"It's Almost Like You've Got A Breaded Condom In Your Mouth" | Kitchen Nightmares FULL EPISODE

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st claire shores michigan a summer resort community about 40 minutes from detroit located on prime real estate is jax a lakeside restaurant recently acquired by three bodybuilders bill scott and tammer let's do it scott and matt don't scott at the gym easy get it we all work out together and hang out together all of us are partners in the restaurant jax is known for having great entertainment [Music] being the resort style place to come to it's like girls gone wild across the whole lake winter time there isn't much going on jax has had a reputation for bad food i don't think i'd order again and so that's really in my opinion that's what killed us we really gotta fix this we brought aj in to run the kitchen here's the revise aj is tamer's father no that's your table that's your kebab i don't see the fish and chips man no you don't understand we put all this trust in him oh never mind the kitchen has completely fallen apart it's got to stop it's got to stop so we put him in the front of the house to act as the general manager just so we don't have to fire him because that is my partner's father can i help you with something i'll be talking to the customers flirting with the ladies and asking about the food in between on a business level i can't stand a man every night during hours he gets wasted he gets so drunk bring it on bozo is my favorite drink i like to drink his own and we all gonna have music tonight [Music] to me it's not professional [Music] it's a nice life i like it [Music] i'm going to take them out and beat up scott he's dangerous he can hurt you if he wants to hurt you people are terrified him no no one minute late i'm telling you a seat started getting calls from customers saying he scares everybody away so tamara and i had to make a decision to remove him from the restaurant unbelievable he's a silent partner i'm about to have a nervous breakdown total mess we got aaron in to replace my father in the kitchen i'm looking for 53 calamari let's go i had only been here seven weeks and the whole ball of wax was uh was was messed up i'm smelling fire i knew there had to be some changes but i wasn't gonna be allowed to make them because the owner's really happy with the menu it's just unfortunate that we have to take money from other avenues to try to make the place survive i'm the one that has the most investment i have almost a half a million dollars invested if we're about to lose this business i can't recover scott feels that we are running the business into the ground and he's losing all of his money we owe fairway eleven thousand dollars i mean we owe back sales taxes we owe back payroll taxes when you start getting to owing the government money then you know that's an issue if things don't change i don't know how to make the place survive [Music] taking advantage of the frozen lake gordon snowmobiles his way to jacks wow absolutely amazing this restaurant is centrally located at the heart of five great lakes but they're in trouble i don't know why and i'm about to find out unbelievable jacks wow what to a place to see you nice to have you gordon come on in i'm actually not nervous but i hope he loves the food of course um aj so you're the owner no but scott is here and bill are here yes and scott is the bouncer no why are you standing there looking for a fight come over here how are you doing how are you doing good good nice to see you nice to meet you too are you training or what i've been training 24 years extraordinary are they real or they're so um you're the owner i'm one of the owners i thought his son is another one aren't you okay he'll be in this afternoon okay good and there's one more somewhere nice to meet you another gym nice to meet you yeah after meeting two owners and a general manager gordon decides to talk to each of them individually so that they can be totally honest about the problems at jack's now what kind of hours you're putting in 65 a week and scott put 65 in no we had to move him out of the restaurant he was scaring my employees holy [ __ ] why was scott pushed out because he's lost a ton of customers because of the things that he did we got complaints complaints and complaints why would you scare customers away you know i'm not sure maybe because i was intense you know but i want to be more involved what's the problem with the restaurant we have terrible food what's the problem with the restaurant i personally don't see a problem with the business it's really good okay um what's the problem with the restaurants aj what's he drinking about you know he drinks oozo all the time you just turn around and drink a quick shot that's what he does make some 100 000 a year 100 grand yes ridiculous oh my god three individuals three completely different stories i haven't even tasted the food yet where'd you start oh my god [Music] okay here we go right nice to see without eric it's really important for me