Gran Turismo 7: The Most Memorable Race They've Ever Made

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hello viewers a very special day in the world of Gran Turismo because the manufacturer's cup is finally back a five-round championship all in group three cars and I need to pick my manufacturer I'm gonna go with this is a 35 lap race at Suzuka it's gonna be a very long one around about 80 minutes in total this race was actually used in the Amsterdam finals about a month ago and during that race there was lots of rain which made it very interesting so we're going to jump in hope for the best let's see what we can do for McLaren now I was jumping into this very late I had about one minute of practice which is kind of stupid and I definitely don't recommend it but after this little warm-up we went straight into quality all right qualifying first up quite a short one five minutes so maybe only enough for two laps maybe three okay let's jump into our first flying lap and on the X of dagner one going quite wide and that is unfortunately going to grant me a half second penalty which is kind of well it kills your lap really as the guy behind goes very wide so gonna serve this penalty here and in a closely fought Lobby half a second penalty is going to kill your time so 202.6 but really we need to be getting a low 201 or better preferably into the two minutes uh flat so we go again now the McLaren feeling pretty decent it's come to my attention that this car's been actually pretty good recently in group three and McLaren's never normally been one of the best cars but it's been used a fair amount recently by lots of drivers and I thought I'd give it a go I haven't been McLaren as a manufacturer since the GT Sport days so quite a while it's been about three or four years so it's good to be back with them into the hairpin and this lap is going a lot better than the previous we're about a quarter of a second up by this point coming around towards a spoon always a difficult corner to get right back off the power let the car Coast through then this second exit or the second part of the corner very crucial as you go on to this long back straight towards 130r cars behind keeping us similar distance to the beginning of the lap so that's a good sign of this lap is okay one second up given that we didn't have to serve this penalty on this lap we could still gain time here through the final chicane taking as much of the track and the curve as possible and then keeping to the right hand side to shorten the lap and we're going to round it off with a two minute point nine which was a decent lap you see it there initially put me towards the front but in the end it was good enough for ninth okay ninth on the grid it could definitely be better but I think for my first proper qualifying in that session it's not too bad uh it's a long race let's see what we can do okay long race guys 35 laps we're looking at an hour and 20 I think so this is going to be about consistency and judging the rain if and when it arrives let's do it okay jumping in 35 whole laps of Suzuka it's gonna be a long one and I can tell you this was a very iconic race I think in terms of Gran Turismo 7 when polyphony get it dead right with the weather with the race length it's amazing how good of a race you can have and this one I really enjoyed so let's jump in starting ninth on the grid lots of cars in front eight cars to be precise and um this first lap really just about settling in it's a long race as we've just said just touched upon we've got lots of time to try to get the work done to try to move towards the front of the pack so let's not rush things for the time being now running around towards degna one and two trying to give myself a bit of a gap a bit of uh a line of sight with the cars in front now fortunately this race is about to get worse quite quickly here as we go into The Hairpin I break maybe about five meters too late go into the back of the car in front we also receive a touch from behind and quite crucially that's going to give me front and rear bumper damage now something I forgot to mention earlier about the settings for this race heavy damage is on and that means that this damage will not repair itself automatically which it normally does in this game if you don't have the heavy damage setting that is normally it repairs itself after a good let's say 20 seconds but here I am not going to be able to do that it's going to have to be repaired in the pit Lane so this is not ideal and you can see the effect it's having because the car in front is easily pulling away on the straight the car behind is easily gaining so all of a sudden I'm a bit of a Sitting Duck here on the second half of this lap which is a lot of straight lines and of course across the start Finish Line which we're just coming up to now so already this this is going to be a very difficult race but we've touched upon it many times it's a long race we're gonna have to just get a head down and just try to put in as many good laps as possible now here we're going to defend our position from the m6 behind which actually in the delivery of an M4 interestingly so this is going to be a tough stint and we're kind of just hoping for this rain and you see the car behind with the penalty we're hoping for cars behind to get penalties to slow each other down if I can get back into the slit stream that would help but as I just touched upon there is a hint of rain which is what happened during the Amsterdam GT World Finals rain comes through about halfway into the race and that will obviously change the strategy of this race from simply 35 Laps on hard tires so something a little bit more interesting which would involve some strategy and some pit stops end of lap two you can see the cars in front really begin to pull away it's becoming very difficult indeed to keep up two seconds the gap I feel comfortable with the McLaren the car feels good it doesn't feel overtly strong in any one particular area but lots of cars queuing up behind now to try to get past it feels like it's got good handling it feels like it's got decent acceleration and top speed obviously not at the moment with the damage but you see here the Dodge Viper easily flying through is like I was standing still with a gp2 engine on lap four of a fellow McLaren used there take a nice little trip into barrier and so we're