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[Music] [Music] [Music] the key to speed is to wait we're going to pray i'm just greeting it's important for us to know truly speaking many times the key to speed is not to worry there are two different things that you holy does not mean you have speed they went six hours ahead of jesus and he stayed quietly to pray you would think it was delay but watch him walk on water and within a short time he had caught up with them and performed a miracle peter said if he'd be thou beat me come and he said come so sometimes when we stay it's not a proof of weakness all of the money you would have been making in your shop from morning till now it's nothing compared to what one key you see a key is very small it can enter your pocket but it can stop you from entering a door bigger than you as small as that key is you can put it in your pocket but you lose that key and you stand before a giant door from morning till night at the mercy of a key that sometimes is very relevant and the key that opens your kitchen is not the key that opens your bathroom the key that opens your bedroom may not be the key that opens your store if you are hungry and the only key you have is the key to your restroom you are not free with respect to your need [Music] keys are not generic they are specific and the dynamics of their operations differ so it's important that you obtain as many keys your dominion in that house depends on the versatility the keys not a key you may have the key to the living room wonderful if all you have to do recites within the living room but when you are thirsty you need another key that may not open the way the key to your living room opens they are called keys but the dynamics of their operation differ god is already speaking to someone let's hold hands together and pray in the spirit in one minute trusting god for the spirit of revelation once again it's called recharge we bless you lift your voice and let's pray one day praise please pray the flesh may be tired but is an investment that will save decades of mistakes said meditate on these things give yourself holy to them that thy prophetic will appear unto all [Music] [Music] hallelujah speak to us oh god cause our hearts to hear we mean business with you we're not pretending we're not acting our destinies at the mercy of your world explain it to us take away ignorance from our lives let our results be clear let it be that we have met you we cry for the spirit of wisdom like the magi we continue to follow your light until we find that which our hearts cry for in the name of jesus god bless you please be seated again hallelujah praise the lord i have a few minutes this afternoon and i truly want to share something that i believe with all my heart building on the many things that the great great servants of god have shared upon this altar here and in all of your campuses and um please i want you like pastor said to pay attention to these things it's one thing to hear but it's another thing to listen you don't listen with your ears you listen with your mind the ears can hear sounds and forget but the mind is the instrument designed to capture truth and it's important that we sustain the ability to hear praise the lord success and greatness in life is never has never and will never be a coincidence please pay attention we all desire success we admire men and women who we see around our world in business in ministry politics career and so on and so forth and when we see these people exhibit flawless dimensions of success usually we admire their results and we desire it sincerely but then i have observed something that i would want to start teaching just noticing and noting and correcting truth in itself will not automatically free you truth only frees you when it is sequentially arranged please listen please listen i believe and and i've said it again and again pastor that the major challenge with the body of christ is not ignorance i do not believe we're in ignorance by the grace of god god has used mighty men and women within the city and around the world to in a very commendable measure correct this ignorance but the challenge with the body of christ largely number one is imbalance but number two random application of truth there is no sequence to our spiritual understanding that means that the average believer is already fortified with the arsenals for victory but we seldom understand the dynamics of operating which so we just know that in the equation of success somewhere the blood of jesus is needed somewhere the name of jesus is needed somewhere prophecy is needed somewhere diligence and hard work is needed are we together somewhere relationships are needed but at what point they are needed and to what degree they are needed we do not know so our application of truth is largely random so our results are not predictable because we have not attained a point of mastery where we understand truth alongside the jurisdiction of their relevance is god speaking to us yes so we have people who just randomly apply anything that is true in the bible and one of them will work and that's the worst thing that can happen to you to get results that you do not know how it happened because you will fear your result you know it will not last and truly it will not last anything not built by knowledge is dangerous it cannot only destroy you to destroy those who have come like the fig tree signs of victory in your life will compel others to come and then you do not sustain capacity to keep the results going it may not only destroy you it can destroy your children destroy your reputation etc so conferences like this are designed to bring us to a higher level of spiritual mastery so that not only are we reminded of what we already know but we are guided sequentially to understand what truth is responsible for what outcome between our desires and the results that we want there are mysteries and truths and keys that connect them and we must redeem time by minimizing guesswork in our christian experience the bible says to work circumspectly as wise and not as unwise are we together that one of the ways you redeem time is to work accurately that means i cannot spend five years learning how finances work is too risky i rather redeem time by meeting an authority who will give me a formula that i will not interrupt it's amazing the bible says there is a way that cement right onto a man perception seemed right is not right but it seems right and the trouble is it is only at the end you will know you are wrong now you imagine that level of wastage after 20 years of shadow boxing and guessing you will come to the sad conclusion that i missed it i started my journey from 1980 but i still missed it and the thing with life is the correction starts by going back you don't correct it where you are no matter how far you will go back join the queue and start again it is because of this reality that god introduced systems like favor like mercy so that when you find yourself on the way you know going back 20 years you've lost your entire life so he introduces an agency to your life that can remedy for that constraint [Music] are we together the goal of conferences like this is to do something to our understanding colossians chapter one verse nine [Music] colossians chapter one verse nine can we have it projected all right beautiful please let's let's read together one to read for this reason we also since the day we heard uh-huh do not cease to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with number one the knowledge of his will number two all wisdom hold on don't rush all wisdom not wisdom all wisdom that means that wisdom is dimensional there are different dimensions of wisdom divine direction is a dimension of wisdom divine strategy is a dimension of wisdom you can have certain dimensions what