Gran Turismo 7: The Ultimate Meme Race

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hello viewers this is the final round of the Nations cup and it's quite a special one because it is on the oval the Daytona trioval which always makes for a very compelling race there will be drama there will be strategy there will be crashes let's first off choose our car it's got to be the Supra that's going to be the quickest I would have thought hopefully this is the right decision let's jump in okay NSX is actually the quickest car so Supra probably not going to be the right decision but we'll do our best that's all we can do this is the qualifi session I'm not going to show you the whole thing cuz it's kind of boring just driving around a circle or an oval and well after five or so minutes qualifying in sixth place Honda NSX was at the front with the Aston Martin dbr 9's mainly towards the back but let's jump into this first race then and try to get a feel for how it plays out it might seem really simple on the surface driving around the oval 30 times but you know what it's actually sometimes more of the complex races that you get on this game and uh the initial thing I had to really worry about was can I make it to the end on fuel and judging by this the answer was no I only only had enough fuel for about 20 laps the race was of course 30 laps so I would have to pit at some point so I still try to do as much fuel saving as I realistically could and the best way really would be to stay behind and to avoid crashes like that that does always help I find so we've gained a position if I can just stay in the group that's always good couple of guys here the guy serving a penalty presumably for the contact with the other guy who crashed a moment ago so this is lap two and already we're becoming quite split as a group I'm losing touch with the group in front but we managed to reel them back in with some nice uh Duo work here with this a driver behind we kind of worked as a worked as a as a pair here to bump draft back to the leading group we we're five away at the front so this was quite a good situation to be in there's five of us here we're away from the second group um so we're just minimizing the amount of people that can compete now here you see I'm looking down I'm trying to change my tuning settings on my fitech wheel and as I do that all of a sudden we get a bit of a lag Spike and this is an issue that has been known to occur I get rear damage basically when you when you modify your tuning settings on your fitech wheel as you come out of it sometimes it creates a lag Spike and I completely forgot about that and well it put me way off the pack as you can see I lost touch with the with the top three I got swallowed up by the pack behind who managed to quite easily catch me up and that's one of the things with this race if you aren't with a group if you're on your own you're going to struggle you you just don't quite get the higher speeds with all the bump Drafting and all the slip streaming and so you do need to be working together as part of a group now two of the leading three cars went into the pit Lane on the end of lap 15 so halfway into the race therefore I jumped from fifth up to Third and interestingly this led the leader on his own and this meant that well he had no help no support and quite quickly as you can see we managed to reel him in over the course of a couple of laps so this is now lap number 19 so 2/3 into the race I'm s in third with only 12% of fuel remaining enough for it says 2.5 laps but I did notice that the fuel seemed to deplete slower as the fuel tank got drained so I was able to actually go a little bit longer than that so crossing the line end of lap 20 still in third end of lap 22 I mean it said please please refuel I've only got enough fuel for .5 laps but quite stupidly I kept going and as as this point occurred you see I completely ran out of fuel and had to Coast into the pit Lane at the end of lap 23 I was hoping some of those Aon Martins would come in but none of them did so there's me on my own in the Toyota Supra coming in it clearly wasn't the right choice we rejoined the circuit in a very lonely ninth position and I was looking at that leading group hoping that they would all just come into the pit Lane and give me a chance but that sadly did not happen so after 30 laps of racing I came home in a very lonely ninth position oh man Ninth Place and look at that the Aston Martin was the car to choose that was the car I should have been in monumentally messed that up clearly the strategy is to save as much fuel as possible in the Aston Martin this race kind of baits you in because you think it's a speed race but really it's actually a fuel saving race so I want to see what this guy does this is the guy who wins the race he started ninth so it shows you don't have to be at the front so quite interestingly on lap four he was at the front of this sort of second group and he didn't really make much intent to keep up with that leading group so it shows that he's saving fuel like straight away we can't see what fuel map he's on so let's uh take lap 12 12 this is where I get caught by the group again and um he's on about 60% fuel I'm on like 45 it definitely got really feisty and here's how you get these overtakes because you see second he kind of goes for a move here just opens up the inside and then it just the space opens up so that's how you get those moves you really do have to stick to the left and then this is where he got the lead because the lead has got like no fuel left so he has to go into the pit Lane so yeah he playing the long game stay in the race save as much fuel make sure you've got enough to uh go for it at the end let's see what the finisher was like I'm sure it was close it's getting very feisty emu comes through right at the end there there's six cars fighting for this win and as they come up to the line incredibly close almost side by side let's see what happened here because this is when I pressed the tuning menu button I was pressing it about here let's look from the car behind and it does