Farming method for resources before Chapter 4 - ROGUE Class - Loop Hero Guide

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hello guys it's me goldwise and i'm back with another video this is not world of warcraft it's actually not even close to world of warcraft this is called loop hero and it comes from the developers that made actually a lot of games that i didn't know of or i didn't know it was made by them but i think that the most known game from them is hotline miami um it's kind of a roguelike game i'm not making this video to showcase the the game or to tell you what the game is i'm just trying to tell you in a couple of words what the game is like so basically you have a hero but instead of a normal role-like experience where you discover the dungeon you discover it by actually building the dungeon and placing tiles and placing monster tiles that give you different monsters that you can fight and each one of them has a different stat or each one of them drops a different item and you can place other tiles that give you different bonuses and so on so i think i have around 68 hours but out of those 68 hours i think that like at least i don't know five seven hours were afk where i let the pc open with the game running and i just went out or do something else so let's say that i had maybe 60 hours of uh game time basically um in this game you have to gather a lot of resources to build basically houses or different buildings that give you stats during your expeditions or outside of expeditions you can build houses and then on your supply these are actually items that you basically can keep before the expedition and you get a lot of bonuses such as vampirism which is like leech or potion that you can use or damage down to bosses and so on but you need to gather a lot of resources and this is one of the things that actually made me put so many hours in this game recently in only a couple of days actually i think in maybe a week and so um something like that i put 68 hours with fk time whatever but basically you have to get a lot of resources and then build houses or cemeteries and something else you know and then you can level up these and you can get camp item slots which are actually supply and then you can put your items here or you can build towers or you can build everything that it's in this build tub so there are quite a lot of things that you can build and actually help you so that's why you need a good farming strategy now i didn't watch any videos on how to farm because i didn't want to ruin my experience but for some people at least in the comment sections of those videos i've seen that uh some of them want a free a a pretty good experience and basically get free kind of resources without having to put too much thought in it and the way i did it is like this so there are basically four chapters each one with a different boss the last chapter the fourth chapter is the hardest because you have to fight all the first bosses the official bosses or whatever before the last boss so we won't farm this i actually killed the last boss recently i was afraid to start doing this expedition so what i did i actually spent a lot of time farming the chapter 3 with the hunter boss with either the necromancer or the rogue or the warrior but i choose the rogue because it attacks the fastest and you can actually farm the fastest resources here you can get you can gear him up the fastest with the best items and so on so if you play loop hero you will see that i have quite a lot of buildings already and most of them are leveled up i have all my watchtowers leveled up and i would suggest you do that too because it's actually not that hard to level them up and you will understand why i suggest you do that and if you look at my supply there are there are quite a lot of items for a beginner but i've seen people with maybe maybe 100 of these chairs or something like that anyways i start so my build is like this you basically make a deck and whenever you kill a monster there's a probability that you will get one of these there or one of these cards so in the first row it shows village that i will combine with vampire mansion to create a ransack village to give me four zombies and then i chose grove because the wolves are easy to kill but you can choose spider cocoon too but the reason i chose grove is that i can choose blood grove after and then put it near the camp tile so i can actually kill the boss easier or other mobs there i chose forest for the attack speed that it gives and then i chose river to double the forest uh attack speed but i would combine forest with storm temples to create burn forest and to actually give me magic damage i will try to i won't do the entire um uh expedition so i won't spend like 10 minutes doing it or maybe i will but i will speed up the video who knows but basically i will tell you what to do because the beginning is very important the uh tile placement is a very important on the last row i chose on the last row i actually chose oblivion but i don't think you actually need that i chose this because when i see my hero has a low hp and i don't want to fight a certain enemy i can use this to get rid of the tile which has a lot of mobs in it or i can get rid of the storm temples after i kill the boss or i want to put some more forest or thickets in there and as the golden cards i chose arsenal because it gives you one more item yes it lowers its quality by 15 but it's one more item that can save your life and gives you more stats especially magic hp as a rogue anyways you can also choose cemetery but i'm not doing that i farmed a lot of expeditions like this and they go pretty fast now there's one downside when farming chapter three uh the max amount of resource of a resource you can get is 30. so whenever you level up you might want to take trades such as uh increasing your resource cap or leaving 10 percent of your max resources in camp whenever you um just pass the cam time so let's start and this is how the game looks we'll put the arsenal somewhere like far because i don't want him here it's not like we're fighting the lich to have to use all the ties around it so i'll put it somewhere far i'm keeping all the items and i'm not using any cheats so i can make the game faster i will fight a couple of enemies i got the blood groove this one i will put near the cozy camp so i can actually kill the mobs there since it devours enemies that have less than 15 hp left and you can use this also whenever you're combining villages and vampire mansions and now the the thing with the rivers is this so usually what i do is i start everywhere here or here so i can continue with the river like this and then move to the second side of the map and do just once again another u like that and now let's say that i will put it here so i will start like this and then i use the forest which give me only one percent hero attack speed to burn and then i use the thickets that gives me two percent attack speed to not burn and actually pull near the river and the river will double the effect of the um of the landscape that are near them so if i put the forest let's say here i actually got two percent attack speed if i put the tickets which give me two percent attack speed i will get four percent attack speed so let's put the village i don't know maybe here maybe i'll get uh grove too or a vampire mansion no yet another forest i will try to um play until i get like uh all the titles that i need to show you how to place okay so i got the vampire mansion what i would usually do if i would have a grove already is i'll put the vampire mentioned somewhere around here but now that i have a vampire mansion and the village on my map i will put it here so i can show you what happened so this is a normal village that kills you upon entering and gives you a quest but when you put a vampire mansion near it it transforms into a ransacked village and it spawns four ghouls once