he prays that you have all wisdom and then number three spiritual understanding this is the apostle praying for the church in colossae that they be filled with all of these dimensions because he knew that being filled with these dimensions they will now be able to rise in experience to the fullness of the measure of the stature of the christ hallelujah praise the lord so just share with us a few things and then we'll pray am i boring you praise the lord acts chapter 26 let's start from verse 22 blessed be the name of the lord acts chapter 26 verse 22. i like us to read and stop at the word day ready one to read please haven't therefore obtained help of god i continue on to this day men do not continue just because they want to continue is one thing to start but there is a grace to continue remember we are preparing for the remaining part of the year it says heaven therefore please keep that scripture having therefore obtained help of god i continue unto this day that means if you see me standing after 20 years something kept me and he revealed that heaven therefore obtained help from god not i start i continue it's very easy to start it takes a desire takes a little aggression to life and there you go when you see people start marathon many of you have watched people in a marathon as soon as the whistle goes you see a crowd of people sometimes about the size of this place i mean everyone some know already they will not finish they are aware are we together at least they should be rewarded for having the courage to start they know they are aware they have convinced themselves they did not intend to even go far but then you find certain quiet people skinny looking people determined with a resolve and then after a few minutes or hours a separation begins from falling to collapsing to giving up and then some people seem to be unperturbed by this reality that should happen to every man every man with flesh and blood should be tired somewhere and there comes this one two or three guys they continue moving you greet them they don't answer they don't they keep running i mean they run until they get to the finish line and they stand as if they didn't run same men same situation same biological composition and yet some obtain the power am i blessing you yes january is one of the most ambitious years in nigeria months in nigeria it's full of anger from the failed year and people come with i mean and during the prayer and fasting you know most churches do that and people take this vendetta over life and there are all kinds of resolutions i must make it things must change i'm tired of my finances i must get a job i must grow in ministry etc etc and sometimes as early as much and we will just say december come come fast haven't obtained help from god i continue until this day praise the lord is that chapter 40 we'll start from verse 28. it says has thou not known has thou not heard that the everlasting god the lord the maker of the ends of the head fainted not neither is he weary now when the bible begins to talk about this is because he's contrasting god to something a man that is about to reveal something about are we together so the bible says that god does not faint and then god cannot be weary and that there is an understanding in him that makes that possible there is no searching of his understanding next verse please 29 says he giveth power to the faint and then to them that have no might he increases strength the next one the next verse verse 30 it tells you something that happens to all men how many men it says even the youth remember the bible says the glory of the youth is in their strength so it says even the youth shall saint not may faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall that means by human strength one day this reality will catch up with you it has nothing to do with backsliding it has nothing to do with not being a christian is a reality that is enshrined in this frail nature of men next verse but they that wait upon the lord that means not everybody is interested in waiting but for us many who will choose this strategy to wait upon the lord a number of things will begin to happen to them number one renewal not just renewal of their mind renewal of their strength strength can be renewed and then he says that they shall mount up with wings as the eagles they shall run my god look at this and not be wary do you know what this means that means that when i start my journey in life please watch it is it is expected that at a point i should be tired is that true i should be wary i should faint this is the law that governs men but that there is a system in the spirit i can tap into pastor that when others are failing i will run and not faint i will not be weary please keep that scripture for us i will walk and i will not faint that means that not all men think not all men are wary all men should send all men should be weary except that if you tap into a system in the kingdom you will run and not be weary you will not faint are we together now he gives power to the faith that means if you come to god and say lord i'm fainting he does not give you an advice he knows what is wrong lack of strength lack of power was what caused the fainting in the first place if you ask me to lift these or a number of heavy gadgets it is because of the limitation of the strength to lift it that will create fainting i will not faint lifting a handkerchief no matter how many times why because i sustain enough strength to lift it so when god sees you fainting you're fainting is a message to him lord no human including me can lift this by my strength so he answers you by giving you power he supplies something to your life so that what you could not lift yesterday after a conference like this you were lifted by an agency that men would say no this is not human and you say this is this is me plus another dynamic [Music] it was not normal for something to kill the philistines with the jawbone of an ass except that when the hand of the lord came upon him even the change that was on him the bible says they were like wax before the fire are we together the power of god is threefold please let's let's just pay attention to understand number one there is the manifestation of god's power that is manifested on the strength of relationship that means that the power is a derivative of your relationship with him a dimension of his power comes from your relationship with him number two there is a dimension of his power that is a derivative of understanding his laws please say after me laws say principles say laws again say principles so the second dimension of his power is routed to an understanding of his principles you don't need a relationship with him to access that dimension of his power it is still his power but you can ignore him and still route that are we together the third dimension of his power can be accessed when you come under a man who has a covenant with god so that possibility will be activated in your life not by any making of your own you are a derivative of the business a man had with god god calls abraham didn't call lord and lord went with him so whatever happened to abraham happened to lord and it not forgot that he was where he was not because he understood anything when he left abraham he went down till he got to sodom so there are things that god does for the sake of other people not your sake when you you find yourself under that grace there are many people before they knew anything about tithing and giving they started getting blessed they could not explain why this is the third dimension the common die they came under grace for instance that commanded favor in strange ways and although their knowledge was unfruitful in that area they started experiencing strange favor it was later on why they were teaching they say ah these are the kinds of people that say