to see as much as possible i would try this omelette here oh it's crabs just split it with a cake it looks like crap oh crap omelette i'm not okay i'll definitely take one of the uh k almonds okay then i'm gonna go after that for the uh honey pecan salmon okay and then um good old-fashioned fish and chips oh good yeah thanks excellent you just sat there staring at me like some big muscle head meatball [ __ ] me aaron what why do you swallow your crab with a k on the cause it's not red mock me i didn't want anybody to get the misconception it's artificial guarantee no complaints on this guaranteed that's a pretty bold statement excellent thank you my darling wow look at the size of that that's a lot of crap and you haven't told me about the k yet oh he said he wanted everybody to know that it wasn't real crab it's artificial crab so he spelled it with a case so there was no misconception so it's fake crab meat in a seafood restaurant on the water [Music] oh [ __ ] me holy crap rubber tasteless that's going straight to the trash oh my god he hated it why the fake crab was the number one reason the omelette didn't go over well no doesn't like the crab in there i i've never that was already here i didn't buy that stuff i don't want to use frozen fish it's not product that i'm absolutely overly proud of but at the same point i'm held accountable for all the inventory that the owners have paid for how's the food so far why are we serving fake crabbing and omelette i don't he did that you're the general manager why are you laughing i give the choice have you been drinking no the crab was shocking embarrassing and fake it tastes disgusting have you tasted that crap no i'm extremely allergic to crab and shrimp so i can't believe it there's no crab in there i understand it's a monk fish oh my god i'll let you finish it general manager my ass i'm being blamed he thinks that ashley did allow him to do that before letting him serve those types of rashes because it's great creme aj's the general manager he's supposed to oversee the food and now i'm hoping and praying that gordon says aj is the one that's bleeding his business okay uh fish and chips certainly the best looking thing i've seen somebody rubbery is it frozen the fish i believe it's frozen it is frozen when you take a bite of that cod it's almost like you've got a breaded condom in your mouth he said it was rubbery uh too greasy and it just said it tasted like a frozen cotton obviously he hit it right on the button so this is the same recipe that we've used here forever so i am for change i want the change good wow this one is the salmon look at that thank you sweet damn everything's just so sweet the dressing is like honey and so much of it absolutely disgusting quite possibly one of the worst salmon dishes i've ever eaten it's a pretty successful opinion though after one of the worst meals he's ever had is the chef aaron how are you doing gordon begins to explore how this perfectly situated seafood restaurant can serve such dreadful food that was horrendous why are you serving fake crab meat it's inventory that we have have you tasted that it's plain there's nothing to it it's just disgusting plastic it's exactly what it is the salmon dish that was shipped at its best sweet on sweet on sweet and sweet that's actually one of the top sellers that's why the place has got such a [ __ ] reputation for crap food it's still not clear who's in charge of the food he's in charge of the food it's not true i have no control i felt like guys being thrown under the bus because all the recipes and the things that he didn't enjoy are things that were set in place before i even got here who's controlling the [ __ ] menu the owners are scott is that what you wanted here not at all i don't have nothing to do with food aj i want answers there are certainties are not under my patrol you're the general manager i tried not to have it go on but i get overruled aj has many excuses and never wants to own up to his faults it's terrible aj it's got to be your responsibility [Music] with no one taking responsibility for any of the problems gordon knows the best way to get any answers is to observe tonight's dinner service okay how would you like that cuts all right it's our first order we got tables tamara how you doing brother after working a full day at his other job good to meet you nice to meet you tamara the restaurant's third partner arrives let me ask you straight out what do you think is wrong with the restaurant the food's like hitting us it's inconsistent yeah i forget the father figure now but isn't aj responsible for the food and beverage in terms of running the restaurant and the kitchen yes and every time i asked aj to what was going on he was blaming the owners i do have the most difficult position being here i'm working with my friends and my father who is my family and that makes everything very difficult it sucks i'm gonna have a look around spend time in the kitchen the dining room chef it's good to meet you yeah livewise finally this rice