Gordon's Most HEATED ARGUMENT | Kitchen Nightmares FULL EPISODE

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moore park california gateway to wine country luxury golf courses and booming real estate a great location for a restaurant but the secret garden is on the brink of financial ruin thank you for calling the secret garden i may help you my name is michelle i'm the chef and owner at the secret garden am i a good chef i think so he's french that's his biggest problem he's french so you're gonna have to excuse my arrogance i'm not cooking with the stuff that's in there when i lose my temper it's time for you to run you told me already earlier you were gonna compete and they have to leave michelle just may blow up and say what are you doing you want to push me in the kitchen i will scream at everybody michelle's arrogant his friend she's a chef all chefs are out again you know what stop repeating okay french people enjoy the quality of life a little more than the americans i spill michelle can be very very uh difficult to work with jane michelle observe that that cannot sit he's got an ego the size of france as soon as he's ready let's fix it i'm getting frustrated the atmosphere here is definitely geared toward a more mature crowd this is the kind of restaurant that you take your grandma out for a nice meal it's not really the happening saturday night spot michelle is having a tough time making ends meet i can only imagine what his books must look like only 200 dollars that's not going to pay the bills again i have about 300 to 320 000 in that that's a lot of money to pay back this is depressing look at that if the restaurant keeps going the way it's going i won't be able to keep the doors open i need help the secret garden fine dining gordon ramsay has just one week to uncover the problems to devise a plan and to turn this restaurant around place is locked [Music] where's the entrance [Music] that's locked as well [Music] i do right [Music] [Applause] bloody hell [Music] god [Music] where is everybody hello is anyone here who wants to sit and eat in front of that fat little bastard molly hello how are you and you are jane jane good to see you uh where's chef jeff's here okay michelle good morning welcome how are you michelle how are you nice to meet you good to see you well i finally got in you couldn't find the front door the front door is off the parking lot well i mean i couldn't find it so it's the best kept secret in moore park [Music] and you've been running the restroom for seven years seven years yes god and how long has you been quiet for seven years okay well i'll go sit in the restaurant i feel like i'm at buckingham palace [Applause] um jesus what is that that's it it's it's uh doily people love those people love those really you've got all that fancy crap on there and yet the glass is dirty oh god brady's almost ready jane i feel like inviting my grandma for lunch could you not have got a bigger basket i feel sorry for that poor lonely bread roll in there let me just have a look at it before you serve it here oh christ i feel like saying a prayer so um a lunch menu and a dinner menu they've missed greens with sunflower seeds dry cranberries and montrese cheese god is there anything plain on here jane i think it's all good like frog for that [Applause] is the crab fresh no it's [ __ ] it's canned we'll can that one then baby spinach salad with strawberries goat's cheese asparagus hard-boiled egg and grilled garlic shrimp strawberries and shrimps i'll start with that please as my appetizer absolutely i've got to think about a chef's perception of food when he starts to put strawberries with fresh garlic shrimps we'll see how he likes it he's a customer customer is almost always right there girlfriend about to receive may the lord not kill me with food poisoning jesus that's disgusting i'll wait for the next course are you done uh yeah i'm uh yeah sadly the uh prawns are uh stone cold and undercooked okay uh yeah prawns are undercooked and cold when he sent the first dish back i knew that we were gonna have a little problem yeah i wrote for some stuff for afp i think thank you okay bon big appetit greasy chip plate and like a big overgrown ball of pubic hair deep fat fried i'm [ __ ] if i'm eating that [ __ ] that's for sure [Music] it's tough as old boots go on [Music] damn raw carrot finely if you're a [ __ ] rabbit how was your steak um carrots were raw steak was tough um and that was just a big ball of grease um the play was interesting especially with a chip gordon gave us a scathing review thank you it's lazy it's dirty and it's just bad i mean really crap your carrots were raw your steak was tough and your uh shoestring potatoes was a big ball of grease a big ball of grease nightmare in grandma's house [ __ ] me [Music] thank god she's dead michelle definitely does not respond to criticism he likes to be the man you seem proud of that food you seem quite yeah i like it you like it yeah i think it's good i mean don't take this personally yes i thought your food was crack tasteless bizarre your food was long-winded boring and just you know badly done honestly i've never seen anyone talk to michelle in the way ramsay talked to him as a waitress i don't get complaints about the food the only