GRIEF CAN BREAK YOU... | Keep in Mind

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to keep in mind now this is supposedly an emotional game and I don't know exactly what it covers but it's supposed to be dark scary and intriguing Jonas honey are you awake I know you aren't sleeping why won't you talk to me is it something I've done each night you drink until you can't speak and the morning comes and you just forget everything including me every night we fight to keep a conversation going every night I fight to keep you conscious if we just talked about it we could be happy again I feel so far from you oh that's sad uh-huh where where am I I think this is this looks like my home but that's impossible oh hello we've entered the anti world I need to get out of here something's gone very wrong yeah no joke that might be a summary of this game man this is off to a rocketing start holy hello can I interact with anything apparently not okay well well well I think I remember that noise from SCP containment breach but I'm not sure in fact you look like that SCP what is it 6 8 - I can't remember the number of it can it really be our Jonas come here let me get a good look at you it has been such a long time ok alright I'm good I'm coming over there don't mind me um please make my way down down oh boy well I'm glad you've come to visit us again I know it must be hard to find the time in your busy pathetic life that blank look on your face don't tell me you've forgotten again how sad you don't even recognize me how does anyone forget well here's honest if you can't figure it out you'll be doomed to wander here forever making the same mistake over and you probably never escaped you know you might as well not even try but if you're so keen to leave curious mullet I'll give you a look around isn't this all just a bit familiar I encourage you to give all the voices here a good listen they are more familiar than you think okay ah thank you all right I'll be on my way weird mysterious wolf worm you are lovely and horrifying I go in here nope okay there's less to interact with than I do where did I go where did I come from where did I go danger yeah I'll go there ah huh huh Olo well this is awfully convenient I don't know if I'm supposed to be going here first but this is just where my feet have carried me oh hi who are you I hate this job huh-huh I want to go home they said I could go home today they said that yesterday okay good goodbye Hui oh hi who the hell are you hi hey I think I'm finally alone they stopped chasing me they won't find me back here no one will ever find me again so why can i still hear them well I I mean I found you I don't know if that means you were that well-hidden I don't think I can go up yeah no and I can't run so I'm not gonna go anywhere quickly that's for damn sure can't go that way either this is probably a dead end over this way so I'm are you the cousin of the wolf worm aren't you scab you killed your brother your mother your marriage and your mind now it's your turn aren't you scared no not particularly because I don't know what the Frick is going on here so how could I be scared at anybody I come home oh boy you friends nothing matters anymore getting up is a chore have nothing to look forward to she's already given up on me and I gave up on myself long ago this one looks tall enough oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no I all right good talk good conversation glad glad we could interact and stuff okay well this is a bizarre game but what I'm getting from this is that these are his inner demons cuz I mean the opening scene was obviously he was struggling with certain things on his own and he wasn't he was like self sabotaging sabotaging his marriage sabotaging any relationships he's had and he's like eating away himself for whatever reason we don't know yet but I'm imagining we're gonna piece together those lock those lock doors luck no no no no no no no I did me grow believe it was only for a second forgive me forgive me forgive me okay I forgive you I for one for you oh boy oh god no no we'll see the blood the Lord was me I can't hide the trail follows me everywhere this blood follows me airier okay wow man I don't know what you did dude but it bad it was is apparently bad it's more than just like it's more than just um it's more than just him being sad this is like there's something big okay hang on before I go you're new where'd you work you over there before I haven't slept in three days I'm checked the back door three times there did you see that quickly close your eyes he can't see you if you can't see him okay who are you talking about you talking about wolf farm down there wolf arm ain't so bad you just need to get to know him I rest up my insides in place of all the things I never said all I can taste is blood all I ever taste is blood blood isn't so bad oh my god what is happening in here what's happening I have no idea I don't even know how many of these guys have actually talked to this is a new area over here I wonder if oh no what delightful's oh oh are you salting the river with your tears oh so tired I've never been this tired I'm so empty I've never been this empty maybe this river can carry me far away I don't even know what to make of it yet like the could these all be like the voices of doubt that plagued this guy's head I mean he's walking around he's the only bit of color in this thing besides blood of course cuz that's common theme oh hi you look familiar disgusting what an insignificant creature around disgusting in significance disgusting creatures deserve the mud so keep squirming in the mud little insect okay thank you hello headless weird I want to live inside you like it's a form you could pull I believe you ahahaha okay thank you thanks thank thank thank you oh boy playground that's probably good should be ball that sounds cool ah hello so warm in my belly mmm when I'm empty but run maybe be more than I need them oh boy oh boy I don't know what inner voice that would be but we remember him the guilts medicine - it's your fault no it's your fault you weren't paying attention it was your job to watch him slip thud crack now he's gone because of you because of you because of me man oh jeez okay I've got 15 of 16 I don't know how many more more more familiar there's one more lurking about so I'll be right back when I find Oh hello you are new I have not met you you want to be friends I've counted the grass blades in this field every single one of them holy this is a specific quantity for everything an ideal this tree for example the tree this tree has ten apples ten apples only no more than ten absol absolutely no more than ten apples ten ten ten ten okay cool so who's knocking on my door hello hi should I be worried I'm worried can I go back in home now maybe that's not my home hi oh there's my home they're more familiar than you think oh oh oh I got a chill down my spine Hey hello all right what do I do I am self denied every feeling you blocked out every joy you denied yourself I am more human than you will ever be I'm not gonna be able to do all the voices again so I'm just gonna read normally I am