Gran Turismo 7 History Has Repeated Itself

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hello viewers it's time for some action on this week's daily RAC a race which I have not done yet but looks very interesting because we have to use the hard and the soft tire kind of an interesting little Gap there not having to use the medium but let's jump into this first one starting at the back 15th therefore we're going to go on the hard Tire to begin with this race has actually come up a few times before the 10 lap around Watkins Glen I think it was pretty much a year ago but it was actually one of my favorite races of the year so hopefully it lives up to the standard once again let's take a look with race number one starting 15th out of 16 at the back of the pack I didn't bother to qualify for this just wanted to jump in and see how I could do now initially here we are going to we are going to gain a position courtesy of this French player in the Toyota Supra slowing down going to the back of the pack now the Toyota Supra and the Nissan GTR which I'm driving probably the two most popular choices for this circuit and two of the quickest cars in group three at the moment however there are some other choices being made for example the Masters just in front and the BMW just behind two very popular choices for this race as well into the chicane the Mazda gets the position against the Supra and in this early phase of the race it's really a case of just trying to settle down and work out the strategy and try to pick your way through a couple of positions we are going for the hard Tire initially as we mentioned at the start of the video we have to use the hard tire and then the soft or the soft and then the heart do it either way around but typically if you're starting at the back it's best to go with a harder Tire now we're gonna do the inside here into the toe of the boot and it looks like we can gain the position but having to take a slightly tighter narrower line off the corner doesn't quite lend itself to me and so the Toyota manages to get a boost on the X as we as we all overtake someone's serving a penalty the BMW gets a better exit and is on my right hand side I have to leave the space and I am going to have to concede the position here as the cars in front start fighting as we look around the outside then of this Supra unfortunately for that guy he's gonna get tipped into a spin and is sent hurtling towards the wall parallel meeting not parallel a perpendicular meeting barrier which is sub-optimal at this early phase of the race I mean it's sub-optimal at any point of the race really so that's lap number one we started 15th now 13th the BMW ahead slow off the turn and so the Croatian driver in the GTR is going to have a look in towards the first corner but doesn't really fully commit so I had no real space to go I couldn't decide quickly enough and unfortunately that's going to put me on the back foot here as the GTR comes up on my right hand side fortunately enough for me the French player in the Supra gives me a massive boost look at that maybe gaining five to ten miles an hour suddenly and now I'm challenging the creation driver once again looking around the outside gonna be quite a brave move but he puts himself in a very narrow line on the way in which really compromised his his entry speed and lucky enough I was able to challenge a bit later on in the lap latinum two as you can see up in front a couple of people serving penalties and this is why this race is so good because there are so many cars in such close contention and as you can see here the Midfield from myself in 12th we're looking up to the battle for about fourth or fifth place there so many cars fighting within not much space and so now you really do have to be on it in this type of race in towards the first Corner lap number three a bit of contact I spot between the Mazda and the Supra battling for Ninth Place it's at the back straight on the slipstream I'm not quite close enough to really go for a move here but uh We've caught uh with cars so close to each other it's really a case of just waiting and waiting for your moment to overtake and wait for your moment to strike as they could quite easily be a penalty or a mistake or two guys going side by side and that's always an opportunity to go for a move so take a look here as we go through the penalty Zone the super behind looks very quick and I can't quite Shake him but he's not going to be close enough for a move here as uh we're still right up behind the BMW super there gets shafted quite wide and we're gonna go up the inside after initially looking to the outside and the space is given and we are able to go up the inside and take 11th place and we're going to take any position we can get as this is always going to be hard fought in the mid-pack with um well actually take a look at this the master goes into the pit Lane actually overcooks it and that is the tricky thing about the pit entry line here at Watkins Glen as the master wanted to go in didn't actually quite slow down enough I don't think because he went over the line and then because you're right on the racing line you can affect the car behind you so the BMW actually having to slow down as a result of that I gained two positions as a result fortunately enough for me the BMW as you can see doesn't quite have enough straight line speed it is very good around this track on this race however I think its inherent weakness is its straight line speed on that back straight so lap four now through the toe of the boot and you see here just not quite releasing the brake early enough and that's just going to give me lots of understeer mid corner and give the invitation for the BMW to get back on my inside and this is really frustrating because this is the lap where I'm looking to come into the pit Lane and therefore losing a position this late in the lap this late in the stint is never ideal however all we can do is just continue with our race and hope that it's going to be enough this BMW driver clearly very quick so it's gonna be quite tricky to beat him let's see what he does is he gonna stay out yes he is move to the left I'm going to take the right hand side into the pit Lane and so this is an important moment in the race oh really close race so far in that mid-pack I think I can get well inside the top 10 here but it's so closely fought oh I refill I did not need to refuel right let's get back out there our refueling could cost me and unfortunately it did as you can see this super that was behind me was now about 1.4 seconds in front so perhaps lost about two seconds there by leaving the refueling too busy with trying to commentate the race and that actually not remembering to cancel the refueling by the end of lap number five this is always the crucial point of the race and this this is always a really exciting part of the race for me where the