Hutts Streams NEON ABYSS

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let's do this new game have you played before nope i just said that i had not played this yet i have no idea what's going on is it better with controller or mouse and keyboard i don't know i don't know it's still loading my friend the enemy of my enemy i'm hades titan group took most of my powers and destroyed your family titan group we're jumping in pretty deep pretty fast here i need fighters like you to put an end to titan's reign you seek revenge drink it there's no other option well it's like matrix or teleport i have ammo by reload there's health in the top left there's purple things jump but the longer you press the higher you jump okay come through is there's gonna be secret spots like there was in skull i'm through hold s jump down through the jump pad got it aim and shoot feel like aim and shoot i generally prefer controller but we'll see fire right here and take that out first enemies hit i'm hit cap terrible range in this gun this is the biting of isaac rimstill says binding of isaac fix that all right let's go do it is that guppy active item activity will grant you special powers most of them will cost crystals to use it's terry there are fish bones all over the place active you can fly something something fly you can build a flight unlock that which gave me a grenade i use grenades b i don't know i dropped this shadow i take one or the other with the cat more things how do i get to them f you need more practice to master throwing bombs use them to blast apart the stones that didn't work at all this way this is the destroyer scream from hell passive you have a chance to get evil you got to let me read them man evil sprites each time you kill an enemy new weapon i feel like the cat's cool though why do i have to choose between an active or a passive that seems odd hold them up wait this is not lost these six streaks they're not direct synergies like an etg but some items work good with others of the cats shooting fish bones okay so it's different guns eggs will hatch in different pets as your adventure continues though the process doesn't always result in success frantic kurama three months what's up woohoo a little melee weapon boss room beating the pause menu alt f4 so the cat is not related to the balloon then i'm not sure when i got the balloon george hey george more crystals to fly what is he doing what is he doing where is it going out pretty good trick george i'm not sure i'm supposed to dodge that and duke master seems like i can go through him when i'm in the air but it's only when he lands in the ground that he was doing damage fruit popsicle it's always summer when you're eating popsicle add a heart container sweet it's too easy for a monstro like fight right that was apparently level one around level two go fight me game well it seems like you can walk through enemies it's only when they attack that you gotta be worried aim has evil angelic pact like isaac but works differently got a crystal give up the cat's pooper [Music] i like how there's no melee damage hatching failed it's fun that's fun sweet game's called neon abyss i need something special to get into there geez grenade right no f is grenade an f in chat for that grenade very difficult to aim them three crystals to get into the shop grab the first egg i took damage oh bullets are hitting the ground and spreading out got it ghost baby she fires penetrating bullets at enemies and let me read that man automatically on death protects you from damage for a short time six hp post boobs five bucks would have done twitch prime but i think i gave that to cobalt love you hud it's been a minute since i've caught a stream welcome back mummified muffin 11 months hey oh what's up muffin those shots i think it's got a bunch of different attacks bunch of crystals right there hatching failed yay very lucky today huh falling crystals so we should maybe go use them pick it up there until i right click and they can fly oh you were supposed to use them as such to get up there it was a no maybe to not kill everything first or be lucky like me and have flight off which are that i can uh normally grenade yet but we can get into the shop what do you have for me i see what it is before i buy it no silver compass reveal the truth shows all rooms on your map um i don't have enough money to buy the next one there's nothing they don't tell you about it so you just gotta buy them and try them i guess me all rooms on the map i look at the map i look at the map ab all right that end to the right let's finish that off first i'm a full clear you have now you have started the angelic pact don't take damage in rooms i don't know what that means these are something [ __ ] done don't take any damage even though you don't know what's happening yet to the bottom right there's a purple meter i'm on angelic i guess item room earth bread edible known only to the dwarves at a heart container oh still know the grenades to be had i teleport rums without using the teleporter no i could use a teleporter too close he's back up oh jesus jumps for me more crystal oh egg [Music] i'm gonna try to get a list of uh a lot of good rogue likes you guys there's so many that are out right now i need to get a good list of them going and you guys could definitely help out with that for me to do a roguelike review can i grab the grenade already a nozzle one let's try to get into that grenade with the key i think i just have to snipe it perfectly like this shield too i have been playing gunfire frequently on stream no that's a soul heart it is saved one i hurt myself for myself i didn't know you could do that you know the size of the explosion either so rip me jimmy god of idols what do you do okay fight for this room seems like it's going to be kind of handy [Music] let me go look at me do like undertale that robot that sings and thinks they're fabulous all angry and [ __ ] not really doing anything differently though oh there we go sending his tick tocks after me got him go flight's good that's good go board running is positioning timing and being the last alive at extra bullets per shot and increase your movement speed oh look at that i'm shooting two fish