Finally fighting the first boss! (Loop Hero)

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all right we're back we've retrofitted our deck a little bit or reworked it to make it a little bit more to my leica we've added this blood grove and we've added um well really just the blood grove i guess to be honest with you and uh let's let's confirm and move along here we're gonna go full vampire builds we only got nine cards in our deck um which i think is good do we do we get to take potions or do the potions uh do we have to click on anything or do they come with us naturally you get him each loop okay okay start me up all right slimes get out haters back off slime you don't stand a chance first piece of loot nine percent evasion and we got a little potion action there more cards please let's get the cards popping there we go what did i tell you all right right away i'm going to tell you i want to fight a vampire instantly um groves i think we have to put uh the blood grove close to this so sure let's let's do that and then we want mountains in a delicious three by three area where we can also surround them so there you go good start good start love getting a little aggro early on get that high value loot as quickly as you can evasion nine percent sounds familiar the heck it's a freaking copy man great star oh we got a rare already what the heck attack speed regen evasion magic damage that's i mean that might not even be a rare that might be like a might be like a legendary okay we go mountains like so and this is gonna make this is the dead center of what we want so fertile meadows will go here and here there you go now we're cruising now we're cruising golden legendary oh i can't do what he does when he gets like very excited these are like 17 different versions of the same shield we're not putting our other meadows down just yet we just uh we don't have a great uh we don't have a great place for them um [Music] now we do [Music] i'll say i think it would destroy my voice to be honest good good weapon excuse me counter 10 versus an extra defense honestly i'm kind of happy sticking with the extra uh the extra defense for now meadows bloom retroactively yo you know what if that's uh if that's true that's very good eats let's pop it down there and see if that comes to pass that looked pretty good okay we can pop a treasury down um like as as much in the corner as possible please absolutely beautiful and another meadow exists let's get that treasury loot asap i think or well hold on here maybe there's a case to get the treasury loot at later when your your enemy level is higher do you think it spawns better loot or maybe the loot is uh is created uh inside internally without you having the right to see it uh until it did bloom retroactively by the way uh un until uh you you pop it pop the treasury the moment you start a new loop okay so i'm i'm stupid we can't put the blood grove next to our camp because it has to go next to a grove um we'll pop it down next to this grove regardless you still want to open as soon as you can all right i trust that look that's that's low maintenance which is important for me that's that's very valuable in my world i bet two defense makes up for that otherwise it wouldn't be a blue i know it's like there's an appeal to rarity fallacy probably in um in games like this but if if a blue and a and uh green or an orange have the same stance i'm taking the one with the highest rarity every single time level two shield strictly better you love to see it [Music] i think you're not quite popping yet but you're very close okay we love spiders you know what with spider cocoon very close to the grove so that the spiders will die faster as well would you look at that unbelievable loot already i don't even need to read this to know it's awesome thank you for the vampirism and thank you for um the regen per second and the counter and the evasion thank you very much and then let's get this uh let's get our supermountain going here another blood grove i mean we should try to expand the blood grove as far as possible if the blood grove could make it all the way to to the camp that would be sick and the goblins are gonna get destroyed by the freaking divines man this is gonna be sick what the heck was your problem did we have a it wasn't a quest i don't know what the heck happened there why why did you have all that oh it's the vines it's the withering vines of the blood growth i see okay so let's honestly let's expand the grove even further so that we can get the blood growth even closer to the camp if we get another one oh oh it's a legendary mace it's a legendary mace [Laughter] well well well what have we here just iced i need a village though man like it takes a village to raise my exp garbage garbage loot we say no to the garbage loot call me windu because i'm a legendary mace hyo i get it star trek okay it would be nice if we had some enemies on the first part of the map maybe we can get something that would help us out there in the future it's got a lot of enemies down here but that's that's what the that's what the aoe is for uh we have a legendary shield that also grants evasion don't mind if i do and this is where oh the vines are taking them careful you might get snatched [Music] oh my it's a beautiful animation too oh you're lucky you're probably at like 17 hp okay