Fire Claims All - Huttsvicta Streams Don't Starve Together Ep7

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what is up everybody just joined in for the thesmis server on don't starve we are rebuilding our base after a large fire but i'm feeling pretty good how you feeling i'm feeling good we uh we talked about it beforehand and you said that you suggested that we may need to consider going to the caves i think that would be a smart play oh man all of our berry bushes oh yeah we've lost we've lost everything so we need to make a uh we need to make a decision essentially soon um as far as like whether or not we are are we going to go through with the caves initiative or we're smoldering we were smoldering there for a second um oh yeah i someone what someone mentioned that we should consider putting on the no smoldering mod because it is in the community apparently it's considered to be like way broken um we haven't done that yet but it does seem to be overly punishing that seemingly random a bird can just walk into your base or fly into your base start smoldering and then just destroy everything like that's that's something that you may you may consider if it's a mod or it may just be a game option i'm not sure in the future i mean i mean i haven't heard anything like that but i'm always willing to give it a go you know our chest just started smoldering all right we could just walk away too and that might be the best thing it's just when um summer comes we have something set out to do maybe exploring the caves could be that thing um where we just don't stay there that might be the best way to handle it another thing that we that we could have should have been doing is putting out the ice flinger as well yeah i think it's pretty expensive though isn't it uh that i don't know but i think that that's it's definitely a it's definitely a possibility um that'll be under what survival follows junk on me that i don't need i don't know no idea where it would be pickaxe thank you all right here's our cave entrance it's actually right next to our base maybe i shouldn't have opened this because of the bats well we'll find out and chat was saying that i should probably try to find a way to make a head lantern how are we doing you hurt yourself every time you stop the smouldering is the problem i realized that but that rabbit just walked into our base on fire and lit like everything that it touched that's ridiculous oh fun fun fun fun can things light on fire when it's uh dusk or at night probably not uh that i don't know i'd lamp hand lamp and lamp are we under dress i'd assume nope probably under survival oh chest is on fire i've got uh i've got meatballs and stuff stocked so i'm we i have to i have to go through these morsels and turkey legs before they they end up rotting sorry under light duh one firefly one straw hat one piece of gold yeah that is actually incredibly simple did you have a bug net probably not anymore yes i do here sweet okay so i'm gonna go out at night i'm assuming that you can find them anytime we've only got six days left of summer by the way you know we did it pretty hard i'm pretty happy about our performance not gonna lie yeah we're not we're not out of this yet okay so nighttime i'm gonna head out i'm gonna try to find some fireflies but i think they disappear like almost immediately so we're gonna have to see what we can do about that it was the reeds there we go rabbits and birds of the bringer of end times i'm gonna start bringing or picking up all these feathers and stuff that the birds are throwing out too just because like i don't want to have them starting fire more smoldering stuff yeah yeah agreed okay i've used all of the rotting or all the melting ice okay and turn them into meatballs so that's pretty good um if you have any berries or vegetables on you um just put them in the fridge because i need or i need anything that will that will help uh help us cook the rest of this of these morsels it's night time right now by the way oh crap it is shoot yeah the dusk lasts for like half a second trying to get back to you there's fireflies near me i might die here oh thank you all right that came out of freaking nowhere dude i'm not the hot swap between my net it's called being professional y'all was that the stagehand moved it was just staring at our endothermic fire we can make a mandrake soup too it's super good it's like 150 health 150 sanity and it's just the mandrake with three sticks in the crock pot really yeah it's insane how easy it is okay i need the gold and a straw hat do you have any straw hats lying around there should be a lot of straw in one of those oh maybe not i'm thinking of reeds we may not have a lot of we may not have a lot of straw cut grass i can go get some if you need me to yeah we'll need that for the helmets okay of course we don't really need to go to the caves now but i think in general we should just go to the caves because that is the answer to i think you have to go through the caves to get to the end boss okay i got hit really really hard so i almost died if you hadn't