Great Grace Conference - Day 5 Evening | Apostle Joshua Selman

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apostille Joshua Selma need a graduate of the Matabele University apostille Salman is a heavily anointed minister of the gospel with a strong apostolic function he is the founder of the Eternity Network International and apostolic ministry with a mandate to replicate the fullness of God's life on earth starting out as a minister while still on campus his ministry has grown in leaps and bounds reach into thousands across the globe his deep insight into God's work comes from a place of Revelation having encountered Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul at different times in the course of his ministry he is the host of Koinonia a weekly Apostolic prophetic and evangelistic meeting that hosts passionate believers from all over Syria and some other parts of Nigeria such meetings are often filled with the atmosphere of true worship for word and miracles [Music] it is it is very unfair to claim the presence of Goddess in a place and then there's no transformation it is unfair to claim we can host his glory and not be able to capture certain dimensions of possibilities we claim come with his presence if it is true that he's here then the sick should be healed if it is true that he is here then the my friends should be delivered if it is true that he's here then a captivity of decades should go there has to be an evidence alleluiah if it is true that is here then someone's eyes should be open to the revelation of the Word of God if it is true that is here then someone who has been fasting and praying and say Lord if you are looking for someone to use if you are searching for someone to anoint find it in me if it is true that he's here then you should walk out of this place tonight knowing that here at this conference something came upon if it is true that is here then your wilderness should be turned into a fruitful vine and then if you are the level of a fruitful vine it should become a forest [Music] we must validate the claims that we have about God it's not enough to claim things about you if I call him a healer then there's someone who needs him tonight if I call him a deliverer than someone who needs you tonight if I call him the one who can lift man overnight I share the testimony in the afternoon here very scary testimony a gentleman who within four months God gave nine properties on an estate it doesn't take time it only takes the anointing introduced into your life like a drug you don't have to tell it what to do just be in the presence let it get to you you don't pick panadol and say go to my head no it was designed to find out where the problem was do you believe tonight it doesn't matter whether you are inside and you're outside no it does it doesn't the only advantage is convenience that's the only advantage convenience so wherever you are I want you to believe in one minute can you pour your hearts to the Lord tell them why you are here tonight and then why you are here Jesus [Music] for your heart to the Lord [Music] Lord I'm here because I'm trusting you to take my ministry to another dimension I've seen your grace but there is more I'm here because there's nothing working in my life I love you but there's no evidence Lord I'm here because I'm trusting you to take away that terminal disease I'm trusting you trusting you [Music] hallelujah praise the Lord please be seated for a minute will be very fast there is a lot to do tonight and we take our time to teach during the service tomorrow but I just want to exhort our hearts and then let's trust God to do a quick walk in someone's life in the name of Jesus Christ again I want to really appreciate the angel of the house and his lovely wife pastor Saleh thank you so much and the woman of God let's all know them is this the very best you can do for them Alleluia scripture declares that those who rule well should be counted for Dobell oh no doble oh no Alleluia your pastor is a very wise man your posture is very anointing alongside his wonderful wife I honor every man and woman of God here the Lord bless you and honor you in Jesus name let's just look at a scripture 2nd Peter 2nd Peter chapter 1 2nd Peter chapter 1 I begin reading from verse two just to establish a few things okay it says grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ our Lord let's stop there for a while first the first the first the first thing we can get from this scripture is that grace can be multiplied our together that a possibility exists in God that grace by the way let me define for you what grace is grace is not just favor grace is not just accidents grace is the name given to anything only God can give whatever can only be obtained in the christ is called grace if there is any other possibility of routing that reality is not called Greece let me define grace for you every good and perfect gift that I met from above is called grace the favor of God the anointing of the Spirit the wisdom of the Spirit the character of the Spirit are we together is called grace now grace like love has dimensions and there are operations that engage those dimensions there is a dimension of grace that manifests as access there is a dimension of grace that manifests as fearful there is a dimension of grace that manifests as influence just like Paul talks about the length that height the depth are we together but generally speaking when you talk of grace the best definition of grace is every good and perfect gift and the Bible tells you where it comes from above there is no other possibility of accessing it it is resident within the Christ he is the only personality authorized to be able to communicate that so that every time you see a man manifesting certain levels of possibility you can extract certain other information from that man such as his intimacy with God you know where that came from because he was not born with it I will together when a man programs a climate of favor over his life and the favor of God begins to manipulate men to act as though they are on day charm is not normal it's called grace there is something compelling men when people begin to rise to strange levels of influence or strange levels of the anointing it's called grace the Bible says this grace that we see can be multiplied Grace and peace the word peace dear does not just mean the absence of trouble it's not just the word Shalom are we together now yes the word peace there is a state of restfulness unperturbed we call it nothing missing nothing broken it says that grace and peace be multiplied that means I can choose to position myself for a multiplication of grace the fact that it can be multiplied tells you that grace is in dimensions I will together and that tells me that the dimension of grace you access will reveal the possibilities that are within your control so the fact that you are graced is not just generic that means everything becomes possible if it were so salvation as it where encounter with new birth cannot be multiplied it's an experience that once you have that's it our together so is the same the same Lord is rich unto all both grace defines the extent of your possibility so that you are undaunted that your grace is not the issue is it to the level that can solve the challenges before you I will together now yes so grace and peace be multiplied and then the Apostle reveals to us the system of multiplying this he says it is multiplied to knowledge not desire not wishing that there are informations that you can access and the reward for contending for those dimensions is that there will be a multiplication of grace are we following tonight so grace and peace please keep us to healing grace multiplied by knowing something prosperity grace be multiplied by accessing and information light the grace that brings growth and increase be multiplied are we together the grace for signs and wonders be multiplied by accessing certain dimensions the Bible says in some 8205 the Lord speaking says they know not neither will they understand he says they walk on in darkness and all the foundations of the ever out of course the next verse says but have I not said he God and all of you without exception are children of the Most High then the next verse he says what ye shall die like me men and fall like one of these princes in other words the absence of knowledge will make you one your life look like a mere man is that true so grace and peace be multiplied that means if I