Gordon Ramsay's Most Hilarious British Argument | Kitchen Nightmares FULL EPISODE

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blackpool is britain's biggest brasses resort home to the nation's favorite sealess comedians and an unprecedented choice of chip shops love it or loathe it this place doesn't do anything by halves i used to come to blackpool all the time with mum and dad in fact this time of year to come and have a look at the lights and um used to go and play bingo would you believe [Music] same traps same light same noise and same freezing weather [ __ ] it's cold catering for the massive 12 million tourists that come here every year there are more than 650 places to eat and i'm looking for the one that's been crowned blackpool tourist boards ration of the year is that it that can't be it actually looks like a sex shop having co-managed a restaurant in a local casino 46 year old dave jackson and 30 year old partner dawn brindley pulled their life savings to offer blackpool a unique oasis of home-cooked cuisine it's got a cracking atmosphere when there's people in it it's lovely and abs i love it and to see empty we did it last night we stood here for three hours and i just could have gone over tears 18 months later they're barely breaking even with turnover at a poultry 500 pounds a week we've won an award we've got pretty good reviews but we still can't get people up the stairs it's very depressing putting food fresh food in the bin after two or three days it's only the ground floor greasy spoon that's stopping them from going under morning club way this is it upstairs first floor restaurant of the year yes sir in club way's upstairs restaurant dawn looks after the front of house and comes up with the menu ideas while dave rustles them up in the third floor kitchen hi hi gordon so this is it this is it yeah this is my little bit excellent what's that you're doing there that's pizza sultana bread and butter pudding popular very popular occasionally uh i forget about them oh [ __ ] yeah and the most popular dish on the menu what are they main courses chicken is popular yep lamb is quite popular this sounds intriguing flake salmon with strawberries yeah that was popular topped with lemon and lime and honey dressing yeah soup of the moment what does that mean so for the moment it's whatever whichever one we do rather than put on an actual soup so like i mean we do tomato and cointreau at the moment we've got tomato and contour jesus where did that one come from so again i think don't come out i came up with the tomato and she added the cointreau so yeah it works well does it it flies out in order for me to get up to speed yeah i'd like to eat off it okay no problem i'll see you in five that i wasn't expecting because nothing's on as a starter i've ordered one of day's favorite dishes a salad of salmon and strawberries with a lime and honey dressing no one's ever been in my kitchen and now i'm cooking for gordon ramsay and my fingers won't work your brain won't work what can i do a three-course meal at clubweight costs between 20 and 25 pounds there we go and pray for that price in blackpool dave's food can't afford to be anything less and perfect thank you very much [Music] what was going through somebody's mind putting salmon with strawberries that can go off the end of the pier thanks joe i think it was bad cooking for the mother-in-law day's clearly out of practice but then this place is like the mary celeste okay just explain what it is please okay we've got medallions of pork on a bed of spring onion mashed potatoes the sauce is brie and nectarine and we have parsnip crisps as an accompaniment or paprika hot thank you very tough the pork it's been battered and beaten heavily you'd struggle to give that to a dog bits of parsnip rubber they're supposed to be crisps by the way a brian nectarine sauce yes [ __ ] disgusting we'll skip the pudding time for a debrief i just hope dave and dawn have got stronger stomachs than i have [Music] okay we need to talk okay i didn't expect it to be that bad because everything was rough trust me the combination of a hot pre nectarines and whiskey that's probably the worst sauce i've ever tasted in my entire life overcooked in separate pork and badly put together right okay yeah so work to do a lot of work to do okay by the way the match wasn't bad he's got one [ __ ] crying i think someone told him [ __ ] but the best that's [ __ ] brutal that was mash wasn't bad though that's something how this place ever won anything other than a [ __ ] booby prize i'll never know and if there was a rule book this place would be the classic example on how not to run a [ __ ] restaurant starting with rule number one don't assume winning an award means people will know who you are and where you are do you know where club 41 is it's like blackpool's restaurant of the year no it's around here just off the promenade it's blackpool's sort of restaurant of the year the hot spot since when you're this year in fact ladies have you heard of club way 41 a restaurant nobody seems to have even heard of the place it's blackpool's rational of the year oh god but remarkably it seems the