so these rings might genuinely be better but they're also not legendary so i don't care plus 1.5 damage for every potion used there's something there's something interesting about that um oh hey velorent valorent davinki that's got to be a dan raid right [Music] the valley hello daniel yo you went late today were you playing luck be a landlord it's gotta be luck be a landlord no dang debate luck be a pog lord dude this is loop hero this is alongside of uh luck be a landlord this is the hotness that's coming up you got to give it a second though yo ham1336 thank you for the gifted subscriptions thank you i'm sure you're going to be like i i'm looking at the pixel art i played this on my 486 processor back and then just give it a second for everything to come into focus and you learn the mechanics you're gonna love it anyway for now we're gonna start with strong aftertaste and then we're gonna try to drink three potions per uh run even though we don't need to oh hold on let's play some cards also what the heck are you mike wazowski mom says it's my turn to use the loop hero okay villages start at step one village let's turn it into a vampire village um and then spider alley we want to keep those close to the blood grove so they get snatched and then honestly i'm like dude i think we should keep them even though it's going to add another enemy over here i think we should put vampires over here because they're going to die faster uh and d lamp thank you as well for the gifted subscriptions thank you thank you like sure let's toss it there i i i defaulted the chance wisdom there give me two of these please i right clicked instead of left clicked how much does it heal four percent so roughly you know probably 22 or something like that i would like to use the potion i would like to use you it's auto hero otto drinks them i don't want him to auto drink them you can't force them well what the heck did i take that for then what what what a waste what a waste oh but maybe they'll do it automatically when we go through the camp anyway chad told you 10 minutes ago that that's how it worked oh it wasn't chad it was one guy see two can play that game he will have a blue tick over him when you can drink them okay that we'll watch out for the blue tick max hp 335 that's pretty good yeah that's that's much better i think meadows we want we want these meadows to be positively fertile we'll put a mountain up here i got no problem there we got a harpy mountain spawn plenty of copper all right keep keep it moving cockadoodledoo full hp i love to see oranges i love to see some oranges up here yeah i feel like we definitely should not have taken the potion ability but you know what life goes on life goes on um second second mountain actually you know what hold the mountains for another i don't think you know we're not at risk of death there's no real reason to um pop them off right away i think we're gonna hold them and maybe use them to help make a treasury pop faster if we get one now we're now we're thinking now we got some strategy okay this is where things are a little spicy we got some ghouls we got a vampire hold on it is level four but i don't think it's as good i like having the damage to all i don't know it is pretty good i'm gonna i'm gonna keep i'm gonna keep what we got here treasury baby that's what we're looking for yo what if we hold the treasury until we can make it pop and then we put it down and pop it instantly or will we pop it as soon as we can put down like nine cards around it [Music] there's no reason to hold it wouldn't it look cool though if we went i don't know maybe maybe yes maybe no so this is probably a waste of of mountain tiles but once we get some uh [Music] once we get some meadows going in here you're gonna be ashamed of your words and your deeds magic damage nine i sleep more legendary loot please village okay villages we're gonna spread out a little bit we would love to have a little heel before we go through the uh the spiders growth good damage gets snatched oh get snatched it feels so good it's like even better than just killing them when they just pop like that oh man oh what the heck what the heck how much damage 53 it's a lot but it's we'll live we'll live i guess they maybe have a chance to spawn in a blood grove or something oh my lord just a pause pause pause you see this look at the loot we just got okay well first off we're taking a level five orange sword i don't even need to read it tally it's more it's more everything then it's a great defensive shield but i don't think it's it it's just common level i don't think it's as good it's good enough attack speed and regen on our armor or attack speed vampirism much less max hp we go for the level five on that one that's that's a good get that that to me seems worth it and then we're gonna put another village down like maybe i mean why don't we put it next to the vampire hut man i know that this is not spread out but i i'm kind of feeling okay with it [Music] oh that's oh my god we got another flesh goal and we have to fight man the other thing is you might judge the game because you're gonna be like um what's up with this font this font is just for readability don't don't hold it against it give me another grove down here okay single flesh golem we don't we don't sweat it it's only when he's got enemies around that's that's