Gordon Baffled By 'Thin Crust Pizza' | Kitchen Nightmares FULL EPISODE

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[Music] denver colorado known as the mile high city is home to almost 2 500 restaurants located just seven miles from the city center is pantaleon's opened in 1985 by pete and his wife paulette i'm from an island in greece when i first got to the us i was a chef in another place but i wanted to buy a place of my own because my pizza is the best in the whole world i'm poland pete and i on this who were married when we first opened we did have wonderful reviews we just got award after award after award my signature on the pizza is my crops back in the 90s it was busy but my grandfather thinks he's still in the 90s i think my pizza is awesome pete is stuck in a time war i've done 200 people man come on by myself that's a long time [Music] have a ago lunch we used to be back now we have no customers i cannot pinpoint the reason i've been telling pete for years we need to change things but he doesn't listen i'm getting some bad feedback on your pizzas what are you gonna do my food is not the problem my table's saying that it's too soggy too soft on the dough there's gotta be something else has the worst pizza in denver my grandpa's pizza is like a white wall tire it's mushy that's disgusting god forbid if you said anything about his pizza forget it you'll be like yeah you don't know what you're talking about that's pretty bad just shut up your veggie pizzas they're soggy okay quit quit win i want to change things about the place but my father shoots down every one of my ideas it's ridiculous man this is your system really yeah really just shut up i feel frustrated because i want to help my parents but there's only so much that i can do to help them [Music] the restaurant does put a tremendous amount of stress on our family we are just making ends meet if it keeps up like this i could see us shutting down any air so if we don't get this restaurant going we're going to sell our home we're going to have to find jobs and at our age that is not going to be easy we got to make it work or we got to get out of it that's it this restaurant has been my life for the last 28 years i put everything in this place that i ever had if the restaurant fails it will feel like my life was nothing [Music] pandelions wow denver's best pizza that is a bold statement hello hi how are you hello nice to see you hey cher i'm excited i'm excited uh denver's best pizza that's a big statement the first name is paula you are the owner co-owner co-owner with peeked where is he oh there he is there he is hello chef hi sir good to see you wherever else an island from i'm not italian i am green oh greek got you now who's this that's my son i'm josh josh how are you bud good to see you mr good um let's catch up with you and okay yeah where should we go oh we're right here shall we nice to meet you nice to meet you yeah i hope they don't make an ass out of themselves one thing about pete that i struggle with is his inability to change it has absolutely hindered things um so do you have the best pizza in denver congratulations when did you receive that e5 so you have the best pizza in town since 1985 that's incredible i think i do well actually i don't think i do i i know i do where did you train in new york there is a city with great pizzas yes my mind is better okay what okay great and you opened in 1985. march 10th of 85 it was monday we opened up you know your dates well for an old boy an old boy you know oh boy is it like a charming old man that's right [Music] how hands-on is this one completely completely still seven days a week uh no we're close two days you close two days a week sunday monday are closed um why are you closing sunday sunday because i want to watch football are you nuts do you have any idea how many pizzas get ordered on a sunday just in football season we did open last sunday in 86. congratulations at 86. so how has that affected the business closed two days a week sunday monday nobody knows who we're open i mean we're closed in the afternoon the russian closes seriously because he has to have us now yes what nap siesta sleep that's kind of a european thing that you know the siesta deal russian closes because p wants the nap yeah like they do at greece in england too no no we don't close the captain in there no you do any delivery no wow yes plus there's another problem the other things you don't listen to anyone i mean you don't listen to me it's like if he starts doing something one way you can't get him off of it she's a princess and control it mm-hmm how old is josh 33 and he must be geared up now to take over the business when you take a back seat somewhere well in terms of what's the plan is he the head chef now no no as long as i'm in here i am okay we're talking about pizzas right denver's best pizza what the heck you laughing about well i'd expect josh by now yeah literally five or six years at the helm