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so you're sitting at home watching the latest episode of the walking dead and then suddenly there's a power outage you reach for your phone in the darkness and you look at it and it's still working but you find that there is no sell signal what do you do well it might just be a typical run-of-the-mill local power outage and maybe there's a local cell tower that's down what if it isn't a local power outage and it's something much more severe what if this was just the beginning of a major nationwide disaster now it's absolutely critical that in the minutes and hours following a major disaster that you use this time wisely in order to execute a strategic response today we're going to talk about what i would do in the first few hours after disaster strikes so let's get to [Music] it the tips i provide you today are general suggestions that are going to be applicable over a wide range of different disaster scenarios one of the first things you should do after disaster strikes goes without saying it's ingrained deep within your dna and that is to get away from any immediate danger and remove yourself from the epicenter of disaster if possible however something to consider is that during these critical moments there may be others who would benefit from your assistance either rescuing or helping them evade the situation you may be faced with the dilemma of providing support to others who are in immediate danger and weighing that against the safety of you and your family and friends hopefully these are not mutually exclusive the only reason why i mention this is that you may be faced with the situation where you have to abandon people who are in need and this may eat away at your conscience long after you've saved yourself the point here is not to guilt people into putting your lives at risk for others but just so you have an awareness of potential emotional outcomes of such a situation in the end you can make the argument that any ptsd from such a situation would be much better than having died but the short of what we're trying to say here is that if you are able to help others in need then you might want to consider doing so no matter where you are whether on vacation or otherwise you should always have a plan at all times to get back to a safe spot or a rendezvous point for example if there's a nuclear attack and you survive the initial blast you're going to have about 10 to 20 minutes to escape the fallout i'll post a link in the description of an excellent educational video that tells you all about what you should do should this happen once you've been able to escape imminent danger the next goal is to locate those people who are closest to you you may have family and friends scattered across a wide area so your primary focus at this point should be securing those people who are dependent on you for their sustenance and security after you've accounted for the safety of your primary dependents you may feel obligated to venture out into high-risk areas or places surrounding the disaster zone in order to save those extended family members and friends you should only do that if your primary dependents are safe secure and won't be at risk if you were to leave them if there is a grid down situation and cell phone towers are not operational it's possible that you won't have the means to communicate over long distances using conventional means hopefully in this instance you are proactive enough to outfit those people that you care about with the proper off-grid communications devices things like portable ham radios cb radios or gmrs radios these are all excellent communication tools for a grid down situation the range of all of these devices will be limited but will be far better than screaming at the top of your lungs i'll post links to some reliable off-grid communications tools you can use in the description below once you've accounted for secured your friends and family the next thing you'll be tasked with is information gathering one of the first things you want to do once finally secure is to gather information about the cause scope and prognosis of the situation that you're in you can do this in a variety of ways one of those ways is to use various radio receivers in order to gather information about what's going on using things like police scanners am fm radios weather band radios or even shortwave radios might provide you vital information about what's actually going on and how bad the situation actually is even if the phone lines are down it may be possible for you to consult with some local authorities for this information how feasible this is going to be is going to depend on where you live if you live in a major urban center going to your nearest police station after a disaster to find out what's going on would be ill-advised however if you live in a smaller community you may be able to do this without compromising your safety another thing you'll want to do is communicate with your immediate community namely your neighbors see if they've heard anything about what is going on and try to get a sense of how prepared they are without drawing attention to your own preparedness planning try to encourage them to have some sort of contingency plan if help isn't going to arrive this could be in the form of inventorying and rationing their supplies or trying to get themselves as squared away as possible while the grid is still somewhat functional just make sure you don't disclose too much information about your own preparedness plans as much as your surrounding community is going to be important to the safety of your family if things get ugly down the road you don't want to jeopardize your own security the next thing you should do is take an inventory of your preparedness supplies you'll want to start rationing supplies immediately especially if you don't know how long the effects of the disaster are going to last if there is a power outage and you don't have a backup power supply don't open your fridge until you plan on eating the food inside once you open that fridge door all of that cold air is going to escape and that food is going to spoil a lot faster consume whatever food you have in the order of the most perishable items first saving the non-perishable stuff for later now in spite of the fact that you're watching this channel and you're getting prepared in advance it might not hurt if things aren't that crazy in your area to do a final supply run while things are still relatively calm in order to do this you're probably going to need cash as there's a good chance the bank machines won't be working if by some stroke of luck bank machines are still working and you don't have cash there likely is never going to be a better time than to max out your credit cards than now but as time goes on and resources become more scarce it's likely that most people are not going to be willing to exchange their tangible goods for useless paper with dollar amounts written on it if possible procure medicine that you might need before the looting starts even the over-the-counter stuff may prove indispensable if things go bad you should also top off the gas tanks in all your vehicles and try to fill up as many gas canisters as possible any fuel you can buy be it propane kerosene gasoline diesel alcohol anything you can buy buy it and store it in a safe place just make sure it's stored at a reasonable temperature range and be mindful of your local bylaws as they pertain to storing fuel however in a grid down post-disaster situation there's a good chance that not much attention is going to be paid to these things and long-term survival is going to take precedent but be mindful of the dangers of storing large amounts of fuel this will be of particular importance if you live in a very cold climate if the grid was to go down and the water treatment system and the pumps that pump water to your location were compromised you're going to want to fill as many containers with water as possible while there is still water pressure this includes your bathtub the water you put in your bathtub is not going to be for the purpose of taking a bath this may be what you're going to be drinking for the next few weeks if you haven't stored water already you're going to want to treat this water by using a bleach solution but one of the most convenient ways to filter water is using something like a berkey water filtration system which will remove all waterborne pathogens which might make you sick this is a very easy to use system which uses gravity to filter water and one of the easiest ways to filter large amounts of water quickly if you do find a window of opportunity to go to a store and stockpile goods make sure you pick up some candles soap batteries garbage bags among many other things go and check out my stockpiling videos that i've done on this channel for more ideas links will be in the description the next thing you're going to want to focus on is security depending on the severity of the disaster at hand things could go to hell pretty quickly i've went into great depth about this topic in a recent video i did about preparing for civil unrest i'm going to post a link to that video in the description you'll have to decide at this point whether you're going to shelter in place at your primary location or go to a bug out location if you don't have a bug out location and you're planning on evacuating an area with no set destination in mind bear in mind that this may be more dangerous than sheltering in place where you're at this of course would depend on a variety of factors too numerous to go into great depth about in this video suffice it to say if you hear an air raid siren in the distance it's probably time to bug out anything short of a nuclear attack weather event or social upheaval you would be best suited to shelter in place let me know some of the first steps that you would take in the comments section below if a major cataclysmic disaster struck what would you do and how would you do it if you enjoyed this video please like comment subscribe thanks for watching canadian prepare out the best way to support this channel is to support yourself by gearing up at your one stop shop for premium high quality brand name products that have been tried and tested by myself and other youtube gear reviewers my subscribers saved 10 off by using the coupon code survival prepper all one word in all caps
Channel: Canadian Prepper
Views: 347,308
Rating: 4.9339747 out of 5
Keywords: doomsday preppers, bug out bag, WROL, doomsday, prepper, preppers, preparedness, collapse, survival, SHTF, grid down, economic collapse, end of the world TEOTWAKI, survive zombie apocalypse, zombie apocalypse, survivalism, survivor, post-apocalypse
Id: 0zqISzYGBiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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