TOP 10 mistakes you should avoid | Granblue Fantasy Relink

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hey guys it's leaflet and today we'll be doing a guide the top 10 things I wish I knew about gramble fantasy I've played it a lot I've played it I've played it a little little much so first off we'll be talking about what I think is the most important this is the most important thing first of we go into combat this is our combat tips number one this is actually the most important combat tip in the game and that is to option select your perfect Dodge so what do I mean by that so rather than just dodging when you're trying to dodge the enemy that's what happens when you just try the regular perfect Dodge okay so what is a option select perfect Dodge so instead of just dodging what you're going to do is you're going to press block and then Dodge and the reason why you do this is because it basically will block if you dodge too late see I took zero damage even though I didn't perfect Dodge it it's really it's really easy to do you just tap tap Dodge I tap block and then Dodge tap block and then Dodge tap block and then Dodge that's it this will save you from almost everything in the game it's actually crazy oh I forgot I should probably say that that guard is op so basically by doing this you are doubling like your defense and the only time you're going to get hit is if you dodge too early and it's really really good see how I do see how I guarded instead of Dodge perfect dodged and that's because because I threw the guard out first and it's really really good and it's free basically you also can do it by just holding guard you can just hold the guard button uh as long as you have guards like here I'll let this guy jump on me see you can hold the guard while dodging and what that does is again it blocks it blocks and Dodges at the same [Music] time see how dude I got saved there from the the the the block cancel thing all right next I'm going to talk about guard cancel okay so how do you do a guard cancel so if you're doing a combo it will do like this combo and some enemies like this guy right here likes to run away from you look at this you see this Punk he likes to run away from you so what you can do to pin him down is to just do this and you do that by pressing block after your attack and you just pin them down and they can't leave and I love doing this on small enemies see like you just grab this guy and you just keep him there and you also do this like just in general if you just need like a couple hits of damage it's not great though for like you don't want to do this for damage really so tip number three watching your link watching your links to refresh mechanics so say I have uh let me just here we go stun I use my mechanic I dump it and then I link because it always refreshes your pets and you want to do this with every character if you have a resource that is replenished by link dump it and then get and then dump it and then get them back always there we go tip number four during sbay hold it during chain chance wait till the very end gives maximum stun on the enemy because if if you wait until the end and everyone Waits until the end your entire team has more time to DPS next tip tip number six no it's five sorry five God tip number five that like I wish I knew things I wish I knew about GRL fantasy tip number five is do not this is very important this is actually just as important as tip number one do not unlock characters that you do not want to immediately play if there's charact don't don't unlock characters for the sake of unlocking them only when you're ready to play them either play them or add them to your team two reasons reason number one they always start at a level that's kind of equivalent to your level which caps at 60 so if you wait till the end of the game to unlock them then you will have a level 60 character that has over 50% of their masteries already filled here's the really important important part that other one is actually not that big a deal the the important thing is when you defeat proud Bahamut Pro Proto Bahamut will only drop weapons for characters you already have so if you lower that if you buy more characters you're increasing the pool which makes it less likely for you to get the the weapon for your main so that's why it's a very important one cuz it will always drop a weapon for a character you have unlocked so if you unlock all of them now you have a huge pool yeah Mega oof uh tip number six potion hoarder is op potion hoarder is op if you are having trouble in raids potion hoarder is a way for you to protect yourself and heal yourself potion hoarder at level 15 which you can get from a five sigil being maxed will give you plus three green potions plus five Blues plus five Mega potions which fo you to uh heal you to full and Revival potions plus two giving you three so you have three revives if you mess up it's just it's so strong it is so strong so for anyone struggling with the game potion hoarder is an easy way to give you an easier time tip number