there's no need to learn anything because whether they learn or not their results don't seem to change they just seem to go up and they don't know what technology is responsible for their rising are we together yes but now i want to focus on number two because that's the one that largely controls your individual success your relationship with god is very important but many of us have not truly understood the laws of the kingdom that were built to produce the kinds of results that we desire there is a name that god is called that i want to introduce he's called the god of systems that means that he operates through systems in the bible you would hardly find god do anything twice the same way the pattern of his operation is that when he comes to do a thing once he creates a model of it and then a system within it are we together so that by accessing the system you can reproduce the results again and again and again please say the god of systems so he only had to create and make man and woman once and put within that technology a system are we together yes that means that you you do not need to pray and fast as a woman to be pregnant or as a man to get your wife pregnant if that does not happen someone is interrupting a system because the system was designed to work are we together now that's the reason why it calls for god's attention because god says who is violating a system i designed a system that a man and a woman should be able to have children effortlessly what is corrupting the system that's why it calls for prayer that's why it calls for attention growth when you have your child and after two three four years that child is not growing is an aberration to the system because growth is something that was programmed in god's system are we together now success is also systemic that means that there are a combination of laws that if diligently adhere to regardless of the background and regardless of the prevailing circumstances you will be able to step into your predestined place and this is where i'm praying that god will shift us in experience that will stop seeing things only in visions and dreams but that our visions and dreams will find expression we will walk in the experience the end of faith is a manifestation that you obtain it are we together systems when i found this dimension of god it gave me rest it brought predictability to my life are we together now god designs systems as a proof that he is just so there's no bias that means that he leaves us to determine the cause of our destinies and the extent to which we can go far if i fail in life and if you fail in life god is not to be blamed the problem usually will be a thorough understanding of the systems of the kingdom and let me tell you this please precious people of god you may have heard me say it in different platforms again and again that when it comes to the knowledge of god and our spiritual growth there is no end to how much we can know about god even in heaven we will continue to come up either come up either as we see dimensions of him unfold but as far as our victory and dominion in the earth is concerned there is an exact body of knowledge allocated for our victory like a curriculum you can exhaust it and no have held the keys away with that idea that the things you have to learn to succeed are infinite is not true there is an exact body of truth that you can hold on to and tame life like an animal praise the lord the reason why many believers fail is because we have this illusion that there are infinite laws to learn and you're wondering at what point will i exhaust it god would not be that heartless there is an exact body of truth allocated for the victory of the saints and that it is possible that a man can hold the keys with all humility now you look at the life of a student in school learning does not stop but the curriculum to graduate him is finite he can finish it and his certificate is given to him now you continue to learn but as far as that body of knowledge is concerned you've been accredited this is how it is with life you can hold on the keys and step out with boldness and stand and look at the mountain of finances and it goes down and your influence multiplies and the lord continues to bless you and like abraham you are old and well stricken in age and god would have blessed you in all things how many things all things i love your pastor i read i read a little about the church and immediately i got connected to the passion for all-round excellence to be able to provide balance and victory in every area i told myself i will never leave the people who are spiritually sound and then will continue to fail in every other area of their lives and then at the same time i would not leave the people who are ambitious and will prosper only in the earth realm at the expense of the salvation of their souls you don't have to choose any you can take all are we together now it's very important so god is a god of systems that's a revelation that we must get the systemic nature of his operation can make your life predictable that means regardless of background when you know what god has allocated see let me tell you this my my precious people of god creation has truly never been disobedient it was only designed to respect laws that means that every time we act not in accordance to the laws prescribed their refusal is a message to us that you are sending something wrong to us are we together now yes there are people for instance who have been born and bred in this city and have never had the opportunity to be blessed and to prosper and yet there are others who as at last year there was no hope for them but then they stumbled across these laws and today they stand to glorify the name of the lord with evidences that prove that creation is still obedient are we together if i desire sustainable growth if i desire increase oh i forgot to tell you that the only kind of growth that is automatic is biological growth every kind of growth is engineered is primed you don't grow intellectually by default you don't grow spiritually by default a foolish man continues to grow biologically a wise man continues to grow biologically are we together now yes he only turns from a foolish child to a foolish adult but the growth still happens or a wise child to a wise adult the growth still happens but when it has to do with growth in every other area of your life it is based on the understanding understanding is a miracle that we must desire one of the greatest miracles that's why when jesus saw mad men he was touched by their situation because in my opinion the worst situation that can happen to a man is madness there are people today blind who are doing great things there are people without limbs who are doing great things but i'm not aware of any madman madness is a real issue when jesus saw it he didn't let it go the madman in gadara had potential to bring 10 cities to jesus and one plague over his mind and he kept that man forever the miracle of understanding is a real miracle the bible says then open heavier understanding that they might understand scripture next time you are listening all the miracles in the bible leave the issue of bread leave the issue of wine go to understanding you are truly truly blessed and lifted when you have understanding let me share just one or two keys and then we'll pray and then we can continue tomorrow is the lord blessing you understanding amen and amen psalm 18 will read 28 and 29 psalm 18. jesus we bless you it's projected please let's read together one to read for thou will light my candle the lord my god will enlighten my darkness as a result 29 for by thee i have run through a troop and by my god i have lived over a wall the problem is not the truth the problem is not the wall it says that you will light my candle was it not joke that showed us the secrets of his exploits