getting backer position now you see here the rain coming in now this rain was it's a pattern of rain which I've never seen in this game before because it came in extremely slowly and I feel like polyphonia have really actually utilized the weather in a really good way with this race it seemed uh quite a realistic race and I would love to see more of this for those of you who did this GT1 manufacturer's Cup race number one maybe you'll agree that it was it was an interesting one let's put it that way um there was certainly a lot to think about over the course of this race so losing a position here to Apex Twin who we had a very good battle with in last week's daily Race c he's going to go through in the Peugeot and once again I'm gonna just try and keep up which I didn't as you can see at the end of lap number five star lap number six and here goes the M4 GT3 I mean it is actually an M6 but they've quite interestingly put delivery on which makes it look like the M4 and on that note polyphony please do add some new GT3 cars that would be great end of lap number seven and the situation isn't really getting much better 20 seconds off the lead I mean my lap times are consistent at least still improving into the 202s there but um yeah this is the end of lap number nine now you can see the skies are definitely much more gray this McLaren which spun out earlier at diagonal 1 or dagner 2 sorry recovering and I don't know if he has damage or not but he went quite easily past then so we're down into 12 almost 13th for a moment there from the Italian and this is now lap number 10. this is where things begin to get interesting you can see clearly the weather and the conditions are changing as we head through spoon corner there is definitely some moisture on the circuit you can see the track is a different color I'm feeling the lack of grip here and the rain is coming in from that end of the track from the the north West's end which is this end of the track as we head into spoon and this lap it got even worse you can see the McLaren having a hard time keeping on the circuit and I'm actually having a hard time here on the exit traction really coming at a premium and almost losing control of the car so this is going to become a very testing couple of laps but actually quite useful for me because this gives me a chance to come into the pit Lane get the inters on anticipating that this weather is going to get far worse and of course we can repair the damage I no longer have the Bodywork damage on the car so this lap is quite an important one any lap where the conditions are changing and they change the tires it's quite crucial we are 50.2 seconds behind the leader so this is going to be quite interesting in fact let's take a look at the Gap to the leader as we head into the wettest part of the track so I lost another two seconds by the by the time we got to here so presumably the leader is still on slicks and look at the amount of time I gained through that one corner alone four seconds in one turn simply because of I'm on the correct tire for that corner at least so this was a really interesting Junction in terms of the strategy knowing what to do at the right time this guy gonna forget to turn and he's gonna go straight on and you can see by now the conditions are really deteriorating at this corner that guy that's what happens when you're on the Slicks he's left it I would say too long and it looks like I think I made the right call at the right time the guys at the front there making the switch from the hard over to the inter and I think they perhaps went one lap too late and I think the lap I did it was the right lap to do it so I think I've made the right decision there so things slowly coming back into our favor at this point in the race we are now half an hour into the race 14 laps in but we still have 21 laps to do you see the gap to the cars in front so even though I'm still a little bit off we are slowly moving our way towards them this is the end of that 14 things became very treacherous here at the other end of the track you can see we are fully engulfed in the worst of the weather now so the entire track is under the rain and this therefore is going to make this quite a treacherous couple of laps so we really do have to be very very careful here especially with the curbs as they kind of hold a lot of moisture a lot of puddles very easy to get caught out and I would say that the McLaren actually really excelled in these conditions it actually felt quite nice it felt decent to control yes of course we're going to have some big moments where the car wants to break away but that's gonna kind of happen to everyone in these kinds of conditions in fact comparing my Gap to the lead I was actually gaining on the leader at this point in time so I was happy with the pace almost losing control there just like that guy another McLaren actually losing control so just as I say that the McLaren has good handling in these conditions and McLaren throws it off in the rain so I'm up into p8s that's higher than where I started so that's a positive and cars are getting closer and closer to us in front this is a good sign 3130r code a little bit too much speed had to bail out over the tarmac over to the other side off the curb it's the finest cane and look how treacherous this is almost going off onto the Astro AstroTurf pretty much do actually so some cars going in to change over to the wets and I felt like that wasn't the right strategy called because you'd be stranded on the wets when it dries out again you can see here I mean it is going into wet weather territory when it starts going into the top bar there the darker blue then it really is very treacherous and the wet tire is the best tire to be on but I think in terms of overall strategy it wasn't the right call so I stayed out on the enters I think this was the right decision we kind of had to weather the storm literally for a couple of laps and then the intertile would come back as being the best tire at least for that part of the track it seems as though the first corner so now the southeast corner of the circuit was the worst place to be in terms of grip but as long as you get through to this part of the track so let's say the middle and then the northeast corner of the northwest corner then you'd be you'd be actually okay so you just had to drive a lot more carefully