has issues take this out and at least try to stir it up or something you brought it up here i gotta move it there's not enough depth in our kitchen yeah i got a big chunk here too what the [ __ ] man they've been set in their ways i don't know that they want to conform to a change do we have any rice yet nope i threw it out oh my god with a clear lack of support in the kitchen i'm [ __ ] here aaron has yet to send out the first wave of orders so it's christmas my lead is table 11. they don't have any food well it doesn't come in 15 minutes 15 minutes here's a big blue fillet up top 45 minutes into the dinner service and food is finally beginning to leave the kitchen [Music] keep it going 64 calamari i'll take it anytime as the dishes get rushed to the dining room [Music] customers are receiving food that's not exactly the way they ordered it we gotta send this back what's wrong with that it's supposed to be uh well done and it's rare and well done steak is the easiest steak in the world to cook we need this medium on the fly was overcooked there were the cheeses she said that she said it's terrible she didn't like it we need a chicken alfredo on the fly you hate that okay he wants this under the heat for we did here dude we're weeded here i've never seen frozen food so [ __ ] complicated unbelievable an absolute meltdown not just in the kitchen but the dining room as well just under 20 dishes have come back and more frustratingly it's frozen food they can't even cook that right unbelievable where'd your dad go i don't know [Music] well aj's gonna have to get back up where is he aj is a general manager here now and he needs to be overseeing the restaurant we won't probably be coming back here the food was wrong we're gonna take care of this and then you know please come back because it's only going to get better i don't know now just cop it buy them around on me okay so much money lost you guys i'm getting i'm giving away every damn meal that i have tonight everything i'm giving away free honest to god the last hour everything we gave away is free oh my god can i get any worse i'm watching food get thrown away in the garbage can that's my money going out the window it's just a disappointment i let it go on this long [Music] after a chaotic dinner service with numerous dishes coming back and comp food gordon confronts the owners with an important question that has yet to be answered who has the final say at jax we haven't come to an agreement on that we've only been in the business for one year aj he's been in the business for 40 years and we were relying on that to drive us to where we needed to be and he has let us down it that's the truth that's what it is right so that's a tough spot for you yes my dad has made many mistakes here but my partners need to step up and understand he's my father and that makes everything very difficult you have to separate the father son nothing to do with business you have to let go that's the first and foremost crucial thing in this [ __ ] restaurant understandable i think aj is the main reasons why this business is extremely in whole and he's still taking his damn check every damn week we aj you're the one that makes all the money not us you know yeah how many hours are left week scott that doesn't matter i put the money up not for you to lose it i put it up because aj was supposed to be a 40-year restaurant let me say something i booked eight parties big parties by thousands of dollars and that's the thankfulness i get from this man he's acting like a child you know be a man face up story after story after story after story i'm so sick of it i'm ted [Music] with so much food coming back last night that's not normal in any restaurant so i decided to get in early this morning have a good look around for any member of the staff come in that is salmon that's just marinaded in it's like an italian dressing oh dear what's this oh seafood restaurant on the water tuna and dyed pink to make it look authentic look at it my god unbelievable and here we have that looks like the mushroom risotto great risotto unbelievable [Music] alarmed by the state of the kitchen gordon is anxious to take the staff on a tour good morning there's something i want to show you guys yeah come with me come in the general hygiene in this fridge is a [ __ ] joke all right come round walking around want to get up to speed look at the ingredients check him what is that [Music] is that just take him from the steam table and dumped on the trolley and then whisked it here that's exactly what it is that should be straight in the trash hey i ate here yesterday yeah i'm not happy whoever's responsible 40 years in the business well experienced you have to seriously start opening your eyes this place is not right here we've got no chance i did not know that was going on item after items oh i was pissed what's this here i believe it's beef tips beef bets in blood that's nasty i need some answers aj it's pretty terrible and you know a lot of it lies on aj there's no excuse for it and that's the