Higher Ground Conference 2021 (Sure Mercies) With Apostle Joshua Selman (Day 2 - Morning Session)

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let's break father again we have come to learn we have come to grow we have come to be built to be established in righteousness lord we pray that you will yet again move in our midst grant us illumination by your word and i pray that we'll go from glory to glory even in this conference let jesus be revealed let jesus be glorified amen and amen god bless you please be seated hallelujah thank you so much sir thank you pastor scholar please help me honor your pastor and his dear wife thank you thank you may the lord bless you sir bless you ma [Applause] we used to sing a hymn that says his pace to serve jesus and and how true that is um it was such a powerful time with pastor jerry i'm sure you were blessed when i came in i just heard him just preaching and it was such a powerful time i may just introduce our session very briefly this morning and then we would um pray and prepare for the miracle service really i'm not sure that i'm here to do so much of teaching as it is to just minister to god's people i began to sense in my spirit that there are people who really need the touch of jesus and sometimes it's good to just take the time to allow the lord step in and minister to the needs of people it's good to learn is good to grow but it's difficult to learn under pain it's difficult to learn under oppression it's difficult to learn when god's people are yet to experience liberty hallelujah praise the name of the lord and so um i may just open us up to the areas that i'll be covering in this conference and then we'll pray please let your heart be sensitive to god conferences like this help to make to mold to build us to empower us in the spirit they are not just mere programs of a ministry especially for those of you following online do well to remain students in the school of the spirit when we come our hearts must be open thank god for all the introductions but now you just drop those things and settle with jesus so that you lend that which is profitable for life and for destiny hallelujah praise the name of the lord mark chapter 10 i'll just establish one or two things and then we'll pray mark chapter 10 i'll be teaching along the theme would start from verse 46. this was the story of um the man that jesus met on his way out of jericho called blind bartimaeu and it will be a basis to introduce um the teaching and they came to jericho the bible says and as he went out of jericho with his disciples and a great number of people the bible says there was such a man called blind bartimaeus it was not a name blind is a condition but timu means son of time are we together now blind bartimius the son of timmy sat by the highway side begging 47 and when he heard that it was jesus of nazareth he began to cry out and to say jesus you are the son of david have mercy on me jesus david messi very powerful all in one sentence when he heard it was jesus he said jesus there is something i know about you my condition may not allow me the luxury of being around the temple because i am declared unclean but as men kept passing by this street there was something that they said about you that i picked you are not only the son of god you are the son of david and because you are the son of david there is something from david it says thou son of david he didn't say prosper me no that would be wrong he didn't say thou seed of abraham bless me but he says you are the son of david because what i need now is mercy let me let me start my session by introducing the fact that in our dealings with god please pay attention in our dealings with god we must understand the platforms that are available for the saints to interact with god and also to interact with the realm of the spirit essentially there are three major platforms if you're writing please write this down there are three major platforms can you just reduce the volume a bit please yeah thank you three major platforms that make for our interacting with the realm of the spirit number one which is the weakest of the three is called emotions emotions are a very powerful platform that can help us relate with the realm of the spirit emotions but it has such a tremendous side effect because emotions vacillate are we together now we see a display of emotions in the bible people who make declarations right now like peter and all of a sudden turn that was just emotions many people who would make declarations i will follow you i will walk with you so emotions is the weakest level but it is one of the levels that a man can interact with the realm of the spirit and even with god the second is called reasoning based on principles now reasoning is more superior to emotions and the reason why that is is because reasoning is based on principles and principles are fixed so even if you vacillate as an individual principles force you to be consistent i i don't know if you are following now so remember what we're dealing with emotions and then the reason why emotions cannot be trusted anytime you are dealing with people if the platform for that relationship is purely emotional you know that you are in trouble isn't it because emotions vacillate do you know why emotions are not fixed on facts they are fixed on feelings please understand our discussion three levels by which you can relate with god the realm of the spirit and even men the weakest of them and the third is emotions emotions is based on feelings and it can vacillate the margin of error walking emotionally is very high too high to guarantee predictability god never relates with men emotionally because he knows he knows the man he built one moment you can say lord i love you and the next moment you are running away so he will not relate with men emotionally the next level is called reasoning and that by principles when you reason you are making use of your mind but then you are guided by a reference the references are principles either universal laws spiritual laws no matter how it is so that even if you yourself may want to bend to the left the principles have been fixed is that true yes jeremiah 6 and verse 16. it says you stand in the way and you ask for that part that ancient part and it says if you have found it that you walk in it and you will find rest you have to understand this foundation so number one emotions based on feelings the weakest platform for interacting with god interacting with the realm of the spirit and even interacting with men second to emotions and higher than emotions is what reasoning based on logic so you can reason your way out the bible says it come let us reason together so it is a way that you can relate with the realm of the spirit reasoning and reasoning is based on principles it's not based on feeling so there is some level of predictability you've heard people say use your common sense is that true that means apply your mind to existing principles as the basis for your decisions so that even if you don't trust yourself you can trust the predictability