Winter Beef Recipes To Keep You Warm | Gordon Ramsay

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beef cheeks just think the size of your little cheeks yeah imagine the size of a cow with them and the cheek is right underneath here yeah i want you to give them a really nice season with salt and pepper on there please so beef cheeks very cheap i cut that takes sort of a long time to cook yeah but give it a bit of love let it cook in the oven it comes out like a dream a little touch of oil in the pan what you want to do is get them really nicely colored sid sid into the pan oh cool lay away you see what that is um [Music] sitting at the dock of the the beach baby and then i want the onion chunky because i'm gonna cook it for like three three and a half hours so you go down down down and then again there and there so it doesn't overcook so a really good color on the cheeks like that so how do you cook these at our restaurants if they take so long they go in the oven literally half past six seven o'clock in the morning three and a half four hours to be ready for lunch and the longer you leave them in their juices and the cooking liquor the better three nice cloves of garlic good onions in and garlic in please nice where's your baby there it is good get those onions and that garlic really nicely colored put the cheeks back in please right red wine in cool okay and the red wine is going to deglaze the pan so delays will basically sort of rinse all that flavor off the bottom of the pan yeah okay because that's going to make the most amazing sauce now you could use tomato puree but chopped canned tomatoes you'll make a much better sauce i'm going to top that with some stock so the secret braising is having little of the meat exposed and 90 of it submerged see them now yeah they're like little crocodile heads popping up out the water turn the gas off and leave the lid just off at the end there if we had to cover it completely the steam hits the top yeah the lid and all that water comes very badly solar still that's right in the oven 140 150 for about three and a half to four hours good job boom for pudding i'm making one of my absolute favorite italian desserts banacotta with that quintessentially italian flavoring espresso [Music] start by immersing two leaves of gelatine in cold water and leave to soak into a small saucepan add caster sugar cream milk sugar and a shot of good strong coffee [Music] gently bring to a simmer and remove from the hob [Music] squeeze out the soaked gelatine leaves and stir into the hot cream until completely dissolved pour your cream mixture into a jug and fill your moulds just short of the rim rinsing your molds in cold water before filling will make it easier to get your panna cotta out once it's set [Music] leave in the fridge for at least two to three hours or overnight [Music] to make your cinnamon hazelnut brittle pour caster sugar into a pan and cook over medium heat until the sugar melts to a deep golden brown scatter toasted hazelnuts into the caramel dust with ground cinnamon and leave to set at room temperature when your panna cotta is firm giving each mold a quick dip into boiling water should ensure a perfect stress-free exit onto the plate [Music] dress with a shard of crunchy hazelnut brittle nothing could be so deliciously elegant right captain jack quick run through panna cotta's are nearly set beef cheeks are nearly cooked we're going to now do the fig and crostini oh okay let's take the figs we're going to make a nice slightly spicy fig jam take all the tops yeah in half and each half into three sugar the touch of salt in there okay we're making a jam but we don't want to be too sweet and then these little babies what are they ah what's the shape stars star niche meat it's tarnished taken from the hennessy plant yeah when you dry them like that so intensifies the flavor really important to count how we put in there okay yeah so one two three four five so they're just there for a flavor and then you take them out that's right secret here let's get that camo going so when i hear of jam i don't think of caramel no but this is a very fast jam caramel's starting to color i want you very carefully to drop the figs in there good so the juice out of the figs is starting to break down the caramel you know what that is well sweet vinegar i love that on my salad you've got that sort of sweet and sour flavor leave that cooking for three four minutes now let's slice our chipotle in italian crostini means little bits of toast but it can be made out of leftover baguette sourdough or any crusty open textured bread we're staying authentically italian with ciabatta season them and then drizzle a little touch of olive oil on there both sides really important because we're going to grill the bread push it down put some lovely very lovely take it off with the chipata toasted we need to carefully extract the star in these pods from our piping hot fig jam my jacket we've got one little bugger to find oh no is it there yes it is right now we've got the green light to crush some of the skin's disintegrated in that camera that looks so nice while jack carefully spreads the crostini with our hot fig jam i can unveil the last element to our starter the creamy italian speciality burrata a little money bags they can delicious this looks fun doesn't it we need to season them lightly drizzle over a little olive oil and dust them with lemon zest can you imagine that sat there and you tear some of it off when you stick it on top of that back to the main course to match our hearty beef cheeks i've chosen to use papridelli rule number one when cooking pasta salt in first salting first good olive oil in pasta in twist it round so you don't break it no bring that back up the ball that's going to take about three for four minutes flat leaf parsley scrunch it up for me yup and chop him now wait to see these beef cheeks beauties at them oh look soft they're very soft tiny want to taste that's so good oh jack you just dribbled on your jumper joke really right drain the pasta salt pepper pasta little drizzle of olive oil i'm going to put your fresh pasta nicely chopped nicely chopped in this is the magic bit okay you take a little ladle of the juice put that at the bottom and you put the pasta on top of that sauce honestly oh my gosh your sisters are gonna love you even more now you know uh what about when you cook this with your girlfriend one day uh just tell her where you got the recipe from william promise promise i don't want you stealing daddy's thunder one beautiful jaw on there two beautiful jaws on there and then the third jaw and then you go over with the sauce how cool is that delicious you've got the porra i've got the cheeks let's go please [Music] my ultimate italian dinner quick thick jam crostini with creamy borata a main course of slow cooked beef cheek ragu with papadely and for pudding espresso panna cotta with cinnamon hazelnut brittle a stunning meal to bring the whole family together in the best italian tradition first things first i'd like you to season the stewing steak a nice spoon of flour mix yeah good girl what's the flour going to do dad the flour helps to brown the