Gordon Creates Mangia Mangia's New Menu | Kitchen Nightmares FULL EPISODE

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just out of interest when you decided to come here this evening you look at the menu what percentage of that menu would you expect to be fresh let's start from table to table ladies 9 200. 9 200. 9 200 well i am deeply sorry but let me tell you something it's not even five percent fresh that was obvious it was obvious and 95 of everything you've eaten this evening is frozen and you can cook better at home yes yes so why do you think it's fine now i'm leaving you running away i'm not taking anymore julie marking out you're walking out wow just not in the mood part i'm not gonna be screamed out like that i can't do it judy i cannot do that walking out i'm done you don't know in front of customers because you don't [ __ ] listen i do listen you do not listen i was proving a point i wasn't screaming at you what do you want me to say i want you to wake up you're literally me i am being literally tearing me apart so you think it's right to take their money i don't know you don't know i i am okay i'm 90 to 95 fresh that's what they came to your restaurant for and everything i've showed you tonight you're blaming your chefs i am not blaming my chefs you can ask i i take responsibility for a lot of the [ __ ] that goes on in this restaurant honestly i feel like it's a free-for-all here you run and do what you can as much as possible until your shift's over and that's it you guys have never said this kind of stuff to me ever ever i say stuff all the time that's for a cleaning list cleaning list for the back area to keep [ __ ] clean how long ago was this three weeks ago where is it you know like common stuff to clean kevin let's talk about all the times you haven't showed up to work because you're high two times you're so disrespectful to her you need a show she doesn't want to listen to anything we have to [ __ ] say she tries to but you guys don't even give her a chance i have talked to you a hundred times stop i have talked to you over and over and over you know i have trevor you're [ __ ] lying you are i have sat down and talked to you so many times and said what can we do to make this better and you never [ __ ] say anything so that's a [ __ ] lie because every time i do say something get shut down you are [ __ ] lying whatever she's given you so many chances trevor and you know it let's talk about your habits for a second and all the times you come in so high that you throw [ __ ] at the walls so high you're so high all the [ __ ] time that when you go off [ __ ] drugs you get so angry that you don't even want to work drugs who's on drugs he's a [ __ ] tweaker and you [ __ ] know you're tweeting you've been doing drugs for three years general general come here janelle come here come here come here oh [ __ ] him he deserves to be fired and you know it he tried to [ __ ] punch me and if i would have let him right now he's going to [ __ ] punch me again he's such a [ __ ] [ __ ] he's so disrespectful okay stay away from here now darling go inside the restaurant please and get a glass of water please [Applause] that is not right how long has this been building up a long time the way you're running this place is incorrect how in the hell are these doors still open because i fight and battle to keep the restaurant together for us because i wanted to succeed why did you want it to succeed because it's my restaurant it's my restaurant you know what sometimes it's good to stop completely and start again you're just continuing i'm not trying to rub your face in it but when you tell me that's what it feels like because you're in denial because you're telling me that's what the customers want you can't take the criticism that's what i'm struggling with no you can't yes i can you're going to stand there and argue that the [ __ ] that you're defrosting and cooking the microwave is what the locals want lunch time you kept on telling me my food's good my food's good my food's good and then all night every 15 minutes something else cropped up or that's been defrosted or that's frozen or that's the crazy cooking vegetarian dishes in the same breadcrumbs that you wear with chicken parm and you have a a cajun company that provides frozen food you defrost it he re-heats it and throws it out there customs aren't that stupid i'm sorry but the truth hurts and i've closed the restaurant before i've failed in my hometown but i don't stand there with the arrogance thinking it's perfect i never said it was perfect so why are you taking the money because i'm trying how about trying to make their experience a bit better are you not up for that i i am up for that are you yes i am so where's that passion then i have passion where i want what dish i don't know i'm just exhausted i'm struggling to find anything positive i'm struggling to taste something that should be served in a restaurant and this is not how restaurants run trust me this is not normal i thought it was normal i thought i was going to ride i don't think they even enjoy serving that [ __ ] apparently i'm doing it all [ __ ] wrong what are you waiting for [Music] i don't know what i'm waiting for get a grip fast [Music] finish cigarette and clear down [Music] my head is just spinning i thought i was doing it right i did i did and when chef ramsay said that i didn't care about this place i do otherwise i wouldn't be here doing this right now [Music] it's been a long time since chef ramsay has seen so much tension between an owner and a kitchen staff let's go in the dining room a quick uh catch-up before he can even begin to push forward with improvements to the restaurant he knows he needs to have a heart-to-heart with the people who work in it okay i want to