of those principles you can use reasoning to gain some level of results in your life why because the reasonings are not principles and the principles are fixed but the highest level of interaction with god the highest level of interaction with the realm of the spirit and the highest level of interaction with men is called covenant are we following now already so i started by listing three platforms for interacting with god the realm of the spirit and man the weakest being emotions based on feelings then reasoning based on principles the third covenants why are covenants powerful if you do not understand it you may not understand the theme of this conference the show mercies of david remember the scripture we read you now understand why blind bartimaeus when he had it was jesus it says jesus you are not only savior you are not only the seed of abraham there is something i know about you you are the son of david show me mercy and jesus would dare not pass him and ignore him if jesus ignored him it would prove that he was not messiah because there was a covenant but timos was not just calling a man for help what bartimaeus was doing was deeper than just calling for help hallelujah covenants why are covenants powerful what is a covenant generally speaking a covenant is known to be an agreement between two or more people an agreement between two or more people that seeks to provide mutual benefit to the parties involved and also has well-defined terms then it also has benefits and advantages if adhered to and it has consequences if violated generally speaking that is a covenant so the whole idea of a covenant is that two or more people come into a non-emotional agreement non-emotional it is very important you understand that are we together and the goal of the agreement is to provide mutual benefit that means both parties have something usually to benefit from and then there are there are times terms that bind both parties and if adhered to there are benefits that come from it and if violated there are consequences that follow now notice that the highest level of interaction with god with the realm of the spirit and with men higher than emotions based on feelings higher than reasoning based on principles is covenant you see that covenant has from scripture provided the greatest platform i hope you know that covenant was god's invention god's invention to remedy the emotional state of man versus the desire for the consistency of his program so it was an invention by the intelligence of god i have to create a way of binding man to ensure that even though man vacillates there must be something that keeps him consistent and out of that need came the understanding of covenant that there are certain levels of dealings that you can never have with god there are certain graces over territories and nations that you can never carry when you are in an emotional relationship with god when you are even just living by principles it has to move deeper than that you must enter a realm called covenant this is the same principle that is used in the occult you don't relate many occultic groups they don't do emotions you can make up your mind and say i'm part of this fraternity now and by the time you see the sacrifices involved you say no no i'm not part of this i've changed my mind is that true or you can sit logically and say what do i stand to benefit and they say you have some financial benefit or political benefit but then by those principles you can still run away but notice that when people bring all these fraternities around the first thing they do is to bind you with a covenant ratified by blood before they start showing you what you have done so that by the time fear grips you all these elements of emotions you know that you are already bound by a a faculty of relationship higher than emotions it is the reason why marriage is also a covenant because the day your wife does not cook something tells you running when you remember no way you are not running anywhere there is a covenant greater than feelings greater than principles anything god wants to take serious in the life of a man he ties it to covenant are you following me now there are different kinds of relationships on earth there are general relationships be good to all men you meet a driver you go to a supermarket or a mall you meet people and then there are seasonal relationships god connects you you have classmates you have schoolmates and for the time that you are pursuing the same goal you are friends but there are relationships called covenant relationships covenant relationships are non-emotional relationships they are relationships that move beyond what you feel that means in doing business with god if you have not entered the dimension of covenant there are certain things that god does not take you serious about the highest honor god can give man is to tap into anything that binds him with that man and when god binds himself with that man he proves that it is a covenant by naming that dimension after that man the god of abraham the god of isaac the god of jacob the son of david now you understand what that is yes if i stop here alone i have brought deliverance for someone anything in your life you want to take serious there must be a covenant platform for dealing with it it is the cure for the emotions of men it is the cure for vaccinations all around do not trust people when they say oh this and that human beings are very that's why god does not take them seriously but when god sees you coming into that realm of covenant are you saying what abraham why what abraham did touch the heart of god abraham i want to enter a covenant with you but the first test is take your son let me see how serious you are and abraham carried his son and god said you did this for me i swear by my name that in blessing i will bless you so even if today god forbid if israel stand as a nation and look up to god and say god we hate you you are terrible even as he looks at them he will still honor abraham till he returns this is the implication of covenant you have taken emotions out of it it has nothing to do with what you feel you are bound by an oath you take your reputation and put upon that oat covenant is a risk see risk there are two testaments in the bible one is called an old covenant of the old covenant and the other is called the new covenant or testament it's never called the old discussion it's not called the old suggestion it's not called the new advice they are called covenants because the truth there cannot be left through emotions are we together now yes so there are three platforms you have to understand this malachi chapter 3 and verse 6 just building on this and we pray is god helping us already please read with me if you can see projected ready one to read for i am the lord i change not therefore one more time another interpretation for i am the lord and i don't walk by emotions otherwise if i allow my feelings to direct my power the sons of jacob they will be consumed you see that i am the lord and even though you annoy me all the time i am guided by a