Gordon Ramsay Nightmares - Love bites | Best Tv Series | Full Episode

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olster County New York nestled between the foothills of the Catskill Mountains and the Hudson River lies socres a vibrant town home to love bites a small local restaurant run by childhood sweethearts Tess and Chris we met when we were 12 I saw her and I was just astonished by how beautiful she was we had like a little date jumping on my trampoline and we rekindled things about 10 years later when we met at the restaurant that Chris was managing at when I saw her again it was love at first sight we went on a date right away and then we went into a relationship and we bought the restaurant right after all right new ticket Chicken and Waffles coconut carrot thank you thank you Chris was like super romantic in the beginning and we went to a lot of dinners and we went on a lot of like trips and like cool things and he was like super kind and loving let's go out to eat what 6 months into owning the restaurant we got engaged thank you for coming in we haven't planned the wedding and I don't see us planning the wedding in the near future because of Love Bites 45 minute wait on every table now this is insane my deal with front of the house we tried to find like a full-time Chef it just didn't end up working out as of right now Chris is the chef and he has been for the probably the last year but Chris is ruled by anxiety I'm shaking like a leaf and I do not this is not what I want come help you I so overstressed that I'm not even trying on the days I have to come in here and cook I'm dry heaving in the morning what's wrong just dry heaving this business has destroyed him and destroyed our relationship why is this food sitting here we don't want to give it to the table is that a decision on you you have hand cut fries chicken and waffles and a crab cake Benedict no salad you're coming back for the crab benedict grab aoli and we're going to two all right we got food up up here what's going on I can't make all the desserts all the drinks run all the food it's in impossible for one person idiots my staff is appalled by how he speaks to me the the matter with you I don't know how many times people have to come up to me and ask me why I stay with him when they hear him scream at me all I'm saying is if we lose a ticket we're in big trouble okay I'm trying to keep track Chris you I've been working here a couple of months now I've seen a lot of tension Chris running the back test running the front I see a lot of issues there i' said medium yeah that's definitely overcooked yeah I have a lot of people complaining about overcooked Burgers morons Chris seems overwhelmed a lot of the time it's communication and it's also just like he needs to back off of his staff and well his loved ones hi parttime Mom next week I'm taking you on a full time because I can't do this anymore Mom okay as Chris's mom I actually worry about him I had to take on everything myself so just another day he's stressed because he's a perfectionist and he doesn't like to fail can I hop on the line test leave me alone what can I help you with Wow nothing you can't help me with anything I can help you but you won't accept my help this just stupid man you shouldn't talk to anyone you hate that way let along someone you love are we learning how to use a computer I don't know if somebody skipped college or what but this restaurant has turned my son into a person I no longer know not the child I raised not the gentleman he was I don't need any more idiocracy in here than we already have on our days off first thing in the morning and he's on his phone looking at something about the restaurant or talking about the restaurant there's no divide between work and romance or work and home and it's tiring without them having a personal life I don't see their relationship making it and it would be so hard for all of us cuz we all love each other I don't want them to split up I worry about losing tests if we went our separate ways I would I don't know what I would potentially even do that's too rare yeah I'll take it off your check no problem we are approximately $200,000 in debt or more we have all of our debt collectors constantly on our back paychecks aren't here yet yet but tomorrow our house is leveraged we lose Love Bites we lose our house Chris and I both look at the Love Bites logos on the front windows and those are literally prison bars we need Gordon's help because we are lost here I can't do it for much longer at all honestly Lites has destroyed CHR andest this place is a death track if I can't help you you can't help yourself rot a set in smell it shut it [Music] down I'm in Socrates New York to visit Love Bites it's a struggling restaurant that's run by a very young couple called Tess and Chris now they've been engaged for the last six years and right there is a red flag for me never once that I have a contemplate working with my wife in any of the restaurants and the pressure it puts on the family is ridiculous this industry is incredibly hard at the best of times and if you're into business with a loved one the stress can become all consuming the problem isn't just the restaurant clearly is the relationship so fingers crossed if I can fix one it may fix the other this place is gorgeous around here why the is there a vegan pancake on this thing a vegan pancake it's not even on our menu sometimes people will try to be on their best behavior when I arrive hey guys so before I go in I'm going behind the scenes to see for myself what Chris is really like right check on the MCR Master Control Room hey guys good morning bu you good you good hey bud you good good so there they are bloody hell I need my crab benedict for the bar too bad you want everything to put in at once and go yourself when