Our Longest RV Travel Days EVER // Full-Time RV Life with Kids

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so we're about to leave with the rv and do the longest haul we have ever done with our kids by a long shot and we're gonna be driving i'm guessing it's gonna take us 25 to 28 hours have you ever been excited and yet not excited where marisa nathan we are leaving the campground jj's already saying down in the back so kinsley and jj we sold our house in 2015 and moved into an rv full time to live a life of less junk more journey life is a journey let go and get going we only got about nine hours google time to go i'm stressed eating the kids snacks at this point so we hauled it from football tennessee to oakhart indiana for the grand design national rally we have had a fantastic time here the last four nights i'm sure you would never imagine this but the 120 dollar e-bike rack that i bought off of walmart this bolt is out because i was looking for parts but it just did not hold up like we had hoped but then the skies parted and john walked in from our meetup we had here with finding our someday and john said hey my brother has a hollywood rack meant for e-bikes brand new never opened we bought toy haulers he never even installed it he doesn't need it because he has a toy hauler now do you want it i said yes i mean this thing just uh yeah it's just built like a tank compared to this yeah it's broken my trust we're moving on this is for you this is for me too i know i need to be doing this so instructions oh listen to this that's way more secure than what we had okay so here's the next edition of will it ride 2.0 here to see if these make it down the road everything's just all around it's all better not always the steel thicker it's not like velcro straps i mean everything's ratcheting on this so these ratchets these ratchets these can lock they've actually got a double layer you've got rubber and then a layer foam and in addition to that the rack comes with a lock that i've got wrapped around here like crazy and there is zero i mean zero play down here so before we get out of here this is kind of a bike rack project too actually so i bought one of these here at the rally there are definitely other options as far as putting cameras on your rig but furion is like the gold standard it's already pre-wired for it i've heard it's not a bad install so we'll find out the bikes pushed me over the edge i've been meaning to buy this anyways but i want to be able to see the bikes going down the road like see if anything's like flopping more than it should or if they're dragging on the ground you got sparks going on we're gonna hope that doesn't happen thank you for letting me borrow the ladder rob that's not exactly complicated [Applause] we are leaving the campground in the grandest on national rally jj's already saying done in the back so it's gonna be a fun day uh the camera is working you can see the bikes back there i'll be keeping an eye on them we only got about nine hours google time to go which for us probably that's our goal today i don't know if that's where we're gonna get today or not but [Music] all right first stop this guy had about anywhere in the whole area he could have parked but uh they like being right next to us so uh in case you're wondering we can get our slides out on both sides on those rest stops so just barely i mean it's close if you have a rig like ours i aim for the middle and that i used to sort of air to one side or the other like the middle has been perfect and like it seems like i can get everything out on both sides we're a third of the way there monkey oh on the bed this one has a playground though which is super cool yeah this wrist stop did you all go play we did go play how's your lunch is your lunch just pepperoni so when you're traveling with kids sometimes you know you just know he just woke up and we could tell today he was like wouldn't matter what we're doing today he's like i'm not having it today i'm gonna let you it's gonna be a tough day for you today this is a popular spot man and there definitely are other spots so i don't know uh i don't know they like the challenge of getting close to these slides and making me nervous sometimes you just need a different perspective on life i was talking to a friend on the phone and she started crying hearing jj saying oh you know it's so challenging when they're little but then one day you're really gonna you're really gonna miss those noises that's just a way of communication that you don't hear when your kids get older and that was just definitely a good perspective to hear because sometimes when you're like trying to take care of little kids you think oh wow like the stage lasts forever but then it was just kind of a reminder that it's just such a short season of life and that's why we travel while they're little because we love just spending this time together and they're only that little for such a short amount of time you get 18 summers with your kids that was a good people 25 now 25. well i think because you get insurance until you're 26 so it might be 26 summers now [Music] so of course the storm came out of nowhere so the bikes are uncovered in the back and now