covenant higher than what i feel the bible is clear as to the fact that there are times that god gets angry there are times that the bible says the the word i change not does not mean i don't change my decisions many times he changes decisions here it means my patterns are fixed because i bound them with the covenant i am the lord i will not bend my patterns no matter how i feel that was why when jesus was on the cross not even the son of the living god changed the heart of the father he saw him there and he still let him die because without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin it's not a statement it's not an advice even jesus when he wanted to negotiate it he said if it's possible let this cup pass but he remembered this thing did not come about just by discussion nevertheless not my will but yours be done you thought god would say wow what a faithful son because of that you will not die again he said well i understand still go and die just be on your way to the cross you will still die hallelujah spiritual patterns if you understand this about relationships then you are ready to step into deep levels with god you will now see the reason why god seems to honor certain people i said yes we are all christians but what is it about others that makes god they can make statements as if they are bragging but they are not just talking nonsense there is a basis upon which they are speaking how could abraham dare tell us that god gave him the act is that not pride the head not israel god will the edge to one man as if there is only one man he created he didn't even give the edge to adam he gave him dominion now he comes to find a man from all of the chaldeans an idol worshiper and carries the whole earth as if he didn't know we are coming gave it to one man and you ignore that man and see how you will suffer to you and to your seed to the point that even when jesus came he submitted to that covenant himself galatians chapter 3 and verse 29 and if he be christ he says then are ye abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise are we blessed isaiah chapter 55 now where we got the text from let's start from verse 1 isaiah 55. these are the categories of people that i'm interested in this morning so that will pray he says everyone that thirsted come to the waters he that has no money oh dear nigeria come and buy and eat ye come buy wine and milk without money and without price so why is he saying buy in economics you don't say buy without price and here he's now saying buy but even if you don't have money come but it will be recorded that you still bought it verse 2 wherefore do you spend money for that which is not bread and your labor for that which satisfied not hearken diligently unto me and eat ye that which is good and let your soul delight itself in fatness verse 3 please give us verse 3. let's read together one to read incline your ear and come unto me and hear and your soul shall leave and i will make an everlasting covenant hold on hold on hold on hold on everlasting covenant everlasting covenant means a covenant that will be honored even if the earth is not here again everlasting covenant there are covenants whose validity is only whilst the earth is here for instance while the earth remained see time and harvest there's no sit time and harvest in heaven it is while the earth remained so the covenant was tied to the earth the day there is no earth that lord does not walk again you cannot take the law if you go to any planet where you don't find earth you can't apply sea time and harvest you will need to look for another law see time and harvest was tied to the earth that means if you get up in the morning and find out that the earth is still there then know that the only way to get harvest is to plant seeds is that true but here he says i will make an everlasting covenant with you then he says even the sure mercies of david the sure mercies of david what was this about really let me begin to introduce it now david was a very interesting man he was a man who loved the lord quite an interesting king he was he was the son of jesse as you know and he was the one who succeeded saul the first king of israel it was not god's desire for israel to have a physical king he always intended that he would be their king but they made a demand for a king they wanted to see a ruler who they would see and relate with and so in honor to their request god now raised a prophet the son of hannah is that room called samwell trained under prophet eli and when he became a prophet the bible says none of his word fell to the ground and this was the man who anointed saul the son of kish to become king remember when his father's donkey was missing and they went and he met this year called samwell and someone said is it not because the lord has anointed you to be captain over his army and he anointed him saul became king one thing led to the other he broke the ordinances of priesthood is that true by coming to offer sacrifices whereas it was not his office i'm just giving you a theological background and people pressured him he could not wait for samwell to come because samuel was late he did offer the sacrifices and when samuel came he said no no no you have done foolishly you would have allowed me to come and god would have established your throne forever but now because of this you have desecrated priesthood and the throne is taken away from you he didn't live immediately the same way adam did not die immediately but then samwell kept praying and interceding for saul and one time the lord told him saul samwell why will you keep whipping seeing that i have rejected saul as king he says take on your horn go to the house of jesse and go and anoint the next king is that true he now goes to the house of jesse they gather all the sons including elia well built handsome gentlemen and he almost made a mistake as a prophet and god said no and they called on that boy who was at the backside tending sheep and he came and then the lord anointed him one thing led to the other eventually david becomes king and when david became king so many things happened he fought wars he had episodes of all sorts of things david was quite an interesting man he was seen against god and writing singing his his scene in a song and tell the music director sing it let god know that i'm not hiding this thing god says what do i do with such a man hallelujah yes then god himself said this man is a man after my heart now that is a very superior commendation from god moses was called the meekest man but never called a man after god's heart not even jacob who had an encounter was called a man after god's heart how do you call such a man there is nothing to be done that david did not do is it killing is he stealing is it destruction everything you think about that can be done david did and one time second samuel chapter 7 please let's start from verse 12. this is where this is the story that leads us to this covenant that we call the show messes of david ii samwell chapter 7 and when thy days be fulfilled and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers where do we let's start from verse 11. it says and since the time i hope i okay let's take it from there and see and since the time that i commanded judges to be over can we can we start from verse um let me look at verse eight let's start from verse eight say long reading just be patient okay now the whole story was that david was sitting in a very beautiful palace and the arc of god was in a tent is that true and david became concerned and he said no no no no i i cannot sit here in a beautiful palace where there is no house for my god the the the ark of god was in a tent and he said no it's in my heart i have to build a house for god this is how much i love him and i honor him because he considered the goodness of god the mercy of god over his life and he said i can't let this continue like this and then he now discussed it with prophet nathan and he told nathan he said this is what i intend to do and nathan said this is good do whatever is in your heart for god is with you is that true and so he made up his mind that he was going to build god a house and then the lord sent prophet nathan thank you thank you very much i think that's from verse one now um so let's let's take uh let's let's just read from verse from verse one please be patient with me it's a bit long let's just take it i was thinking of cutting somewhere so we'll save time and it came to pass when the king sat in his house the king being david now and the lord had given him rest round about from all his enemies too the king said unto nathan the prophet see now i dwell in a house of cida but the ark of god dwelleth within curtains right verse 3 and nathan said unto the king go do all that is in thy heart for the lord is with you and it came to pass that night that the word of the lord came to nathan the prophet saying go and tell my servants david thought saith the lord shall thou build me a house to dwell in whereas i have not dwelt in any house since the time that i brought up the children of israel from egypt even unto this day but i have walked in a tent and in a tabernacle in all the places wherein i have walked with all the children of israel respect the world with any of the tribes of israel whom i commanded to feed my people israel saying why beauty not me a house of siddha now therefore so shall thou say unto my servant david god is talking to nathan thought said the lord of hosts i took thee from the ship coat from following the ship to be ruler over my people over israel and i was with thee we that so ever that wentest and have caught off all thy enemies now follow all the things that god did to david to help him to rise to become king number one i took you and i lifted you and i knew that every lifting comes with enemies so i went with you and i cut off your enemies out of thy sight and have made thee a great name may this happen to someone everything written here in the name of jesus christ i just felt to stop and declare over you that the same way god took david from the backside and look at this is god god remembers how he lifts men he's only men that forget how they are lifted god himself is telling a prophet i'm not confused as to how i lifted him from the ship court i took you and made you a ruler over god's people let me speak to someone here you may be the least in your life your family your destiny but in the name of jesus here at this conference i declare that god who lifted david the one who shows man mercy and kindness may he lift you to become ruler over much [Applause] i hope you are really receiving it and then he says i was with you aha now you understand when he says yeah do i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i fear no evil the cure for fear is divine presence sometimes you don't need the storm to become for you to be at peace just verify whether jesus is in the boat and then he says i have cut off all your enemies out of your sight and i made thee a great name like unto the name of the great men that are in the earth verse 10 moreover i will appoint a place for my people israel and i will plant them that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them anymore as before time eleven it says and anna since the time that i commanded judges to be over my people israel and have cursed thee to rest from all your enemies also the lord telled me that i will make the house my goodness do you know what he was saying he said david you want to build me a house and he laughed it's like a little boy coming to meet a rich man with maybe a little lollipop and says i want to bless you and then the man says you mean i want to take this and he says because you are doing this me too i want to do something you understand what is going on there now and i will establish it says and when the days be fulfilled and thou shalt sleep with your fathers i will set up thy seed after thee which shall proceed out of your bowels and i will establish his kingdom next verse we're reading he shall build a house for my name and i will establish the throne of his kingdom forever let's read to 16 i will be his father and he shall be my son if he commit iniquity watch this because as kings when you default you are gone that's what happened to samuel to solve now he says because i'm introducing something that binds me and you if he commit iniquity i will chasten him with the road of men and with the stripes of the children of men but my mercy marissa braga to scatter my message shall not depart away from him as i took it from saul whom i put away before thee 16 it says and thy house and thy kingdom shall be established forever before thee thy throne shall be established forever go and tell david thousaid the lord nathan goes to meet david and says david i don't know what happened between you and god but right now there is a word from god god has brought this that no matter what you do i may punish you i may allow men to afflict you but as far as replacing you and bringing you out of relevance it is no longer there that every time i have bound myself with you that as far as your relevance and your dominion and your rising and remaining is concerned there is nothing you can do profile that you have made up your mind to honor me this much i'm now reciprocating so blind batimus knowing he was in trouble he had been hearing that discussion from sermons he now said jesus if i call you the seed of abraham you would think what i need is arms but right now i'm tired of this condition i don't know what i did wrong i don't know what my father did wrong but remember you are a seed of david i is mercy have mercy on me and jesus said stop stop stop somebody is saying something here that i cannot ignore mr man you are blind but who taught you this all i know is that you are the son of david a covenant was made that from david and his seed god is going to create a platform for dealing with men that will be beyond what they can do or what they cannot do are you not that seed he never asks blind batimus do you have faith read it everybody he spoke to he required faith but the moment a man said son of david he