look at my life and I do not see certain possibilities capture experientially that the Word of God declares should be there's no need getting frustrated immediately I know what is wrong that there is a dimension of grace I need to contend for is that true if I pray for the sick and they are not healed there's no point arguing whether that the grace to heal them is available is available in the Christ but is not available in my life don't forget that realities are first established in the spirit before established in your life there are possibilities that are resident in the Christ but are they at work in your life so the Bible reveals to you the possibilities that are resident within the Christ and are available to you on the strength of what Christ has done but it's up to you to knowledge and alignment to draw these possibilities and make it your experience the process of that drawing is what the Bible calls faith is the summation of all the systems you engage on the strength of your conviction to make the Word of God your experience are we blessed so if the Bible tells me listen carefully if the Bible tells me that I should walk in a dimension of wealth and prosperity that is a possibility that is contained in the Christ it is a whether or not my life captures that experience it doesn't make God a liar it's up to me to engage the systems are located to make that truth my experience so it is called faith so I begin to such to knowledge to find out the principles and the case that it is resident in the Christ does not mean it works in you out automatically salvation gives you access faith makes it your experience are we together so many believers keep reading things they read all kinds of things like the Garden of Eden they walk to it in their minds but our lives never captured this possibility our churches probably may not capture these possibilities our businesses and here Paul is trying to help us he's helping us with I mean Apostle Peter now is trying to help us with understanding and his same grace and peace that means he comes to a frustrated person we say why is it that breakthrough happens once in a violence as ah there is a diagnosis I see that the fact that it happened once means it can be sustained but you have not accessed the level of grace and he says if you want to do that the cure is knowledge not weeping not crying desire draws you to the secret place but it does not give you grace proverbs 18 and verse 1 it says to desire a man having separated it's himself he said he's sick at and intermediate with all wisdom so desire is important because it draws you but in itself does not bless you verse 3 he says according as his divine power not listen so Paul is breaking certain things here that the agency that sponsors that possibility is His divine power hath given us how many things all things all things prophetically all things legally speaking but then he says they become an experience through the knowledge all things but that pertain unto life and godliness there are things that pertain unto life salvation the baptism of the holy spirit there are things that pertain unto godliness there are things that pertain unto life your rent and so on and so forth the Bible says that there are possibilities to solve the issues but that pertain unto life and godliness you can solve the issues that pertain unto godliness and not solve the issues that pertain unto life that means I can be a prayer warrior I can be anointed my spirit is on fire yet my children's office cannot be paid that's an issue that pertains to life yet I cannot make progress and the Bible says His divine power has the ability to cater for all these dimensions the issues that pertain unto life and godliness then it tells us through the knowledge as the key through the knowledge to the knowledge the word knowledge as you know is not just the word awareness like a mental awareness no the knowledge of him that has called us unto glory and virtue verse 4 says wherefore have ye given us these exceeding great and precious promises it says that by their meaning when they become our experience is that true that by them he says we might be partakers of his divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through loss so the Bible is teaching us a strategy and is saying that if I look at your life and my life your church your ministry whatever seems to limit God in my life is a reflection of something is showing me that there is a dimension of Chris I have not accessed because the Bible says this grace can multiply it can multiply to a level where it swallows up your challenges are we together so I may have a level of grace and then every challenge we feel the jurisdiction of that level of grace will be solved but anything higher than it begs me and I remain limited [Music] knowledge knowledge och of the 406 the profit lamenting says my people speaking are destroyed for lack of knowledge lack of knowledge lack of knowledge not necessarily lack of the availability of it but maintaining the fortitude and the hunger to pursue it and gain understanding to it and make it your experience I am NOT I do not believe light is cos it is is an uncomfortable truth but our pride that that ego to humble ourselves and access the kind of life that sustains the power to supply the grace needed to solve our challenges we are unwilling remember the scribes and the Pharisees they are mad Jesus deeply but the humility to pursue the kind of knowledge that so they would quarrel and and act as though they didn't acknowledge his logic and Nicodemus give them a way one night he said master let me not lie to you forget all this nonsense we do in the day we know that you are you see that for no man can do these things there is an evidence in your life that is traceable to only a man who knows God so he says we know you a man sent from God it's just our ego that makes us act as if we are unaware we are not that door down at a man sent from God for no man can do these things except God be with you I can be able to fete and gauge the level and the measure of the grace of God at work in you which is a measure of the knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom you have accessed by the dimensions of results that you produce and the consistency of producing them consistencies proof that you are walking by a mystery a principle you can get results by mistake it's possible the Bible says he that strives for masteries not ground except he strives lawfully are we blessed so the the diagnose is to most of our challenges brothers and sisters if we truly want to rise the key is not just wailing and lamenting it is the ignorance of our understanding the systems of God and how to transfer the realities that are resident in the Christ as afforded to us by his finished work to faith to become our experience then we become demonstrators of a reality and then Christ is glorified is a herein is my father glorified when you bear much fruit not little God is not in the business of little food at all little fruit is normal much fruit is supernatural our together thank you Jesus look at your life today look at my life there is something we do not know you see you've heard me say it again and again I I was honestly blessed and touched when the pastor was talking about me and I was just looking I was also looking at myself as you were looking at me and I look at look at this man the only difference between that man you saw that you were looking at who happens with one standing before you is his passion to contend for light and truth subtract what I have unknown now my possibilities reduced to the level that means there are dimensions I can still rise to if I still remain humble enough to pursue the truth beyond this dimension are you see now this is one meekness is the requirement for receiving it say you receive with meekness know when you come before God you throw away your golden crown and everything like Nathaniel bassy as taught us that we cast all of those things and we come before him with meekness they are 19 has a system of its operation most people truly speaking and with all humility they know nothing about it they just know that they are 19 is something that functions at random and then if you align well then it happens and so you see this guessing around and today there's breakthrough tomorrow it looks like we're never anointed I want to guide us in this conference to a level of mastery where your results become predictive intentionally you are not favored