Great Grace Conference - Day 5 Evening | Nathaniel Bassey

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it's open your mouth that your priests feel this house celebrate the Jesus the same yesterday today and forever the one who are sending on high and give gifts to men the one whose grace we have touched tonight but Steve tonight thank you for the healings for the touch or a boca de la fossa bless him magnify the Lord with me a let us exalt his name together hey inaudible cool thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you thank you for [Music] Thank You fun open heaven [Music] thank you thank you don't get tired there's something about when you hear the sound of this truck when you hear my truck bed lift up your mantra [Music] geez of Stan reason darling [Music] [Applause] [Music] No Jesus [Music] Jesus one more time telling no one Jesus there is no [Music] [Music] [Music] she's do deserve what do you say to him a plan like this everything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] there is no you tell me there is no one [Music] there is no for you [Music] the miracle sorry there is no money [Music] there is no [Music] [Music] and really do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you were seen holy [Music] you reign forever there is no one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Michael [Music] you're right [Music] there's no [Music] so you are [Music] No [Music] believe me go [Music] doble so you have the live ego let's go play that's why in this field [Music] traffic isn't helping laughs no go forgive me from PE that's no place No with everything with if you say you are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you called for light darkness [Music] you don't need a bed for so you know this supporter but you have chosen by your grace to come Bureau you've got my time and my season you're I will show tonight how you call it you don't need but in your mercy [Music] [Music] do I want Hey I told you [Music] all us [Applause] [Music] only you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] blood always sees Jesus the the son of bodies need [Music] in this house tonight the son of God he did the son of No [Music] the son of Gandhi's make me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes these giving praise somebody shot ha somebody shout hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah somebody jump hallelujah somebody somebody's feet high someone who rejoice and somebody rejoice rejoice there is an annuity you rejoice I should be judge last you enjoy I see recharge somebody returns if you rejoice you will see my choice [Music] my choice so that is you are not just shouting somebody's logging somebody is loading you know I wasn't supposed to come initially the plan was to come in here have a teaching weekend my French in tourism in church and we're doing the study through collisions just with the church one my plan was to just come in here seven six to twenty seven o clock I mean I've been speaking about hunger I met you sir you know in the last couple of days and your name has come to me I have seen it and then I heard you were coming you know normally I just when I hear about the grease I want to find out about them and beat them so I just thought I said you know what I may not be able to see him okay but but I had a reason to just quickly go to hospitals I didn't check her powers in a come friends a little money to me he wanted to turn their not just on let me just go see my doctor I also like to leave my wisdom just check because of a lot of pressure ministry on the mixture shop I'm perfectly okay and a cold pasta to say you know what can I come after and you see I see the hand of God in all of that because I had to experience that I had to close this meeting this way I believe I have to close this meeting this way there's somebody that God is about to lift so we're gonna get into that zone again you're not just making noise he simply is a prophetic push you about to engage before I continue just celebrate your posture for me and I say this with every I'm not you know many things preachers to a minister student so that they will be invited again I tried to be myself you know I just believe that you know if you seek God and you love him he would open doors I'm not about looking for those who of ministry you know but I wanna I believe in honoring people but I'm saying this because your pastor has a special place in my heart you know celebrate him his humility is something else one of those places I've gone three times three celebrate his wife as well bless you [Applause] such a dear man just lovely spirit you know when he's talking to me on the phone and his uses I try to also you know bless you sir and can you celebrate the gift of God in the house I'm one of those that believes that Christianity must be accompanied by signs and wonders you know cuz we have a generation we've enjoyed great teachings you know and a generation has deep Rhema but many times you know we don't see the demonstration of the Spirit and I'd love to see that amen so just celebrate this man of God I've just met Amen I'm sure you know what hallelujah means hallelujah is this