said leave it i don't care whether you believe in me or not there is a covenant that commits my integrity the only people who are not asked for faith are dead people you don't ask a dead man do you have faith and now he looks at a man who says i know you are the son of david i may not know much but this i know about you you keep covenants i'm here there were not many people that said things that struck jesus in the bible one of them was a centurion he showed him the power of authority and he said i am a man also under authority and because of the authority that i represent i can tell one go and he will go i can tell one come and he will come i can tell one do this and he will do jesus you don't need to come to my house i don't want to insult you i recognize your authority speak the word only and jesus said who taught you this i have not found his faith not in israel noun a beggar who is blind surprises jesus by saying jesus you are the son of david have mercy on me what exactly is the covenant of mercy that god entered with david you see the idea of mercy there most i i love your pastor because he's i think he's one of the few men of god i know who has really stretched the subject of mercy helping the body of christ understand the mercy of god i have told you again and again that the mercy of god is not just limited to sinners the mercy of god is a platform for relationship you see that so when the bible talks about the short message of david he's talking about a covenant a covenant that came through and from the desire of a man to see jesus lifted david knew that one day jesus was going to come he didn't know he would be called jesus the lord said to my lord sit down at my right hand until i make your enemies he knew and he did not know that he would participate to make that happen the star that represents the flag of israel today is not called the star of abraham it's not even called the star of jacob and isaac is called the star of david because it was a covenant you will never lack dominion you will never lack the sight of mercy within your family within your time i will raise up your seed that seed was not just solomon because solomon did a lot of things when you read the bible you will see solomon started well but towards the end of his life he married all kinds of women he did all sorts of things as at the time theologically speaking as at the time solomon was writing the book of ecclesiastes it was said that he had written as a fallen man everything my eyes saw i desired solomon is confessing you see that kind of man and because of that he caused the kingdom to be turned into two you see that but the god of heaven who keeps covenants remember what i taught you about relationships it was not just emotions it was not just by reason it was by covenant he bound himself that david as far as your relevance is concerned you will never go out of place and i connect something eternal to you the covenant of david is one of the platforms i hope you know i hope that we'll be able to deal with that if if there is a time the salvation of men rode upon certain covenants it didn't just happen there had to be legitimate grounds upon which jesus would die for people one of it for instance is the covenant that god had with abraham jesus came as a fulfillment of scripture if he was messiah then there would have to be certain things that he came to fulfill are we together now so there had to be certain covenants in place to be able to allow jesus die legally one of it was a covenant that he had with abraham that in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed otherwise we will have the right to say jesus who gave you the authority to die for the whole world where did you get that authority from because even though you are god you've now passed through the womb of a woman so you are man also what makes you believe that you have the power that covenant indeed so he came and identified himself as the seed of abraham the bible says even though abraham had a physical seed isaac but the real seed that was talked about paul explained it in his paul line epistles that it was jesus and the bible says now we are being grafted into christ that every time we believe the gospel we also are grafted into that seed it now gives us the authority to say we can be blessings also to the world i can know that i can bless the world today not just because i'm a preacher because number one i am grafted to christ who came and grafted himself into this abrahamic covenant now same with david what is the basis of our obtaining mercy because number one we have been grafted into christ who came to honor the covenant that he had with david listen i will show you three things hopefully that this covenant carries one of it is the mystery of transgenerational relevance if you understand the covenant of mercy that god had with david you will never say it not in your lifetime it's a mystery here in the bible no matter what you do with david he still remains the epicenter of not just the gospel the jewish people because there was a covenant god had with him and he would not ignore it can i tell you this when we go to heaven you are still going to see structures that honor those covenants for instance when the rich man remember the story of the rich man and lazarus where did they find the lazarus abraham's bosom why was it not called god's apartment wherever it was abraham's bosom so even when we get to heaven rewards will not just be given like they share food during weddings they just put it in one big basket just pick whatever you have there no no no there are people who god will honor based on certain covenants there are certain covenants that are not everlasting the law of seedtime and harvest the covenant that was spoken to the earth that means if you plant something in the earth and it does not bring forth you have a right to question it because there is a covenant thieves today plant and they still reap people keep insulting god while they are farming and by this time now many people are harvesting because it's a non-emotional contract i am the lord and i change it not therefore the sons of jacob are not consumed are we together so when we talk about the short messages of david we're talking about a covenant that god entered with david and then through christ we all have today become partakers of it it is not just limited to salvation but it has become the platform for the administration of his mercy and i pray that god will open someone's eyes to really understand the full import of being a benefactor of god's mercy the older you live you will begin to understand and comprehend the depth of god's mercy and what happens to a man outside of god's mercy saul was one man who never had the opportunity and the privilege did you hear what what god himself told prophet nathan he said i took the mercy away when you understand this you will know why we sing that song your messages are new every morning this was the covenant that created that basis if the messages of god are not new will be in trouble because yesterday's mercy would not speak