talk to you all as a group yesterday was a bad day the atmosphere in here is dreadful the relationships are bad and this was ugly i have to say that some of the things that happened yesterday i was stunned i have never been talked to by my staff ever last night when kevin talked to me the way he did i was shocked kevin has never raised his voice to me ever everything was at a boiling point there's a fear around here everybody's walking on eggshells they're so afraid that they think she's gonna jump off the handle because she's so frantic that that we're all on edge that isn't true that's not true i am very forgiving that's a blatant lie you were so rude and so disrespectful to me last night how did you expect us to ask i never said a word to you are you kidding me i was at the computer you're gonna tell me to hurry up get out the way judy why did you go after chris i've had customers in this last week told me that chris is in the restaurant talking [ __ ] saying what a [ __ ] i am is this legit this is legit all right i and i have no i mean if she's gonna say that then she's forcing me to defend myself she has people calling her [ __ ] on a daily basis out loud in front of her face and i have defended her collaboration and it's it's it's you oh no i've heard people saying that you're talking about everything that you think is wrong with the rush have i been talking about what i think the problems is what i think that could help this place out absolutely did i ever once bad-mouth her absolutely not yes she did i did not once say anything if i've said anything it's that the people that are around her incompetent and she has a right to be pissed off that's what i've said i've never said anything about her in a disrespectful way that's bs so don't tell me that i don't come in here and do what i'm supposed to do don't tell me that i don't i've had more people tell me this is the best service i've had and i've come in here since this place was open i'm not talking about last time i'm talking about since i've been here i'm talking about i'm talking about tables that tell me that you and i'm telling you what the table is telling me chris i'm not gonna i'm not gonna argue with you because i'm not arguing with you i know what i say i know i never said this and i know and i know what the customers have said to me i don't i i can't deal with what people are telling you i'm telling you what i know all the stuff that's wrong in this place i could have went on for days about the stuff that's going on but i didn't i'm trying to be helpful i'm trying to help you out i'm trying to put you in a place where all of us can make a little bit more money and if somebody took that as me being rude to julie hey man that's just the way it is you're crazy you want to know what the problem is around here it's it's blaring it's got stars all around it julia there seems to be an air of discomfort with you around the customers and the staff why are you so agitated i have to be in the back and helping the staff and it's too stressful trying to do both i just think you should focus more on managing i mean you have a hard time focusing on what you need no no but i think what you haven't done is you haven't prioritized the list of importance in terms of what you need to accomplish right because you seem far too agitated and way too on edge i agree but some of the blame is my staff the whole staff no the major issues in the restaurant are trevor trevor is creating a lot of stress in the restaurant because he has a bad attitude he doesn't want to work he wants to stand behind that line and only cook his food i cannot schedule him in the day or he just won't show up okay he just doesn't show up how long has been going on for it's gotten really bad in the last six eight months really bad so he's checked out yes he's absolutely taking advantage of me because my hands are tied because i don't have anybody else in the restaurant and the days that he doesn't appear what are the excuses he doesn't have an excuse he just doesn't show up uh trevor your side what's going on have you given up i had those days yes some days are better than others not only are you in way over your head but you're throughout your depth yeah sure one mistake happens and you get angry with everybody how long have you felt so angry behind that line it's grown and built over this past year why did you come in with attitude i was in over my head at the time i was in my own personal problems and it brought it into the restaurant and this is part of the problem when trevor gets angry and has one of his fits it happens in the restaurant while we're full and he calls me quite a bit and says trevor's refusing to cook he's out back smoking there's tickets on the line you need to come to the restaurant because he's acting like an ass and saying i won't cook and none of this is brought to my attention at the time how am i supposed to fix something if it's because we're scared of you trevor i'm scared of you rice when you went for chanel personally why does the job take you that far in the unknown that you get that angry that you want to punch her that day we had a new cook kind of lipped off to me and i stained stuff under my breath and then out of nowhere she comes to the back and yells no one cares about you no one cares about your life that's because you were throwing things at the wall it doesn't involve you i had tables trevor i had tables saying that guy is high that guy i'm scared to be in here right now you were yelling about my mom about how she was a [ __ ] she is my mother i don't think you realize that she is my mother how would you like it if someone talked about your mother like that how would you like it if someone called your mom a [ __ ] and stupid and worthless how would you like