i still get to see him i'm just getting the champion so i'm looking for somewhere to get off i don't know what's worse i don't know if i should just keep going in the rain and hope that the rain kind of bounces over the bikes because once i stop i don't know it's the midwest man oh and like traveling with kids right like he's asleep i mean what i stop guarantee is gonna wake up guarantee it [Music] okay all right ipad crew you gotta go in shop with mommy you gonna go shopping such a long day okay it's gonna be like a i don't know nine or ten hour day today uh is the plan goodness yeah marissa needed we don't have anything to eat for dinner so we thought let's just stop at walmart go into our shopping get the dinner stuff dinner here you know we'll see what happens does that have anything to do with us that honking somebody's not happy in the world man where's it at i mean these roads in the chicago area and like up north here where it's thought [Music] what's going on porn is stuck yeah i think that guy's horn was stuck could you imagine we had to go to colorado with our horn stuck poor guy which i don't know i've heard like three other people honking their horns out here since we got here so it could be karma if you're honking too much at people someone drive these bikes off as much as i can put the cover on them oh wow okay so they did get a little bit wet but i'm gonna say not downright drenched i think they might have actually gotten wetter if i'd stopped the rv groceries in the house thank you hensley you know go give this to mommy thank you look at that view we typically do not travel these long travel days back to back to back like we're doing but we are doing event to event this time so sometimes there are times we have to go from one place to another quickly we have not yet done this with jj and he has not been out west before so this is all new long days a little nerve-racking just doing donuts one more parking lot with a trailer no big deal something new we've discovered with our kids is hensley's finally getting to the age that podcasts work which is great because that cuts down on screen time we all get kind of sick in the car when we read so we do try to do some some reading some activity books some schools so how's dinner on the road it works it does work it's two ponies yeah are from her coney let's get it out marissa's coming to get it [Music] and we're going through that face some racist basketball days did not do her back any favors so long stretches are tough for her um i have a herniated disc in my back so long car rides have been hard for me for for a while i just have to stay stretched now i think that's a question like when you're traveling long distances or traveling at all like what is the pace of your family you know obviously we love the 2-2-2 rule we would prefer to only go like 200 miles and get there by 2 p.m you know the whole thing but like it just doesn't always work out that way and so i don't know if we're on like the six i won't say six six six you don't want to say that dude well yesterday was like ten so i guess the question for us when you have a long stretch which is better is it better to like knock it out say two really long days or like four kinda long days or do one long day take a break another one i don't have an easy answer for that and i it doesn't even stay the same for us so i can't stay here this is what we always do when it comes to these travel days what's the wheel it's all about google hey google google's not plugged up i don't think we moved around [Music] so this is sort of like our first foray it's for a word of just like coming out and winging it camping there's unplug that keep a sound machine like jj yeah sleeps in the car it actually works really well you know we've traveled and we've done things during covid but it seems like we've either had planned places we haven't done a whole lot of wing in it really this is not a destination like there's nothing within like an hour of here at least nobody comes in and the owner said that he said he had this camera in 50 years and i asked him like 50 years 50 years i said is this the busiest it's ever been in 50 years he says yes like so he says there's nights that have been sold out and they have five or six people come in they have to turn them away i mean all it's just he said it's just advertises a working farm like there's silos over here there's tractors around you know it's just it's just a field where they put some sewer electric in we're heading to essentially the next two events are going to be boondocking and so it's almost like you have to kind of plan ahead and know i know when i'm heading into long stretches of boondocking situations just having that little revamp of laundry and shower i think we can do it we'll see if we can reach everything so it is flat like that's a definite pro for flat we can stay hooked up i'm gonna make sure i can reach everything here but it's another pro for the short bed we're hooked up we'll get some sleep we'll see you guys in the morning okay so hensley thinks she has solved the mystery of what it is that was in her slide that caused the rip what do you think this is hazley dolls so this goes in the mouth like this