Granblue Fantasy Relink - Io Character Guide

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you know normally in games like this the Mage or caster character is usually not all that fun to play but in this game the Mage is actually one of the most fun characters in the game IO is a mage type character with a surprising amount of tech involved if you are playing her optimally between weeding cast between all of her actions and canceling animations early through dodging or rolling and naturally these more complex characters are the ones I naturally gravitate towards because what can I say I just like pressing a lot of buttons in this video I wanted to discuss IO talk about her strengths and weaknesses discuss General play style and setup offer some tips and showcase some practical use of the character in higher level content if you enjoy guide content on this game or RPGs in general please be sure to subscribe to the channel because I will be likely making a lot more guides on the game including one on every single character my description even has my Discord you can join or Twitter you can follow if you'd like to be notified when I release anything new let's get into it so IO is a mage type character who focuses on Windows of higher verse damage with much of her damage coming from her unque mechanic stargaze most of her kit is designed to take advantage of this move as much as possible stargaze at its Max potential can do north of 2 million damage but you cannot just Spam this all the time you have to build to it how this works with EO is that every time she uses certain skills or does a Charged normal attack you will gain a Mystic Vortex orb when you have three Mystic Vortex orbs you will be able to fully charge stargaze which is bound to what is typically the combo finisher button to release a huge area of effect attack that does massive damage for eio in particular this also means her regular attack is almost entirely useless as you want to hold the button instead to charge it until her staff glows as releasing the attack afterward will grant her a Mystic Vortex orb her support skills also reinforce this idea further with Enchanted suggesting that stargaze is chargeable up to four times depending on the number of Mystic Vortex orbs with each charge adding a lot of additional damage to the previous one I believe the amount gets doubled or slightly less than doubled for each level of charge with level one stargaze being an instant cast level two being being one bar fully filled up all the way to stargaze 5 with all four bars filled up with no mystic Vortex orbs you can only charge up to level two with each new orb allowing you to charge an additional level meaning you want to build up your three orbs before unleashing a stargaze 5 to do the most possible damage quick cast her other skill also backs up this idea where the charge speed of Mystic Vortex is greatly increased after gaining a Mystic Vortex orb which is essentially the moment EO herself glows you can use this after certain skills that Grant an orb after a link attack which also an orb and after her charge normal attacks on the surface this might seem like her play style is fairly straightforward and simple just building up orbs and un leasing massive damage after getting your third orb and while playing like this is fine on a more basic level if you want to truly maximize her potential it gets a lot more complex than that so remember what I said about how you're able to use stargaze level one and two without any Mystic Vortex orbs as it turns out taking advantage of this is the key to maximizing your damage so in the score attack run I showed off at the at the beginning of the video you may have noticed that basically after every single Mystic Vortex orb I obtained I usually weaved in a level two stargaze this is taking advantage of quick cast to the fullest since using level two does not use up any Mystic Vortex orbs and still adds a not insignificant amount of damage the cast is also very quick and can be near instantly canceled into your next move while the damage will still come out this means you're still able to build up your three Mystic Vortex orbs while weaving in these level two stargaze casts after every orb you obtain which is able to increase your DPS quite a bit especially because obtaining Mystic Vortex orbs is going to be limited by either skill cooldowns or basic charged attacks which don't do too much damage anyway this means that playing optimally you'll want to be using these level two stargaze casts basically after everything you do that grants a Mystic Vortex orb since you'll get the quick CK bonus this definitely takes some practice to get good at but is super satisfying when you're able to pull it off naturally when you do reach three orbs you'll want to fully charge a stargaze 5 cast the thing about stargaze 5 is it actually has has a bit of an animation on the cast that can't be immediately cancelled into a skill so in order to cancel this you'll either need a link attack activation or two Dodge roll so you can use your next ability this limits your downtime and allows you to use even more skills and get even more casts off you can also take this a step further than even I was able to because of time limitations in the first section I showed you by weaving in level one stargaze cast at certain points of your rotation since it is an instant cast for the times you don't have a quick charge bonus like after one of these Dodge rolls and before using a new skill you can use a level one stargaze to get a small bit of additional damage for canceling into your next cast this can be a bit mechanically intensive when you combine all these parts especially on controller but it really is super satisfying to pull off