The Time Trial from Hell

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hello viewers the newest time trial in the game is this the time trial from Hell or the green hell the Nurburgring I really want to try and set a good lap time here I've done more than enough practice after doing those 200 laps for my first lap I'm gonna jump into the Porsche 911 and I'm gonna see if I can beat the gold time first try all right let's do it okay so we have 8 minutes 17.990 to beat in the Porsche 911 GT3 always a solid reliable and trustworthy car and especially here around the Nurburgring and the Nord schleifer combined let's jump through the first corner and the second one always a tricky little section this this left hand you see there car breaking traction on the exit what's it going to be around the first split 22.197 a bit further round at The Hairpin at the bottom of the hill this is where I made my first mistake just going a little bit too narrow and then getting on the power a bit too much back end wanting to swap sides with the front while we managed to recover it we're going to continue and see what this lap can be coming on to the Norwich lifer section here turning left off of the GP and over that bump it's going to be a one 37.2 and around this track we can we can actually make a big mistake there around this track it's really important to remember your split times around certain points I always remember split time at the end of the GP and a few other places around the circuit especially this corner here this is where I'm going to make another mistake ideally we want to be going sub 250 under this bridge with a 252.7 so there's definitely time to be gained into this fast sweeping section at the back end of the track calf nicely flowing through here and this is where the cars really feel alive on this circuit into this double downhill left-hander always quite tricky to get dead right into this right gotta turn a bit earlier a little bit away from the Apex on the Apex so on the exit using the extra track width final section then on the brakes a little bit late going a bit too narrow definitely had to scrub off a bit too much speed but this is my first lap let's see what's it going to be as we come up to the line eight minutes not quite a gold eight minutes 18.905 we now have a ghost to try to beat which for me is always very useful and uh we need to try and beat that ghost by one second now here I made this big error of course on the first lap so we can easily shave off quite a lot of time there and to be fair that was the majority of the time I needed you see there's six tenths near enough in that one mistake alone and in order to get gold I need a one second Improvement so let's try to continue this lap and of course we're gonna get used to the car as it is now the second lap and so we should be able to carry more speed through this lap end of the GP 36.2 through that split and we are now 1.1 1.2 seconds up on the ghost by this point here 2.7 seconds faster than it goes can we go sub 250 under the bridge we are just 49.993 end of the lap then it was a good laugh overall four and a half seconds faster than the ghost carrying speed pretty much everywhere making a lot less mistakes it's going to be a nearly five second Improvement and that is going to be an 8 minutes 14.0 two laps gold medal faster in fact than tro lightning the former Gran Turismo world champion bro must be washed so that's the gold pretty much secured I can't see the top time improving by too much so from here I have two aims I would say one is to get within 1.5 of the world record and the second aim is to get a sub 8 minute 10. I'm gonna try a couple of different cars here first um I know the Supra is the quickest car on the leaderboard at least but I'm gonna give the Mercedes the new one a go uh [Music] once I got my act together and stopped turning right into my left-hander this Mercedes was actually a very decent car and it's one that's not going to be top top of the leaderboard but it's certainly a card that you could get a gold timing so after getting used to it for a couple of laps well actually you know this is my second lap after the first lap I crashed let's see the split timer here 136.0 after the GP and that was quicker than my fastest Porsche lap now of course I I should be going quicker in a sense because I've done more laps and I'm more used to the Circuit so any Improvement isn't necessarily all down to the car some of it is down to me getting quicker there big big error it's really easy to run wide and maximize the track width but it does get quite slippery if you go a bit too wide but um under the Gantry at the beginning of the dottinger 7 27 that's another split time to remember and coming up to the line at the end of my first complete lap 8 14.2 so two tenths off my Porsche lap but as with Borgia it pretty much took the second lap to really dial in and properly complete a lap it's always good for me to have the ghost reference as you can pretty much do your first lap and you remember the points where you did good and where you did bad you tried to correct all the bad bits now through here end of the GP carrying a lot of speed through the chicane trying to get this nice exit here nasty bump going on there and you have to be really careful 35.9 so that's the quickest we've done to that split so that's good we are still improving and um a bit later on coming up here very fast Corner a fast section here and lifting off to get the the nose to to bite and to get the the car to turn in and then this section here just after the Foxhole you see just how much we gain as we