today and you hope that one day I'm sure favor will come no that he can daily load you with benefit you've gotten the monthly one have you found the keys that can make it daily how would you get them what is the key that made the animals to come to noah's ark pasture on their own he just opened the door and accessed something and the animals found their way that's the mystery that can draw your helpers to you while you stand on watching wonder the immutability of god's wisdom when engaged you see the Word of God looks so boring until your obedience is complete the strength of the world is when your obedience is complete you will see how helpless Satan is you will see how helpless men are is called the father of spirits your job is to engage the world and watch he manipulates every human spirit don't choose the actors of the revelation let his wisdom choose those who will make prophecy come to pass in your life so when the Bible declares listen the Bible declares that Gentiles will come to your life and your kings the Kings to the brightness your brightness of your rising it says that your gates will be open continually to receive the forces of the Gentiles you have packed that revelation to a man called your uncle and every time you go to God to bless you in your manual sin Lord I have chosen the actor and God says I'm wiser than that you believe the word and engage them mystery let the spirit of wisdom find the actors listen let me tell you how prophecy comes to pass am i boring you we're soon going to pray listen you see when God speaks the dimension of the Holy Spirit that brings fulfillment to the world is called the spirit of wisdom and this is how the spirit of wisdom and the spirit of wisdom cannot act until the word has been sent now the assignment of the spirit of wisdom is to manipulate as many alive vessels on earth to act a script that script is the prophecy God has declared so the spirit of wisdom keeps searching for men who are aligned and ensures that they played that role to make that word come to pass are we together it was the spirit of wisdom that sought for Mary there's no way in the Bible that says Mary should be the mother of Jesus it just says F ng so the Spirit begins to go around the territory where the prophecy was prophesied and finds a woman who fits that condition and then begins to propose to her back on it on her alignment that's why when the angel came he didn't argue she said how shall this things you have said God Zechariah did the same thing and the shortest mountain but a woman now add because do you know why because their Corea was a priest pastor God expected more he was operating at a higher level of Christmas as a quraĆ­an you will interrupt oh so let's shut your mouth until the prophecy manifests there is a script playing and you have the power as a priest to alter what evidence design so we we will shut your mouth until the prophecy comes to pass it was not about wickedness it was God intending grace and peace be multiplied grace and peace you can walk out of this meeting with a new dimension and you look at life and so this this gets walk around our family so this is it this is why members don't come to my church this is why help us never arise for me this is why anybody who is my friend today hates me next week there is a dimension this knowledge you see is called the hidden wisdom it's not public these are the secret things of the Lord is like a cult it only belongs to those who are in a system is a kingdom system this knowledge is the type the princes have searched for and have not been able to find it's called the hidden wisdom of God it's not praying in tongues praying in tongues is one of the dimensions but this is what the Bible calls mysteries Matthew 13 verse 11 please give it to us jesus said for it has been given to you those of you who have been initiated into this reality by Christ it has been given to you to know epignosis to know the mysteries the secret things that belong to those that fear God but those outside would only see the results but those of you in the kingdom are given access to understand the dynamics of its operation it is in that understanding that your fate rests so regardless of the result you know the certainty of what you have engaged patience is not something that happens automatically it happens on the strength of understanding if I saw a seed are you understand the system of growth too much to start doubting whether that seed will grow so my patience is a derivative of that knowledge there is an information I have about the growth of a plant so I will wait but if I do not know after three days my ignorance begins to probe my competence and I start asking did I plant well or not [Music] having an earther told you the angels file before you beautiful you're beautiful [Music] the heaven Siddhartha tour you the angels bow before you beautiful you're beautiful Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] oh there is something you can know about the anointing of the Spirit that will change your life overnight there is something you can know about the favor of God this year me that will turn your life to a wonder fit to your background and produce a result that is strange there is something you can know about God's system of restoration that will meet relie compressed ten years failure in one week success that you cannot exhaust even in your lifetime is true this is not motivation there are possibilities that are resident in the Christ it is true there is something your pastor knows that is responsible for the results we all celebrate he is not in ignorance of those laws is not in ignorance of those principles I want you to listen to me it is true in a few minutes now we are going to begin to minister to the sick and begin to pray and then you are going to see people's lives change overnight like day and night you know why it's not just that a man is anointed it is the product of grace multiplied knowledge you don't come and stand and speak stupidly when you've not you don't know what you are standing on human beings are not animals your audacity in the kingdom is on the strength of your experience with light you don't know stander make noise no I've said I've told you Pharaoh will ask you what you see Ferro does not let people go just because you said God sent you it will take the antigen of the forces of the kingdom he says through the greatness of thy power shall die enemies submit greatness of your wishes now are we together Romans chapter 8 and verse 18 begins by saying for I reckon I come to terms with the fact that the sufferings of this present time it says is not worthy to be compared with the glory the glory dogs ax and effulgence of the possibilities of the Christ that shall be revealed in you verse 19 says for the anus expectation of creation waited for not the explanation not the excuses the manifestation is from the word dogs a zoo a display of a king's influence that there be a people mandated by God that can validate everything Christ said so when someone reads a Bible and doubts it God sends you to prove that he didn't lie your life becomes an evidence so when someone turns and says this thing about faith was just is come George people are pastors are they're misleading people God says can I send you and he sends you he says go on stand and let them watch your life like his script that validates that I am NOT a liar it says yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death is supposed to kill you but you carry on immunity that makes that thing listen so you are demonstrators of a possibility and people look at your life you enter the fire it should kill you what you entered with a mystery and so you stand in the fire [Music] what do you not know that may be responsible for the limitation of the power and the grace of God we're talking about great grace great grace means great access to light access to light illumination great grace means a greater dimension of meekness to pursue higher dimensions of light listen let me tell you something you see the law of the realm of the spirit is very on apologetic you you can claim to be whether and whatever but that light is your past have you ever gone somewhere maybe very you are entering a room with classified information and they require certain levels of ID the fact that you don't have it means that you do not even know the system of access and it will embarrass you no matter who you are you will stand here until someone inside comes out to help you