GPU Companies have lost their minds!

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okay talking head time we're gonna talk about the Dilemma right now buying graphics cards and just how difficult it actually is and the amount of things you've got to think about again this is a video triggered by my inbox especially right now the amount of people that are now either buying for Christmas or putting things on their Christmas list or just spoiling themselves there's a lot to talk about here ndxe canvas monitors feature more of what Gamers want the canvas 1440p QHD offers 165 Hertz refresh rate for the perfect balance between performance and resolution while the 1080p full HD canvas delivers 240 hertz for a Competitive Edge both versions feature AMD freesync Premium One millisecond response time and OSD settings via cam allowing for specific settings between games to see the complete list of canvas monitors and monitor mounts from NZXT follow the link in the description below I call this the great GPU buying dilemma because it's really unprecedented times I also watched Steve's video uh yesterday of his um the 4080 problem of it not selling and I agree with a lot of what he said and it's about generational pricing differences right especially specifically the 80 series cards and silicon cost versus the actual cost of gpus and how the trend is just it's not sustainable in fact right now at the 4080 lack of sales is even showing that it's not sustainable even in this current generation so something worth thinking about something worth going and watching and thinking of the news this video is kind of a another perspective of not countering Steve in any way I I agree with everything that he said this one here is just going to take into account some used pricing and stuff like that the the emails that I've been getting that have been triggering this particular video and it's kind of surprising the amount of folks that are still shopping at like the 3090 range or the 3080 range or the 4080 range these are expensive gpus so if you have enough disposable income to just I don't want to say throw away but to spend on a very expensive very overpriced single component of your system a lot of the pricing stuff is probably not going to be as important to you as somebody that is definitely trying to get every ounce of performance per dollar out of their system if anything I showed us the 4080 you know with its additional price and additional performance is still at the same performance per dollar ratio as like the 30 80 30 90 was it's just you scoot the whole scale down the down the chart into the higher FPS range it stayed the same so you're just paying for more for more rather than getting more for the same prices which we're kind of expecting so anyway um let's talk about used here for a second I'm gonna look up RTX 3080s because I see a lot of people commenting on uh social media and stuff saying they've got some amazing deals recently on used for RTX 3080s whether it be a 10 gigabyte or a 12 gigabyte lhr or low hash rate cryptocurrency being Fiasco that it is right now is actually not affecting pricing all that much anymore so what we want to look for here are obviously the Buy It Now is kind of a thing so we've got a new listing here for a refurbished MSI RTX 3080 for 600 or 5 5.99 for a lot of people that might be something they're willing to take especially if it's sold directly by MSI because it would still potentially hold refurbished items still hold warranties just like new items I'm one of those people that goes if I see refurbished I know that product that exact product already had a problem like that card was already sent in for fixing of something that always kind of makes me a little bit nervous I very rarely buy refurb anything it doesn't matter if it's computer part or a card part or any I I just personally do not buy refurbished stuff so that would already be non um a non-seller for me we've got 650 for the win threes 565 dollar or best offer 3080 Founders Edition that's actually a pretty good price if it's not damaged and blemished or whatever uh 410 those are bids only on that one but here you got a 750 dollars or 750. 3080 Founders it's funny this guy has sold 47 of them so you start to ask yourself like where's this guy getting these cards if I look at the listing here and this person also has five a 99.8 percent uh positive feedback with five thousand and six um listings but I look at the description and that's what makes me decide I want to buy something the description says used with box these are the things you have to think about when you're shopping especially if you're shopping used and I know that there's a lot of channels out there that highly advocate for used products I'm always going to advocate for the used product that has documentation behind it when about documentation is like do they still have the receipt if they still have the receipt that says a lot about a person that keeps the receipts for the things that they buy especially if they're expensive because that means they're ready for any warranty issues that might pop up it means they're more than likely to take care of the thing it shows you they got it new so you kind of know how many owners it's already had there's a lot of little things that can make you feel safer about buying new or used um if the guy just shows up like especially doing it in person it just feels sketchy and he's just like yeah bro you have 500 bucks oh really where'd you get it oh I got it from a friend you know I'd be like cool but no thanks and I've done that before I've actually walked away from deals uh in person before and had people get all like snooty and like mad about it and I'm like bro I'm not giving you my money I don't trust you based on just the small interaction that we've had