Gran Turismo 7: It Was Never Going to End Well....

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hello viewers I'm on the grid for this week's daily race a NCH life for a onlap showdown around the most fierce track in the world let's jump straight in yes that's right guys one lap around the green hell surely this can only end badly this is a repeat of last week's daily Race c in terms of the car choice 10 cars on offer I have gone for the Toyota Supra and there is a bit more variation this time around most people choosing the BMW M3 last time and we already have our first incident as many cars are going to be grinding off of barar in this first part of this race just you watch I mean there's the second incident we're going to get Force wide onto the grass over the grass back on the other side Lexus LFA smashing into the wall somehow driven from nearly near enough the back of the pack from eth I think it was or 9th up into fourth now heading towards flug plat more puffs of smoke from the cars in front it's a very close F encounter as we go over the crest onto the brakes having finally to check into position car off just behind and this was never going to end well this kind of combination it's always going to be fun daily race a though which is normally a place for Carnage as um you know these cars the the they're very they're very fast of course with not the best handling or brakes and oh oh casing point there BMW going flying off of the grass and I'm able just to nip underneath on the way out of the corner up into third bit of door banging between the two of them the BMW has to retreat from second now down to fifth the Toyota Super in front almost losing control at the Foxhole but thank thankfully gther gaing it all up together and continuing on his journey now we're all up behind the Greek driver here they take quite a narrow line into this one going try and get a nice line on the way out moving to the right hand side can we get this overlap the circuit is not in my favor here as the next big turn is a left one going to tuck in behind and wait Our Moment now of course the NCH lifer not an easy circuit to overtake around I mean I have completely disproven that in the race thus far as we almost go to the back of the guy in front having to cover off the attacker from behind he's now on the outside I'm going to tuck back into third place yeah the nor life are not an easy place to overtake of course if there's mistakes like that one then well it kind of is easy to overtake as we receive a bit of a push from behind I'm going to cover the inside and keep second place we do of course have the doer straight at the end of the lap which as it does in real life can open up The overtaking Floodgate but for now we are just picking off as many positions as possible once these guys make their mistakes as they pretty much are doing on the regular so this is an important part of the circuit now heading around nikil l curve here to the left up towards berw work which is again one of the most important corners on this track because it leads on to a lengthy straight line section now here we get a very good run now I don't know if this guy lacks peripheral vision I think he does asz he's running me very wide but we're going to have to tuck back in behind I had a run there couldn't quite capitalize so we're going to have to have another go and as as we've seen around the norer in the past not the easiest place to overtake not so much when um the guy in front doesn't know that you're there and just continues to turn across you never makes it easy so as a result of all of that down into the third is going to kick off here on the exit of mut curve very fast sweeping left hander and I'm just going to have to survive for the time being as survival around here is not always the easiest thing now the Brit in front is going to be able to nip underneath here which was my fear and he's going to get up into the lead and I was kind of worried that whoever would get past this Greek guy probably would pull away as he was proven to be a very strong Defender almost in honor of the 300 Spartans back in the day against the Persians and I am the Persian right now trying to get past the gates of the map alai if that's how you say I don't know if it is I don't think it is please do correct to me but um we're looking left right and Center I mean you can't really overtake in the center can you you can't really go through them but we're trying whever we can looking for the cap wherever it might might uh find itself but we're not able to do it at this exact moment hoping that he's going to make the mistake but he just isn't now many other players May um feel as though I've got the license here to BU him why given that he's been sort of pushing me off the track but it's not um we're not we're not at that point just yet we're still going to try he's made a mistake there it's really frustrating that we can't quite engineer this opening and here once again I don't know if he he just does not seem to have any lateral Vision at all and I it's it's it's actually quite hilarious so here I decide you know what we're going to go for for the biggest send of the century into the jump and all I proceed to do is jump into the gravel trap and that was that very very sad occasion indeed so I'm down into fifth after all of that I mean I could have won this race but all of a sudden I found myself down in fifth place it's an absolute disaster show it it has not gone to plan at all it was all going so well at the beginning my only chance here was to catch up and overtake and get back into fourth you see here the Toyota Supra with some Mega straight line speed up against the BMW reaching 173 mph as we go under the billstein bridge 