that's the classic of the day that ladies and gentlemen is a risotto take a good look unfortunately it's not a drawing that's real serious [ __ ] at its best it's a joke look at the [ __ ] collar of the chicken aj can i have a look at it yeah you've got to see it aj i do see it [Music] my father doesn't want to deal with the back vowels the back house is falling apart that's my frustration i'm sorry but it's not right it's got to be somebody's responsibility i'm not going to take responsibility it's the owner's fault why would i blame myself for that i'm not going to live for that unbelievable trusting my dad is obviously not working look at where all our money is gone i'm really mad right now they can't go on like this get everyone together we're gonna just get everything cleaned up start scrubbing walls cleaning all the stoves get rid of all that food in there whatever's dirty garbage while the staff and owners clean the kitchen chef ramsay meets with local fishermen how are you meeting you to see what jax is not taking advantage of just outside its doors fresh fish the ice is what a foot deep ah this is actually about nine inches the size of that tiny little rod yeah try it a couple times you might get something on there that that attracts them my god if you feel something then you pull it up perch i mean very tasty oh very tasty do you ever get into jacks to eat yes oh yes i do what's the food like in there i don't like their fish so much because they use a little bit too much sauces and you kind of lose the actual flavor of the real fish you know yeah got something on there i think you got a fish pull it pull it pull it up yeah yes oh yeah there you go you got one very good very good very good it's just nasty it is nasty and i've had people tell me when i eat at your restaurant i get sick and i start laughing thinking oh they're just full of [ __ ] they're not they do get sick gross this is [ __ ] up oh my god god look at them hey not bad cash today fantastic now i'm going to um turn this into a really nice chowder okay once you guys have finished you're going to come over have a bowl absolutely hey thank you very much get those bloody hands warm see you later after an informative afternoon with the locals chef ramsay introduces the first of many changes designed to get jacks back on track you and you and i gonna go make a chowder i'm gonna serve it in a bread basket something simple finished fresh local caught fish let's go [Music] i'm pretty excited to prepare this food i i think that this is some of these changes are going to be what does it for us start off with touch of olive oil bacon onions celery with a touch of tabasco oh my gosh i'm standing here next to chef ramsay he's showing me food that he likes and he thinks will work you better take advantage of it that's all i can think of right a really nice chowder yeah i'm gonna do a little poached salmon as well so salmon in three or four minutes in there the whole thing has to ooze fresh out of the core bouillon your broth over two easy dishes to make the pressure less on the line i'm excited yeah i hope you are with the special set gordon decides to implement one other change to the dinner service scott you said you want to be more involved tonight run a section present the menu welcome them hand over take the order push the specials and serve scott he's gonna get beat up really bad tonight i'd like to laugh at him a little bit he's gonna be running your section tonight give him your apron yeah i think we've got enough string to go around and um yeah prove that you're not some scary monster that wants to beat the crap out of everybody does that large egg have a smile or not sure give us one yeah oh [ __ ] it now okay yeah good luck pushing specials excite them don't scare them with customers starting to arrive scott is embracing being a waiter the kitchen seems ready with the new specials now keep my eye in the window and communicate with you and everyone seems ready to make tonight's service a success i believe we have balsamic or vinegar i would prefer balsamic if we if i don't have you know bear with me if we don't have balsamic is raspberry okay okay how's he doing he's doing good he's doing good you're watching he's doing great why is his head all tilted like that i don't know what happened i have everything right after you guys thank you roly-poly look at chimpanzee hanging over a cage looking for some bananas come on give us some um yeah it's a half hour into dinner service and the new fresh seafood specials are a popular choice i'm gonna have as the tickets pile in three special salmon and a chowder the challenge now is getting the food out god i need those special salmon gulo special what i'd call for stuff and they'd be not listening to my organization and what i wanted to have come up to the hot plate one piece of salmon did you season it with salt like i said oh [ __ ] eat it i need it yesterday get it done not one table come out of this kitchen completed yet come on it's so frustrating looking at the cooks