strategies converge and you realize what the race is going to be from here to the end and look at that the the BMW and the Nissan GTR coming out of the pit Lane I've Got The more I've got the higher amount of momentum here so I'm going to try it around the outside luckily enough the BMW does give me space but can we get another position here with the momentum moving over to the left in the slipstream of the BMW it's going to be quite hard for it around the outside here we're going to keep our foot in there's a bit of bumping between the two of us on the first Apex then the second and around the outside we just managed to sneak here into eighth place I've done just enough keep this position and it looks like we're going to gain another one here with the BMW in front with a 1.5 second penalty going very slowly here maybe on the hard tire and so we're going to gain that position before the penalty zone so that's seventh place however we do have the one lap deficit in terms of tire wear our tires are going to be one lap uh worse off for the remainder of the race compared to these guys who have just come out with the fresh ones and so there's quite a bit of space up in front I do quite regret refueling or making the mistake of not checking and so I I couldn't remain with that super in front the super in front actually was really quick in this stint and here the BMW challenged putting a nice little dummy on me actually and I turned in I didn't really know what side he went and actually that was a really good move when I looked at it on the replay he sort of dummied one side and went to the other and I turned in without knowing where he was But ultimately the BMW was too quick as you can see skipping forward one lap um perhaps three quarters of a second quicker on that previous lap than I was he does get a penalty there but as does the car behind and that gives me a fair amount of space and a bit of breathing room to perhaps try and bring home p8s however making this mistake here just taking too much grass on the inside line one second penalty which unfortunately loses loses quite a lot of time more than a second you actually lose from one single penalty funnily enough and at the end of the race you can see my front left was dying of death or unless it already had died of death so luckily enough we were able to bring it home it's only a ninth but we don't uh but we did start in 15th and so I was quite happy with the result oh it's gonna be a P9 that was a tough Lobby very tough Lobby lots of quick guys in there so I think I'm gonna have to qualify and that's exactly what I did jumping into this session my first lap was a 43.2 which was pretty good and that would put me you know not last but then after many laps about seven laps here lots of low 43s so I knew I was consistent after watching the Delta over those laps I knew I could get into the 42s and that's kind of the area you need to be if you want to qualify well in a top split Lobby and so after losing half a tenth in the first Corner coming into the chicane carrying so much speed you really have to be brave and committed and kind of abuse the track it's uh no secret to say I do actually gain over my personal best carrying a lot of speed here breaking on the 200 board carrying the speed in off the brake you really have to do uh yeah really do have to get off the break quite early to let the car breathe mid-corner and roll the speed through braking just before the 100 board again come off that break taking quite a nice narrow line here and maximizing the track width on the exit I am now three and a half tenths up on a 43.1 so this could be a 42 8. if we continue that through to the end I don't quite carry the speed through there as much as I could have done however through here it's a case of being light on the pedal then releasing and you can accelerate quite early a lot earlier than you think and maximize the track width on the exit and then here's about committing early the GTR is really good through these final two corners lots of aerodynamic grip and it's really about being brave and it's really easy to turn into late for that final corner I don't quite carry the speed I could have done but it is going to be a decent lap a 142.8 [Music] okay 428 that will do all right here we go guys race number two fifth on the grid this time let's see what we can do I'm going to start on the hard tires again maybe do five Laps on the hards rather than four but we'll see how the race goes everyone in front is not in a Nissan or Toyota a fair play to those guys so let's do battle for the second time this time with a much better qualifying position and so I should be able to have a much better battle here starting from fifth rather than 15th does help I mean that's kind of that's quite enough obvious really isn't it and I'm sure I don't really have to tell you that anyway we've got the Peugeot in front and McLaren in front of that and then second place we've got a Mazda in the lead of the BMW so quite a lot of different cars on uh on show here a bit of a bit of weaving here heading towards the chicane I put myself up the inside just to really maybe distract the belt not Belgian the Hungarian driver doesn't quite go for it and here the macaron a little bit wide these two guys can go side by side a penalty for the McLaren a look at this space here I think you know what I can go for this I'll try it but I don't quite really get any Supremacy on the corner and so it's going to be side by side on the exit this is not going to work on my fave on the exit this corner as is a right-hander and so I have to kind of just filter back into position here try the switcheroo doesn't quite work though as the McLaren then serves the penalty we move up a position up into fourth now you can see all this fighting and you know slowing each other down has meant that the top two have pulled away I mean plus they are quick so they are going to put away naturally but ideally if you can remain in the slipstream of a quicker quicker drive a quicker player for as long as possible I can actually be massive for your race you can just kind of get pulled along gaining a couple of cents per lap however on this occasion those guys have just bolted very early but now I obvious and Main priority is trying to get past the Hungarian in the Peugeot interesting choice for this race and fair play for giving the car a go breaking just after 300board perhaps about 250 meters releasing the break back on the power by the time he gets the Apex and actually the Peugeot they're not getting a good exit at all and so that's going to give me the momentum under the straight up the hill through the S's and I'm up into third position a lot earlier than I would have thought to be honest over here this was quite a crucial moment because he could have easily challenged and gone through the position back I decided to give me a bump draft and so