award really is genuine i've just found the um forms for the nomination for the blackpool tourism awards some of the best fresh food we've ever eaten varied menu occasionally for most tastes yeah i'll say taste from a [ __ ] cow's backside to a pig's [ __ ] snort i would honestly say this has been the best meal i've ever had in my life honestly in brackets a truly unforgettable experience well [ __ ] me i've had an unforgettable experience eye catching decor someone's pulling my [ __ ] plonker yesterday i spent my first day at clubway 41. blackpool's failing rational of the year and quite frankly i don't know where to start tomorrow come on courtney [Music] dave and dorne have already lost two houses in an effort to stay afloat and if they're not careful they'll lose their last remaining lifeline the downstairs greasy spoon that's just about keeping their bank manager at bay i was trying to freeze i'm like it's one of those days where i really just want to be somewhere else today it's time to bring dave dawn and their food back to the real world how you feeling this molly totally destroyed um listen you've got to bounce back yeah and i'm i i ate that food last night and i was honest i'm [ __ ] i'm destroyed yeah that's how i feel i feel like i never want to [ __ ] cook again you're a tough cookie and you're resilient and you've been through the mill before and you know what's good and what's bad i'm here to help and i'm not going to get it right okay i'll take the [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah but bands back i will i will if he thinks that's pressure well wake you awake you mate get a grip look for your bollocks and once you've found them then start using them they seem [ __ ] all so far in order for me to really see what you're like and understand your capabilities i've got 20 people coming for lunch today okay now yep okay um they've got to be in and out in an hour and a half they're coming at 2 o'clock it's been a long time since dave had 20 customers to cook for and he's clearly petrified so i'm hoping to enlist the health of a man who's been coping abroad pressure since i arrived nigel the short order cook and the cafe downstairs [Music] um so when you get a rush on it how many orders come on at once uh well the cafe could be empty at one stage and all of a sudden it can be full there are 12 tables and you're on your own and how many customers have you done in one day at max what's the what's the most you're going about 250 300 easy and that's on a good saturday that's busy yes very much so yeah oh yeah yeah the buzz the adrenaline it's amazing two minutes for the breakfast bye nigel may spend most of his days cooking bacon butters but i wouldn't mind betting he's a solid man to have by your side okay go on table two two breakfast especially when you're as jittery as dave is i've got a problem with with the brilliant nectarine sauce i've got any nectarines right canal well have you ever tasted it without the nectarines no have you ever tasted it with just a simple gravy yes finished with fresh rosemary so forget the breeze sauce right okay yeah that's fine as a 46 year old chef dave's naivety is beginning to shock me i'm going to start off with a quick red white sauce but it turns out he's hardly set foot in the kitchen since he trained in the seventies don't squash the garlic down just put it in half like that all i did was just crushed it lightly just with the hair of the knife exactly how not to run a restaurant rule number two never appoint yourself head chef if you can't cook when we bought this place to save on money you know i took the roll of up here and then dawn we knew was perfectly capable of running the restaurant where does dawn get these ideas from vivid imagination she's i mean a lot of the stuff she does come up with certainly last year i mean it worked and it worked well no we've got no customers yeah well so how did it work did it work for you did it work for her because it didn't work for the restaurant no yeah all right i can't win that argument because i've got an empty restaurant so it tastes like that's where that's where that's where the flavor is [Music] our 17 customers are local dancers who've hot-footed it here in between shows they need to be in and out within an hour and a half the food's prepped and the restaurant's only half full and with nigel by his side they should be able to cope thank you i need to see the kitchen under pressure so um i know he's your boyfriend yeah yeah but give him some work to do bring your mom hi are you ready to order no i'd probably three inches of water in the bottom dealing with several orders at a time is standard practice in the kitchen but within seconds of receiving the first bunch dave's flapping about like a headless chicken yeah okay darling right you've just put me four checks in yeah who's in first okay yeah they're both coming together we've got both the checks at the same time big deal and whilst he's been panicking about the orders dave's burnt the custard this criminal nice watch do you call out the orders though sorry you ever call out the orders yeah but i mean i'm struggling in my own mind at the minute