over to this situation he tied his mercy to the morning i hope that you know that not every creature of god has the privilege of partaking of his mercy for instance the fallen angels for instance satan there is no record of scripture that the mercy of god has spoken over satan and over these creatures in the book of esther which is an adoption of jesus christ himself and the church there are two people there who never had the opportunity to partake of mercy one was vashti the other was her man there was no mercy for them so the mercy of god does not just work arbitrarily for everyone no there are conditions the first condition to really come into this covenant of mercy is salvation in fact any covenant that comes to the believer through christ can only be released through salvation theologically speaking whether it is the blessing of abraham whether is that encounter with jacob the god of jacob is that true yes or now whether it is the short message of david it must come through salvation that you can experience mercy even when you are not saved but you cannot experience the covenant of mercy that god had with david giving us an advantage to the saints when you are outside of the fold so you see when you bring people to jesus christ you are doing many things to them saving them from hell is just one of the things you are connecting them to a platform ah it is on the basis of this that paul says for we know killabarrus there is something there is a contract there are layers of truth that give the believer security in this kingdom for we know that all things all things he does not even care to know what story he tells you if you can there coming to christ there is still a way out somebody shout hallelujah now watch this the healing anointing the healing anointing really flows out of this contract the anointing for miracles and signs and wonders genuine miracles flow out of this contract there is a covenant that god had with david whatever will fight you to bring you down that's why i said notice what he told david he said david there was something that was responsible for your lifting from the ground up there was something that was responsible for your defense in the midst of enemies there was something that was responsible for arrest round about now i showed you but i want to make a covenant out of it so that people can follow that pathway to also rise that means when you access this covenant of mercy there are many benefits that come from it number one it sustains the power to take you from wherever you are wherever you are and make you ruler over the mercy of god it is the message of god that secures divine presence i hope you know in ancient times they could not see god the reason was because of their sinfulness and that if they saw god in that state they would die today he can give you the holy spirit and not ask what you did yesterday and what you did tomorrow david even prayed that prayer cast me not away from your presence he said take not your spirit from me because i know the condition it takes for your holy spirit to live in me and he says no there is a covenant that covers you that even in the midst of whatever nonsense the holy spirit is there why is he there because there is a covenant a non-emotional covenant that he can guide you and bring you back what a wonder do you know if this covenant was not in place the day you give your life to christ the first sin you commit you will die immediately because of the implication of what you received you didn't just receive a letter from a government congratulating you you receive the holy spirit the first word there is holy so the moment you shout at someone in annoyance you will desecrate that tabanaco immediately you should die there's no issue of discussion but look the things that people do and still goes caught free with because there is a covenant that shields him this is why if you really understand what he has done that's what paul said can we continue in sin are you saying now if you are aware of the full implication of the blessing that this brings it looks like a license for licentiousness but it's in god forbid however the truth still remains the truth the covenant of god's mercy so that covenant is at work in you and there are times you may not open your bible and study and based on the legal system of the realm of the spirit if you were to be marked based on your spiritual consistency you would not be where you are now but some of the days where you are lazy spiritually is the day the vision comes that opens the next level of your life because there is a covenant that is beyond your personal consistency you have to understand this you look beyond the o you look beyond me you look past my sin my guilt my shame and poured your love you look beyond me you look beyond me so true i'm the one you have shown mercy you have shown me mercy i am the one you have shown me mercy you have shown me healing if you are too deep to compartmentalize the administration of the power of god listen to me everything that makes for healing and science and wonders come under the department of his mercy this is the reason why everybody jesus healed was still a sinner and yet they were healed how much more when you now have that covenant that you are in christ you see the reason why we can hold a miracle service it's not just because a man of god is powerful it's not just because there is power there we know malice capra when jesus hung upon that cross and said it is finished there was an implication to that statement when that blood came upon the earth there was an implication so you can stand with a doctor's report it doesn't matter how it got there you know there is the sure message of david listen if you understand what i'm telling you some of you right here right now will be healed i know what i'm telling you healing is not just more than more than the consciousness of anointing anointing is simply an enforcer it's a system of enforcement but we're talking of the basis for which it happens thou son of david have mercy on me and he says what do you want for a long time i thought that it was quite an insulting statement why would you look at a blind man and say what do you want and one day when i was studying in the holy spirit minister to me jesus was not just asking him what do you want he was saying let me know all that you want he was not just asking him for that miraculous what do you want there does not just mean the obvious what else that is hiding in your heart the since you called on that covenant the covenant does not only heal the covenant lifts the covenant defends the covenant protects so when there are arsenals of darkness that fight you're lifting there is the short message of david you stand secure knowing that even though i came from this village i came from a place where i watch people die what becomes the basis oh i know that god forbid i didn't trouble anybody you would die in a way that you'll be surprised you see that there is the covenant can anything good come out of nazareth think well that gift came out of david worthy is the lamb