where we sweat it oh my god in fact we not only do we not sweat it we love it we love it better counter better vampirism loses evasion but like i mean come on look at the loot man look at the loot melt the goblins melt them get snatched i don't have a theme for this run really yet we're the theme right now is good loot armor is increased by one per loop damage is increased by 20 of defense get it honestly give me one armor per loop i think we can make that happen it doesn't seem too late 16 vampirism we still sleep we're looking for better quality loot more spiders more spiders man oh and it's retroactive as well dude everything this game is retroactive it's like the first roguelite developer to ever think of that okay this is a village that's a camp this is a village i want i want more of the counts lands because the count lands are going to heal us for 115 after they get vindicated which admittedly is going to be a little spicy quest failed what the heck how the heck did that happen okay hold on this is what it's all about right here i'm not going to oblivion it it it bothers me that it's that is oh you can't even see what's happening there okay never mind don't worry about it i placed everything perfectly you don't you don't have to concern yourself everything went just fine down there the the reports of my demise are greatly exaggerated okay good heels almost at full hp oh because you killed the village you lost the quest yeah that actually makes a lot of sense now that i think about it okay so this is it it's a little bit like luck be a landlord honestly like these uh oh the loot baby [Music] just thinking you know i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna do it i'm gonna full swap and go for vampirism instead um our vampirism is at what 29 that's pretty good [Music] uh but yeah it's a little bit like luck be a landlord these next few loops should be quite spicy and then i'm hoping from that point onwards it gets uh it gets a little easier let's see what our loot looks like here i mean that's that's vampirism dude toss it on the pile 38 vampirism you certainly don't mind it [Music] we have another meadow too um let's oh and another blood grove dude we just we gotta stretch it far enough to get to the camp if we can stretch it far enough to get to the camp we're gonna be we're gonna be flipping stoked let's get these mountains going too yeah like that okay there's the max hp coming in all right all right all right if we can live through this we can live through anything we're healing for 16 per hit that's pretty good this has better vampirism end evasion i actually believe it or not i think i prefer this i don't know how much difference two percent makes it's not the same tier of loot but i think it's i think it's still very good all right damage is a little slow here but we're on energy or enemy level five full sustenance we got no problems here single gargoyle plus vampire no problem we're actually like i think we're over healing sometimes which is not possible so i guess squandering is a better word for that but okay hold on we got some meadows we'd like these meadows to be fertile did the chickens have large talons and are the meadows fertile this is loot city right here also experience city we never should have taken that potion skill it's because i thought i could cheese it i thought i was smarter than the game but now we know for the future it's a good question how much vampirism do you need to be a vampire like if we if we cross 50 percent are we officially a vampire or like is it one of those things where if you're like one-eighth vampire you're you're a vampire if you want to be i don't know i suppose it's not really up to me it's at a hundred percent so you're telling me if you're 99 vampire you're you're not a vampire we lose vampirism here but i think the extra because with vampirism if you lose we're losing about a third of our vampirism but our damage is going up by about 50 potentially so i think that this is actually good [Music] yeah i think this is actually good anyway we're going through the corner here is 20 i don't know because i was thinking i was like we're going from 16 to 24 from to 24 to 30. doubters will win here i don't think so keep in mind as we pass through murder lane we're about to get um insanely good loot from these flesh golems and i mean like we're losing some hp here but we're fighting five enemies at once like once once it gets a little lower i'm not sweating okay better vampirism immediately that goes on the ring does not give vampirism i sleep i just want to see that number get as high as possible we also picked up two villages so if we could put a village here it's gonna spawn a bunch of ghouls and then a village here okay okay but we're gonna heal so much when we come through here after the it's fixed after the the villages have been saved we're gonna we're gonna and plus it's gonna give us so much vampiric gear we're gonna heal so much it's gonna be like heel tough tough tough tough tough tough tough and then oh baby you don't even i don't need to tell you what happens after that you can figure it out for yourself anyway we haven't even really started murder alley so far but we're in the blood grove it's a little easier in here please it seems like it's going just fine honestly you can no longer stack blood groves you're correct