you can also hold your charge of stargaze such as if you're at two Mystic Vortex orbs and see a skill coming off cool down that grants one you're able to charge three levels roll while keeping the charge if you don't release the charge button before rolling then use your skill and continue to charge the rest of the way this is useful in certain situations and finally after charging higher levels you will gain Stout heart and also be able to hold your charge at the maximum level if you wish meaning you can sit there all day holding level five for when it's more convenient to hit a boss as long as you don't die beforehand in fight cut scenes unfortunately it will be interrupted that was a lot so far so I'll save any additional gameplay tips for the Practical showcase at the end of the video let's get into setup so this is the setup I used for that score attack run naturally I would not be recommending this for more casual play because it has no team support or defensive utility at all it is primarily focused on doing as much damage as possible well without having glass Cannon equipped at least which increases your damage cap another 30% but regardless this was a pretty nice setup for doing as much damage as I could during that section but I would not recommend it for more General play for more General play this is what I would recommend instead now I changed about three sigils here one of them you can't tell I changed because it's just another damage cap 5 plus with a different substat that's more defensive in nature but regardless this is probably what I would do for a more General setup just replace the supp damages so I don't have as many so I've got the Terminus weapon this is going to be the most optimal weapon 99% of the time probably 100% of the time even just because of the fact that it has the catastrophe bonus trade on it we all know how good this trait is from previous videos if you have watched it this basically gives you a free additional damage cap and a massive damage increase as well in the form of attack as long as you are below 45,000 Health which is not too hard to do at all only the Terminus weapon has this which is what makes it the best weapon overall essentially and if you max out the Awakening you get sigil booster which raises the tradeit of all of your sigils by one level each which makes you just ever so slightly stronger in pretty much every sigil you have equipped so definitely run the Terminus weapon if you have it if you don't the crit rate weapon or the awakened weapon should work just fine I also have linked together this has a quick coold down as the additional bonus effect on it this gives you maximum level of quick cool down which is one of the best skills on eio just because you're able to use all of your skills more often linked together is just a very nice General effect that that I really like running as well on pretty much everyone because it gives you more link level gain which means more link time and it also boosts the damage of Sky Bond arts and chain burst which are usually harder to cap improved Dodge here this has the guts bonus effect this is two very useful defensive utility tools being able to uh have a higher window for dodging attacks which can be really nice for EO since you're able to dodge while keeping your charge so when you're charging your attack you're able to dodge more often and uh keep your charge in more efficient manner and guts is just universally probably my favorite defensive utility tool allows you to survive any hit with one Health which is very very nice War Elemental is pretty much required on basically anyone you're trying to do a lot of damage with because it bypasses the damage cap and gives you a free 20% damage boost against most enemies in the game because you're always able to attack as the superior element so definitely run this if you have it now for myself my overmy bonuses are not the best I only have 4% crit rate total from over masteries which is exactly enough to hit 100% funnily enough CU otherwise I have 96% crit with the uh two crit rate Five pluses I'm running but I'm running a crit rate five plus here because I want to hit that 100% critical hit rate Mart which is very useful this one has the stamina bonus trait the higher your health is by percentage the higher your damage is going to be this is one of the best damage boosters in the entire game and is going to be one of the ways we ensure we're hitting damage caps as much as we can Mages Savvy will boost star gaz's damage cap when quick cast is triggered this also makes quick cast even more important because you'll get a damage boost every time you trigger it this also makes your stargaze level twos that are triggered after quick cast hit harder as well which increases the overall damage of her rotation this has the Ty bonus effect attached to it now if you have something better than this that can increase damage like concentrated fire which is pretty good on EO because basically everything she does is ranged then that would probably be the better option here just to ensure you have a bit more safety in the form of maximum health if you aren't running an egis which I have not had the room to fit on this current setup but regardless tyranny is still a really nice attack boost it just uh lowers your maximum health which can be a little bit annoying the total value of mes Savvy is a damage cap 50% increase so it is definitely not insignificant it's very much worth running and tyranny is a nice 30% 36% attack boost as well which is really nice and then we have the obligatory for damage cap five pluses to ensure that we are hitting basically everything that we need as far as damage cap we're getting the maximum value of damage cap out of this uh I have Cascade