The Ultimate Essential Sigils Guide - The Best Sigils to Prepare for Lucilius! GBF: Relink

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hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to the game club I'm Graham and I'm George patch 1.1 hits early March and that means lucilius is almost here you don't want to be left behind come patch day and we've only got about 3 weeks left so that means there's just enough time to prepare but only if you're focused on the right things and we're here to help this video and the others we're making will prepare you for the upcoming astral raid this video is going to fill you in on the essential sigils that every character should have ready for lucilius and we we got more videos on the way covering other topics as well as character specific builds too before we get to sigils Let's cover some Basics about the lucilius fight which is essential to informing why we're recommending the traits that we are s games has always had a fascination with damage checks they're present in the grand blue fantasy mobile game and in the now defunct dragalia lost may it rest in peace through bosses and even modes based around the concept reink is no different as most of the hardest fights have at least one or two knowing this we can almost be certain that lucilius will have a DPS check of his own and seeing that he's level 200 it's not going to be easy to pass not that most people need a reason to build damage but it's something to keep in mind the other thing we need to pay attention to comes from the lucilius teaser they showed in their live stream in a single attack lucilius deals 40,000 damage and while it mirrors how this fight starts in gramble fantasy mobile it's a good indication that will want to have at least 40,000 Health the tricky part is balancing HP when considering the crowning Jewel of any build we're actually going to cheat a little bit here and give you more information than just sigils because when we're talking about traits it's impossible to ignore the Terminus weapon the Terminus weapon will directly affect our decision-making when picking essential traits for our characters the most important trait you'll gain from it is catastrophe that gives a 50% attack boost and an extra 100% damage cap if your max HP is at or below 45k keep that Dam damage cap number in mind fully awakened you can expect five trait levels of damage cap which we'll get back to regen 15 and sigil boost one so this means we shouldn't go over 45k HP because of the catastrophe trait but going under 40K also seems inadvisable based on lucilius is preview meaning we'll want to hit as close to 45k HP as possible while squeezing out as much damage as we can and thankfully in reink doing both is much easier than you might expect let's turn our gaze to Sig and on the topic of damage cap let's look at those first four essential sigils to even have a chance at clearing a level 200 boss's DPS check the damage cap trait is going to be invaluable it cannot be understated all the damage cap traits and attack Buffs in the world mean nothing if you're hitting the damage cap this caps out at trait level 65 giving you a 250% damage cap increase so then our damage cap goal to reach is 350% this is where that extra 100% from the terminuses catastrophe trait comes in once again and it's a simple Target to reach with four five plus damage cap sigils at level 15 that's a total of 60 trait levels plus five from the weapon before we go any further let's look at the sigil slots available and an easy way to break them down once your character is maxed out you'll have 12 sigil slots to work with and most sigils can have a main and sub trait this means you could in theory have 24 traits on a character so let's call these our 24 trait points for now let's say that four damage up sigils will take four of the 12 slots and only four of our 24 trait points since they can have sub traits but we've not yet considered them these sigils are also orange colored which means they can only roll a gray blue purple or pink trait as a sub this is important to keep in mind on our tier list of essential recommended and nice to have damage cap easily goes on top so now that we have a 350% damage cap the question is is how are we going to get to it this is mercifully easy to do the two traits that are going to get us all the way to damage cap and then some are crit rate and stamina preferably a crit rate sigil with stamina as a subtrate but as long as you include them in your build it almost doesn't matter the configuration it's not too hard to get a Sigil like this from trans marble so let's say this takes up one more slot to bring us to five out of 12 and two trait points leaving us with 18 all right I'm going to break down how we're going to get 100% C rate oh yeah did we mention that we're going to get 100% crit rate but don't worry it's not going to be that hard the explanation might be a bit tricky to follow so try and pay attention the crit rate trait starts at level one which gives 5% crit rate and scales linearly at 1% per level that means at trait level 16 it gives 20% crit rate having just one sigil is the best bang for your buck but even better you don't need more than that to hit 100% characters have a 50% crit chance as a Baseline and we can get another 20% from the overmy system that brings us up to 70% crit the crit rate sigil gives us 16 levels and a Vitality Stone gives us up to 10 more helping us hit level 26 or 30% more crit bringing us to a cool 100% crit chance see I told you it was easy since we mentioned over masteries we recommend shooting for that 20% crit along with whatever damage cap is most relevant to how your character primarily deals damage or whatever the RNG Gods bless you with now let's look at stamina trait level 15 this gives a 50% attack up when you're at 100% HP which you'll be at most of the time from our experience all of the characters in the game with the exception of some really specific skills we'll touch on in character specific videos will reach just above the damage cap with just these two offensive traits alone the only