out all right i like that so you get devil and angel deals equivalent one is crystals the other you shoot the door and take damage but i didn't get one right 20 20. soul might will be uh maybe i'll do a specific mobile uh roguelite review that could be a thing that we do since i do have the ability to plug my phone in now my setup move on you guys have a list of uh good mobile roguelikes better not be too close here but i want to be close enough that i planned it i need another grenade to open that one up and we can get to the other chest as well come back with a grenade and makes me panic when they get so close to me oh i play soul mate with my brother android dungeon crawler it isn't roguelite pixel dungeon battle cats out of the full moon that is i know what it is and i don't know what it wants from me i shot it and i got all mad looking catching failed i don't want to touch that right first crystal touch it for devil that's it for devil my devil meter shot up okay need a lot of grenades grenade me please three crystals i don't have that there's a key for this also shoot shop door you can shoot doors take damage to open them cyborg reduce your heart containers and add shields also increase your weapons damage i am now cyborg i mean i can come back with crystals too it's not that big of a deal give me some grenades though like seven grenades right now oh he's dropping mines stealing washing machines look out how many things do i need to is that saying i need three right there three crystals to activate my balloon probably damage white would be nice for this room and get up there and get all that stuff hey it's a grenade best place to use a grenade probably back with that golden chest where was that baby dish from he said um yeah we can get both of those things with one grenade if i was good enough i don't think i am if that's that's not the one i was thinking of over here this one right here well guaranteed get both of those prizes plus that uh shield if i can what it was a double grenade wall that takes two now he knows well how was i supposed to know it was a double bomb wall does it look different is that another tour right there crystals hello with crystals we can get flight flight we can get a bunch of stuff here um yeah let's do it chris does gonna be the shop of these egg not very exciting give me grenade please move the lower left dyno text easier said than done easier said than done um try to move it with that i can't move the picture with it though is there that picture's connected to the the b spot near the side so let's i mean we just finish up too but we get we got crystals we go into this looks like maybe challenge room this guy oh man this thing forbidden mask you got promoted enhance your stats in all areas all scats up that's very good seems very good at least shut the door i don't want to shoot the door i can just use my crystals right great today thanks peter bunny this game good i'm like what 15 minutes into it 20 minutes it looks like spikes that activate once i walk on them up up here you have three crystals but maybe i'll shoot this one and now my devil room is full here buy the key buy i can only afford the key buy grenade would be pretty spicy maybe we can go get that all the stuff but open the map look to the side he's good okay you charge it up and you shoot a key yeah you can open everything with it that sounds pretty good except for the fact that if i shoot a key door it will um turn into a double door right never seen this before how would you describe it gungeon meets rogue legacy oh i would describe it so far all right you guys are saying some sort of devil deal thing search for a red room the boss room is the only thing i can see that thing oh there we go aquafire little pickaxe clown hat or hot chili i mean i'm tempted to go with hot chili but [Music] basically a gungeon plus isaac i would not say this is like isaac i say it's more like dungeon dungeon rogue legacy it's probably like i said please fire damage pickaxe pickaxe clown hat hat not the best pickaxe isn't useful without the first perk people's brother that thing that you said earlier biggest criticism i've heard for this is loot needs to be improved mine is useless trust me gesture is also really good if you use it wisely i'm gonna go chilly here fire damage on my guns sounds like it's i i can't mess it up by not knowing how it works more grenades though all right only crystal doors turn into devil doors god of mobile videos i don't have flight here but i lose my ability to fly because i don't even see my my thing at all was that just strictly with the cat that that was that a combo deal that's kind of a bummer isn't it i just picked something up what was it i don't know what it was paper windmills exhale as you pull the trigger to give your bullets a bit more oomph increase the rate of fire and weapon damage sounds good to me every weapon has an act of a thing okay um cool i think i'm leaving then i mean he would need grenades to do anything more on this floor spectral be nice honey where is it my money brand what did me do and tuna if you can you don't have a key you can use an egg instead that's dumb i got keys for days got got flowers she spent something something something but she fires split bullets at enemies automatically on death damage all enemies in the room smithing hammer when do my little buddies lose health when i lose health 4 out of 6 hp i don't know what that means is this heat blocked shots for me or something like that hammer clank clang clang upgrade your weapon increase your weapon damage cool just for this weapon though or all weapons they can get him when they get hit do they block shots or do they just do they go through them ton of zero did not play katana zero got a long list of uh roguelikes to review scourgebringer is probably on the top of that list all right let's see if that cat i didn't mean to shoot that i didn't mean to shoot it pooch mama angry chicken head i don't have any money at all allen garden sounds [ __ ] awesome though any gun i shot the thing again or i got shot by somebody [Music] from the health again severe lack of grenades too i don't understand why they give me like 700 herniatable walls come on and then