Gran Turismo 7: The End of the Nations Cup

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hello viewers Super GT here this is the final round of the nation's cup so let's jump in I've only got one chance to get this right I was away for round five and six and so we need to have a good score here in round number seven the final round and to begin with of course we jump into the warm-up now this is normally not too important but for me it was because I hadn't done any prior practice to this event and I did not do any of the earlier races and this actually gave me a very good chance to get acclimatized to this track once again Grand Valley highway now weirdly this this practice this warm-up went on for ages there was a bit of a problem with someone lagging and to be fair the servers are quite bad at the moment so this session actually went on for about 15 or 16 minutes in the end yes the warm-up is complete okay this is important well it's a nearly uh one hour race so it's not as important but still important it's important qualifying is important we've got to get this right even if it is a 30 lap race so it's going to be near enough an hour or just under an hour long qualifying is still going to be important you know you don't want to have to fight through too many cars and use up your tires and burn your fuel and so these laps right here I had to get them dead right now luckily for me I think Grand Valley Highway is one of the tracks I'm better at compared to the others and so I I feel quite comfortable around here coming down the hill you can go flat out especially on soft tires fresh soft tires here of course watch out for the track limits especially on their left hand Into The Hairpin coming off that brake letting the car roll then back on the power in second gear then you've got this very twisty and very quite technical actually middle sector this double left always quite tricky to get a dead right back on the powers early as you can let the car run wide then here's a case of just rolling the speed through letting the car rotate back on the power and they're getting a decent exit the super in front was really quick I mean this guy was super fast and sometimes it's quite hard to tell if is that just me being slow you know is everyone in this Lobby that quick or is that guy just he's like the quickest guy in the lobby and I just happen to be behind him making me look bad making me feel bad but really actually I'm not doing too bad I guess we'll find out that's the whole point of qualifying to decide who is good and who is bad into this final sequence this this corner here really important to get a good exit you are flat out from here all the way to the breaking Zone breaking zone of the first corner coming into the tunnel into the darkness and then turn pretty much right away it's quite hard to get that Turning Point dead right as you can't always see adjusting to the light and as we cross the line it's going to be a 146.4 half a second off that super in front who was really quick but it did put me in a good position P2 at the time of doing the lap and a couple of people also completed the laps and I didn't really move down the order much more down to third by this point eight tenths off the pole position time ultimately I finished in a solid P4 fourth on the grid that guy and pole is very quick right this is going to be a very long race medium tires to begin with then we'll jump onto two I think it's a two-stop race all right last race of the Season let's have a good one I think these supers are going to be really hard to overtake I've got super right behind me as well a couple of Alphas it's interesting to see this Alpha being used I think it's very much a handling car all right let's do it here we go guys round number seven the final round of the nation's cup I have one shot to get this race right let's go for it let's get a good result and see what we can do let's try and ease into the race nice and gently we don't need to go too crazy too soon 30 laps to do and so this is very much an endurance race earlier in the season of course that Spa race I mentioned earlier that was also a very long Race 24 laps I think that was and that was near enough an hour as well and I really enjoyed that endurance format the longer race one where you can settle down get into a good Rhythm it's all about consistency managing your tires managing your brakes managing your fuel but not to a ridiculous amount you kind of just have to drive nicely consistently and I enjoyed that aspect so let's see if that is going to have an effect on this one a similar length of race starting from P4 on this occasion now we're starting on the medium Tire the slower of the two available you do have to use the medium and the soft and we're going to go with a slower Tire to begin with trying to work out who's on what tire at the beginning now it looks like at least the lead I mean the leader was really quick in that in that qualifying session eight tenths quicker than me so it's gonna be really tricky to keep up with that guy and win but we'll see what we can do now my first I would say worry on this initial opening lap here was that off the Supra immediately behind me and coming onto this straight this is going to be a crucial moment because that super is so damn fast in a straight line but this phase of the lap is is incredibly important I am somewhat in the slipstream of the alpha in front that Alpha seemed to have really good traction out of the slow corners and it will just pull away at the beginning of the straight by the end of the straight here you can see the super coming right at me he's going to move to the right hand side and go for the inside and now these are there I can't really do too much other than try it around the outside to be fair to him he hasn't run me wide he's given me the space and I've I've managed to keep the position by running that