that i don't work with my mom well but how would you like it she is my mom i know she is my mom and i have respect for her no you do not you have no respect for her i don't have respect for you i don't have respect for you either [Music] there is no question that manja mangia has major problems with the food but the interpersonal problems of this restaurant is chef ramsay's biggest hurdle to overcome we're scared of you trevor i'm scared of you and the relationship between julie's daughter janelle and chef trevor may be impossible to fix you were throwing things at the wall it doesn't involve you i had tables saying that guy is hi that guy i'm scared to be in here right now so janelle could the customers hear him throwing things yes he was yelling and slamming [ __ ] and slamming pots he was going nice against the cutting boards we scared yeah i was scared and my table was scared too here we are with a business losing thousands of dollars a week and you start shouting and screaming in the kitchen petrifying the customers petrifying the owner's daughter were you high that there was yeshua oh i didn't know that [Music] i didn't know that what did you say i didn't know that he was high that day you know i thought it was maybe once every six months and i talked to him about this drug use on several occasions and he said i'm done i'll never do it again he promised for me obviously i didn't know enough about drugs and how long has this been like this a good time 12 months longer than that and what's the substance i didn't know uh something so it's serious stuff are you attending meetings not sure you're not this is not about a chef and the owner's daughter falling out this is this is toxic what are we waiting for someone to get hurt it's it's time to make some changes in this restaurant and i'm i'm ready trevor this is not working for me anymore i've had this conversation with you about your drug use for too many times let's become poison in the restaurant and i can't do that and you're fired i'm not i'm not doing it anymore i'm sorry i can't have this going on i respect your honesty but you cannot walk in here under the influence i understand on your downward spiral start turning this place upside down and you certainly can't cook whilst on that you need your help and listen everybody in this room has made mistakes and you've made one of them um trevor let's have a word outside together wow that was tough i talked to him he said i'm not doing that i believed him obviously i didn't know you need help but i know and you got to get into treatment quickly always please help home and get yourself treatment oh well okay bud take care i really appreciate it it'll be better for him i didn't know he was doing drugs and i'd i would have yeah i didn't know i'm embarrassed i can't believe any of this went on but i think having trevor being so young and inexperienced on my line and me expecting him to know how to move this restaurant forward it was a big mistake i'm very nervous to go forward i don't know what's going to happen from him now i just don't know after learning that majamanja's head chef trevor has been abusing drugs julie has decided to let him go now chef ramsay wants to make sure that julie is committed to making big changes to putting her restaurant on a path to success the atmosphere in here is dreadful everybody is at such a high stress level okay but with regards to trevor i didn't know i i understand i have a lot of experience with alex and he is in a bad place right now he's not fit to be a head cook or a senior cook or a personal responsibility i knew that i needed to let trevor go i knew that he was the cancer in the restaurant that was causing a lot of that attitude okay i respect your decision but i would seriously like you to consider down the road if he gets his act together just keeping that door open i will he needs to step up and get clean okay i understand but here's the thing i need to know now that you deep down inside are seriously committed to change i am absolutely committed to change absolutely 100 you'd have a better vision because you're so fragmented i agree and you're not focusing on anything it's not the way to run a business i'm too spread out you weren't even cooking your food no we've got to change the food the food has got to be changed it's [ __ ] what other things did you think about that you want to change i need to quit waiting tables and i need to have better communication with my staff that's a huge commitment it is what we've just said everything you just said i can do this it's true it's true i agree i need to take care of this we've got a gap to fill in the kitchen yes we do and i'm terrified and this place needs a chef that can help run this business from the engine room and to get the business afloat and up and running and making more money no i i i agree absolutely agree with you i'm gonna make some calls and i'm gonna get help okay i appreciate it thank you it's time to make some serious changes in this restaurant i know i've been part of the problem but i'm ready to go forward and make this restaurant successful now that julie understands the necessity of dramatic changes to the restaurant chef ramsay wants to show julie the impact and importance of fresh ingredients i'm gonna cook you're gonna watch okay so two dishes we're gonna make a simple lasagna and a simple roast salad have you ever functioned this restaurant without microwaves no wow and how many russians do you think functions more with their microwaves than they do with their ovens that i don't know no not many at all that's all changing as well okay i can't wait for chef ramsay to show me how a real true kitchen is supposed to be run he's gonna teach me how to cook because we're doing it all wrong so the exciting