give me zero grenades old mini gun is still fun okay that guy spawned in and uh hurt me immediately not the most fun for me fire devil uh zion johnny tier one sub thank you for that f50 we get the gatling gun um oh laser face cyclops bunny loot issues that's really frustrating when there's a lot of things you can't get guys that makes it more exciting if you get like a weapon that explodes or some sort of like school combo right this the eighth color wizard secret weapon it's the active on it drop a random pickup i mean that kind of sounds pretty okay with me right now but being able to unlock everything is nice yeah what do you think wizard gun or key gun is a grenade or key or heart or shield it is the grenades that way okay i'm sold i'm gonna get keys from it so it's gonna pay for itself well that's a lot of grenades that we just got who knew naughty things it's dumb how you can't really aim the thing though angry chicken head let's go that was a passive right what's this black rum you use a bomb all your eggs will explode i don't know if that's good or bad you hot stock fashion you just had to complain now you have grenades and once again no i don't see me now you don't that's bad you take damage oh so why would they give that to me can i drop it makes an explosion eggs don't break a gold outline i'm going to say is a gun and blue outline is a passive so i want the angry chicken head probably i hate some items in this game not gonna lie but you give the option of not taking it so why would they make it more eggs you have the more melee damage you do i don't really care about that not gonna lie for things to explode no we got everything not even doing any melee damage at all so i'm not getting close enough to them nor do i want to i don't know what anything does so i'm not going to risk it some features in beta testing right now majority of them are quality of life not sure what it's hitting me a lot going on screen right now that's just too much to look at i i didn't know what i was looking at i think i was dodging my own little bounces like some of these my bullets bounced back at me and i was jumping over them it's rough brave cookies that's a shield in heart container it's good but can we fill them step on worms you get money for it fish gun is a dream get an egg is the active let's try it like you can't not shoot the uh the crystal thing i got hit by something i'm not sure what hatching failed taking damage and i don't know why your fire body shot the crystal go activate it before shooting a little berry bounce he fires a bouncing bullet get up there without blowing that up nope eat first thing i'm excited for is they're getting rid of the ball that blocks every shot i'm sure i was supposed to dodge this guy those guys iron windmill windmill deals melee damage and you touch an enemy on death to get three angry sprites tyler gotchi 21 months what's up welcome back um this is a crystal door don't hop that i don't have uh health either to give back with food says happy fox i want some shrimp i'll make some shrimp what's a red grenade do firebomb a little hectic i think that uh roguelikes these days are really suffering from over stimulation more is not always better you know what i mean like sure and isaac when you have like a like ridiculous run it gets hard to see what's going on but this seemed like it may be a normal run retro six months what's up retro retro plays this game my first time playing by the way this is a skill tree i don't know what i'm looking at here i've got four golden things this is uh cost one in room is one hidden room on each level of the dungeon got it you want the beta branch for this way smoother i am not i didn't know about that smoother fps wise out of darknet there's no secret on the internet he has hidden the dark corners to observe and control your devices and your life current target got it kill uh enough enemies and you'll drop extra hearts you'll get these items for free in your next run oh they're items i'm unlocking okay i'm cost four that one costs four i've got one so this was a way to upgrade previous ones we're done is it use or lose helps with the visual chaos it puts your bullets behind enemies and smoothes out some of the annoying mechanics now that sounds like something that i'd like to do so if i go ahead and uh close out of this i'm gonna do that now let's close out of this and i'm going to go ahead and go on to the beta branch the uh tip better but unstable it says wait for it to download and install and then we'll be gonna go good to go is what i tried to say i have not seen it being more unstable just a disclaimer i'm sure yeah upgrade you upgrade the bar got it elevator difficulty this characters you change characters as spark's best agent she's been given their most important mission start without a grenade but more health katana that's subject from titan's secret experiments she's an expert with the katana a meter a test subject from titan secret experiments got some strange yet strong mental abilities and preview the description of items without picking them up oh that sounds nice by anna anna anna and put a seed oh and put your seed pray i don't know what prey means you'd pray love i'm about the cliff death is the only way out oh it's like okay we're in got it that's how you enter okay i really enjoy seiya saya i also have strong mental abilities absolute mental complains about not having enough grades start with character that doesn't have grenades oh you little didn't mean to do that finally that i suppose though if i touch it and activate it without uh shooting it does it uh upgrade something other than devildeal double room thing knight zelf science got a double jump that sounds useful if you interact when it's purple you move towards the angel instead sounds nice piece of crystal though that crystal's despair is tap shooting any faster on any weapons is that known creation gamma ray ain't nothing going to stop you now your bullets can pass through walls i like it i like that how do i find secret rooms shooting them or do i need grenades the walls cracked obvious at the violence and path of wisdom devil and angel basically angel need no help for items baby i was editing the video today retro