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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so a lot of you have requested more shoulder mobility videos things for improving your front rack so that's what we're going to talk about today there's a couple things when I started CrossFit I had a really hard time achieving a good front rack and getting the bar to where it could actually rest in my shoulder and lift my elbows high enough so that's what I'm going to show you and this is also great if you already have a good front rack to do before you do anything that's clean intensive front squat to make sure that we're maintaining that good front rack as well so the first thing we're gonna start with is a barbell smash on our forearms so if our forearms are tight and maybe limiting some of our wrist mobility so you definitely want to smash those out regularly just to make sure that our wrist mobility is staying on point so all I do I have a regular barbell you could start with a library lighter barbell I have a women's 35 pound bar so I'm just gonna lay on my side and I'm gonna gently just bring the barbell onto my form and then I'm gonna guide the barbell up just relaxing my form as much as I can so I'm working all the way up to my elbow and then I can work all the way back down and that would be one I would do 15 to 20 passes per arm the weight adds just a little nice a little bit of an extra component and it allows you just to smash out the form once you go 15 to 20 passes on one side you can flip over your forearm and actually start to work on the other side as well this side for me is much more painful working out towards the elbow so I just take it super slow and controlled working on taking the barbell all the way down towards my wrists and then all the way back up rolling it nice and easy it's that good pain so it hurts but it feels good and I know it's gonna help again another on this side 15 ideally 20 passes I usually make it around 10 to 15 so the next drill I have is a wrist mobility drills so we're actually going to go into a couple banette stretches and mobility drills for the first one you're going to take your band I like to use a been and okay about a foot off of the rig from here I'm gonna pull the van back I'm just gonna place my hand right in the pan super simple Paula's gonna go flat on the ground and I'm just gonna find where there's a little bit of tension and the band is wanting to pull me back over so pull my shoulder over my wrist I'm gonna just apply a little bit of pressure and then I'm gonna rock there and I'm gonna do about five of those trying to rock as far forward about a three-second hold and then rock back and then I'm just gonna hold there for about 30 seconds and see if I can get my for I'm just to continue to loosen up and my wrists to loosen up a little bit as well when you do this my fingers are already starting to crunch so that means I mean then I want to make sure my hand saves us flat so I'm going to come in just a little bit press each finger individually through the ground keeping that full contact with the ground really feeling it and then driving back so again if your fingers kind of start to curl up on you bring your hand in and work on keeping those fingers totally flat to the ground a lot of times I'd like the wrist is the most forgotten we don't typically tend to stretch our rince it's just like wow that didn't feel better that hurts versus when we maybe do an air squat and we hit the bottom or like oh my ankle is still tight you just walk up to a wall or a bike or a rig post and you put your foot on there and you stretch out the back of your ankle in your calf we need to take that same mentality and that's a mindset when it comes to our wrists so making sure that we're mobilizing our wrists and continue to strengthen and stretch them so it'll help all of our lips moving forward depending on where you're mobile where you're tight you may like one of these better than the other but now I'm going to flip direction so this time I'm going to come away from the rig and the band's gonna be pulling my respect towards the MiG I'm gonna put my hand flat again so fingers fully extended and then from here I'm gonna drive my shoulder over got a nice pop it felt so good driving my shoulder over my wrist and then coming back and again I'm pressing my palm through the floor trying to keep my fingers completely flat and there should be a really nice almost like a distraction feeling throughout the forearm and the wrist just continuing to open up that wrist mobility so pulsing back and forth for about five reps and then holding for about 30 seconds per arm another super simple one I'm going to use the band again I'm going to teach you a trick to get in and out because getting out is sometimes the hardest so what we're gonna do is we're just going to take our heel onto the band from here I'm gonna kind of bend to the side taking the band in my palm and then coming over I want to think about trying to stand up tall and then letting the band gently stretch my tricep and through my lap and just hanging out here I really like to do this one before handstand push-ups before any shoulder to overhead movement jerks especially this really helps me open up my tricep and get ready to press so I will hold this one for at least 60 seconds and think about my breathing trying to take big long inhales and exhales and just continue to try to let the band pull my hand just behind my shoulder and down my back it feels very nice to get out of this this is the key you want to all you have to do it seems so simple lift your heel and now I come right out of the stretch I don't have to compromise any positions but just by lifting my heel the tension on the band