with his home card it is for this purpose he sent apostles and prophets and teachers and evangelists based on the election of crazy cause an alignment in them to capture certain unusual dimensions of his possibility so that that dispels us of that truth to men it can give you access into realms virtual realms that were not working that is not your experience yet does not mean it is not in God do not pay God by the limitation of your experience now we create all kinds of theological excuses we we beg God in the frame of our experiences and we use that limitation to communicate to people No is God you see his mighty if you do not believe that you can turn you into a house owner you sit down there because you have not captured the possibility so you sit there and keep arguing and think everyone testifying is lying I'm faking it because the dimensions that God is taking people is frustrating your refusal to join them in rising and so you would rather bring God back to your level I believe just like someone may be sitting here now with a blood disease a person can God change this genotype I've heard that it happens but do you believe I don't blame you the truth is that we the men of God should be the ones apologizing it's true because we make claims that we do not have the grace dimension to validate it the first assignment of a man of God is that when you find revelation you must contend with God until you are sure that the dimension of grace that matches your proposition are equal then you can call me and say I want to present this to you it's like calling me to a restaurant and you put burgers you put all kinds of things and I walk in terribly hungry like Jesus looking at the the fig tree very green what had nothing and Jesus came with extreme hunger and his disappointment made him cause the tree said don't attract people that way every time God is about to speak he checks with himself whether he has the power to back his word anything God cannot back he doesn't say so whatever God has said there is a system in him to make it happen you are holy holy are you lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] listen to me I'm about to begin praying for you when you are no a man you are not honoring the body you are seeing your or no is a statement this is what you are saying I discern that through the sacrifice of obedience and alignment you have accessed certain dimensions of knowledge that has granted you the grace to host God in superior dimensions that are noticeable so I recognize that alignment and that sacrifice and I open my spirit to drink of that which you have gotten this is what all know is about it is the condition for reception you can receive a prophet in the name of your friend what you get is a hook you can receive a prophet in the name of your brother what you get is an opportunity to communicate in your language easier you can receive a prophet in the name of a senior colleague what you get is an advice the realm of the spirit reception is based on discernment and understanding don't ever let anybody deceive you that men are not important every house is built by someone although God is the Builder of all only men in no man God does not ignore men the whole Bible is full of a Creator who does not need help chasing men Genesis to Revelation the whole journey unashamedly chasing men I have loved you with an everlasting love I have killed you with my loving kindness the Sun is so he's so God obsession for man he said when I consider the works of your hands this fast is what is man why do you need him can't you replace him and God says no I have made myself vulnerable I remain limited in a territory until I find him an aligned enough to allow my possibilities for an expression who taught you that men are not important when you are attempting to describe God's might and grace and power based on his sovereignty you are right that man is nothing but when you are talking of how God functions and how his possibilities are dispensed on the earth you better don't ignore men for 430 years a man's unavailability changed prophecy added 30 years to a word from God God [Music] kept searching finally he found Moses had to wait another long time for movies to online then it says now let me send you listen you've heard me say it when God wants to change my life he sends a man when Satan wants to destroy my life he sends a man if there are no men on exit and is useless did you hear that if there are no men on earth moni's useless if there are no men on earth are nineteen is useless this is the world of men God wants two men your healing comes through men it comes from God but it comes through men your prosperity comes from God through men your breakthrough comes from God through men the new level of the anointing you seek so passionately comes from God through men when you ignore men you ignored possibilities in your life grace and peace who are about to pray grace and peace house of David be multiplied to you full knowledge this is a conference that is supposed to bring a multiplier effect in your life that you walk out of this place at the end of the conference and in one month one month your life scares you because of results you look at this what is this what is this what happened to me and everybody says I used to know this system what happened when did you start prophesy when the disk race come upon your life when did you rise in one week everybody blessing you what happened and you tell the person well had discovered that my limitation was not caused by food it was my inability to access grace that can come with it peace through the bankruptcy of knowledge I joined many people like me shouting and blaming God and blaming men of God and insulting and ignoring them are not discerning there is a scene you can commit not just against God but against the body of Christ you can sing against the body of Christ listen to my message discerning the body it is for this cause many are weak it is for this cause many are sick and it is for this cause many sleep have you ever seen a weak man and they say why are you like this and say he's seen it's not that he sinned against God he sinned against the body tonight is it possible that your life can change no is a question just think about it we're going to pray tonight is it truly possible that that mountain that stands before you that has not God you pray new faster you did everything you knew to do is it possible that it can roll like smoke before the wind is it possible that you're standing with all kinds of cancer pain whatever may be a crutch or something like that is it possible that the doors that have closed over your family for decades can all of a sudden in concert open one door to another is it possible is it possible that Lagos that is so blessed can yield your own portion of the blessings of God is it possible that you will join the many who come from other cities to tap and enjoy the hand of God upon this land yet you who is resident here remains a stranger to the blessings is it possible that something can be introduced to your life today now I'm under the shadow of your knees [Music] your influences are low Lord I'm under the shadow of you your influence is falling over [Music] I just wanted to pray one prayer and say Lord what FIDs that I have limited you in whatever area I take the limits tonight and I allow you to move unrestrained in my life surprise me surprise me surprise me in the name of Jesus pray yeah house of David Clay's on peace about to be multiplied in your life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] allelujah every challenge has the measure of grace that is able to trivialize it every challenge every challenge every challenge or death where is your sting o grave you're you're bragging on your pride where is your victory where is your victory odelay where is your pride when the light comes or poverty where is your peep Oh sickness where is your pride [Music] where is it listen listen this man standing before you has suffered cygnus I have been sick you've heard my stories I know what it means to be sick and the doctor looks at you and tells you what you don't want to hear I understand you know what compassion is their ability to be touched with the feelings of people's infirmity to experience so Jesus became a man wept in our funerals suffered hunger intentionally so he becomes an advocate with the father guaranteeing breakthroughs for us tonight listen to me as I begin to pray you're seeking your body I want to