Gordon Ramsay's Quick & Simple Lunch Recipes

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Michael so he say where the most amazing crisp delicious fennel salad mackerel it's incredible cheap was so delicious as you fish a just means basically marinating but the secret is in the dressing been great for take the top off and the bottom and don't slice off too much to begin with otherwise you'll regret it you'd be knife nice and flat and just start peeling twists you see how thick pith is just follow with your knife nothing worse when you're doing this it comes out like a hexagon or 50 pence piece you can do this dressing with lemons limes oranges but there's something quite beautiful about the pink grapefruit turn it over and double check a little bit they're really important to get rid all the pith and slice each side of your piff that keeps all those segments together there's the line it's nice down it's nice in give that little stir whisk it and it starts to separate all those little segments season it olive oil these are little fennel prawns amazing flavor gives a really nice and seedy delicious freshness I've always frustrated me how many people throw that away because flavor in there is fantastic in a fish stock incredibly everything great next chopped coriander which we say is served in his marinade something quite picturesque when you see your work listening save a little touch of your dressing for the funnel now your macro it's being fileted and pin bound rinse your knife and just slice through bite-sized chunks ceviche is popular in Spain and South America is always made from raw fish or seafood cured in a citrus dressing the less you handle the mackerel the better is when you start mixing up and tossing and turning it you lose the texture the fresh the mackerel is the better will taste but when you're serving it raw like this make sure it really is fresh out of the sea just lightly seasoned so that's Chevy say starts the Cure and marinade and mackerel finish that with thin little shards of pink grapefruit and then just a little drizzle of olive oil on top leave that to sit I always like marinating my mackerel glittery an hour before I want to eat it that kind of cured lightly pickled ceviche flavor that is incredible to go with my ceviche for my ultimate light lunch a beautiful quinoa salad with amazing textures and fresh aromatic flavors to excite the palate at one part pre-rinse quinoa to two parts cold water if you're not using pre rinse the quinoa grains should be soaked before use to remove their bitter coating bring to a simmer and cook for about 20 minutes until the water is absorbed spring the cooked quinoa onto a plate and spread out to cool meanwhile dry roast straight almonds in a frying pan once golden add raisins chopped mint and spring onions pihl's strips of skin from a whole cucumber to make stripes then remove the seeds and chop into Halfmoon slices at half cherry tomatoes and the cold quinoa and gently mix in with your fingers [Music] season with salt and pepper a dress with a good squeeze of lime and drizzle of olive oil finish with a few fresh mint leaves and for my ultimate light lunch I'm doing another delicious salad with shaved fennel the secret here is to peel the outside like this with a firm skin it starts to sort of brighten up a little bit almost like the sun's come out once you've discarded the outer layer gently shave off thin strips of fennel for your salad the advantage of having this nice and thin is because it's like these wonderful thin fennel crisps fragrant delicious peel them in to your iced water this can be done color of hours before you want to eat this will preserve the phenols fresh flavor and make it lovely and crisp [Music] drained the fennel look at that beautiful complement the fennel and delicious dressing starting with chopped coriander fennel and lime bringing you all together zest over the fennel and then use all the goodness inside the lime lightly seasoned it dressed with the leftover grapefruit marinade from the ceviche followed by a drizzle of olive oil a delicious mackerel sat marinating away the beautiful stunning fennel salad and that goes brilliantly well with a quinoa packed full of flavor but incredibly light and very healthy and they wander on so thin [Music] Jesus salad is definitely a classic but the trick to keeping dishes like this modern and relevant is to tweak them but not lose what made them brilliant in the first place here's my version for the ultimate American lunch my first twist is in the dressing for me the most important part of the Caesar salad is that dressing rich creamy slightly spicy begin by making a basic mayonnaise start off with the egg yolks then just a little spoon Dijon and then a little splash of red wine vinegar start whisking once we've got that nice slightly thickened texture drizzle in your olive oil should fall through your whisk it's like a nice thick double cream texture beautiful now take the mayo to another level with anchovies and crushed garlic now chop up the anchovies and the garlic together so I almost want that to be like a really nice puree then grated parmesan lemon juice that will make the dressing citrusy lighter in color and then a little splash of water in you know all of a sudden it transforms that mayonnaise and your amazing delicious like dressing nice next job the croutons and I like using crusty bread for extra crunch I'll just dice up your bread season with salt and pepper then add to a hot pan with olive oil and fry give that a