he said in the days of my youth when the secrets of the lord were upon my tabernacle then he began to list all the exploits that happened on account of that spiritual illumination is real power remember the bible says he gives power to defend i want you to know how the power comes because for many people when we think power we just think power fall down stand up that's wonderful but that light in the kingdom is true power spiritual illumination is power that when god supplies a miracle of information in your understanding it can take you from where you are and take you to a dimension you never thought possible isaiah chapter 16 verse 1 says arise shine for your light is come and the glory of the lord is risen upon you i like to quote it from amplified it says arise from the depression and prostration that circumstances have kept you rise to a new light circumstances keep you until light comes to bail you out light is powerful you switch off the light in this entire place and it becomes dark surprisingly dark but you introduce that light and things begin to change let me tell you this you know the area of darkness in your life by the difficulty that surrounds that area light was designed to bring ease because whoever has light does not stumble stumbling is a proof of darkness when there is difficulty in ministry something is wrong when there is difficulty in finances something is wrong when there is difficulty in your influence your business whatever it is now it takes a lot of meekness to admit it especially if you have results in other areas it's usually easier if you are you completely fail in every area but once you have some results the bible says there was a man a captain of the syrian army naman was called a valiant man at war but the bible says but he had light when it had to do with warfare but when it had to do with his wholeness there was something wrong and one day a slave girl decided to put this man's ego under pressure mr man although you're a warrior you are only a warrior in battle and sorry there is no fight so now you will have to join the queue and learn what it takes to also succeed in the other areas you need and when elijah gave him an instruction he said what kind of embarrassment is this there are other rivers don't i mean i'm a warrior here the greatest enemy to your success is the last one you had failure is the key to success success is the key to failure it is true mismanaged success is the key to failure the fastest way to fail is to succeed and not understand the dynamics of maintaining it let me tell you this as easy as being successful is the easiest part of it is becoming it maintaining success is ten times harder than getting successful the dynamics in that realm is very complicated you will need help haven't obtained help from god i continue to this day light light exact light spiritual illumination that is responsible for your victory are we together now please let me have three or four gentlemen any person okay let me use the guys please come stand here thank you now everyone please watch let these guys represent the various areas of our lives where we are trusting god to come through let this my brother here represent your finances say finances please ah nigerians say finances so [Laughter] let this be your career say are we together thank you let this be your spiritual life are we together and then let this be what health and wellness are we together now watch this in the economy of god there is provision for you to excel in all of these areas are we together but connecting you and any area is a light i call it a mystery matthew 13 and verse 11. jesus was speaking and he said it has been given unto you to know to know the mysteries of the kingdom [Music] not just to be aware that they are there but to become one with them such that your life can prove their validity are we together now so i want to excel financially and then i do whatever i was told to do and this thing does not answer and it's amazing that while you are suffering another person is just arising as if the devil does not exist and you exhaust all your knowledge you are stranded you need light are we together it takes a long time colossians chapter 3 and verse 16 encourages us to receive with meekness the engrafted word you see it takes meekness humility a recognition that learning is not a cause you have to come to a point where you are not embarrassed by your ignorance be be a learner is all right when i find out that i do not know because i can know growth is something that is a miracle in men that means something i did not know yesterday i can know tomorrow and while you are laughing at the yesterday version of me i have evolved to something else i know that the yesterday version of me could not pay rent except that between yesterday and tomorrow something happened to my today i came for a conference and then the spirit of the living god through his word did something to my understanding and i can walk into tomorrow as though it was not the me of yesterday can the yesterday of you clap for the tomorrow of you and say well done you have changed or can he say you look exactly like me in fact you're a mirror that's a shame when your tomorrow becomes like your yesterday you are filled i should be able to evolve so much that there should be such a gap between the yesterday version of me and tomorrow and the bridge is light the bridge is light the mystery by which ordinary men can transit to become signs and wonders light not clothes light not phones light not laptops lights not cars are we together now now i want to be very sincere with us there's no point wasting our time if i ask all of us to submit our requests now our requests are a revelation largely of the areas of darkness in our lives it's an uncomfortable truth but it's so and we must be able to humble ourselves to say lord i thank you for that which you have shown me but my eyes need to see something else to rise higher i look at my life today and i'm surprised at the level of darkness that i used to operate in limited knowledge constructed by culture constructed by well-meaning believers who are mediocres and i adopted those philosophies to my detriment and when i saw by god's spirit that the future version of me would require a lot of evolution i cried to god i said lord you have to do something as you are sitting down right here you are changing you see is the truth let me tell you this you never pursue success let me say it again you never pursue success it was not designed to be pursued whether success money whatever it is you never if you seek it you will never you don't pursue success every dimension please look up life is dimensional and in god's technology he allocated possibilities for every dimension that means that your life becomes a reflection of the possibilities that suit your dimension the way you you attract things is by evolving to a higher version of you and then the possibilities that were allocated for that realm will come to you listen you don't pursue success they were designed with a code to find various versions of you so every time they come they reject you because the fashion of you that should keep them is not the one they find please listen to what i'm saying every result you want was already written for a version of you most of the results that come to your life find a lower version of you and they were not designed to annoy it this is god's integrity so they continue to retreat sometimes you get them by force and they were designed to leave you this is the mystery behind good things living people it's not always demonic leaving you is proof that there is need for an upgrade it's amazing how what you used to look for tomorrow can come to you now because you have risen to the fashion that makes it happen there are people who desire growth and that growth happens by