catch is if you fall below about 90% Health your damage will start to fall below the damage cap most of the time this isn't a big deal because usually when you take a big hit you're just going to use a potion or get healed by a teammate to get back up so no real damage is lost regen along with other traits we'll touch on later will help keep your health topped off from Chip damage so that shouldn't be a problem either but this drawback is something to keep in mind so let's put these on our list without a doubt these go into the essential tier at this point you get a choice of two very important modifications you can make with this build one is more focused on damage consistency and the other one more on survivability which one you choose will depend on your preferences but both will perform perfectly fine in all content let's start with a defensive oriented Choice with everything we've discussed so far you'll notice that our character HP is still at 37k which is standard but it's not over our 40K minimum and certainly not near 45 this is where the crav vestment return sigil comes in wait I know what you're thinking it may not seem like much we know but don't write this one off there's something weirdly coincidental about how the math works out on the HP side this sigil will get your character to 44k HP along with a 10% damage reduction as a bonus both will make it easier to maintain a higher HP percentage for your stamina trait we also can't help but feel this was specifically made for getting your HP to the perfect spot because s games provided us an ability to fine-tune our HP in this exact scenario through the Mirage Munitions Munitions increase your attack by a measly 200 at 99 however they increase your HP by a small but critical amount 1,000 we wager this is an intended tool to bring us from that 44k HP to just barely under 45k by applying less than the 99 munition cap we can get within 10 HP from the 45k cap pretty fantastic returns wouldn't you say Mr Krabs now on the other hand instead of using crab vestment returns we have the offensive oriented choice that being tyranny tyranny will prevent the damage loss from getting to low Health with stamina as it's just enough to cover the Gap the issue here is you'll be going from 37k HP to an insanely low 30k this is obviously way too low to help offset this we can use agis Aegis at level 16 which you get plus one from a termin a Sigil boost gives 36% Max Health which brings you up to 40K we can apply 99 Munitions to get to 41k not too bad but only just barely you now have damage consistency at all Health percentages but you lost 10% damage cut and 4K health will this make the difference in your ability to not get one shot we don't know for sure just yet but if you feel you don't need extra security you can opt for this to get more consistent damage you might be tempted to use crab vestment returns with tyranny but this only brings you to 35k HP and coupled with ages this brings you too high to 47k even using tyranny crab vestment and the trait Health you're sitting at 38k so as you can see you you really have to choose one side or the other thankfully regardless of which path you choose we're certain you can find success with either crab is a single trait sigil and tyr and Aegis can come two in one so either way we're at 6 out of 12 slots and 16 trait points down from 18 all right this has been a lot of information so let's knock out a straightforward sigil as an intermission War Elemental is an orange single trait sigil that ensures you always have elemental Advantage this is wildly not affected by the damage cap work on all enemies even those without an elemental weakness and is a massive 20% damage increase you get this sigil from curios and while the drop chance is pretty low it's something you'll definitely get your hands on eventually very simple absolutely essential that's now 7 out of 12 slots and since this sigil can't roll a subtrate it takes two points leaving 14 all right on to the purple sigils these next sigils don't directly increase your damage numbers but we would argue you'll actually do more total damage with the on potion hoarder is hardly a Sigil we have to convince anyone to get it's generally acknowledged as an essential pick at this point the great thing is you only need one sigil at level 15 to get its full effect and the payoff is more than worth the slot but this is where we can start saving some slots and spend those extra trait points you can get this rolled on any of your orange sigils so we can save a slot and spend a point with 13 left over each character has two personal sigils or what we'll call signature sigils these sigils can be bought from the shop and have effects tailor made for each character in most cases you will want these there may be some Niche cases where you could skip out on one or the other or both but as a general build we'd say they're pretty essential to your kit and best of all you can get a version of this sigil from trans Marvels that has both sigils in one this takes up another slot for 8 out of 12 and two points giving us 11 remaining all right this next sigil might be as essential as as it is underrated Stout heart prevents you from flinching or getting knocked back when getting hit which seems fine enough on paper but in practice it's a GameChanger interruptions to your positioning combos or even worse your skills are all massive DPS losses you can avoid all of that by just running this sigil being able to choose when to tank certain hits will be a bigger DPS increase than you might expect and tank hits you will because this sigil has a hidden effect and it's insane Stout heart Cuts roughly 25% of incoming damage which is massive since we can increase our HP over 45 because of terminus adding in damage reduction is going to be invaluable this sigil in our opinion is absolutely essential that's now 9 out of 12 slots and nine points remaining in our opinion these are the Bare Essentials for any build from here you can fill in the remaining slots and trade points with whatever you prefer that being said let's knock out some quick