per loop which will give you more resources that's why we're here to farm resources and after three loops it transforms me into a counts land which is basically the village but plus one so we go on another vampire mentions now that i got the second one i can actually put it here in case i get a groove and um i can agro and i can start fighting them so the thing about rogue is that whenever you fight enemies you get only cards not items too you get um trophies that you can exchange for rewards in camp what that means is that you get you give all the rewards away and you get items and the easiest class to level up with is actually the road because you get a lot more items and the more trophies you have which you will have because you will have a lot of mobs on the map the better the quality of the items will be especially if you get some traits that uh lowers the quantity of items that you get but makes the quality of them better so i'll just put random items here whatever okay i got another forest and if you get forests until you get a storm temple to burn in a plus i hope i will get it but if you get it uh if you get a lot of forest try not to put the forest on the same line as a camp tile because here it will be the the storm temple that will burn the forest and will give you magic damage instead of attack speed try to keep that in mind because you might not have an oblivion to destroy the forest and you don't want that it's a car that it's a lost car basically so this is how a fight with a ransacked village looks you can fight all these zombies pretty easily with any class i think sometimes uh on the necromancer it was pretty hard because their neck friends are has attack speed but the attack speed actually affects how fast you uh spawn uh skeletons instead of having the skeletons attack faster so i didn't get any growth yet and not a storm temple this is not actually going well i think the video is like 12 minutes already now since i got another vampire i mentioned i can put it wherever you want especially here so i can have more enemies if i fight this you will end up having the map full full of tiles such as vampire mansions or groves or thickets or rivers because you're here to farm a lot you will stay for even 10 12 maybe 15 loops if you have the uh the good traits to farm and the reason i said to uh level up your watchtowers is because as you've seen like in the second that it went uh you get four rangers that attack your enemy and that's why whenever you get a grove you actually want to put it near the camp so you can even so you can fight them even easier and again no grove okay yet another force so as i said don't put it on the camp tile line put it above or below depends on how you start and get another ticket or ticket i hope uh it would be faster because once i got all the tiles and i show you how to place them um i think the video would be done like five minutes ago already and i level up so i look at my hero trades menu and i think i will choose the access till with which makes the time fly 15 faster that means that the day goes 15 faster again i'm not here to explain how the game works i'm here to actually show my farm method which is actually pretty easy and yes it might be harder for you because you might not have that many supplies in your camp but it's still pretty easy because i used to do it all the time before i went into the chapter 4 because i wanted to be prepared so now that we got our second village we can put it somewhere else and it will spawn a bandit camp and i usually just destroy bandit camps because uh the bandits have a chance to destroy my items and even though i can farm items pretty easily i just don't want my items to be destroyed even more for us not one groove this is insane if you upgrade your watch towers to max level your crossbowman will help you fight up to four tiles that's only on the last level if you upgrade them only up to like um i think three or four they might help you up to two or three tiles but i already them all uh to max level because it's not that hard and they help me fight up to here and up to here so it's actually quite a lot of damage coming from them okay now that i got the grove finally i can put it somewhere here or here and after i pull the grove i can put the blood grove here and this devours enemies that have less than 15 hp and sometimes spawns a mob that actually gives me more resources but it's also harder to kill but if you have a blood grove already put on the map you can use the second card to put it around here i mean near it and it becomes a hungry grove which attacks your uh hero but the damage itself is pretty low but also devours enemies that have less than 20 hp left so you kill enemies with basically 20 hp less especially the boss this also affects bosses and that's why it's very good and i suggest you actually use it as much as you can and now only if i get the storm temple i can show you where to put it although you kind of know but i want to show you the effect on it and i still didn't get it maybe now and you see that the count la the that the ransack village turned into a countland which is basically the village that give me a better quest and kills me for more but usually i destroy that and put another village in place because i don't actually need the batter quest and i don't need the healing since the rogue has vampirism by itself you don't have to have regen items or vampirism items because you don't even get them and now that i got a storm temple so i'll put a storm temple here and you'll see that it has these four blue lines these are actually the lines in which it affects so if i put it like this it will burn the forest on this line but in the same time it will attack the items on the lines like this and here and i'll put it here because i want to kill the boss fast and the reason i put it here too is to burn all this forest and once i burn them i even got more resources um to create a metamorph for this orb which is pretty hard to get i think this is one of the hardest um easy orbs to get or how you want to call it so basically that's what i do that's how i farmed and until the end that's basically the same all the tiles all the growth tiles you will put first near your camp so your watchtowers can actually do their job you put vampire mansions in such a way that you can use the villages to create ransacked villages and to have more zombies you destroy every bandit camp that appears and you can also destroy later in the game you can also destroy tiles that have monsters that you know you will not be able to kill so you can save a lot of time and get rid of the chances of you dying and losing resources even if you have uh resurrection charges from the cemetery or from the trades so it's a long video i know i'm sorry but maybe i'll come back with another farming method basically this is it this is what you do even after the boss uh this is everything that you do you fill the map with uh thickets and with forest that you will later burn with storm temples and you will try to find like the balance between the attack speed and the magic damage i think that you should stop at like 150 attack speed and then go on with the magic damage as much as you want because you will have attack speed bonuses anyways from like the items that you equip uh and then you will fill the map with groves or ransacked villages alongside vampire dimensions and basically that's it i hope you enjoy the video i'm cold-wise and see ya later
Channel: Kolo The Wise
Views: 53
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Loop Hero, Loop, Hero, Rogue, Rogue-like, Dungeon, Crawler, Build, Tiles, Arsenal, items, Gold, Resources, Farm, Orbs, Bosses, Hunter, Chapters, Final boss, Method, Easy, Cheap, Fast, Not the best, Not the worst, Warrior, necromancer, Guide, Golden cards, KTW
Id: upyMjc_b0YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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