panic oh god no no no I failed it you failed me and now we must pay I'm guilt as in mine I watched the mistake you made over and over and then I watch your brother die before my eyes and I watch you do nothing and I watch you do nothing over and over only you can decide to be whole again so it's talking about grief I am reclusion gasp gasps I am everything you ran from every unpleasant thing shoved back inside they can't climb my walls can't find what I've stored in this shell but you can i'm paranoia there do you see them every fabricated lie they all swarm around my head ceases why won't they leave me be make them leave Jonas I am suppression I taste every feeling you've swallowed I feel them crawling its throat I can feel them burning my belly I think I'm dying you're killing me Jonas I am decay I'm waiting for you Jonas Oh chicks that's all okay you didn't speak please I am so have left me a mangled rich you did not deserve to leave his place okay thank you I'm hopelessness I am everything you gave up on the lovers you left behind on the people you could have been but now there's nothing left there's nothing left but you you must have hope I am addiction on everything you used to forget haha the alcohol the drugs even the porn everything you used to pretend to exist hahaha what have you brought me this time I am neuroticism I'm everything you tried to control everything that had to be perfect all I see is chaos chaos chaos chaos so many flames too many flames only you can put out the flames Jonas you you you you you you I am bird Wow each day I work tirelessly pretending my worthless existence means I carry your world on my shoulders I'm so tired they'll make me carry it all Jonas I'm resignation I'm every time you've given up every sadness you couldn't bear every time you almost ended everything I'm being swept away this can't be the end red please let me back in I never meant to go open the door Jonas okay oh hi hi Jonas ha how are you doing whoo boy whoo hello hi friend hi friend how you doing friends let me get a good side by side of you yeah that's the stuff who would that looks good that's nice okay anyway so you finally mustered up the courage to crawl through your filthy mind and fine yeah you are pathetic don't you know what's going on here are you too stupid to figure it out our bribes you don't want to you must like squirming in the dark like a maggot you have spent so much time in this place my place don't you realize these are your thoughts your memories your guilts and your obsessions and they all hate you they all hate you for what you've done to keep you chained here to make you pay for the suffering they've endured it and that's not all is it your brother is dead because of you you let him die because you weren't watching soon your marriage will suffer the same fate you flounder in your guilt and anger and let yourself rot every chance at a life worth living gone you're afraid to be alone with your thoughts so you try to drown them but you don't realize though those voices that you've tried Zard the block will scream more and more loudly scream until your ears bleed so just keep covering your ears Jonas because one day soon you might sink so deep you'll never hear anything again stop it just shut up I don't want to hear it anymore you don't rule me I don't have to live like this I don't have to live like you well that's one way to end it oh oh hi you're you're new I don't think I've met you well well well can it be it certainly has been some time there's no need to be frightened dear one this place is safe and I'm not here to harm you it's so good to see you again how does it feel to be back amongst your thoughts this place has changed much in time as you can see the you Jonas the place has gone to the dogs do you remember how was before the darkness do you remember how it used to be before your brother passed you were oh so little and he used to visit us all the time we were your best friends don't you see jealous we are you we loved you once and we still do but some of us are terribly confused and frightened that phantom in the mirror calls himself you has been keeping you from the truth with his vicious lies without you this darkness this darkness suffocates us it has warped us into something you can hardly recognize something monstrous but we're still yours dear Jonas and we long for the light that warm light that's shown every day back when you used to love us back when you used to love you what are you doing Jonas why is it so dark you know what you need to do you need to forgive yourself you need to forgive yourself for what you've done have to forgive those who have hurt you only then can you live your life fully until then we'll all remain here crying for the warmth of the light I heard a door alright Am I am i back home it doesn't look as though I anything has changed the moon looks so beautiful tonight don't worry I will try harder and I won't give up you will all see the light again Oh that was beautiful oh that was legitimately beautiful at the end oh man oh that was actually touching oh man I definitely appreciate the message of this game I mean at times in there like it definitely was heavy-handed but like obviously it's trying to show meaning for something in and trying to show grief and I wouldn't be surprised if the person who made this game you know was dealing with grief themselves you know it's an important message to see it and it's important to realize that it's easy to be suffocated by your own your own thoughts and and as someone I've been through grief before and it's definitely the same way it's it's self destruct it it can be so self-destructive if you let it and but and but at the end of it like you can come out of it a better person I've said before that like you can you the way you face trauma and grief you know the way you face it the way you come out of it like that that shapes who you are as a person it's important to realize that your own you're your own worst enemy in those cases and you gotta fight through certain things and and also you got to reach out for help but at the end of the day you know it's uh it's you and it's what you do with the thoughts in your head that really really change who you are so anyway thank you sherilyn for making this game and thank you everybody for watching this I hope you enjoyed it and you know I really enjoyed it it was good touching message and and I really liked that game and I hope you enjoyed my mediocre voice acting there sorry if it got annoying at some point but I was just having fun with it so thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video bye bye ah all I did was open up a can of worms to make everyone in the audience feel bad I'm so sorry everybody ah I'm a failure because
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,716,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, keep in mind, keep in mind game, creepy, scary, horror, memory, deep, emotional, sad, remember, memories, trauma, depression, sad game, static speaks my name
Id: Av2Y4P9KlkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2016
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