Gordon Ramsay's Dessert Recipes | Gordon Ramsay

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This looks so dank

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Melo1023 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
the most amazing tarte tatin they are pink peppercorns and I really good they don't taste anything my black peppercorns my sweet darling they're really sweet very fruity the pink peppercorns give it the sweetness the black peppercorns give the heat now what is that baby vanilla this is one of the easiest desserts in the world to make but one of the most delicious this is sort of take on the classic apple or pear to tan but when you caramelize those bananas with a peppercorns and the vanilla tastes amazing oh my goodness incredible okay can I made the camera start off with a cold pan first you just press that budget in there how comes you do it let it just melt naturally because I want the butter to stay cold because I'm gonna stick the bananas in there okay and then we'll make the caramel and caramelize the bananas at the same time so in goes those vanilla C's pods in there as well okay peppercorns done yeah good girl sprinkle them over that butter just naturally naturally ice and then not just very carefully sprinkle sugar over that roughly the same size wedge it into the butter won't you know what want the bananas really caramelized you just stuck them between if you'd crammed them in like this okay it'll stop them moving around nothing's moving nothing is okay so all wedged in there remove the peppercorns on top of the bananas so for that flavor in the camel and on the top and the bottom right puff pastry puff pastry is difficult and time-consuming to make so I always buy ready-made when I'm at home to get the best flavor and texture go for the all butter type and keep your pastry cold before using it this is where it gets really exciting you get your fingers you just pinch the end so we've thin the end if you do that for me very carefully have to be quick because the heat your fingers can melt the pastry how comes you do it because we get it nice and thin so we can clip it underneath now take a spoon what we do is lift up that banana and tuck it underneath like a possum and see the thin bits of pastry how easy it is to get it underneath yeah and that's why you thin them out you do it so quickly well because I have to be quick otherwise the paste will melt notice how we're not using anything sharp so we're not would that cut the pastry that's right so you have lockdown that is mm-hmm guess on we'll start caramelizing there those three little holes are so important if we didn't put a hole in the patient it will cause the last theme to the pastry never cooks it just goes really soggy oh yes so really important the cameras live now we're working the camel give a little shake how can you see the caramel through the pastry look what happens when it tilts see all comes running down see ya a nice tea now that pastry okay is like clinging on to the bananas and said when we turn upside down well there's love full of these canonized bananas look at that it looks loke look a lucky lucky ah like a like a [Music] nice birthday soon 15 I just worked it out I'm like 50th you're 18 back there we should do a joint party yeah love it too for the old ones 12 lunchtime time to fall for the old once they can go to sleep mega later is where I get excited now look at the color of that caramel so tilt the pan again see how dark it is now 20 minutes in the oven 190 to 200 degrees for our banana tart attack so see now where that pastry is caramelized so dark and just a little tip gas back on that will release it because if you tip it and it's still sticking hmm then some of you bananas will stick yeah so now see what it starts spinning around like that it's moving around and here we are the moment of truth when you know your daddy is the best chef in the world ready yep [Music] the vanilla how delicious my version of a classic at Loras lavender creme caramel for dessert [Music] the first job is the lavender sugar you can buy this ready-made or simply add dried edible sprigs of lavender to castor sugar and store you can also try this trick with vanilla pods and cinnamon to bring new subtle flavors to sweets and bacon [Music] for the creme caramel milk plain castor sugar until it turns dark golden pour into ramekins sprinkled with lavender flowers and cool now to make a simple custard gently heat whole milk in a pan until steaming meanwhile whisk together egg vanilla seeds and lavender sugar until golden and fluffy and gradually pour the hot milk into the mix whisking continuously until the custard is smooth and creamy to set cook in a water bath or bommali a good tip is to line a roasting tin with a cloth to stop the ramekins jiggling around pour your custard then boiling water around the ramekins until halfway of the sides then cook in a preheated oven for around 30 minutes until set cool in the fridge then when you're ready to serve dip the ramekins in hot water to loosen the creme caramel [Music] they've wanna lavender cling caramel [Music] so if you're on wrapper chocolate start breaking up in little bits we're gonna make the most amazing white chocolate mousse our first job is to bring half of our cream up to the boil so what kind of cream is that in there dad that is double cream okay so that's gonna make a really nice rich chocolate mousse what's your favorite sort of chocolate is it white milk dark and I love white milk what's yours I absolutely love milk chocolate is it really here we go cream in so that goes in there now you can see what's happening straight away can you nothing really quickly so okay oh excuse me Alicia would jump is white so you weren't spotted yeah nice little snack in another bowl add lime zest a cold cream and whisk until it forms soft peaks the lime cuts the sort of richness of the cream and that starts to make chocolate mousse tastes a little bit lighter it smells really good the man gives it a really nice zing zing us you have see what next add to the melted chocolate mixture because I'm whisking is just getting lighter and lighter and lighter how it'll taste mmm nice yeah tell me I need the rest of the mousse my dummy no come on chocolate mousse into the fridge [Music] and next job is to separate out three egg whites this is where I need you at your absolute best okay because to whip those whites is gonna be really tough so we'll take you in turns 30 seconds each okay you go first ten seconds gone twenty fifteen seconds gone 20 seconds gone come on you can do it ten seconds to go five four three two one and change Thanks hold the bowl right [Music] Mathilda that's the best way of whippin of egg whites very happy in there so I contentious whipped egg whites will make our mousse light and airy and when they've reached soft peaks we can gently mix in our cooled white chocolate and cream mixture once the egg whites hit the cream yeah the chocolate sets egg whites keep the cream nice and fluffy and you get this nice light mousse in the bowl now I need you to crush some raspberries please with some fresh mint now take your mousse Wow that looks really cool now look at that down the bottom there now I'll spray delicious now they'll set that in the fridge it's gonna be secured open the door please our yummy white chocolate mousse will take at least two hours to set Holly darling help Danny with the dessert yes please and the lamb cutlets now we all know that you love desserts yeah we do a little yogurt parfait with some macerated fruits so the first thing I'd like you to do is I take a tablespoon of icy sugar dust that over the fruits good now that's perfect Donny thank you zest the orange over the fruits what's gonna happen now it's gonna start to sort of marinate and there was some buzz in there that'll make it really flavor some fresh puzzle in and then to give that little mix up I'm gonna squeeze some fresh orange juice in there nice and gently okay how gorgeous are those berries look now okay we just leave them just marinate okay and that's what we call macerated berries now for the mango Sunday my magazine please I love nice now they're naturally sweet now how fresh does that smell now you'd love art right yeah so you're gonna put these together so nice little dollop of mango at the bottom nice and slowly once each class has a layer of mango puree at the bottom spoon over a layer of thick natural yogurt and alternate until the glass is full of them now yummy there you get your berries you see the berries on top it tastes so fresh but now they'll be marinated and the berries have been slightly macerated and then finally look your icing sugar just tap on top they look just beautiful now they sit in the fridge to get nice and chilled okay so if I take three I promise not to sneeze and you take one open the fridge door
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 2,142,605
Rating: 4.9467964 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Cooking, gordon, gordon ramsay, Gordon Ramsay dessert, Gordon Ramsay dessert recipe, recipe, gordon ramsay tips, gordon ramsay recipe, Gordon Ramsay ultimate home cooking
Id: 8mPsu-bByKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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