behind the line because they don't actually give a damn so aaron's got his work cut out and he can't work with that dead wood no chance with aaron's orders falling on deaf ears i'm dying dying for those alfredo's very little food has left the kitchen where's our food we haven't been waiting for 45 minutes to an hour for our food shaking that's getting bad [Music] look you guys it didn't say cheese on the ticket i can't have cheese on the burger what are we gonna do we gotta fix this ah i don't know nothing well they're waiting forever for this food be honest i i don't know about time they start showing the guy a little bit of respect but they're not tell me that one day it's just rude i need a new bun for this kid burger please anton give me a new bun on now aaron look at me he's got to do it yeah you can't mop up for them can we run that come right back for that kid burger please [Music] the place is going down in flames the tickets are backed up nothing's coming out it turned into a total disaster an hour into dinner service virtually no food has left the kitchen my god and aaron who's only been working at the restaurant for a matter of weeks just toast me the croissant i need it yesterday i don't know what that is now faces the prospect of running the kitchen alone why do my items take so long there's too much of a hitbox here i want to talk to you about it seriously to get it [ __ ] right and each and every one of you have to step up to the mark this restaurant hasn't got long to go unless we change we're changing with or without you so do as a chef says and listen okay it was good that chef ramsay came in he kicked them between the legs and they said hey get your [ __ ] together or get out you got 84 coming my way right grill fry okay no cheese finally okay special salmon panko perch up top 84 up top food is finally coming out of the kitchen and scott is finally getting comfortable as a waiter i get not anything out of your way guys although diners are enjoying the new seafood specials how's the fresh perch great fantastic the rest of the menu is a disaster i need this a little bit more it's really blue that's not made well the the complaint's gonna go straight back to the kitchen whoever's cooking the shrimps over cooking it they gotta know before service do we tell them after the next dish is gonna be overcooked as well could be done straight away okay yeah customer can wait aj when they're in a crunch in the kitchen aj sometimes gets confused aj hey jay who's calling me of course we laugh because he waddles away but at the end of the day it's really not funny kids need to know first my friend then they stop [ __ ] overcooking it that's your job we got a complaint on the shrimp aaron listen listen we got a complaint on the shrimp seriously poorly cooked food or it was under cooked food or they weren't happy with the food we lost it we lost control is that ready this is not ready no this is not ready come on big boy sick of this [ __ ] you're going down quicker than the titanic they get better service at a shelter than they do here what the [ __ ] dude i don't know everything was screwed up give it to me again without all the grease in the bottom food got screwed up i need the whole sandwich remade my pissed off with yet another meltdown in the kitchen chef ramsay knows drastic changes are needed there's no one behind there that respect you enough as the head chef and you need to stamp your authority on that kitchen i mean a joke it is a joke you're not an [ __ ] for your style they're there to support you and i'm more [ __ ] off with you aj because you pass it to him if this was my restaurant your salary would be cut by 50 half your salary can benefit crucial areas that need supporting right now that's a big thing he is the motivation for me being here so cutting my dad's salary that's not a simple thing to do and i'm not a heartless cold-hearted person tomorrow there's gonna be major changes we're relaunching this place and i am gonna have them crammed in here like [ __ ] sardines [Music] in order to be ready for the relaunch gordon's team works all night to make jax a more inviting seafood restaurant now all night we've been working yeah we've made some really nice exciting subtle changes it's beautiful let's go let's go i'll check it out very cool that's awesome this is sweet something that's there which i can't believe you've never had in here i know fun for the kids yes a wonderful fish tank of course what do you think the boys in the ceiling those are great so simple but cool oh yeah look at that look at the metal we've got the wool lined with corrugated iron so it just modernizes it up freshens it up those look so nice and no more faded wood i hated those walls before nice little fresh fish tanks on the wall yes oh there's a little fish in there we've got the little fish tanks along the wall as well just so when you sat in those booths you can have some fun that is great i was like wow especially because i thought the only answer to this place was a bulldozer it's