thing about lasagna is in the layers tomato meat sauce mozzarella pasta how difficult was that it looks pretty easy five minutes pretty easy okay what do you dislike about being in the kitchen the most the stress of being behind the line when you've got a great prep and you've got yourself organized it becomes the most pleasurable and the most de-stressful thing you can ever do with salt little pepper now into the microwave for four minutes [ __ ] off are you serious you're good at taking orders but you've got a brain use it okay open up the fridge and take that out please what is that salmon yeah what do you mean salmon fresh salmon how'd you know it's fresh because i can tell by the look of it it's got that dark pink color right how'd you cook salmon they cook it on the flat top now cooking salmon this way it's a lot easier than it is on that solid top once you've got a good color in salmon turn it over once that was so much better the practice you were doing beforehand was so much more difficult you can do all these beautiful dishes so easy in a short amount of time and make them fresh we are done with microwaves we are done with frozen food i am buying everything fresh this is just a small sample of how exciting your italian fare could be and when you're the only restaurant within a 15 to 20 mile radius serving food like this trust me there should be a queue up outside the door and we are relaunching this ration tomorrow and we all have to work as hard as we ever have to reposition this restaurant yes i know you've gone through a lot and there's a lot happening no i'm crying i know i'm distressed what are you stressed about just the this all of it it's stressful having that anxiety is normal bottling it up is not yeah i've held it in for a long time i can see that we have your back i know now you're sounding like a team mic now you're sounding like the way you should be supporting owner good now the trip is gone i did make some calls and i have found a chef okay someone to leave your kitchen i'd like you to meet don wolfe all right buddy you good i'm great first of all look at that smile on that face colorado boy local boy oh yeah in denver oh cool let me tell you something he ran as an executive chef at a very reputable italian restaurant in denver he has an encyclopedia of knowledge in conjunction with italian cuisine i've arranged for him to stay for the next two weeks and secure a new chef coming in okay listen to this guy i plan on it he's gonna teach you everything he knows absorb it like a sponge it's my pleasure i'm ready get to know your new team i will how's it going i'm pretty good kevin nice to meet you good to meet you cooking is a whole different story for me now we used to cook with microwaves now we cook with ovens i'm gonna grasp as much as i can right now and learn from chef don we're gonna learn everything and it's it's simple and it's delicious it is so amazing that chef ramsay got this new chef for me and i just can't believe it i'm over the moon that's good confidence in the dramatic changes that are coming for manchester chef ramsey has surprised julie and the staff let's go let's go let's go with a community event to encourage people to return to the restaurant [Applause] ladies and gentlemen welcome i am so grateful for you all to be here we are making dramatic changes to your local italian restaurants and i know that you are going to love them hi my name is julie i own mangia mangia i am so excited to see you all here thank you so much for coming [Applause] the whole town's here it's a great feeling that they're here to support us [Music] in addition to the activities and the sampling of some menu items very good chef ramsay has invited local dignitaries to participate in a pasta eating contest on your mark it says [Applause] it was amazing the crowd was all happy for us [Applause] they're actually realizing that we're trying to change things and they're supporting it [Applause] fresh right here yeah excellent it is so delicious i love it great flavor thanks for coming thank you thanks can't wait to go to majimani and try the new menu it looks much better than it was before this is wonderful oh thank you oh please come everybody is saying they love the food i am so excited this is our chance to prove to everybody that manchester is back [Music] while a big part of yesterday was spent spreading the word about the new manchester last night chef ramsay's team worked around the clock and made a massive transformation to the dining room [Music] are you ready to see the new margin margins yes welcome to the new margin all right oh my god oh my god jump in oh wow oh my god [Music] wow welcome to your new restaurant wow i'm stunned gone is that bland beige color and in this place a spruce vibrant green wow cool it's beautiful gone are those dreadful dreary boots we've replaced all the seating with these beautiful wooden chairs which dramatically opens up this beautiful room wow i love the chairs oh my gosh they're gorgeous that's awesome this is awesome and you know what with those booths gone the flow of service should function so much better wow i'm overwhelmed it's a warm comfort feeling in here right now look at the wall before it was an eyesore now that we have beautifully made it blend right in this is great breathtaking isn't it breathtaking it really is it's gorgeous look at the windows full length wooden blinds draped with wonderful tote curtains it is absolutely beautiful it's so beautiful and let's be honest it does not look anything like fast food restaurant right no not at all i can't thank you enough did you still like the old decor that you said you was beautiful no this is so much better sure yeah sure i thought my old restaurant really looked good but after seeing this i