that was slain david is also connected to the end of weeping in the book of revelations there was a lamentation he says worthy is the lamb that was slain is that true remember we've not he said for the lion of the tribe of judah hold on the root that means this is founded in david has prevailed if you are founded in that covenant you must prevail it's a covenant that empowers men to prevail please understand what i'm telling you this is why you can keep someone in a position where you will even conclude how are we going to bury this person now and while you are talking there is a covenant that lifts the same way it carried david and you are wondering i thought you should be finished not with the way i saw your family and you tell them oh there is a covenant greater a non-emotional contract my brothers and my sisters that's how some of us came on board ordinarily by the normal route of success we will not even be near here oh but there is a covenant the short message of david for his mercy's endure forever this covenant of david eventually became a weapon that was used in war that every time they were fortified by enemies any defeat was imminent they would raise that song you are good and your messes end your forever what was the basis remember david remember the covenant you had lord will you allow us die like this we know we do not have the power to war by ourselves but we invoke the covenant that you had it's called the short message of david and you will watch god stand up and say who is it that wants to desecrate the covenant and move people left right and center have you learned something this morning see these are the truths and the mysteries that define the possibilities of people in this kingdom the one you find is the one that sets you above so two people can be born again and yet there are results whether as ministers whether as individuals because some people find these truths and they tap into it they don't just discuss it they tap into it with truth and you find out that they are invincible now you can see why fathers of faith like baba de boyer bishop david ojediko you can see them shout and roar and sometimes you may mistaken their confidence for arrogance you hear them shout and say there is a covenant they have proven it long enough look at papa eggy kenneth copeland at this age you see all these people i know it there a dead bishop a great father in the faith this man is 83 years old yet if he runs with you he'll run faster than you there are people who have tapped into this living your life without this understanding you will keep punishing your destiny using different tools of ignorance the short messages of david i came in here were wrapping up now and i sat there and i rested my head down because i remember the first time i came to household of david where you were in the other place and i said look at this you know what this is called this is not called power this is called mercy there are results when you see your first mention is not power your first mention is mercy thou son of david have mercy on me can we pray this morning this afternoon please rise up on your feet thou son of david let your covenant speak for me now please listen tonight is a miracle service honestly i trust that the lord is going to walk wonders in the midst of his people i told you that i came with a burden i just sense that god really wants to touch his people he really wants to touch his people there are people here you are here to connect to this covenant in christ because you don't just leave jesus and go to david when the covenant was set you were not there and there is no other way of tapping into it because you are not even a jew is that true yes the only way to be part of this is when you route it through christ and there are people here listening to me maybe in the overflows following online you are yet to genuinely come to jesus christ the miracle of salvation must be taken seriously you see some of the benefits that come it's more than just an initiation into a faith life called christianity and there are some of you probably who are here and your life has gone haywire you're saying apostle i know our time is up but would you use the last two or three minutes and let me make my ways right i don't just want general mercy around i want a covenant a non-emotional covenant that brings me confidence to know that all things will work for my good that the covenant will defend me it will lift me you are here i'm going to count one to five please wherever you are may i request that you leave your seat we have just one or two minutes for you wherever don't wait for anyone to be the first leave your seated with all honesty come and stand before jesus here i'll count one to five god bless you as you come one i'm the one you have shown keep coming you have shown me mercy [Music] are you running i'm no one said [Music] please don't just stand so that there will be space you have shown me mercy mercy please come god bless you are you celebrating them household of david come to jesus you are not qualified to partake of the covenant the short messages of david outside of christ and let me tell you something hold on please don't sit back there when you know the holy ghost is telling you win this war now win this war now apostle i'm not exactly bad but i'm not sure what i'm doing please run and join them run their space here run quickly and join them the times that we live in you must define what is the basis of your confidence bold face without a spiritual basis will end you in casualty join them please celebrate them as they come quickly overflow if you are coming please quickly come join them join them join them oh i love to see people saved i tell you i love to see people saved for many reasons it's not just to show that the man is anointed it's not just to show that church is increasing peace is deliverance from there is no reason why a charm should not work there is no reason why a yoke should not work there is no reason why foundations will not work the only security is being engrafted to this covenant of the mercies of god of david i salute every one of you for coming out i know that some of you are making this decision the first time some of you are crying don't be ashamed of your tears this is why we came to church the house of god is a very serious place that helps people and gives them an opportunity to encounter jesus the lord is showing me a lady who should be here i don't know why but please if you are the person i wanted to join them i'm not this is for your salvation i don't know why i just saw this like just in a flash now and the lord ministered to me that there is a lady your sister who should come here god has been talking to you about your life he's been using dreams to speak to you win that war come and stand quickly you can refuse but no problem and maybe there are if okay the overflows yes those coming from those overflows join them apologize for the time till he returns or calls me home hearing the love of christ of love is [Music] listen help this lady another anointing let me