see that one guess I'm hope it will happen no sir no sir you may not be seeking your body but there are dimensions in the spirit that you need to access it's time to say no mm no it can't be like this I can't stand on all them I can't keep wasting the time of people no help those under the anointing please [Music] Alleluia let's pray I see the angels of the Lord in this place in Jesus I'm seeing like a cloud listen and I see an impartation I don't know why God is starting with an impartation of the spirit of Revelation this is what I'm seeing I'm seeing people step in a number to begin to pray and you will receive it thank you Jesus the Lord is bringing people into that dimension I stretch my hands now in the name of Jesus Christ at the count of three I declare let there be a suppose it for a man and woman for a young man here for a young woman you are faster please help them and pray Sabich italica to Xia receive it right now receive that grace spirits of Revelation that's what the Lord is releasing recipient sister and rise of inside outside yes the grace I'm still praying shebar Akatsuki is like a selection there are people something is coming upon your spirit your life will shortchange access access to revelation please help [Music] it's a realm of your glory it's a realm of your grace I can see you mighty [Music] very we are and like a voice of many waters I can hear the [Music] you are you [Laughter] you are who [Music] Alleluia Shalaka prasada Barrientos i'm seen chains holding people and is about to go now chains that's what I'm seeing chains kappa rocket OSA Katya in the name of Jesus listen to me I'm praying for you listen listen to see there there are limitations that stand in the way of people's lives and the progress that should be made within the time allocated can be interrupted based on a delay listen restoration is not progress you are already delayed restoration is being pitched by the hand of God against time and to be dropped where you would have been if they were not delay I want to release that grace someone has got to step into a new level right now in the name of Jesus I come on change change anyone whose destiny is on that seat SEC detect etiquette economic oughtta have that lady please be broken now we broke it now be broken now in the name of Jesus be broken now be broken now be broken I see the angel of the Lord recognition of that lady let it be broken now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus a barakato Soraka tire let your life change us and evidence as a token of his presence and his hand upon your life did I my honey I must say [Music] alleluia alleluia I'm going to pray for the sick shortly I'm going to pray for the Street shortly who is adequately and a cool name are they cool a day only I just want to talk to one or two people these are all right pastor are the only who is that [Music] under coonley this is not the Planum see no the person I'm seeing is wearing blue like blue who is that it's like a dish like a Shetty t-shirt or something blue who is that is there someone like that what's your name your name is adequately I want to pray this gentleman I look at you and the Lord is telling me that there is a grace for the prophetic that is bringing upon your life look at me you believe that I want to pray for you I stretch my hands drink of that Chris you step into a new dimension a new dimension of that possibility in the lives as Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ never never to be the same my brother what's your name I need to pray for you I'm seen there is there is a sickness in your body I have to pray for you you may not even know this is something that has to do with your blood and I want to pray for you I hope you're not embarrassed can I talk to you I want to pray for you you see the beautiful thing about like pastor share an experience of the Word of God listen carefully an experience of the Word of God is that when God gives you a revelation listen carefully that the quality of the dispensing of that revelation is a function of your understanding the Word of God that defines the systems of God operation god bless you Nathaniel bacillus honor him allelujah are we together now now you see my I understand what the Word of God can do so regardless of the revelation over this person I'm not just going to allow the prophecy die like that in his life the prophecy comes upon a mind that knows what God she took over the situation so I'm able to minister the life and the power of God on the strength of the illumination that I have this is the character of the Spirit prophecy is not just something that you just reveal and bring no no no no no prophecy comes and is supposed to find expression upon a heart that understands the way God walks so if I see something negative I'm not going to announce to this guy I will change it that's the strength of what I've seen I will together now telling him there is something wrong with his body is not necessarily edifying changing it to line up with the possibilities that God has provided is the strength of that revelation my brother look at me I bring you the life and the power of the kingdom I represent let this thing be over in your life forever in the name of Jesus Christ we're going to prowl pray for the sick shortly who is Janet I'm hearing the name Jeanette Jeanette Jeanette Jeanette you are around acquiesced and that's area quiet area with that Jeanette [Music] I [Music] look at him again the Lord says I should tell you that he opens to you a door fever a strange dog of favor this is what the Lord is bringing to your life and he's asking that I announce to you believe that in the name of Jesus I bring you that favor the life the power of God that brings favor let your life be a reflection of the possibilities that I am the Christ in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord ends captivity over your family my dear I look at you and I see oppression this is what I see all through and the Lord says I should tell you he is bringing you to a place of Liberty not just for you you are standing representing your family and in the name of Jesus I decree and declare that everything that does not represent the Christ let it be cost in your life now and forever in the name of Jesus the infirmity in your body goes like smoke before the wind I caused it in the name of please help them protect hallelujah praise the Lord how many of you are trusting God for healing my brother let me pray for you you love Jesus look at me you love Jesus with all your heart you need access to light you need access to mentorship are we together now yes a man who does not have control over his spirit the Bible declares is like a city without walls you need to put a system in your life that coordinates your growth everything cannot go when you come into the kingdom your growth must be strategic and it has to you will have to pay the price of limiting yourself from people and information that can corrupt the dealings of God in your life made a lot left you in new dimension in the name of Jesus my friend made a knot on you and lift you in the name of Jesus Christ hallelujah I want to pray for the sick but don't ask me why it happens I wanted to bring the lady that is shouting now under the anointing the Spirit of God is does allow me [Music] bring her Jesus [Music] [Music] Jesus son of God I believe [Music] I call my son [Music] [Music] [Music] alleluia alleluia I'm declaring a war now this is this is a word the Word of God can be sent and if it is for you you will know now I'm hearing the word over it's over this is Wharram no no no no it's not just Amen there is a word for everybody this is a word the world is looking for people for a performance over that's what the Spirit of God is saying let the anointing that backs that word over now I speak I declare in the name of Jesus please have that lady so she doesn't enjoy yourself over by the spirit there's a gentleman there helping please offer in the name of Jesus captivity this is the victory that overcomes this is the victory that overcomes even our faith [Music] my dear the Lord is taking reproach away from your life I look at you and the Lord declares that reproach be taken away from your life you'll be Jesus take away reproach from her life forever for you and for your family in the name of Jesus Christ let's hurry up because was the way to enjoy the ministry of the man of God Nathaniel basi and I look forward to being blessed blessed by his ministration