why can't you let go i don't know where do you think you're gonna let go who knows for the last two years i've seen it on a downhill slide and now like a tuesday night i might have two tables two tables i've seen it with no tables wow nearly 30 years of business have you put money away no no you can't retire no we got into trouble we refinanced our home two or three times this is crazy that's what i feel like wow so i'm gonna get up to speed uh with the food i'm dying to taste that pizza uh i know it's late in the afternoon but are you uh are you going for a nap are you with us he's staying oh he's staying okay just stay here today okay guys oh nap time well paulette always knocks me she thinks she knows everything which she doesn't there you go she didn't let me show you won't work josh come around but let's catch up because i've done it for 37 years i think i know what i'm doing i didn't realize things were that tough when i'm a dad it's actually gotten to a point where i'm i'm embarrassed of the place right all right change is the biggest problem you're happy with the pizzas um no wow so the bad oh absolutely it sounds like a very stubborn man yeah i have a lot more ideas has he started to pass the reigns over not seriously no no absolutely why is that i don't know what's gonna make him if ever it's always been three more years three more years it's crazy yeah it is it's been really crazy clearly this family is divided wife paulette and son josh feel that the restaurant is stuck in the past while pete feels there is absolutely nothing wrong with his food it's time for chef ramsay to find out for himself how are you doing i'm good so first neighbors celestina celestin that's a beautiful name now what do you think the problems are with the russians there's a few different problems um when it comes to pete and paulette they butt heads a lot on how things should be run she wants changes and pete wants things his way wow anyway let me have a quick look at the menu and um oh there's another letter here everything is homemade we cook for you just like mama did that's nice to know um done in this order okay um i want to go for a sausage pizza please okay a toasted meatball hero and pete's own cozo and then uh i'll go for the linguini of clam as well all right thank you my darling no problem my god look at the dining room nami's got as much atmosphere in here as it is in the hospital room i mean it is sad here's this pete okey dokey okay i'm not nervous for safe ramsey to taste my food let's do this well let's put it this way he's gonna go to heaven today how is it the meatball sandwich meatballs i've had better cat food oh [ __ ] really yeah i want to know where the [ __ ] you were eating cat food long story holy [ __ ] [Music] yep what is that behind your head that's a hologram freaking me out you know what a lot of people are afraid that that's a clown oh gosh how long has that been up there oh probably about 15 years so whose idea was that that's spooky that's mine oh my god how's it going oh no it's not i just checked it it's done i just [ __ ] checked it like two seconds ago it's gonna burn in bob get it out that's pretty bad it's disgusting that's disgusting shut up all of you perfect let's go chefs calzone okay here's pete's calzone jesus do i look like one of the denver broncos that can eat this thing it looks huge thank you [Music] oh he's doing these portions i mean they're hideous how much filling does he put in there jesus raw onion paulette yes jesus how much is he putting in there look at all that pepperoni i mean the slices are sauce jammed together yeah i've never seen a calzone so full i mean the filling's cold that is hideous i don't like that either i've been wanting to take that calzone and fling it like a frisbee for about 20 years pete i got some critiques for you are you are you kidding me listen to me damn it the complaint is it's so full it's cold shut up it's gonna be a wake-up call for pete [Music] see perfect i put my pizza up against anybody in the country no denver colorado in the country that's how confident i am about my pizza let's go okay here we go here's your sausage pizza holy crap isn't that ridiculous [Music] it's like the pizza that ate denver yeah [ __ ] okay i'll let you take that here thank you man [Music] oh my god tripping increase the oil the grease coming out of that [Music] the oil in there look at the grease that's gross he said it's too greasy just exactly what i i feel oh shut up i don't want to hear it honestly the best pizza in denver i mean does that look like the best pizza trust me i can tell you it doesn't taste good celestia the dough is so thick why i mean it's just like a loaf of bread it's like a baguette in there that's our thin crust that's the thin crust stop wow seriously okay a lot of people get upset with me for that when they ask for the thing crust and i bring them the thin crust wow you touch that dough's raw oh wow it is a raw pastry oh my god what a