complaint i might get is a food cold jane i'm not asking you to blow smoke up his [ __ ] i've just sat there for the last hour and had one of the worst meals i've ever eaten that's a matter of opinion oh my god you know are you that [ __ ] arrogant a matter of opinion not not being that arrogant if you're such a passionate chef then you are a natural because you're french and yeah you love cooking yes why are you serving tin crab meat um tin crab the main reason is because the restaurant is quiet i buy fresh crap goes bad really fast so i have to buy this uh this strap man i'm trying to get inside your mind so i can start breaking down okay to how stupid you are i don't think he likes michelle we've got a lot of work to do in a very short period of time that's all i need is not some form of french arrogance i just need your support and more importantly honesty but i don't feel you are i'm honest thank [ __ ] for that thank you for the critique for an arrogant [ __ ] he's so far up his own ass he can't even [ __ ] breathe anymore [Music] day two after being disappointed with the food gordon now inspects the kitchen okay michelle's not here i wanna have a good look around and just find out what's in the fridges oh when was the last time that was clean oh my god [ __ ] my goodness me mold everywhere the food's been in this fridge for so long even the fridge has now started to go mouldy look just here there's like mold caked on this thing hasn't been cleaned for years look it's real mold it's been here that long even the bottle's mouldy place is a health hazard mole is festering so potentially dangerous in terms of poisoning someone this place can't stay open the place is disgusting [Music] maggots oh the maggots oh gosh this is christ hi gordon michelle how you doing who organizes this place the cooks and myself when was the last time i had a really good sort out um um yesterday yesterday yes look underneath here the amount of mold that's growing look it's really important that you're honest with me every time i say something to you all you do is smile at me when are you gonna get serious michelle i i i am serious well show me some [ __ ] seriousness then will you because if you were serious you wouldn't be having this up there what the [ __ ] is that that's the uh dark chocolate terrain and that's how you work there's finger marks in there where someone's gone in with their hands that's how you work sometimes yeah sometimes you don't care anymore do you is everything perfect even in your kitchen i don't think so it's [ __ ] clean what do you mean this guy with the attitude that has no idea what's going on insults me tells me that he doesn't have to you know his restaurant [ __ ] i don't want you to come and tell me if everything is our fortune how are you the truth no i don't hate this you know you tell me that everything is awful you know what i can give the [ __ ] right to our foot on my skiller i don't know how the kitchen goes how long have you gotta work for tomato listen up yeah thomas keller doesn't want a kitchen like this no he doesn't thomas keller's one of the most amazing chefs in america he'd be [ __ ] embarrassed if he saw this [ __ ] uh maybe maybe not it's an extraordinary it was good for him to be humbled michelle was of the opinion that hey if i want to serve dog [ __ ] on a plate and the customer doesn't like it too bad the restaurant is not doing that bad okay i make decent money how much money have you made in seven years how much money have i made where in the restaurant in seven years what do you mean how much money have you made in seven years ah sorry it's a big question you need to make it smaller how much profit have you made in one year you're hiding from me no not really but you don't want my help i've yeah i want your help i want your help but you know i want good help don't [ __ ] dare start lecturing me what you want me to tell you i'm here to help the quicker you understand that the better for all of us right now every time i tell you something it's the man that's just [ __ ] ignoring everything i say i bet some stubborn [ __ ] in my time but you take the piss for the rest of the day the secret garden was busier than usual not cooking but cleaning clean kitchen clean food yeah i want it spotless i think that the kitchen looked gross [Music] it's good to see michelle scrubbing he's beginning to show some skills in the kitchen now that the cleanliness of the kitchen is up to gordon's standards it's time for him to check out a full dinner service well maybe not a full dinner service the feeling when you walk in and there's nothing it's kind of like a slap in the face good customers a little on the stale side but customers nonetheless what the hell kind of puny appetizer is that what is that michelle this is a cafe canopy yes strawberries aren't even right there we've been doing it for a while people love it [Music] did you decide i will take a sweet potato bisque okay i'll get this for you thank you can i have a potato fish please we need to the food all takes too long to cook so when i take my order it will be at least 25 minutes before it's on the table my belief is you know it's nice to sit down and enjoy yourself spend 2-3 hours in a restaurant that's the difference between and france people