it comes to getting your food you put in every ticket at once I didn't it yeah whatever sure you didn't oh yeah I do not have any control of it of course you don't who would have control over their domain and where they work no control over the front of the house okay anyway okay time we get in yeah I'll see you then thank you I've got a sense of how Chris's behavior is affecting the kitchen now I need to go and see how it plays out on the restaurant floor hello good morning good morning turn around turn around see walking hey your Tess hello my darling hey how are you you okay yeah let me uh let me grab a seat and yeah check out the menu I really want to know what you think about it hello how are we what is no chicken pee mean Table Three house salad no chick no chickpea oh wow wow that couldn't have meant chicken right or anything else got the noise in that kitchen is insane what is going on ridiculous man I'm going to start off with a coffee please just a plain coffee plain coffee please cream and sugar yes please thank you okay to share sweet and spicy C winds flat bread hup fries steak fruit breakfast Burger the French dip cauliflower bar me West African peanut soup this menu is all over the place thanks for D and uh I'm ready to order when you're ready let's start with spicy breakfast salad let's do the crab cake Benedict how about the French tip as well sliced brazed brisket Swiss Sesame bagel I have that time I do good G no more Benedicts oh oh my God what's going there he's behind and he's not having a good time you just broke dishes into my station all right okay it's okay yeah that's the worst thing you could ever do in a kitchen and he can't handle the heat sometimes he can sometimes he gets testy and they kind of clash Who's name him and Tess okay Tess well I'll keep a hold of the menu thank you what can I do nothing get away from me Chris I need you to sa take this down French tip over easy brisket get it out and we have no more hollay the chef screaming smashing plates that's not a good image for a neighborhood restaurant in such a prestigious town like socr let me tell you Chris this is Gordon's Food I have a crab cake benedict on here I need you to find holidays for it shut up I need you to have one Focus right now Chris and that is table B6 this is Gordon order Gordon first you got it okay Christopher can I get you something for your stomach I have stuff you want something shut up all right all right is he okay uh yeah he's burning a little bit but always sounds like that and this his mom in the restaurant as well that's my mom yeah and Chris's mom is also in the restaurant she's dishwashing so I really called in everyone I could to help healthwise I shouldn't be doing even what I'm doing so what health was I have really bad uh really bad health conditions I've been sick my entire life at 16 I was diagnosed with 's donlo syndrome as well as chronic pseudo inesin obstruction in the process of having the restaurants I've had like 25 surgeries but you're barely 30 yeah and they had to remove my entire colon and half of my small intestine so in total I've lost 18 ft of my intestines um and that's why I have a bag which all of my waist this is something I'll deal with for the rest of my life and it's been it's been a really hard struggle you really needed here I'm glad I'm here okay thank you can we just make sure that the crab benedict are like really for Gordon leave me alone and I could do what I do bloody hell so te New York at Love Bites it's not just this restaurant that's close to collapse owners Chris and Tess's relationship is also at breaking point I need my bar tickets yep you'll get it when I send it just like you send in your tickets when you want to time to find out if the food is lacking in love too this is our spicy breakfast salad thank you that is really bad also there's just not even seasoning those eggs are terrible terrible I need a bun for the I need a bun for yes hogy roll here fresh I need a fresh bun oh let me grab another bag 3day old bun for Gordon is everything it's just nothing SE it's just Bland you think $16 for that it's uh it's a high price for some very bad scrambled eggs this place is full it's got to show a little bit of care right 100% you have to cook with love well love bites if you don't cook with love all right Chris Gordon said that there's absolutely no seasoning in the spicy breakfast X great I don't know what else to say these dishes have been sitting up here what do you think's going to happen this dish has been up here for 5 minutes sitting it's going to be now I'm going I can make the best food ever and with the time we bring it out to him is going to be terrible do you want me to take this to to Gordon the matter with you this is a table okay this is popular CRA yes this is the most popular dish and the crab benedict which you have coming right out thank you French dip and absolute staple you know they actually taste okay but this guy just throwing food out he's just going through the motions and literally banging food out out of here what a shame all right do I have to remake the exit on this one now because we left it here because we couldn't get it out because we brought it to the wrong table yep I got it all right Gordon and the crab cake I expended it thank you it's such a shame with this cuz it's actually quite nice the French dip but it's just there's so much bread and Tiny brisket this thing should be packed with brisket dip and eat but I agree thank you does not make sense all right guys Gordon said that the Friendship is actually very good nice but there's too much bread and not enough meat underst he usually doesn't like anything crab benedict $21 everything's just so greasy so are they frying these again so yeah why do deep fry them I don't know listen I've had worse but $21 yeah I'm