please help them now you are seeking your body I want to lay your hands the healing anointing [Music] if there's someone on a crutch that someone on the wheelchair just make contact with them unless cause that devil works on for me right now someone close to you blind deaf doesn't matter what the situation is [Music] Jesus is not a theology he's a person he's real the evidence of his person can be proven is an experience that is not a privy to men of God is a product of intimacy they that know their God not day that I am ministry they that know their God they are the ones that shall be strong he declares and he says they shall do exploits I want to pray for the sick right now you don't have to walk away with that sickness brothers and sisters I want you to believe in the name of Jesus I want you to believe I want you to believe majesty your grace has found me just as I am [Music] sing majesty your majesty [Music] we help them in the name of Jesus I take authority over the spirit of infirmity please help them as I pray in the name of Jesus I stretch my hands across the length and breadth of this auditorium and for those who are following online and those who are the overflow I decree and declare I bring you the reality of this kingdom that we for Kali represent in the name of Jesus I decree and declare that the spirit of infirmities cost over your life in the name of Jesus we cost in the name of Jesus because in the name of Jesus right now I will leave the healing energy like a drop into your system and I command that it begins to produce the Garden of Eden in your life in the name of Jesus I command my grace be healed right now in the name of Jesus be healed right now in the name of Jesus Pepsi all shall be healed right now in the name of Jesus if there is anyone on a wheelchair or a crotch I put life life to your body right now in the name of Jesus every kind of cardiovascular challenge I caused it right now in the name of Jesus all kinds of blood diseases be healed in the name of Jesus be healed in the name of Jesus if there are any blind I see a partial blindness complete blindness I declare be open now in the name of Jesus deafness we open in the name of Jesus every kind of psychosomatic condition I command healing and perfection to your mind in the name of Jesus Christ every pain I caused right now wherever itis back-pain the Lord is healing back pain in the name of Jesus we are going to take testimonies shortly but very very quickly can you just organize how we'll do it do we do it as usual because I will soon asked you to come the Lord is touching people and I'm let's just pray we have to hurry up in the name of Jesus Christ there's someone with a dental condition the left side of your teeth you've been having a lot of pain but right now you are going to feel a warm sensation and then that's the end of it is gone and gone forever I'm seeing a number of people this is surprising I I don't know man to carry lumps but there is a gentleman there is like a it's swelling just around this point and you find out after the prayer that is gone every lump please help that person every long gone now breast lung whatever kind of devil resident within your body I caused it right now in Jesus name there's three people the Lord is healing from pile for one of them this is this is an acute stage of pile because ICU stooling blood pumps sorry about my expression but this is what I see and the Lord is setting that person free right now in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ I'm seeing someone with a growth just at this side of your neck and the Lord is perfecting you right now in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ there is a woman I'm seeing now this is disease you've been trusting God for the fruit of the womb this is very strange I know that this is something most people may have you will always find people but this there is a specific woman this is caused as a result of fibroid this is fibroid whether you're on your period or not you bleed painfully and continually even once you came here the Lord is setting you free right now in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord is setting you free right now now whether or not I mentioned your case I declare healing right now be healed inside be healed outside in the mighty name of Jesus Christ be healed by the power of the Holy Ghost there's someone who has is like a case of cough but it never goes this has been for years at least five years cough continually continually the Lord is healing you right now in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord is healing you right now now very quickly I'm going to ask you shortly to check yourself and like we always do those who have been healed taught you've seen the hand of God upon your life I'd like you to take the bold step of coming there is a pastor here you're going to come and line up very quickly we are going to take your testimony look at Jesus touching people I decree and declare let the miracles begin now wherever you are in the name of Jesus Christ as you check yourself that infirmity that devil leaves in the name of Jesus Christ that devil leaves in the name of Jesus begin to make your way to the front check yourself now look God is healing people make your way to the front not on your bus it totally song you who are made you are amazing you're so amazing are amazed No to come hallelujah praise the Lord keep making your web installs outside who are coming from the overflow let's allow them let's have some people coordinates them as they come are you celebrating miracles in this place look what God is doing hallelujah look what God is doing dimensions of His grace just confirm them quickly and then women to have the testimonies God is still touching people even while the testimony is going and make sure you check yourself and come back here very quickly please let me know when we are ready good to go hallelujah praise the Lord there's someone with stomach ache this is a like it's not just a regular stomach ache but very severe it hooks you sometimes you have to lean like this the Lord is perfecting you right now in the name of Jesus I'm seeing a lower back condition that goddess is healing this is something that has lingered for a long time please help that person in the name of Jesus I command that know about condition to go right now perfection healing poorness soundness in the name of Jesus where the Spirit of the Lord is the Bible declares that there is Liberty so we decree and declare we established Liberty tonight in the name of Jesus Christ hallelujah hold on let us take a few testimonies yes please go ahead no no don't give them to Michael just just let us know can can you stand them up here please quickly just just the testimony straight to the point I want all the glory [Music] completely how long how long has it been [Music] I find it so difficult and hard you know what has happened now perfection in the name of Jesus will never return see please help me let's have one ocean come quickly please quickly quickly let's have someone stand so that you can help I think this this may not be so loud can we work on it a shoe that dimension will be swell a man of his well in the chest like a lump and last week it happened last week it was multi space in my chest and I discovered that my chest was swelling like I was looking at it I was what sort of is this I went to show I brought Amy I know calm I said maybe I want to grow in the chest right now Pressey mentioned it's completely completely lifts your hands did Jesus praise never returns to you again in the name of Jesus Christ amazing let's have okay so you can just make them I wish someone could stand here with a mic let's make it fast so we don't have to spend so much time yet someone else can stand on both sides go ahead raise a living Jesus I've been having in July if I sit down for too long if I'm standing it's as if needles I in my feet or immediately mentioned pains the whole thing just I was just really almost completely okay do this do this go ahead any pain any pain try jumping go ahead Joe any pain Alleluia Jesus never returns again in the name of Jesus Christ let's see how fast we can get go ahead like five miscarriages and then recently I went to the hospital I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts and I was having pains I was bleeding but when daddy said over I fell Olivia porn right teach we are going to have a baby boy [Music] go ahead my name is IO I came all the