right now and the only way you have to do that online if it's something like eBay is the listing like the listing like that used with box if it said used with box tested 100 fully functional that says more than just a yo to use with the Box imagine we had to buy a used car hey what's the condition of the car used uh so here we go another 550 or best offer um on a Zotac gaming 3080 Trinity OC what's funny is that um eBay at least shows product listing reviews too so you can see like that product only has two out of 5 stars with 46 uh reviews on the product page so a little bit of stuff you can look at right there here's the RTX 3080 MSI GeForce RTR Ventus 3x 10g OC 10 gigabyte gddr6x graphics card 300 bucks after me like wow and then you click it it's coming from North Carolina Steve are you selling to use graphics cards now man if we look at the listing down here it says not displaying video and then if you scroll up you actually see in the listing graphics card no video it says that condition four parts are not working this is where people get caught up and then they miss this and then they buy it and then it doesn't work and then look at the listing and they're like oh man at least this person expects or accepts 30-day returns or you can do the but the the um eBay buyer protection stuff but if you buy something that says it's not working under buyer protection and then you tell eBay hey it's not working they're gonna be like it says it in the listing and they're not going to refund you your money so you need to think about this sort of stuff but the reason why we just check this out right now is we need to get an idea of what the use pricing is before we can determine what a reasonable new price is so if we look at um Amazon because Amazon realistically has some of the best prices around um when it comes to graphics cards we've got an EVGA 3080 for the win 3 949 dollars brand new with delivery in about 10 days something you need to consider with EVGA I love the brand you know this and they say they're set up to handle warranty issues well into the future yeah gotta take that with a grain of salt EVGA I love you but you know what you eventually you're gonna run out of replacement units you can't possibly have enough replacement units to cover five years into the future depending on whatever your failure rate is analysis that you've got there so if you buy the further win 3 or any EVGA 30 series graphics card right now expects to potentially not have a warranty way out if something happens think about that it's important because warranties are very important to many people especially with thousand dollar products it's not cheap by any stretch of the imagination here's a 38 uh 3080 lhr from MSI for 959 a Zotac 3080 Trinity for 921 973 uh 1099 1099 for the founders oh yeah let's look on best bikes Best Buy for the longest time had Founders in stock so we get a gigabyte Nvidia 3080 for 7.79 check stores so that means it's not available online choose a store for pickup shipping for availability yeah I highly doubt it's actually in stock we have a 30 70 PNY in stock nearby yeah so the 3080 not available nearby 3080 auris Master get it today and get it today nearby okay so there is somewhere that has a 30 80 that's 1099 though the reason why I'm pointing this out is would you person now I understand the pricing of the RTX 4080 being stupid [Music] but would you pay eleven hundred dollars for a 3080 or twelve hundred dollars for forty eighty now here's the thing the 1099 that's inflated it says it's a 700 graphics card all day long 700 bucks 6.99 whatever the actual 3080 price was custom cards add maybe 100 bucks to that 800 bucks okay 800 is realistically all it's truly worth and all the inflations and stuff and the pricing going up and down the price went down real low for a while 40 80 is not selling a lot of people started buying 30 series cards because they were down that low price since the 30 series cards went higher in demand the price is now coming back up exactly like I was afraid it would do it took a lot longer to do it than I thought but the prices definitely come back up here's a refurbished 3080 TI for 1286 dollars now we're in 4080 territory let me be very clear I am not defending the price of the RTX 4080. I am pointing out the buyer dilemma that currently exists today where to get MSRP pricing of a 3080. you got to buy used which means you give up certain um certainties with that a warranty okay yes warranties are transferable but you don't know what that card's been through you don't know if they've broken the warranty sticker which in many countries including the United States it's illegal to actually void a warranty by somebody opening up their own product okay if you open it up and cause physical damage to it that's one thing but putting a sticker over a screw and saying your warranty's void if you poke this hole is completely illegal in the United States and you can't absolutely fight that the stuff that is reasonable right we've got a RTX 3080 Asus strix card here for 8.99 I say reasonable it's not truly reasonable not available so now let's look at what the price of 4080 looks like on here again I've got to say this over and over because I know you guys are going to somehow be like geez the fitting the price of the 4080 I'm not I'm talking about the weird dilemma that exists because I've received so many emails in fact I got an email just yesterday of somebody asking me Jay should I buy a 30 90 and he's asking about new by the way because he posted links to the cards he was looking at should I buy a 3090 or a 4080 and the 3090 is currently more expensive than a 4080 and get you significantly less performance so you're paying more to get less and and some of the caveats in this email was like I don't want to support the 40 series