Veganuary Recipes With Gordon Ramsay | Part One

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For the lazy: he made posh avo on toast, posh granola, and posh fruit salad. All of which looks incredibly delicious and actually really easy.

In other news, the way that Gordon says bottom is something else.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/acmhkhiawect πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

He thinks honey and milk is vegan...

At least he tried.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FuckingPrawns πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think he's trying to give SOS signals with his eyebrows lol

Edit: Clicked on this on the sidebar and WOW that's looks amazing!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ihaveanicejumper πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Comments are funny. So many haters. "Eww vegan food is gross"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Accomplished_Air_602 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
you think of the flavor and the texture of avocado rich phenomenal i want to make it a little bit more vibrant black sesame seeds a nice pinch of chili flakes i quite like it hot a touch of salt and a touch of pepper so that nice dry combination of the lemon zest black sesame seeds and the heat the chili this is light healthy quick but so tasty sourdough bread three nice chunky thick slices open them up lightly season them little touch of olive oil brings the whole crust to life rub all that seasoning in but you can use too bad you can use a baguette but the richness from the sourdough with the silky creaminess of avocado is mind-blowing and then get the grill up to temperature and push these down go the extra mile we've all put bread in a toaster of a difference of grilling the bread this way is extraordinary that nice smoky charcoal flavor off with the gas beautiful now the avocado you've got to treat them with love respect press on the end here and if your thumb softens you can tell that avocado's ripe never press here you just end up bruising it slice down until you feel that stone in the middle and then just roll around and then it's just a little gentle twist off stone and out cut them into quarters the back of your knife peel back that skin if the avocado is nice and ripe it should just all fall away slice just take your quarters fan them out and push them into the bread the ripe of the avocado the better the flavor but look for ones free from soft spots and blemishes which can suggest bruising get your lemon squeeze that will stop the avocado from discoloring and then get your crunch ready to go on top sprinkle a very generous light way got the fragrance from the lemon zest the crunch from the sesame seed the heat that little chili flake which just wakes up that avocado they look expensive that for me is a delicious light start to the day avocado on sourdough toast with lemon and black sesame sprinkle every time i put a healthy recipe together a healthy dish it needs a bit of a treat so this is a lovely stunning get up and go fresh granola first thing in the morning the treat here is in that little baby honey so that sweetens it so just start off with 200ml of delicious honey into a pan just to warm up in she goes now i know these are a chef's favorite but it makes all the difference especially for breakfast a fresh vanilla pod and i think of the way that i use herbs to add flavor to soups and salads i'd like to think vanilla does exactly the same scrape out all those wonderful seeds in now the staple of the granola is the oats [Music] next puff rice delicious crunchy but light and fluffy next add wheat bran and your seeds pumpkin sunflower and linseed and then almonds incredible that nice heavy weight from the nut bunch now bring the honey to the boil slowly drizzle that amazing honey in give that a really good mix coat the granola with the hot honey just slowly churn it using the outside of the bowl you can see it just getting nice and sticky once the granola is completely coated in honey it's ready to bake now spread the mix on baking paper i'm gonna season it lightly with a touch of salt on top the salt throughout dries up the oats and the honey will roast color and glaze the granola nice into the oven for 25 to 30 minutes [Music] 10 minutes into the cooking simply run a spoon across the top to turn the mix and ensure it's crunchy all over smell that light roast look at the color honestly look it's crispy it's delicious now i'm gonna tart it up and put some lovely dried cranberries that just gives us chewy sweet flavor delicious and then finally these beautiful berries goji berries goji berries are high in antioxidants and have been eaten china for centuries for their healing properties but you can add any dried fruit you like the cranberry and the goji berries gives it that nice chewy rich texture to the granola now this is the best way to store it it looks incredible really incredible look at that that eat well stay well right milk my homemade crunchy granola it looks good tastes good and it's packed with healthy grains superfood berries and seeds it's incredibly good for you too a breakfast for champions start off with a chili now give it a little rub so you can hear those seeds being released get your knife and come all the way down turn it over and just slice it into four and then finely chop that chili i want this salad slightly hot so i'm gonna use all the chili but a half the seeds the seeds are where the heat is so the less you use the milder your dish nicely chopped next one of my favorite pastes tamarind paste this is quite tart quite sour but it's a wonderful compliment to the sweetness of the fruit and it goes brilliantly well with the chilli palm sugar and this is where it sweetens up the dressing because it enriches it then the zest and the juice of the lime cut it into quarters and then twist the lime to maximize and all that juice out now to finish that dressing off some toasted peanuts get the pan nice and hot a little touch of salt that'll help dry roast the peanuts even quicker make sure you get a really nice dark color on those peanuts because it will really transform that dressing to crush your roasted nuts the mess free way simply wrap them in a clean cloth and use a rolling pin or a pan to bash them crush that's the hard bit done now for the fruit and here's an easy way to prep a pineapple pineapple take off the top take off the bottom and stand it up use the corner of your knife and follow down basically like shaving the pineapple don't worry about these little spikes there the secret behind doing it this way is not losing half the pineapple there's nothing wrong with a few brown bits it's all good fiber slice the pineapple in half and then slice down each quarter slice across and chop delicious pineapple chunks next apples and pears diced then to give a lovely fresh light note the seeded cucumber i don't want the seeds in the fruit salad the cucumber seeds will make it very watery and dilute the strength of that wonderful chili in there cucumber in with some sweetness delicious mango just slice it nicely get your dressing and just drizzle that over the fruit salad in secret of a good fruit salad is not drowning in the dressing but really make sure that you've got that nice coating on all the fruits don't worry about just having for breakfast because this is the kind of tangy fruit salad you can have for lunch a healthy snack in the afternoon but it transforms a traditional fruit salad into something really delicious spicy fruit salad with a kick of chili trust me it's an incredible breakfast and a guaranteed pick me up in the morning
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 489,474
Rating: 4.9146976 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Gordon ramsay vegan, Gordon Ramsay vegan recipes, Gordon Ramsay Easy Vegan Recipes, Gordon Ramsay vegetarian recipes, Gordon Ramsay Vegetarian, Veganuary, Gordon Ramsay Veganuary, Gordon Ramsay Veganuary recipes, Gordon Ramsay Veganuary official, Gordon Ramsay easy recipes, vegan recipes, easy vegan recipes, easy vegetarian recipes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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