through that section and I feel I felt like this was the right strategy call going into the pit Lane and changing tires you're going to lose 15 seconds or so and then you probably have to do it again later to switch back so I felt like this was the right decision to make catching up with some cars in front here we've got the Porsche which was really good in these conditions in fact Porsche won the manufacturer's Cup in Amsterdam a month ago and it really excelled in the wet weather conditions and therefore I was looking at that car thinking that car is going to be quite hard to catch up with or keep up with how about the Nissan GTR just in front we're going to go for six places having a big moment there I mean this is normally flat out in the dry conditions but even this long curve looping around towards spoon corner is quite tricky to navigate when it's wet like this so through spoon having a couple of moments there a couple of Corrections on the steering wheel trying to get on the power still as early as you can running the curb quite Dangerous Game Matt where we keep it under control into sixth position with 16 seconds off the lead I say that this is certainly uh slowly working in my favor this race carrying a bit too much speed there we're gonna have to bail out over the astro turf once again and then into the final chicane I don't feel like the grip is as bad as it was on the previous lap so the wet Tire cool was definitely the wrong one I'd say we just had to be very careful on the enters here I mean you see driving onto the main straight again this is normally flat out in the drive but here just having a lot of Corrections and moments going on to the main straight intervals turn one really easy to outbreak yourself here even in the dry let alone these conditions and so just being really careful knowing that this was the slowest part of the track and the Mercedes has done a nice little pirouette into the wall and I'm up into the top five so this is a really handy position to be in in the top five in our first race for McLaren and I think if results continue like this they're gonna have to sign me up to the F1 team put me in there alongside Lando I mean that would be quite harsh on Oscar piaster he's been driving quite well but who knows maybe I could do a better job but um lap number 20 by this point you can see the conditions once again changing 43 minutes into the race now and this is where things get actually you could argue even more difficult because yes there is more grip coming back we have a dry line forming but if you go off that line then you're in big trouble and you still have to watch out for the curbs the curbs as we mentioned earlier they still hold the moisture and sometimes you can't see it so you can hear it there as I just touched the exit curb of turn two car wanting to break away so you have to still be very careful and judging the grip in these conditions is is really difficult it's not easy to do at all uh case in point here one of the cars in front having a very big moment on the exit of The Hairpin and as we bring it back to the full shot we can kind of catch a glimpse I think it was Apex Twin in front in the Peugeot having that moment and so all of a sudden fourth place was a very distinct possibility as Mario Sonic in the Porsche still just about three or four seconds in front uh clearly had the pace on me I couldn't quite keep up with him I'd say it had maybe half a second a lap and I I couldn't really do much about trying to keep up the guy behind in the Nissan GTR sorry the M4 BMW I kept them at arm's length six seconds behind but as we've seen in this kind of race it's a long race of course and you can easily lose a lot of time for one mistake if you if you drift wide or have a spin you can easily lose like six seven seconds or more and therefore that kind of Gap is never completely safe so onto the back straight lap number 23 now and I was just wondering this guy had damage because his car all of a sudden wasn't very quick and this was quite a big factor in this race damage you really did have to be careful and it wasn't easy to do so in such testing and treacherous conditions so the mighty Iggy from second place going into the pit Lane with into tires and that would presumably be the switch over back to the uh the Slicks as does Mario Sonic from wet tires goes onto the the Slicks as well I decided to go around one more lap I wasn't completely comfortable changing onto slick tires just yet at this point so I thought you know what I'm gonna leave it we're going to come up to a lapper car here who has a three second penalty presumably presumably therefore cutting the line on the exit so a lot of cars actually you might have noticed coming into the pit Lane so I fear that I might have left this one lap too late being careful on the pit Lane entry as we change back to the hard Tire so I feel like we've made the right strategy call so far but this is going to be my worst moment of the race by a long shot coming out the pit Lane and immediately turning left and it's such an innocuous mistake such a stupid mistake to make a lack of grip on that side of the track or on slick tires cold slicks and the right hand side the pit lane exit just had no grip it wasn't drying out over there it was drying out on the racing line but not on the pit lane exit and I mean we can watch it again and you can see the expression up on my face as I realized how stupid that was really such a stupid mistake I couldn't believe I did it should have just been a little bit more careful and unfortunately we have rear damage once again now thankfully we don't have front damage because that was pretty bad in the opening stint the race I really I was probably losing a second a lap I'd say so here yes of course we're gonna be at a deficit to some extent but perhaps not as bad as before so we still have a fighting chance here fifth place is right in front of us yes we do have to serve this three second penalty which is very annoying of course when you you've made a mistake and lost a lot of time but it is what it is so this uh part of the race is really about just judging the conditions and you see here having a hard time of doing that running the curbs and I made the decision really by this point that the curbs are probably best avoided at least for now we need we need to wait a little bit longer to