gotten there i would have easily died yeesh thank god we have a tent all right i got two fireflies which is enough to make two um of the light helmets okay incredibly easy and what else should we be concerned about veggies are growing okay where'd that shovel go it's in my hand okay so you need me to go get some cut grass right yes okay well the cut grass i think it like turns into wilted grass during summer oh my god the fire just destroyed everything do we have seeds in the fridge somewhere yeah yeah i think they're in the fridge oh that's some wolves yup um that sounds like they might come in before nightfall if it's a daytime wolf thing we could uh kite him to the beefs okay just be or do you have a spear on you um yes i'm i'm good to go with that um where the beefalo somewhere else or we can kite them to the the pig village which could be maybe better we get some pigskins out of it if they end up dying yep yep this road hit that road up yeah yeah i was just dodging turkey was like that's a lot there is a lot of wolves baby that's what four each that's like five each maybe going to the pigs this is insane well they attack the uh hey king they picked king's invincible i think now and the pigs are going to go down like real quick but use use the pig aggro to uh get some shots off okay oh god oh god i already lost my helmet i don't have a helmet well the pig's dead and everything burnt up with it good pigs help okay you know this is a pretty good idea this is pretty good big [Laughter] somebody ate that monster before i got to it well we can uh use all his teeth use all his teeth for the teeth traps oh my spear broke okay it's all nice i got some meat i got a little meat out of that still at 130 health i'm feeling pretty good about that i'm at 57 now health right now he needs to start murdering these rabbits there we go oh the forest fire yeah we should probably just leave so the forest fire stops okay otherwise it's gonna burn down the pig houses and we don't want that houses um five bushes down here i've got glommers goop save that i think that's pretty good recipes um what can i drop here one stinger would you just not oh my thermal stone is not working anymore [Music] oh my okay what [Music] what's so hot okay you dig up uh berry bushes in the summer they turn into two twigs i'm gonna die i'm gonna die from thermal exposure i'm also overheating me there's no way that i make it there's a wolf still alive over here he's fighting bees zero percent chance that i make it over there yeah i see the wolf but i'm gonna i'm gonna die and like i got a thermal stone on me like i wish it would tell you like hey by the way you're about to your thermal stone's about to like not be beneficial anymore yeah all right i'm gonna cool down then i'll figure things out it said 50 so i'm like oh yeah i'm still fine okay let me make that mandrake stew i found butter too yeah butter well i've got all my stuff is up the road i found some frog legs okay i'm gonna have to do this at night what do i need what do i need i need to make the mandrake stew right right right right okay i'm gonna hold my torch probably i think the mandrake stew takes a while to make yeah just make sure you have a thermal stone summers you took off in the other direction no i'm over i'm over here underneath the road when we split from the the wolves i think he took off the left yeah i went i went to the west i mean but like i thought that i had i thought that i had plenty of time on my on my thermal stone is the thing i mean like i wish the game would just be like you know beep or flash with warning that like hey your thermal stone is about to not be beneficial anymore yeah maybe put your thermostone on like uh far left or something where you can you know exactly where it is in your inventory i mean it was on my it was on my hot bar it said it said 50 and uh it was it was like kind of bluish but it just did heat it up fifty percent means that it's durability is that fifty percent yeah i know that i know that but like that's uh that's why i was like i think that this is i should be fine that's why i went to the west there just to do a little bit more explore to try to find some grass and then all of a sudden it uh it just started heating up and i was like well i'm not there's no way i'm gonna make it back do you spawn in with the full health no because i'm thinking like maybe we should wait to eat the mandrake soup after one of us like after i make the telltale heart it make more sense yeah but i can just heal with the tent though you know what i mean yeah i'm short one grass for the ice flinger or the telltale heart oh well if i if we need to i can go use the i can use the stone you're also draining my draining my sanity by being next to me i think or maybe it's just knowing you're dead i didn't know that my sanity's plummeting all right [Music] um i can haunt the i can hunt haunt the stone the touchstone yeah i got it back i got it oh you know what how am i going to find the grass did you have any grass on you no no i didn't oh that's why i was going there's none all of it's gone i