transformation but most of them will not subscribe to the discipline of transformation yet the pressure the ego will compel them to continue to acquire things around their life and then you find out that they continue to lose it are we together it is true that your business can scale but not by this version of you not by this version of your understanding it is true that your ministry can be global but not by this version of you not this level of anointing no this level of anointing cannot sponsor a global ministry and so you will need like currency more of the same thing one thousand naira can buy a plate of food not a car so i hold one thousand and hotel dollar holds billions and i convince myself that we are both holding money life will soon tell us that the amount matters how god anointed jesus not that he was anointed look at the extent is god speaking to us this afternoon so i i came here to really shake us and challenge us what area in your life has refused to bow to the lordship of christ that is the area you need to cry for light there is a dimension of light lord why do i come to seek favor i've heard pastor talk about favor i've seen people come into lagos and within five months their lives changed i was born and bred in this city not me not my father not my mother nothing is changing favor is still real your experience is too small to prove otherwise so when the dynamics of it comes to you then you learn and then suddenly lagos starts to respond to the version of you they have been waiting for [Music] there is nothing that should come to you that is missing stop looking for it a code was programmed in need by god's intelligence to come to the version of you that calls it every dimension you rise to has a voice it will call the possibilities that were sent to that dimension ask any great man you know there are things they never prayed for they didn't even know that those are the possibilities that come with certain realms they paid attention evolving and the moment they began to evolve certain things started running away from their life it was reacting to their growth and it left made way for something else to come [Music] i i started from the office that i was hearing um efernathan amazing worshipper you know when she was worshiping i just nodded my head and said ah but men are not all the same we have this we have to humble ourselves and admit this the investment and the sacrifice to build understanding and build mastery it distinguishes you your pastor is where he is not just because god called him let me tell you the call of god is not the license to success you can still fail there were people in the bible god did not call they succeeded you go and read your bible elisha there was no prophecy about him elisha was a farmer he was not a prophet but he subscribed to the law of mentorship until he carried the mantle and other people like moses your moses didn't enter the promised land the call of god is not an automatic ticket for success you even if you see jesus you will still bend to the reality of the principles that make for success when jesus appeared to soul he said i'm done i recommend you back go and continue to learn from there he would go to the wilderness of arabia for 18 years even jesus the word himself went to the temple to learn about himself again he went to lend jesus the way is god helping us so i look at my life and i love the lord so much but why is my family like this why is the ministry like this i open a business and no one is coming and i love god remember as we say i want to grow so that i will bless the house of god sincere desire but not even the desire itself will automatically bring blessings god is the god of systems please understand this this is the name of god i want you to know and understand today systems he came to listen to the prayer and the sacrifice of both cain and abel did you know that god attended to both of them unbiasedly but at the end of it one subscribed to his system a pattern and it was received so god came it looked like he did not come if you did not hear of the episode of what happened from god's side you would think god ignored one but he came to see both he was not looking for men he was looking for patterns when he found his pattern he honored it immediately the same way your prosperity is not looking for you is looking for obedience to patterns and if you are the one who has it it will look like it's coming to you [Music] the systemic nature of life is very powerful when i learned this i told myself regardless of my background i'm grateful because i can find my way out imagine that i had to just depend on the emotions of men some of us will never rise but the god of heaven who programmed this system the same way you are sitting now forget about what is in your pocket or not in your pocket forget about who knows you or not if you pay attention and light takes you from your yesterday through your today into your tomorrow you will turn back and say my god i've heard people saying that you can change men but this is true and usually people say you are like you you mean that church just changed you you just came and in two months you are changed no growth happens through understanding grace and peace is multiplied through knowledge through knowledge through knowledge exact understanding so i decided to compartmentalize my life into all the dimensions that i know would be required for my excelling and my living an impactful life and i started to pursue exact knowledge i don't just want to pursue random spiritual growth just reading the bible anyhow you just opened today and say kite i feel like reading exodus now you are you are doing the same thing that the student does by hoping to any faculty at all and says no knowledge is a waste imagine that you hope to just anywhere after all i'm still ready yes you are learning but your knowledge is not guided and it's not specific so it cannot make any noticeable impact are we together there is one thing that you can know please hear me and never beg for bread again until jesus comes there is one thing you can know and it will look as if there is a charm on men every time they see you these are possibilities let god be true and let every man let every culture let every background let every situation let every mountain be a liar [Music] there is something your business can have and know and do people of god that what you see now that you call success will be what those you raised will be doing because you will scale to a height unimagined do not peg yourself and plateau at a level and convince yourself this is all there is no i came to challenge you [Music] it is the power of light when you faint is proof that there is weakness somewhere and much more than just an impartation he sends light first an impartation is useless when your understanding is buried remember the oil assumes the shape of the container if you turn the container this way the oil will look like it's pouring if you keep the container up the oil will look secured the oil is there with its potential but the container controls what it does when your capacity is small impartation becomes almost unfruitful that's why people fall down and stand up again and again and return back because your container was almost pouring and as you were putting the oil it still came out but when god expands you and then that grace comes on your life it will be like the foxes of something you will say where is that challenge that brought shame to me yesterday i'm not praying that you go by you i will leap over walls and you look at it and greet your landlord and say sir thank you so much for driving me i would you be available for my thanksgiving say thanksgiving award you gave birth to a child no no i just finished my estate in how many months five he said you're a thief you've started i'm not a thief light light is