176 at the bottom of the dip and back up the hill take a look at this the super in front absolutely obliterates the Greek driver out of nowhere and I'm going to move up into third and just before we cross the finish line that's going to turn into a second place what a crazy race that was how on Earth did I get second what we're going to have to check the replay postmortem let's see what the hell went on here because this descended very quickly into an absolute mess going to go on board with the Greek driver who seemed to have zero peripheral vision actually let's take a look at this at the front oh it's all kicking off my goodness me it is not pretty at all guys it really is not at all and then it all kicked off here as well and it's hard to I mean it's just a mess I think everyone's at fault really I don't know what is going through this guy's mind right because I'm clearly alongside or trying to and he's just like no I will put you on the grass and this this is where the race was decided really because if you if you could get past this guy and get away then it was it was race over and thankfully for this guy he managed to just nip underneath there and that was that now not my finest moment let's see the the big send over the jump but it's just it's not a good move either way but then what happened at the end here this guy came from so far back John Cena can't see him but you will in a second kind of forgets the break boom oh my goodness so this race definitely is a massive mess we go again this time though I'm going to try a different car let's jump into the LFA race number two starting 10th didn't bother qualifying and I'm around the corner that is not ideal but let's go and this time let's hope that we can make our way through the pack a little bit more effortlessly without being run wide or without sending it at the jump and ending up in the gravel now immediately here going to gain a position starting 10th now ninth and of course Those Who start in 10th backwards have to start behind the final corner on the lap which doesn't help but let's uh see how this one unfolds as the Greek driver this time about different Greek driver but he was not doing his best 300 Spartan's impression as that was a very easy defense to get past as I'm now up into seventh so the LFA was a contender in last week's daily race SE around Tri mountain and so I had high hopes for this one most people were going with the Toyota Supra and often you have to make the choice based on what is the top car on the leader board but also what is good on that final straight so that you can get a position or two there now coming down towards the Foxhole good driving here with the Spaniard side by side and we managed to get in front but not for long because at the top of the hill just running a little bit wide two wheels on the grass and then suddenly having to break just to keep myself from going fully onto the grass the Spaniard goes back through we have a Jaguar there just in front uh can we try and overhaul the pair of them in the next couple of Corners we've got a very good run here in the slipstream as we're going to pull out to the left hand side get the overlap into the corner and get the job done nice tidy overtake there up now behind the Jaguar xj220 what a car absolutely beautiful machine and down the hill here into Kenard we're both going to sail very wide thankfully just managed to get the the drive on the exit and now this was was a little bit later on in the lap so it took me a fair chunk of time here to catch up with the Lamborghini Diablo in front absolutely beautiful machine we have third place with a penalty and so this is always a difficult part of the circuit to overtake on very fast sweeping section so let's see what we can do about trying to engineer an opening up against the Lamborghini it's not going to take too long as there's a bit of contact there but we do manage to get the opening on the right hand side and move up into fourth place and then it's a case of just trying to reel this guy in he's got a penalty but I ideally want to get right onto his tail before the penalty line which is at the beginning of the dotting a straight so we're going to whip it forward now I did indeed manage to catch him up pretentious duck one with the 0.5 second penalty which well as you're about to find out it didn't actually matter because it seems though may have pressured him into a mistake here as he goes flying wide into the wall unceremoniously crashing out of third place and that moves me up into the podium where there'll be no change from here to the end of the race so a decent third from 10th I will take it 6 seconds off the lead I then decided to qualify in the Supra and I think this qualifying lap is really about maximizing the width of the track as much as possible and carrying as much speed through the corners onto the straights I wasn't quite maximizing everything here but this was my first qualifying lap and so I just tried to drive it mostly quite safe without getting a penalty ultimately getting a 7 minute 14.4 and with that time set I'm now going to jump into the car that's on that poster behind me there so it's going to be albon in the F40 at the Nord lifer okay guys I'm on Pole Position in the F40 I have no idea how good this car is no one's picking it so I'm guessing it's not that good so let's see if we can win for the boys and girls back at Marinello we must bring some Glory back to the Italian Squad the scooteria Ferrari here we go in the F40 now the guys behind didn't get the best launch there now you're quite safe starting in Pole Position here at the norch lifer there's not much of a run into the first corner and so you're pretty much guaranteed to keep the position unless you of