by the way i've been for the past month now i've been telling people that i've been just kind of off super off and i noticed that like i just kind of was like zoney i apologize if i seem like i was super anti-social during that recording struggling to be myself lately new isaac looks weird are you about to work sia that man milo mayo pads are called areas aries aries aries and athena okay so like greek mythology seems like if i want to activate that crystal thing i just got to go before i shoot and pray i don't have anything any babies with me i don't know i had a blast started here but the feeling off this year's been real trash greed stuff but i don't have any children gets children there because i mean i do have two grenades i could technically do it grenades grenades to open them you'll unlock obvious cracks through the talent tree though facts that i have to shoot to show or that i just have to unlock the ability to see cracks what a new weapon though be fun your arms glow on the first floor you'll have to guess for others though shooting through walls is great more children won't have to shoot them you always open the grenade if you guess where they are correctly they're usually in rooms with the most exits can use some of these crystals mmva six months in a row what's up welcome back jeez the crystals can i break chests by shooting them on out that loads of beam weapons suck there's a way to use my crystals crack in the previous room got it uh i would not mind a new weapon but passives make the world go round that's what's your ring size i don't know am i supposed to know that no clue oh gosh oh gosh oh come on i couldn't even dodge that if i wanted to hatching failed i like how it like has this huge animation like holy [ __ ] dead your child is dead get nothing all right i need to dodge roll but there was one and i was just too stupid to notice um that's do we get money for the boss fight got two things can i can i hit it from here how close do i need to be in order to drop this grenade off it's i think it's kind of silly that you can't aim the grenade too i want to blow up that door but if i stand next to it i'd die you can aim on the beta branch hold down throw okay not gonna hit boom baby great can't wait to use all this help overkill huh how's the egg hatching going just a bunch of the stream big not nick bruh what are you doing nick blue brick a little brick blocks enemy bullets brave cookies shielding our container and that's about it we have 29 cents we did not get any money from the boss fight i think the bosses look super cool but just not on how the game flows you can't move like at all there's zero movement and then like yeah i don't know boss is great though little cat 30 months i know it's probably been told to you before but if you're feeling off don't try to fight it we all go through different phases throughout our lives sometimes we feel good and amazing we need to feel blah no matter what we'll always be here i appreciate the 30 months and the kind words i think that uh i'm not trying to say that you're wrong or be a [ __ ] summon a ladder i'm not trying to say you know like i said i don't disagree with you i think in that situation you're saying no matter what we'll always be here i think kittle cat what you're saying is no matter what i'll always be here because i'm sitting here and i did take a break from youtube specifically not even from twitch but i guess i i missed two streams for twitch right one week's worth of streams and we are now below half of our uh previous sub count and i am not getting them back though it is not it doesn't this just it doesn't simply work that way for a youtuber i appreciate you you guys are the most important ones that that'll will be there no matter what but as far as the 80 or higher of of people that are more fickle um it's just not the case and it's like i said i'm not trying to complain or be a [ __ ] about the very awesome things that you're saying i think that some people sometimes people will simplify it a little bit too much though and they don't give credit to the idea that like there really is no taking a break for a youtuber or streamer um it's a grind hard man so i will definitely try to do my best my answer is not to just stop and i have been stopping on youtube and now i'm getting 50 of the views on youtube it's crazy how much you really have to like work for it and build it up do you want to beat him up beat him up i'm gonna beat anybody up i don't believe in uh silence ever being the answer and i don't think that mob mentality is healthy either this is interesting am i seeing piercing am i making that up no they shoot out other little bullets that heat seek when they pop okay okay i can shoot through walls so i can kind of scam the system like that all right catching failed don't over exert your mentality just to stream i think that's actually what is very much so asked of twitch streamers and youtubers the more that you forgo your own health especially your mental health to put out more and more content the more you get rewarded and that's just how that's just the reality of the situation yeah i have a grasp on it but having a grasp on it and actually taking a break is very you you have to say my mental health right now is more important than how pissed off i'm going to be when i fail only time i've really taken off in the last seven years was a few weeks for a mouth surgery it wrecked my stats for over a month after it's super hard to see things like that and feel like you can take time off that's what i'm saying that's retro by the way guys retro follow him he does stuff and things that are pretty cool including this game uh yeah no it's it's just so it's a mindset it's it's a thing that is is expected of twitch streamers and youtubers and no one really talks about it randomly you get these videos of twitch streamers and youtubers saying like man i really i pushed it way too hard and some people are big enough that they can just coast right like oh no i won't make a million dollars this year i'll only make 750 000 this year i'm not in that category not at that level that's for you as a matter of fact wait what was my active on this summon a ladder right i like the gun that