not a ladder it's a lift [Applause] it can take you to dimensions unimagined let me tell you this time never changes anything one day go better is just a wise saying to comfort you it will never work time does not change anything time only reveals when you have an encounter with the light of god and you embrace it then things will turn around in your life are we together there are so many laws i don't know if i will have the time to share them but the lord shared with me a number of spiritual laws and i have learned it from the power of uncommon mentorship these are the laws that manipulate life like you are playing a chess let me tell you my brothers and my sisters life does not honor boldface all these ones no get the thing don't get it once and for all prophesy to your neighbor say get it once and for all [Music] i know god has called me to be a great prophet of god when you keep guessing prophecy one day you will go wrong and the day you go wrong it will be that you are prophesying to him and then you will go wrong and the man will say up from the service i'm waiting for you outside why fake what can be real i carry favor i carry favor no if you have to say it it's not there favor is so loud even a deaf man will know it's working [Applause] everybody loves me what is the proof if only your tribal people love you you are not favored no all men seek for thee all all all all regardless of territorial limitations there is a grace is god helping us i'm saying this because in the name of jesus in this conference these graces must land upon someone's life [Applause] that you will walk out of this place and it will be like pastor shared a charm as soon as you step out someone who forgot you at least a brand new listen ringing people's phone to say remember me is the worst way to command favor you will never get it that way you become a nuisance till they block your line there is a name god is called the father of spirits [Music] i believe this i stand by the message of god to tell you this man standing before you say testimony of these things i speak the things that we have seen the things that we have heard the things that our hands have handled even of the word of life you are not being taught corningly devised fables i usually insist that i become the first guinea pig to any revelation i receive from god if it does not work in my life i suspend it i teach by conviction that's why i don't teach everything if you pay attention your pastor brought you here to truly shift your life and i want you to believe it now i don't mean to insult your intelligence i know that there are many of us that god has helped but is that all even in heaven he said come up here come up here and i will show you the version of you you have not seen apostle but i'm rich how rich let me tell you you are only rich when any amount you give doesn't affect you if you've not gotten to that realm you are not there yet you are not rich when you have comfort you are not rich when you fly first class you're not rich when you have a flourishing business when you can invest no matter what to turn a man's life around and commits to the purposes of the kingdom and it has no effect in you you have entered the wealthy place are you there are possible i'm anointed to what degree you prayed for 50 people only two god healed mark yourself what school is that listen this conference is for people who are dissatisfied with where they are people who know that thank god for what you have done yesterday but lord there has to be more there has to be more [Music] are we together let me tell you this i love a lot of people but you never see me close to people who do not have a hunger for more once i see a sign of complacency i love you but you will not see me near you again because not because i hate you it will affect me there is a generation waiting for the other one of you and be selfless enough to pay the price to rise there this version of you have done so far but what you know while you rise slowly people are dying who you should save [Music] must your mother die before you learn the principles of increase the woman labored for you if you wait till you understand the loss of wealth for the next 10 years why wait that far is it that hard you were told by mediocre it's that hard but come to the technology of the spirit where there is exactitude you can learn these things and know them thank god for your pastor be careful who you listen to sincerity is not the only key for change correctness of information is you can listen to a well-meaning person who is a victim of his own reality it is dangerous to turn experiences into doctrines if i buy my first car at 45 i can build a theology around my pain and lack of favor to mean if you are blessed that 21 is a lie i introduce to you god system where any man is no respecter of person you can sit today and choose that by august my church my business you can choose today that there are things i will wave goodbye in this conference and they have to wave me back that these egyptians i see today i will see no more is god speaking to us how long will it take before that anointing comes on your life you continue to see people cry every night it's called a global impact church not a lakers impact church you continue to see people there the last meeting they invited you they sent you away as if it was a funeral no one was healed no one was blessed every word of knowledge was wrong the scriptures were wrong you forgot what you studied come on go and sit down get something of substance don't give excuses i said the people didn't have faith have you ever seen doctors complain about patients there are even patients when i see you [Music] why then are you a doctor i'm not shouting at you i hope you understand [Music] there has to be some way of shaking you i love you too much to leave you the way you are i share your pastor's burden that a fire will come upon you that something will come upon you you will go back and say who is this uncircumcised philistine he said have you forgotten about yesterday say i'm not in yesterday the yesterday version was a defeated one and he said goliath let me even tell you how you will fall first before i start the stone will heat you down i will remove your head and give it to the birds and goliath will reply and say am i a dog i hope you know that ramises who later became the pharaoh was a half-brother of moses that was moses position it was because moses ran away so when moses came to ramesses ramsay said ah bros we know ourselves we play together we laugh together moses said no the moses you played with changed in the burning bush the difference between the yesterday moses and the tomorrow moses was a light push i know i'm speaking to someone here that in the name that is above all names they may laugh at you and they may see you and think nothing good will come out of you but in the name of jesus i prophesy to you you will receive an unction from the holy one that will turn your life around sit down we are going to pray i found out in this scripture verily verily whoever believes in me the works that i do you shall also do i believed it i found in this scripture genesis chapter 12 verse 2 1 and 2 in these shall all the families of the earth be blessed when i saw it i believed it that young boy who was lying down somewhere i said i saw a scripture that changed my life he said abraham from where you are lift up your eyes so i can lift up my eyes from where i am i don't need to climb the plane to lift my eyes i can stand in my city and lift up my eyes and i will still see from any city in the world when you look up you see the stars when it has to do with the stars where you live is not a disadvantage so i lifted up my eyes from where i was that you will know what to do like jesus you will go back and knock on the door finance and say i'm no longer