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[Music] hi everyone so Pat and I are back we are gonna show you some awesome stuff that you can do that's cost-effective for your home Jim I'm getting a lot of emails and comments and messages about people being bored with what they have at home and they wanted us to come up with or they're looking for other creative ways to get creative with fitness so we've been thinking and we put together some ideas for you the first one is a slash pipe now all you need is a PVC pipe a little bit of water and you can do endless amount of things with this it's kind of like your own makeshift bamboo bar if you've ever wanted to use a bamboo bar but haven't got the opportunity this is how you can do it so you can squat with it you can press it you can do carries with it it's gonna work your shoulders your midline your hips everything for good stability and it's gonna be super challenging and also not expensive to make the other thing we're gonna share with you guys is an at-home pulley system so I know if you've ever been to a gym and they've got the cable systems where you can do your tricep extensions and things like that and you're really missing that we have a cost effective way that you can build one of these at home that's gonna be super awesome for you so I hope that you guys enjoy this make sure to put any comments below that you have about what we're building or what Pat's building and I'm supervising and stay tuned for that the do-it-yourself stuff we love it [Music] first project slash pipe this is awesome we have these at one of our gyms and we're super excited to make them now and we're gonna share this with cosmic flare us when we can finally get back but for now we'll utilize it in the garage so we have this 10 foot 3 inch PVC pipe and this is gonna make two so we can each have one all right this is literally probably the fastest easiest thing you can possibly make to add something new to your training routine so what I've got here is I've got one 10 foot stick of three-inch pipe 4 caps and my primer and my glue that we use for the parallettes really what I'm gonna do with this is I'm literally gonna cut it in half put a cap on the bottom of it fill it half with water cap the other side and we're going to be done doesn't get much easier than that all right so step 1 cut your PVC in half way ten foot we cut it into two five foot sections step two Pat's got this purple primer both of these come in a package together so it's the primer in the glue don't skip the primer so what he's doing right now is these primary all of the insides of the caps which are gonna go on the ends and then once he primers that so you can see he's done the entire inside make sure to be careful with this stuff if you get it on any cuts in your hands it's gonna burn really bad once he's primed the caps he's gonna primer the outside ends of the PVC pipe so the cap primer will stay on the end of the PVC primer and then we'll glue it together all right so I'm building two of these at the same time and what I'm doing first is I'm going to glue just the bottoms of them or one side I guess it could be either I got plenty of glue I'm gonna force my cap on hold it for just about 30 or 40 seconds chemical reaction does want to push it before it grabs and then once it does grab it's just it's not going anywhere so few seconds there I'll let it grab and then onto my next one right now all we're doing is we're filling the PVC pipe about halfway so again it's about five foot that's just kind of peeking in we're gonna fill it to about two and a half feet so there's no kind of right or wrong just trying to aim for about halfway school on the PVC right then I'm gonna stand here and hold it while he glues the outside in the cap we're gonna pop it together and it's done all right guys we got our first slash pipe it does not look like it's gonna be anything challenging but this thing probably weighs about 25 pounds because there's 8 to 9 pounds per gallon of water so when I pick it up all the waters on the bottom as I turn it quickly see it wants to pull me in all sorts of directions so what we can do with it see how it's kind of trying to rock me side to side we can do squats my jeans are stretchy so you can push our hips back in down we can do squats forcing us to stabilize we can press behind the neck or from the front holding overhead we can march in place the water just trying to keep it over the center of our body we can front squat we could do step ups we could do pistols and all sorts of things you guys can get a super awesome workout with these and they're also really fun they're very deceiving I hope you guys give it a try so total cost for two of these was about twenty bucks and the only things I bought was the 3-inch pipe in four caps and that made two of these all right so our next project is gonna be our home gym pulley system so it's similar to where you guys have seen us doing our banded tricep pull downs things like that now we're gonna be able to actually add weight to it just like a cable system that you would see in a gym all right so there's nothing fancy about this it's just something extra that we can add to our tool bag I got all the stuff at Home Depot you can find at any hardware store that kind of something to pay attention to is all of these will have weight ratings on them and this big carabiner is read for 110 pounds it'll show me right here on the top I've got some smaller ones here this one's actually rated for 660 so that's not going anywhere this larger ones 250 pack 250 pounds my actual pulley here will hold 420 and our