so how not to run a restaurant rule number three if you lose all powers of communication under pressure you shouldn't even be in the kitchen dave you've cleaned up you've talked to him tell him what you want him to do i'm not sure sorry i'm not sure myself so it's your [ __ ] restaurant i know it's my fault right give me a piece of pork no see dave you're looking at [ __ ] already i am yeah you are the customers have been here 27 minutes and they still haven't had a sniff of grump okay i'm going to be nearly ready to go in a minute on the first table yeah [Music] the food has finally started to leave the kitchen [Music] but whether it's edible or not is another matter it's depressing their cooking for a dining room is only half full but for club way to survive it needs to be completely choker at weekends very difficult to keep people persuaded when you're not going anywhere i'll pay [ __ ] me it's been a long time it's hard because i'm getting no feedback from dawn so i'm i'm like i'm running blind running blind at the minute and now what feedback do you need right now well really is everybody okay is anyone you know starting sort of like whinge because they're waiting or it's like you're all over the shop like a [ __ ] orangutan you cool down and just relax and get yourself confused better yeah yeah i know yeah you're right yeah without getting paranoid our guests have to leave in 15 minutes and they haven't even started on dessert shifts [Music] table two two moves one bread and butter pudding there you go right table seven four moves haven't got it yeah russian of the year blackpool yeah [ __ ] of the year um yeah making hard work and nothing really all over the place uh completely disoriented his own kitchen very bad at delegation and totally in a mess i can't think of two things at once 17 guests that's all it took him one hour and five minutes to cook for 10 people and the last seven guests have taken 45 minutes shocking so you want three first one bananas what are you gonna do well i was asking [Music] it's the end of the season for blackpool tomorrow night the illuminations will be switched off and the tourists will go home from what i've seen so far it will be a miracle if clubway 41 survives the winter right dave stop cooking like orangutan stop monkeying around and bananas are off the menu thank you very much thank you by day three it's clear in my mind that there's only one way forward simplify the food and simplify the preparation but first i want to give dave a nigel senses a wake-up call get those on yeah got to really rely on your taste buds now how not to run a restaurant rule number four if your chefs can't distinguish between heavenly and hellish food combinations then your customers won't be coming back for more dave what can you taste there what about something meaty it's like very rare beef yeah watch my fingers please remember this one dave's signature dish even my six-year-old daughter would know this is a cunnery calamity dave taught me about that one what what flavors can you identify straight away cheese yeah pineapple yeah pineapple cheese i think what it is is it like a shellfish when you brush your teeth in the morning do you use toothpaste or cigarettes because you've got a mouth like a cow's back side dear oh dear good do those flavors work together yeah they do yeah they definitely work together yeah one of my favorites yeah you ready for the last one the evil salmon and strawberry starter open wipe that dave swears is so popular on his menu first of all nice would you be happy to pay money for that no no it's not on that one i wouldn't not to my toast no it doesn't work for me it doesn't work okay take the [ __ ] blindfolds off that last stick has your salmon and strawberries and [ __ ] watercress on there yes yeah if it doesn't work in your [ __ ] palette what chance has it got working in a restaurant point taken very much so very yeah very constructive that dear oh dear oh dear now i need to be sure the creative mastermind behind clubway's disastrous current menu isn't about to sabotage our painfully slow progress my question is what gives you the right to think of these ideas and then in your own mind think that it's right for the customers when you haven't seen it before just experiment really just try and put different flavors together we've tried because we've tried so many menus yeah and to try and fill the restaurant we have done plain and then we've gone the avenue well maybe and we are too plain and people can make this at home and unfortunately it's not working no i mean until you've actually put it as plainly as you have done yesterday and today and actually gone through there's too many flavours going on because the business is disintegrated and there's no customers you're digging deep but you're lively you're a live wire and that's a healthy sign in a business you know it needs that energy but i think what you've got to really understand what you're telling dave to do he's not capable of doing right okay the restaurant is empty and the next stage is to close it we're not going to close it we're going to look at clever simple combinations put them back on the menu and