begging you i found the keys and you will swing open those gates and all of a sudden you will begin to see the blessings of the lord then you will understand that the testimonies you hear not a lie you see when you when you are used to pain you will get angry when people are testifying because you will think it's too real they are lying is it not in your bible that when the lord turn again the captivity of zion he said we were like them that dream we like them that dream that the songs we sing as special numbers will become our experience that you've had people tell somebody stand up and one blessed are not you've only heard it as a testimony but now you will be a partaker of it that you are sitting in your house and prepared blessings come to you and you don't just laugh and people say you are lucky you but you know you are operating by keys and regardless of where you go it will work that now you can scale your business it may not be the devil that stopped you from scaling your business let me tell you it may be that god already knew that this version of you and the version of understanding you have scaling your business would be the worst thing that would happen to you so he delayed you as an act of his love to minimize wastage in your life until the required light comes so after this conference he can tell you now you can go and then you take over lagos like reverend some prophesied to you men do not rise by mistake nobody wins the olympic by mistake you can go to the stadium by mistake but you don't win by mistake it's time for us to be intentional over our results i'm bringing you to a level of quintessence in the spirit where we stop shadow boxing guessing things what is the principle for restoration do you know it what is the principle for favor i know favor just happens no sir then you will never see it what is the principle when i'm in trouble what do i engage to come out because i live in a wicked world what if my boss hates me and vows that was long as you a member of global impact church i will frustrate you here ah do you know the ordinances that you can engage is it not in your bible that when a man's waste pleases the lord that he makes even his enemy but it's not under you see when the bible talks it talks prophetically you need the eyes of the spirit to x-ray what was said and see where you play the role that you have to play otherwise we'll continue to quote scriptures to our detriment when you watch a professional drive there are many things you are looking at that you are not seeing you don't even see when he changes the gear when he initiates the trafficator and the rest then he gives you the whole thing and you find out there are many things to be done and yet you adjusted with him it's called mastery [Music] please hear me the church that jesus is returning back to get is not a weak church that has been beaten by life and then we scrounge our way out escapism is not the doctrine we were given we're giving victory the bible says and this is the victory that overcomes even our faith are we together that you must insist i'm going to be praying shortly but you must insist lord this cannot be it this cannot be it thank you for what you have done but this i know there is more i confess my ignorance i have not taught you any exact principles now we'll deal with that there's no time for it now if you've been you've come here since morning so our next time we'll take specifics and just end some of these things in our lives why do men hate me why is it that i love the lord with all my heart but every time i come to men i cannot get their help no helper helps by himself there is something that makes them help us every man is a man until the mysteries of the kingdom turn them to help us if you call men you will never get anything but if you call help us they will come if you're in ministry here and you came for this conference please listen ministry will never grow just because you have your tribesmen around you that solidarity is too small to make you global you need an understanding that takes you far when men of other nations call on you and call on your god when there is a clarion call a macedonian call it is because the hand of the lord is upon you by me kings reign and princes decree justice with me is riches wealth and honor yet durable riches when your children become small and they are mediocres it is not their state listen it is not even you're not being educated it's not true psalm 112 says blessed is the man that feared the lord that delighted greatly in his commands he said his seed shall be mighty upon earth the generation of the upright shall be blessed then he says wealth and riches shall be in his house yet his righteousness endures forever is that true in your life or is it just a devotional that you shall call upon a man and a nation will answer you is it true do you believe that do you believe that in one day zion can be born is it not in your bible [Music] nowhere style the ordinances of heaven and cancer establish the dominion thereof is it all right if we honor pastor emma's family god bless you [Music] thank you you are the mighty god [Music] you are the mighty gods [Music] everyone in this place i want you to know is god's desire to take you to a higher dimension but that growth must be intentional growth must be engaged through light light is powerful john chapter 1 and verse 5 says that the light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not the darkness comprehended it not if i want my life to change it takes more than good intention it even takes more than just being a christian casually ephesians chapter 4 and verse 18 says having their understanding darkened being alienated from the life of god through the ignorance that is in them it's one thing to know god but it's another thing to enter into the experience i don't know if i've succeeded in making someone angry this afternoon to say this level i am now i've exhausted it when a baby spends more than nine months in the womb it's a call for concern two years is demonic even 10 months is demonic they outsource a process of removing that baby by force it's called cs in other words young man you are coming out you have encompassed this mountain long enough it's time for you to move listen to me some of you have buried your challenges and you have even said can god make a way in the wilderness to the point that every time you pray and you ask the lord to do things you don't even add those issues as far as the blessing of the lord is concerned lord just do whatever you want to do supported by a sincere but wrong theology that regardless of what it is god is the doer of everything there are all kinds of well-meaning but destructive theology that are usually the product of pride when you do not outsource intelligence from a realm higher than yours that means if it must be known by me it must be revealed to me if it's revealed to another and let me tell you this lack of finance can destroy and destroy your spiritual life more than you know i always teach that finance is not about money it's about time redemption it's a cost to spend your life looking for money you will never it takes time to know god and it takes time to be impactful it takes time to build understanding pursue money all your life is a course god cannot design a system like that we are built some of you here have schools and you build the curriculum with such intelligence how will god design a system where a man comes and all he does in his life is just trying to and you know every time you pretend that finance is not important you implicate your destiny let me show you one scripture is that all right if i show you genesis chapter 42 [Music] and then we'll pray [Music] genesis chapter 42 please give me volume mike let's start from verse one please read with me if you're a christian it's projected ready one