did you know that from the beginning no not sincerely i kind of knew but i didn't know for sure but you you kind of knew right oh yeah all right but it was round before but the slide you shake a little i did nothing you keep your gum away from the slides i mean it's just a matter of time probably when you got kids and all this stuff my goodness lindsay's cleaning up her room you get stuff put away yeah hey there's we can in this we could uh toss before we go in the mountains do you need all these books are they really necessary what about that lol doll with the gum could we throw her away that saves us some weight for the mountain no so if you're doing a long haul across the country by default you're going to be encountering some different terrain different cities probably one of my most stressful things driving the rv any of the rvs we have is the mountains so in the motor home it was stressful not because i was worried about ever getting up the mountain we weren't the first one up the mountain we had the v10 engine but and it never really overheated but like coming down the mountain the braking on the gas motorhome that was so heavy it's like a 38-foot gas motorhome so the braking was not phenomenal we had additional brakes in the back and so we have to detach the tow vehicle sometimes sometimes we have to like we always took it easy geared down did all the things but braking was kind of concerned with that and then in the van and the airstream the issue was more um had pretty good power the braking was great we had hydraulic brakes on the air stream but it was like it was a overheating issue so the van even though it had a duramax engine it was all enclosed so it would get hot faster than a truck so it's like on long steep halls we'd have to pull over and let it cool down and that kind of thing and then on this truck i don't know i mean we just got a large rig behind us uh this truck is never overheated this truck is never other than the suspension stuff and the turbo stuff and okay we've had a lot of stuff for this truck but other than like our five to seven grand we put into this truck it's done pretty well so i don't know i'm just always nervous about the mountains i'm excited about the mountains though you excited about the mountains excited about being done in the truck for a little bit so yeah [Laughter] so we're leaving here and today we're hopefully going to get into some mountains we're going to see those mountains in the distance we're going to get closer to those mountains we're going to experience those mountains in the truck and i'm nervous what's up yeah what's up yeah what's up go away okay we'll go wrestle let's do it follow me all right you gotta get that passy out take the pesky outfit out all right let's go [Music] so we took a risk we want to be nostalgic this is where we stayed four years ago five years ago we did our route of uh colorado we covered a ton of stuff in colorado we came by this place by accident as well as like whoops it was awesome it's a parking lot still one of our favorite places one of our favorite out of nowhere we didn't think this would be cool places but it's a first come first serve i think we tried the number nobody answered but there you can't book online so we're driving all the way down in here probably 20 minutes out of the way and there are a lot of rvs down here oh my goodness oh come on man day use parking only full it's full just try oh i i was afraid this would happen and then it's like so no go on this is not even close i bet this thing was full wow this might have been full friday man this is all right well the good news is we have fuel that is we are worn out we're so tired would have been nice so beautiful this is like an old boat launch area so beautiful here [Music] [Music] all right this is plan plan q we're hoping to stay here last guy we talked to said oh you can stay the night at all the rest areas no you can't so we're just gonna i don't know we'll just get the slides out the kids have got to reset so we're gonna reset we're gonna have to go i don't even know how far down the road we have to go find somewhere to stay but we're gonna figure it out all right all right everybody come on in we're resetting we're pulling out all the stops at this point hey movie night guys have you even looked out the window to see other than the one hour parking sign right here that is epic man [Laughter] we have subdued and distracted the kids don't think less of us ipad pacifier and corndog [Laughter] colorado you're killing us i know we didn't have reservations but we thought we could just i don't know this is this is how we camped five years ago and it was fine like that same area we tried to go to there was nobody at that five years ago we just pulled in and like at most maybe five people even on the weekend down there it's just a madhouse spot up i mean even this sign like look at this sign you can tell that sign is not very old i'm betting you used to be able to stay overnight here as well they got tired of people like taking up the parking area so i'm getting a bite to eat staying an hour-ish then we're gonna get going hope we find somewhere to spend the night we've called how many like five places