beef our seasoned flour will also help to add flavor and thicken the stew i feel a bit like marshmallows they do feel a little bit marshmallow don't they look at the size of the chunks of the beef i'm going to cut my carrots literally similar similar size that's right does that mean they'll cook equally that's right now these are little pearl onions i'm gonna put them in hole as well everything has to stay the same otherwise it could burn oh we've seen burn garlic before oh matilda she promised you weren't gonna mention that what is that time time and what they bay leaves bailey's good girl tablespoon of oil in the beef goes in first okay [Music] got a beautiful color remember the carrots thyme in could go garlic purl onions in good give that a really good mix up [Music] easy to make daddy stews are very easy to make providing at the beginning you give it a little bit of love now that's all beautifully browned that thing that is beer and that's going to deglaze the pan adding beer or stout helps to tenderize the beef and give it a hearty delicious flavor and that's the only way i want you to taste beer in a stew yeah i'm going to add in a couple of teaspoons of tomato puree please in fact three please because it's so nice and there's one final thing in there cover this chewing steak with the beef stock give that a little mix with daddy please wow that's really nice it's not even cooked yet do you keep all these vegetables in when you serve it oh yes is the garlic going to be burnt no excuse me right and we always put the lid with a little bit just a little bit so it can breathe that's right i cannot make the stew all watery into the oven at 150 please teals for about two and a half hours and now you can focus on your homework fun time to knock up two delicious hearty potato classics in one twice baked bubble and squeeze jacket potatoes start by baking large potatoes in a preheated oven at 180 degrees shred one third of your savoy cabbage and saute in butter and add a dash of water until tender [Music] after about half an hour your potatoes should be crisp on the outside and cook through in the middle slice them in half and scoop out the soft potato center then mash with a couple of knobs of butter mix in the cabbage and season to taste spoon this mixture back into your potato shells and into the oven for a further 10 minutes or until the tops are nice and crispy and golden two delicious hearty potato classics in one twice baked bubbling squeak jacket potatoes right homework done yeah beef stew is chewing stewing let's get on with our delicious hearty pet art i've been looking forward to this you and i chef i'm gonna prep the pears so if you peel i'll top and tail into quarters pears go soft in the oven very very quickly so we're gonna put them on a tart you'll need to leave them whole half or in quarter what's that in there ginger that's right a stem ginger so you stem ginger and fresh ginger next add your stem ginger a little of the stem ginger syrup good girl and some brown sugar to your quartered pears then just grab some fresh ginger off you go so it's a bit of a um different one to grate this because it doesn't really come through like the cheese no i'm gonna make that a little bit zesty now we've got some lemons some lemon zest in there right what we need to do now is give that a nice little mix now this is a sweet pastry you can buy this stuff where you make it it's so easy to do so give me your finger that's my center point i want you to get the pears going around like that a really nice circle it's difficult isn't it because the pears keep on sliding all over the place yeah so egg wash the outside and i'm going to show you a little trick so you lift that up so see egg wash acting like a bit of a glue that's right crimple this with our finger and the pastry forms this nice little shelf like a little money bag are you going to do anything with the spare pairs oh yeah you start building that up then you see the fresh ginger and those nice little bits of stem ginger let me go around mike with your glue we might glue just on top tilly's last job is to give our tart a good dusting of icing sugar so that caramelises it and colors the pears beautifully it's a bit like snow isn't it now that glazes the pastry so the pastry has this really nice shine on there as well finally the lemon on top and then put that there 180 and in she goes you smell the beef smells delish wow it's even gone down a bit more hasn't it look at that i want you to just i was hoping you'd ask just have a little taste [Music] how's that taste now i'm not allowed um all right dumpling time flour in please i'm using self-raising flour for a fluffy result but if you like your dumplings hard use plain flour next the dumpling essential suet that makes the dumplings nice and moist thank you followed by a generous dollop of grain mustard two fingers start rolling the fingers around and i've got a touch of warm water here your fingers are now a nice little whisk your fingers are getting tired right now put your hand in there now you should bring all that dough together i'll show you the best way to get that nice and clean sprinkle the flour on your hands rub them together all that will come off that's a good way isn't it now we've got this wonderful dumpling mixture how squidgy is that a little flour on your hands okay roll these lengthways and then i want you to fall in like that in your hand off we go smell that mustard in there huh yes please silly gently let's go in at 12 o'clock one o'clock 12 in the center and put that back into the oven for 20 minutes to cook the dumplings now if you open the door for daddy i'm going to take out that tart oh it smells so nice doesn't it our pet art has had 35 minutes in the oven look at that baby that looks good would you like me to start dusting yes please nice and gently all the way around good girl little taps the others are gonna love this it looks a bit like a snowy cake doesn't it good job now very carefully carry that to the table how nice does that look delicious okay i'll check on the dumplings now look they've sort of doubled in size whoa definitely a final sprinkle of chopped parsley and our stew is ready for the table i might have to have a quick taste before we go just to check i mean we don't have to be sure we have to be very sure [Music] that is an amazing hearty beef stew with dumplings right the twice baked loaded potatoes and we are ready this is my ultimate hearty dinner a comforting rich beef stew with mustard dumplings and twice baked bubbling squeak jacket potatoes and to make sure your sweet tooth is completely satisfied a rich and zingy pear and ginger galette you
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 2,486,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Gordon Ramsay beef, Gordon Ramsay beef cheeks, Gordon Ramsay italian, Gordon Ramsay winter food, Gordon Ramsay winter recipes, Gordon Ramsay winter, Gordon Ramsay beef recipes, Gordon Ramsay easy beef recipes, pasta, pasta recipes, beef, beef recipes, beef cheek, beef cheek recipes
Id: eTqGvxI-QFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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