must have been crazy i'm excited i'm really excited the place looks absolutely amazing it's inviting feels like woodland park people are going to want to come in here and enjoy themselves the pictures are great it's really cool too i like this this is probably the best present my mom's ever gotten in her entire life i've never seen her that happened before to go along with a completely revamped dining room please take a copy of the menu and hand it down chef ramsay has done his magic to the menu as well with fresh italian cuisine that is sure to be a hit with this tight-knit community visually what do you think gorgeous absolutely it's beautiful it screams eat me yeah absolutely let's start off with the bruschetta great little board for sharing so whilst the guests are undecided what they're going to be having hit the table with the bruschetta likewise with the chef's anti-pasta mixture of salamis meats cheeses and some pickled vegetables those two should hit the table immediately these spaghetti and meatballs done with a rich tomato sauce fresh basil and spicy delicious meatballs majima's very own lasagna look at those layers and guess what breaking news it's coming from the oven not the microwave not the microwave yes next to that one of my favorites pancake salmon big hit so with a nice fragrant lemon risotto simple uh chocolate molten leather cake delicious creamy rich sumptuous in the middle cut through it just oozes that's perfect let me ask you this what percentage of this small menu is frozen well i'm sure nothing not a frozen ingredient anywhere not a microwave being in size you have to embrace change everything here is fresh now to go along with your stunning food we have a complete new range of flatware and dinnerware provided by oneida right get up speed dig in that's good isn't it it's that sauce i'm extremely excited to cook this new food like it feels like i left manga and went into a completely different kitchen wow it's really good so good tasting this new food compared to my old food it's daylight and dark this food has great flavor i now realize that my other food was bland this is delightful i can't even put a plate in the microwave they don't even fit [Music] it's minutes before the doors open come over guys please let's go to the dining room shall we and the morale in the restaurant is completely different than when chef ramsay first arrived the important thing tonight is what getting the food out making sure it all runs smooth communication yes you don't send mistakes out of the kitchen we're not gonna even attempt to send anything out substandard and hey guess what you're not gonna be pushing numbers tonight four minutes two minutes cocktail sticks you'll be covering the saran wrap yeah and just watch your sleeves there's a real oven so it's hot in there yeah are we ready yes yes sir let's go guys yeah all right let's make it a night to remember right this way here's our new fresh menu i'm sure you'll enjoy it while chef john will be working with kevin behind the line you're the expediter chef ramsay wants julie to be working in the kitchen as well and he has a critical tip for her before the start of service you've got this dreadful habit of rushing things right you need to slow down okay rushing takes place in fast food restaurants you have something unique now okay you need to understand that and nurse it everyone turns around four we waited no they're not really waiting that long because it's cooked to order okay gotta get that truth in there yeah it's new it's new first tickets coming in earth we're working on nine calamari and anti-pasta fantastic thank you calamari's going down can you fire table four please you got it boss you have a fried artichoke going right and then the next app is that meatballs right up meatballs working hard kevin i need two fried artichokes and one calamari your first one's going down right now don't start the calamari he's got four caesar cellars on there do you have an anti-pasta salad made you're doing two and egg right now oh my god kevin you heard me on that fried artichoke yeah it's in the oven yeah you just asked a minute ago uh julie give him time understand one thing we're cooking food now okay not reheating it so you have to cut these guys some slack all right but understand the difference how we're cooking right yes thank you although it is very early in service chef don is pushing orders out in a timely manner spaghetti meatballs right here and customers are thrilled with what they are receiving it tastes so fresh it's delicious this might be the best lasagna but about 40 minutes into service julie's fast food mentality is returning can i take this nope she has lost a grip on what has been sent how are we doing on the calamari and the artichokes already gone and has fired too many orders too quickly appetizing the window junior what are they for you got two kilometers you have a ticket for these that's what i'm i'm a little confused creating confusion in the kitchen you have an idea of chocolate lava cake chocolate cake going down don't hurry on them because they're only like halfway through the fruit who had the cakes they got to go out what's wrong they saw their food they're ready this is crazy get get your mother this is stupid mom chef need you come on julie yes you're firing come here you'll find desserts on seven they're still eating so now you've just completely screwed this i'll show you one okay look they're ready hey they deserve a gap in between entrees appetizers and desserts this is table seven yeah it's this okay i'm not i'm anyway because i haven't finished the entree that's all look a chocolate molten light it's not like taking ice cream out the freezer it's cooked to order okay so they're still eating their entree and we're not