Things Of The Spirit Conference - Day 3 Morning - Pastor Ibukun Awosika

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know if we really know what we are and the privilege that we have to find ourselves in a place where we have the grace to accept Jesus into our lives to acknowledge that the Almighty is God and to have the wisdom of submission to God because when it is so easy to be comfortable and take it for granted is when you see people that are so lost in themselves and in the life and the world that they live in that they will argue with everything against the existence of God and the power of God when you see their confidence in their foolishness and the ease with which you can be in that state it's when you will know that to somehow be in a place where you can come to an acceptance of God and have a personal relationship with him that allows you to freely submit your life into his hands and accept his word without feeling stupid because if you sit in some of the places I sit and you walk through some of the places I walk across the face of the earth if you don't really know who you are in Christ or you don't really have an understanding of God you would want to bury him and be ashamed because too much power too much position too much education too much opportunity makes it so easy to say who is God it's true I remember one time was my stylist enters myself and two other pastors from fountain we went to preach in a church in America and we were sharing with them about the great things that God was doing testimonies of greatness of different things and I remember a woman asked and said you know how can we have those kind of testimonies here I looked at her and I said you know it's actually more difficult for you why when you touch your switch what do you expect once you touch this switch you expect that power will come on you've never had to prefer never when you get on the road you are not worried about your car running into a speed bump or into pothole awesome there's some things you don't have to pray for so in a way you get to a place of compliance where you are fast an America you believe in your government you believe in your system you believe in everything being available before you remember there's a God and so they don't get to test the power of God why am i starting here I'm not even sure because that's not what I planned let me tell you something so that you will know that the ways of God are purely he's he's totally in control and thus reason for everything and everywhere that we find ourselves so you can stop being allowed to despise being a Nigerian you can stop hating that I come from this country I wish I come from where tell me well would you like to come to be your president right now would you like to be British in the midst of the total confusion that they have would you like to be consumed by bombs or confusion or whatever I have traveled the earth and every tattva the father I go the more I am grateful for being a Nigerian or there are many things I like from each of those countries there are many things but I'll have to pick from each one all together to get my perfect world and then I wouldn't need God so I want you to understand the needs of our lives the imperfections around us have a role and they have a lesson unlike that American woman it was difficult for them to test the Word of God and see the results the true efficacy of his word was more difficult for them to bring the Word of God to life because the solutions of men around them have worked so readily that they don't get as much opportunity to see the hand of God so even that is a privilege so I want you to know that we are blessed there many things that are blessings in our lives that the world makes us think that they're worth nothing so whatever else you take away from here or from this conference that you have the wisdom and the understanding to come into the house of God as a child of God in submission to your God to accept his will and his power and to surrender yourself in his service day by day that is a privilege that's more than enough for you to turn the Lord for and for that alone you will not lose your reward that's the truth you will not because you know when the chips are down and we break it all down you'll be surprised that the things that you think are the real things you're looking for they're not worth much many houses good for you how many can you leave it and even if you live in one and the rest are generating money for you every day one day you will die somebody else would take over those houses you will have no clue whether they were sold for peanuts or they were used for the wrong reasons and you have labored all your life for those things for what oh so you can buy all the most beautiful cars trust me I have cars but every time you get a new one every other one becomes liability in your parking space why because you will find that you rarely use them as much as you did before so what does that tell you you don't need that many that is the truth they become very expensive assets that you just pack I remember one day somebody same to me that you know when you have house you have apartments or houses in England and you just lock it up for when you go there for two days for three days or when you're there for a week there 365 weeks in a year so if you're in England for ten weeks of the year no they 365 days I'm 52 weeks right assuming you're in England for 10 weeks of the year which is tough if you are live in Nigeria but assuming you're there for 10 weeks there 42 other weeks that you're not what do you have a very expensive wardrobe because that whole apartment for whatever is worth you just turned it into your wardrobe for holding your clothes locked up unused that's the truth so break down the many things you think you want and you will realize that the most important things how you feel what gives you joy or brings you peace what excites you what keeps you focused what allows you to sleep at night without fear what gives you confidence of expression the joy of blessing or being a blessing those things you cannot buy so be careful what you think you want what you think is you don't have which is why you despise this your country or despise your father or despise this andata why God is not doing shh-shh think that's not my message for today or somehow that's where we started god bless you have a sit you deserve the glory [Music] Hansen worship me [Music] [Music] [Music] until a could you might see in a movie hero equals you much [Music] [Music] [Music] for those who don't speak Yoruba it's one of my favorite songs for now and it just simply means that the Lord that watches my back that I may never be ashamed that I worship him it's that simple the reason I can have the courage and the confidence to walk the face of the earth without fail favor is that there's a God that works 24/7 365 days of the year every minute at work watching my back to ensure that I will never be ashamed nor will I ever be disgraced that even when I miss it and I fall I fall into his hands caught by him now when the wall things now she's missed it he says don't worry you know how your thing reroutes you immediately he immediately reroutes me through from the arrow points to the place of glory that's why I cannot imagine the madness of a man or woman that says there is no God that's just the truth so you know when I heard this song sometime of recent I just thought gosh it just went somewhere in my spirit I didn't even know it that's all I know just that spot but I sing it to myself over and over and over and over and over again because I know that as long as he's got my back god help deep competitors God help anybody die standing in my way God help anything that seeks to stop me God help anything or any powers that Ganga begins me why because I've got the King of Kings it's got me fully covered on all flanks fully covered that no matter what happens the word all things work together for my good will forever be true and I will never be ashamed the bible says did not know their God they shall be strong and they will do exploits they they put their trust in the Lord they will not be ashamed that's simply what that song is Matty Neil Amy called you Marty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you please be seated father Lord we bless you Father we give you praise we give you worship we give you honor we adore you we testify that you alone you are God this day we have gathered on to you not on to any man you are the source of knowledge yourself father and today we have come to drink from your fountain of knowledge teachers Oh Lord guide us Oh Lord open our eyes to see that which we must know today for the future that is laid before us grant us grace wisdom understanding knowledge