Grabbleapple Harvest 🌈 FULL EPISODE 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom 🌈

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grab a apple harvest here grab apples oh b come on i told you you need to wait oh come on i give you just one maybe one little grabble apple please not gonna happen bartleby grabble apple trees never give up their fruit until they start their winter nap true's right bottle b you can't rush a gravel apple tree if you take the fruit before the tree drops it the tree will be very upset as upset as my i'm not eating gravel apples yet face even more so i'm not sure you fully saw how sad my face was let me try that again it's worth the wait if you take the fruit off too early it'll taste sour then you'll make your sour face yeah bubbling blue true did you just bite into a sour gravel no i was showing bartleby what happens when you do he's getting a little impatient well bartleby there's more to it than fresh grapple apples you know all the leaves on the trees change color i love it when they go from green to groovy golden rod and radical radish red oh i can hardly wait for the trees to go to sleep we don't have long to wait the grand marshal of gravel apple fest will be here any minute to summon the dark gray clouds of autumn oh here he is now please welcome the duke of dower the minister of misgivings the groom of gloom my cousin glammy glooma [Applause] [Music] i'm useful yay me more than useful you're the reason gravel apple harvest exists oh goody well let's just get this over with [Music] what's the big whoop about gravel apple fest anyway everyone is excited about the change of seasons the cool air the hayrides the leaf colors the coziness of bundling up don't forget the scarves the scarves but most importantly the gravel apples ah they can't be that good nothing's that good you mean you've never eaten a gravel apple well i don't like trying new things but even you would like them glammy they're sweet crunchy delicious i'll be the judge of that but they're not ready yet sour mmm pulpy not delicious at all and i can't see why anyone would like these except me we told you they weren't ready their taste would change when they rappin well i don't want them to change they're perfect the way they are you're not saying what i think you're saying the fruit will stay sour and gravel apple fest is cancelled [Music] that's what i thought you were saying no wait come back clouds and bring your glorious shade with you who knew sour gravel apples could be so blicky oh i wonder what else i've been missing out on um uh yes exactly why don't you let me show you some of the wonderful things in the kingdom that change how will i show off my new scarf in this heat well no one think of the scarves former monster what happens if the trees don't drop their fruit and go to sleep oh deary me if the trees don't have their winter nap they'll be grumpy all next summer wait wait a minute what does that mean break it down for me in terms of grapple apples not only will their fruit be sour this year it'll be sour next year and the year after that don't say in the year after that too not the year after that then we have to help them have their winter nap maybe we can figure out a way to soothe the trees then they'll feel better and go to sleep it's possible [Music] there's a good tree easy now eat it give the fruit to the nice farmhand come on now oh no the trees have become so cranky we'll never get them to sleep now but then we won't get our sweet sweet gravel apples hey unbranched those foam hands [Applause] you really have to do something bee we need wish help oh cute milo [Music] do the wishing tree please [Music] hmm scarf for hat oh hi true and bartley i'm just choosing what to wear this grapple apple season you will wear nothing because there isn't going to be a grabble apple season glammy gluma picked a grabble apple too soon and decided he likes them sour they called off the clowns and is withholding his gloom the trees are upset and refusing to drop their fruit no change of seasons that would cause confusion for every living thing in the kingdom let's sit and have a think [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well we have to do something about the bright sun because it's keeping the trees awake and we need something to calm them down so they'll let the farmhands go and finally have their winter nap the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes i'm ready [Music] wishing tree fishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a cluster of captivating wishes now let's see what the wikipedia says about their powers [Applause] this is shady so blue shady's a canopy wish that provides shade when it blooms you can protect the trees from the sun's glare and then they'll know it's time to nap yeah next up is hushaby the singing wish hushaby can calm you down with its sweet soothing music nice to see you again you can sing the trees to sleep and lastly we have ping ping ping ping is a speaker wish that can send sounds far away whenever you say into ping a comes out of ping p here you try nice to meet you ping ping nice to meet you ping ping oh my turn oh bartleby is one cool cat bartleby is one cool cat oh i almost forgot ping ping really likes being together he gets a bit nervous when it's apart just like me and true [Music] i'm not quite sure how you'll help us ping ping but i promise you won't be separated for long [Music] [Applause] good luck you two thanks z we'll do our best [Music] the sun is so shiny without the grey clouds i think it might be time to take off your scarf never soonish okay now do you hear crying yep i hear crying all right i can't tell if it's the trees or the farmhands either way sounds like farmer monster needs our help let's go [Music] all right b we need to calm them down right wait the farmhands or the trees hmm both time for my first wish zip zap do i choose you wake up shady wish come true [Music] okay you need to get above the trees [Music] higher oh oh no he's stuck he opened too soon he has to be higher than the trees to give them shade how will we get them out of there we could climb up the trees if they weren't so flaily excuse me gravel apple tree would you let us climb up you it's no use truth they're too upset to listen to you but they might listen to a lullaby time for my second wish [Music] need you to sing a lullaby to help those cranky trees get to sleep do you think you can do that okay throw your shade hey mr and or ms tree can you give me a boost up high so i can help unstick shady [Music] shady can you collapse for a minute please [Music] spread your wings shady [Music] good job look it's working [Music] they're asleep do you think it's safe to pick them now i wouldn't