Gran Turismo 7: I Loved Everything About This Race

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hello viewers the second round of the Nations cup is here now last week we had a really good 24 lap endurance race around Spa this time 30 laps around Fuji it's going to take about 45 minutes so another very long race it's a group two race we're going to be jumping into the Honda NSX and as before there is some strategy medium and soft tire required let's jump in okay now last time I said I wanted to get my driver rating up so I can get more points this race is worth 325 points for first so we're definitely in a higher Lobby that's good news Okay qualifying this is very important because there's going to be a lot of dirty air in this race right first things first in qualifying trying to create some space for myself mainly because you do not want the dirty air in these group two cars around Fuji lots of fast sweeping Corners here trying to create some room for myself slipstream is not a factor so first Corner seems okay let's progress around the lap then we've got these uh the fast sweepers in the middle turn two here a little bit wide not only on the Apex but also on the xf2 so definitely not an optimal lap turned out that I was four tenths away from pole in fourth place at the time of setting it and so I knew there was room for improvement 31 592 was my first lap and ideally I knew that I had to shave off a couple of tents there catching up though to these guys in front as you can see so a bit of a visual distraction once again a little bit wide through turn two not ideal let's Loop it round for this very long right-hander that seems to go on whatever down the hill let's see what our split second time is going to be one tenth slower that is not good but we can definitely go quicker here I felt like my Pace wasn't the best in that first lap and there was definitely room for improvement and fourth place is okay but you're never quite safe in a Lobby like this I'm in a higher split than I was in last week's Spa race the 24 lapper endurance and so you can never rest too easy you've got some good quality players in the lobby so getting that straighter exit from the final Corner up to the line we go I'm not quite gonna get a third lap frustratingly it's going to be only a slight Improvement didn't quite get a third lap that's quite frustrating oh man you see just how close that is if I was one tenth quicker I could be in fifth P9 on the grid we're putting the brake bias to the rear protect the front tires we've got to eke out these uh these stints as best we can all right let's jump in okay a lengthy 30 lap race is ahead of us group two cars around Fuji plenty of strategy involved lots of Tire saving as well let's jump in and hope for a nice clean start into the first corner just going to go into the space around the outside of the freshman not ready to try to overtake but more to prevent myself from getting hit but it wasn't going to be long before I was going to get hit as we come through turn two I received this hit from behind and I only have one word to say wow so you can see the pure exasperation upon my face as we get hit back into the shadow realm and p16 out of 16. this is going to be a long race there's no doubt about that a couple of cars getting tangled up with each other here so I'm going to go through like the 14th at least another car wide on the left turning left on a right-hander and boom they're in the wall so 13th Place not ideal at all losing a handful of positions for positions on the first lap looking down for this move at turn one the spaniel went quite wide so I thought let's try it up the inside it's not quite gonna work and we're gonna have to settle in behind and this is where you can see the dirty air of the cars in front it's really hard to follow in these group two cars around this type of corner these fast sweeping corners very difficult to really um get close enough to the car in front to challenge to see that's going to be quite a big factor in this moment because we've got four cars battling very directly in front try and pick up the pieces if possible almost losing control on the exit as we head up through the final sector end of lap number two expanded on the Britain front going Toe to Toe and the Spanish goes quite wide so I'm going to just tip up the inside and say hello to p12 the Tidy little move there's definitely overtaking opportunities through this final sector here at Fuji then of course you have this extremely lengthy straight this socket now as we Whip It Forward through this aforementioned very lengthy straight the guy behind back in the toe and this is where incident number two is going to occur as kind of in no man's landing on the outside it runs wide onto the curb nice little 360 and that is extremely frustrating as you can see by the pure joy up on my face we are now gonna have to fight back again so this race just really was not going to plan at all but given the length of the race I always knew there was a chance plus it's always good practice you should always just continue I guess and just learn the ins and outs of this race managed to go past this guy around the outside so I was making my way back through the pack and just trying to do my best to recover to whatever position I could see ultimately what my race pace could be like a little bit further into this race lap number eight now just beginning to catch up with this battle in front but just pushing a bit too hard into the final corner and losing another couple of seconds here and another couple of positions so I would say those three incidents that have happened in this race have probably cost me a good 12 or so seconds in this race maybe about 10 minimum so that's been very costly so far I could easily be well inside the top 10 if not for those um but yeah that is racing those are the things that happen and I suppose in the next race we'll have to make sure they don't happen again end of lap number nine now a couple of cars going into the pit Lane multiple strategies on offer here you can do the two stop you can do a One-Stop I'm gonna try and do the