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hey youtube family so today i am here to share with you one of my favorite breakfast recipes and the reason i want to share this with you is because what i've been learning over these last few months not that i didn't know this but i'm always a student of nutrition and a student of exercise because i want to keep bettering myself so what i've been learning is that i wasn't feeling enough up front in the day and then i didn't have enough time to get calories in at the end of the day so then i was crashing during my session so i don't know if you guys have ever been there and you start to feel lightheaded you start to feel dizzy you start to feel like you can't make it through your session it's probably because we're not fueling properly so i got this nutrition from m2 performance nutrition who i work with and i absolutely love it it's been game changing for my obsessions for my energy and my overall mood so i'm really excited to share it with you i personally have learned the hard way about not eating enough so when i'm not eating enough i start to notice things like disrupted sleep i start waking up at night i start to notice that i'm irritable i start to notice that my mood i guess that goes with irritability but my mood is very up and down i start to feel like i don't want to train or i'm unmotivated or almost like i'm burning out and then i start to feel like i just have no energy and have a little bit of brain fog so if you can relate to any of those things you may be under eating and i used to make a smoothie in the morning which i left but it didn't have very many calories so my body almost felt like it was fasting in a way and now what i've learned is to wake up to get food in my system within 30 minutes but that's where this recipe comes in i am not a breakfast eater i actually don't love eating big meals in general i don't like that feeling of feeling super weighed down so instead i would choose just not to eat but we have found the perfect solution so i wake up craving this i get about 600 to 650 calories in every morning 80 plus grams of carbs 30 grams of protein and around 15 ish grams of fat in just this one little container so that's what i want to share with you guys it's the perfect recipe whether you are waking up and you have to go train because you're not going to feel weighed down but you're going to have the energy or we can make it slightly healthier and it's a great grab-and-go recipe you can prepare this up to five days in advance let it sit in your fridge and all you do is have to grab it out of the fridge on your way out the door so it's the perfect recipe for anyone i ordered these little plastic containers in bulk you could also use glass mason jars which would probably be slightly better um but this is just something pat and i have in our household that we use every single night to make this so let's get started so i'm gonna give you the macro breakdown for both of these the first thing we're going to do is add our oats to the tupperware so for the healthier version just meaning it has less sugar i'm actually going to add two servings so i'm going to add 80 grams of oats to this container oops that's 110. let's put a little bit back okay so now that we've added 80 grams we're gonna set our oats aside from here i like to add one teaspoon of chia seeds so a serving size is actually two tablespoons we're not adding that much we're just gonna add one small teaspoon and you can do the ground chia seeds the black juice seeds whatever you want just add some omega-3s and some healthy fats then depending on which version you want patrick likes a little bit more fat so i'm gonna do a half so one tablespoon is what i meant to say so that's going to come out to 16 grams so i'm just going to dump 16 grams my hands are clean into this container perfect so now we have our nut butter and it smells so good and wipe my hands off then we're gonna add our one scoop of collagen so this is gonna serve as a good portion of our protein there is also some protein in the peanut butter in the oats and an oatmeal and then from here i just kind of like to mix all of my ingredients and then we're going to add one cup of oat milk add in one cup just measuring that out you can either weigh it or you can measure it whatever you want to do and it fits perfectly in these little containers oops so next i'm gonna stir it and i'm gonna just mix this together you wanna make sure you try to mix it really good try to mix the peanut butter in the best that you can that's the only tough part about using the creamy peanut butter it doesn't mix in quite as easily as the powdered peanut butter but it tastes delicious so this is going to be our chocolate peanut butter overnight oats and i'll give you the macro breakdown so then i just once i've mixed it i add the lid nice and tight and then i usually just kind of shake it around to make sure it's mixed from here we're just going to put it into the fridge you can leave it up to the in the fridge for up to five days and then when you take it out in the morning it'll be ready to eat you don't have to heat it up it's ready to go as is the macro breakdown for our peanut butter chocolate oats is gonna be 600 calories 75 grams of carbs 19.7 grams of fat and 32.5 grams of protein if you want even more carbs you can slice up half of a banana and top it with that in the morning and is absolutely to die for this