seven always level up all of the weapons because their passives apply so as you see I bought all of the weapons on E I don't have all of them leveled yet cuz it costs a lot but these weapons have passives in your masteries right here and all of these passives apply all of these all are active after you unlock them with masteries it doesn't matter if you're wielding the weapon or not you will always have these so always buy these cuz they're really cheap tip number eight siero's transmutation shop is upgraded after proud and can drop five plus sigils so um if you want you can hold your knickknack V vouchers because they're kind of wasted until later on you can get five it gets upgraded so that you can get five plus so five plus are the endgame sigils which you can use to transmit right here from level three and you can it can drop five pluses it's just really rare but it can drop them so do note that they do drop tip number nine farming spots and how to level sigils uh farming Mastery so we're just going to tell you real quick quick how to farm masteries there's two ways so this is the baby way to farm masteries so you go back to fola and this guy right here has a quest and this Quest gives you 700 Mastery points and all it costs is five shards of Earth and fire and you can talk to this guy over here and they're always up by the way these guys are always up and all you do have to do is do a quest and it will reset them this is the other one and this one gives you wind and water so make that that's how you can get 700 you can get 1.4 th000 per run lastly uh let me show you um uh other farming spots so the other farming spots are here this is like endgame farming oh there we go Maniac I'm numb uh slime peed Maniac slime peed is the best place to get uh Mastery points afterwards a lot of them they just drop Mastery points also get you gold uh also gets you gold and one important thing is that it has a chance to spawn a slime uh a rainbow slime and if you see that Rainbow Slime kill it immediately because it drops a bunch of really good items uh some of the items that it can drop and it will always drop multiple by the way it doesn't drop one you can get these items from the Rainbow Slime and the Rainbow Slime it does not spawn often like to be honest it's kind of rare but uh the good thing about it is it's just really good it's just it's just really really good treasure uh so you get this from them aerid Splendor these azerite Splender will level a Sigil to its maximum and you use those at the blacksmith you just go to the blacksmith and you switch the mode to aerid Splender when you're upgrading and it will automatically take it to to to 15 by using these so you don't have have to worry about leveling sigils with these on you uh Damascus ingots can be used to Unbreak weapons and it's best used uh from level 125 to 150 it does not work on awakening so a again you cannot use the masus for awakening so use them to Unbreak 125 level 125 to 150 so the 125 Unbreak is what you want for that um and it also drops another thing called uh Ambrosia which you can use use for just a ton of Mastery points does anybody know how how many you get from Ambrosia it's a lot 15,000 Mastery points from one Ambrosia so that's why the slimes are the best okay uh lastly and this is another again we're ending on a very important tip and that is simply that guard is op if you're in doubt fighting a boss always guard because if you don't know if the boss is doing something spooky just guard see you just block if you're ever in doubt like oh I don't know what the hell this boss is doing just block and Dodge block and Dodge cuz you can block you can dodge while you're blocking there we go best place to farm vouchers uh honestly just doing any any Quest and then so slime if you want to if you want to also Farm sigils sigil exp slightly you also want to do Slimes cuz slimes can drop like 200 vouchers but uh honestly just selling stuff is the best Your Best Shot uh Selling Stuff rolling the gacha and then reselling what you get from the gacha back to the gacha we did this live on stream I stream on leaflet I play a lot of grand blue cropton see you later real quick would you say that the fact that you can't skip the an animation is completely unbelievable like only only show if it's like really good or new otherwise let me just Mash
Channel: Leaflit & Asari
Views: 43,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Granblue Fantasy Relink, MMORPG, Co-Op Gaming, Co-Op RPG, Granblue Fantasy, GBF, VTuber, Slime Vtuber, EnVTuber, Solo Raid Boss, Relink Gameplay, Granblue Fantasy Strategy, granblue fantasy relink multiplayer, granblue fantasy versus rising, jrpg, Gameplay, Gaming, Epic, Tutorial, Guide, Educational, Leaflit, clip, english vtuber, vtuber tutorial, virtual youtuber, 3d vtuber, Asian, Viral, funnygameplay, entertaining, Tech, Multiplayer, Build, Insane, Best, Tricks, Tips, Endgame, Mistakes, Top 10, Top, Game
Id: 0RyTelyq_58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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