becomes let go and I can just pop right out of the stretch and switch sides okay so I'm actually gonna do a similar type of stretch to the last one but we're gonna come from the rig pose so I'm gonna do is hang the band from the post I'm actually gonna come forward bringing my elbow just into the band then I'm gonna grab with my palm the band from here I want to externally rotate so think about rolling out as I gently lean forward that's gonna give you an awesome stretch all through this quadrant right here so all the way down my tricep through my lap continuing to open up my shoulder and I'm just gonna breathe if I can I'll take a step out think apply pressure with your elbow into the band but always keeping the hand in the shoulder externally rotated to keep opening up for shoulder try to hang out here again a minimum of 60 seconds and breathing really big not just chest breath spudger you breathe deep into your belly while you're in this position next stretch is gonna build off of the last stretch so we started the last stretch with the bent elbow so we're targeting our tricep alter here at this time we're gonna continue by opening up our shoulder all the way so I'm just gonna take the band into my palm I like to step the opposite leg forward think about flagging my shoulder down and back so I have a long neck and then I'm just gonna gently apply pressure with my hand into the band again this is another great stretch to do if we have a heavy shouldered overhead day if we have some handstand or a great time to do it is to cool down after if you had any of those movements this time I feel less through here and a little bit more through here all right the last bandit shots we're going to do and then I'm going to show you how to do all of these on the rig or a wall or a post just in case you don't have the ends and you don't have a pull-up bar it's gonna be for our laps so I've strode something similar to this before but for front rack mobility for our shoulders it could either be a wrist mobility or it could be triceps or it could be left so we want to make sure we hit all three of those areas so what I'm gonna do is take my hand in the bin I like to put it so it sits on the back of my wrist so I can grab the band with my palm then I'm gonna roll my thumb out so I'm still in that externally rotated position from here I'm gonna sit back drop my back knee behind and then pick my leg over so from here I can kind of roll towards this and gently let the band pull me from here I'm just thinking about taking really big deep breaths into wherever I feel the stretch too easy come back a little bit further let your chest drop towards your pathway and so just in case you don't have a pull-up bar you don't have a rig but you're like wow I really want to improve my shoulders on my front rack we can still do it at home if you have a wall if you can find a corner we just need something to put our arm up again so if I use this post right here the first one remember we just had the band on our hand just pulling back all I'm going to do is take my elbow put it against the post hand just behind my head and I'm thinking about actively pressing right through here kind of pulling down and pushing through the rig post I can breathe I can push into the post for three to five seconds and then relax do that five times and then just hang out here for the overhead banded position if we don't have a band we're gonna take a wall or a corner of a wall we're gonna think about applying pressure so I'm gonna slide my shoulder down and back so my neck is long I'm gonna try to apply pressure through my elbow and my palm so sliding down gently applying that pressure so I'm continue to open up through my PEC minor and through my shoulder again this one's a little hard to hold for 60 seconds so I try to go 30 second efforts maybe two to three thirty second efforts before I get going in a workout and the final stretch if we don't have the rig or a band is for our laps so we just need to find something that we can hang on to so it could be a doorknob or door handle whatever just make sure the door is pulling towards you so you don't go flying through but I'm gonna do is grab the post I like to turn my thumb down you don't pack - you could grab this way as well I just think it feels better if I cross and then I'm just gonna sit back from here you don't have to take the opposite leg behind but just kind of sit back and I like to push my hips away from my hand so I get a nice big deep stretch through the side of my body and I can just breathe into that stretch so again my hands on the left side of my body I want to push my hips towards my right side so I'm pushing away to create a bigger deeper stretch all right hey so these stretches these mobility moves are super super important to one keeping you healthy and to helping you take your performance to the next level and keep you from being in pain so these are great to incorporate before your workout if you know you have a heavy overhead day if you have a lot of cleans we're gonna be putting some pressure on your wrists they're also super awesome to adding after the workout so you cool down you flush out some of the blood that maybe went to those areas during your workouts so that we can stay healthy and we can keep coming back to the gym day after day and hitting it hard if you want to see more stuff like this we're gonna keep bringing it to you so make sure you like you subscribe comment below on what you want to see next thanks have a good day [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kristi Eramo O'Connell
Views: 47,473
Rating: 4.9750156 out of 5
Id: brpAVT9_j7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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