could maybe hammer are you would you just leave me alone go down son yeah right you gotta hit off [Music] let me try hammering a trap and see if i can't get oh can i hammer it [Music] i can't hammer the trap maybe you need to just use the stone then okay i'm searching to the south to see if there's any grass it's all wilton yeah i know that's what i mean again that's the reason why i went to the west i was like this it's not in the savannah so maybe some of it's still alive cooked green caps they're spoiled though eh we're gonna hurt you lightning hit yeah right this world's trying to kill us even more landed on thick there don't you think they're world okay i've got to go get my thermal stone back or unless you picked it up nope i'm grabbing your stuff hey the uh touchstone just came right back i thought it was a one-time use people said it's a one-time use it just came right back it went like and then like it's untouched okay so we can't go into the caves right now there's no straw hats it's not happening i got nightmare fuel that's good and that's used for a lot of stuff later i think you get that from killing when you're insane okay can you kill the nightmares that are after you oh these are wilted plants that's okay i got it oh uh because i use the uh oh oh that's not good not good maybe do we want to just leave yeah we'll probably just run probably i don't know man i don't have my thermal stone though oh man run towards your thermal stone then i did i did i'm running keep rolling rolling rolling that's ant lion attack maybe level three spider den that sounds like fun right now no we're gonna lose our crock pot did you go back i'm running i'm running for the freaking ant lion [Music] bk get this up this ch mod thank you i'm all the way i'm all the way south the the crock pot was on fire when i last saw it oh i might lose it and get it back but i mean like but like i've got i've got my thermal stone but i don't know how long it's going to last it was only next to the fire for a very short time true what's your temperature at though that that'll tell you we're 21 right now 21 is fine i think it's up upwards of like 60 or something that'll kill you yep crock pot is gone i find grass okay yeah right even pick up rod on the ground it's lighting on fire oh it's the trees on the left are smoldering i gotta back away again this is ridiculous and we need two bases i mean if this is our first summer fine right like rough next time we know caves or desert but of course you go to the desert and the antlion boss is there so what there's also wolves yeah we'd have to pick some sort of corner that's not touched by them it could be a really good time though to get tumbleweeds because tumbleweeds will give you mostly sticks and twigs but some really rare goodies too oop i'm 60 degrees oh my thermal stone just busted okay sweet oh good that's just perfect thanks game just lay it on i'm not gonna die before i get back uh here here i'll bring i'll bring my thermostone to you where are you bottom uh to the left south west of the road yep really should have had the hat but we didn't have the straw oh you know i made that shirt here thank you put that shirt on i thought my stone was that enough um whatever to get me through it but it just busted immediately exactly that's what dude that's what i'm saying ah okay pickaxe and then we need uh what for the thermal stone rocks i need eight rocks oh yeah bats are now invading just like really that's like top-notch dude i have no rocks get this [ __ ] back here little dick now you know what easy source of uh of meat that they just plopped in guano and turds and batwings what are these batwings for i don't know do you have do you have any rocks on you i do how much you need i need eight i'm trying to make a new uh thermal stone it just just whatever take them all thank you did what what did he just eat he ate one of the batwings oh my god that's brutal okay i need i really need a rest so i'm going to make my thermal stone and then drop it and then i need to i need to heal because i'm at 23 hp that's 16. oh uh i'll eat the mandrakes too is that gonna heal you yeah okay where'd it go mandrake soup 100 health 150 hunger and five sanity pretty good and he's back in the game yeah so using the touchstone didn't penalize my max hp by the way cool but we're going to start running out of food pretty pretty quickly if we don't get a crock pot back i can make cooked morsels uh we lost our drying racks as well yep and nailer thank you so much the hundred bits thanks a lot for your budgeting isaac content i watch it every day and it's the best part of my week oh it's very nice of you to say i feel like i've been like these last couple episodes i've just been like an anchor i'm hurting the team i i think that you've been cooking like 80 of everything that we've been eating though so i have been doing a lot of cooking i i can't say that i'm not happy to have you around okay i need more cut stone did you get cut stone uh i know i got marbles or use the stone for the thermal stuff yeah yeah i got six left huh i think we're gonna