active sounds pretty lame this is a rum that has like a lot of treasure chests up top i think buns 27 total oh you been just stopping by to say hi and that i love you and all y'all in chat thank you so much appreciate it have a great rest of your day yeah if i was super on top of my stuff i would have had videos in reserve during that trip i'm airmaste and i already have this chance to get evil sprite when you get hurt um but yeah to have videos in reserve i'd have to really rip it even harder now we're talking about working double on on the month before sounding a vacation okay so i can aim now it's not like i can really aim it just it just tells me where i can where it's going to go it's the spot spot how much is a gold uh coin is that 10 the increments that we're working with here cyclops bear i'm not interested i'm liking and shooting through the walls you guys it's hella hella useful the oldest 10 big gold is 50. oh e is just melee assuming you have enough money now to not make fits for a week right but still breaks are more important it's not about the money that i would make um during that specific week it's about the fact that i took a week off now a little bit more than a week off for youtube videos for for you know what it's worth but i'm getting i would say 50 of the views on my previous videos that i put out which would uh you know easily put that's 50 of the money moving forward from here on out but also there's this weird thing the more views you get the more views you get so if you start losing views you're just gonna lose even more views um and that's that's the reality of the situation i shot this can i get in there by elf five coins to gamble it let the shop up first so like i said i think i think people really really really simplify it because they want to be the person to say this like really nice no matter what you do everyone's there for you and love and love and love and love and love and love and maybe you're trying to like outweigh this opposite side of the reality by saying that by saying like i know that life is so [ __ ] but i want to say something really good being in this situation it just i don't know i don't know i i love hearing from you guys but it means more to me when you speak about what you will do and how you feel than when you make sweeping statements about how it is because if i sit here and say it's really [ __ ] and you're saying it's not [ __ ] you're good then it almost makes it feel like you think i'm dumb or something or like i don't know what i'm talking about fire kiss paper plane is op okay we'll buy that though isn't it why uh increase your weapons range and damage sounds good to me [Music] not trying to complain it's just sometimes it comes off that way oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh money sack though not trying to say that it isn't [ __ ] trust me uh hey how about that ladder touch this don't have any crystals heck there are crystals on the board probably super hard to get the angel room but hey what the hell the sack is open again oh the hill i don't know how the future will go but i know that i'm going to stick around and watch your vids and vods as with the huts if you don't like what game you're playing i'll still probably watch you for the commentary but if that's how you feel then do as you please dad i trust with what you do you ever need an ear to talk off i've gotta i've got you on switch we could ac in chat if you need to vent there will be a little bit more reserved than assuming something about someone's mental state it's always different for everybody not possible to broaden something like that yeah over here and this room it's like a wind to me i just i wish it was super nice and and dried like that but rarely rarely is the case i'd do this you know it's spicy i wonder if it increases the range on my homing dudes what i really want throw those things in the ground eggs that they drop that i can pop got it dirty pop oh i didn't know he exploded there at the end hammer upgrade my weapon damage it's good i was the guy that recommended you play this game i'm really happy to see that you decided to play as my first time catching your stream from greece it's going well so far two challenge rooms on one floor huh see two crystals not enough to get up to that thing cause i can't buy a ladder but we're not done yet let's get it started no bullet modifiers only weapons do every item has a range fire rate damage modifier to it especially unfair to the small channels who have been doing youtube the same amount of time still getting less cash don't you have a ladder ability uh up here it costs three you see the little boop boop that means it costs three crystals i got i've got two i said that i don't have enough crystals in store to activate my ladder do this though i'm almost at the deal of the devil might as well just stick with it in fact i could just shoot this thing and get one i'll do it i have it i gotta go to teleporter first oh there we go give up one of my heart pieces for samurai nerve system 6.0 or hot chili nerve system or samurai [Music] if you leave the floor before entering the packed room it will be reset i don't know is this the pact from here nerve system samurai samurai samurai brainy boy samurai never played this game before but samurai sounds cool you have more people that want the samurai and to fire a big bullet that's cool does it still split into small bullets though not sure it really works for this gun well big bunk bullet somebody said don't take the matches no bad just count can i figure out and take it and see why it's bad though don't take it what does it do out of snacks by the way who wants to share those snacks with me the egg touches stone such as doors or chests they'll both explode and disappear common crops is on my list if hit your eggs in the rocks it will kill them but does it give me like a free grenade then this almost looks like it's going to be a secret room right there doesn't it all right there who's to say we don't try no says zion johnny you want chips in queso yes please did i try this side i should keep my bombs my bomb my single bomb left on level for this gun gives it more bullets in the burst fyi ye i apologize for making