this weird lank thing which I completely forgot about shows that he shouldn't do it during the race and then that was so strange so he's got front body damage I've got rear that's that slowed us both down but we know the strategy now Aston Martin save fuel attack at the end let's go all right race two Aston Martin here we come okay guys seventh on the grid not going to bother showing qualifying because it's kind of not important but here we go seventh this time around and of course this time around we are we are armed with the knowledge of how to successfully do this race at least in terms of the car choice and the strategy and immediately I realized why this car is better as you can see in the Top Gear so six gear it revs incredibly low and so it burns fuel at a much lower rate so this race really got us baited in into thinking it was a speed race but really it's about fuel saving now you see up ahead there was an Aston Martin in the leading group and I was a bit nervous that he would begin to pull away we had a McLaren at the front of our group here which was losing us a lot of time to that leading group we managed to kind of push him to the side here and get past so the McLaren just getting out of the line out of the sequence and getting shuffled to the back of the pack but worryingly the leaders were just beginning to pull away and pull away you see here this was about a third of the way into the race they were about 10 or more seconds in front a worryingly big gap two of them going into the pit Lane and that would therefore leave that Aston Martin out on its own and we know what happens in that situation when you're on your own you don't have the extra speed you are going to go a lot slower I think you can get about 180 175 mph in the slip stream but when you're on your own you're only going about 169 170 and over time that does of course add up this Hungarian driver was very aggressive and he managed to find his way through there's almost a Monumental collision and crash of the Spaniard there and it was quite interesting the techniques you have to use to overtake was you really had to be aggressive and just force your way down the left hand side and that was the main Dynamic of this race just opening or trying to look for an opening on the left but mainly everyone was driving on the left hand side to protect the inside line so it's a very interesting Dynamic of course Very similar to NASCAR perhaps a little bit different cuz you're driving more in one line rather than multiple lines but as the race wore on this is lap 26 still looking for that opening we are okay for fuel we can go to the end that is not a worry that guy got shuffled out of the line space opens up here and I went into it but the Spaniard was not happy at all so he's turning left on a straight and getting pushed beyond the yellow line and as we head into the next Corner boom all of a sudden I've been sent back in time I've been reset and you can see by my reaction that I was not very happy with that at all and so I had a couple of very lonely laps you can see here a replay of me getting sent back in time and boom that was that the race was over for me one consolation was I managed to gain one position but it was only good enough for 12 after all of that I can't believe that guys I can't believe that let's take a look at this incident again because the space opened up and I just went into it there it's so close as to whether or not that's like legal or not but then obviously he's not happy so turning left on a straight and sends me back in time don't you just love that like at this point here I mean as long as I keep two wheels within the line or on the line then I'm okay and I'm I've just got a bit of an overlap but not a complete one it's so it's it's closed then I tried to force my way in and he was not having any of it it is what it is we got one more chance though to try to get this right okay race number three our final chance now qualifying was really weird because I got up the inside of this Honda NSX the NSX is the quickest qualifying car but it's not good in the race cuz it can't save fuel we did this entire session side by side nothing really much more to say about the qualifying session than that it was quite weird qualified in fifth let's begin this is the third of the three races available and so I had to get it right on this one the first race was really a case of learning what to do second one was my first attempt at really getting it right and then this one last chance aloon we got to get it right now or that is that okay starting fifth Hond NSX at the front of the pack and of course by now the third race most people were aware of what to do they were all most people were in the dbr9 the Aston Martin only the guy in the lead really in Honda NSX and so I'd say that it was becoming harder and harder also check this out the leader in the NSX he really threw a curve ball into this entire situation by driving on the right hand side I know that sounds so simple and really doesn't sound very major as at all but typically this race would go as follows everyone drives on the left for 30 laps and that's that but here this guy started driving on the right and it kind of meant that people were shuffling over to the right hand side it created two lines instead of one and so the dynamic of this race was immediately very different than the first two and so as you can see here on the back straight on lap number two we have a right hand lane forming up against the left hand lane and so we've got this interesting Dynamic we have the Hond NSX there as well actually there's two of them in the race I guess slowed down there that was a bit weird I don't know what happened and so now the situation is a bit perilous and you know bearing in mind that I didn't really finish the first two races properly I really just want to get to the end and survive and so this situation was kind of scaring me with the close proximity of so many cars in two different lines it's very easy for one little thing to go wrong and for you to end up in the shadow realm aka the wall so let's see