need i might do it actually okay go to food bernie just go i just clicked on it there we go we can't cook on this um why is it like you can never place things where you want them game it's just like it has so many different ways of just screwing you right in the neck hole here again what does cook cactus do sanity butts my he might have saved it what with that with you remaking the crockpot oh defense on fire okay um okay i i'm gonna just keep doing what i do because we i gotta i gotta get the we we just had to survive three more days i don't want any of this stuff to rot i might just head out for the day wife mater how many times has sinned died now doesn't matter we're back in the game and we're doing fine okay um i am going to maybe just hit up that uh disaster zone i don't know like what i should be doing right now i'm so like ah we need stone we probably need some stone yeah we need we definitely need stone it's like the one best spot i know for stone it has like all the spiders in it and that bird maybe killed a bird no not with any not without any uh armor i'd say it's probably a lost cause oh man turning all this turning all this almost stale cactus into uh into meatballs is clutch here cooked cactus is really good for sanity too back up back up to full stats now boys yeah i'm looking pretty good that mandrake stew man holy crap 150 hunger 100 health if we can make it to the fall i think that we can recover stupid moonstones i suppose the moonstones are the way for what the world to regenerate some of the stone since there's only finite stone yeah yeah but we can't but you can't do anything with them though right we can make the you can make actually quite a few things with the moon stones but it's mainly i would say the use would be uh we should turn it into walls and then make those wolf traps with it yeah i mean that's that's just something that we need to do because we're not going to be able to rely on the pigs for too much longer i just picked up a celestial orb celestial orb i've never even seen it before um do we have any more vegetables though here's some rock on the mother lode of rock i want a rock not sure why i'm holding these potatoes it is a mystery captain's log how did i heat i heat up so quickly um i'm also overheating holy crap wow i'm gonna be dead again how i literally just checked and i was at like 20 degrees or 30 degrees and then i chopped two rocks now i'm dying yeah i i can't i can't cook right now just because i'm like i gotta go back to the freaking thermal fire to stay stay cool cheers to the freaking weekend we can make it we only we only need three more days this is insane dude who knew that summer was gonna be the hardest did you did you pick up any vegetables by the way i got some for you okay you can give me those that would be perfect thank you all the bunnies are ready too [Music] button shank six thanks for all the videos and streams thanks for supporting me hey we could we could just try to tough it out in the caves for the last two days we don't have headlamps though that's true why me wow [Applause] not so bad when you just target them i guess batwing you need to when they run around yeah you need to figure out if there is a like a bat wing stew okay or extra covered because that would be like the thing to do right now see cooked gives you eight health 18 hunger bat wings can make you make a bat cowl provide sonar base vision at night allows chest slot item to be warm and [Music] fog got a bunch of junk i don't know where to put it all right we could put it in the chest though because then it's not gonna light on fire well we could totally manage the caves if we stuck to the light bulbs and one of us had a torch i mean we plop down like a like a stone fire or something right when we walk in yeah but i mean it's only it's only two more days after this you know two more days to have everything burned down at the restart again [Music] yeah or um all how's your thermal stone looking 38 okay these torches and some parts of undertale got light too undertale i'm mostly just worried about everything lighting on fire in the last couple of days because it seems like the heat's getting worse somehow yeah so maybe there are meatballs by the way in the fridge we should maybe grab a handful of food and then go down with it i can't access because you give it open i don't have that much food available though that's a problem i don't think we're gonna make it we're gonna make it two days like in there which is food that we brought like i i i'm willing at this point to to tough it out here and just try to make it all right but i'm up for i'm up for whatever you decide i'm fine with that i think if you think that we should just we should just go to the caves then that's fine too we tough it out i'll plant stuff i looked up farming and holy crap is it like way more intense than it needs to be it's like plants have like a need like sometimes they need a manure sometimes they need like different like minerals and stuff yep i think it's insane and it's like basically if you're not that plant starter character