really nice toss as the croutons start to turn golden simply great on a generous amount of Parmesan cheese you've been rolling around stop them from sticking together and give that really nice cheesy delicious crouton and now they're out now for the fun job assembling the Caesar salad starting with romaine lettuce and don't slice the lettuce too thinly a squeeze of lemon on with half of that gutsy anchovy mayo dressing saving some to coat your chicken later then sprinkle half your croutons do that very nice mix salad in it's all beautifully dressed add the remaining croutons and finished with a good grating of Parmesan cheese that for me is a perfect Caesar salad however I'm gonna take it to another level and grill a stunning chicken breast start by preheating your griddle pan then butterfly your chicken breast simply slice from the thin end towards the thick bit of the breast the knife do the work and literally just open up now that's how we butterfly a chicken breast so therefore it will cook twice as quick and she asked nice and moist in the center season the chicken on both sides with salt and ground pepper lay your chicken breasts onto the grill never oil the grill and you were absolutely ready to cook the chicken [Music] cooked for three to four minutes on each side until chickens got those lovely stripes from the griddle which adds a gorgeous smoky flavor whilst they rest spoon over some of the remaining and tobi dressing the chicken cools down the flavor the seasoning of the anchovy the garlic and the parmesan seeps into that chicken slice the chicken into strips Wow I serve the chicken warm in a separate bowl so it doesn't wilt the salad spoon the dressing finished out a little touch with dressing an American classic I think we're most popular sellers anywhere in the world but it's still the most delicious [Music] when it comes to lunch this really is an American Dreams roasted tomato soup beautiful vine tomatoes the riper the tomatoes the better this soup take the core out get your thumb and place it half a centimeter underneath the tip of your knife place it in and then just twist around that's the only part of the smart oh that we're not using red onion and garlic red onion because it's sweeter and a white onion slice your onions and your garlic it's nice and fine traditionally we make it in a pot it's so much better to start it off on top of the stove searing the tomatoes and the garlic but it goes in the oven you actually roast those martyrs and they don't stoop and it's a big difference in flavor be quite generous for the olive oil it makes the soup nice and glossy shiny salt pepper and then a little teaspoon of cayenne just gives it that heat but it's not as fierce as chili take your tomatoes and just slice them in half and then build such a sugar that's gonna help intensify the sweetness a little sprinkle of aged bottle of vinegar gives that nice dark rich acidity to the soup it's given 2025 minutes 180 to make my soup even more irresistible I'm gonna make a punchy sun-dried tomato pesto to drizzle over the top now I'm making this in a that's the mortar because you feel so much more in control and you're not depending on a blade that's whizzing around at a thousand miles an hour next in a dry pan toast off some pine nuts toast of the absolute max and then in smelling there is incredible parmesan lightly grate there this is where it starts to become creamy X version olive oil doesn't need salt because the parmesan is gonna season it for you and just take a couple tablespoons of the oil the sun-dried tomatoes where it really helps to make that stunning pesto I can smell those roasted tomatoes on them out Wow next pour in a little vegetable stock or chicken stock so it sits halfway up the tomatoes put your spoon through those tomatoes they break up instantly bring that up to the ball let it simmer for 3 or 4 minutes want to make it little more creamy now cream in give that a little stir you can keep it rustic and you get your mash your in and you've got that nice thick rich chunky tomato soup or do yourself a stick blender blitzen's like that you plead lays the bottom of the pan and you get all those amazing flavors from the bottom mmm that's delicious to make my lunch extra hearty I'm gonna knock up a deliciously gutsy version of cheese on toast to go with my tomato soup box rabbit now so classic we'll make a roux 50 grams of butter three nice tablespoons of flour that's all a roux is basically traditionally you would use flour butter and milk but it won't rabbit the milk is often cheeky substituted for a stiff slug of stout gives it that strong gutsy flavor on it nice take make sure those lumps are out there nice teaspoon of Dijon mustard and then season it nice and spicy be moist issues sauce gives it that delicious intrigue and flavor now that smells amazing almost brings tears to your eyes beautiful now Welsh rabbit wouldn't be a stunning Welsh rabbit without rich mature cheese so and a great Montgomery cheddar goes well with beer and top that in really important to put this in or the roof it's still nice and hot because the cheese melts now for the bread I prefer a good rustic country loaf that will stand up to my hardcore topping want that nice crisp base to mobile forever so toast it both sides [Music] spread a beautiful cheesy berry spicy mixture just great blister and bubble and gratinéed little splash lien parent and back under the krill for 90 seconds in one delicious creamy roasted tomato soup it's coming back to me all those days I