embarrassed for him I'm so sorry this is called Love Bites but I've tasted nothing that's made with love let me tell you after the conflicts and stress I've witnessed in the restaurant today it's time for me and Tess to have a talk oh boy first of all all is screaming who's he shouting at mostly me and when we get home he doesn't use the word sorry or he doesn't know how to apologize so instead he just pretends it doesn't happen why did you buy this business what did you want from this I didn't want this business Gordon um this was Chris's decision um but when he bought the business it was just too much for him to take on alone so then I had to quit my job and come here and have he set a date for the marriage I mean he engaged for 6 years I don't know if I really want to marry Chris after everything like how he treats me and stuff when he's under pressure this is not healthy no I'm so over gording and the only reason I'm here is cuz I'm trying to sa this restaurant I appreciate that and I'm sorry you're going through this but I'm here to help I've seen enough sadly this is not an unusual situation for me the stress on restant tur's mental health is a massive problem in the industry have a really good day thank you for coming lunch rush over and din has departed it's time for me to confront Chris about what I've seen and heard hey you must to be Chris yeah nice to meet you likewise I've been to thousands of Resturant in my life but I've never been to a restaurant as toxic as this and I've come here to help you and Tess but I want to know the is going on do you even want to be in that kitchen not really genuinely I you know I thought I had a passion for cooking but but just being in the kitchen all the time has just kind of really beat me down and I don't really know where to turn anymore have you thought about letting go of Tess not really because I just feel like this has got my mind so clouded that I just need to get out of the kitchen for a second so I can not be constantly at each other throats at the restaurant so I can just give us a second to step back and realize that if we're going to be rekindle things because we've just kind of lost it in the last couple years years with this place she's at her lowest you understand the medical history you understand the complications and you still you still lay into her this is your fiance and mom's washing up and your future mother-in-law is in the dining room busing tables Chris the fact that many staff are the closest women in your life tells me a very Bleak picture and I've got to start with you cuz you're controlling this thing your moves your behavior your arrogance your chippiness your insecurities it's all held in this clutch with these females that are absolutely stuck to you if these women weren't your family you be no server no buser we put up with that the first thing that has to change here is you young man you need to man up and start showing some [Music] respect it's a new day in sages New York and after witnessing some very worrying Behavior yesterday at Love Bites do you want me to take this to to Gordon or the matter with you this is the table okay I delivered coowner Chris some hard home truths the first thing that has to change here is you young man I'm meeting Chris's mom Donna out back it's nice to meet you yeah likewise to talk to her about her son's toxic Behavior where's the anger coming from he feels resentment because he feels like he's doing it all so he's overwhelmed absolutely overwhelmed that's what upsets me so much it still breaks me like he's three no that's making it worse he's drawing all these powerful women close to him that are allowing him to behave like that that so therefore unbeknown to you you're actually aiding that abusive Behavior I actually agree with that he's broken and I'm so tired of seeing so sad and there's nothing I can do to help him this business is so consuming but bringing a personal relationship into that restaurant is 10 times harder they need time apart to Value what they had I agree 100% And if they can't value what they had they shouldn't be back together it's going to be a tough couple of days this is exactly what Chris needs he needs to hear it from Gordon it's time that the healing began you want to sit right here I'll get your venues it's clear that Chris's behavior is the Crux of the complications at Love Bites okay which all seem to stem from his issues running the kitchen so I'm going back in to take a closer look at Chris in action so I need to set up for SLE I'm very nervous I feel like there's a lot of stress because it's just it's Gordon Ramsey standing over you you know watching you cook so this vegan toast right the vegan french bread yes yes so that's now on top of the griddle which has been cooking eggs what else you put on there bacon bacon yes bacon I try to keep the bacon on one side of but look at me yeah yeah should be S okay there's no vegan or vegetarian in any of this area that would love to see some bacon juice on there right get that burger on cauliflower two apps oh wow three burgers all day who has the coconut carrot French toast all right and then she has the burger rolling it's got bacon on there now I mean what a BTY Chris yeah just give me 30 seconds please yeah look at me look at me look at me look at me in the yes yeah I just saw the bacon go on The Griddle again no no I I saw the bacon go on The Griddle 5 seconds after I told you I'm not here to beheads with you but I'm going to get off a minute I'm supposed to help you but I can't help you if you don't start listening get the bacon off the grill okay yes thank you so embarrassing oh wow we're so behind all right that's it 30 minutes wait we're getting slammed again it's a tight line it's tight yeah it's such a small line I mean there 40 odd items on the menu why is the