on one of these this seems to work better on EO than some of the other characters I have used because it does increase the effective her cool Downs a lot as long as you are hitting the uh enemies with the right attacks so Cascade Works a little bit better on her you get more skill cool down by using Cascade it's really good because of that two of these have quick coold down on them as well so we can hit the maximum for quick cool down and get that 20% skill coold down very nice to have the more skills you use the more stargaze cast you get off and the more damage you're going to deal overall and then finally the last one has potion hoarder this is the damage cap I replaced before the defensive utility of potion hoarder is pretty much unmatched I pretty much recommend running this on anyone you get three revive potions you get a lot of other potions in general it's just really really good for overall safety and just everything so and it also helps a lot if you just want to kind of tank through everything with uh holding your stargaze cast because you're able to restore your health while sitting there in Stout heart while waiting to cast your level five stargaze so that's really nice as well my other critical hit rate 5 plus has quick charge on it quick charge is an incredibly useful ability on EO because it allows you to charge your star gazes even faster now this is not entirely 30% fast like the uh trait details would have you believe here simply because there is a bit of a delay between levels of stargaze cast where it'll pause for a fraction of a second before charging the next level but regardless it is still very very beneficial for her and it also increases the damage of your charge attack so your star gauge cast by 20% Which is really nice supplementary damage is the other effect I have here with just one of these you still reach 42% supplementary damage which is really nice as a trait detail now if you want to run all three and just be really all in on offensive and just be a super gamer who doesn't take any damage because you're able to dodge everything then be my guest go ahead and run three of these you'll get the full damage benefit from it and it'll be really nice but still having 42% just from running one of these is still a really nice damage increase so that is very nice as well and finally we have mag's aspiration the shorten star gaz's cast time a really really useful sigil to have as well because it's say 30% faster charge speed essentially so definitely run this as well and the reason I have these on separate traits and instead of just running the Awakening is because it gives me the ability to run an extra orange trait since I'm able to include an orange trait on both of these which normally would not be possible otherwise and then Quick Charge uh the last Quick Charge is the bonus effect on this one as well so I have two pretty good effects on these two uh unique sigils which is really nice to have so the imbued traits are critical hit rate 10 this lets me hit that 100% crit rate Benchmark and also Cascade level five which gives me the full value of cascade assuming it actually works properly which I believe it does most of the time on EO so I'm able to get that full cool down from that as well which is really nice to have let's talk about her skills now so IO has actually a lot of useful skills depending on the situation the general skill setup is going to be the four skills that you see here we have freeze this is one of her very quick cooldown spells that grants a Mystic orb when it is used it also applies a pretty minor attack down debuff which can be pretty nice just to ensure that the rest of your team is not taking as much damage and you're not as well if you do end up getting hit very very good just for the short cool down alone i' absolutely recommend this pretty much at all times flowery 7 this is one of your big burst spells it does not have the ability to give you a Mystic orb like other damage abilities but it's still very much worth running just because of how much damage it does you do not have to hold this to get the full amount of damage if you are maxed out on damage because you will still hit the cap anyway so you can just kind of tap it and still get the full value of the damage it's really nice to having a general burst spell just in general fire is a really good ability this lowers the defense of the enemy so if you're not quite hitting caps this can help you get to that level and it is also very very quick cool down just like freeze so this this in coordination with freeze is one of your Best Bets to build up your Mystic orbs fast definitely recommend running this at all times and then we have a Mystic Vortex this will instantly max out your Vortex orbs so this is really good to use after casting a full stargaze 5 because you're able to instantly get your stargaze 5 again and use this now in the uh score attack run I did not use this because using the uh gravity ability gravity well does give you more damage overall if the enemy stays inside the gravity well but naturally they're probably going to move away if it's an actual enemy and not a dummy but this can be a really good ability if you are in a fight where the enemy stays stationary for long periods of time because it does do a lot of damage over time if you're able to get the full value of the damage and you also gain a Mystic Vortex orb from it so it is nice because of that the other abilities we have are healing winds I don't really recommend running this because most teams are probably going to have potion Hoarders on basically everyone and most really good teams are not even going to get hit that that much at all so you don't really need a healing ability like this especially on a Caster like