eat a lot slower in france in america god bless america as customers continue to wait gordon's discovered michelle's over complicated dishes are taking too long to prepare michelle you're fascinated by crusted items and stuffing things honey now let me do everything look at the menu [Music] crusted the scallops crusted they have the chili garlic crusted salmon crusted stuffed chicken the pork chop crusted and the filet that's uh stuff i like good food i like rich food i think it's great it's a little spicy but not too spicy it's a matter of opinion nobody likes everything everybody does [Music] feel free oh jeez it'll be a long night god this guy is [ __ ] unbelievable you know there's one thing about being bad that's solvable but being in complete denial throughout it's extraordinary i've never met such a [ __ ] hard-ass stubborn bullshitter in all my life this is going to be way overcooked nope medium rare cooked perfect even with few diners in the dining room michelle's stubbornness continues to create problems in the kitchen [Music] are we picking up seven oh my god michelle wants to be the star of the show let me worry about it please understood chef i could have been doing so much more but michelle wouldn't let me i got you i got it if a chef is too good michelle does get a bit jealous i'm gonna go see what's happening in a dining room with michelle headed towards the dining room sous chef devon takes over i know what i'm doing i'm a machine and i'm all over the place and the food is finally getting out right where is michelle [Music] first time you've been here before first time i like to go to the customers because it's great for my ego what are we drinking oh pinot noir i forgot i think i know the guy that sells that one michelle does tend to talk an awful lot i have a glass of wine waiting for me yeah i hope it's good nothing's consistent no one's taking anything no one's got any passion and if one thing the french have got is passion air zero after observing dinner service gordon has come to a conclusion okay so let me tell you what i have seen and witnessed all day i've seen a man that i think is far more in love with himself than he is with his restaurant okay tomorrow we start working together no arguing clear understanding chef to chef and i want to see some passion do you understand the word passion because i haven't seen any of it it tells me that i don't give a [ __ ] about people like only about myself this is all about you you can do much better this is all [ __ ] day three gordon is determined to get through to this stubborn chef with help from a little shock therapy [Music] okay a new day and i'm determined that this guy is gonna finally start listening to what i'm trying to say so this morning i've shut the place down i've brought it up i'm gonna make him understand if he doesn't start changing and listening to what i'm trying to say that's for the end result and that's a sign no restaurant wants to see [Music] how your time to work so late what's going on i'm not closing down this [ __ ] good morning this is not funny i'm pissed good good you've got every reason to be pissed i'm glad you're angry yeah finally woken up now i've done this for a reason just think how bad it would be for your business to close i don't see anything constructive here it's a small town 10 people drove by and guess what they're going to be advertising on tv oh the restaurant is not doing well okay let's get a big boy if the restaurant were to close down i don't know what i would do that feeling was a shame but for this restaurant to truly turn around it starts with the menu simple food no frills straightforward good flavor and getting customers coming back once a week not once a year [Applause] hey everybody every time we touch something tonight we're gonna be tasting yeah sure everything now gordon is going to teach michelle some simple money-making specials to put on the menu okay the first dish should be roast chicken roasted simple and bang out yeah nothing fancy nice and easy there's a lot of things just because we've been doing them forever does not mean we've been doing them the right way nothing too expensive that's not difficult is it guys trying to simplify how we work faster cleaner and better they're the four specials onion gratin tuna nicoise roasted chicken and a fresh local asparagus warm tart yes any questions is he the great cook no i was voted by chef in conejo valley [Music] saturday night is the one night that the secret garden is busy and a perfect time to test gordon's new specials i've got some fantastic specials to tell you about a warm asparagus tart a roasted chicken it's very moist very good it's all crisp and it's very delicious we've got some customers in under the age of 50. it's exciting what can i get for you sir the uh french onion soup the special the special the asparagus tart music to my ears right here please right away stable 43 how was everything it was exactly so good it was the perfect tenderness and it was the perfect size how does everything taste very good gordon rams is brilliant because the responses i'd get off all my customers is the food is great here we love it cheers over an hour into meal service and the specials are proving to be very popular but orders are starting to