get back to something that sounds in touch with blackpool club ways food isn't just unappetizing it's packed with costly out-of-season ingredients that reflect in its overpriced menu i could use anything on it didn't he i've decided to challenge day's perception of simplicity by giving him a tray full of ingredients to make a broccoli soup he can use as many or as few as he sees fit but it's got to be good okay is it finished yeah should you taste broccoli i can taste little bits of broccoli taste of [ __ ] but you can't taste the flavor get in the container's flavor exactly water onto the boil my recipe consists of broccoli yeah and broccoli and broccoli and broccoli and broccoli boiling i can't believe it's that simple because once we've cooked the broccoli in that water we're then going to strain it yeah and add the water back to the broccoli on dave's simple broccoli soup contains 16 ingredients including pricey cream and butter miners just three broccoli salt and water it cost pence and it took a lot less time to make have a taste i love the color what's the first thing that comes into your mind god that is so tasty our broccoli sauce and it gives me that sense of christ that's moorish i want more because it tastes of broccoli i understand the next one i'm gonna taste that one dave likes it but what about these misses which one would you pay for i don't know you don't like either [ __ ] it now that's too plain from now on you're staying out the kitchen yeah nothing to do with your food nothing to do with any tangerine nectarine [ __ ] mango yes you're never gonna look at one every day fantastic dave you're now in control of your kitchen thank you okay [ __ ] off thank you how not to run a restaurant rule number five don't give your establishment a name that makes it sound like a strip joint subway 41 first law restaurant license cafe russian [ __ ] out i think her name something positive something that rings what's your say no mine brindley brindley's brindly's bistro cafe what's your surname jackson jackson sounds good and it's jackson enough to marry me babe aren't you so i'm a jackson team even more pressure now everything costs me money are you proposing isn't it your job to propose it's the love of my life so there you go we'll take a day off take a day off and i'll marry you so long as it's on the cards then yeah yeah yeah i'm happy okay jackson's yeah you're sure now yeah and then you settle on that 100 100 100. the brie and nectarine fog that's been surrounding dave appears finally to be lifting are you in touch with blackpool what's all the chefs using at the moment what's the what's the latest big thing what's caught locally what's from the fish market what's down the veg market no then i'd have to put hand on heart and say no no because i'd rely on his suppliers yeah we've lost direction it's gone badly wrong um you've got to keep your ear close to the ground so what do you want from blackpool i want people to come and have good honest food that's it in that shop that's what i want and how far are you away from that now miles probably further than we are from the restaurant now it takes a brave man to acknowledge his business is on the brink of collapse but i've not given up hope on dave yes we've hit rock bottom yeah we've hit rock bottom now we're going up and if you can't stand the heat [ __ ] off out the kitchen stop out the kitchen hold on tight i am [ __ ] older oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you now really pleased to see the back of that yes it's my fourth day in blackpool and it's restaurant of the year club way 41 is no longer yeah look look all coming down fantastic from today this place will be known simply as jackson's darren can you get that [ __ ] banner down as well please yeah we'll give that back to the tourist board but even with a facelift we're still breaking a cardinal rule in how not to run a restaurant [Music] rule number six first floor establishments are notoriously difficult to fill so to give dave and dawn's new venture a fighting chance i've come up with a radical idea i think you're missing a real serious trick here this cafe functions brilliantly during the day and i think we should look at moving the restaurant and operating the restaurant from here in the evening but i stood outside last night and i looked and thought god that frontage russians would die for that kind of frontage out there not useless is it really no it's not yeah the kitchen's on show there's an atmosphere going on there's a bit of banter you've got all the bus stops all the locals going home yeah when someone walks past that and they see this place full what they gonna do they want to come in and eat it is a nice room to work and plus no buses no phone i can see david it's one on one they can see him and it's more of a partnership for the two of us then the customers are coming in and seeing us both in our environment not dave stuck in the kitchen and popping down when you can so can't pull drug and milk over his head down here but we have got to sell our own tomorrow night we've invited 50 influential people to launch the new name and to match its fresh clean exterior we've