go to the grocery store hungry i think we all know that but that makes everything that we don't want to buy look a little bit more appealing and it just kind of like it's not that we don't have the willpower but we kind of just like let that go out the window and just start throwing things in the cart so never go to the grocery store hungry but let's kind of start let's start with our carbs so oatmeal is a staple in our house we buy lots of oatmeal rice we eat a ton of rice i'm super particular the biggest bag of rice ever i like jasmine rice i don't know it digests better i feel like maybe it's slightly healthier there's only one ingredient in it and i just really like that we buy the biggest bag so this lasts us a little while potatoes so we usually buy two types of potatoes usually a russet potato and a sweet potato we already have some sweet potatoes or a red skim potato and a sweet potato just variety is going to be key so that's a major tip for grocery shopping is when you're doing this you want to have variety so you don't want to eat the same potato every week or you're going to stop wanting to eat it so we rotate between rice and potatoes we also buy bread so this is more for patrick than for me but i'll have a slice here and there i actually prefer english muffins so um yeah i don't know why they're just little easy they have like 23 to 27 grams of carbs with one gram of fat and when i'm training i don't like to eat a ton of fat so english muffins are my go-to and then our last like i guess carb would be these buffalo wing and we have literally become addicted to these this is like our kind of like our unhealthy treat that we'll throw in with our lunches or something that just tastes really good and it's it takes the place of our potato chip so instead of buying like a dorito or sour cream and onion ruffles potato chip or cheetos we go with the buffalo wing party size pretzels and we can seriously do some work on these but we were pretty pumped when they came out with that party size bag so those are those are mainly the carbohydrate staples in our in our grocery shopping tip number two so tip number one don't go to the store hungry tip number two shop the perimeter and what that does like i did have to go in the aisle to get the oats the rice the potatoes no aisle the bread and actually these aren't even in an aisle they're right by our produce we don't have to go in an aisle for them so shopping the perimeter is going to help you stay away from the stuff that has longer shelf life like we want stuff that doesn't have a huge shelf life and most of it should be going into our fridge when we get home and that's how we're gonna know we're eating cleaner so definitely try to shop the perimeter and then tip number three is have a list or know what you buy literally we buy the same thing every single week so even though i talked about variety it's like the same thing with maybe a few small changes so a red skin potato versus russet potato clementines versus large naval oranges so we kind of switch those up without making major changes and still eating really healthy so let's go ahead and let's go through some of the produce that we bought so clementines ah this is something i absolutely love and i think has been a really big staple in my training this year i usually eat when i'm training hard four to six clementines a day that citrus fruit just makes my stomach feel good and provides me with the micronutrients that i need clementines i don't know if pat eats those he's more of an apple guy i'm an orange girl he's an apple guy sounds kind of funny oranges and apples apples and oranges anyways okay honeycrisp apple is his favorite so we get a couple of those slice those up maybe put some peanut butter on with them and then bananas so these are a really great source of carbohydrate especially when you need something quick that's going to digest fast if you're in between training sessions or maybe in between pieces of that session they also have a lot of good potassium so oranges apples bananas that's pretty straightforward we then do avocados so we put these on our burgers we put them on our turkey sandwiches we put them on pretty much our salads we try to use this as one of our healthy fats so an avocado is a really good go-to there um from there we have a yellow onion and a red onion these are both specifically for me patrick doesn't like onions i don't know what's wrong with him so the onions then we buy two types of lettuce and that's again variety so just kind of mixing it up so i like to just slice this or you can like peel it and put it on your sandwich which is really nice and it adds some crunch so we always buy the romaine hearts and then we also always buy a big thing of spinach which he likes to mix into his eggs we do spinach salads we put them on sandwiches on burgers like we can use spinach and all sorts of things so lots of lots of variety there um and then finally broccoli broccoli is always a staple we like to do the broccoli crumbs we either roast or steam it i'm a big fan of roasted broccoli patrick more likes the steamed broccoli so again ready just going back and forth so you're not eating the exact same thing every single day it's kind of a huge piece to keeping healthy eating feeling fresh and fun and enjoyable okay next let's talk about like our protein sources or more of our meat so eggs pat is a huge egg guy i think we already have two cartons but we usually keep at least two cartons in our fridge at all times um usually a breakfast food for us sometimes we do like to have breakfast for dinner these are my go-to so i pretty much eat two of these every single morning sometimes four depending on where i'm at in the season but the reason i love them is they only have five grams of fat and they have nine grams of protein 90 calories um they are turkey sausage fully cooked breakfast sausages so i just pop them in the microwave takes 30 seconds and i usually eat two of these with my bowl of oatmeal if i haven't already put protein in my oatmeal so these are me so he's an egg guy i'm a