eio especially because it doesn't allow to get Mystic Vortex orbs and we want to get those to do as much damage as we can lightning is very situationally useful depending on the fight you are in paralysis is actually really nice you're able to just kind of stun enemies for a period of time you can delay some of their ultimate attacks during overdrive periods which can be really nice it is on a pretty long cool down but you do gain a Mystic Vortex orb on cast this is really very fight depending and strategy dependent depending on team you are on and what fight you are against so just kind of situationally consider bringing this maybe over Flower E7 or Mystic Vortex depending on the fight then finally we have concentration this move unfortunately kind of sucks it does Grant Stout heart but you kind of gain Stout heart from charging up anyway if you uh cast it from Quick cast and it boost the charge speed of stargaze but this charge speed does not uh stack with the quick cast boost it is just kind of the same speed regardless based on that so you're just kind of the only benefit you get out of this is if you somehow miss a quick cast but you're likely never going to miss a quick cast if you are good at the character so uh this is just a really really useless skill I do not recommend writing this at all and then finally let's talk about masteries so obviously you're going to want to max out your offense and defense trees and your collection when you can because you get a lot of useful effects out of collection especially your Terminus weapon which gives a cap UPS your over masteries this is the important thing here so we have skill damage cap up normal attack cap up for myself these are almost maxed out but not quite skill damage cap up is only at 16% unfortunately so I do miss a little bit of damage there and I have critical hit rate up 4% that's honestly the main reason I decided to keep this instead of rolling for something a little bit better because that lets me hit exactly 100% with the uh the other crit rate that I have on everything else and I was like all right I'll just keep this because I think uh normal attack damage cap up this is the most important thing you can have on EO because this is what stargaze is considered it's considered a normal attack instead of a skill and the skill damage is your secondary source of damage so that's still going to be the second most important thing critical hit ratees probably third other things you might want to look for a sky bound art damage cap up and maybe skill damage up so some of the skills can be a little hard to get hit cap on and maybe attack up even so there's a couple different options here but normal attack cap up is the most important and skill damage cap up is the second most important so just be on the lookout for those so once again that was a lot of information let's get into the more practical part of the video here's a very brief spoiler warning on endgame rage I'm not sure what's considered spoilers for people who played the mobile game but I will be showing off some late game raids here so just be aware of that so the video is already pretty long as is so I'm only going to show off one fight here I think this fight is a pretty good example of things to do and also things not to do since there are definitely aspects of this that could be improved if I uh changed how I did things or did some of my rotations a little bit better like right there for instance I accidentally cancel one of my uh spell casts on the link time so I don't get the full level four there I have to use the uh fire there in order to get my stargaze level five and roll out of the cancel there in order to do that so don't cancel your link time early the link time attack with EO comes out a little bit later that is something to keep in mind um otherwise I'm just trying to weave in my level two cast when I can I'm also just going to handle some of the crystals around the field since sometimes your allies will not do that since link time's almost back up I do want to get close enough to activate that I cast a quick level uh two stargaze and then I go Focus another Crystal again since I can Target them from across the field just using stargaze level one can be pretty beneficial on these since uh you can just Target them from across the field so you don't really have to worry too much about uh anything as far as going up close to them or anything like that now for this fight in particular and in a lot of fights when they have an enrage Mode start using a special attack they will take reduced damage by about like only about 25 to 30% of the normal damage they would take so that's something to keep in mind you may want to hold your big cool Downs when that happens because in this fight there were a couple times I did not hold my cool downs and I end up getting drastically less damage on my stargaze level fives which is not something you want to have happen typically I would say for this character there isn't any kind of flowchart rotation since a lot of it just kind of playing by ear based on what your current uh cooldowns are so based on what your coold Downs are you can kind of just kind of figure out what to do like I almost have fire off cool down here so I'd end up holding my charge here and using a stargaze level five in this situation now it was close enough to not being off cool down I probably could have fit another stargaze level two there and then charged up stargaze 5 afterwards and that probably would have given me more damage overall and in this section I am poorly trying to dodge and getting hit because of it so I need to improve my play on this boss fight in particular especially when I'm kind of focusing on Caster mechanics here so this is a good example