favor all that is required Lord to work in excellence for the glorification of your name we worship You Father bless this house O Lord bless the man and the woman of the house bless every errand and or in this house everyone that is part of holding their hands to fulfill the assignment and the purpose of this house be exalted in this house always may they never get to a place where they say who is their God forever let every man that walks in here with a situation walk out with a solution thank you Father blessed be your holy name as I yield myself as a vessel I speak with the tongue of the learner when I speak with a tongue that cannot be resistant fill my mouth Lord as I open it and let your word bless your people thank you Father when Jesus name I pray amen I had a crazy I think I've been away since last year well meant I left on the 29th but his last year and only came back this week and started running from the moment I got him and I came back with this hole that was just stubborn and I never pay attention to anything that seeks to stand in the way of my plans so I just continued my life the cold itself would have to find his way out here oh and I have this administration and another one today and I have to fly tonight so I I guess this morning I got the time in a bit wrong one our difference between the real time and my own time in my head so I apologize for coming late now my message is about excellence but we're going to split my time into two parts I'm gonna have a conversation I'm going to share some thoughts but we're going to have a conversation because one of the things I've learnt is in church there's a lot of speaking to and I have found in my experience there must be a lot of speaking together because it makes all the difference so you don't come in listen and walk away with questions no I want you to walk away with answers and understanding because sometimes without the understanding the information is useless and a lot of people go to church collect information day in day out but there's no understanding of how to apply it so they still stuck where they were and they don't make use of it that's a waste of your time and my time and I don't like wasting time so I'd like to be sure that what I apply my time to yields results that is useful so when we're talking about excellence I could go very biblical I will be here for the rest of the day because the loads of scriptures in the Bible that tells you about the attitude of excellence and your biggest example is probably Daniel even though you will find many people across the Bible that are great examples of doing things in a particular way I think Paul was a great example of that in his days of not knowing God it was excellent at doing everything he understood to be right you know was diligent in being wrong and that's why you know it's a gift and a grace to actually be right in Christ because you can be like a Paul and be diligent in being wrong and when he then found the truth he was super diligent in carrying that message to the ends of the earth so when you look at examples like that and you look at Daniel in the courts of the Kings the many kings that is served in and that's a message for you that's when you walk in excellence you will serve with many Kings if you yourself do not even rule as a king because you know depends on what you classify as a king if you are the MD of s Bank you're a king but you still have a chairman on the board so that's like a Daniel you're a leader in your own authority and in your own right but I was still a king of Babylon in the land but it's irrelevant what we're talking about it's not about whether you have become the MD the IDI the chief executive of your company or whatever no it's about you day by day hour by hour in the life that you live having a mindset and an attitude that's six to do whatsoever you do at whatever point in your life to do it in a way but there's something to see in the way you do it to do it in a way that someone can learn something from how you do it to do it in a way that shows that you have applied the best of yourself to the assignment of the moment if you are cleaner that cleans diligently not just a cleaner but you are cheerful friendly non grudging cleaner people walk into the office in the morning you're already there at the time you're expected they see that at the Sun oh I think this is a who I'm so sorry man you clean good money MA how are you you're cheerful you're friendly you're warm you're dedicated to your trade no matter how menial cuz it's not about the trade it's not about the position it's not about the title the bible says show me a man that is diligent in his ways it didn't say show me a man that is diligent as a king he will he will dine with kings he will be lifted to the highest places why because your diligence in the place of your assignment will always be a key for opening the door to higher assignments opportunities so been excellent it's a its life is you morning afternoon and night it's you every day doing whatever you do no matter who is watching why because the Bible says everything that we do we should do as what as on to the Lord so there's always somebody watching the guy watching never sleeps nor slumbers and the service of your life and mine is unto him and no one else that's your biggest check for why you must do things well because in your service of the master how do you want to be rated you're serving an invisible God whose standards are beyond measure who does not only measure the physical results that men see cause you know I can't cook up the results for men to see but I'm a hit the man that I work for and do high service when is around an excellent spirit requires consistency commitment dedication integrity whether it's morning afternoon and night with an excellent spirit he doesn't mean you'll always be right it just means even when you're wrong you'll be sincerely wrong diligently you'll apply yourself to do the best of something even though you are doing it the wrong way based on the limitation of your knowledge and in that moment help always comes when you find people who genuinely want to serve would generally want to please we generally want to do things right but have limitations even you cannot ignore the heart condition with which they do what they do because the spirit is the spirit of action is an applicable attitude it's not a skill because some men have excellent skills but are not excellent they're two separate things you can be a fantastic carpenter but in non excellent worker do you understand what I'm saying you have the skills when you choose to apply yourself you will deliver the most beautiful piece of furniture however there's a guy with a reasonable skill who is diligent in applying himself and his limited skill to produce furniture who needs more time to deliver what you can deliver in less time but because you will not even apply yourself in any time he will ultimately deliver better peace and more pieces than the guy with the excellent skill and that's why you find some people you went to school with they have first class how many people know people like that but they haven't had it up to much they haven't quite achieved much you know someone like that because they're naturally smart so it's through no effort on their side then they can do well academically they just have earn maybe as they listen they pick someone else needs 3-4 hours reading the same thing to pick but he will apply the 3-4 hours and be more diligent in applying himself to the examination and the one who has the natural ability takes it for granted and doesn't do as much and then even if they then get to work together same please admitted into first bank on the same day one shows character diligence commitment can be trusted can be relied on to consistently deliver value over time when it gets to promotion who do you think will move forward the second guy so it's not about skill as an employer of labour today I will employ for character and teach you the skills it's true if you have the skills but you have the wrong attitude and you don't have that commitment and diligence and an excellent spirit that seeks to deliver the best of yourself to apply the best of yourself to achieve the best result for the assignment your poisonous to my system because you will teach other people to become like that and because they know you are smart they will follow you so you have the power of influence but negative influence so it's not about skills why cuz I can always teach you skills you can always learn skills it's about how you view things your ability to stay true to your values your ability to stay true to the assignment your ability to consistently pursue the goal and stay committed I have a good story to tell but I can't sit