had off school poster purpose the lie about feeling ill just to get a bowl of my mother's tomato soup how bad was that but my god it was worth it whoa now I'll wash rabbit yeah look at those babies that just takes cheese on toast to another level Wow roast this creamy tomato soup with a sun-dried tomato pesto served with the most amazing delicious Welsh rabbit I feel like wringing sick [Music] lightly fried my delicious halloumi and courgette cakes squeeze every last bit of flavor out of those vegetables but first I'm preparing a simple slow roast tomato and watercress salad these choice matters are perfect if you haven't got cherry tomatoes vitam are as good or even just big normal plum tomatoes lay the tomatoes on the tray and he's going to the oven for about 90 minutes if you turn the oven down really low you can leave them in overnight to be almost longer you leave them the better they taste once you've season them with salt or sprinkle over with some sugar and the salt and sugar combined speeds up the drying process because you want that nice chewy texture and then you get these little thyme flowers and just pick off the buds garlic slice then just spread that on now the tray looks quite full and compact but 90 minutes in heaven you'll see everything shrink down all the skins blistering and the flavor intensifies so nicely extra virgin olive oil that gives a nice earthy flavor to the tomatoes place your tomatoes into an oven preheated to 150 degrees C and cook long and slow for an hour and a half now halloumi cakes there's something quite exciting about halloumi cheese it's a very firm cheese and it fries brilliantly [Music] kill the carrots great not too finely you want that nice texture next courgette the secret is keeping all your grated the same for that into a sieve a sprinkling of salt will draw out liquid from the vegetables then grate the halloumi halloumi cheese doesn't look that tasty but once you've got color on it in the pan it's really really delicious now really important to squeeze out the excess water in the veg you'll see all that water that needs to come out of there if we didn't do this you'll make your little patties non fireball because the whole thing starts to separate and then mix in with the cheese it's pre millions chopped up the whites under greens now we're gonna season that with some delicious fresh mint and fresh coriander whenever it's vegetarian I like to put a combination of herbs in there tarragon and parsley mint to coriander basil and lemongrass all delicious on their own but in tandem their flavors play off each other next two eggs in give that a little mix add the eggs to the mixture and then finally a couple of tablespoons of breadcrumbs the Beckhams help dry out any excess moisture mix all the ingredients together before you start shaping these taste the mixture hmm it's really important to identify the seasoning now if you wait until you've cooked them they'll be too late to adjust the seasoning roll them to a large gulfport shake them it's like a little mini burger you could spice these up with some chili in there I'm got fresh chili chili flakes and it's something that can be done up a day in advance to get your cakes firm and ready for frying put them into the fridge uncovered for 25 minutes pan on get that nice and hot bossun waiting for that i'll get the dressing ready slicer red chili seeds and all on an angle into shards then chopped fresh ginger seasoned with a sprinkle of sugar and salt add some rice wine vinegar add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to finish off some chopped coriander got a sweet sour spicy flavor with my chili dressing done I can start frying off my halloumi cakes in a hot oiled pan and get a nice crisp edge you already start to smell that sauteed halloumi with the courgettes and carrots smells delicious really important for a nice amount of color on them as my cake this is all the way I can finish off my roast tomato salad one of my favorite knees has to be watercress just cut off stalks slop rings watercress dish a lot they're brilliantly well together gosh a lot looks so dainty when you open up these little wing nuts don't forget to turn your cakes now tomatoes whatever you don't use just Jardin and put them in the fridge you just drop those slow cooked warm tomatoes over the watercress the sweetness is incredible absolutely delicious little drizzle of age I'll smooth vinegar gives that tartness to the watercress watercress is naturally peppery so doesn't need any pepper just little touch of salt and then a light sprinkling of extra-virgin olive oil after five minutes on a medium heat my halloumi cakes are ready so important to have taken out that water [Music] you can see it doesn't disintegrate and then just get your dressing take a spoon of it and then tilt it to the side because with the garnish I don't want the juice that does not turn you on to become a vegetarian for the knives I honestly don't know what will delicious [Music] my crispy golden halloumi courgette and herb cakes with a sumptuous roast tomato more cress salad all of the flavor with none of the meat
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 2,295,749
Rating: 4.92837 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Cooking, gordon ramsay, gordon ramsay tips, gordon ramsay lunch, gordon ramsay lunch gordon ramsay gordon ramsay home cooking, gordon ramsay home lunches
Id: QZK0bqfITnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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