come up with a fresh clean simple menu have you made a castle before no no you never made a castle before no never [ __ ] me 47 years ago 30 years ago probably at catering college it's time to nail rule number seven don't attempt to cook elaborate food before you've mastered the very basics we'll start off we're just roasting off the vegetables right and then we'll brown the meat put it all into pot and let it cook nice and slow for an hour and a half i've got just 36 hours to teach jackson's inept head chef how to cook nigel you're doing the potatoes yes once they're finished we're going to make a fish stop yeah that's gonna be our base for fish soup [Music] lamb you need to kill it off let's see look how dark it is about there is all that flavor there that whole thing there is just pure flavor using inexpensive produce fresh from the local markets ninety percent of this new food can be prepared in advance dishes like lamb casserole pork terrain and fish soup are designed to take the heat off during service it nicely mixed good the aim is to get dave and nigel sending out delicious tasty food to a dining room full of customers without dave having a nervous breakdown in the process you're free you're free to control it and do it properly without having to do 20 things at once yeah i understand next up we're prepping some locally called fish for a deliciously simple soup right gordon just give me a hand here will you please yeah do the knife yeah then watch it all the way down to the tail yep ouch right eyes out yep and just cut it up into quarters any specific way or just well it's only for a fish stock dave so whatever way you feel fit okay this is like pulling teeth anyone that hasn't actually killed a casserole before yeah or filleted fish shouldn't be ruining a [ __ ] restaurant so let's get cracking on with the fish soup cook off your muscles and we'll save the juice yeah have you cooked mussels before no you're pulling my plunker now aren't you you've never cooked a mussel all right we can shower you can [ __ ] help i don't mind what do you mean i can help hey what would we do yeah okay fine you're right i'm sorry what been doing the last two hours fine so what we want in here i'm just amazed you've never cooked a mussel don't take the piss out me for it though who's taking the pizza you are i don't think you can actually cook if you need a [ __ ] choice if you can't cook your [ __ ] muscles hey go on yeah finish it then finish what what are you back what i'm about to say cook a mussel no i haven't got one right okay right so i'll show you how to cook a muscle oh at last thank you yes please right are you gonna tone your voice down or you're gonna shout like some dick i'll shout like something and then i'll calm down right now why don't you [ __ ] off to the bookshop read how to cook a muscle and come back and see me yeah and i'll run your [ __ ] restaurant thank you plonker [ __ ] [ __ ] out what's all that about jesus christ but at least we broke the ice now anyway we know where we stand yeah five minutes after he put his toys back in his pram dave returned ready and willing to learn how to cook mussels not quite we've done more in the last [ __ ] hour than we have in three days yeah yeah i know more about you and you know more about [ __ ] me yes teresa thank you gordon gordon [ __ ] the chef rule number eight don't assume you can run a restaurant just because you've worked in one sometimes you know when i listen to you talk about food and the way you are in a kitchen i'm concerned that you fall in love with becoming a great chef but forgot to go through the journey to get there what do you mean by a great chef i mean to reach a good cook no you're not working for someone else now you're working for yourself and you know this is on its ass the business can't get any worse i just don't want you to get in a situation where you think that you're going to be blackpool's best chef because for as long as you've got a hole in your ass that's never going to happen all right dave and dawn will be better off with a new chef but they simply can't afford one right now there he is mookie the clown has agreed to try and work some miracles with what we've got now that man has got amazing coordination skills that's good that's good that's it slow back that's brilliant that's brilliant leading a successful kitchen takes tremendous concentration so what we're doing really is creating that momentum you've got to constantly be thinking ahead to keep on top of the game just like being in the kitchen yeah yeah creating that momentum with great coordination skills the table three table four together putting two tables together yeah sending three tables together there we go now we have to take them off it may be a crash course in control in his kitchen but at last something seems to be sinking in come on dave you can do this [Music] okay with the launch of jackson's restaurant just 12 hours away its new downstairs venue is being treated to a facelift it's goodbye to the old clinical cafe and hello to a warm and inviting restaurant what a difference huh it looks absolutely amazing it really does looks absolutely smashed in