mess darling i'm done alrighty i dreadful okay i'll let him know messy that is definitely not the best pizza in denver let's get that right hey pete he wanted me to show you the dough let's roll that pizza he said the pizza was doughy on the inside and greasy it is doughy look really i agree with him too are you kidding me i don't know what the chef is talking about and a lot of people love it i do i eat it don't you guys throw this away leave it on marie are you kidding me what that's disgusting i'm hungry i think seth rapz's problem is that he hasn't tasted a classic pizza before damn is good he's tasted all this fancy stuff you know [Music] okay here we go the meatball hero the meatball hero wow and how do you would you um i guess you approach that however you feel wow thank you my darling no problem just visually there's nothing hero looking about that [Music] that's not anywhere near i hear a sandwich that looks more like a sloppy joey bad it's all soggy there it's like eating a patch of soaking wet grass after a cow shatter over it you're all done with that that is definitely not a hero yeah disgusting there's a type of error on the menu it's not hero it's zero i'll let him know please do you want to hear chef's response yes yes he said it's a zero not a hero i don't believe this i have plenty of people that they love my meatball i am very proud of my meatballs and for sarah ramsey to say it was a zero it's very insulting chef ramsay has started sampling the menu at pantaleon's and while pete claims his food is the best in denver chef ramsay has discovered it's anything but which gigantic portions greasy pizza and tasteless dishes it's not hero in zero josh what are you doing josh let the garlic roast roast you really i'm gonna walk you over the hill with this damn neck they'll get really hot before you put them in is this the first time i've done this i don't agree at all with serving anything out of a can it's embarrassing until you taste this [ __ ] here okay here's the linguine wow wow thank you no problem damn i mean that is absolutely dreadful there's seasoning bland like a plate of hospital food and he's just so unappetizing look at that excess water i mean that is disgusting man [Music] how's it going it looks like pete's pissed in my pasta that's bad [Music] or if you could see what he was doing right now are you all done with that yeah thank you guys no problem that's not one of the worst urine samples you could ever give i'm gross thank you horrible hey joshua what'd he say he was very very not happy with that there were a lot of comments it's ridiculous right now the only person in here that's happier is that stupid [ __ ] clown on the wall that was bad you got to take it man you got to have to take it there's a reason this place isn't doing good right now let's come around okay 37 years since i came in this country i've been working in the kitchens and i know what i'm doing uh i don't know what to say my first time in denver and quite possibly one of the worst experiences i've ever had first of all the clams were dreadful i disagree with you seriously yes have you any idea how bad that tasted it's how he's made it for years and years were they canned yeah yeah what why are you lying to me i'm not lying you mention on the menu that everything's fresh and homemade like mama did it's always first mate i don't think the ingredients are quite as fresh anymore [Music] and then the big disaster my sausage pizza it was dripping in grease the dough was so thick parts of it were undercooked i disagree with you about my dough i think i have a grade though really yes this was a thin crust yes sir i mean you need to go and get your eyes tested because that was not a thin crust i am disagreeing with you i have we are not in 1985 pete do you think that your father is serving the best pizza in denver not anymore and do you think your husband is selling the best pizza in denver no i don't you know there's a huge mistake on the awning because i think you just cooked me the worst pizza in denver i disagree with you can i have two minutes on my own would you mind not at all peter's extremely set in his ways but he's got to listen to somebody or we're not going to make it you know what he needs this he's right on every damn thing he said pete you're in denial that's the problem you cannot just continue going through this system of failure that you're just you're not getting anywhere you're just going further and further backwards and it's not making anybody happy it's not giving your wife and your your family a bit of freedom it's just feeding your ego i don't know what to say you're sinking you're taking everybody else on the boat with you no i'm not [Music] the pizza is not good i'm still gonna disagree with you i really will i'm sorry but i am i need some fresh air okay [ __ ] me man i don't think i'm doing anything wrong stephanie i've been doing this for 37 years sir ramsey was a kid when i first started cooking