Tiny BBQ LambChop T-Bones

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we spent off some are doing extreme stuff now we bring it down to size tiny BBQ stuff that you can do right on the back deck fire it up fire it up [Music] [Music] great TV time it's a Jack Wade boy 3 times South Carolina state champion bill West and that we're coming to you from the birthplace of American barbecue the low country of South Carolina and the time is changing it's getting dark a lot really pulling off a little bit like it we thought we would since we spent the summer getting extreme I'm bringing in some help my brother-in-law Paul Stewart does a great little lamb shop and what he does instead of making it huge you don't need a giant 18 foot trailer grill he actually uses this little kind of hunting ceramic bucket 12 lumps of charcoal and some little small lamb chops check out how he does I have to say what an interesting girl it is you can see how the you know it's a circular thing and it's got a nice little event down in the bottom down there that keeps the air rolling through it and he he does these lamb chops they look fantastic take a look what we've got here some nice lamb chops that we're gonna do on what my father-in-law calls a ironing bucket in the old days when the guys would go out on a hunting trip they would take this ironing bucket which they would fill with coals put a hot put an iron on there and they could iron clothes with this thing now the guys take it out in the field when they were hunting birds mostly doves quail things like this put it on the back of the truck and take this out in the field get four or five of them fill them with some charcoal get them good and hot and they do get hot let me tell you this is clay inside of sheet metal lasts forever these things are a hundred years old I'm guessing if not older they've been passed down through our family they're a really nice hot cooking source just a few coals 15 or 20 get them hot and we've got lamb chops we didn't have any quail but I've got a little mix of Greek oregano some Greek spice and we're gonna just sprinkle that on these lamb chops get this charcoal pot or iron and Buckett good and hot and we'll just fire these right on up I like to cook my land to about medium if you prefer medium rare then that's the way you like it well-done whatever medium is about the way I like to eat my lamb so that's a personal preference so now we've got our spice on here I'll do both sides real quick good generous you ever marinate these overnight I never have I generally just take them right from the package seasoned them just like this and put them right on the hot coals and they are so delicious just like this now of course you could marinate them you know if you like your your meats marinated I know a lot of guys they wouldn't grill without marinating their meat first so it's a like I said a personal preference well put that in there real nice get it to stay and now we'll move these over to the hot iron and Buckett whoo hot fire and I mean hot this little guy has bill see if you can get over here in the front it's uh it's old but you can actually shut this thing and adjust the air coming through it if you want it to really get hot or if you want to shut it down a little bit I like about it as you doesn't need a whole lot of charcoal don't have to be a huge grill no just keep it simple we've got six of these little lamb chops get them on here and let him say once that heat hits that fat they'll start to really get gone how these things they look like little t-bone steaks hey our miniature lamb t-bones you are right about that they're about inch and a half thick on this charcoal they'll really get going hi yeah they're beautiful a little lamb little lamb t-bones that's a good good way and they look just like it you can I like sometimes just the lollipop chops as well put these on this particular apparatus that's the best way to go they're nice and thick they take a few minutes you get a nice char on them nothing better you can already see the things going going hot we'll get a good sear on one side we'll turn them over and just let them cook keep turning them keep turning them because this fire is hot here's a little something I learned just by trial-and-error cooking thick chops and these babies are thick you know you get a nice sear on the outside like that now what I like to do is with these in particular to set that bone right over the fire and now you're he told generate into that t-bone and cook that meat close to the bone so you're not so you're getting an even even cook pair and then sometimes you can put them on the side you know just keep them moving around keep them in the heat that's a good good way to disperse the heat is to set it on that bone I like to keep my tongs handy give it a try Oh ma'am that's not good man that's some good lamb thanks again Paul Stewart Your Honor this is a restaurant it's I'm Hilton heavy palmetto bay sunrise cafe Toledo based on race cafe that little trick would you turn the lamb chops up on their end what a great thing you can do there keep those lamb chops from getting too overdone keep them getting burned man what a great-looking lamb chop that was hey gang it really does buy local think love will stay sustainable every chance you get hug you [Music] [Music]
Channel: BarbecueTricks
Views: 56,334
Rating: 4.5604396 out of 5
Keywords: lamb, bbq, barbeque, extreme bbq, gratetv, greattv, jack waiboer, bill west, Food, Cooking, Barbecue (Cuisine), Home Made, Recipe
Id: 8eZmsARSKqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2012
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