menu so big I don't know hello how are you I'll do the the steak the steak I'll do the steak okay have it right out for I have two steaks up on the bar we don't have any more steak what do you mean well we were out of steak a while ago so you that how were we out of steak we had three steaks no I didn't yes you did how you holding up okay you don't look good to me you look really R in sit down and drink some water yeah I think you need sit down as well for sure it's really hard for me to have Chris's mom and my mom there because they really baby Chris and make excuses for him and it just gets me T we all go through hard things and it's a stressful service the first thing anyone has to same is Chris okay that is so tiring for me and it's not fair to me it's not it's not makes me feel and it just Mak me feel like no one cares about me you know and it's I care about you my go so L as service continues things seem to be going from from bad to worse French dip two of them we got to get these out both are for eight with the French dips the one that we the order there like cabbage that comes with this there is cabbage that comes with that and I don't know why that's missing I'm missing cabbage on my last snitch I don't have any cabbage I made that apparent I don't know what you didn't hear about it but I told everyone no one heard you say there was no steak or cabbage today I'm not going to argue with you right now they're doing a job to be honest that's the truth I don't even know if anybody knows what they're doing out there or they're just all running into each other bumping their heads together just total [Applause] idiocracy concerned about what this toxic environment is doing to Tess I want to talk to her mom outside to hear what she has to say there's only one person suffering more than anybody here my daughter your daughter I know it hurts her I know he cares greatly about her but when he's in his profession it doesn't does seem that way no restaurant is worth what's it's doing to your daughter mm- no chance no deep down inside is he worried that she's going to leave him he should be it would devastate him is this too late for therapy I would love if they had therapy because Chris has a very good side in him he didn't seem wrong at first Chris seemed perfect in many ways I blame everything on the restaurant they're exhausted on their days off Chris is obsessed with always talking about the restaurant and it's become a problem I think her and Chris really love each other but I really think that it's a very damaged relationship now before we start thinking of the restaurant we need to fix them and by fixing them we need to give them a a breathing space they need to stay time out both for themselves and for the business I would think that would help I'm in SES New York where at Love Bites I've been observing just how toxic things have become for engaged owners Chris and Tess so you're telling me Ur that you cannot fulfill my Stakes I want to know get this out to table 10 do that how about that shut up it's been here for 5 minutes in the window I'll be remaking it in a minute I am at the end of it I mean honestly nearing the end of dinner service now it's actually got worse Chris is just wallowing in his own and that guy's mind needs to change quickly otherwise with the turbulent dinner service over bye guys thank you so much Chris Let's uh let's have a catch up time for me to Ser up some cold hard facts I don't know where to start you young man you're caught in this Vortex of absolute negativity you can't be happy I'm definitely not happy cooking in the kitchen and having all the stress and having the Divide between the front and the back of the house and the screaming and the yelling one thing that's clear tonight is that you too need a break a break from the restaurant and a break from each other mom you need to do The Honorable thing now and take your daughter home okay it's not healthy it's not good for you and it's not good for Tess okay what about the restaurant I'll sort the restaurant out get some rest come here it's kind of crazy that I have someone looking out for me I always have people always looking out for Chris you need a break some time out okay M and I know Gordon's not going to let us burn and I know he's not going to let the restaurant die I'll see you later I'm really thinking that Gordon can help Chris but I really want to see him stop yelling at staff stop making excuses and I want him to own up for his mistakes and I want to hear apologies I want to hear I'm sorry for yelling at you I'm sorry young man you're 31 years of age you got your whole life in front of you and you're about to it up I know this was your dream Chris I want to help you you're not on an island I need your help it's hard this business and is absolutely turning you into a guy that you do not want to be I just want to be better and I just want to be happy you need help first thing tomorrow morning you and I are going to see someone and open up and you have to change your behavior and not use the closest women in your life around you to attack because you're not happy you're young enough to sort this out okay but I just want you to be honest and open and remember we want you to succeed okay yes come here see the more okay I'm here to help okay stop damaging yourself it's not worth it okay I don't really know where my life stands right now I have a restaurant that's in pieces that serves you know mediocre food thank you thank [Music] you I need a new chapter else I don't know if this book is going to even continue soes New York over the next couple of days my team are renov ating Love Bites giving Tess and Chris some much needed time away from the restaurant I've seen many chefs struggle with work stress like Chris so I know how vital it is to get help morning doctor hello