one around the outside so good good battling there however this race is in danger of becoming one where I go backward backwards rather than forwards I need to be really careful here I don't make any silly mistakes go a little bit deep into this airbin as you can see on the radar there are three cars waiting to quite happily take my position off my hands and so I need to really make sure this is a race where I look forward go forward gain positions and not get caught up in a battle with the cars behind so far we're doing an okay job but if I remain too close to these guys behind especially the guy in the Supra then there's a very good chance to get overtaken so these sectors here are crucial I need to really make sure I get a good run through these turns make the most of the gtr's strength which is the handling especially for the sort of medium and high speed corners and luckily for me the two guys behind actually got a penalty there was an alpha and that Supra that opened up the Gap and that was really good for me I didn't have to worry then about being overtaken I could just focus on catching up with the shadow 977 the finished driver here in the alpha and you know the Alpha's not a car I've really raced against a huge amount the GTR the Supra have been sort of the go-to cars really in group three for quite a while and so it's interesting to see a different car being used and of course just trying to work out his strengths and I think his main one as I kind of touched upon earlier attraction coming out of these slower Corners was really good however on this occasion I was more than close enough to release consider an overtake towards turn one so let's see how this goes make sure we don't get this final Corner wrong carry the speed as much as possible into the slipstream it has pretty decent straight line speed at least compared to the Nissan GT-R here fully in the slip dream he's not going to fight this one and so as we look up to the inside gonna try and adjust this Breaker Point dead right and if anything a little bit too late and he's going to perform the classic old switcheroo so now coming down the hill side by side this is not an ideal place to run side by side I was very conscious of that super coming up behind so I thought I'm gonna back out here play the long game play it sensible not do anything too stupid time loss is so important in a race like this we do not want to be losing unnecessary seconds squabbling when we really don't need to so ideally I would have just got that move done properly but we're going to try again over the next couple of laps it was a case of just trying to run as close to this guy as I possibly could on this final sector easier said than done because he was very good out of the slow Corners this occasion I wasn't quite as close to go for this move so I thought you know what I feel like I'm slightly quicker than this guy even though I am I am in the toe which does affect that but I felt like okay I'm just going to stay behind for the time being he's quick enough that I'm not going to get easily overtaken by the guy behind you can see here not quite close enough on that lap because he got a really good exit onto the straight I remained behind this is lap number eight now we're getting well into this race nearly at third distance and as I said trying to keep close through this final sector of the lap onto the bridge and then towards this final sequence of Corners looking for this 100 board the last board at the right on the left going into this right and just trying to be as close as possible and then it's really about this exit and we get a good line through here just rise a rising two was onto the cab I'm guessing a bit of an oversteer moment three tenths behind can this be a potential overtake then it's the first corner it looks like the top two are both on the soft tie in fact the guy in second does go into the Bit Lane with the soft tire so that's the reason why they were pulling away they were on the better tire and probably driving a bit better across the line we go we are going to go for the overtake this time around and let's try not to overcook it this time around look at this just keep it nicely pinned on the Apex preventing that old switcheroo and eventually here at the beginning of lap number nine getting the overtake done so playing this one nice and patient it's it's 15 minutes into the race now being nice and patient getting the job done when when required we could have got it done maybe on lap four overcooked it but eventually we find ourselves now in second with the creation drive and the Supra who was in second pitting so um this is always an interesting aspect of these races where you are racing against people you can't always see but you just have to keep the pace and consistency up knowing that at the end of the race it will all come together and hopefully you'll find yourself well in first place ideally but we'll find out through this left maximizing the track on the left beyond the white line into this right accelerating before you get to that change of tarmac onto this bridge to get a good good run into the straight section now you can see already beginning to Edge clear here of the alpha the Supra in the lead the Spaniard goes into the pit Lane and so at the beginning of lap number 10 I take the lead of the race end of lap 11 now the front left tire beginning to really drop off and I think the guy behind in the alpha was beginning to drop off his pace now are beginning to struggle uh nearly two seconds behind and as we look behind you can see him just pulling over to the right hand side into the Bit Lane and just take a look at that front left not too good shape but I thought you know what I'm gonna play the long game once again this is a long race trying to play a long game and I'm going to do one lap extra I'm going to try and eke out a long stint here on the medium that