take a slightly tidier line on the way in releasing the brake at the right time and just getting slightly better on the traction and you can see they're definitely closing up to the ghost three tenths gain now compared to the ghost and so this should be a quicker lap here just after the carousel clear Mistake by the ghost in the first lap and so I was able to capitalize on that and gain a few more tenths now ahead of the ghost by seven tenths of a second and so it's a case of just bringing this home until the end I know that I'm quicker no need to overthink it just carry this pace all the way to the end sounds simple but obviously uh there's many corners and many opportunities to send yourself into the shadow realm around this track getting a bit tidier there you see the ghost in the back shot turning right there where it shouldn't be and now we are one second up again another mistake from the ghost through the mini Carousel always a tricky Corner pushing it right to the edge on the exit 1.2 second Advantage now throwing the speed in carrying the speed in then this corner crucial is long right onto the dottinger at the end of the lap what is the split timer going to say as we go underneath the Gantry gonna be a 726.266 and a couple of Corners remaining to get this lap right carrying a nice amount of speed onto this straight and it's going to be a one second Advantage as we come to the line it's going to be an 8 minutes 13.0 there we go improved by a second 813 could have got into the a12s so that now puts me 394th in the world 1.98 off the top time so we're edging closer but we do have to take off a couple of seconds yet next up I'm going to try the BMW M6 [Music] okay so not for the first time spinning out big time on the first lap but once I got this BMW M6 Big Boy dialed in it was not too bad above In This Moment here carrying a bit too much speed into the carousel dropping out of the banking and losing a fair amount of time from that moment there now this BMW is well it's big and let me tell you it's very clunky in the slow corners but it does feel pretty good through the fast ones which we are coming up to right now this is easily my favorite section of the track fast and flowing you've got to attack it be aggressive and really make the most of the grip and handling of these GT3 cars look at this using all of the curb and a bit more and throwing it into this uphill Corner you'd be amazed the amount of grip can be produced through that corner as you are heading into the hill bit of understeer there as we head through this right-hander always a tricky corner Corner Falls away not having a moment on the exit which is good and through YouTube Corner a bit wide big big moment on the exit and We Gather it up six minutes 22 through that split and we're continuing underneath the Gantry somewhere around 727 wouldn't be too bad it is indeed a 727 and it's gonna be an okay lap therefore but definitely not quicker a 13.9 so nine tenths off the Mercedes lap but near enough um the Mercedes Porsche and BMW lapping fairly equally but I was fairly confident that with the mistakes I made on that lap I could definitely improve and get into the 8 Minute 12s so that is my main focus on this second lap of the BMW so through this section at the just after the Foxhole you see again just carrying a bit more speed and this is where you can really notice the difference between your your laps well it's always a good idea to have a ghost but apart from that moment there when it isn't because it kind of blocked my view of the curb and I wasn't quite able as I saw him many times I wasn't quite able to really judge that one to Perfection so there are moments when it can distract you and you probably should turn it off and here you see I was just overdriving I was just letting it get to me a little bit not carrying enough speed and then here again just pushing way too hard it was really stupid what am I doing I don't know super duty what are you doing you're driving like an absolute melon it's sort your act out mate okay well this is my attempt then to try to actually get my life together and you know put together a decent lap now for the first section it was decent let's try to get this hairpin at the bottom end of the GP just right and as I said this car does feel quite clunky through the slow corners and that's one of the slower ones already ahead of the ghost let's not forget the ghost is an 8 13.9 so I do need to get a sizeable margin in front but I set the ghost to about 0.4 seconds ahead so I'm already about half second in front at this point so on to the Norwich lifer let's see what the split timer is going to be over that bump horrible hate it 35.3 I think that's the fast I've done it so far nice rotation on that left-hander Sabine Schmitz curve as it is now named so down the Foxhole dangerous little section of the track this one always a point where I can go horribly wrong and normally when you walk watch the Auto Addiction videos a fair amount of crashes at that point off the track they're going to try not to crash on that point this time and as you can see the result is quite clear moving away from the ghost into the carousel and this was a big and blatant error on my first lap so we're going to try and stay within the banking try to capitalize on that and we're going to do just that exactly to plan although I didn't gain as much as I think I would have done but coming around the final long right-hander onto the dottinger for the um for the split timer here what is it going to be 8 minutes 25.9 so in the Mercedes it was a 26 low and therefore we should be quick if we carry