incredible how he took something so simple and made it so warm and inviting it's great thank you so much you're very welcome now you're probably wondering why the rope is on the table yes this is the new menu yes wow yeah and on the back of the menu right now you can have some fun with the knots that is so cool okay we'll give the kitchen a touch of time when we get backed up how fun yes that's awesome so cool chef ramsay took it real simple he took a nautical theme we had he ran with it and some simple nice light touches and it's great i love what he did here it's warm it feels friendly i love it thank you now that the decor has been freshened up gordon introduces the most critical change for this restaurant a new menu fresh mussels crab cakes fresh oysters the fish tacos yeah nice post salmon exactly like last night fresh delicious i'm glad the whole menu's gone i thought that menu was crap when i got here now that it's gone i'm pretty excited to prepare this food my favorites yeah fish and chips yeah with homemade tata sauce you now can stand proudly and announce that jax has the best fish and chips in michigan okay the menu is incredible i'm excited to actually be a part of this new restaurant in kitchen where it's needed big night we're relaunching jacks tonight and we're starting afresh people are gonna come back to this place and finally enjoy coming back to jacks again okay we're ready don't [ __ ] it up yes let's go let's go with relaunch night upon them jax not only has a new menu to contend with but a winter storm as well [Music] this is crazy it's a winter storm but it hasn't stopped anybody from coming and these cars are backed up nearly half a mile now jack is back and if this doesn't work on re-launch night i'll take that rope and hang all three of them over the side unbelievable [ __ ] me it's [Music] that cold is gonna keep kids entertained i know this too you can tie you can play that's something that i like yeah everybody loves the new remodeling we did so they're having a lot of fun there's no room for error i'm the chef i need to control my brigade how much i want my chicken when you i'm gonna do my best to be the strongest chef that i can be here all right this has got to go it's really good with customers clearly excited about the new jacks the restaurant fills to capacity and the kitchen faces a monumental test okay sell me a fish taco you hear me fish taco how long let's go okay i can't talk with nobody listening come on guys answer him please fish taco fish taco taco they're [ __ ] i'm dying on grill fry here man with aaron still fighting to get his staff on board all right so sorry there's a little bit of a hold up in there customers who ordered fried food are getting restless so you know there's a new look right now we're waiting for the food but bear with us if it takes a couple minutes for the food please how's the chaperone doing under massive stress yeah losing mine i got food dying jesus christ these guys are i'm getting buried by grill fry i'm not getting any of their food everybody else's food is coming up they're burying me grill fry's getting beaten aj bill i need him to coordinate with me i need a fish and chip to sell right now i can't stress enough that aging he has 40 years plus experience of course i threw him in the kitchen to help us out i need two roasted chickens coconut shrimp coconut shrimps i don't need coconut shrimps when aj came back here to help numbers are you feeding me aj table 41. i want aj i sold 41 like 45 minutes ago okay never mind [ __ ] man you have to communicate you have to communicate yes yes yeah better than that better than that can't even see him behind the [ __ ] line get a boxing distraction i can't see the short house little [ __ ] hold up unbelievable 243 customers through the all so far aaron's backed up in the kitchen he's asked for help aj's gone in there and made it worse if they're not careful this place can [ __ ] sink now i will see what's holding up those appetizers okay thank you coconut shrimp lead app how long you guys are killing me down there and you're bringing the whole kitchen to an end you're gonna have to slow the seating down okay these guys cannot keep up i'm hearing where's my fries where's my fish and then i don't hear her it's up in one minute i'm up in two minutes i wasn't hearing nothing so i was like screw that [Music] hey don't talk like that give me the food i asked for i don't need your life i don't want to hear no damn arguing back here i hear people screaming at each other the only person that should be giving orders back here is aaron is that understood everybody [Music] excuse me did i hear an answer did i hear a yes i'd like to hear an answer you guys are killing me down there you're bringing the whole kitchen to an end with anarchy in the kitchen the only person that should be giving orders back here is aaron is that understood everybody the former silent partner decided it was time to speak up i'd like to hear an answer all right that's it [ __ ] believable scott came back