down long enough to write the book my friend has an average story to tell but if she's diligent in sitting and writing and correcting and editing and rewriting as she's doing that she'll get help somebody will say yeah you know you can improve these valleys because at least just put down what she has in her mind the help will help how to improve what she wants to write and eventually she'll get more books to the market than I will are we communicating cuz you're rather quiet so I want you to understand it's not that I'm going to lay hands on you and you'll have an excellent spirit you're a child of God the Holy Spirit that dwells on the inside of you is already an enabler but faith without works is nothing it's useless you can't believe from today till tomorrow if you don't get up and do what you need to do you staff because the Bible says that a man that does not work should know it you know we cause confusion in the church a lot with our emotional compassion people that we should allow to stay hungry so they can get up and fulfill purpose we feed them away from Papas you're laughing it's true cuz half the time we don't even pray about people that we help somebody just says I need help okay fine why should somebody who cannot afford a private school put a child in a private school and come begging for school fees from you every term that's a problem cuz you know we get confused about all of these things that's not how God works apply the best of yourself and do the work what does it mean it means that the school you can afford for your child that the Lord knows that without stealing that's what you can afford that you will help that child to learn the best a child can even as you're praying through for wisdom for that child now the level of teacher you can afford as assistants to support that child that even that would not stop that child from fulfilling purpose sir once the Bible says haven't done what it didn't say haven't done more than you can afford to do God is not going to come and ask you for what he hasn't given you sorry the cold nose that's cold or not I will go about my father's business why I will not call you to see who I'm sorry I can't speak my throat is hurting you better her time preach because I already gave my word a long time ago and I always keep it in reality we need to understand the fundamentals of how we live an excellent life it's not about you becoming somebody else it's not about you trying to take on the talent of another to be yours because you will keep running you will never catch up this is the truth it's about you coming to an acceptance or in knowledge of who you are in Christ what your strengths are what are the gifts you have been given now with your gift there are opportunities for enhancement because the Bible says we must seek what seek knowledge in seeking knowledge the Bible says you must seek understanding so you must always seek knowledge to improve yourself to enhance yourself to empower yourself to be able to do all because he says having done all stand see heaven don't matter you can do as you do you're all everything that you need the Lord will bring your way that may be helped that might be other people that might be other people's talent are there to lift up your hand but the Bible also says the Lord is what your glory and the lifter of your head and in lift in your head he doesn't physically come to do it he sets you on a path lined with people that will lift your hand and lift you up but guess how you attract most of those people to you it's in excellently and diligently deploying to the extent of your own talent in the place of your opportunity or opening manifesting character a person that can be trusted manifesting diligence a person that consistently does what they need to do when they should do it or goes beyond the call of duty manifesting grace and showing love because you are not that smart person that everybody runs away from you know some people are like crazy professors you know it's brilliant wachowski part of his way is a madman they keep him at the back Indy now nobody wants to talk to him so in an organization what happens to a guy like that he will never become the CEO why the CEO position requires interacting with human beings and a person like that should be kept behind you find a place where he works only with computers and stuff and doesn't deal with human beings it cannot even be the head of a department why it cannot supervise people his good is smart they won't keep him because they need his raw skills but he will never lead promoted to the highest level because he lacks an excellent spirit that involves interacting relating building and couraging and leading others you can't run a business if you can't deal with people why except if the employees you by yourself on yourself and any business that requires only you will never go anywhere it's not a magic you don't need a miracle to have an excellent spirit you need the Holy Spirit and you have it as long as you're born again and if you are not come out now let's settle that so that you can give you a life to Christ you can receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and we will know that you have what you need and thereafter you will pursue in stages as you move you know God is a wise God it will test your hand for a place before opening the door for the next place so you have to earn is trust and prove you can perform at a level before he will send you into the next place of challenge when a man a woman has the right spirit and the right attitude of excellence there is nothing you cannot do it's not about what you're qualified to do no it's about where you are place to apply yourself with the same spirit in a place that is bigger than you in the eyes of men you will still deliver why if all you get is a place of that you're comfortable in that's not a challenge you're not going to go for the way you go fine life is that when the limit of your talents is exhausted in a place the Lord sends you to a place that will challenge you again and what usually happens there are inherent talents of God in you that you have never drawn on why you never got to apply where they were required that's the truth so it's when people tell you oh no no no you can't go beyond this place you know all the application yeah what's that got to do with anything your education is a starting point for the places where you can manifest it just says you have been to school it teaches you a way to think it teaches you to read it teaches you a way to engage in a decent environment it tells you your mind can work it shows you your brain has capacity but most people died not using modern a little percentage of the capacity that their brain has when you move from one season to the nest and you're like okay Lord I need help here Bible says they that know their God they shall be strong and they would do exploits the knowing their God is trust in their God in terrains that are not familiar with it's knowing that their God knows every terrain that they can show up in is knowing that he knows and trusting him to walk them through a new terrain they have never been through and knowing that once they applied themselves diligently with an excellent spirit everything they need at every stage in that place will manifest why because in you there are hidden treasures of God he will never send you on an assignment or two in place for which he has not prepared you what our lives are in seasons and stages and therefore what you don't need a stage a will not manifest when you get to stage C at the beginning it would look like ah a and B they were easy for me but this is a little challenging but as you begin to move you will find yourself beginning to find your place of comfort as you are seeking wisdom and you're seeking understanding even in that place grace will come as you diligently apply yourself to the assignment of that place help will come as you continue to express yourself and show good faith she will find yourself becoming comfortable in manifesting and becoming a star even in that place and just when you think I'm just about to get the hang of it God already knows you're done there and then it moves you to the next place and then you're wondering and just about managed to cope here you will still shine in the next place it is a daily attitude it is an understanding of the fact that whatever you put your hands to do you must do it well it is knowing that your hova is your helper it is your ability to completely comprehend that you are never alone but God will not do for you what you should do by yourself and God will not manifest himself with a slothful hand the Bible talks to us about the slothful he would turn to poverty but he also talks about the diligent ultimately the diligent man