i should know a little bit more than he dogs he's right on everything he said every [ __ ] thing he said he's right the pizza even i've been telling you everything that he told you i've been saying the same [ __ ] though i said pipe the crust down it's too [ __ ] much fun does it take him to tell you that to actually listen or what it's your deadliest the food is [ __ ] it really is what are you crying why are you crying it's [ __ ] frustrating i did the best i could over the years it's not good enough anymore i'm coming out for a minute i don't know you know what i realized that it was like this for many many years and i've been nagging and screaming and carrying on this place either changes or you lock the [ __ ] doors oh i'm done if you don't change and do what he says you'll never see me in this place again and i don't give two fly and you know what's what happens to everything i own you'll be here by yourself everybody comes yeah yeah calm down right i don't think that i need to change i know what i'm doing joshua and paulette do not understand about running this place i got more experience than they both have been put together so there you have it after seeing how stubborn pete was about his food the pizza is not good i'm still going to disagree with you and it's claimed that he has the best pizza in the city chef ramsay knew he had to do something to finally get through to him we're going to be tasting three margarita pizzas so we headed downtown it was kind of a little mushy too much cheese to do a little organized research thank you guys i appreciate it now armed with the findings from the taste test [Music] chef ramsay returns to pantaleons to confront pete with the results one thing that is very clear i think pete have overestimated how good your pizza is i don't think you've ever compared it to what's happening in denver right now so after my disappointing lunch yesterday i did a little research in denver how about all of you stand up and come and stand over here please yep and here it comes pete is now time to really find out how good your pizzas are three pizzas in front of me a b c a is from one of the best restaurants in town b is your pizzas and c is a store-bought local frozen pizza time to put your pizza to the test that's right your pizza's b which was your favorite i'd say a i like v8 because it was thin and your least favorite leafy beef why beans soggy on the crust way too much cheese it overwhelmed everything else felt my heart stopped it was too much too much on the crust the dress was soggy it's just not very good okay pete his results in a nutshell 75 of our taste testers preferred pizzeria from the top local italian restaurant in second place with 15 of the votes was a store-bought frozen pizza and in third and last position was yours with 10 only of the votes yours was the least favorite you're actually beaten by a store-bought [ __ ] frozen pizza get the message wow yeah wow how does that make you feel pull it bad but i'm not surprised because i've been saying the same thing too much cheese too much crust too much everything i've talked and talked and talked about the same things and i don't see it changing it's really bad it needs to change i think that in his mind it's always more is better i do put a lot of ingredients yeah i do i do your pizzas are dated i am very surprised at the results of the video i never thought my wildest dreams that the people of denver will pick frozen pizza over my pizza you have got to understand you are miles away from serving denver's best pizza that 1991 review behind me is no longer valid we're in a different era you've taken the praise of a local critic that's gone to your head and you have locked in what they said was good and you've kept doing it for nearly 30 [ __ ] years can you three just give me two minutes get some fresh air outside because this is important i've got one very important question for you am i willing to change that's the one no you realize like how embarrassing it's been the last three years to work for other people well we have a restaurant that's all because of this stuff that's [ __ ] i've been in here waiting tables and my knees are shot i'm not gonna do it anymore and i'm serious with you i mean i may even leave hey i'm out of here ready to head to texas because i'm i'm done i've pulled with you i've been your partner you haven't always been mine but i have been yours and i want you now to step up because i don't want to lose my home and the few little things that i have i don't want you to pete are you committed [Music] i am you are i am 100 yes i am ready to change i am can you yes i hope so pete is a creature of habit and it's going to be hard for him to change and break habits i want to see it [Music] the combination of chef ramsay's taste test yours was the least favorite you're actually beaten by a store-bought [ __ ] frozen pizza and ultimatums from his family i may even leave has resulted in a commitment from pete i