there very nice there's loads to do food for the new simplified menu needs to be prepared practiced we waste nothing and perfected same amount for the bottom same amount of time two and a half minutes each side i never thought of having a restaurant never in a million years and just to make sure we're instigating idiot-proof measures take the air out okay one nice portion so water's boiling rapidly it goes in you cut the top off and it's away it couldn't be easier but the restaurant's first night is everything and the team can't afford to put a foot wrong david it's your restaurant yeah big night is there anything you think that you can't do no anything you want to change i'm happy with it lamb castle bring it back to the ball middle of the plate meet in the middle dumplings on the side pressing pushing in here push push push push question question question running through your mind then it becomes fluent fluid happy [ __ ] customers full dining room and everything moves okay okay the newly incarnated jacksons has got to be a slick operation jackson's that looks nice two courses 14 pounds three courses 18 pound darren that doesn't sound expensive is it two courses fourteen pound three courses eighteen achieve that looks nice hey welcome to jackson's nice new immaculate hats proper hats just do me a favor you look the part cook the part good luck everyone thank you very much stay cool stay calm yes and communicate oh our first customers hey guys yes you are good evening it's nice to meet you welcome to jackson ladies from the tourist board don't mention the banner i feel like i'm just about to light the fuse and let it explode it's a huge gamble putting dave and his nerves on show but maybe an audience is exactly what he needs to focus that's what's happening nice nice buzzy restaurant we'll keep it that way yes here we go one check on please okay one mackerel salad one soup one lamb one steak dave's off to a good start how long please david that's good plenty talking yes he's got a confidence about him i haven't seen before and he appears to be in control thank you service please table two two top one mack crawl okay we've got table twos mackerel and pate connect where you're going ready there's your bread okay i want to go with table ten mains then table seven starters main course now first main course now it's over ten let's go service please raise the weight plates are spinning but will dave be able to keep them up come on guys nicely seasoned nigel's been as clear and concise with his steaks as he is with his bacon and eggs one side medium one snake medium well medium well darling medium table two okay table two gone dave thank you okay service please table one one pate one tart thank you check please even in this heyday this place has never been so busy thank you service please table five to soup and there's nothing more alluring to potential customers than an attractive buzzing restaurant there's nothing difficult here soup to reheat everything's cooked even the potatoes are cooked all they have to do is dress the salad grill the mackerel put it onto a plate got anything else was it so that was take what have you just sent nigel five all right so you're fishing yours yeah but 50 minutes in and the kitchen's having trouble keeping pace okay i'll start okay all right now what i'm doing now dave right i'll go for another these stars those plates are beginning to wobble david don't burn any of that macro we need everything that's an order now you know sorry don't burn that mackerel i won't be here next week so dave and nigel have got to prove to each other they can do this on their own now please okay i'm doing now table nine starters okay and then we'll all the rest will just come out together yeah all right can we serve some more champagne for those that people haven't got starters or some wine or something yeah just keep them happy [Music] well i go after a great start now it's been really pear shaped because there's actually six tables waiting for the starters i need seven and six next but i need the stars on eight mikey i can't eat some pans mate please and you've got to stay well done i've only got one you're here yeah i've only got one stake left i did say that day's plates are no longer wobbling they're crashing down around him an hour after they ordered customers have been told their choice of main course is no longer available and we need these customers back i've had the starter ship so already we've gone back to the table said we've got no steak so how long for those starters dave 11 and 12. okay they should be ordered okay watch those steaks that's all we've got left you know two medium well please okay despite all the delays dawn's waiting team have managed to keep the customers happy they gave us an extra glass of champagne that was lovely that's made our night a little bit tipsy now but we're all right level 9 the food has looked a hell of a lot better the mackerel started was beautiful i really enjoyed that we've had a wonderful evening and the food well if it's all around my mouth i'm sorry even more miraculously davis got through it without having a nervous breakdown [Music] it's not perfect by