try it no no no no one do anything loud we can't not make noise forever not forever just until the season changes and for that it looks like we need to find glommy fine glammy good idea also a good idea would be for you to come with me um agreed oh cumulo [Music] try and keep it down cumulo the trees are trying to sleep [Music] glammy swamp is much sunnier than usual he cannot be okay with that maybe that will help us convince him to bring the clouds back rainbow king where's gloomy he's in his stump and won't come out i tried to convince him to bring the clouds back and change the seasons and oh right it's still sunny i guess he wasn't convinced i did my best to show him that change was a good thing i showed him how slippery slugs spin cocoons and turned into slipper malls but glummy liked the feel of slipper slug slime and thought it would be better if slipper slugs stayed slipper slugs [Music] i showed him how bumbly bees took nectar from the stinky door of daisies and made it into honey he said he never really stopped to smell the stinkadora daisies and thought that the bumbly bees should leave the stinker doris alone every time i tried to show him how something changed for the better he wanted to keep it the way it was [Music] and now he's inside having a good soak soaking his feet in a bowl of damp but we need him to come back to the orchard maybe we can get him to come out with some of his favorite things go away i'm busy being grumpy about how bright it is you know what would make it less bright big great clouds smooth don't you want to come out and look for some slipper slug slime got some already how about picking some stinky door daisies i hear they make a really awful salad maybe tomorrow if you change your mind i won't we'll be at the orchard [Music] this just doesn't feel like grabble apple fest it feels like fast maybe now that the trees have been sleeping for a while it might be safe to pick the fruit well [Music] don't cry shady you're doing your best in a hard situation [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm sorry farmer mosser we tried to help the trees but even the wishes can't do it without glommy then it really is hopeless oh i've had crops that were too dry too wet too weedy but i've never had one that was too cranky oh oh no the grabble apple apple trees just smoke and pout cause the sun's so sunny yummy and it's too bright out the rain blue begonias i've never heard farmer losses so low he's about as low as you go and i'm a limbo champion i got that long face sour gravel apple blues dummy could only hear this song he'd be very happy indeed or sad maybe that's how we can get glommie to come back to the orchard we can use ping ping to let gloomy hear farmer monster singing then you want to hear more and come back to the orchard time for my third wish [Applause] zip zap zoo i choose you wake up ping ping wish come true [Music] oh don't they have to separate to work remember what z said they get nervous when they're apart don't worry you'll be back together in no time you just have to split up for a little bit to help us with grabble apple fast sounds good uh-huh oh no the grabble apple apple trees just smoke and pout cause the sun's so sunny yummy and [Music] [Music] true um i hate to bring this really sad day any lower but even if glommy comes back do you think he'll bring back the clouds i'm sure he will be he just needs the right motivation [Music] i brought something i think you'll really like go away i told you i don't like trying new things but you like the sour grabble apple that you tried remember this is even better i mean worse [Music] it's farmer monster he's sad because the grab waffle trees can't sleep hmm it would go great with a sour gravel apple wish i had one you can get one if you come back to the orchard and you can listen to farmer monsters sing up close that's too much work just leave the music box by my window i'm sorry glommy but this little wish needs to get back to its other half so if you want to hear more gloom and a little doom you've gotta come out of your room see what i did there i rhymed wait i need to hear more of that woeful wailing oh that sun is too bright [Music] it's working b is following the music [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was terrible sing it again true you brought gummy back does this mean the season will change [Music] sad faces sad music sour apples why would i want to change anything that's so perfectly gloomy because it's not perfect for everyone else the kingdom needs you to bring the autumn weather are you going to keep bothering me until i bring back the clouds tell him yes tell him yes no glammy it's totally up to you but changing the seasons would make everyone happy i only brought the autumn clouds because i like them i've never done anything just for someone else that would be a pretty big change for sure and we know you don't like change but maybe you'll find out you like doing something new like when you tried this sour gravel apple oh well that did turn out all right i suppose it is too bright [Music] [Music] you're true to keep warm it's okay you keep it thanks for your help shady hashabai and ping ping now back in the pack [Applause] [Music] it's happening gummies clouds are making the trees sleepy long live the gloom sorry long live the glue let's give them the nudge test [Music] they've started winter nap so then why are we still whispering you're right nothing can wake them till spring oh yes the trees have started their winter snows welcome to scarf season everyone [Music] [Music] i know happy sounds are a little hard on your ears oh the scarf isn't really my style too jazzy but thank you look the symphony of color is about to begin [Music] [Applause] [Music] well everybody's happy my work is done yippee i'm out of here let me wait thanks for bringing your cloud game it was really nice of you whatever just don't let it get around here be have a cup of grapple apple cider grab an apple cider but we always drink gravel apple cocoa i put a marshmallow in it too try it change can be good change is delicious [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 1,048,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, animation, tv, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, netflix, netflix jr, true and the rainbow kingdom season 1, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, true and bartleby, bartleby, true and the rainbow kingdom wishes, rainbow king, shows for preschoolers, rainbow kingdom, true kingdom of rainbow, thanksgiving, thanksgiving for kids, thanksgiving show for kids, grabbleapple harvest
Id: a_DIwR5gdY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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