gives me fresher and better tires later in the race on the soft tire being sure to not run wide on the track limits here on the pit entry do not want to get ourselves a three second penalty for that so over to the soft tire we are going to do another pit stop later in the race and so we don't have to refuel just yet keep the car nice and light for as long as possible so let's take a look at this situation we are well a good Gap behind the first two the Spaniard and the creation driver well Around The Hairpin now and then in third place I have the another Supra driven by the Polish driver he's the guy who tried to go past me on lap number two but didn't quite make it happen and he's obviously managed to get a sizable undercut on me by pitting a bit earlier however I I'm pretty sure he was on the medium tire and I was able to work that out because of this lap here just look at the Delta the time dealt between us I know the GTR is quicker through this part of the track but I was able just to take a tenth away pretty much on every corner through this part of this part of the track and uh Grand Valley very tight in this middle sector and so that's where the handling cars are really going to be strong and therefore in this lap I've managed to gain about half a second already so I was pretty sure that um I was on the better Tire this guy doing his medium stick now and so um just trying to catch up real real him in and over the course of a couple of laps here I managed to put in a 46 2 46 7 sorry on lap 14 that was my best lap to date and by lap 15 as we can see here beginning to get to the back of this guy and as I touched upon briefly earlier I felt as though overtaking a Supra is going to be very difficult of course he doesn't quite have the grip so this overtake would probably have to capture by surprise and get him unaware somewhere it's not going to happen on the main straight because that car will just drive away from me and so it's quite clear at this point here that I have a tire Advantage whatever that is whether he's on the medium or he's on very worn softs seem to not really be able to drive that car too quickly so it goes somewhat defensive here into the tunnel am I able to go around the outside of him here cleanly I am in fact able to do that so massive Tire Advantage so we get that position he wanted to defend it and I felt you know what no thank you I'm just going to do around the outside take the position back and move on with my race now quite interestingly a quite interestingly sorry as we look behind here I tried to break the toe but he was going over to the right hand side anyway because he's going to the pit Lane he was indeed on soft tires they must have been incredibly worn because he had no Pace at all there and so I can now turn my attention to the cars in front and interestingly the Shadow the finished driver is many seconds behind going second is eight seconds in front and as you can see well around the corner he's at The Hairpin now as I'm heading down the hill and let's take another look at the time Delta between the two of us as this is what I'm really looking at during this race just to work out what this Gap is work out what tire this guy is on so we know when he first pitted he was on the soft tire so he still has to use the medium at some point and I'm trying to work out if he's doing that right now or if he's going to do it at the end now it's my initial thought that most people would not want to end the race on the medium Tire you kind of want to end the race on this on the best tire to give yourself the best ammunition in a fight if there needs to be one now after a couple of laps as you can see I was reeling him in quite quickly here the Gap now three seconds and then by the end of lap 20 it was less than one second and eventually it was actually the battle for the lead as we begin lap 21 because the Spaniard had gone in from his medium stint and would then go onto the softs so here as we end this stint we are within the last two laps of this middle stint of the race the second stint this is quite an important phase because I felt like well if this guy is on the mediums we're both going to go on to the soft for the end of this race and therefore it's going to be a very direct battle between the two of us for this position which at the moment is the lead of the race this is the direct battle for first however it looked like the Spaniard is rather clear so this is really a battle for second and so can I spring a surprise here get this position before the pit stop I always like to do that get an overtake done just before the pit stop just to secure your position and here I decide to dive up the inside take a nice narrow line there's a tiny bump there but I think it was just about possible and I'm able to hang it around the outside here into this right-hander just about get the position so with the intention of going into the pit Lane at the end of this lap our front left tire is really beginning to die of death I think that was a very timely and beneficial overtake as it will just give us the track position and it will it will mean that I won't have to try and overtake that super later which could become harder I feel like the best time to overtake that Supra is when it's weak when it's on bad tires and not when it's on good tires it'll be really tricky to do that so here we go then at the end of lap number 21 putting into the pit Lane for our second stop oh my God guys this is a nerve-wracking race I really can't work out what position I'm going to be in at the end should be a Podium but it could be a second indeed it would be a second Super GT as the leader is 13 seconds ahead that's going to be unlikely to change that Spaniard was so quick really really quick like I don't even know if you can make in the top split maybe he probably he's probably quick enough for that but in terms of my personal battle