back up in the kitchen no no not yet is this table four is this table four table four what is table four is this i don't know people were making mistakes on which tables to run the food too that's not right this is not right are they communicating with you michelle no they're talking too much not communicating all right [Music] let me worry about it you told me already earlier you were gonna compete and they have to leave uh we've been here for like an hour and a half and haven't eaten i know i'm gonna see the communication wasn't quite there from the kitchen there's not enough potatoes for the special there's not enough eggs for this special and no one's communicating we're telling you you have nothing left we're still ordering them yeah i don't know what happened i've got some specials to tell you about we've got a warm asparagus tart it's topped with a mixed greens very delicious especially sold out within 40 minutes has been on the menu and now michelle's not communicating we're ordering food and we haven't even got it i have a nice package stock that was ordered for the ball uh two i don't have it i ate 60 20 minutes ago what else is 86 i don't know about it let me worry about it who's in charge of that dining room out there chaos in the kitchen has resulted in angry customers in the dining room how was your appetizer oh you haven't received anyone else no i keep asking i'm getting a little cranky even though it's the kitchen's fault we take the brunt of it and we take the brunt of the anger i can only hope that you forgive us i know that you haven't had your entree yet customers were pissed they were really really pissed at it [Music] all i can do at this point is give you food i can't do anything else and now instead of turning a profit with their new specials they're giving food away yeah you know what you're gonna have to hold back five minutes it was just chaos everybody panicked i'm getting frustrated you want to push me in the kitchen i will scream at everybody so wait five minutes when i lose my temper it's time for you to run i can make one shot you want to do it let me worry about it [Music] you know what sell the food i don't care deserve that michelle who's just like glaring at me all damn day and i didn't deserve it jane you know what say your words i have any more it's a bit demoralizing when he's like that as soon as it's ready okay you all get out go in the dining room take care of the customers it is quite frankly the most disorganized restaurant in america tonight up zane let's go let's go i'm loaded over now come here you have no guts where's jane i can't do it james not okay it all got blown up in our face today i just i'm a little bit overwhelmed what table like whatever the table is out there they were getting their asses handed to him i'm mad because everyone's gotten their entree and i haven't done anything it's tough [Music] to me this is the lowest day of this restaurant's life jane not okay no no no no where's jane to me this is the lowest day of this restaurant's life kitchen is closed come on out even though gordon's new specials got them off to a good start the dinner service ended in disaster and michelle and his staff were exposed i observed tonight and i was watching everything waiters were picking up food that didn't belong to them taking orders with specials on them that we no longer had communication michelle was zero [Music] i think everybody can communicate properly over here there was no control michelle this is all [ __ ] okay my restaurant is doing better than visas all over do you think this is a [ __ ] game let me tell you now my thing is shut up enough of tonight i want to move on [Music] we will make this a success day four relaunch day and time for gordon to start implementing his plan starting with the secret gardens outdated decor look around this is like walking into a funeral parlor what does this do in a restaurant look at the mess of it i think gives a charm of the antique it's not this is going that is going i want to get rid of that stuff here we go chef right behind you there i'm opening up your eyes i'm making the room more spacious i don't like it you don't like it no bye grandma next step gordon's design team moves in to bring the restaurant into the 21st century redecorating the dining room replacing the old-fashioned sign and restoring the main entrance okay good new menu unstuffy dining room big big big night tonight now get in here chef michelle with your team and look at your new decor very pretty oh my goodness this is gorgeous [Music] the rumor is bigger we've got depth and we've got clarity there's no clutter oh beautiful wow michelle first impressions completely different it's not the secret garden anymore it's a totally different restaurant do you think the dining room looks younger yes it does are you worried about that uh big time i don't want to destroy what i have i want to improve what i have can you give me two minutes please with uh chef michelle the few customers that we have i think they're gonna come in they're gonna go you know this is different i like it instead of helping my business you might hurt my business give me a chance okay give me [ __ ] chance i'm not too crazy about the changes but let's see what he can do what he can bring