here and he showed that he gave a [ __ ] you know where before i'd never see scott that actually helped me okay let's go i'm looking for a fish taco taco thank you beautiful that's nice looking food with aaron now finally controlling his kitchen orders are getting to the customers a lot quicker all right i almost have a smile on my face guys i'm almost smiling [Music] i'm loving the food yeah here we go keep it going i'm more important you've got clarity with your [ __ ] brigade as dinner winds down thank you guys there's a problem with the night's final order of onion rings that look undercooked way on the cover chef aaron clearly follows gordon's advice and demands quality food and respect from his staff martini what are you doing smoking a cigarette did you sell those things those on your rings earlier so you could go do that no go look at them they're [ __ ] man all night onion rings have been beautiful look at them don't touch them i was in the back going touch him i'll drop him again right now goddamn that [ __ ] it can't happen good last table tonight the food has to be just as good at the end of the day as it is in the beginning holding his staff accountable till the last minute aaron is finally acting like a head chef scott yes good job with what you do with the kitchen oh thanks thank you i feel my partners realize that you know what i can be a benefit here i enjoy it yeah this helped me redeem myself to my partners i think that gordon ramsay saved my friendship my partnership and this business i for the first time in this restaurant saw each and every one of the owners working their ass off none of you were fragmented it was together we fixed the biggest problem in jacks and that was the food now you know what it's like to maintain that tama what's the most important thing you've got out of this week i got a partner seriously the most important thing i got a lovely compliment when i first met you big boy honestly i thought your days were numbered the rumors the crap and you've turned it around we know what we're doing if we put our minds together and we work together we can fill this place absolutely right there's only one thing excuse me tamar i bill we've all admitted that you know we kind of put ourselves out there aj never admitted to nothing you know a lot of this was his fault i never said i have no fault and i did the best i can with all the hours that way let me talk for a second on that exact point you are here way too much to be effective i know you think you're effective we don't think you're effective at 80 hours a week aj it would be the most generous thing you could do as a father for his son to step back cutting back on the hours okay and cutting back on the page not a problem yeah not a problem i hope scott valentimer will see that the hours i put here were needed to run the business they probably will see it maybe on my deathbed they'll confess it but not before then that's hard that [Music] over the conversation it wasn't a personal thing at all it was it's needed for him to he can't be here that many hours it's good for everybody i can't wait yes to get back yes we're bringing you to the gym when you come back take care gordon thank you good night guys thank you for everything keep pumping yes yes sir [Music] after gordon left in the days that followed bill scott and tamar gave aaron the full authority to run the kitchen the menu and the staffing if you have anybody in here that has to go tonight you can remove them tonight aaron immediately fired two cooks and brought in two experienced sous chefs they don't know the way it was before and there'll be a new standard set and the partners realized although it was difficult they needed a new general manager to take over jax and so they fired aj he let it happen and what is done he did to himself you're right i can't put it on me you're right it just sucks that it is cause that's your dad but you got my support firing my dad is what i need for this place to survive and he's gonna back us up on what we need to do just like any father would love their son [Music] we're now moving in the right direction we actually finally know what we're doing i think it's awesome we do three four nights like this it'll be a breeze back here thank you gordon this was an experience of a lifetime the three of us as owners have never been as close as we are right now you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares
Views: 12,769,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares, Kitchen Nightmares USA, Kitchen Nightmares UK, Kitchen Nightmares Officia, Kitchen Nightmares Full Episodes, Kitchen Nightmares Best Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Fridges, Kitchen Nightmares Funniest Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Food, Kitchen Nightmares Argument, Gordon Ramsay Insults, Gordon Ramsay Argument
Id: gEVcTb5Zq7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 19sec (2419 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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