is the seventh dimension of praise let the high praises of God be way and it's registered where every time you engage hallelujah you provoke a heavenly response somebody shout hallelujah hallelujah is deeper than praise Allah hallelujah hallelujah is to boast in God in the presence of your enemies can I give you 10 seconds to boost in yoga lift up your hair so again I'm peeling each other the everlasting doors and the King of glory shop moisés get up the loss of Almighty to bottle oh you guys he ever Latinos Larry shot drumming who are now all Mountain before Sarah Bobby you have become a black you have become a blade you have become a black halleluyah is a colorful celebration halal is to celebrate find something in your hands and let's fill this place with this celebration of the King of Kings for the next 10 seconds celebrate Jesus celebrating we shall a brain you look in the blurry Hey and our bus Julio Basu area around a below side hip-hop I in the love celebrate the victory to finish work of Jesus the miracles besides the healings celebrate celebrate oh yah Moshe for the up hallelujahs to rejoice past of what you have taught us so much on rejoicing he says to rejoice is to spring say spring then it was in the backside of the desert but he was always engaging hallelujah and from nowhere a guy just sprang to the truth somebody celebrated spring [Music] [Music] is it a coincidence and the only King in scripture who never lost the battle was dating the only person about whom God said had was a man after his heart was David you hear City of David show mercy of David the key of David only one man household or daily [Music] you know I think I knew how to engage hallelu halleluya means to be clamorously foolish David was bringing me a from the Cabana to Jerusalem and then normally they'll bring a clown to de Lima King what about the king he's God has been too much for me I will be the clown I will be a fool for this god I don't know if there are two or three people who are ready to to lay aside dignity he sadly begun you get me a father [Music] remember I said hallelujah eyes to posting God halal is to posting God in the presence of your enemies they did a small boy came against the champion of the Philistines is a who is this uncircumcised Philistine trying to defy the living armies of God are you ready we are going to engage the kids that you want you are you ready are you ready hallelujah sound but rejoice and feel this [Music] is a sound of victory is a spare [Music] yes made a little he's a song hallelujah [Music] [Applause] let the people pregnancy Oh Lord let the people crazy than the end somebody's in the end said en shall yield somebody's in my pockets shy you see halleluyah halleluyah ha are you ready for this is the sound of dollars now I'm going to help someone we don't become joke here we're not joking on the 3rd of December lot of Zimbabwe both effort but stellaris Church house on the rock and now we began to declare this song of victory a lady came there who was crying she was crying she had $50,000 to pay for a child in school in Canada so when I began to declare the son of Donna she just shoot up and began to cry and in 24 hours a stingy on a Sunday still on a still open completely profit if since your uncle can give you one extension from Ghana you say hello how are you what are you even doing in a perfect world you just came to my mind tell you just came to my mind as she recharge tonight you are coming to somebody's mind you have you had well apostle Joshua said that helpers are called and it's true I believe that world here also David believe in the Lord your God initially established believe his prophets I shall prosper the man called he had such a restlessness except in fact let me come and visit you he flew from Ghana to prophet code now this family is a wealthy unknown family man I will call Danny and then he came and they had a meeting this is Monday what are you doing what do you want is a well to have our children in Canada jihad just cool it well skoufis is up how much is it well $50,000 I said send me the account he why at $50,000 that's not that's not done into our account her friend called again and said you just came to my mind say he just came to my mind you are coming to somebody's mind haha and she went straight to the mother said I know this is the news hotel now I don't need to lie before the law that I sell I said this is new school season I know you have to pay school fees can you give me the school's bank account now the first man said to the lady from henceforth we will pay the school fees and the subsequent school fees [Music] hallelujah hallelujah are you ready hallelujah are you ready is the sound of dollars [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] stop preacher region somebody rejoice it's a new season it's a new day I'm gonna recharge hallelujah [Music]
Channel: Household of David
Views: 6,927
Rating: 4.9036145 out of 5
Keywords: Great Grace Conference, Great Grace 2018, Nathaniel Bassey, HOD Church, Household of David Church, Olusola Osunmakinde
Id: qYnarpBTllM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2018
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