to the restaurant with only a few hours to the relaunch of the restaurant gordon unveils the most important part of his plan the menu we'll go through it together yeah for tonight's dinner service gone are the crusted dishes stuffed dishes and the garlic shrimp and strawberry salad and in their place are i've done the filet mignon the tuna nicoise the local beet salad the pan roasted chicken breast and then the double cup pork chop and any questions on the menu that's brilliant that's a really i was nice with that menu because you know i'm used to my old menu and i'm sure people are going to ask for it for tonight's grand reopening gordon has invited local celebrities and dignitaries and one very influential guest big big big night yes tonight is the beginning of a new chapter in secret gardens yes tonight is the night we set the standards tonight yes if we do get busy we do not panic now there's a food critic in tonight knowing that there was a food critic i was nervous i mean this is not gonna be michelle this is different what are they gonna say how are they gonna like it you don't know good luck everybody [Music] now that gordon's plan has been put into effect it's up to michelle and his staff to execute [Music] finally some life in this place hallelujah i was nervous this is an important night we have important people in the restaurant miss california has just turned up wow mike level six only half of the appetizers are gone it is so important to keep our cool in the kitchen because that's when it's difficult are you listening mike that's when you make the mistakes with a sudden rush of customers michelle's nerves are being put to the test we got a bus of 24 people that came unexpectedly um a large bus has turned up from a local vineyard so it's called pandemonium michelle can you make sure they don't start panicking now when we're right in the middle of this crucial [ __ ] night let's go over there i need to get cooking now thank you not tonight guys yes that's quiet in the kitchen tonight if gordon gets in my way give me the knife i'll take care of it i promise i'll make him suffer it's relaunch night at the secret garden and the onslaught of new customers is putting michelle and his team to the test mike come right here please right away this is an important night we have food critics we have important people in the restaurant we can fall apart unexpectedly a large bus has turned up from a local vineyard so it's called pandemonium the bus of 24 people that came [Music] it's craziness it's it's happening seven onion soup buttery onion soup water in [Music] michelle has cleared his first hurdle and the rush of customers has been taken care of but the secret garden faces another challenge [Music] jane have you spotted the food critic yet any idea who she is no yeah she's actually um she's actually on a table of five now she joined four of the people is that table ten yes that is the one we give the biggest [ __ ] about bring it here that's for the food critic table okay in one minute take that out [Music] do you have any feedback for me they're gonna ask yes the fish itself was very salty and over seasoned and it was just overseas thank you very much thank you table ten hates the food oh no no no [ __ ] off no it was salty tuna tuna michelle i don't know what happened come on guys when some of the food came back the tuna was over salty i was sweating i was shivering no but let's offer them something else i did they don't want anything else the new menu it's good but it's not good enough we have to make it good enough i apologize for that if i give you uh one of my signature dish um these are gonna make you feel a little bit better uh yeah something just to balance the tartness you know thank you very much thank you for giving me another chance you know i'll get a little more used to the menu it's a brand new menu for me also not an excuse but it's always a little harder so thank you thank you thank you thank you i'm pissed come on that's his food is the one sending it out remember devon when there's a will there's a way lauren your menu is not better than mine oh [ __ ] you know after over seasoning the tuna michelle is abandoning the new menu he's now preparing to send his stuffed filet of beef and gordon is not happy hey come on please ah yes yes i can see it on your face but i am not going to start here i'll let you send [ __ ] not tonight no way i'm getting frustrated oh come on mr big chef shouldn't be in the kitchen you guys not a chef with the restaurant on the verge of success chef michelle is insisting on reverting back to his old ways and gordon has reached his breaking point thank you very much i think it's great you don't care anymore do you go straight to the [ __ ] answer no i'm not cutting no [ __ ] i'm telling you okay all right okay all right good your menu is not better than mine you know you're a donkey my food you've been putting the best chef in the inventory honey what yeah let me finish push the three [ __ ] hands up here listen to me you run a [ __ ] out of the kitchen [ __ ] yourself no no no [ __ ] off who the [ __ ] are you to turn around and tell me when you were like a pig your friend's pig go on you can get out [ __ ] yourself you can't get out it's my [ __ ] kitchen yeah is it was your [ __ ] kitchen and cleaner you lazy [ __ ] it's relaunch night at the secret garden and chef michelle is insisting on reverting back to his old ways and gordon has reached his breaking point you don't care anymore do you go straight to the [ __ ] answer no i'm not cutting no [ __ ] i'm telling you okay all right okay all right good your menu is not better than mine you run a [ __ ] all over the kitchen your friend's big you can get out come on you can get out [ __ ] yourself you can get out my [ __ ] kitchen yeah is it where's your [ __ ] kitchen cleaner you lazy [ __ ] now i've got to get some air before i do something i really regret i don't want him in my kitchen the way ramsay did this incredible diatribe on michelle and he was just blown away flabbergasted an extraordinary day today but i've never seen anything quite as shocking as that and that guy clearly doesn't care about his customers his food or his dining room just cares about himself one selfish french [ __ ] where's the train station i seriously thought about walking away but there were other people relying on me i had to finish the job after cooling off gordon decides to return to prevent the old menu dish from leaving the kitchen hey i know i'll look at you in a month's time and say you've got screwed slam through i just want everything to be [ __ ] everywhere i agree and you want that to be as well yes yes every table the vip table yes yes jane can we get rid of that food please finally yeah for the fifth time good michelle please don't panic no jane no one's panicking yes no no please keep it together up up and away let's go yeah that's for the vip table that's for the food critics table finally the food critic was given a proper dish from the new menu [Music] even though the food critic was happy with the dish from the new menu michelle was still not convinced i'm gonna go out there and see them i'm gonna go to every every table when i go to the customers they're my real critics let's see what people think about gordon's new menu oh it's fantastic [Music] was everything you liking this evening how'd you like the new dining room it's beautiful when i ask the customers they say they love it the food was exquisite now i'm wondering what i do wrong how was the people when they left um everyone loved it everyone not an okay but i want to make sure that not angry doesn't mean they loved it i want to make sure that they left and they say everything was great but if michelle needed a little more convincing the answer was in the cash register you know for 60 customers we need 50 per person so we need a little bit more than 3 000 of revenue this is great it was great to have the business [Music] after an evening of ups and downs the relaunch was a success but there is still one question left unanswered did gordon truly get through to michelle it is difficult to do changes and maybe not for everybody but for me i'm like so wrong are you just saying no no i mean it i mean it the customers love the changes i like the way the food came out i it was clean and we made a profit i think it's exciting i i know how stubborn you are yes and it's not the first time in my career i've come across someone as stubborn as you however tonight was much better than the other night you put your first foot on the ladder now you got to keep on climbing yes when i'm wrong i'm wrong well done now that you know don't stop i won't with gordon's help the secret garden was functioning as a restaurant should and as the week progressed changes clearly began to take hold if we all spend half an hour cleaning this kitchen becomes spotless michelle is committed to kitchen hygiene he also promoted jane to manager i think she needs the keys at the restaurant with the manager title tonight now i'm the manager i am the [ __ ] of the place gordon's plan was a success and now the secret garden is no longer a kitchen nightmare and more importantly customers are leaving happy [Applause] [Music] you really do have something special please do not screw it up the restaurant has improved immensely ramsay succeeded dude manager if we can't be successful now then we're all idiots well done it was very sad to see gordon leaves really helped us i think we are at the beginning of a very very successful year no regrets thank you no promise promise you still hate me oh yes yes it was a very stressful few days but i think we all survived i think it's all for the better the secret is out [Music] michelle finally learned the cardinal rule of being a restaurateur you serve your customers not yourself you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares
Views: 5,749,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay kitchen nightmares, Gordon Ramsay best insults, kitchen nightmares full episodes, kitchen nightmares online, kitchen nightmares watch online, kitchen nightmares HD, kitchen nightmares best moments, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen Nightmares, kitchen nightmares funniest moments, kitchen nightmares worst food, kitchen nightmares worst fridges, kitchen nightmares argument, kitchen nightmares food, gordon ramsay french chef argument, the secret garden kitchen nightmares
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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