recommendations to make your kit more cohesive drain is an amazing skill that makes a big impact with even a little investment at trait level five you heal 1% of your damage so this is a perfect tradeit to get on a right Stone because the heal itself caps out at 500 meaning any hit over 50,000 gets the full benefits and if you can attack quickly the healing can really ramp up a touch less effective on slow characters but it's still a really good option it also works with SBA if you need a bit of a top off since this is a pink skill it'll roll on an orange sigil as a subtrate meaning it will only cost you a single trait Point linked together is another solid orange pick primarily for the level link gains but the other parts don't hurt either link time can rival or surpass the damage that a Full Burst SBA can do so getting to it more quickly and frequently especially when used by the whole team is a Big Boon in tough battles you've likely noticed we haven't mentioned supplementary damage yet the normal five version of the sigil is just as rare as War Elemental so it's not too unreasonable to get your hands on at level 15 it offers you a 40% chance to trigger an additional hit not subject to the damage cap based on 20% of that base hit however since it's not a 100% chance with just one sigil it's not a straight 20% damage increase in fact it's closer to 8% if you want to get to that 100% you're going to need to invest three whole slots just to get there this is a lot of investment for for relatively not a huge damage return and if you're banking on getting the plus version with a desirable subtrate well let's just say it's not something you should plan around anytime soon but if you've got them we definitely think adding at least one would be the best choice since the first one gives you 40% chance of activation whereas the additional two only add 30% a piece believe it or not that just leaves us with some nice to have suggestions some of our favorites to include in a build are Nimble Onslaught for the extra 2 seconds on a perfect Dodge uplift to get S Spas to help out on critical moments or open up damage Windows improve Dodge which really helps out if you enjoy panicking steel nerves a really great addition to damage reduction borderline recommended honestly if you're running crab vestment this brings your damage reduction to around 50% and 40% with tyranny that essentially means a character at 45,000 Health could be considered to have 67,000 something to think about if you want to say on your feat and deal more damage and as a bonus with the Stout heart sigil it's always active quick cooldown is another great sigil personally we would recommend it over Cascade simply because it's always working for you even if you can't hit the boss but that doesn't mean Cascade isn't good and lastly we recommend guts and auto revive Auto revive restores more HP when you get up and has invulnerability while you get up but you lose all your Buffs because you still technically die guts might leave you at 1 HP and open to follow-up hits but an SBA or link time coupled with drain or just simply a mega potion can help cover the difference these also work fantastic on right zones and if you can get both with crit 10 you've hit the jackpot finally here are some traits we don't recommend life on the line while generally an okay trait isn't really necessary and you lose a lot the amount of healing you're going to be missing out on from Blue potions is huge and honestly not justifiable in our opinion each member of the party will have six potions so that's a potential 18 extra heals that can keep you in the fight there are potential situations where this could be used but that would be more character specific as for glass Cannon look we see it like this it's just not needed you're already going to be dealing amazing damage and the massive risk associated with this trait just isn't remotely worth it going into critical because of a small tap is going to not only burden your team but massively reduce your own personal DPS think about it like this building into some survivability is actually in a way a damage increase these other risky sigils will rob you of tons of damage even if you make one or two mistakes or Worse die to some BS attack you could have tanked with some damage reduction or more HP S games designed the damage cap so that you could focus on other ways of building characters other than just filling all of your slots with attack increases because they know how players are so they're helping to encourage us to make builds that aren't just boring sterile damage feeds just something to consider woo this video was way longer than we ever intended but we wanted to find the right balance of explaining our positions and choices without going into too much detail as well as providing a bit of choice depending on your preferences I'm sure there'll be some disagreement on our choices but hopefully if you're willing to give it a shot you might change your opinion if you have some essential or recommended sigils throw them down in the comments with a name effect and a short reason why you think it's great thank you to anyone who's watched this far we did a lot of this in collaboration with the TGC community so if you're interested in participating in theat crafting for future videos come join the conversation on the Discord which we've linked down in the description we'll be streaming lucilius as soon as he is out so definitely look forward to that but with that we'll see you in the next one see you [Music] everybody
Channel: The Game Club
Views: 33,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gran, Granblue, Gran Blue Fantasy, Granblue fantasy, Granblue fantasy relink, gran relink, granblue relink, gran blue relink, granblue fantasy: relink, relink DLC, DLC, Relink update, lucilius, relink lucilius, relink lucilius guide, relink sigil guide, relink essential sigils, sigil guide, granblue relink sigil guide, relink sigil tier list, relink sigil tierlist
Id: aKwQrAh-6Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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