will prosper because you see there's the 10,000 hour rule doing what you need to do continuously consistently over trying what will you become a master you will become a master whatever you do consistently over time even if you are the most stupid human being on the face of the earth your body will condition and train itself to respond why because you do it take a non educated man totally uneducated and put him in a space to watch you do something every day and then after a while allow him to begin to try it out all the time he will better than a graduate of that field why because of application of self consistently diligently so whatever it is that you want to do to be excellent in it is not that difficult first you must want it there must be a desire to be an excellent person you must make a personal decision in this place I want to be an outstanding stuff in my field I want to be the best in furniture manufacturing as a banker in investment banking I want to be the best in that solution you need some clarity sometimes your what you think is class not so clear but you must define something that serves as a guide and as you start on that journey because that enforces you to seek the right kind of knowledge or skills for the area you have been identified but you you become oooooo sheikah have chosen to be best at and you must have the capacity to set distractions aside because there will always be distractions competing for your focus in the place you have chosen to want to because you see you can get easily distracted I want to be the best at that solution then all of a sudden somebody says ah this other bank is recruiting people in another field and they pay more and better let me go and take this it's money your goal or the debt solutions specialist your goal cause ultimately when you become the specialist in that solution you will make the money because there will be few experts in the field and that commands price so you have a decision to make and God is not the one that will make that decision for you you will pray about it and ask God for guidance in terms of the areas that hold the best for your future that you cannot see if it's between a and B you can ask the Lord for guidance but you will make some level of decision and you will focus on enhancing and equipping yourself in that area so first you must decide you want to be excellent - you must narrow identify the areas that you believe that you want to build in 3 you must decide what are the things that will enhance my ability to be excellent in that place and their additional causes that I need do I still need to go to school which I remember one day one young man one of my friends son called me and said auntie please I want to intern with a particular specific person so I'm like why said because I want to learn what he's the best at this thing in this field and I just want to work under him so I can learn before I go to business school that's a focus young man and doing his old ear damage research he didn't come to me to say auntie would you think I helped me with this no it was easier to help a man who had already done his work he's done the work he knew who had what talents in the field and zeroed in on who had the most talents that could offer him and then sought for help to connect him to him that was easy cuz he done the world so I could easily call the person and say Agha this one is my son he wants to learn from you for your field and says okay MA I'll take him on and he did and when he felt he had lunch enough he knew that to enhance himself even better he should go to business school he resigned from what was a good job to go to business school as part of his plan she keep himself to be excellent in an identified field so yes you must also identify people that can add value to you in your desire to be excellent in that particular thing so when you're talking about mentoring it's not just for sure it's not just for big names and sometimes the people you need they don't need any big name you just need someone that knows what you know that knows what you need to know I want to build a biggest shirt brand am I going to see I'm doing or any of those people who they're gonna take me know but as they 60 something-year-old tillow down in a beauty matter that has been making shirts for 30 years yes he understands how to make what's the most difficult thing with the shirt collar and cuff that's what it is and if you go to CM Lewin or any of the biggest brands for shirt you don't even know the name of the guys who make it yes the ordinary illiterate skilled men but who have done that same thing usually for years it's like you going to a factory in Italy or going to a Swiss watch Factory the guy who places the most correct chronometer or whatever whatever it's probably like 70 years old he's been doing it for generations the efficiency can achieve based on everything he has learnt in his 10,000 hour rule is what qualifies him for the highest P even more than the administrative people that are graduates cuz he's more difficult to replace than the sales our marketing manager because those was the ten thousand for a dime them too many of them you can always find one to choose but the guy with that skill needs to have lived for another fifty years before and so I've been doing the same thing when you are dedicated to your skill and you seek excellence in your identified area you will be paid I promise you there is no way that you ultimately don't get paid there would be times and seasons it would seem like you are the disadvantaged people running around around you seem like they're making money faster than you don't ever despair when you're a child of God who understands purpose and who knows Jonah's on an assignment and that your life counts for something and that in standing out as an example manaphy still excellence wherever you find yourself that you are preaching the gospel this is the truth if your life is in preaching you're not living at least you're not living for Christ that's the truth so if you think you go to work just so you can make money and all of that you've missed it every minute of your life belongs to God the entirety of your life is ministry every action that you take every day is at work for Christ where is Christ in what you do does that mean we should all just come to church and sing that well she's my colleague offense bank so I know that she doesn't sit at church for money until night pastor definitely looks the professional that he is so they're not just coming to sit down so you cannot just say ah okay for me to serve God all I have to do is come to church from morning till night which God are you serving God left you a night behind for the purpose of woo of the world where is the world found everywhere in the work place in the hospital on the buses as a doctor in the doctor's office as a lawyer when people come with their cases as a nurse helping somebody as they build as a contractor as whatever you're in the ministry of people and the way you conduct yourself with those people it's how you pitch Christ every day the question is if you're not doing that daily in an excellent manner who are you representing because if the God that we serve is a God of excellence and six that we will manifest his spirit in everything that we do then we don't have a choice so you must know you must walk through those spaces and allow things to work for you money is not your driver money is the fruit of doing what you do excellently whenever you do what you do excellently you will ultimately be paid just remember that you will ultimately be paid in all the years when all I sought to do with my business I believed I shared with you the last time I came here I just wanted to build a business with certain value system that's I started my business with that as the purpose after youth service I'd worked in a furniture company for three and a half months that showed me I did love the furniture manufacturing but I hated their value system and I thought I can do this and do it with the right values and that was my driving force I wasn't even a Christian it was just based on my upbringing and the way I saw life but God knew I would need full understanding of him and His grace so I became a Christian within a year of starting my journey of entrepreneurship as I got started in that it became clear that those things who cost me many other ways but I stuck to it but as I did others were watching and I didn't realize it seemed slower it seemed like it took much longer it seemed like people were making the kind of money I should be making for the skills I had but I was making less for the values that I had that's what it seemed like for a while and then a tipping point Kim and I got my reward or I started receiving my reward cuz