some nice speed through here as we have done this should be an improvement upon the 813 and as we drive up to the line let's take a look it's going to be an 8 minutes 12.4 that was a good lap a couple of mistakes in there 8 12.4 1.85 off 309th in the world now okay guys that's enough green hell for me today it is now 1am I'm gonna come back refresh tomorrow we're going to go for that 809. okay viewers day two one of the quickest cars in group three at the moment is the GTR Nismo 2018 but weirdly enough we're not really seeing it on the leaderboard a huge amount so I thought I would give it a go and see if there's a reason why this car is not being chosen too much for this event of course as ever the Toyota Supra is one of the go-to cars in group three in fact really at the moment it comes down to two cars the Nissan GTR which we are driving here the 2018 model and the Toyota Supra now the GTR is fairly good on handling and you would have thought around a track like this with so many corners this should be the car to use so we are going to give it a go and see how it performs on the exit of here split timer 36-0 not too bad but like before normally takes a lap or two to really dial in with each car at the end of this one let's go through this section this is a section that I really often struggle with this left hand is really just quite tricky to get dead right and I could have parried a bit more speed then you have the mini Carousel and this is always a very dangerous corner you have to get in there really early to make the measure of the banking but then be brave enough to accelerate early on the exit as well not an easy corner to get right so here coming on to the dottinger once again drinking game for the word dottinger which is the name of the straight the dotting a hoe to be more precise under here 7 25.6 and that's the fastest split I've seen from myself a bit of a square on the exit of the final Corner onto the main straight let's see what this is going to be as we come up to the line eight minutes 12.4 to beat and we have done that on the first attempt this car is clearly good it has potential there's no question about that and on this lap you can see just trying to eke out even more time compared to the ghost just carrying a bit more speed with a better line and I was able to eke out a few tents here and there in the exit here 8 35 135.683 good split good tidy exit from that downhill corner Sabine Schmidt's curve now a bit later on well this lap was a good one and I was on for an 811 surely until this very unfortunate mistake [Music] so we got that mistake out of our system always annoying to be on a good lap and for it to come to nothing when you make a very silly mistake but uh that is part and parcel of time trialing and especially around the green hell this track we we know how difficult it is how ferocious how many difficult technical Corners it has and in order to get a top time travel a leaderboard positioning you do really have to drive on the edge and go for it and therefore it's uh it really is a difficult challenge to to string together an entire lap around this fearsome track now a 35.6 again we've matched our previous split but this time hopefully we could continue without crashing and we're going to try that here again this section just after the Foxhole um a very technical little sequence of corners crucial to get this exit right maximizing the curve on the exit I didn't really maximize it but I did use it head of the ghost 315.6 through that split and this left hand is where I'm going to make a bit of a mistake carrying a bit too much speed just running the two wheels onto the grass I managed to style it out and make sure that it doesn't turn into a huge error but I say at least a couple of tenses were lost in the process for that sub-optimal driving now a bit further around the lap coming up to The Bravery Corner this left-hander fast fearsome turn and you really do have to be fully committed to this one a bit of a lift we're not going to downshift back on the power and that was very nicely done quite happy with that and through this fast sweeping section then this is where really this Nissan GTR is going to come alive with the downforce and grip that it has I'm going to try and maximize this section of the track feeling very comfortable through here throwing it in through this right hander getting back on the power trusting without that curb is on the correct position and we meet it just right down the hill running wide again just maximizing the track width as much as possible Nurburgring is a fairly narrow circuit and so to get the most out of the car you really do have to maximize the track width as much as possible this is a comfortable lap so far as we head down towards the final straight let's see what the split time is going to be as we round out here comfortably ahead of the ghost it's going to be a PB under this Gantry I would have thought let's take a look it's going to be a 723.8 guys I am so nervous about going into this last this last complex this could be an 810 could be an 809 if I get this dead right and you have a lot of time to think about it under the Bilstein Bridge have a good 20 30 seconds to think about your breaking point for this last sequence of Corners looking for the curve on the right wait for it to end and then you're going to break just after carry the speed in off the brakes let the speed roll through that turn and then on the exit a good exit it's going to be a good lap I'm happy with it let's take a look it's going to be an 8 minute 10.3 oh man 8 10.3 I had some mistakes in there as well I should