am ready to change to accept change but before any physical changes are made to the restaurant or to the food chef ramsay wants to bridge the gap between a father and a son here we are with one two three generations working in this business how important is that for you very very so let me tell you something about a unique italian restaurant it's in new york is called rayos they have been serving quality food since 1896. wow and every single night it is packed you cannot get in there josh how does that sound that's my dream you know what i'd love to take you to rails unfortunately it's a little far from here but in 2006 they opened up in vegas and i can take you both to vegas [Music] oh are you sure that is exactly what all three of us are doing tonight reyo's is at caesars and my good friends at caesars have sent their private plane now wheels up in half an hour what the [ __ ] is going on [Laughter] what are you doing to me i want to take you for dinner it's unbelievable i can't even think right now well this is going to be a blast are you kidding me i'm ready to go to vegas with chef ramsay and my son of course hello come on come on come on see ya [Music] how nice is that to get out of that restaurant how do you feel we are great to be out of that restaurant tonight is about you two yeah catch up with each other and spend a bit of quality time together yeah here's to you both thank you yeah cheers father [Music] frankie hi sir gordon how are you too thank you so much absolutely this is peter i'm giving you craig pellegrino welcome to rayon thank you come on let's go into our dining room let's go [Music] four generations in your family i'm the fourth generation can you give it a little insight in terms of how this is happening i grew up under the tutelage of my father and i had to learn how to really become open-minded and willing to communicate in a constructive way and if you have that strong relationship and care for one another that will only reflect in your business and who's really going to pick up on that are your guests if there was a strong key message to josh stepping up to the plate what would it be truthfully the most important thing is the relationship you have with your dad i agree with frank that the most important relationship is with my father and i hope my father can see with working together how successful we can become are you ready to try some stunning food yes we are i am so thankful to chef ramsay to bring me over here and open my eyes and my mind i can see why they've been in business for over 100 years absolutely they know what they're doing let's take a lesson from it i'm going to remember this night for the rest of my life one night together in vegas has clearly brought josh and pete together again and while they have been away chef ramsay gave the green light to his team to overhaul the decor of this outdated restaurant so are you all ready to see the next chapter pantaleon yes chef yes chef okay great remove your blindfolds oh beautiful okay wow this is gorgeous this is amazing gone is that depressing tacky look at the 80s we have completely transformed this gorgeous little room it's the restaurant of today it's got that fresh contemporary feel wow okay look is it amazing it is amazing we tore down that dated paneling which was hideous we added fresh coats of paint black and white to give that really nice contemporary vibe oh my lord we've had his new cool signs to create that nice fun modern hip vibe gone are those 25 year old reviews and that scary clown everybody hated we have pictures of italy amen stunning family pitches on the wall oh i i i love this everybody know that this is a family-run restaurant this is just family very favorite thank you our new restaurant looks amazing to have a hip new york vibe here in denver is really cool and it's new but the history's still here come here you man hey you okay dull i'm ecstatic about my new restaurant i'm overwhelmed is this awesome this is sweet it's the best day in history of pantaleon's hands down please take a menu and pass them along to go along with the drastic changes that have been made to the interior i want you all to dive in chef ramsay has reduced the menu and the portion sizes it's just an easy he's designed a fun contemporary menu that has a modern take on italian classics i think denver is going to love this place it's awesome [Music] i just want a quick word with all four of you outside let's go it has been a day of surprises for the family and chef ramsay has one more just stay there two seconds okay okay that is sure to increase profits okay [Music] that is your new delivery van donated by my friends at 1 800 charity cars it's gonna let everybody know not just in the neighborhood but in the city that you have the best pizza i knew deliver delivery how gorgeous is that isn't it i have a beautiful restaurant now i have a beautiful menu and i have a delivery i'm out of here with everyone anxious to reveal the completely