gonna ram them and stuff them like like pigs it is so important for my mom to follow through with what chef ramsay told her or this place won't survive julie yes that's the transition understanding the weight what's the experience now with this food so you need to understand just to pace those down a bit okay remember we're a different restaurant at the beginning of the week i'll be very careful i absolutely got the point i have to remember this isn't a fast food restaurant anymore we are cooking everything fresh to order and it takes time to get there it's different service to slamming food out so yeah this is different what about you can you fire it absolutely are you ready for it andy yes okay can you run that five please yes chef ramsay's words have now clearly registered with julie so you're working on eight right now i'm doing eight right she is now managing the kitchen properly artichoke hearts thank you i need a runner and understands that the operation of the new major manga is completely different than what it was before and so is the appreciation for the food this looks really fresh i guess what to make this part of our date night it's been a really long time since i've seen this restaurant with so much energy and would be customers manju manja is definitely back chris how is everybody out there everything is very smooth so far chef kids they love it great good to hear they're thrilled they just think it's so delicious good job you guys no good job you i saw a huge change in julie she was actually standing on the line not screaming just keeping everybody communicating it's just like you know she was reborn it was perfect very nice job nice job up top it means the world to me that i finally have a successful restaurant no more messing around in this restaurant i'm the boss i never thought i'd be standing here with a huge smile on my face me either honestly well done oh thank you all of you a incredibly successful relaunch how did you feel great good i thought you should so you should good job as dramatic as the change this restaurant has gone through there was something else that was even more dramatic and that was julie uh my darling tonight you took the reins and you were in charge you sounded and you looked like a boss good job really good job yeah you did thank you tremendous help back there yeah it was it really was uh yeah she didn't swear either yeah i did slow down and you're gonna nail it there was a really big change in my mom tonight before all of this started you could tell my mom didn't really want to be here she would curse and she would not care if things went wrong or she would just get frustrated my mom really stepped up and really acted like the owner i need you all to make a promise to me we cannot go back there'll be no shortcuts no freezing no microwaves no microwaves thank you you're absolutely right yes yes hands up swear swear thank you please maintain these standards i will i promise make it happen guys yeah good job come on make sure you look after me all right i will thank you so much seriously well done thank you good job thank you so much i'm rooting for you i hope so it's going to be great you can do it okay good night guys thank you good night well done chef ramsay did everything there are just simply no words that can describe my thanks to him i'm going to have good food the word's going to get out and i can come into my restaurant and be proud [Music] when i first got here monday monday may have been the only restaurant in america that didn't use an oven that's how bad it got and on top of that there was so much animosity between the staff members julie was completely lost this has to be one of the biggest transformations ever on kitchen nightmares but the good news is the town of woodland park may only have one italian restaurant but right now they've got a great one wow a drive through italian jesus that's the first for me he smells really good he really does one more thing i have to do something one microwave to go please okay thank you [Music] you managed we'll see that's it it doesn't fit that way thank you close your eyes close your window close your window [Music] janelle janelle janelle mummy all at the bottom daddy okay that's it and i've got the weight i've got the load okay just shove it in there okay thank you you're welcome excellent bye-bye bye oh that was funny [Music] after chef ramsay left the positive mood and the positive feedback continued at manja manga julie ended up extending chef don stay firing table ten i need a lasagna and a short rib lasagna's got five minutes and with his leadership the kitchen is much better organized and julie is even now spending time behind the line we have a beta caesar and a calamari calamari is coming up you guys are doing a great job thank you julie is a changed woman and she finally has what she always wanted a quaint premier italian restaurant in the picturesque town of woodland park colorado really good thanks for coming in thank you thanks for coming all the criticism that i got from chef ramsay was in the long run very good i have a better restaurant business is great it's going to be a wonderful year i know it [Music] you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares
Views: 1,996,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares, Kitchen Nightmares USA, Kitchen Nightmares UK, Kitchen Nightmares Officia, Kitchen Nightmares Full Episodes, Kitchen Nightmares Best Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Fridges, Kitchen Nightmares Funniest Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Food, Kitchen Nightmares Argument, Gordon Ramsay Insults, Gordon Ramsay Argument
Id: 0nm3saTMlj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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