sausage girl kind of funny um then heavy whipping cream you guys always see me posting about coffee in college and coffee we both do two shots of espresso in the morning we used to like drink a whole pot of coffee which is not good it used to make us kind of feel like this so we don't do that anymore and then we just put in i literally measure out my cream every single morning i put one tablespoon or 15 milliliters into my coffee and then i'll dump that collagen or protein in there and it makes it taste absolutely amazing and it still tastes creamy but this doesn't upset my stomach the way that milk would upset my stomach finally we are huge hot sauce people this is not our normal hot sauce but we decided to try something new they were actually out of it i think it's called tapito t-a-p-i-t-o i like to go back into the history of tapatio but i think that's what it's called the only downfall about this one that that one doesn't have is this one has sugar and if i knew that i wouldn't have told pat to put it in the cart but i didn't check the label so we've got a sugary hot sauce for this go around um coffee we like dunkin donuts we're kind of picky about that but we really really really like dunkin donuts tastes delicious tastes amazing every morning and then finally oh i was supposed to be doing protein sorry back to protein um chicken we do a ton of chicken again i like to keep my fat a little bit low i'm usually between 58 and 62 grams of fat per day so if i'm eating pretty fatty proteins and pretty fatty meats that can go quickly so i like to get my fat i like to get my protein from my protein and then my fat from things like avocado or nut butters or things along those lines not a super heavy fatty piece of protein and then these are one of my absolute favorite hot italian chicken sausage that we can grill uh you guys might follow me on instagram i've forgot about these and left them in the girl before and they become non-existent i burn the grill down uh but again like per one link is only six grams of fat so it's really nothing crazy so those are chicken sausage as well we usually do buy ground turkey but we have some in the fridge so we didn't need that and then yeah here it's fall so we're kind of switching it up again talking about variety i will use some of our meat and we're gonna make a chili so we just do diced tomatoes with kidney beans and a little bit of chili seasoning that we can just kind of have with a salad or just kind of keep changing things up especially as the seasons change so i think that's it that's that's our main grocery haul like i said a couple of really good tips one go in with a list if you already don't know what you're buying so that list is gonna keep you by only what is on the list two shop the perimeter three don't go hungry and then four make sure you have variety so something that i like to work with people in the gym about is like a three per list so what you can do is you can say okay i want three veggies i want three fruits i want three sources of carbohydrates and i want three different proteins that way and three sources of fat so that way when you leave the store you have some variety and you can even write that out onto your list and then next week if you're like oh i'm getting really sick of my broccoli crowns maybe we switch those out for roasted asparagus or mushrooms or something along those lines so you can keep seeing those veggies and you can keep adjusting them and changing them same with fruit like you could come home with pineapple or you could come home with papaya or mango or you know watermelon whatever that is that you can keep switching out those fruits that way you are not getting super bored but you're continuing to eat clean and eat healthy so you're fueling your body so you feel really good but you're also having lots of variety step five or tip number five step five i haven't been giving you guys steps i've been giving you tips tip number five would be cook and prepare your food right when you get home even if it's not immediately that same day so for us that's what i'm going to spend the next hour or two doing is we're going to roast our potatoes we're going to start cooking our rice we're going to cook and grill our chicken get our sausage our chicken sausages ready just because that is a huge help when monday morning rolls around and we have really healthy options quickly available and convenient in the fridge a lot of times if it's not cooked and it's not ready then we might go to something that is a little bit quicker or an easier option that maybe isn't as healthy and then sometimes the food can get wasted so make sure that you not only make time to go to the grocery store so first planning your list to going to the store and then three prepping your food so i'm gonna spend the next hour to prepping and then patrick and i are gonna bring you guys a full macro breakdown of what he eats in a day i'm gonna count his macros for him he's actually never done it so i'm really excited to see what his regular day breakdown looks like and then another video of a full day of eating for me what i eat in a day and just sharing with you guys some of our favorite tips tricks hacks and recipes so make sure you guys smash that subscribe button so you don't miss those two videos i have a feeling we eat very differently i'm really excited to share that with you and then also if you liked this video please hit the like button it helps our channel it it helps with the algorithm and it helps us be able to keep producing content for you guys and keep sharing stuff with our life and our fitness journey because we love doing it and we hope you love it too so if you have any questions on anything that we bought or i don't know any questions at all stuff you want to see make sure you drop those in the comments section and we will try to bring them to you have a great day [Music]
Channel: Kristi Eramo O'Connell
Views: 13,154
Rating: 4.9809885 out of 5
Id: lWsrSg8rWok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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