be pleased with that but I'm kind of frustrated because I wanted the 809 but I missed out by three and a half temps and within 1.5 of the top time but we are gonna have to go a bit quicker okay 138th in the world at the moment I think we can get inside the top 100 let's see um so 809 just over 100 people have done it I think I can do it I just need to string that lap together I made a couple of mistakes on that lap so it's not impossible okay so let's jump back in I know I can do it I know the time is there and so it's really again a case of putting a lap together holding your nerve and not making any very silly and obvious mistake so you can see here on this attempt putting together that corner a lot better and that's definitely where I would have lost three or four tenths minimum from the mistake I made on the 8 Minute 10.3 then coming down here let's take a look again really comfortable through this section just feeling nice and composed the car feeling really good the boys back in the Nissan factory doing an amazing job but the unfortunate thing is the driver wasn't my God man that was surely an 809 yeah it's always a frustrating moment when you throw it into barrier when you're on a good lap but to be honest this section of the time trial I was just overdriving I'm like massively overdriving now need to get into the mood there we go green lights have got to be worth a second to lap surely now my game doesn't want to work and I've got the Gran Turismo Spinning Wheel of death love to see it once the spinning wheel of death disappeared I was able to return to the circuit and try for this 809 now for The Bravery corner I was perhaps a bit too brave as I got on the power a bit too soon and had a nice little grazing session there with uh barrier and I only had one word to say wow that also could have been an 809 all right [Music] and so after much moaning and groaning and many mistakes we get to this lap and we finally string together an entire lap without making a silly mistake and finally get that eight minutes nine or better I mean I wouldn't mind an 808 but let's not get ahead of ourselves okay crossing the line This is it let's go we've got the green light on I mean surely around the green hell a green light we've got a green Livery on the car I mean we're on theme today and I would have thought that's worth at least a second a lap minimum especially on a track like this how long it is maybe even two seconds through the first split 21.9 I'm happy with it anything anything below 22 was good for that one dropping down here nice bit of patience mid corner back on the power and I think in this car if you get on the power early in third gear then you do get some nice exits but you do have to be early on the power down at the hairpin squaring the corner off for a good exit second gear through that one definitely a sharp corner 48.6 and that was a good split timer for me personally through the shoe Mac arrest carrying as much speed as possible back over to the right braking just before the 100 board at the start of the darker tarmac off the brake and let the car roll through here nicely and that's the tip I would always give is to really consider how much you are holding the brake into a corner if you can just release the break a tiny bit earlier you'd be amazed the difference in speed you can carry through corners you really trust the car can grip that's my one piece of advice also drive fast and don't crash I mean that's always valuable so off of the GP let's see what we can do through here carrying a nice line 35.0 that's the fastest I've seen myself do at least down the hill this section is always quite nice this right hand though should be able to take it flat out if you're committed you get the line dead right as we have and then this little section here breaking once strain up a bit and then break again you're almost breaking in two bits for that for that corner then this bit and get the car over the curb throw it into the left carry the speed through and this corner is very crucial because it leads out onto a medium length straight in third kit using a bit of the grass on the left you can definitely do that to get on the power a bit earlier give yourself a better angle to 16.3 I was normally 17s and 18s through that split so it's definitely a good lap carrying the speed nicely through the double right of fluke Platts I believe and are we now coming up to ironberg I should really know these Corner names shouldn't I a bit of a disgrace that I don't um into this fast sweeping left you can carry this one flat out but you do have to get the entry point dead right breaking at the end of the curb on the left carry the speed in again off the brake third gear back on the power use a bit of the Kirby if you have to 248.0 we're trying to go sub 250 earlier on now we're under 248s through that section dropping down through the Foxhole 165 miles per hour fast sweeping left blind on the top of the hill let the car roll nicely through that right-hander second gear bit too much curb through the right trying to get on the power as early as possible maximizing the curb width to straighten up the car as much as possible 314 through that split this left hand I got it wrong a couple of laps ago and so I need to just roll off that power let the car come back to life and then back on the power before you break into this left-hander back on the power see a bit of a trend developing here it's really about getting that braking correct coming off the brake and then getting on the power as early as possible at the right time through this double uh through this chicane sorry it's