Gordon Teaches Chefs How To Make Meatballs | Kitchen Nightmares

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gordon now knows that to turn this business around he must spend time in the kitchen retraining the chefs from food prep to presentation i've watched the way we serve food here no one really gives any care and attention to a little bit of presentation i know it's rustic but at least make sure that we've got a little bit of pride in what we're doing that looks like you can do better having gordon ramsay in the kitchen that was pretty cool he's on top of his game man that's why he is where he is just keep it flat yeah it's just breaking apart i don't know cloud it has so much water in it yeah but you always salt it like you're doing like a granddad or like a maru you salted so it gets nice and firm what is that he's one sharp cookie i can tell you that much basically he's teaching us that we have to step up okay chicken calf the drum and the the thigh and then sit them on top of one another so it just looks a little bit neater yeah now that gordon has given joe and the chef several pointers it's time for gordon to introduce a signature dish they can handle meatballs why can't this restaurant become famous for a meatball i go to my restaurant in sicily with meatballs that's what i want just give me meatballs gordon showed us meatballs i think it's a great idea let's go little bit of cheese on there good i think us being known for the meatballs isn't so bad because i'm usually known for food never really coming out ever [Music] next step in getting ready for the big night gordon sits down with the young chefs to introduce a brand new menu the secret of the menu is to keep it tight we have to start making money i had some initial concern about what my customers would think about coming in and not seeing my big diverse menu this menu includes the new pasta and risotto section the fettuccine um something you expect to see in any you know nice russian but do it with a little bit more varied you know pesto tomato alfredo i like the new menu a lot gordon's uh that's he's one sharp cookie i can tell you that much um the braised pork has a great dish the creamy planter coats the pork the flavor is lovely and then the besteka you know a really nice grilled new york strip steak with roasted potatoes and spinach beautifully done the meatballs we've done in both appetizing entree as well we've now focused on our meatball as becoming a bit of a hallmark if people start bitching the meatballs are gonna come out of the kitchen and hopefully that'll appease them while they're waiting meatballs try the meatball i really like the new menu and the way we're doing it and the concept of having a smaller menu everything was good is awesome an hour before the opening gordon comes up with a clever way to motivate the young wait staff i've devised a plan the same plan i have with my waiters and waitresses that every item on this menu will be sold every item here we go come with me let's go here is the menu okay and on these boards are your names each and every one of you yeah have got to sell every item on this list the first person finishes a complete menu you shout bingo and there you've got a hundred dollar incentive the whole idea of having a contest to motivate servers i think it's a great idea a hundred dollars to sell the whole menu i have a six o'clock booking for table five perfect ready i'm so excited we gotta talk together tonight we gotta work as a team i'm gonna step up as much as i can and hopefully it works out you're expediting you're delegating everybody out the kitchen right i'm excited for tonight's thin service i think everyone's going to be on a good positive note tonight look at that oven unbelievable unbelievable it's do or die for us failure is not an option i'm not going to let gordon down i have to show that we can do this it's got to happen [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dabl
Views: 7,076
Rating: 4.9367089 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay meatballs, kitchen nightmares meatballs, Gordon makes meatballs, gordon ramsay makes meatballs, kitchen nightmares campania, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay hates the food, Kitchen Nightmares clips, kitchen nightmares best moments, gordon ramsay kitchen nightmares
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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