way here because for some years now I have noticed that every time I go I notice a shadow following me I know this is following you I noticed someone is following me but when I look back I'm going around but when that was free and you say that the same cheese Brookings finish I'm just hearing why did you come here why did you come here why move - oh that's somebody I had why'd you come here I move close I get wet buzzing behind me and I feel like completely blessed in the name of Jesus Christ you see the victory in Christ is not it is not a scam it is our inability remember what I just taught you that grace and peace is multiplied through knowledge our dimension of access into the mysteries of the kingdom is what spawn source of authority in this kingdom is much more than desirable I will clean that now this lady now came here expecting the hand of God to torture imagine imagine that we made so much post about God and then she went back to that situation she would have a right to disbelieve God but Jesus [Music] Jesus madam I pray for you not only is this perfected in your life all doors open in the name of Jesus go ahead son this afternoon when I finished out my bad my wife saw saw hemorrhoid which is file on me and why you were praying you made mention of somebody who's having fired and I believe that our pile is gone forever it will never never look at me your wife is here wife be a witness what God is doing where's the wife can't run come and stand here your hot spot Alleluia I'm praying for you I'm saying that the Lord is bringing an end to financial struggles you believe that left I'll be gone and is it destiny help us don't come they are called every destiny helper has a relative in need it takes prophecy to bring them to you they are not they don't come at will they are called these are the mysteries of the kingdom that we engage in that culminates into our Dominion I want to pray for you you believe that first and foremost lamp I'll go forever and then I pray for you both a new dimension of favor open door in the name of Jesus yes please go ahead very quickly let's let's see we may not be able se how far there are so many people still come and God is healing people don't worry you join the line whether or not we're able to take your testimony let me be on record there will be a system of making that happen go ahead go last week I was having serious and you face the congregation that this recording going on so you want to yes go ahead last week I was obviously nice a man left hi I went to see an optician yesterday and he told me there is a growth coming on my eye so when I come they told me I was coming I was going to do his so jeunesse to meet all X week yes okay if I can't afford this oh gee I just come for an eyeglasses and when they told me I said when I if I'm able to raise the money needs to come on collected so your friend of my own me yes it told me about this program and I told him how come when I came out I told God to heal me and when we were praying concerning blindness I thought a warm sensation in my high school completely coffee completely no pain this is Jesus for you when he does it he does it well when it does it he does it flawlessly hallelujah I remember talking to the lady who came out here you're the one and is gone just like that just like that that's the same way your life will change just like that everything about your life change just like that Maidan the name of Jesus I agree with you that it is over perfected I lay my hands this is an extension of the hands of Jesus upon your eyes perfection never returns to you again in Jesus name I pray yes please go ahead quickly quickly please just a few seconds unless the saurian paining me so then he said that it's only everything it's too machina hooks and it's all simple keep it spinning me when you think completely going home look what Jesus can do this dear lady completely gone in the name of Jesus father we thank you perfection for her in Jesus name go ahead the left side of your tooth how long and now touch it go ahead anything completely what couldn't you eat before if I were you I would order that tomorrow god bless you darling god bless you over forever yes sir okay next person quickly my god the line is okay so let's see we'll find a way of stopping somewhere there are people coming the Lord is healing people first so you know this was what happened in a belter and then it was such an amazing time for about three weeks now I've been having this serious back pain if I stand is Dave I see it this day so immediately during the prayers I noticed that the pin was gone immediately opposed to just mention that the back pain is gone and I felt if that is gone even I make sure I sat down to I came out clock to make sure that yes it is gone amen it's gone forever and you're standing here it's all you made don't know how but you did it I have issue with my's my soldier for 3ds of a commentary program immediately when a pastor was praying about a pain I know I'm gonna be feeling some pins for 3ds but now I not feel he couldn't feel it again he has gone forever in the name of Jesus never returns to you come quickly yes please dip in corn just a son from a back pain currently heading and had a gun in the name of Jesus perfection never returns in Jesus name go ahead this is happening at house of the Lord yes it it for 20 years is going crazy for 12 years what happened to you I had cabin C I didn't know how cool actually I asked my mama she said my dad had it my grandfather had it and now I'm having both now it's gone friends or your children will not have it your children will not have it come on give Jesus praise give Jesus praise that's what Jesus can do in the name of Jesus perfection for you in Jesus name come gentlemen quickly quickly yes yeah we can use this five minutes for this wherever we stop afterwards tomorrow yesterday started coming back again and came back David right now it's completely gone completely gone in the name of Jesus perfection for you in Jesus name yes please three years that was this coming year to these impacts you hate I'm not going to be sick again right now I'm eating [Music] put your hand there go ahead I caused it now it goes forever out in the name of Jesus go ahead is gone forever please again I was on crutches you want crutches okay from money okay but not stand you couldn't stand you a crawling I was okay I just managed you managed to come where were you sitting inside outside at the back I understand I understand you were surprised I stood straight but right now do something for me I ready to run with me come hold my hands let's go look at this look at this look at this look at this turn again mahir try jumping one last thing right off anything anything each exhaust race completely in the name of Jesus listen don't be afraid of these things coming back he said I have the keys of David I can open and leave it open you see this fear that people have there is the key of David the mystery that opens the door and leaves it open not just open and then one devil somewhere closes it no no no when it's opened is open hallelujah in the name of Jesus for you one for your loved ones perfection in the name of Jesus Christ amen okay so okay someone quickly quickly give Jesus praise please God is doing great things yes go ahead bring Jesus so I it looks exactly like questo and when Prophet was Stockman opposed to was talking he said everybody was talking about grandma but later I said if every lungs out and immediately I can feel relief in the in the in the breath completely he's gone completely lay your hands just keep your hands here come my dear lay your hands on a chest fuel for me in the name of Jesus Christ I cost that devil it goes and goes forever in the name of Jesus Christ god bless you yes please quickly quickly there is someone on Thursday cause the next week you are collecting unemployment letter [Applause] believe it was in this church remember pastor you remember pastor that he was in this church that I announced which I don't know was it a gentleman or something someone like that this is not motivation I fear God I will come on no no no no no the Bible says every man should Minister according to the measure of grace when this lady stood I saw a gentleman bowing down collecting unemployment letter that's why I'm announcing it this is what the Lord is revealing go ahead my dear when it comes I just I can't stand it hooks me down just like Monica no sin and as somebody and I went into stomach