that kind of statement i don't think they usually apologize killer cap you should not apologize you meant well and i know that which is i try to make that clear i know you mean well for sure i will be here to watch no matter what now things change the world is [ __ ] in good majority of ways and unfortunately very few things go how we want but i'd like to attempt to give a little ease in mind i guess but again i didn't mean to offend you so sorry i'm not offended and it's not necessarily it's it's like a it's like a subconscious thing that i've become familiar with just because i've heard something like that enough times that you know it's frustrating because uh i hear it and i believe it and then like all of a sudden things aren't going well and it's like why it's totally not your fault out of screens it's like they're totally normal names oh gosh oh okay wow oh i don't i don't know what i'm doing sam work with me here i jumped into it sam mad i couldn't dodge that one oh good shot we're dead beast amulets it's raw power and passion hard to control reduce your rate of fire but greatly increases your damage [Music] for killing godzilla the god of war doesn't he kill the god of war is not the point of the game he isn't the god of war black for hearts yeah i'm already on it i got it okay under betsy i can finally catch a stream grown ass baby welcome grenade but i'm not gonna use a 10 spot all right and that's it time to go what's this thing again oh i don't have enough crystals i still don't have enough to get up there i was gonna plant a ladder and we'll grab some stuff be happy but i can't sometimes if i break the chests instead nothing you can't break it neat take the matches honestly i'm not sure that the babies have been that useful they seem like they're a very large part of this pets rather becomes a god of warfare god of the god ares well spoilers i remember after that 69 cents by the way or ninja ninja costume a full ninja extra jump increase your melee damage you can get extremely powerful items where pets or eggs give you tons of damage that's nice good first couple rooms frost bomb are those gonna open up secret doors and and blow through things and stuff also do i lose all the upgrades that i previously had like my old guns were upgraded but specifically to that gun or is it a like overarching thing all my gun upgrades still work like the hammer increases your weapon damage on all the weapons i'll ever take i'll explode rockstars and you careful then cinder breath 43 that's like five days subscribed at least minimum oh yeah all guns good keep all the upgrades good and shoot down through i'm i'm you know let's just say low key i'm high key missing my uh my previous gun but i feel like the bombs could be hella useful maybe i should keep the other gun you dirty gun and then come back for this to bomb anything that need to bomb and then leave it this gun just seems like it's crazy powerful with what i got going on and i don't have to aim dylan one in the morning you gotta do what you gotta do secure yourself i didn't mean to shoot that you douche hatching fields there's no bar in the bottom right does that mean that i just don't have anything like i can't get another room or i just have zero charge or is it just not showing up right now i don't know how to die he turned around on me there there's one dodge if you hit it it will start the charge oop this is true or are we on right now three five i accidentally shot that i mean come on did i really he knows that it didn't aim being a whiny little [ __ ] scarlet tail it looks pretty cool so does this though famine anyone have anything to say about it these items these are the bogus of this game unfortunately 20 am from me buddy team ellinger i'm in his eye as a reload time scarlet tail makes it so you shoot faster when you kill enemies in a room you get hurt while in the room you shoot faster okay i mean i get hurt a lot so it sounds like a phenomenal thing for me to get for the boss grenade but we can go back and we can do better with the gun cheat cheat it's good little panda fires two bouncy bullets and enemies automatically he rips your angel chance immediately that looks good i've never gotten it i'm really liking this gun like i said with what we have going on rock block enemy bullets was there something where like your orbitals could block your own bullets at one point in time you got nothing for me nothing in there okay we checked out carrion nope secret room right there though let that be my guess for secret room left side that's where the bouncy ball where it blocks your own bullets feeling lucky do you feel lucky punk knife's door you get one shot no you get to do it again this chance to blow this opportunity comes once in a blow i'm spaghetti no famine money so that's gonna take two keys because it looks like a fancy door or key and a bomb what am i up against here chat just a key one more room loads of places to use those bombs on you had double jump no could have just jumped without unlocking it was there was there a path underneath it i just didn't even see and see that if that was the case is what i'm trying to say you can do that i didn't notice there was a little uh jumpable spot floor below was a one way one way up not a one way oh he's in his hail bomb gun though it's your career it's a quote with great something something something 76 back already where do we need to go for the rest of these bombable places here oh mama's gonna be tasty bunch of stuff i can't use hallelujah what level are you on three three three and five and blow this door one cannot blow the door still telling me there was something that's wrong oh no next room this one children for days all right um i'm gonna go take my gun back i go to the teleporter first there we go what do you think about this game compared to other roguelikes i like it better than i like um what's that stupid woman you gotta get the food there's a food lady in the house you so you guys want me to try famine go for famine there's a side-scrolling one that's just like this game famous got reload it's good though done greed dungaree is the one i think i like it more than done greed was there a key in that room i remember there being a key in