two stop sorry the one stop I'm doing at the end of lap 16 couple of cars coming in here so the medium Tire Runners began to come in to the pit Lane at the end of lap 16 or 17. and as a result of all these pit stops I started moving up the order you see there to P6 by this point so I was slowly making my way back through the filters so this wasn't too bad I would still have to make my Pit Stop and um key issue at this moment would be my front left tire which is the tire that really takes the Brunt around this Fuji track a couple more cars in front going into the pit Lane as you can see or one of them is actually and that's going to move me up into P4 and on this lap I decided okay that's enough 18 Laps on the medium we can now go over the soft tire and try to eat those out until the end of the race only doing one stop so this race was really much about um preserving the tires making them last tried to drive as fast and consistent and safely as possible without overworking the car and the tires so I rejoined in 11th place with 11 laps left to go and a couple of laps later lap 21 now just beginning to catch up with Willets Bros here but I knew that I had the chance here so um it was pretty good that I started P9 dropped so many positions but I'm back in a fight here for P6 up the inside goes uh this Frenchman who I thought was under bad strategies I thought you know I'm not going to fight it too much I don't want to be too stupid to lose too much time but it didn't take too long for this battle to get really quite intense as you see here four cars battling from one position P6 beginning just to Edge away as we as we fight but it only took one more lap with this really to get a lot worse for the guys there in seventh and eight for lots of Defending going on at weird sorts of angles and the German gets run wide then this guy turns left on the right and says hello to the grass and I'm up into p8 so that's a good recovery I'm I'm in a higher position than what I was when I started the race in P9 and on the final lap that 30 out of 30 we are now 46 minutes into this race and I have a chance an outside chance of getting p7 this guy was dropping quite quickly and was obviously not on the best quality tires and so I had a faint chance now of gaining a further position so let's see if we can do it through the final sector of Fuji as we mentioned there's definitely overtaking opportunities into this left can we nip underneath it's going to cover it off somewhat don't really have the space into the final turn there's definitely opportunities here and I'm gonna spring a surprise here and try and really just narrow off this corner completely go for it I have to make sure I don't run in wide he's got the better traction on The Wider line he's going to get back into seventh place but it's gonna be a drag race to the line am I gonna finish seventh or am I going to finish eighth let's take a look p8 after all that you know what I think after all of the incidents at the beginning that wasn't such a bad result so even though there was lots of Carnage at the start I still enjoyed that once it's settled down I think there was a lot more respect but in those opening laps it was a bit too chaotic so for that I get 230 points I need I need more than that I want to get closer to 300 I think okay guys let's jump into the second slot I think it's quite clear what we need to do qualify better and not crash about five times in the race this is the bit that matters gotta sort this out gotta get a low 31 minimum I think yeah qualifying was so so important I think in the first race that's really where my problem stemmed from qualifying in the middle of the pack and in the middle of the pack it's just always going to be much more aggressive you stand so much higher a chance of being involved in an accident and therefore qualifying at the front in the fresh air with a lot more space that can really turn your Fortunes in your favor and so I really targeted this qualifying session as the most important aspect of how to improve my overall result so qualifying here this is my first lap giving myself a bit more space I think in the first qualifying session I didn't leave enough space inside just began to catch up with some cars in front just began to distract me slightly and I didn't really put in the laps that I know I could have done and so a bit of a bigger Gap here on this occasion so let's see as we head down the hill towards the end of the second split here no one set of time yet so we're not actually going to get a reference 48.4 we don't know if that's good or not we will see at the end of the lap through the final sector then very technical couple of Corners here and it's never been my favorite part of the track but it's one that I'm improving at the more that I do it so a bit widering the exit there going wide back up a gear this exit quite crucial gotta get on the powers early as you dare without losing control of the car of course through the final corner so many interpretations possible through that corner make sure you extend the exit to really get the car to accelerate in a straight line and coming up to the line let's take a look at what this lap time is going to be is going to be a well one tenth away from Pole Position it's a 1 31.3 so that's already two cents quicker and I managed in the previous race remember I did a 31 point five so we've already improved but I know that I can go even quicker here on this second lap we're going to have the references so we know we're going fast or slow and there we go slightly faster we want to be seeing blue better yet Purple on the split sectors obviously purple meaning you have gone quicker than the pole position time let's take a look with this left it's really easy to overcook that one on the entrance get gotta get on the power as early as possible on the exit leads out onto a medium length straight coming down the hill here it's not very straight at all but it's classified as a straight I guess breaking just under the Gantry on the shadow one tenth quicker through the second split this is a good lap and we just have to hold our nerve through