as my younger sister put it at a point of one of my appointments she said to me you know all your competitors or your colleagues in your industry who did so many things you refused to do all they probably made them was money and the money is long gone and some of those businesses are dead and I used to think that Elijah Junie because why would you insist on doing things this difficult we is as if you always chose to make your life more difficult but now I see that truly God is a rewarder so the same things that were considered as my disadvantage for staying true to doing things right became my advantage that has brought me to the places where I sit right now so that's why I'm saying to you if you stay true to your vision and you're diligent and excellent with it and your values are consistent and your commitment is to glorify God you will be paid I guarantee you and you will be paid exceedingly and abundantly above all you could ever imagine or dream of I couldn't imagine some of the places where is it there was nothing to tell me that I will get here and yeah I will go fine life because I was determined to make something of my life but even that is hard to define in the light of some of the places where I have found myself we still have time for this interactive session all right before I scatter your whole conference agenda let's have this interactive but who wants to ask me the first question okay and I have a mic for him now is the gentleman in the suits behind he's got his hand up thank you praise the Lord actually I'm a Senior Account officer of one of the largest for most companies in India in in the heart of acacia here so actually I go to office job working for some years now our good office each day and I Sydney in the comfort of the East and so on and each time I ask myself what am I doing here because what I really have passion for is evangelism to go out each time I'm coming I'm going to walk and in the morning I passed through or birthday I see some people stand on junction they are evangelizing and I always admire discipline lots answer my go to my office I work with the compute and so on and some teacher knows I might be here and I don't belong here so actually I don't know how to go about it because I need to work so I can't pay my bills pay my house friends and other things so about what I love to do is to do what her passion for the person though I do it because each time I'm going to work if I enter the boss a camera I've analyzed I do Minister I am calmer from work I did the same thing but I don't really go on a full-time basis you know since it's what I really have passion for that what I want to do so I don't know what that's a good question while is asking the perfect mercy I'll explain the answer to him second question okay I'll take a number of questions together I'm tryna answer then we'll be more efficient for time good afternoon and thank you so much for the message to us far I'm a scriptwriter so I have this burden because there was a time when I had to lead a group of script writers for a particular TV show so I have this particular guy that's very stubborn he's been stubborn through the conference and everything so it came to determine we needed to write the script and I have control over the pain so there was this job he was supposed to do that I refused to do it and I called this attention to it and said young man could do it and he felt like I was too forceful I was being too forceful actually the water-use bossy and at that point in time I felt like I was on my right to demand that it does the job up to this moment he has not done the job is he a Christian it claims to be a Christian okay gone that's the reason I asked I will explain myself what's going up to this moment he has not done the job now I know the payment very soon now this is what I decided I decided that since you're not going to do the job our allocates the job to some persons I probably would take more of the job because I need the money so I would take more of the job and divide the funds to the people that do the job but at the same time I'm thinking that don't you think if you talk to him but it's getting sorted me he felt it is very unreasonable from what I see so at this point I'm actually in that dilemma of should i I could do the job for free like do the job and paying the money anyways I felt like at this point in time should I not stand my ground and say young man I really enjoy a young man I am the head writer so they paid money through me okay but you don't employ him so you don't have the power to fire him no I don't all right third question girls sure okay that's a woman there in green see I'm a diversity person thank you so much for the wisdom that you've shared this morning my question is is it possible for once passion I don't know how to explain it now um a fashion design now I love that is what I love doing I love doing it but a lot of people around think I know I have a skill when it comes to public speaking a lot of people I'm actually on that pressure right now to go for further training and public take up career and a career that puts me out there they'll be able to talk to people reach more people and I know I have the gift I know I can't do it why don't it doesn't come it doesn't I don't see myself doing it even though I know I have the gift you know many people have an opinion about who you should be many people have an opinion about how you should leave many people want to instruct your life but there's only one God in your life and the person who has the best communication with him about your life is you never forget that so opinions are good counsel is safe but every counsel is information it is not instruction so when people tell you their opinion all it does is it gives you a 360-degree view of the situation but the decision is entirely yours based on what you know between your heart desire your God instructed passion and instruction and where you feel led and sometimes it would become clearer by where the opportunities around you at that point like a understand what I'm saying so you might have the gift to speak what does that mean public speaker of what this is our people confuse people and throw them away you've already stated your passion is fashion it's obvious from just looking at you the way you've put your gab together it shows there's attention to detail who says you're speaking does not align with your fashion so your gift will be used to sell your business but in addition you're a child of God who says your gift will not be used in the house of God children's fellowship youth fellowship business fellowship whatever and some of the gifts we have they're timed when the time and the season for which you have the gift comes you will not have to push it it will come naturally and you will get your voice and a means of expression because it's not about being able to speak is about speaking what to what when I was at school I used to debate throughout Methodist girls high school I should debate for the school I won the Lagos State best because contest and all of that so for that people thought I would make a great lawyer even though I went to university to study chemistry even at a point after my first year I wanted to abandon my chemistry and change to law until I caught myself and decided I didn't want to be a lawyer and then I went ahead and this I did I wanted to be an accountant so I could work in a bank but I finished my chemistry anyway took a lot of electives in accounting when to serve in a controller Williams which is now Deloitte and then by the end of the one year of the service I realized I didn't love accounting but I thought I would still like to work in a bank but let me take any job I could find first and that first job was in a furniture company to kill time I spent only three and a half months there and ended up starting my own company this journal is 30 years since I built that company now no I haven't finished my story see that debating and that speaking what did I think he was for for some it was to make me a lawyer did they prove to be true no what has he turned out to be for know the gospel because I was even a Muslim all of those years we were talking about yes I was born and bred in Muslim my name is will hi Sue so when I became a Christian did I even go to church and stop preaching no I became a Christian four months to my wedding and in church I listened I learned somehow my pastor said the Lord said you should start a business fellowship are still a young business person I was thirty or twenty nine or something so I started the business fellowship Ian fountain just as we started what was I going to teach them the little I had learned in my few years of business and that's how he started and then between pastor Taiwan