a long chalk but they've come a hell of a long way in a week the following morning dave and dawn have had a booking for 10. based on a recommendation from last night you can't get better feedback than that morning good morning gordon how are you well hi thank you there's a present i want it for you you won it for me is it a coordination challenge it's a ring attack yeah keeper it's a good luck mascot nice how are you feeling yeah very well very positive about last night actually it's just sort of like you know give us another two three services and there and uh really top-notch it's not until you work something that you find it's pitfalls so and now we worked it and we saw the pitfalls so now we know which areas to look at dawn's sparkle and energy are perfect for front of house i just need to be sure she'll steer well clear of that menu last night i stood outside and just looked and saw the restroom full you were busy and buzzing and feeding off the customers and bouncing off that's the base now the start for something that we think is going to really take off yeah my concerns with david is i don't want him getting beyond his station again i don't want you filling his head with bree no believe me it's never going to happen again i've listened to it no menus this is my bit no minutes last night worked and you so know it [ __ ] works like that nothing more i want you to keep hold of that it was nice to see it buzzing again it's simple you say it's all about organization yeah but don't get too ambitious and certainly don't turn it into something pretentious because that is gonna close this place i know money's time and finances are difficult in time i want you to look for a new chef that's crucial yeah i'll agree with that one more thing keep the [ __ ] nectarines in the fruit salad yeah keep the nectaries in the fruit salad yes not with [ __ ] battered out pork there you go thank you look after that lady i will do bye guys thank you drive carefully please oh thank you damn i forgot to mention rule nine you're only as good as your last service eight months ago i came to blackpool on a mission to breathe some life back into its failing ration of the year table two two moves one bread and boil pudding but a quick resuscitation for club 841 was out of the question that's probably the worst source i've ever tasted in my entire life they were breaking every rule in the book i don't think you can actually cook if you need a [ __ ] choice if you can't cook your [ __ ] muscles but after a week we've moved heaven and earth to make the new jacksons a going concern one one pate one chart and by the skin of our teeth we just about pulled it off we gave us an extra glass of champagne that was lovely that's made our night i left dawn and dave at the end of blackpool's season with a chance of surviving a long bleak winter summer's here and they're still open how are you yeah very well thank you yourself on the surface the place is looking great me an attack oh please but it's soon clear that things are far from rosy and where's uh nige well now just gone because i just gone because i think he's probably best on death like that you're missing a chef god things must be bad i was hoping day was going to recruit reinforcements in the kitchen not get rid of them so getting through the winter was the most important thing which we managed to do well we knew winter would be hard but we didn't i didn't think it would be that hard all the way through january february we carried on nothing and then we ended up with this bus station right outside we can't have the doors open in summer because the fumes the diesel fumes are disgusting this is a terrible twist of fate they've just about survived the winter and now a bus exchange has landed on their doorstep apart from physically dragged these people into the building i really don't know what mother we can do i mean we've worked our asses off all year with debts at an all-time high dave and dawn shut down the evening restaurant just two months after jackson's relaunch it just seems a missed opportunity if you bin that idea so early when you you worked at it for six seven weeks if i hadn't done it and cut my costs we wouldn't be here now literally in a desperate effort to save money in the cafe they've shot themselves in the foot by ousting home-cooked food they're back to box standard frozen blackpool fair so just cafe food you're spoiling this breakfast yeah so what about the specials especially they've been up there i mean we just have the board up there now if summer trade doesn't pick up soon dave and dawn will lose everything you have to speculate to accumulate yeah of course they piss you off but turn it round to your advantage so i've come up with a unique marketing strategy using the god-awful buses to bring fresh food and customers back to jackson's cafe the idea is attract them into the restaurant in the evening and the kids eat for free for free as an incentive through the summer 2005. and you know look delicious home cooked evening specials after 6 pm yeah very good idea are you happy i'm happy with that yeah thanks for that so for our summertime special it's fresh fish and chips