leaving the pit Lane here in second with a 1.4 second advantage over the Croatian driver that we just overtook so this is now pretty much a direct fight to the end of the race no pit stops required from here on in and my main concern really is letting that Supra gets into the slipstream range so that was the main thing I was really considering here that super gets within half second of me going onto that back straight I'm pretty much toast there's not going to be a lot I can do to keep him behind so this is the beginning of lap 24 and he was actually reeling me in so this point here 0.6 seconds the Gap so he was just chipping away a little bit here and there and I wasn't really able to do too much about it the thing I really had to do was tidy up my middle sector so once again let's take a look at that time Delta between the two of us this was so important I really needed to make sure this Gap came up from 0.5 if it if it stayed at 0.5 by the time it got back onto the main straight as I said I would I would be toast and he would come flying past there would be nothing I can do about it other other than punt him into Oblivion that is typically frowned upon in racing so let's see if we can take a nice middle sector here it's really about again maximizing the strength of the car this car is good through this middle sequence at least it is over the Supra so I need to really make sure that this Gap comes up taking a nice couple of lines here I do feel comfortable around this Grand Valley Highway one circuit the Gap up to 0.9 so we've gained about four tenths on this lap and we gain a little bit more hopefully through these last couple of corners Trail breaking into the bridge into the tunnel sorry off of the bridge and then you have this tight left right chicane to round out the lap or pretty much round out the lap the Gap goes up to just above one second and that's the place I need it to be from that far back while he's too far back to get an overtake done into turn one so I'm fairly safe a 46-1 across the line there that's my fastest lap of the race so that's that's good timing you know a good time at a good time and uh it's only four times away from the spanning in the lead so I'm pretty happy with it this is the end of lap 26. as we are nearing the end of the race 0.7 the Gap he's definitely in the slipstream and it's really ominous looking in that mirror and seeing a Supra on a straight knowing there's not much I can do if it gets any closer on this on this occasion I've done enough he's not close enough to get the move done however the Gap does come down to 0.3 0.2 of a second I go a little bit wide for turn one and he's able to take a much better line and gain on me massively so here looking at radar is very close so I think I'm gonna have to go somewhat defensive here back him up a little bit it's like a really slow Apex and then just start off and then actually open up that Gap sizeably by a few tenths just by tactically sort of delaying my acceleration and now once again it's that little set piece scenario go and set a quick middle sector open up that Gap don't really worry about him for the moment just get this get this middle sector done and open that like up that Gap once or more once more 0.8 the Gap it actually has improved so I know that the longer this race goes on the worse his tires get the more of a chance I stand of trying to fight against him and so I need to delay this as much as possible need to really push him back as far as I can and he has actually made a bit of a mistake on this lap perhaps pushing a bit too hard getting into the dirty air Gap comes up to near enough a second fortunately for me that was about as close as he got until the last couple of laps the last lap I would actually say we'll see that in just a moment so across the line we go 1.1 the Gap now as we still set a 46. so the tires are just beginning to really drop off by this point but with two laps to go unfortunately I make a mistake here really annoying my first penalty in the entire race 50 minutes into the race the half second penalty for the exit of that final chicane which is really annoying because it's quite unclear exactly where that track limit is fortunately enough for me I managed to create enough of a gap that it didn't mean that you could overtake me however it did get a bit closer but not close enough to get in the slipstream and go for this move so in this final stint of the race it was really a case of being very consistent under a decent amount of pressure and just keeping this guy at arm's length and 54 and a half minutes later I was very happily enough able to bring this home in P2 I was really happy with that this race could have gone backwards ultimately second place get in there Lewis I know that's not a win but P2 with minimal practice I did like five laps practice and one attempt to get it right P2 happy with that 304 points there to round off the season that's a pretty good score anything above 300 is good for me okay guys let's take a look at the final standings of the Season how have I done there I am 66. has to be the sixes right total points 917 averaged above 300 which is good for me in the UK let's take a look I finished 13th in the UK you know what I think that's not too bad I did miss two of the rounds but well done to all the qualifiers they'll be going to Amsterdam for the World Series showdown in August hopefully I can make it to that event it'll be great to see some of you out there in the meantime have an amazing day I'll catch you next time goodbye
Channel: Super GT
Views: 438,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gran turismo, gt7, forza, forza motorsport, gran turismo 7, nurburgring, racing, motorsport, sim racing, forza horizon, f1, formula one, quadrant, super gt
Id: bFoHnUtkXTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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