possibly more they wouldn't let me arrest about the fact that the things I was teaching in church were meant for the larger body and I refused why because I said I love my privacy on the possibly more told me one day hmm medial cars will stand and they will say nonsense and they will own the space that the Lord has assigned to you because you have refused to step out that's when I went ahead and I started businesses where the TV program I'm giving you a story so you can learn for all of you because for every one question they have 10,000 other people and that's how I found my voice first through TV with businesses with the TV program and then that then made it difficult for me to sit behind anymore and I started then sharing in charge cuz you know what the business ministry is difficult for most everyday pastors to preach because the business people go to them with business issues that the pastor has never experienced before it's going to come at it from a spiritual matter doesn't solve the problem that's the truth because you need understanding of the field to apply the Scriptures to eat and bring life so you have a voice God doesn't give a gift that would be wasted continue to use it anyhow you find as long as it were if eyes God for now when the time and the season comes it will find its own space but follow your passion and don't be deceived I have seen too many people abandon careers for the gospel in inverted commas and they suffer because of lack of understanding every single child of God has a responsibility to preach the gospel every single one of us well we all preach from the platform no well we all preach in the street corners no but we will all preach it and that's why I said to you being excellent is a way of representing God because you're preaching every way in everything that you do that's a reason God has allowed you to come to where you are and evangelizing there are people that you cannot speak to on the street corner the people you meet in those offices every day the people you meet in the cost of that work they - they need evangelism beyond that most churches have evangelism programs if you know is the passion for you there's nothing that says you're not active in the evangelism department if you don't have one yet in your church maybe is you that will get your pastor to get it started because you and some other people I have a definite passion for it which means your weekends and your live and public holidays spends reaching out for God and if there's more to that at this stage the Lord will set you up in a way that you will not staff is not a God that puts you to shame so there's a lot of confusion about people do these things and it puts a lot of people off I work with missionaries I've worked with missionaries for the last 24 years I run an organization called Christian missionary fund which is what pastor was talking about so I'm leaving my full corporate and to preneur our life but I am actively involved in the work of God I'm here today but beyond that I walk with hundreds of missions scattered across this nation I have a full office and a full ministry people working there full-time some of whom have worked there for twenty-four twenty-five years full time which in missionaries and one of our flagship event is the one who came to I have a ball every year a large ball for about 700 800 people it's called the Jesus ball it's grand and everything the whole idea is to show that when it's Christ it doesn't have to be Shirley so we have an opal lens ball and you don't buy a ticket you get invited so you don't think that is because you've got a ticket no just come you would be entertained you will be inspired but you will hear the stories of the missionaries and then let the Lord speak to you to get involved in supporting missionaries and I've been doing that every year for 20-something years so can you do the work of ministry and still be an excellent accountant yes you can and if there's a point in your life that the Lord requires that you will be full-time in ministry you will know you will not be struggling you will find your peace and you would walk into it how many people have watch God calling okay nature doesn't watch God : God Colleen is the movie that I'm executive producer of a faith-based movie and he's showing in the cinemas right now has been shown in the cinemas since December but I say it's myself with no apologies is an excellent movie it is not what people expect that Christians will bring out but my goal when I agreed to work with this young man that had the ideas was my reason for deciding to be executive producer and to invest in making the movie was to find contemporary means of preaching the gospel and everybody goes to watch it and they're like ah she's a Christian movie because as well we've gotten feedback shown in America is showing and showing our goal is to take it around the world so some of those things if I don't have the resources or the opportunities that I have I can't deliver them so there's nothing wrong with us as Christians sitting in high places we can still preach the gospel so don't let the devil deceive you and keep everybody out on the street begging for money to eat before we can preach no you must preach with your life with your words and with your actions every day and those that are called my pastor pastor Lucca is a petroleum engineer when we started fountain was working in an MPC refused to leave for a long time cuz they I cannot be coming to talk to beg for money to feed my wife and my children but when it got to a point I knew that it was time to leave and the church could afford to pay him at least a salary to a pay him at an embassy and then he pulled out and the work has proven itself because time has told the story so for every man and every woman we have different calling but don't run ahead of yourself thank you did I miss you know a lot of people use you know when I talked about emotions and stuff I find it a challenge in church as leaders as employers as employees we confuse things if a man is paid for a job and doesn't do it it's not compassionate for me to tolerate him that's the truth because it would destroy my work which I am accountable to God for if a man doesn't do his work and I have a word with him and I encourage him and he doesn't do it I will fire him and I will not think twice because what I should do in love I have done and as a laborer is worthy of his wages me as the employer as well I deserve value for the work that I pay for for which I am accountable to God so if a man works for you who doesn't do the work it's not crostini to pay him for what he hasn't done for what because we tolerate a lot of stuff and there's a lot of mediocrity in the church and a lot of Christians are also like that you walk in a place you don't deliver value and then you are praying against your boss not paying you you should never be paid period and you shouldn't if you ask me to come and help you beg somebody when you didn't do what you should I will not even tell you this is your truth because how do you show excellency of Christ in the place that you work is that your excellence at your job how do you as an employer show the excellency of Christ is that your just your fear and your acute table with your workers you pay a fair wage for Fair Work your kind and your consensus in keeping your word to your workers but you will demand service and deliverables and if they don't I will you will take the right action and that's why companies must structure you should have terms of every contract you should have conditions of service so that's when people Bridget you have something to refer to and you would do it kindly so you write a man a nice letter have an interview with him and explain why you are firing him but you fire him anyway and you pay him what is to you and he goes so that he doesn't destroy your work so whatever you need to do don't apologize for taking the right action I think I've used all the time I have I'm happy to if you are happy no problem any more questions you want me to deal with okay it's a lady first now two ladies I'm not basher okay the two ladies and the gentleman sir if you promise me a lot the gentleman and I'll take all of them you won't go really why I try to do this because people always leave with questions but unfortunately I didn't come early enough to maximize time good morning my thank you so much for you said one thing about you there's always remained a mystery to me is how do you balance everything it's not that question of my life okay basically that for me that's what I want to know you are excellent as a family woman you are excellent has administer and then we were excellent in your career how did you do it and your spiritual life is on point how do you do it okay