not a double and then got this triple right this is definitely a coin you can get wrong quite easily carry a lot of speed through that right hand up then a very slow corner on the circuit again breaking in a couple of goes there down to first gear not many times on this lap you're going to go into first gear through this split can't quite go sub four minutes but it's a 401.2 so not too far off this is always a tricky little section this let the car breathe roll through the corner back on the power then throw it in nice and early as it understeers back on the power by the time you get to the Apex in third gear in good drive off that turn as we head round towards another very important Corner looking for a little blue marker in the middle of the track I'm gonna break just after it carry the speed in and then back on the power of third gear maximizing the drag width crucial Corner because it leads out onto a very long flat out and Uphill section so you need to get good speed onto this straight 4 36 through that split then we've got a bit of breathing room now before we get to The Bravery Corner a lot of time to think about this corner all I know is I need to have a bit of a lift be confident and make sure that I don't run wide on the exit which will kill your momentum and probably kill your lap throw the car in off the off the power meet the exit nicely 501.9 as easily the fastest I've been to this point breaking just before the curve on the left hand side carry the car in they have patience here mid corner second gear acceleration looking for the shadow of the tree on the left hand side it covers the entire track breaking on that shadow carrying the speed into the carousel second gear you're nice and patient as the car can easily snap away if you accelerate too soon then we're accelerating away to the best portion of the entire circuit carrying a lot of speed through here be nice and brave and committed on the entry really believe in the power of the aerodynamics of this car and the grip this section look at this on the power nicely on the extra using the bit of the curve for 547 through that section earlier on I was in the 49s and 50s on a bad lap coming down this hill using all of the curb on the entry on the Apex on the exit carrying the speed through uphill drops down again throw the car into this left be patient mid corner back on the power as the carp comes back to the left throw it in early to meet that Apex use the exit tarmac as the exit runoff or maximum maximum track width be careful of that curve on the left can definitely spin you out if you're not careful 618 through that split back on the power early uphill exit will be nice and careful we're going to drop down towards the jump always a scary part of the track gonna jump and as you come down straight away turn in bit of a break back on the power these couple of Corners here really um grip up nicely and then this this part here this left-handed down the hill car wants to go very light and it can get quite scary feels like you're going to lose grip then we've got a very fast right-hander coming up the amazing the amount of speed you can carry through here 120 miles an hour minimum speed through the left-hander again carrying the speed nicely into the mini Carousel a corner I always hate and it you know it comes up so late in the lap so it's definitely one you can mess up and it's always annoying to come up to it I think I've taken it okay into this right hand to carry the speed in you can really go through that bit very quickly you know much more so than you think and rounding out the long right-hander onto the straight oh come on this is a mega lap let's see what it is under the Gantry 722 I've not seen that number under there before oh my goodness find the nine divines by the old gods and the new Gods please pray that I get this final sequence correct I've done it enough times up until now I just need to make sure I hit my Breaking Point dead right release the break at the right moment and then accelerate away in the correct year at the right time so there's actually quite a lot to think about so as we head down here again looking for the curb on the right hand side wait for it to end and then you can start breaking use the extra tarmac on the left hand side there to give yourself a better angle don't quite use the curve as much as I could have done but it's not too bad of an exit and as we come up to the line I strung together an amazing lap it's going to be a sub 810 [Applause] yes come on 809 that might be the best lap I've ever done 89th in the world top 100 1.23 off the top I think that's that's I mean look six seconds away still from number one these guys are absolute aliens so I don't think that's such a bad thing around this track to put that lap together top 100 in the world I'm really honestly I'm so happy with that I am so so happy with that I don't think it's impossible for me to do an 808 especially if I jumped into the Supra but 809 with the Nismo wow super happy with that so there it is 809.431 1.23 away from the world's best time and I should think that'll put me safe for a gold medal but today I think I've conquered the green hell hope you enjoyed the video thank you so much for watching catch you next time goodbye goodbye
Channel: Super GT
Views: 232,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gran turismo, gt7, forza, forza motorsport, gran turismo 7, nurburgring, racing, motorsport, sim racing, forza horizon, f1, formula one, quadrant, super gt
Id: Hx78TU_JhwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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