of when you can release your stargaze a little bit too early you can see I got drastically reduced damage on my stargaze there right before the break went off so if I would have held on to it just a little bit longer until that phase fully ended I would have gotten a lot more benefit out of it otherwise I'm just charging out my level four stargaze again if you do get a link attack at a bad time like when you're trying to charge a level five stargaze or something like that you might just want to link attack in general because link attack is always going to be really beneficial to the team so uh I would prioritize that over stargaze level five most of the time so now we're just kind of using our special moves to keep the boss stunned a little bit longer uh I tried to get in range in time that was the other EO that used their special before I'm just a little bit too far out of range that's something that you might want to uh fix in the future I would like to say it was intentional since uh you can keep the boss stun a little bit longer with these two burst chains instead but it was definitely uh not intentional there hopefully you've also been we'll see in this fight that I'm using the Mystic Vortex skill when I do not have any uh orbs that allows me to get uh the most benefit out of my coold Downs there because I'm able to do another stargaze level five afterwards when I do that and in this section because uh we're able to kind of keep him stun locked here he doesn't actually trigger the next phase of of the fight until 19% normally he triggered 50% Health although it does make the rest of the fight a little bit more dicey just because he's going to be able to use a lot of special moves it back to back so that's something that I'm I'm going to be watching out for here in this particular fight I do have an Eis equipped cuz I have 42,000 Max HP which is probably nice for the safety and also to make sure that the Stout heart buff allows me to immune damage a little bit more and keep my charge more if I'm going to kind of immune through immune through things so in this section from what I can tell the more of these orbs that are still up the more dangerous his attack is going to be so I end up just trying to go around and Destroy many of the orbs as possible while trying to hold on to my stargaze level five charge so I want to keep that damage to the boss I also end up taking damage while just trying to focus on the orbs more in general there what I end up doing is uh targeting the uh ads I believe cuz I know it's going to reduce damage to the boss itself but I'm like okay there's going to be a lot of downtime here so I might as well just release one of these since there are a lot of ads I end up holding it for a little bit but then I roll out of the way of that attack I'm able to keep the full charge cuz I make sure I'm able to do that when that attack goes off I make sure to dodge it and then I try to release my attack after that I do get to reduce damage on the uh starg level five unfortunately even still sometimes it can be really beneficial to dodge and attack and then release your stargaze level five like I did there just in general though and here I try to uh Stout heart through the damage I end up releasing one of my uh stargaze charges a little early on that unfortunately cuz I wanted to be safe and make sure that I didn't get targeted by anything and once again he's kind of just still immun a lot of this but I'm going to just hold my ability take some damage intentionally there try to get my invincibility from uh dodging an attack and all the while during this phase he's still taking reduced damage like that was a really bad use of flower7 there because he just took massively reduceed damage I had no reason to use the cool down there especially because it's a long cool down I should have absolutely waited there so I hold on to my level five cool down here and I actually wait properly until uh he's done with his damage reduction phase I'm actually able to get the full amount of damage here we finally trigger link time when he has 5% left I haven't actually talked about link time with eio but essentially you have full Mystic Vortex orbs the entire time so the optimal rotation unless you're just trying to kill the enemy quickly is just fire into level five stargaze every single time while link time is active you'll get the most damage and benefit out of it just doing it that way so that's how you would probably approach link time with EO overall though there are a lot of things you can do to improve your damage with a character and knowing when to use stargaze when to hold on to your cooldowns and when to weave in your spells is going to be the most important thing to kind of understanding and playing the character optimally I think that is going to cover it for this video I do hope you guys have learned something from watching and have learned how to play the character at least a little bit better once again I am open to feedback so let me know how you can I can improve these guides in the future in the comments below and if you did enjoy the video please be sure to like comment and subscribe and please look forward to all of my future content on relink I want to make one of these guides for every single character and I will be putting in the time to make sure I kind of understand the characters on a fundamental level before releasing guides cuz I don't want to half ass it if I can so once again thank you guys so much for watching please look forward to Future content and have a wonderful and blessed day
Channel: Enel
Views: 22,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sZD8F1szzVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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