that's question good have to know man I listen to you about two years ago where you appeared for global did I use your mind yeah I listened to you about three years ago where you came for leadership Global Leadership Summit and you recommended a book business business by the book I think my larry birkhead's I had to search for that book and I got it ma'am yes ma'am my question is do you think all the facts you wrote the idea applicable here and secondly man I know you also give some example to in this summit all the challenges you ain't true when way in the secular world can you please throw more light into that man the whole summer but that question good afternoon my name is Paula 2p my question is this and I know in the Bible the Bible said that a noon a good name is better than precious ointment I believe it's not talking about a literal name right my question is this how it's actually literary okay oh come on it just means that preserve your name rather than make money when you're faced with it giving you options that's what anyway all right okay my question is this what what bearing does our name have on also fulfilling our destiny or rather is for life for some people who are not born into a Christian home alone somewhere along the line they have to change their name or you know okay I understand your question but you see what the Bible is saying there is not that my name is you Bookman your name is Paul did I get you right yes it's your integrity is your character is your reputation that's what that's what it means by name because it because I wash your car what does it mean it's just some alphabets put together that you can read one way but what's this real meaning is that when that name is said what does it communicate to you that's what a name is that if you say um what the guy that's was kidnapping everybody all over the place when they say advance what does it mean to you no no is true so if I say to Nobu what does it mean to you power no no but that's really what it is if I say Jesus what does it mean to you so if I say you can watch it what does it mean to you so really that's what it means your name what does he communicate what is the message in that the name represent based on how you've lived your life based on your character based on your integrity based on your word that's really what it is which is why you have to live your life deliberately you have to live your life consciously you have to understand that everything you do every day every minute you have implication for your name it has implication for your legacy your children will pay the price of it for good or for evil because if everyone's children they are to see anywhere they're amongst children what do you think will happen so for sure they would have change their name why because that name no longer becomes variable cussing represents evil have you seen anybody name their child Satan issue so frankly it's really about everything we'll be talking about since morning you build your name based on the way you live your life based on your expression of day by day the things you do that becomes synonymous with what your name is recognized to represent and the biggest part for us as Christians because we're children of God the way we live becomes synonymous with what Christians are it's why you will get to some listen I don't want all this Christians oh why because enough of us have misrepresented us and the way they have lived and the things they have done that we have become distasteful to people they're people that would not employ Kristin's true or false why cuz you go to work and you be reading Bible when you should be working why there's a time to read your Bible there's the time to pray when you are to work from 8:00 to five you work for the man that pays you that's what the Bible says when you have your lunch break 12:00 to 1:00 1:00 to 2:00 wherever it is you can't go to the toilet or anywhere you want I read your Bible that's fine but don't go to work and think that just because you want to pray between 9:00 and 10:00 or you want to pray between 2:00 and 3:00 when you should be at work you should be acceptable of course not you must deliver value for which the man has paid you show him that as a Christian you will do what you are paid to do and you can be trusted to do that those are some of the things that we have assumed wrongly and we must understand it if you really live excellently you must be living excellently for Christ in every way because everything that you do counts now the lady that asked me the question that was Larry Bacchus okay is he possible to apply those things here you know my entire business career of building business God's way which led to my TV program and the book business his way was from as you heard in the global leadership video my first contact with the fact that you could build your business after God as a pattern was from reading Larry buckets and one guy some something you wrote a book that said God owns my business those were the two books that I read that got me started and then I thought oh I can do this too I want God to own my business but if God owns a business I cannot be paying bribe in the business I cannot be stealing I cannot be doing their many things I can't do because that would not be God and that's what started me on the journey of building a business group based on certain Christian values now are those things are clickable here they applicable anywhere you know the thing is the world says to us some things cannot be done but if the Bible says is the right thing for us to do then we can do it what is the real challenge is the sacrifice the price we need to pay another to keep to those things now the question you will then ask is can you succeed here if you do those things I dare to say with all sense of humility but if my business has continued to exist for 30 years from the point at which I come to that and I sought to do it it's a living proof that you can now well you have difficult times sometimes because of that yes well sometimes things be difficult for you remember earlier I was talking about the fact that no matter what price you pay at the end of the day you will get your you will be paid it means like when my sister said I scheduled eyelashes journey for those that don't speak her about that I can overdue overdue was simply because I had those principles you were talking about and I refused to do certain things at a point furniture to bring furniture into Nigeria was a hundred percent duty nobody would wait but I did and it seemed like madness even my stuff you think I was insane but I knew that I could not in one hand face God and another hand turn against him I had to be able to follow him all the way and I had my serious moments of trials and tests but at every one of those moments painful as they were God saw me through and the place is where I stand right now they my reward that's the truth they are my reward because when my parents were making the kind of money that I knew I was mother and qualified to do when I watch people that couldn't do half deliver half the quality of what I call walk away with the biggest projects and the highest amounts of people that would get it I would have to come to me to be able to do it for peanuts compared to what they were being paid I will cry out to God but I refused to betray him and I decided to stay with him you know you must be willing to die for God even if he doesn't show up but you know the funny thing everytime God knows you're willing to die for him even if he doesn't show up you wouldn't have to die at all that's the truth you will not have to die at all remember the Bible talks about the heroes of faith and enlisted men that believed but never received he put it there for us to know now sometimes we're going to believe him and we will not receive but what I've learned in my 30 years in business is that even when we walk through those moments God is using it to fine tune us and to prepare us for things every bored place where I sit I sit as an ambassador of integrity I was called for that skill for that particular character which God taught me and made visible to others through those things in that book they were tough but they were true I was slower than my peers seemed but when I got to my tipping point when the Lord knew that he could trust me he became truly my glory and the lifter of my head and it just it was like as we got to that point every year back-to-back I moved from one appointment to the other every single year I contracted it for you and not a single one that I sought not a single place that I knew whew even led to it from 2009 when I just got a random call that some people wanted to come and see me and it turned out to be a team joining women representing cadbury International