encourage you as we make these decisions three things before i pray with you you know pastor sir many people gives their they give their life to jesus in church but they are not serious they run away from follow-up once they finish they still run back to those relationships and those associations there is a commitment to this covenant are we together now that means that when you make this decision in christ the bible says day that be planted in the house of the lord there are friends that you have to politely just cut away from i don't hate you but you are destructive to this new found faith remember david was the initiator of this he said lord i want to do something that exalts you above any other thing this thing cannot work for you genuinely when jesus is not number one in your heart i appreciate every one of you for coming i lent my voice with pastor shola and his wife and those of you following by the way online you are online whatever nation whatever city whatever platform you're following from i'm about to pray for people right now please connect by faith pray seriously and you can send through the social media platforms of the church let them know that you gave your life to jesus christ all of you in front please if you can let me request that you lift your right hand you're crying don't be ashamed the short message of david is about to speak for you all of the things that you have done you should have died already but that message kept you if god walked with emotions who all be dead were preserved by his mercy now say this loud after me say lord jesus this afternoon i have heard your word i believe with all my heart that you are the son of god i believe that you died for me i believe that you rose again for my justification right now i hand over my entire life my entire destiny to you in exchange help them please help them help them help them my god this is the power of salvation i receive in exchange your life your love your mercy by this prayer i connect myself through christ to the show mercies help them help them please of david i declare that the power of sin of satan of hell and of the grave is broken over my life from today i am a child of god satan take your hands of my life my destiny in the name of jesus i am to help them please my god i am a child of god holy spirit are you helping them please let's have some ushers here say after me holy spirit was he praying i receive of your ministry of your power activate this covenant in my life and in my destiny in the name of jesus now let me pray for you i stretch my hands in the name of jesus by the authority of scripture i decree and declare that your sins are forgiven and i declare by the power that raised christ from the dead that everything connected to ancestry connected to bloodline connected to foundations help them my god help them please everything that is an ordinance an altar speaking against you we are packaged here we come by the short message of the god of david on the strength of christ being the basis for our salvation we declare them nullified now nullified now nullified now nullified now ordinances handwritings that have been written concerning you and against you we declare them nullified now from today as a church we call you the righteousness of god in christ benefactors of the mercy of god in the name of jesus we sanction the gates of hell over your life and over your destiny and we declare that from today until forever you are part of the family of faith in the name of jesus christ amen and amen let's celebrate jesus please let me let my voice with pastor scholar to encourage you this evening i believe that the lord is going to do wonders in the midst of his people please i like you to come angry in your spirit that everything that has defied the mercy of god come invite your loved ones yeah even if there is no space sit whether it's to stand outside i'd like you to stand let tonight be a crusade not just a conference again because god wants to move in the midst of his people i really believe god is going to be shifting destinies god is going to be turning families around some of you may need to invite your loved ones and ask them and say look i'm not just going to come and represent you come by yourself hallelujah sir would you permit me to plead with them to come with prayer requests will that be fine thank you do you believe in answered prayers i want you to write everything you are tired of under god please listen just listen to instructions while wrapping up write everything that you know has troubled you for your loved ones who are here or outside of this city or maybe some nation somewhere you can call them they can send it in please write it when we come we're going to bring everything and we'll cry before the lord here that fire from heaven this night will fall on certain egyptians and i assure you there are egyptians you have seen for too long let this be the night you do not see them again forever in the name of jesus so come expectant let your heart be hungry let your heart be desperate some of you even after this conference don't loiter around just spiritualize your mentality in prayer and and focus dedicated focus on jesus even throughout this conference i believe there will be activations like pastor jerry as he already started activations of gracie some of you here it's time for that call you have been running away from the mercy of god there are ancients there are graces that you should carry so it's not only a miracle service to pray for the seeker minister deliverance but also an impartation for people who need to carry these graces may the lord bless you and we'll see in the evening hello thank you for watching us we don't want this to end without giving you an opportunity to make jesus christ the lord of your life you know um after listening to god's word like this and you have never made jesus christ the lord of your life it's an opportunity to come to him and it's a simple process because he has made all things available i want to employ you now to give your heart to christ and by saying these words because giving your heart to christ must be done consciously he has paid the price say after me say lord jesus i come to you i believe that you died for me under you rose again i believe that you shed your blood for my justification i accept your finished work right now and i confess that you are the lord of my life i believe in you thank you jesus if you have said those words you are actually born again a new creation in christ join us for more of this god bless you
Channel: Household of David
Views: 1,882
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: apostle joshua selman, joshua selman, apostle joshua selman messages, Higher ground conference, higher ground conference 2021, sure mercies, mercy conference, mercy conference 2021, household of david, apostle joshua selman at household of, apostle selman at HOD
Id: X5hqR4slTmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 33sec (4533 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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