wanted to work together perhaps seeing a GTR go through or a Supra is sometimes a wise decision just to stick behind stay in the slip stream as we mentioned as we just mentioned rather than fighting and challenging you're just going to lose lots of time sometimes you do just have to work with each other now strangely here the car in front serves a penalty and then just drive really quite slow for the remainder of this lap it looked like Velasco here in second place was very quick keeping near enough in touch with the BMW out in the lead but here just begins to drive fairly slow a little bit offline also presumably on the hard Tire and so I was a little bit confused here as we come through the penultimate Corner carrying a lot of speed as he does a good job there but here makes a bit of a mistake has commits speed way too early hits the wall and that absolutely kills any sign of momentum we're gonna go for the move now as I could get slipstreamed up the straight but we might as well just go for the move the momentum was there we might as well do it and that's up into second place which I'm pretty happy with as you know moving from 50 second is pretty tricky you know moving from 15th to 12 is usually a lot easier moving from fifth to Second as you are coming up against some better players now here you see a lot of the players behind went into the Bit Lane and that was potentially worrying I was a good maybe three seconds ahead of a lot of those so they they shouldn't trouble me but the undercut is so powerful here because you are going from hard tires to soft tires and that does make quite a big difference in this race usually there is not a gap in the tire requirement normally medium soft or medium hard rather than hard soft and that does make quite a big difference on this race there's something you have to be wary about so as we come in here we're going to try to not make the mistake of refueling like we did in the first race all right we're not going to refuel this time and waste a load of time um but this is going to be quite close I think with the guys who who did the undercut hopefully I can come out and clear out here let's take a look is it going to be the case someone just dashing past in the mirror and that is the Mazda so the Mazda's gained a couple of seconds in fact all of these cars have gained a good two or three seconds here with the undercut I am in third but I do not have the momentum up the hill so this is going to be really hard to defend against these two cars coming up against me here the McLaren on my left hand side now and then the GTR coming up very quickly as well on the left and there's not really anything I can do other than punt them off into the shadow realm but that is typically frowned upon and so we're not gonna rely on that kind of strategy today so down to Fifth and that just gives you a classic example of the undercut the power of the undercut from the hard Tire to the soft tire and boom I've just lost three laps three laps what am I talking about I've just lost three uh positions and three seconds I've lost three laps it's not that bad I mean the undercut can be quite powerful but not three laps powerful anyway this is very much a a tough race from here to the end and this is why I love this race it is just a tough race there's just lots of good players here and you really do have to be on it you have to be consistent you have to be fast not make many mistakes and only then will you begin to move forward now here lap number seven the cars in front challenging each other not taking the best line through there and so we're gonna hang on now I do have the tire Advantage just by one lap but it wasn't really working out for me and and therefore I think you do really want to spend the maximum amount of time on the softer tire and so I think the best strategy really for this race is four Laps on the hard and then six laps on the soft that is the best strategy as far as I can tell because with the with the undercut you are just going to lose too much time and you know unless you're really bad with tire wear then you might just have to do five and soft but if you can do six on the soft then do that anyway here we're going to work together with the Nissan GT-R and now my main concern really was that I wanted to get third I'm not really fighting here four fourth I'm playing the long game and trying to make sure that this guy doesn't drop too far away from third place of course I can send the move so he gets this penalty here I didn't really have to go for the move because we're going to get it anyway in just a moment and all I have to do for the next corner is just remain very close you can see there Bob's your uncle underscore GT very close behind and so this race could go either way you know could um if we make a mistake there's someone there to pick up the pieces and we'll lose a position but here we're gonna we're gonna move forward we're not the one making a mistake on this occasion and so that's good but can we gain one second or 1.1 seconds to this McLaren it looks pretty planted looks like they're driving pretty well so this can be quite tricky with two and a bit laps remaining in this race not much time really but as long as I can get into the slipstream then things can change quite quickly with that McLaren I'm not sure it's too good in a straight line I don't think it's the best car and so if I can just get within three quarters of a second then things can change quite quickly as uh especially with the tire difference as we approach the final lap so this is coming up to the final lap now through the final corner of the penultimate lap I have dropped away from Bob's your uncle behind and it really is an attacking race now from here to the end just trying to catch up with uh Dan and McLaren I was just in the slipstream but we are about 0.6 seconds behind and it was a really good battle I did catch up but I think ideally I needed an extra lap the only chance I really have here is if his front left has completely died of death and he makes a big mistake through this final corner and so all I can do really is just try to gain as much as I can and put some pressure on whatever that wasn't going to be the case he did a very good job there to remain in third and for me it was going to be a satisfying fourth place oh all right P4 I really enjoyed this race just like last year Watkins Glen 10 laps group three it's a fun race it's a fun race that was really good I really hope you enjoyed this one guys thank you so much for watching I'll catch you next time goodbye
Channel: Super GT
Views: 304,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gran turismo, gt7, forza, forza motorsport, gran turismo 7, nurburgring, racing, motorsport, sim racing, forza horizon, f1, formula one, quadrant, super gt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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