this final sector and we have improved our lap and gone on to pole position but of course everyone else is running everyone else is on good laps as well so you never quite know for sure all you can do is stick to your guns complete your own lap the best you can and not worry too much about what everyone else is doing so through the final Corner this has been a very solid sector quite happy with it and as we exit the final corner to take a look at what it's going to be is it going to be an improvement that felt good come on there's got to be a 30 surely come on 31-1 [Music] more lap so there's a really solid Improvement on this third lap luckily I was able to get a third lap in this time and I was slightly slower through the second split but again I knew I could improve for this final sector so I kept going and just tried to carry a bit more speed especially on the exit here this exit was really crucial up to Second just trying to get on that power as early as possible just really dealing with the oversteer moment you inevitably have as a result through the final Corner again on the power as early as possible in third gear for stability up to the line we go what is it going to be it's going to be an improvement and a lot I was really happy with yes yes slightly quick on that final app I rarely get pole positions I'm happy with that we are going to put on the mediums I think we would do the same strategy as last time I think that was the right strategy right here we go guys this is it let's go all right three two one start okay again 30 laps ahead of us trying to pull off the same strategy let's try and settle into this race and give it a jolly good go now into turn one just try not to overcook it on that first lap really easy to do because you're going in there at a different speed than normal now the car behind stefanzi the Frenchman in a different car which is quite interesting most people opting for the Honda NSX and he was in the Lexus which was quite a different uh choice not many people were really going for that car and so it offered something different a different challenge and I wasn't sure exactly where that car was strong or where where it was weak around this circuit and the first thing I was trying to do here is really just break the toe of the guy behind and I was noticing already that he's got a penalty for starters but also he was quite quick out of turn one had had really good traction and my main concern is really just working out who is on what's higher I'm of course on the medium the weaker of the two and he may well be on the soft and if he is then you know if he comes flying through then that's not really too much of an issue we should hopefully try to catch back up at the end of the race so as we kind of touched upon earlier in the qualifying these longer races are definitely rated where you can just settle into your own Rhythm and just go at your own rates and eventually at the end you know your strategy hopefully will come together and you don't really have to think too much about the others to some extent you do but um here at the front in control just trying to set nice consistent laps and not be too overzealous on the power and not make any mistakes with any penalties on the exit lap number three end of the end of the lap oons you managed to catch back up here as you can see in the slipstream I was not going to fight this one I felt like I just did not want to lose time to the others if he was on the soft tire he was going to come through at some point anyway and so to start defending would lose me time against pretty much everyone else on the track so I was going to play the long game here let him go and we would eventually cash back up now I forgot the one mistake I did make is I forgot to put my brake bias to the rear the first five laps of this race and we'll see if that does cost me the Gap behind 1.6 seconds so this German behind was like quite ominously close and it's just one of those gaps where you're never quite fully comfortable especially if he gains maybe half a second or a bit more he's in he's in the slip Stream So after seven laps you see they're fairly consistent the Gap went up to about 1.9 and digitally they're going into the pit Lane on medium tires so there was lots of distractions I had the car in front pulling away from me I had the guy behind ominously close keeping a good Gap I'd other cars going to the pit Lane on different strategies so it's really easy to get distracted I kept my call you see the Gap now five seconds to the leader just under five to the guy behind Stefan's actually going into the pit Lane at the end of lap 12 and indeed was on the soft tire so that um was quite quite good to see he was on the soft tire and would presumably now be going onto the medium probably for the rest of the race during the One-Stop strategy so after retaking the leads lap 17 now and you can see the front left tire was really beginning to die of death in the first race I managed to do 18 Laps on the medium tire but that's looking incredibly unlikely now on this race mainly I would say because I've not changed the brake bias plus perhaps driving the car a little bit too hard and powering the brakes into the corners a couple of times and that really does a murder front tires and so at the end of this lap I had to make a very bold decision you know do I want to do one more lap but ultimately it was quite an easy call because my front left was completely dead and so I had no choice but to pull over to the right bring the car in and get the mediums changed over to the softs albeit one lap sooner than I would have liked I wanted to do 18 laps but the tires were just really going off there so I had to come in I had to come in there right let's go [Music] right needs to be super smooth here really smooth [Music] make these tires last yeah so we have at least 12 laps remaining so on the soft tire it seems comfortable now when you've got all of the grip in the world especially as I've just come off of very worn mediums and I'm now on brand new softs there is so much more grip and it feels so tempting to push and just really go for