just don't even do it you have to make like a special like lens gardener's hat thing so that you can store all this information they'll have like different seasons that they grow in you still have to talk to them and all that crap yeah and i still don't even understand how it all works because like i give the bird one seed of one plant and it spits out one seed like i can't multiply the amount of potatoes i have at you know i didn't get to eat the potato because i gave it to the damn bird who gave me one more potato to grow this isn't forward momentum there's not a chance for it to spit out a second seed i think there is but i haven't seen it it's never happened to me so thank you chance for the 80 months in a row of support of unbroken support looking for any kind of vegetables to keep making uh keep making uh meatballs if you put a seed into the farm you will always get a plant that's not the point though you can't specialize the point is is that it's one to one it's not two to one or one to two you can just go for random plants which is what i'm gonna do but if we really wanted to master gardening you have to have all that extra stuff taking care of it is how to earn more seeds [Music] it's a plugged sinkhole here that's uh to the caves okay oh baby we got ourselves some vegetables what do we do with wet goop uh that was an accident that was a error on my part you can just i just threw it on the ground to get rid of it dude i found grass southwest intact no i'm in the northeast just remember don't get too far away because you'll die instantly when your stone inevitably just goes beep i mean my my stone is blue right now so if that happens i'm gonna be real mad the indicator on the stone is [ __ ] i'm just gonna go ahead and say it yeah that's i mean that's why everyone's like just look at the stone i was looking at the color it was blue i say now mine's not blue anymore so i'm gonna i'm watching i'm watching them watching gotta go oh man i hit the mother lode we got we got grass on grass sounds hot naughty grass on grass action grass gone wild sunday sunday sunday see the hot grass on grass action do you like grass we've got your grass come on over and let's kick some grass okay i'm headed back i've got 12 cut grass on me grass simulator xxs grass 18 plus remember how great it was when we had like our berry bushes and everything i laughed to keep from crying all my rabbit traps are breaking how am i still heating up not only is it dusk like i also have a thermal zone which is now i guess white yeah that's bad why would i be why would i be heating up at dusk because there is no god okay what did you need what did you need the grass for uh eventually i think i needed it for rope to make the helmets to go back into the caves okay i'm putting it in this chest in this chest in this chest there okay uh we should get a plan started at least for fall i think that we should rebuild all of our food stores but should we think about like doing a second base start since fall is easy uh yeah i think so we also need to get traps done for hounds because we're not going to be able to we're not we're not going to be able to keep doing the we go to the pigs you know yeah i don't even know like how to make those traps here tooth trap found it okay so we can use all the hounds teeth that we have so far i could maybe get to work on the trap situation if you want to work on the food or vice versa okay i can go out and and try to dig up some berry bushes and you know get the uh get the turkey farm in order again sure what's your what's your health or your hunger looking like 87. okay here i'm gonna i'm gonna feed you meatballs sounds good to me i'm seeing a lot of berry bushes if you go past the pig king there's a spot with a lot of spiders but i'm seeing one two three four at least four berry bushes that way i guess it's not a whole lot five we haven't explored south of the the swamp biome always i haven't south of the swamp biome right past like that battle zone area and then up past the spiders we haven't explored i've gone further south if you're talking about the north are you talking about the southeast i've gone much further south into the desert down there um oh yeah yeah uh we did actually yeah we teleported way down there so that area between the two though i haven't really seen much of i walked that uh i need to make a new tent we need spider webs twigs and rope since we're not gonna go out during the summer i'm thinking about making just some straw hats okay it'll make it better for us you get twigs so here this is for you put it on the ground okay okay if i was to leave right now where would i go and what would i do get my thermostone make the rounds don't forget the hat get the bunnies since that's been keeping us going um you can make meatballs too with just four bunnies if we really need to i'm not sure that's cost-effective though i'm going i'm looking to go get twigs here because i need to get uh i want to i want to make a new tent that sounds pleasant oh apparently walking over the antlion divots making slows down really slow yeah all