new restaurant if they cut the same they cook the same throne chef ramsay gives some last-minute pointers to pete and josh one delicious portion of lasagna and one delicious portion of eggplant palm this is awesome good evening welcome to pontoleoni's how are you how are you i did a lot of changes we love the pictures though awesome pete when the order comes on nice loud clear pick it up josh you follow sync for tonight chef ramsay has divided up the work for the father and son team you ready yes ready josh will be working the saute line all right let's do this while pete in addition to making the pizzas will be expediting here's our new menu i'm going to have the wild washroom please wonderful all right ladies did i give you enough time to decide i am going to get the machete thank you ryan you're very welcome ladies hold on please pete let's go eggplant farm melisano robbie i'm just standing there come on josh get him ready to fly shut up let me do i got my thing stop what else is on that ticket don't just start throwing pizzas in now you don't think i know what i'm doing dude hey pete how long for 16. what's 16. 16 is already gone josh is this done or what i don't know i don't know what happened although dinner service has just begun pete is already overwhelmed with orders where's the 16 damn it bubba you're not talking to me man and we're missing times here and is not communicating effectively with josh i don't even know where the [ __ ] we are listen i want some harmony in here a little bit yeah the father and son team are confusing each other and almost no food has left the kitchen where's this going i need a table number on this okay lasagna linguine alla vodka right is the linguini alla vodka i don't have that where's the liquid not even started really what the hell are you guys doing put the [ __ ] thing out whatever man stop you you come here urgently now i i [ __ ] i i want to give up we are now just going so far backwards have we come this far now to give up no table 16 this hasn't gone when a ticket's gone it gets [ __ ] spiked yeah chef let's regroup and then we focus on 16. okay let's go in chef is absolutely right i have to take a breath and start doing a ticket out of time table 16 lasagna linguini vodka josh coming up right now all right take your time let's do it next then i need a necklace parmesan and small meat lovers okay get your systems going come on you can do it it appears as though chef ramsay's pep talk has done the trick both pete and josh are clearly more focused they are now able to control the orders and get delicious quality food out in a more organized manner [Music] all right that's my boy you got that small bianca now we're done yeah i'll be honest and we're done i never thought i'd see if he'd change i think he's more open to listening and working with his family i'm very proud of him very much so high five we booked past tonight 61 i can still do it baby tonight we had a rocky time of the kitchen but we dealt with it we now have a plan pick up the reins and run with it all right look after yourself yeah absolutely dig in there hi daddy i love you chef thank you so much chef ramsay really inspired us look after your voice i will and hopefully pete and josh can do even better and take it to the next level i've got to go so once again sam ramsay is a remarkable remarkable man i am grateful and thankful to him for coming here and opening my eyes together i love you you're all brilliant [Music] in all my years of doing kitchen nightmares i don't think i've ever met a more lovable character than pete unfortunately when i first arrived his heart may have been in the right place but his head certainly wasn't and for almost 30 years the guy was doing the same thing every day despite his business going downhill but i am truly honoured to have helped this wonderful and preached man to finally see the light for pete's sake i sincerely hope that the pantheonis continues to be successful for generations to come [Music] in the weeks that followed pete remained committed to the standards set by chef ramsay josh you got it coming up yes i'm ready whenever you are okay and the new menu has already received positive reviews from not only customers inside the restaurant but outside as well here you go thank you have a nice day [Music] you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares
Views: 17,942,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares, Kitchen Nightmares USA, Kitchen Nightmares UK, Kitchen Nightmares Officia, Kitchen Nightmares Full Episodes, Kitchen Nightmares Best Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Fridges, Kitchen Nightmares Funniest Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Food, Kitchen Nightmares Argument, Gordon Ramsay Insults, Gordon Ramsay Argument
Id: 03nrv09T7bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 13sec (2413 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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