it but you have to pace yourself and just make sure your tires don't die by the end of the race I don't want to have to do another pit stop that's going to cost me I don't know 17 or 18 seconds or something quite a lot of time and so I have to just make sure that I Pace myself nicely make the car last don't do anything's too stupid there's still a good 20 minutes or so left in this race so lots of things can happen and you really do have to teach yourself patience I think in these in these slightly longer races but that is the really cool element of this race and like you would have seen in the previous video on the endurance race at spa just uh the longevity of the race means you have to just be a bit more patient so a couple of cars pulling into the pit Lane here luckily that was that was really good timing because I was just getting into their slipstream they would have been on worn tires and so I'm not going to lose any time from them that was really really good because if I started to catch up with them I would have been in the slipstream I would have been in the dirty air I probably would have got stuck behind for a lap maybe two laps and that could have cost me a couple of seconds so at this point the Gap to the guy behind German seven seconds now so I did a one lap undercut on him and that gave me about two seconds and eight and a half seconds the Gap to the guy in front at this point 7.6 but look at this guys as we come through this section of the circuit I noticed that his car was clearly efficient around these couple of Corners here so through this right-hander I was gaining about half a second alone in one corner and then through this left-hander gaining a bit more so I've just gained just over a second in two corners I just gained like half a second on the guy in front through those last two corners this is going to be a couple of laps and I'll be with him there we go as my past self repeats um so it didn't take too long for me to catch with good consistency in the mid 30 ones for the most part this is lap 25 and the Gap eventually came down to 1.8 and you can see here clear visual confirmation I'm catching up and the Gap to the guy behind was actually coming down as well so I had that to worry about but my main focus right now was just bringing this gap down to the guy in front trying to strike early whilst my tires are still in good shape so he's on the medium Tire his car is clearly deficient through that corner he's driving the Lexus and so that car has different capabilities I did notice it has good traction it was pretty good out out of the corners I think in terms of pure downforce through these fast Corners it def definitely did not have the the grip and the performance of this Honda NSX you can see it here as I'm able just to carry much more speed pull right up to the back of him now this is lap 26 of 30 and we are approaching the the end this is really the part that matters now the Gap coming down to the guy behind less than four seconds it was seven at one point and so I was very worried if I got struck into a big battle here with stefanzi for too long even just two laps that the guy in third could quite quickly catch up and seems as though the guy behind is on better tires has a one lap fresher tires and that seems to be making a difference as every lap just gaining maybe half a second or if not a bit more than that so I was a little bit worried that this could go you know I could win but also I could easily drop to third if it doesn't go to plan big moment from stefanzi on the exit the final Corner onto the main straight very long straight into the slip stream now encrypt two cars the slipstream isn't too strong but I'm definitely in it now is he going to go defensive yes he is all the way to the pit wall on the right hand side I'm going to go back to the left I mean the wrong position really I don't really want to be on the outside he's still in the first race I got run wide and spun around but here space is afforded and we're gonna go clean around the outside and take the lead of the race on lap 27 out of 30. and So eventually after many many laps of consistent driving and being patient and waiting for my strategy to come home it finally has paid dividends and I'm back in the lead of the race so he overtook me three laps into the race and I vote overtaken him back three laps to the end of the race our strategies very much mirrored each other and uh Pace was actually very well very well matched and with only one lap left to go I had a few worries about my tires oh my God guys one more lap I've got enough fuel it's just that front left tire it is dying of death for three and a half seconds Gap though just need to bring it home now nothing silly but unfortunately I did something very silly coming through this left-hander final lap this is where my race unraveled as we come through here well nothing happened I'm tricking you as we actually come to the final corner of the final lap after much stress and much [Music] yes come on guys P1 get in there Lewis miracles do happen mate oh yes come on come on what a race that was perfect oh my God I'm sweating of course say justifensi there that was uh that was a really good race really really amazing battle 46 minutes and we were separated by just a couple of seconds so that for me is 320 points I'm very happy with that I don't often get above 300 so I'll take it still first in Kent 15th in the UK now 60th in Europe Middle Eastern Africa so at this point it's only counting one score so your best score 15th in the UK pretty happy with that above 300 which was my aim for this round as for the next round that is in the super formula car the new one at Deep Forest this Saturday but thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed it goodbye
Channel: Super GT
Views: 392,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gran turismo, gt7, forza, forza motorsport, gran turismo 7, nurburgring, racing, motorsport, sim racing, forza horizon, f1, formula one, quadrant, super gt
Id: H3LCsoTh6kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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