to read now when jacob saw that there was corn in egypt jacob said to his sons why do you look upon one another verse two and he said behold i have heard that there is corn in egypt stop i've had that there's gone where there is a technology with which satan takes man to egypt he keeps corn in egypt and even if you are a prophet you must go to egypt to eat corn and become a slave in egypt hunger is the authorized channel for leading men to egypt he said get you down peter and buy for us from pens that we may leave help me please and not die without corn you would die and the devil ensures that there is famine in the land and corn only in egypt a prophet was hungry and he sent his future to egypt to look for corn prophets can be hungry if you don't master the art of this corner wine you must go to egypt corn has taken many people to egypt pastor corn has relocated people out of god's will corn has made nigerians to smuggle their way from nigeria through chad through this down i mean you see what people go through in search for corn corn has brought people into all kinds of things that should not be but the bible says wealth and riches shall be in his house in his house when it was time to do the miracle he didn't tell the widow of zaraphat go somewhere he said i want to bring that miracle in your house in your house please hear me everything god told you in his word is real god does not scam people between his promises and performance and mysteries and light that you must know and failure to know it will keep you quoting scripture till you die quoting scripture is important but it's only a key one key may not open all doors please hear me we're going to pray i trust god that what i've shared with you would have challenged you that in the course of this conference and as other speakers continue to come and build on this you will make up your mind i may not know what the solution is but one thing i know is i must get out of this situation now there is an insistence that must come my church must grow lord it is to your glory my business must grow lord it is to your glory i can't be paying the school fees of my child and is returning back with an evil report there are reports called evil reports the spies came with it it's an evil report god himself said it every other thing is increasing except your salary deals increasing everything increasing and you get to a point where you cannot pray again the last thing you remember saying is in jesus name and worry continues the prayer you walk up and down the house how do i rent this hole now your wife says honey say if you call me that name again you were not like that egypt is doing something to you please listen to what i'm telling you are going to pray [Music] people are depressed have you seen people who talk to themselves alone in the car no traffic until they go and die i mean you kick your car and drive yourself to a tree in life is this how things will be how old am i that i'm depressed and before you know it you're in the hospital i reject that for anybody here high blood pressure used to be something for older people people after 50. now you see someone some of you are doctors here 2021 you measure his bp and you say what are you thinking about say doctor if you know what is on this head as you see me i started offending for my family from age 15. why wouldn't i have high blood pressure do you think you can be a pastor under that condition no sir ask any man of god here to prepare someone takes time and that time will only come when some things are settled let's not tell ourselves the truth the let's let's let's not lie to ourselves are we together so every time satan manipulates the economy something is happening like many of you now joyless people all around not because they were like that you know you want to know how people really are see them when they are old you now say daddy why were you angry all during your youth i mean you're a happy man he said i started happy i'm ending happy something happened on the way this anger was not my making this is what god is correcting yes yes sir yes sir that's what he's correcting don't mind ignorant people that tell you don't focus on these things let me tell you i said with all humility this man talking to you knows god and i understand the anointing but i know what will happen a prophet sent his children they were not captured in war hunger made him say see i'm a prophet but i'm about to die go to egypt go and look for corn you may never believe that one day you can send your child to go and do what should not be done until hunger comes when you share listen let me tell you this when you when you hear that a family someone is collecting bribe just say lord help me for as long as there is an uncle playing that rent for you it's all right the day the uncle says well i've tried for you you two you have seen the faithfulness of god i send you in the name of jesus and just when he's sending you the landlord now says please this thing is 1.7 oh you go out you will pray you will fast you will beg friends and get to a point where you say you know what see his life and satan will come he came two years ago you casted him there and i'm holy he waits first satan is not a fool he's many things but a fool he will come at your pit of pressure even jesus when jesus was wary at gethsemane here he comes again and jesus said is it possible that we negotiate salvation what is it no nevertheless nevertheless so that our children will not be sent to egypt to go and look for khan for god's sake no his righteousness endures forever wealth and riches shall be in his house by the grace of god please whatever price you have to pay please do not miss the next session i want to share with you a few systems of the kingdom i guarantee you in the name of the lord god of heaven building on what our fathers have come to communicate here if you pay attention to it your life will completely turn around it is true lagos is a good land but for some of us that testimony is not in our lives people come into your city and eat of the bread of the earth and we are domiciled here no door opens not even a window something is wrong is god speaking to us the problem is not recession believe me when i tell you this the problem is a thorough understanding of the systems of the kingdom it will not just happen by saying i know no no no no this conference was designed to make the next six months of your life surpass the last 10 years together that that that you come to a place where you say pastor and you cannot even talk you just kneel down say pastor i want to talk but i don't know where to start from i have heard that god turns people's lives and i'm i'm i cannot on pastor so this is real they say what happened you say no pastor what didn't happen which one will i start with my children my wife my wealth my spiritual life your blessing monies that were locked up ten years ago was released and everything and you just said and god says now you are done give me time and you can say on tuesday i'm locking myself this whole family will spend time worshiping god on tuesday yes sir you will do it you already have the heart you just need the systems to be in place [Music] you
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman 2021, how to grow spiritually, apostle joshua selman sermon, apostle joshua selman new sermon, apostle selman sermon, koinonia miracle service 2020, latest koinonia message 2020, apostle joshua selman videos, koinonia miracle service, joshua selman 2020, an altar of prayer by apostle joshua selman, 6 reasons why you must be prayerful, if, you, are, experiencing, delay, in, life, and, ministry, you need, to, watch
Id: 3QYikvGa_SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 46sec (5146 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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