that room oh you know what we never checked for the secret room and we probably should more than rogue legacy i just i didn't get hooked on rogue legacy either i'm excited for rogue legacy too but my amazing ability to find secret rooms is not just on isaac and gungeon permeates my every being soul that one seemed obvious though legacy two coming yep i think so when you play with slot machine doors your chance of opening the door increases with each try but you have a constant chance to jam the door too active get a silver egg fix all my hey yes it's crystals first time catching a stream i've been watching you on youtube for a little over two years figure go big or go home i hope you get over any slumps much love man thank you ehan man but 10 000 bits at one of my favorites charizard hat thank you so much for the 10 000 bits my friend that is very very nice of you to do that help right [ __ ] tick tock it's kidding me [ __ ] laying on the bouncy thing fire rate just keeps getting higher and higher and higher and higher space soda let's take a look at what we just got um space soda at a heart container increase your weapons damage slightly and then we pick up something else maybe not when you get hurt haha there's mouth and there's lots of health on the floor you should grab the crystals too not sure what the silver eggs are going to do but they sound like they should be good 100 bucks that's like 20 kfc hot dogs goodness who wants to go to kfc me and my 19 closest friends 100 bucks enough to make anyone happy lol crazy generous oh i'm already here let's go fourth floor silver egg stays like that does not hatch when you change weapons it vanishes does it block shots what does it do for me then nugget nougat pretend your pet evolves you'll drop a key pet evolves pets evolve okay i like the homing wild monkey this little monkey fires a bullet at enemies that's an evolution right there is that why i got that the key ghosty brain boy popped up behind me oh i don't have a way to get up there shoot what is this hat my uh charizard hat duh only the coolest hat ever cars are the best pokemon okay crystals for this i'll do it silver egg silver egg silver egg it's christmas time the silver egg i know it's charizard i'm not a heathen we have boat or just a pic from the blaster or the devil on well i gotta go with the devil horn craving for flesh increases your weapon damage in melee i've got six grenades bruh double jump mate you think i get up there with a double jump i'm willing to try silver greg that seems like that's my peak jump right there oh come on i don't think it's gonna work nope your double jump can shove it don't work for [ __ ] so close no i don't think it's gonna work all right for the guy in the charizard had to be talking about evolving ironic or coincidental i don't think i'll be able to get both of these in one go shame this is peak jump he may not like it alien baby heat seeking bullet at enemies automatically i thought that chest was sitting on top of a penny i did what are the pokemon hats do you have aside from charizard and evie oh what other hats do i have i don't know why don't you start donating 100 and we'll find out oh okay i'm gonna go ahead and hurt myself now so close to that deal with the devil for reals was just about to type that one of your eggs hatched yeah alien baby nothing oh we brought we lost one shoot jm sexy tier 2 sub 39 months 39 months with the vibe to support so long awesome how dare you sing there's more there's more we don't have time there's more i'm not done mr lucas eight months what's up what's my man i want to start donating to you again i accept if i shoot that turn it into a devil chest and then hurt myself do i get higher devil chance or does it just take my health snarlax more like low defense stat piece of garbage got him it should right then i'll shoot it nice i got a double whammy gen 2 would like a word with you says marzie bear most of these have been sent to me minus my the only one that i've actually bought myself i think was the gyarados so if you guys want to send me some gen 2 [ __ ] then that's totally up to you i have a p.o box that is where people send me stuff i have a whole shelf full of amazing things [Music] sacrifice your life to me mutated orange strange mask hiccups mutated orange is good mask orange damage orange god the mask mask orange mask is extra bullet [Music] mask orange mask mask extra bullets per shot and shield yeah that looks really good go ahead and say that's really good it's just a guess but i think it's pretty good nebula grape candy grape me you know that came all wrong drop an extra crystal if you hatch an empty egg oh my god did you see me stab look at all look at my face imagine that thing come at you in the dark did they give her boob physics boob jiggles i can see at least one pixel in there that would yeah come on how many pixels do you need for boob physics well they made it work with four her pants are jiggling huts her pants almost get longer bad women's anatomy okay that's pretty good snowy boy alien baby what what in the butt butt alien baby x he fires two heat seeking bullets at enemies automatically didn't we have an alien baby did our alien baby evolve just in a chest into keys somewhere where's this key got it apparently this build doesn't win for you i don't know what will the final boss is really hard fyi well that's very contradicting statements isn't it this is the best build you should win no matter what also you're going to lose oh secret room we got money a lot of health lying around too oops i didn't mean to put it there but let's just say that i counted it right here fifth floor final boss i'm assuming he hasn't won yet so probably won't buy the new gun this one seems good sticker room could totally be up here too [Music] i'm for a key you know at this point in time with two bombs or is that one bomb but the two what's the one slash two i don't know i don't even know two different bombs johnny i missed flights shooting faster though every time you get hit it's actually really powerful my little monkey boys flying around monkeying around that's pretty good garand clip extra bullets per shot and increases your weapon damage three bullets per shot