who then came to my house sat with me for two and a half hours and at the end of that I was appointed to the board of Cadbury where I've sat since 2009 till today the next year 2010 I thought after a conversation I was been appointed to chair the insurance company that the first Bank group was touching in joint venture with Salim but then a month after I I didn't know that I had to join the board of his bank in order to chair the board of the insurance company and so a month after I got an invitation saying I've been appointed to the board of Facebook from where to where and six months after I was then appointed to still chair the insurance company two years after that that was now we're now 2011 2011 Java surance 2012 I was appointed to the sovereign wealth fund board by 2013 the group took me from being the chair of the insurance company because we had become successful in two years instead of five years as they plan to become chav at being capital which was investment but within two years we bought CAC our discontent and they asked me to double check by 2015 we combined the two together to form the merchant bank and I was the first year of the merchant man and September 2015 the announcement was made that had been appointed as Chavez Bank effective 1st of January 2016 I have since had multiple appointments in between all of that and that bought internationally and locally look god knows no man is way seem tough the devil tells you it's difficult to follow God is a lie God will test your heart and you will test your hands and more importantly because money is the greatest evil of men it's the easiest place to drop men to evil even though money itself is not evil but if you're willing to follow God every step of the way even in matters that relate to finances and business he will place you in places you cannot imagine so this is my story it's not my father is not some great man was bought shares everywhere I've heard some news on places all because I was born with golden spoon I know what that is come from a middle-class family my family lives in Surrey Larry I went to good schools but everybody could go to good school in my generation have your parents were professionals middle-class families invested all their money in sending their kids to school and it's achieved values the rest of it I had to stock to follow in God and his ways and he made it profitable for me so can you do it the Word of God feeds every country of the world and it works perfectly what is the formula is no formula you know one thing that I would tell you don't judge your life by any other person's life because you see from the outside if you're not on the inside you can't tell how perfect other people's lives are so don't that's first lesson not because there's something wrong with my life but because I realize that when you look at Instagram and all of those things a lot of people put themselves on the pressure trying to live the life of other people and there many people you see that even looking at the picture they've posted and knowing them they're creating a false posture so don't get carried away by that what is your business your life what is your business your own calling and your goals what is your business your God and what He has called you to do and how do you fulfill it to the best of your ability what do I seek to do to serve my master the best that I know how to die to live my life and die totally empty without any talent or ability that I have that I have not used for the purpose of God this is the race I'm running and it is one mile race I race against no one I compete with no one so if God has helped me to bring it all together it's because I trust him every day the days I get it right and the days I get it wrong I still lean on him and ask him for help but I don't lose sight of what my goal is I'm blessed with some key things in my life a good husband that's an asset so for those of you that are young and are single don't be stupid don't marry a fool don't marry a guy just because it's the best thing guy in church apologies to the choir I don't marry a girl because she's always on stage so she looks attractive that's not what you need you need to find the woman or the man that the Lord has called to you who will have the capacity to handle the purpose of God in your life that is key because of all the things that make my life work is that I'm married to a great guy who has we self-assured and confident enough to accommodate the call of God in my life and who has the capacity to enable and to allow me live my life but you know that also takes two sides I also have the wisdom not to fight with the Word of God that says I should submit to my husband now what does it mean it just means that whether I like it or not every ship has a captain and the captain of the ship of my family is my husband does that mean I do not have an opinion if you live in a married home you know that the woman drives the ship in many ways men know that they will tell you the truth a soft power effectively used that's just the truth what I say to women is know where you're going know what you want don't care what any other woman tells you outside about her own friend her husband how she does it does how the pair of you and your husband is a unique pair always different from another pair so somebody else's formula is not your formula your formula is your formula and you must formulate what works for the two of you most people are comfortable developing a business strategy there's no person that has a business that doesn't spend time developing strategy for the year strategy for the season how many times have you sat down to develop your life strategy and the strategy to make your home work so that it can support your business ambition or your career ambition and your ambition where your children are concerned in doing that you will know the things you must do the thing she wasn't do and how you must do some things in order to be able to achieve the things you want to do is one couple at a time self developed strategy that works for you don't get carried away with anybody else's story just face your own and make sure that this pair is working whatever makes it work you're deaf to everybody else's opinion and you can't run that's what I do my children they belong to the Lord they know my and the only girl in our house I have three sons and a husband but I know that every day from pregnancy I've been committing them to the Lord and every day I pray for them it's a difficult generations raise children right now especially in the midst of Plenty you need God you need grace so you stay with it and you stay before God and stay sincerely with your goal for your family and apply yourself best way that you can having mutual respect for one another and understanding that the best of you can only support the best of him and a foolish man is the one that keeps his wife down because what he will get in the day of help is a foolish woman that he has kept down and if the Bible says your wife is your helper and you have not allowed your wife to be the best of ourselves you will not get the best help you will get foolish help from a foolish kept down woman and that will not serve your purpose so it's understanding on both sides it takes to only one pair of two ones late woman and man specific we are drew and Bucca oshika that's one pair how does this pair work we work it out god bless you guys [Music] thank you for being a part of our broadcast you know we never like to end without giving an opportunity to make Jesus Christ in order of your life commonly to Christ is being on joining the church is the only religion it is joining God's family and that is done when you believe in Christ Jesus so I just want to leave you right away now if you are if you want to give a heart surprise just after me say Lord Jesus I believe that you died and rose again and that you paid for my sins I accept you as my Lord and my Savior and from today I belong to you if you have said those what will believe they are born again you are part of God's family right now you can wear I rejoiced about it and if you want to contact us just check the address is written on the screen you are blessing the lovely [Music]
Channel: Household of David
Views: 24,504
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Keywords: HOD Church, Household of David Church, Sola Osunmakinde, Things Of The Spirit Conference, Pastor Poju Oyemade, Pastor Yemi Davids, Victoria Orenze, Nathaniel Bassey, Pastor Ibukun Awosika, Apostle Joshua Selman, ROL, Rivers of Life Choir, Praise and Worship Session
Id: wgnUXnJN57U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 9sec (6309 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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