how are you I've arranged for Chris to talk to a professional to get support for the anger and anxiety issues the business is causing first of all this industry is high octane and it is hard and this young man has a a lot on his shoulders and the dream that him and his fiance started with has turned somewhat ugly um I think Chris needs to offload and spend valuable time on himself thank you and be honest thank you thank you do hello hello how are you good welcome welcome you know I was told a little bit but I'm curious you know just to hear from you kind of like what's going on I think I just hold a lot inside of me I think the restaurant has just put me in a weird position where I feel almost held hostage to work like when I get in that kitchen I'm just a different person when I leave work I feel like I just turn to the people that I was just angry or vicious to and say Hey you know how good day and they're just like did you not hear how you spoke to me or the things you said to me or how you treated me in front of everybody the moment that you want to yell and scream uh there's like a little moment of like wait a second this person has nothing to do with why I'm feeling so uh scared but the question is how do you get what you need in a way that people can receive and look the foundation of that is how do we take care of ourselves after talking it through with the therapist I just need to realize that I really need to have a different approach on the way I handle things I thought it was everyone around me and now it's just kind of realizing that it's me and that's who I become when I'm on the kitchen line and I feel like this is a great stepping stone to get my mental health back on track back at Love Bites the renovation is complete this restaurant was always Chris's dream so while Tess takes some time to herself he's arrived with his mom Donna to get a glimpse of the new and improved Love Bites oh wow this looks amazing wow it's beautiful welcome to your new restaurant oh my God oh my goodness I've injected love into the dining room making it less Brunch Cafe and more romantic restaurant this area is known for it stained glass and now we have a partition that feels so much more welcoming hand blown chandeliers chairs I love the chairs new beautiful bar stores that are comfortable that you can sit they look like people would want to sit there for a while place can become an intimate local eery thank you come here seriously thank you so much Mom Chris take a seat let's talk about the menu while we're here what we have is a simple menu elegant menu and the ambition of this menu is a to get it functioning without you and B to allow you to breathe really important everybody within these four walls are here for you you need to know that I feel like you pretty much saved my son's life hey he's worth it you know that 10 times over let's start off with the bow buns we got that beautiful caramalized pork with those pickled vegetables and that beautiful bow bun we got the Welsh rabbit on that beautiful toast so easy to execute the staple Clos R cheros it's a breakfast all day it's my go-to staple steaking eggs it's a proper New York STP beautifully seasoned uh finished with a fresh chimichuri French onion burger a beautiful fries and then of course a little beef beef je mayonnaise keeping with your French dip but just giv a little twist on it now dig in have a little taste get close to what you're going to be pushing tonight and I'll be back shortly okay enjoy thank you the beats are amazing that is so good that's my kind of meal the bow buns are phenomenal as well as toning down the menu to help reduce Chrissy's stress levels in the kitchen so I'm Emily I'm helping out tonight I've also brought in a top class front of house manager to help train the staff so Tess isn't so tied to the resturant everyone's ready for tonight do we feel confident with this menu more than the last menu we had definitely all right and I also just want to tell everyone that I've been trying to work on myself and I really want to get better so I'm going to try to uh keep my calm in the kitchen and let's just all work together as a team thank you Chris we appreciate it I'm back for dinner service time to pump some passion Back Into Love Bites hello how are you good how are you how beautiful is this place hey how you feeling I'm feeling great you good yes Chris what you need to remind yourself that you're not on island okay you guys can share the load okay how are you good I doing service is in full swing and we're off to a great start Chris is staying calm and customers are enjoying the new menu Burger came out perfect mayonnaise on the burger is what makes it table one can I fire on that table steak and egg medium French onion burger medium I uh 2 minutes I have no eggs over here but it's not long until Chris is back to his old ways look at me breathe all right breathe Table Six right now what table's coming up next the table that just uh table six or yeah no no look at me we just sent six you just sent the burger we just sent six yeah no no but look I'm here to help you it's gone the Burger's gone yeah I understand but you're not you're not listening okay we've just sent 60 Onre no one's even finished appetizers nobody's complaining about the weight and all we're doing is just traveling 1,000 M hour and we're forgetting composure Under Pressure Chris doesn't want to listen to any of the people around him that are actually telling him what's going on we're rushing again and we're throwing crude out this is insane I don't want to do this take a breath again okay take a breath I need you to listen okay we got back to that ugly fight again where we just thrown food out Telly what you need DD hey Chris yes that hit me come on that just hit me that's absolute I'm sorry so unnecessary I'm just