my traps are dead mr stream where you played going under recommending it on steam what's your opinion oh master of roguelikes it's uh it's fun it's cutesy not exactly sure how you liking the full release of curse of the dead gods um it's it's very similar to what it was before except for now they have new temples i think that um game is a little slower moving just in general but also like per temple they still only have like 10 different enemies so it's you know i i think i asked for a variety of enemy types and they gave in the form of new temples instead of like having you know potential running into like 20 different enemies on one run which is kind of what i was thinking but i did play it um it seemed bare bones that was an early early access though it seemed like it had potential yeah no it's fun especially if you like the whole like perry thing like some skill based combat okay i've got sticks i think i have enough to make a tent and we really only need one [Music] you did not hit me though [Music] much frog oh you know i actually need to um do my watering can okay now that i'm here with the ponds got there's so many frogs so many frogs okay i've got i've got our our tent situation ameliorated there we go i do believe that you can make meatballs with frog legs yes [Music] getting a lot of seeds this way magically attack frogs is insane weiner oh you know i came back with three morses and four frog legs and two carrots i don't think that was bad i'll put them in the fridge done let's get this forget me lot and then dig it up okay watch your watch your hunger melon sickle anyone remember the recipe for melon sickle oh dk mufasa we're doing good so far we're about to make it through our first summer somehow after the game threw like everything at us bouncing was two twigs ice and melon wouldn't it might have been two ice maybe maybe two ice i still want to throw this melon away yeah i can look it up quick this is a game where i have no shame looking things up nope like you have to oh yeah absolutely melon ice stick stick you were right all right let me make that next oh we don't have ice right no there's no ice all of it i'll just store it then for now okay if you have any sort of vegetables on yet i put them in the fridge i can make a fashion melon it's refreshing but sticky i'm not sure why i would uh oh uh oh what ant line i don't know just keep cutting it let it do its thing again where it tries to get you and then it just makes up a divot i just don't have my thermal stone on me keep an eye on your health or europe i'm all right your temperature i'm all right cool that's gonna be fun to have all those littered about hey you got the frog slider frog sorry the the froggy no the froggle bun witch braggle bunwich how much health does it give you a lot i think because i could use some health right now here you go i have a have a frog witch gives me 20 health yeah all right i'm back to 58 health and this is the end of summer so pretty good oh yeah i think uh you want to you want to cut it here but then do a standalone episode after thesmus like immediately after thesmas yeah yeah yeah because this is the end of the summer i think it's a good time to stop the uh the thesma squad sure i could uh cut the but i mean i could just make two videos too it's not a big deal i cut my videos out that way too yeah well i'm just i'm thinking about about making it like a standalone episode after since we're done with summer you know we're at the we're at the end of the two hours i think it's i think it's a good good stopping point for those and then we'll immediately hop into the next episode of just don't starve together sure okay so i think we'll cut it there uh yeah thank you for watching another successful thus everyone and uh again huts and i are we're taking feedback on the show as well let us know what else you would like to see um we don't have really a plan to stop playing don't starve together until we're like done with the game um but you know if people are getting tired of it we can take suggestions on like what should be the next break game and stuff for the pivot game from isaac and uh go check out hutz of course huts gaming youtube.comhutz and huts2 for all of these vods and more and uh yeah thanks for another awesome show man i think i think we're it's just improving more and more with each week for sure and same thing with everything slash invicta thank you everyone for watching here on youtube and we will see you on the next episode for more don't starve together with hutz victor so long everybody see you guys you
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 5,543
Rating: 4.9813085 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Dont Starve, Don't Starve, survival, huttsvicta, sinvicta, multiplayer, open world, crafting, adventure, coop, co-op, sandbox, horror, items, food, enemies, tutorial, win, best, tools, winter, farming, meat
Id: GkgqGE_TkkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 11sec (2831 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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