little Manila rope here is rated for up to 124 so what we're doing we're not gonna be lifting anything more than that but pay attention when you are buying stuff so I don't have many pieces but what I'm gonna do is put together my top portion first which is going to be my pulley I've got a little pulley and this one actually swivels which makes it pretty nice and I'm gonna take my smallest carabiner and I'm gonna hook it through there I'm gonna tighten that back again and then I get to hook that one to my larger carabiner which now that pulley can hang from you got a pull-up bar rings whatever you've got this kind of gives you an anchor point to that to up top the next thing I'm going to do once I've got that hooked up I'm just gonna put one into my rope through my pulley which creates one in for weight one in me to work work with with my waited side I'm gonna add another carabiner to where I can either click clip it to my rope handle or any other implement that I want to use with it so I'm just going to tie double overhand knot right here it's a slip knot that I can pull nice and tight and that's gonna be my working side then I'm gonna take this piece right here and slide that through and just like any Globo gym or anything like that I'm actually going to tie a knot on either side oops lost one side there same thing not on this side there's my working handle once pat has the main pulley belt he just tied a little knot or a little loop so we could hook a carabiner and then from here what we'll do is always take our carabiner right around another weight we want to use so we'll just pull it through and then hook it to itself so now when I stand tall we guesstimated for me soft arm bends same for Pat and then I can pull my elbows down to my side and then start my tricep extension and as the weight feels light I can add whatever kettlebells or dumbbells or whatever you want to be pulling so we can get a different style of body building workout in this is really exciting so we're going to show you a couple awesome exercises that you can do with this that are going to hit your triceps hit your upper back and just target at different muscle groups for some really good bodybuilding so I showed you guys the tricep extension next I'm going to start with face pull so face pulls gonna get my upper back so all I'm gonna do is step away from the pulley system-- athletic stance mid lines engaged I'm gonna drive my elbows wide squeeze my shoulder legs back together and then release so I could make this harder by adding more weight and I want to make sure I keep my elbows high and I squeeze my shoulder blades together from there I could go into overhead tricep extensions which is gonna hit just a little bit differently so elbows are in tight and I'm just gonna extend and then let my arms fall back behind my head or my hands so those are really good and then finally the one that I'm really excited about because I seated lat pulldown so I'm gonna come down to the ground my legs will be in front I can sit back just a little bit and then from here I'm just gonna pull down to my chest this is probably my favorite one could use a little bit more weight but we'll play with it and we'll dial it in some awesome exercises that you can do for super cost effective pad will give you the exact cost hit and lots of different muscle oops and keep your training fresh and exciting all right so here's another one that's one of my favorites and really whether it's this setup or another one it's really about getting creative in your own gym so what I've done is I've set my squat rack up right underneath the pulley system and I'm gonna pull it underneath and now I'm going to do horizontal poles which just changes the angle I can sit on a box here I can do a lot of different stuff but it just adds some elements and it's fun just getting creative so whether you guys have a rope or any other different attachments this little carabiner right here allows you guys to kind of get creative put whatever you want on there total cost for this was about 25 bucks I think that includes all the carabiners the attachments and the rope itself so it's very cost effective and you guys come up with as many different ways that you want to use this as possible the most important thing to remember is you nothing has to be fancy in order to get a great workout the swash pipes cost us about 20 bucks the pulley system cost us about 25 and we're gonna be able to do all sorts of different exercises and get fit in a whole new way and I think that's also what functional fitness is and we need to remember that Pat might always like to remind ourselves we go to the gym and we work on our fitness inside of the gym so we can be fit to do things outside of the gym like rock climbing hiking biking all sorts of things so remember that our training in the gym is to help us outside of the gym and we're not able to go to the gym right now so it's fun to get creative and come up with new different ways to work on our fitness and also keep it fresh and keep it fun we hope you guys have enjoyed this video we love bringing you the do-it-yourself stuff if there's anything else you want to see or any of these you guys have make sure you comment below and then like the video so you don't miss and you know the next projects that we're gonna be sharing with you thanks for tuning in and have a great day [Music] [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Kristi Eramo O'Connell
Views: 83,201
Rating: 4.9244242 out of 5
Id: 7sauOaatRo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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