really getting slam with tickets and my anxiety is kicking in my dry heaving when I get like super anxiety ridden I just start doing that naturally e oh no no no no not right now I'm at Love Bites in Sag New York where customers are enjoying both a newly renovated restaurant and simplified menu that's awesome but I'm worried that Chris is letting things get too much for him again I don't know where my crispy Sage is all of a sudden I need crispy Sage I don't know where it is which is leading to mistakes how is everything so far my burger is a little too rare so sorry about that a little bit more well done I'm look at me food back to your restaurant okay what's the problem with it they want it they been more well done okay and hey I'm only going to get upset if you're not listening cuz you're just making hard work at this again for no reason excuse me I need to get in here we're so behind with this no we're fine dude we're not at all behind fine that's what we're trying to tell you we're we're this is good you okay I'm okay I just got a little yeah they there we got 3 minutes on this table minutes to but they're still eating the only person out of control in this building right now is you time out this way with Chris seeming overwhelmed again out the way please guys I need to get him out of the kitchen fast we got to a flying start customers are loving the food there's not even a gap in between their appetiz the Entre and you're just rushing and by rushing you're tripping over yourself okay I am here to help you've got to stop putting yourself under this kind of pressure and I want you to relax I want you to take a big deep breath you're not on your own I think that's the worry you think this is all on your shoulders it's not we're off loading the burden take a minute okay come in when you're ready after having some time away from the restaurant and Chris I've invited Tess on her mom along for dinner Hi how are you good how are you to check out the new look it's absolutely gorgeous it's so beautiful and streamlined menu I'm very excited about the menu all right no rush Three French Onion Burgers kale salad corn Roto got it Well Done Burger going out I don't hear anybody yelling no it's a good thing you're doing good bro you're doing good really likeing great you're doing great uh where's table nine these are friends of mine yes steak medium and a burger medium rare yes push up that table okay thank you the steak is amazing oh wow look at that's beautiful man and that's quick well done Burger going out you look great how are how are you thank you how are you good did you get some rest I did I feel amazing as customers start to leave after a successful launch night there's a few last words I need to say to Chris I think of his neighborhoods and I think of you your age have fun we're not chasing missig Stars you know we're not trying to be the best chef Upstate just have some fun okay yes yeah and stop worrying and my friends have come in tonight they tble n yeah don't say hello to them thank you yeah you may recognize one of them normally when I see her she's sad after I yell at her the whole day and it just seemed like when I looked at her she was just like glowing and I think it's definitely going to be a new chapter it's just nice to see that she can have a day off that's worth it to me deep I'm really excited to see the change in Chris and the change in Love Bites I really hope we can work on a relationship of course the restaurant's always going to be so important but maybe not making it the most important thing in our entire lives told you'd recognize my friends are nine scooch around scooch round right my time is done good luck you need time to breathe if you two are Allied then you can follow the path in your careers aligned if you two aren't aligned everything else falls apart and you two are the most important and no restaurant is worth destroying both of you thank you come on chef chef Chef you got this thank you get that haircut makes you look younger I'm going remember if he starts you call I'll call okay thanks for what you did take [Music] care wow what an emotional week when I arrived to a young couple in a crisis and a dysfunctional Resturant that was really ripping them apart I can only hope that by Tess stepping back and Chris really confronting his own inner struggles their passion for each other and their restaurant fingers crossed will return to love bites man Travis the two youngsters that cannot find time for each other two months later thank you for your help Chris and Tess took my worst to heart we can't sacrifice our relationship to the restaurant we need to heal together they've made the hard decision to sell the restaurant and for now I'm focusing on repairing their relationship next time on Kitchen Nightmares here's some water guys I'm so sorry about the heat I cook I clean I don't have a dishwasher I have a CH it's so dry I know that his fire is out because he's tired that is gross it takes his toll you just thr up in the bathroom bloody oh my God what is this this is dangerous ask those customers politely to get the out of there now now now now [Music] now
Channel: World of Food Recipes
Views: 570,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #worldoffoodrecipes, #youtube, #series, #ustvseries, #tvseries, #tvshow, #tv, #netflix, #celebritychef, #season, #drama, #television, #hollywood, #netflixseries, #tvseriesaddicted, #webseries, #kitchennightmares, #gordonramsay, #hellskitchen, #cooking, #chef, #masterchef #instagood, #cinema, #bhfyp, #realitytv, #newtvseries2024, #food, #india, #america, #unitestates, #unitedkingdom, #netherlands, #sweden
Id: kD0ADNHkL7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 15sec (2595 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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