engage reverse first gear or something let's take a look at the Gap at the top left of the screen from myself to Second and it started off at about 1.6 seconds so I got a bit of a gap quite quickly because the guys behind were messing about it seemed like the guy in second kind of didn't really go maybe waiting to go to the back of the pack or something you can see here I drove fairly okay through this first part of the track apart from that you know driving a bit wider in the exit but slowly but surely pretty much every corner the guys behind in the Supras and the lfas just reading Me In by a tenth here and there so this didn't bode well I was hoping that I could just pull away and it would be an easy Victory but when you're not in the best car I mean it is the best car one of the best cars in the world the F40 it's a beautiful machine but I mean I don't know what the Bop was all about for this because it definitely is not balanced with the other cars the other ones are definitely a bit quicker than this one so that was the premise here can we win in what is just not the go-to car really and bring Glory back to the Italian scooteria Factory Squad of Ferrari that makes no sense but you get what I'm trying to say little bit wide here we bring the car back onto the track and surely with this big crowd behind things would get very difficult very quickly here as we head into Kenard you see the radar with two cars on it and as a look behind three cars queuing up to get past this would not be easy all I could do was hope they would start fighting and on the exit of the slowest corner on the track all of a sudden the guy in second had a penalty .5 second penalty and just began to drop back slightly so this was good for me I did not know the straight line speed of this car I'm guessing not as good as the others and therefore that would uh Prov to be quite a difficult thing to overcome in this race given the dotting AO straight at the end of the lap and then the section just coming up and just coming into Berg work here the Gap got up to about 1.9 or 2 seconds briefly as we Round the Corner onto the straight and just take a look at that Gap 2 seconds as we enter the straight and to begin with it seemed okay they they only gained about a tenth in the first half of this uphill section but then by The End by the time we get to M curve the Gap was down to 1.1 and that just did not bode well for the end of this lap they've just gained 0.9 seconds on me in a straight line speed uphill section and so I would have to either be absolutely genius and work out some Mega strategy or drive like an absolute monster and just pull away um so that's always the solution really isn't it just just drive faster just be better at driving the car quickly and then just have such a gap but they can't catch you always the best advice not always easy to carry out in practice so we're going to try out going to do our best basically the Gap is 1 second let's bring that Gap back up on the screen and try to give you an idea here I mean that that line was absolutely horrible the gap's coming down 0.7 of a second it's pretentious duck one once again and you know he's out for Revenge after we pressured him into a mistake last time out and now he's doing the pressuring and he's trying to put me into the wall inadvertently or through pressure indirectly now I was driving pretty good here I was right on the Ragged Edge doing the best I possibly could but ideally I needed a gap of more than 1.2 given the length of the straight the slipstream effect as well and you know this car just was not that good in in a line so with a gap at now 0. six this would surely only end badly for me or well I mean I'll go down to second but that's not a win is it and I'm not going to bring back glory to Ferrari something they've not seen since 2007 well in Formula One at least with a world title they have had race wins of course um but I suppose we could refer to their W program which is a bit more successful they've had some good wins including the lon 24 of late but this is this is the really important race here this is the one that really matters daily race a at 2: a.m. this is the one that the people want uh to win right this is this is what's really important and they Gap now 1.3 1.4 1.5 so at a very crucial moment here as we head through the Klein of Carousel only Galan cop remaining this Final Long right-hander onto the back straight the Gap sits now at 1 6 1.7 and this has come a very good time for me I I was still very worried though I I I still wasn't sure if that was enough given that I lost nearly a second on the uphill straight late uh sorry earlier on in the lap I was still actually very worried but I don't know what happened here Ferrari mechanics just telepathically gave me extra boost extra speed and I just managed to help this guy off off the Gap staying at 1.6 so I don't know what on Earth happened here but I guess uphill this car struggles but on a flat straight it's fine and so after a very testing race where I never relinquished the lead at any point but it was still very much Under Pressure the entire time we're going to bring home a fantastic Victory or scooter rear Ferrari thank you very much guys I hope you enjoyed go come on get in there leis he won for the boys and girls back at marinell D your proud there hope you enjoyed the video everyone I'll catch you next time goodbye
Channel: Super GT
Views: 283,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gran turismo, gt7, forza, forza motorsport, gran turismo 7, nurburgring, racing, motorsport, sim racing, forza horizon, f1, formula one, quadrant, super gt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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