card you're supporting Nvidia regardless which one you buy so you're not exactly sticking it to the Man by saying I'm not going to buy a 4080 I'm going to pay more for a 30 90. and then get less performance for it like that's a weird mentality and this is the buyer dilemma here the Dilemma is your Scruples I'm gonna say screw the 40 series so in video sees We're not gonna buy it if you buy the 30 series you're still giving them money so that's why I'm I'm just like this pricing sucks it's gonna suck for a while because you know as well as I do with the amount of and yeah like I said uh 4080 for 1199 this is a high demand product that's the founders Edition card that's the cheapest one you're gonna find is 11.99 bucks at Best Buy now Best Buy doesn't inflate the prices of a Founder's Edition card because of the official reseller for NVIDIA so Nvidia controls that price but if you go on eBay or no Amazon and we look up 4080 we should probably see inflated pricing here extremely inflated pricing uh that's Zotac spaceship looking one 1309 actually that's not inflated it's not a good price because again this should be like a 900 card at the most an 800 card for like MSRP type I think a lot of people forget tsmc did increase prices of silicon by 30 in 2020 or 2021 to the back 2021 they did inflate the pricing and they removed bulk pricing and Nvidia came back after leaving and going to Samsung so tsmc has no incentive to give Nvidia a discount or a deal Nvidia will gladly take on that extra pricing and just pass it on to you which is what we're seeing here today so it's partially agreed from Nvidia and it's partially demand across the world for silicon leading tsmc to raise pricing and reduce and completely emit both pricing which is something that existed 1379 to MSI RTX 4080 1403 for that same RTX amp extreme aerocard so they're probably two different oh that's a trinity okay take that back so yeah the Trinity at 13 1400 and three dollars is a 200 price premium uh over over the founders Edition card 1326 1569 1472 15.99 1449 15.99 16.99 for the strict no we're at 40 90 pricing because of the inflated pricing of the 4080s which is funny because they're inflating prices of 4080s which aren't selling that's like I have seen house listings I search house listings all the time because I just I like to look at house listings I'm just I'm not going Window Shopper with houses it's just fun I had literally seen price increase of like an amount it's like wait a minute it's on the market it's not sold and they raised the price that usually means they got a ton of offers that whatever the existing price was and they went this is a high demand house raise the took it off the market relisted it on new MLS MLS listing and raise the price tap them before here's an 1899 dollar gigabyte auris GeForce Master 16 gigabyte the pandemic and the shortages showed these greedy brands that there are enough deep pocketed well Phil called them stupid buyers right fill the hate mail not me stupid buyers with lots of money willing to pay for it showing these brands that you know what there are enough people out there with Deep Pockets I don't care that we don't have to care about the average buyer because we can just sell it at whatever price we want the nice thing to see about the 40 series still sitting on shelves is a fact that that Paradigm or that that pendulum is Shifting saying Frick no we're not going to just spend whatever money you're telling us it's going to cost so here's your conundrum now what do you buy if you're trying to build a system you're trying to build a high-end gaming PC because I just pointed out if you buy a 30 series card you're giving these same companies money and you know what they're now higher than MSRP which guess what remember how they talked about at 30 series they were losing money on every sale when the price dropped they're not anymore the prices come back up over MSRP significantly over MSRP meaning they're now making money again on those cards that we already said hell no we're not buying because the price was inflated and now because a more inflated price pricing model came out now we're willing to buy it and still give this company money this company so this is this is why I call it the great GPU buying dilemma um let's take a look real quick at what the price of an RTX 3090 is on Amazon Founders Edition is available right now for 1099 it's actually a 400 price reduction they show on here it's originally 1666 dollars on Amazon that's it was it was a 1499 card it's 400 down you got an RTX 3090 Trinity OC for 13.89. you've got a 1798 dollar for the win three and these are in stock you know you've got a 1789 dollar strix a fifteen hundred dollar wait is that a strict oh no that's a twin frozer sorry the twin froze are two ampier architecture OC graphics card from MSI like the buzzwords 1490 bucks for a strix 16.49 for an amp extreme uh Holo whatever that is a Holo card h-o-l-o yeah 1629 for an RTX 3090 MSI um Torx fan three whatever do you see the problem here why would anyone buy a 3090 for the same price as a 4080 if you're shopping at that price point like there's no way I can make this video and not have it sound like I'm somehow justifying the price of a 4080. but what I am saying is if you're shopping in that price point anyway and you're already giving your money to the green beast and not AMD because a lot of people are not happy with amd's price to Performance either it's the price of performance on AMD is actually just as bad as 4080 it's just the price is lower and so is the FPS a little bit so it still scales the same it's just still not a great buy and because we don't have any mid-range cards yet what reason does Nvidia have to launch their mid-range cards we know in January is when the RTX 4070 TI or 40 80 12 gig card they tried to pass down as a 4080 uh let's look at the RTX 3070 shall we what is the price of a 30 70. 