option is perfect for those of you not going to train because i actually added a full scoop of oats so that got us closer to that 75 grams of carbs depending on what kind of calorie base that you're looking for or how much you're looking to eat you could play with this you could do one serving of oats which would take the calorie the carbs down by 27 grams so that would knock us down to about 50 some grams of carbs which would still be a really solid way to start your day we want to put those carbs up front because you have the whole day ahead of you so that way we can burn them throughout the day um this one would be really awesome too because it's not loaded with sugar so the oats only have one gram of sugar per serving where the oats that i'm going to be using on the next one actually have 12 grams of sugar per serving and a little bit higher carb so i like the ones with the sugar right before i train just because i burn right through it and it gives me lots of energy because that's what my muscles are hungry for but if you're going to sit at a desk or maybe you're not super active in the morning i would definitely go towards the instant oats and then you can do the peanut butter or the powdered peanut butter with some chocolate collagen powder and it's going to be absolutely delicious version two of our overnight oats is really freaking delicious to me it almost tastes like a dessert the other one's good but this one's a lot sweeter because it does have the maple brown sugar flavor and it does have a little bit more sugar so i am taking two packets of my instant oatmeal maple brown sugar from quaker you can use any flavor that you want i just have fallen in love with the maple brown sugar i'm sure i'll eat it until i get sick of it and then i'll have to find a new flavor so two packets of there which is probably close to about two servings of instant oats then we're gonna add our one scoop of collagen i actually rotate i sometimes do chocolate and sometimes i do vanilla both of them are amazing i get my collagen from first form it mixes in nicely we'll drop that link in the bio as well then from here i'm gonna hit one teaspoon of my chia seeds this is super easy this is the easiest recipe i do this every night sometimes i make multiple in a row that way they're just ready for the week so one teaspoon of chia seeds and then last but not least making sure i'm not forgetting anything we're just gonna add one cup of our oat milk so once i have added my oat milk i'm gonna do the exact same thing i'm just gonna mix it so that way the collagen the oats everything gets mixed in so it can absorb the oat milk overnight and become delicious so once it looks like it's mixed pretty well it doesn't have to be perfect we're just gonna add our lid i did red and blue so we know the difference between the two because the macros are slightly different we have our overnight oats it's that simple so the macros for this one are this one has 84 grams of carbs 10 grams of fat and 27 grams of protein for 525 calories so the calories are slightly less and that's just because we use the full fat peanut butter which gave it a few more calories on this one but typically when i eat this in the morning i will put two turkey sausage wish it with it and then i will also add usually about half of a banana sliced up on top and that's how i start my day i did want to touch on this so i've shared this recipe with my mom and my dad and they're like but chrissy i thought you didn't eat sugar and i do try to minimize sugar but when i'm training and the amount that i'm training right now what i've found is that i need those carbohydrates and especially the quicker carbohydrates in the middle of the training sessions to fuel my body my muscles need that so they can fire so they can lift so they can metcon so they can do all of that so the sugar yes we do want to stay away from sugar but there are times that maybe we want to be having that higher glycemic carbohydrate so we can repair our muscles and i like to start my morning with that because it gives me energy right into my first training session i really wanted to share this recipe with you guys because even though maybe not everybody is waking up and going to train and spend most of the day at the gym this is a perfect way and an easy way to get something delicious down that is quick i know for me it's just like sitting down and eating a breakfast first thing in the morning can be challenging especially if you have a busy schedule if you have kids if you have to be at work early whatever that may be so this is a really great way to make sure that you are getting those calories in and it's also delicious it's not going to make you feel stuffed and it's just the perfect way to fuel your day so i hope you guys give this recipe a try if you have any questions let me know once you make these little containers stick them on your top shelf of the fridge so all you have to do is grab it either sit down at your table or head out the door and you are set for the day don't forget smash the like button comment below if there's any other recipes you want to see or anything you want to know about my training or nutrition as it starts to pick up as we really dive into season have a great day [Music]
Channel: Kristi Eramo O'Connell
Views: 25,300
Rating: 4.9659705 out of 5
Id: jEJA3MeDous
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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