probably we've checked with yeah i just keep getting uh good luck we finally had a lady say look i'm pretty sure you can park at the walmart in our town which is still like almost two hours away from here so yeah that was kind of a shock to think we had a place tonight and then we've already gone almost an hour to get to here anyway it's gonna be a long day would you say this is probably the first major meltdown we've had these kids though like they've done really good i think they'd hit their limits and if we could have stayed there it'd been perfect man oh it was perfect timing it was like yes rolling in for dinner it was we timed it it was dinner time we're gonna plan on watching the sunset over there we have like four hours tomorrow with four to five hours wouldn't be too bad but now instead you know our five hour day today is turning into a nine hour day and we're just looking for somewhere to stay it's rving you roll with it there's always something the journey all part of the journey well this is part of a tube this yeah i shouldn't have strategically parked right next to the sun but if you imagine that sign let's do this there we go yeah check out that view i'm sorry buddy we pushed you a little bit too hard didn't we we didn't show you guys where we stopped checked out tried to get into blm land rest areas are closed we saw one that said camping rest areas we got excited we turned off and it turns out it was a campground and the campground was full next to a rest area that you couldn't park at so colorado we have tried like we really wanted to stay somewhere and feel like we're in nature it has not happened it's been a beautiful drive yeah especially yeah it's beautiful we are crawling to the finish line tonight good news is we won't have very long to travel tomorrow and we'll be at our event spot so yay i'm stressing the kids snacks at this point [Music] it's something you need to know about nathan when he's parking she loves making fun of my walmart parking it takes him no no i'm done i'm done i did that just a spider let me check the steps because i don't think the steps are going to come out yeah we're not down there i don't know what to do because the snapshot is coming over here he when he gets to a walmart parking lot he will he builds his nest he is like a mother hen building her nest he wants to try every nook and cranny up back and forth and this is just this is seven years of travel with him and now i just know that it's just gonna be um we usually end up where we first started but it makes sense the worst is when he's super tired and we're pulling in and we've done like some not driving or something and he he's so tired he just does like laps and goes back and forth he just the more tired he gets the more as long as the steps come out i think we're good how far have we gone how many miles have we done here's my phone about 20 google hours and 1300 miles in three days so you two have got to find a new song what did you when you travel long distances the kids did great but when they pull in it's like so much energy and i think one of the themes when you're traveling with kids is you need to be willing to bend when it comes to kids because if you're not if you're rigid if you have set plans on where you're going to go what you're going to do when you're going to get there you will break like you have to be able to break down yeah they will break you i'm not saying you have to be as rich like it you don't have to be as maybe maybe as flexible as we are like we literally had to know where we're gonna stop what we're gonna do but if you can have a flexible setup with your rv if you can have flexible plans that allows you to kind of free flow with where the kids are at we've got our own yard buddy check that out i didn't even have to mow that you gonna go play in the grass [Applause] [Laughter] i don't i don't know why he doesn't have pants on i apologize for that how long have been had a pants on since the last time we stopped at dinner he lost his pants at some point i like it that actually looks very comfortable my pants are actually never on the whole video you guys just don't ever see me so yeah if you're traveling with kids it could be done bend or they will break you i will link to some videos having to do with travel with kids definitely check those out the more flexible you are with your route the easier it's going to be right hensley so that's our journey for today until next time we'll catch you guys later catch you guys later you say catch you guys later jj go buddy go go buddy go
Channel: Less Junk, More Journey
Views: 49,686
Rating: 4.9669261 out of 5
Keywords: full time rv, rv, rv living, rving, hensley and jj, how to rv, camping, camper, full time rving, rv life, rving with kids, travel vlog, 5th wheel, fifth wheel, less junk more journey, less junk more travel, best rv youtube channel, rv living with kids, rv family, road trip, rv living full time with kids, living in an rv with kids, travel vlogger, rv living full time, full time rv life, rv life full time, full time rvers, rv life with kids, full time rv family
Id: XRQfQIoM3-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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