really start using those again and by this phase of the race you can see that it was very much a spread out race uh six seconds to the car in front Okay the car going into the pit Lane so I still have a chance here of gaining a position back as he comes in for his stop and it seemed like quite a late stop so I should be able to jump in here I would have thought as we come out onto the Main Street and across the line to begin lap number 26 55 minutes into this race but still 10 laps left to go heading down towards turn one and yes he just come out the pit Lane there in fact let's take a look at the Gap it's going to take a couple of moments here to fully level out as he came out just behind and had to obviously take it nice and easy on the exit which I didn't and it settles to about five seconds so that's a healthy margin to have but again as I touched upon a moment ago it's not given that you're going to stay ahead in these kinds of conditions especially with 10 laps left to go that's still 20 minutes of racing and so five seconds can easily be caught up in that sort of time now's the really big test about this length of race having to be consistent for an extended period of time and I really enjoyed this test to be honest and I think polyphony would be well advised to try to keep these somewhat longer races in to some extent in this game I think they they do test us in a different way especially with the weather as well the full extent of the Gap came up to about 6.4 seconds this is the beginning of lat number 27. and for the moment it looked quite comfortable running a little bit towards the edge there of the dry patch and that was quite risky just trying to avoid the the curb on the exit there I've turned two but after another lap the Gap came down to 5.4 another lap 4.1 and then later on at the beginning of lap 32 it was down to 0.7 so as you can probably tell over the course of this last couple of laps he felt a lot more comfortable than I did in these conditions and this was one of my weaker points of the race I say the the wet weather I was quite good quite strong and I felt one of the quickest cars on the track but here I I couldn't really quite acclimatize myself to where the grip was or have the confidence to really push not that the car was bad but we also had the damage which wasn't helping but this guy was driving pretty good in the Nissan GTR it's a good handling car and I think it was probably working well quite well for him at this point in the race it's coming around to techno one I knew that if I could just keep it on the track and not make any glaring mistakes as we begin to take begin to take the curbs now I knew that it would still have difficulty trying to overtake me I could still try to force him towards the wetter parts of the track which would really compromise his line uh it is quite hard to overtake when you have these mixed conditions because you can just force the other driver towards the wet patch and then they're gonna have no no grip really I'll say by lap 32 which will run here it doesn't really look like there's actually much of a wet patch going on the outside of the track so um I'm just gonna have to drive nice and consistently from here to the end of the race and try to protect this top five and I think a top five would be a really solid result given that that first race for McLaren minimal practice started in ninth and had to do quite a lot of work early on with the damage losing a lot of time in that first stint but here my life was about to become a lot easier as we take a look at the radar here on the exit turn to I think he's touched the curb there and he's done a nice little pirouette met the wall and boom suddenly that Gap is going to open up to about 11 seconds or 10 seconds there it is yeah 11 seconds and so with the final couple of laps I was very comfortable now I knew that I could just bring it home there wasn't really any chance of catching up with fourth who was 10 seconds ahead by this point 14 seconds ahead so I was able to bring this home it was a nice little Sunset to bring us home after one hour and 16 minutes of racing it was a really entertaining race really testing conditions and it just shows you what this game can be like when polyphony really put some thought into a race this was uh this was a very very good and fun race crossing the line eventually to finish in fifth or McLaren P5 guys we were the first McLaren in the race that was a really difficult race minimal practice testing conditions and I've got to say that was really fun trying to judge that this is what Gran Turismo can be like when they really utilize all of the features available that was a really fun race so after the race it was nice to jump into the replay here and just take a look at a couple of incidents okay firstly Mr take a look at what happened to the kai just behind me putting a lot of pressure on and there it was hitting barrier very late on so yeah by this point pretty much all of the curbs are dried out apart from clearly that one and one mistake and boom is in the wall but then how about my big mistake guys turning left immediately out of the pit Lane and yeah it was such a stupid crash there was just no grip on that side of the track I didn't really think to be careful I should have done obviously I lost maybe 10 seconds plus the three second penalty plus that position so I think fourth might have been possible if not for this so let's take a look at the standings I am seventh for McLaren overall and there's three rounds to count in this championship and my aim is to get above 900 points in total so I need to average above 300 here so I need to have a couple more very good scores 274 is good for me but I could definitely get above 300 and I think that's where I need to be aiming 72nd Place in emea I think we need to be getting towards the top 50 I think at least and there's our standings overall at the moment so that's the end of round number one thank you so much for watching I'll catch you next time goodbye
Channel: Super GT
Views: 670,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gran turismo, gt7, forza, forza motorsport, gran turismo 7, nurburgring, racing, motorsport, sim racing, forza horizon, f1, formula one, quadrant, super gt
Id: c2BPhyg32RM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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