no way i love it i love it this is good as [ __ ] we got three now holy wow i want to see what that chest is though before we three go shots oh the up high ones that i couldn't get with the double jump right can i rocket jump with a grenade aim should just stop you've already won you're setting me up to be real salty when i lose chad i've never even seen the final boss before i don't know how to dodge anything that it's going to do i'm just going to have to tank it and you get i'm like oh my god he's so bad why do you even play video games you're horrible might be able to right click and use my my crystals on my max egg let's go and i don't think i can double dip on this i can just hit myself in the face though with that oh you gave me another one you weapon flipper flap flip you okay let's just die then how about we just die i walked into it by the way and it turned into a devil thing and i never got the chance to pop my crystals into it so i guess i'll just give up thanks thanks mate real helpful stuff i have firebomb though enemies can turn the crystal thing right as well i want something to use my crystals on like eight crystals right there snow brother throw two snowballs which freeze enemies on death fire huge something something something something your rock evolved rock 2.0 what is he doing rock turn into sea monster this little monster damages enemies you touch it nice they're all evolving they're not dying because i'm so overpowered he says he takes damage wukong monkey is back he can attack enemies with his legendary staff ladies seriously let me use my gems what are you lullaby good night sleep tight your bullets can pick up everything except weapons well that's just wonka puss taking this back let's meet with your legendary staff hatching failed iron windmill everything's evolving silver eggs are still there also it looks like you have more than one i've got two silver eggs secret i i can't see the bullets on the screen man i need mummy he can block enemy bullets what else can he do they fire two bullets when attacked uh we're taking health here not sure what to do about it either oh that's how they get you the shop iron crown there's a chance your bullet will create a beautiful firework game of thrones head need some health man elf that looks dope wow i don't know how i'm supposed to dodge those guys i'm i got no health left because they just immediately when you walk into the room it's like bam oh well you should have known before it started that it was just gonna do that i mean [ __ ] duh the problem with this game is that when you shoot more than three bullets at a time it gets very difficult to see what you're yeah no it's not just the three bullets it's anytime at all in this game you can't [ __ ] see a damn thing chests down there wants me to kill myself in a freaking trap dj about what's up 35 total i see you see you already aim i have an enemy is killed in the room your eye gets sharper increases your weapon attack speed oh that's amazing let's go heavy on the speed although i won't be able to take advantage of the other thing because i can't take any hits oh yeah i'm going to buy the shield i don't want to buy the shield but i'm going to buy the shield do fish active you can fish in pools of water did anyone see a pool of water that will fish the [ __ ] out of water it's really home for health could potentially get some hearts from fishing man i'm out that's all the grains i have i don't have enough money to buy a grenade either water in the foreground fish in there with like like right right here eli get to the sub the nobel phoenix nice thanks a lot eliza snowball would this be considered water yes that is water well let's fish let's use our crystals that way a i did it though like psych like this right when it told me to is it before it tells me to it's a quick time event with different keys but i'm doing it oh man give me a penny look my nut penny penis worst fishing trip ever one two i'm gonna [ __ ] fish i'm back to the fishing hole when i do what in my hole that was my bad oh my god that was way too fast that's too fast can't use your money man i could buy a grenade i can go buy a grenade it's just money man water in the teleport room right here got it hydrating posture huts make me money that's you know it's a lot of money give it that that's too fast i wonder if that's health when it's like super fast are you drinking out of a mustard bottle nothing healthier out of 10 doctors recommend mustard all right that's as good as we're gonna do i'm gonna buy the grenade remember when foot cheese was a thing it's never not a thing what's this gun by the way we have enough money that we can buy it refresh all items to pickups hmm where's my other gun by the way up here that back since we're no longer fishing birds are also not real um what are we doing again grenade room grenade rum grenade room i don't know how i'm gonna like maximize this i'm gonna throw it like right there wasn't the best wasn't the worst you know i mean one more grenade would have really gone far we're dead welp shut up chat thing you're doing with your mouth don't eli gifted a sub to greg the for real egg thank you eli appreciate that good luck this grown ass baby argus of the darkness that's yeah it's a good thing i knew about that attack that's why i dodged it did i do the win melee weapon damage as you gradually lose consciousness you're surrounded by a warm light you just pissed yourself this is zelda at the beginning great you defeated the first manager i locked new levels and managers but there are more challenges waiting for you is this the ultimate karen simulator new target you've unlocked the new manager in a brand new level you know hell yay i win
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 23,685
Rating: 4.9478259 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, neon abyss, neon, abyss, roguelike, roguelite, shooter, platformer, pixel graphics, dungeon crawler, 2d, adventure, rpg, bullet hell, side scroller, guns, eggs, bosses, live, footage, gameplay
Id: Ie1cOc_qlF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 21sec (7041 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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