for mum and dad and free homemade chicken nuggets and mini burgers for the kids so they're not coming to us [ __ ] it we're gonna go to them we're doing some homemade specials this evening um if you order a special little girl elite for free everything's homemade so we'll see you about what half an the corner hour on market street let's do that yes thank you on the adult special we've got fleetwood fresh caught fish beer batter you like burgers don't you big boy yeah at last a smile dawn's a natural sales woman so why isn't she out here every evening everything's homemade on the premises fresh today fantastic produce and we start at six o'clock this year what's your favorite food what do you like curry curry's off the menu the past eight months have clearly been very hard but to survive you can't let it get you down you know the place is better than the cafe i think that's my yeah that's my my my gripe there must be a 500 cafes that serve full of this breakfast in blackpool and if it's got any chance of surviving you've got to be better than that you're [ __ ] on the ass like that and the business is so [ __ ] weak we've got no choice have we huh come on don't be upset i'm alright nice i'll be silly come here come on don't be silly huh sorry don't be silly could be strong you should get back and cook some goujons yeah or do you fancy a swim no sniff well you're already wet huh standing in a [ __ ] swimming pool tonight's a chance to lift the bar and convince the punters that jackson's home-cooked fresh food is a cut above the rest are you set up for uh for dinner i'm just about yeah i've just got these but dave and dawn have got to stick to their guns was a little bit miffed this morning when i heard that it only went for six weeks that's not long enough to try it and i think what you're doing is listening to the first or second customer and then that's setting your thoughts for the next three four months i really had to look at the cost big style yeah you know at the end of the january now the season's here we have the chance to evolve it yeah in these over the next like 12 to 14 weeks we've got to make a noise dave this is uh you know a cafe it's a smart place but you got to get that message across and you've got to continue putting that message out there our pr exercise has paid off the customers are flocking in two minutes that's fine thank you dave's at home cooking this kind of food and it's flying out okay i need four goujons out please and the home cooking seems to be hitting the spot [Music] nice crispy batter very tasty and the cod [Music] that's delicious you can do it this is simple i might actually ask them for the [ __ ] recipe charles burger charles burger no chips okay well i'm convinced how about the kids where's it going have you ever well done out of ten how many would you mark it [Music] that means it was a really good burger the meal deal has been a real success and the fresh food has proved its worth the food was 100 times better customers were happy weren't they yeah kids were in there we had to go off the street and drag them in but you know that's what it's going to take to get this place back great on his food that will fill a restaurant yeah yeah yeah thank you it's not that difficult yeah is it no no this is a rule book because when i first came to jackson's or club way at the time yeah it was everything a russian shouldn't be read this there's one special rule rule number 10 don't sink your life savings into opening a restaurant if you're in any doubt of success if i asked you to turn the clock back in two years would you have bought subway 41 knowing what i know now yeah no but hindsight is always an exact science but with what we've learned we will carry on and it will work look what you've been through yeah don't bin it read me the rule before i go my lucky number number seven don't attempt to cook elaborate food before you've mastered the basics that is one thing we definitely learned from your last visit yeah good sound advice though understand advice lovely bedtime reading tonight best time really big time hey good night good to see you angie yes yeah ah i guess dave and dawn have been through the mill but if they can stay focused for the rest of the season they might just be here next year do you actually get a shot you don't get shot no this is where david needs to sit inside so we can wake him up and get his numb [ __ ] head out of his brilliant nectarines and get back to some good honest roots [Music] you
Channel: All In The Kitchen
Views: 1,592,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All In The Kitchen, Authentic dining, Cooking expertise, Culinary creativity, Culinary education, Culinary expertise, Fine dining experience, Food adventure, Food inspiration, Fusion food, Gastro-tourism, Gordon Ramsay's Back catalog, International cuisine, Memorable dining, Menu update, Modern cuisine, Popular TV chef, Restaurant makeover, Restaurant renovation, Restaurant rescue, Signature dishes
Id: kVwr95xv-j8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 26sec (2846 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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