you're correct on that one that that's one we should have thought through for sure so now we can't get the blood growth to get to the camp unfortunately oh you know what hold on yeah what if we obliviate the bandits get out of here stinky then we can stack you we'll stack you good thank you chad i could have pretended that i didn't take that one from chat but that would be dishonest i just took that one straight from chad uh let's hold this vampire mansion for now we don't need to place it down just yet i i'm trying not to get super risky level six ring not quite good enough yeah boss is spawning soon um also very very excited maybe maybe we can use some potions this time would you perhaps allow me to use some potions oh my god dude murder alley oh well better vampirism and better max hp oh baby it's just like a huge win you could use a a better vampiric shield that that would be top tier right now okay rocks and mountains there's a i don't sweat goblin camps anymore let me tell you that how how okay we made it to the bend that's a start [Laughter] uh-oh i'm a little nervous about the the flesh golem damage but i think we should still be fine and plus the flesh golem loot is is out of control a good shield it has eight percent vampirism which is a little lower but everything else makes up for it i think please please please use the potions i would like the permanent damage promise great stuff no i use the potion let's go that's what that sound was he used a potion oh my i don't know i'm just like build build the largest mountain pass you can ever imagine man just oh geez louise what was i thinking i forgot about the boss we're about to we're gonna fight the boss in two seconds here man i think that was a terrible mistake [Laughter] oh okay hold on hold on um so obliviate one of these one of these lich's palaces oh what was i thinking man let's just win forehead stun enemies every counter attack restores three times loop hp current counter is 20 so once every five turns will heal 15. or after receiving this effect and after every loop you get a bubble shield okay we got we got to take the bubble shield bubble shield plus heavy loot it's not good enough right there it it gives us the best chance probably it probably lets us get closer to full hp before the bubble shield cracks that's important that that might be worth something okay hold on hold on meadows gotta we need some fertile meadows as fertile as possible please phrasing um forget forget spider cocoons brother we don't care okay where are we at we haven't even made it out of the murder tunnels yet dude okay flash golem take out the flesh golem before the bubble shield pops please not gonna happen not gonna happen but at least our hp got oh seven percent evasion i really need to keep that vampirism up i think it's lower vampirism give me the i know evasion's good too i'm just i i see a stat i i'm mainline in it we're rolling with it for now i can't even feel like a level six weapon is not what we're looking for here hold on it's better with the regen probably right you're probably right about that one let's do it then okay watching the regen come in here we're taking some damage we still got two potions left though just get one enemy killed i'm just begging you to just slice up a single enemy here the sword having vampirism but much less damage i think that's the exact trait i've pivoted off of recently please please i know the grove's eating me too okay we're about to fight the boss we've we've used the potion i don't know maybe that wasn't the potion sound i guess here we go there's a chance there's a chance the lich is locked in the crystal oh god i got the bubble shield i got the bubble shield how how is this even possible that's right you didn't devour me like the rest of the world haven't i do you really don't think so what are you talking about i'm standing right in front of you i consumed all of your reality every one of its elements now rests in a separate pocket dimension spaces living beings information even memories they shall remain there until entropy does its work turning everything into a uniform static mass along with you of course you're insane so what do we have here i see you found a way to interact with other pieces of your reality to organize combine and merge them but how i don't see any exceptional talent or knowledge in you you hardly even understand what is happening right i'll tell you what's happening a pile of bones is butchering my world and thinks that it can get away with it you've already doomed yo you're already doomed and you know it perhaps you're just the first in a series of systemic errors a problem i must learn to solve let's not waste any time then i don't think you're capable of feeling regret but i'm about to change that hold on what's this what's this five 25 damage enhanced by palaces okay plus 25 hp then all right and you do magic damage this doesn't look impossible never mind i can only take like eight hits the counters are pretty important come on man good counters it's a little swing a little faster he's catching up use the potion he used the potion okay we we actually got him i don't believe it nonsense this is impossible for so many reasons i don't understand now put everything back like it was before i can't i've already completed my task even if the result is not perfect you are in no