what occurs here onto the back straight now I was hoping which is what usually happens the longest line will win out now of course we can go back to those uh those races around special stage route X which kind of go along the same sort of routes where you have two lines the longest line will just begin to push each other for and that line will win out but here it's a bit of a mess and the right hand lane looks actually a bit wider there's a car getting scraped into the wall losing a lot of momentum currently in 11th position so we've lost quite a few positions from where we started it's becoming a bit fractured here this is in danger of becoming a bit of a mess so I'm just going to stick to the left hand side keep it nice and safe nice and easy and rely on the things I know which is just staying in the line and just playing nice and safe at least for the time being we can be a bit more aggressive later on and by lap four as you can see the right hand lane became a bit fractured and the left hand lane became a bit stronger and longer um the Honda NSX in the lead just I mean causing absolute Anarchy I don't know if it was intentional or or what he didn't really have a hope of winning this race because that Honda just can't do a nostop strategy uh so he just really thought he'd just throw a curve into into the mixer so this is lap number six and had a very close call there with the Spaniard who left a bit of a space I went for it then he come back and you know could have easily have spun out there and that often does lead to that kind of collision where you get spun around and unfortunately here the Hond VX does get spun around there's a bit of Carnage get pushed from behind and I carry the momentum through into fourth and I have front and rear bumper damage now luckily enough that does repair itself after about 20 or so seconds so I just need to stay in the line and then I should be okay we got a couple of cars going around the outside and this is a strategy that I'd never really seen before in this kind of race cars were able if they got the momentum and timing dead right they were able to fly around the outside and make some overtakes usually that will result in you just get in cut a drift and you're on the outside of the lane and you lose loads of positions kind of like this Frenchman is here where as soon as you're on the right hand side you can't get back in the line and then you get shuffled down the deck but here in fifth lap 13 receiving a couple of pushes now here we have a Portuguese driver on the left hand side and unfortunately well take a look here you can see he's definitely there he's absolutely on my left hand side and he tries to come back on still there but then the next frame disappeared send back in time and unfortunately he met the same fate that I had in the previous race he's been sent back to 2008 or something I don't know where he went he's gone he's to be forgotten now rip in peace my friend this is lap number 16 race still going very strong as the sun sets here at Daytona again couple of cars going around the outside I'm playing a bit safe here just keeping in line just making sure I survive and I'm not the one to full foul of a collision or something wble here has a slow moment I Tred to go around the outside but before I can slot back in he gets a bit of a boost but there's a car up in front going off the track to the left comes back on causes a bit of Carnage and I'm going to gain two positions the Greek driver in front on the receiving end of a 3se second penalty I tried to turn right there perhaps shouldn't have done as there was a Spaniard there so the Greek driver losing a handful of positions and is pretty much out of the race and this is what I mean by playing it safe you just got to make sure that you're not the one to full foul of that kind of thing now here this is lap 27 three to go as we cross the line at the end of lap 28 start of lap 29 this is the two lap showdown at the end of the race we've even got the Honda NSX a lap down for good measure why not I mean why the hell not just add him in the mixer he can't affect the race result but he is a visual distraction I suppose so I went down to eighth on lap or 27 back to sixth place now but I only have one and a half laps to try to do something about not finishing sixth which is not where I want to be but here we are .6 seconds away from the race lead but with quite a lot of work to do in order to try and gain these positions so coming up to the finish line of lap 29 one lap RI remaining I'm still in the race I'm happy about it I've not been sent back in time in fact we've got two H nsx's here for good measure we're going to go past both of them can we get a position here I'm going to try the outside there's no one in front of me in fact the Hungarian driver is going to give me a bit of slipstream it's not enough though as now the Italian goes to the outside but I can switch back on him and nip underneath and get this position from him and take fifth that's one position can we get another four with half a lap left to go this is going to be very very difficult indeed coming around the last corner jutting to the outside hopefully someone moves across and gives me some slipstream it's not quite happening for me 0.4 away from the race lead we are not going to run out of fuel but running up to the line is going to be Incredibly Close 0.2 away from the race win and it's a fourth P4 I just wasn't aggressive enough I don't think but at least I finished really weird tactical race that really really weird okay because that was the last race of the championship we've got our ratings and that is that no more championships available but thank you so much for watching see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Super GT
Views: 357,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gran turismo, gt7, forza, forza motorsport, gran turismo 7, nurburgring, racing, motorsport, sim racing, forza horizon, f1, formula one, quadrant, super gt
Id: xn5_YIS8WBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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