becomes it hooks you get so severe last few weeks ago I went for and I went for scan and recorded and do matrices and the doctor said that is only operation that can remove it and I came here nobody understand pain I'm going through but when the man of God was was praying the pain disappeared they groped in my tummy he just grew on its own I don't think the doctor said he doesn't have a cause but as the man of God or sprain the pain the pain disappeared totally I am feeling nothing if my hair is that of my tummy my god put your hand there no no you don't have to just place your hand in the name of Jesus never returns to you healed forever please two more here and two more here and that would be injustice to more can we allow I see them very passionately okay let's see we have to I have to respect the time I am so excited I want to hear the man of God minister so much oh go ahead go ahead about three days ago at night that's it this is severe pain started in the lower part of my straight to the point stretcher so doctor said I had to stop huh cute appendicitis and to give me this idea we have a dollar surgery we have a doctor here so so they told me that you die it's such that they happen they have time to plan for surgery I thought God my lifetime I would never have a surgery so they please what happened while you were praying the pain upon when you place your hand on it I feel pain only I can press depresses the bill as smoke things not it's gone forever the name of Jesus come quickly my dear talk about the call call okay how long 45 years more than five years and now yes okay and it's gone yes and right now is gone you believe in Jesus and his power to hear she's afraid she thinks you fall yes you will help a few days I have been begging God for my auntie she has the kind of goods in eyes almost a contract and every time I'm always like auntie are you hear that you hear she'll be like no no no so when the apostles are a ministry I actually bought credit and I connected her that today you're I'm was in cream and when we finished I said auntie auntie km say how you where is she where is he come again she's not Baba where is that open set all the way goodness father in the name of Jesus you have touched the ante now touch the person who stood in for auntie and she's a snake come quickly quickly please [Music] it looks like we have any for years you know about two years now and it's a serious problem every night I must you know Robbie it's you no scratches I know that so when you were praying I thought I didn't come out on time because I want to be sure I don't want to you know be a liar so III and I normally cannot move my hands you know like that and I kept moving and my hands was moving and I feel I mean no more pain it's gone it's gone then the second one I will share this you know because have quickly began to experience my great grace you know since this program started when I came in I you know I saw them toning everybody away I'm sorry I'm a member of mr. darmody's come on so I can't believe it man just came to me I said are you needed seats for me I see these on ice advice' grace the great grace for you to not complete in Jesus name Amen praise God yes go ahead praise the Lord let's let's please you may just select one or two people we have to stop we have to stop somewhere go ahead please praise master Jesus three is 2015 I've been having this chronic back pain courtesy of ours carry in the pocket of water at the bottom or reach in my my room I felt as if it was an arrow that stroked me at my back what happened tonight my friend quickly whilst it's in there while you mention back pain I felt a kind of injection so I think Joseph yes something just happened and everything disappears gone is completely in the name of Jesus Christ never never returns in Jesus name yes please go ahead go ahead praise the Lord by the grace of God yesterday I was listening to the man of God online and you announced that you'd be in Vegas today so I came all the way from the states I was believing in God because I do have this hot congestion and at times I find it difficult to treat well but as we're praying for the sick I had this deep belch and we can look at him and you see that he looked sickly this is the devil for you well the Bible says for this purpose was the son of God made manifest that he made destroy destroy not suggest not discuss destroy my brother you came all the way from Oban state even if it were a police you went to see you won't be the same you have come to see the king of kings not only will this be perfected in your body everything that has to do with your weight your life you will be in Jesus name I command a turnaround let it be so right now in Jesus name let this be the last person you don't have to drive them what will happen is if we can have someone maybe the media or whatever just try to get them so that you can call it the testimonies is still useful and then we can share other sessions I know that we may not have all that time tomorrow but I think that we can squeeze our time to just give God glory we are doing this because of time there still the program is still on and we want to respect I'm going lord I just wanted a finger for his healing are we having this too much cake that was last year I was in hospital my husband was with me and this house Tony was like there we have to be here this evening I was like hey I'm having this thematic I didn't really tell him why I was feeling like it was really all comida like you can't go anywhere today do you know I'm huge completely completely so you won't tell your husband a lot perfect that you here at house of David I'm looking at you and the Lord is telling me your husband is in this place you came with you is that true where is he no you don't have to come out but I'm seeing you don't have to come out but I'm praying for you oh he's already running out just stand where you are my friend please what time sick husband the Lord bless you as you stretch your hands I stretch my hands to you the Lord would honor you and increase you multiply you and show you his mercy in the name of Jesus can I speak over your life in one minute in the name of Jesus Christ I decree and I declare please believe it professes powerful it not only reveals it creates creates possibilities I decree and declare that every door that has been closed over your life here at all I speak to it avatar be open now in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ the Bible declares that I'm the king sent for Joseph and they brought him out of his dungeon whoever it is that must speak to you in high places to cost that you be lifted to the next level of your life I command that this happens for you in the name of Jesus the Bible says your kid shall be continually opened it will not be short day or night that you may receive the forces of the Gentiles whatever is to you I decree and declare that it locates you right now in the name of Jesus Christ I command supernatural protection over your life let there be access to Revelation i decree and declare and I plant upon your spirit a hunger for the things of God a hunger for spiritual things everything that is dead in your body James said in chapter 20 26 that for as the body without the Spirit is dead so faith without works is dead whatever body you have without a spirit component speed business a dead business a dead whatever I declare that the spirit dimension that gives life let it come upon whatever you are doing in the name of Jesus Christ every challenge you came here with I release my faith in partnership with all the men and the women of God who have stood upon this altar and I declare to you that that challenge is turned into a testimony in the name of Jesus Christ I release you to reproduce the result God has put upon your man of God in the name of Jesus tomorrow I'm going to be speaking over the church and then other things but I want you to know that you must contend for knowledge for grace to be multiplied in your life in the name of Jesus Christ where your hands and give Jesus all the prints [Music] Wow somebody shouted man
Channel: Household of David
Views: 19,830
Rating: 4.9012346 out of 5
Keywords: Great Grace Conference, Apostle Joshua Selman, Great Grace 2018, HOD Church, Household of David Church, Olusola Osunmakinde
Id: B9FWxyqAObI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 21sec (5841 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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