position to refuse you sack of bones he's already received everything i could gather i just wanted to see how our crusade against the universe would end to witness what would come of it my presence is no longer required who is he i get it you're connected somehow right that's why you will find out soon enough this anomaly will not escape his attention now my explanations would be meaningless to you so spare me your wheezing and just die if that sack of bones was telling the truth i have a long journey ahead and i will build my whole world from scratch if i have to and the skull of that monster will be the first brick in its foundation really going heavy on the on the sack of bone stuff huh whatever you lose the argument don't care didn't ask plus your bones choose one reward good game good game thank you enjoy your points enjoy your points plus one resurrection charge don't even know what it means resource cap in expedition is increased by 50 this seems like one of those things you would get um i wonder if oh you can choose the resource assortment instead oh deidra thank you as well thank you deep pockets seems like for the gifted subs uh deep pockets seems like one of those things you take in order to uh build your camp out faster [Music] so you can hold more on your expeditions in the future treasure hunter for loot seems good too i i think we dude i'm going deep pockets the boss has been defeated but your journey doesn't have to end you can retreat to the camp with all your findings but remember the world will forget all your deeds it always forgets so i am gonna be a coward and retreat to start over again um to see if we can build out our camp a little bit here everybody listen the lich is dead the curse has been lifted but what lich and what curse i believe you of course but i have no idea what you're talking about you don't remember the dead sorcerer the one in a fur coat holding a scepter all shrouded in star nebulas floating above the world on his shining wings and eating it piece by piece that's strange everything looks the same around here why i guess he's not the only reason for this darkness then hmm the skeleton mentioned him whoever he is he must have something to do with the obliteration of this world it seems i have no other option but to continue my expeditions i would hold on this is where you go and you check the email because you don't want to accidentally show something you shouldn't show um you think i'm okay hmm it's a little ambiguous on the wording okay it's a little ambiguous on the wording it says you can show up to the second chapter slash boss oh clara thank you just don't do the third chapter all right we're good to go we we've we've received the go ahead from the uh the c-level executives okay we so that means we can keep it rolling i was also checking to see if um i could play the other class that's not in the email so i'm going to answer my own question there let's see if we can build this refuge then we don't have enough lumber dude don't have enough lumber [Music] cemetery passing through cemeteries on expeditions grants you a piece of information interesting can resurrect the hero after an upgrade [Music] yeah we should finish the demo stuff first that way like i can at least feel like i'm on chat's level plus we get to meet this guy right here by the anvil of the seven seas hey said the weatherman come together i don't know i've only seen the the tick tocks yo ho ho you have no idea how i've missed the heat of a furnace and the smell of metal we'll have some good tools now you can be sure of it lad you'll even be able to use something during those trips of yours you're quite enthusiastic something tells me you're not a stranger to seamanship shiver me hammers how did you know doesn't matter though you're right don't worry i'll prove to you that these hands can hold a hammer as good as they can hold the helm in a storm and for a dozen days in a row if needed it's a little a little forward seamanship so if you're an artisan of the seminary arts close to upgrading our campfire as well anything else i mean we could build the farm farmers crops are always a welcome sight on the dinner table all empty tiles around the farm are transformed into gardens after an expedition gives you one ration for every completed loop but not more than there are garden tiles around the farm you can build something over the garden unlocks the ability to craft food if a supply depot is also built nope unlocks the wheat field cards sure why not right so all empty tiles around the farm are turned into weak so we should pop it down like right here have you noticed how strangely this oblivion affects our senses hunger for example you can stop eating for days and you still won't be hungry this of course does not mean you should stop eating all together the farmer promises that he'll be able to grow some stable crops but it will take time oh you don't want some time fall bread from death stranding if you eat it it'll be best thing you've ever eaten in your whole life it'll be interesting to see what he can grow without sunlight expedition me okay
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 99,090
Rating: 4.9626989 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: jBC3Hwc6BNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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