529 for the Zotac card for 659 which is again just about MSRP a little under MSRP for 3080. 699 649 729 549 739 499 delivery Wednesday the 28th so a little over a week 499 dollars for an MSI gaming RTX 3078 gigabyte card that's a good deal right there that's the kind of card you should be buying today the crappy part is there's only two of those left in stock on Amazon at that price point they might get restocked it's originally 689 you got 6.99 strix for 30 70 TI that's actually not terrible 700 bucks for a strix TI uh 749 for the noctua Edition 594. for the 3070 that was cheaper up here so 594 there 569 for the Asus dual that's like super basic but still not gonna be bad performance let's look at an RTX 3060 an RTX 30 349 again not great but you know what you're gonna game at 1440p Max settings no problem no problem at all 367 389 409 369 349 for the Zotac twin Edge OC now zotac's not known for like having huge power limit available available to it like you a lot of times it's locked not necessarily the greatest overclocking cards but if you're looking for just like I want 1440p gaming I want High settings on my AAA titles and you don't have 400 500 bucks to spend on a graphics card 349 and that's the thing they have no incentive to release these mid-range cards for a while probably not till spring or summer to be honest they're holding off all the way to January after we launched in September of the 90 series card to even launch the 70 TI they still have a 70 to launch and then a 6D at that point which should probably be Springtime because they have a stupid amount of 30 60s and 30 50s and 3070s still in stock let's look at AMD real quick people get mad when I don't include AMD in these types of videos um 6700 XT what is that going for 419 dollars a gigabyte Eagle 12 gig 6700 XT for 419 now that would be a pretty close competitor to like a 360 TI type of card 419 bucks not bad 389 499 319 319 for oh it's a 6700 non-xt so see there's so many good mid-range cards here from previous gen still available because guess what your gains didn't suddenly get slower with these cards because something new came out you're just not getting the extra performance of the new um let's look at the 6900 XT 899 dollars for the XFX Speedster Swift 319. 900 bucks for 6900 XT still right around its MSRP I think like 1100 bucks or something like 1200 bucks somewhere around there is what it costs we got the Red Devil right underneath it for fourteen hundred dollars oh that's the water cooled water block card okay nevermind I understand that one there 784 for a red devil 69.50 XT 784 bucks for a 69.50 XT Red Devil that's what you should all be running out buying right now honestly 784 bucks that's the exact card that was in our benchmarks for the 7900 so yeah you're right it is yeah the 70 the 1650 XT Red Devil is the one we used in our charts um 7.99 for so brand new XFX Merc 319 7.99 so 15 or 15 bucks more 849 AMD cards are still great and here's the thing RT aside AMD graphics cards rasterization just regular oil performance they're gonna they're gonna kick ass they suck at VR okay AMD graphics cards still suck at VR I don't personally have never used their encoder for live streaming I can't answer that but if you just want to plug a card in get high FPS 1440p 4K gaming whatever turn off all the ray tracing just get all the rasterization performance AMD cards should absolutely be on your radar and if you're not looking at it put your Fanboy fanboyisms aside and just be open-minded for once in your life and yeah I'm talking to Nvidia Fanboys on that one obviously um that's that's the GPU buying dilemma right now you still in a three four month holding pattern at least until we start seeing lower end Cards start to launch it's difficult so I'm curious now with the prices literally looking like a sine wave and now that we're on the upswing again of the high-end previous gen with the mid-range stuff having not really changed what would you do what would you spend your money on right now hypothetic and I really want you to comment down below with it with a well thought out response put yourself in the shoes of your building a system right now you have all your components picked out and you're choosing a graphics card right now what graphics card are you going with and if you're go and put what your price your mental price budget was I had 700 to choose a graphics card here's what I chose I had 500 to choose here's the resolution I need to play at think about it comment down below that you might give some people some actual food for thought on what they should be buying because again this is a huge Community the PC Community the jsons community The Gamers next Community where the the pulse Hardware we all overlap and I'm really curious to see where people land on this one I put a poll if I could but I can't so all right guys thanks for watching hopefully the Dilemma has moved itself out soon I understand the whole screw in video in the 4080 pricing the pandemic really made companies feel like they could charge whatever they want for things and it's nice to see that you know what cost of living comes first and you're not getting my money that's what a lot of people are saying but don't tell them you're not getting your money and then go buying a 30 series because they got your money
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 650,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gpu prices, gpu pricing, why are gpus so expensive, why are 4080s so expensive, best gpu, best gpu value, best gpu price, 6900, 6900xt, 4080, 4090, 3080, 3090, nvidia, amd, radeon
Id: kIaf6o4kFYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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