Lori's fried chicken

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] there's nothing more southern than fried chicken just a skinny good southern lady I want to show you how to cut up a whole chicken and save you a little bit of money we're gonna deep fry our chicken today it's gonna be extra crispy fried chicken was always on the menu for Sunday's it was always so good you know we can't always take for granted and everybody knows that they cut up a whole chicken most of us do know how they grew up probably raising and cutting up chickens but there's a lot of people don't especially our younger people so we're gonna fry some chicken so the first thing we got to do is cut up this chicken now you can buy cut up chicken in the supermarket already cut up but the price per pound is a lot more so I always I'm gonna back that up I don't buy chicken in the supermarket's anymore in fact this one right here it's from a local farmer who grows chickens and sells them at our all-american night store he says chickens and pork and that's what he raises so we're very blessed but we'll have you know something that close that we have can use like that fresh-made so you can look at this chicken and you can tell that it's not a very big chicken in fact it's about the size that grandma would have went out and probably killed the fried chicken that night or that Sunday but Mr Brown and I really don't we don't like a real beefed up chicken that's been baked up on hormones and everything got my cutting board here and I even got it on top of plastic wrap to keep anything from going over on my sink now cut number chickens it's not no mr. Brown sharpen my knife so he knows when I get a sharp knife I'm liable cutting finger but we're gonna start on this side and we're just going to pull down right here at the thigh and if you look there's a bone that by bone right there and we're just going to cut at that thigh bone like we did it broke and cut that off now right here at your your thigh in your leg you're just going to go down and there's gonna be a bowling right here and you can kind of fill it and see where that bone is and you can even snap it before you try to cut it and then just cut your your leg off your thigh just like that so those are sign leg now I know this ain't perfect on I didn't grow up to be a butcher nothing but this is just how I learn it's the best that I could do I'm gonna cut this other leg off fine I'm just going to break that bone I can find that room I have a hard time finding that ball I'm making you nervous mr. Bern look out little this little bit good gonna be tender and good so we're gonna find this a bone again you can break it and you can feel it about where you need to cut it and just cut it off just like that now like I said I've got plastic wrap over here so I'm not putting that on the sink I just needed out on my wife now I'm gonna go back here and I'm gonna lift this wing up I'm just gonna calmly pull it's a little arm back and cut that wing off just like that go the other side pull this little wing back and under that bound now what I'm gonna do is this is the back mr. Brown really likes the back my favorite part because there is a place up in here isn't it mr. Brown right in here mm-hmm that they call tenderloin of the chicken and so we just fried up and he'll eat that tenderloin now if you don't want to fry the back up you can stick it in a bag with all your other pieces that maybe you're saving to make chicken broth you can do that with it but we're going to fry it up because mr. Brown likes to to eat the back so I'm going to take my life and if you have scissors make scissors or shears that's a good thing to cut the back off with it always works good too so there's your back it's a good piece of mate I mean it's it's juicy it's gonna miss delicious it's delicious tender and it don't get dry that was your grandma's favorite place to was the back I remember that back then art or to tell in theirs right at the hips there's what the thigh was attached there's my call it a spoon or a little divot there in the bone that some of the best meat you'll ever eat I was like I have a plate of it so I'll take our breasts if you want to you can take this bone out just like that so what you got is two sides of your breast I'm just gonna take from the underside like this I've had it so there you got one two three four five six seven eight pieces of chicken and I mean that would feed several people don't even worry about two pounds I'd like two and a half two and a half perfect it's perfect size I mean that's just about the size that like I said you'd raise two to eat we don't we don't want to know bigger than you know so anyway spitting up a chicken's not hard now I'm not perfect at it I only messed up on the wishbone but I'm not even cut up a chicken in a while so anyways there's your chicken I'm gonna scrub my hands real good and uh but I want to show y'all I'm not prying this chicken that this one a juicier chicken now you can brine it in buttermilk and just regular milk you can make a brine and you can use salt water a little bit of brown sugar stuff like that I think it's six quarts of water to a fourth of a cup of salt and 1/4 of a cup of brown sugar and that's a good brine for chicken or you can do what I'm gonna do tonight this is Italian dressing I'm gonna let my chicken soak in this because I think it's really gonna give the maid a really good tender juicy taste we've got a restaurant that makes really good grilled chicken breasts and this is what they do is they soak their chicken breast over not in a telling dressing so this is just a bottle I picked up at Walmart now I make my own vinaigrette but if I wish to make this much and use up probably all my olive oils so I thought it'd be cheaper just to buy me a bottle so we're gonna put the chicken pieces and then each time we've ever done that how so get in there I usually what I'm frying chicken now are usually sucking buttermilk but I'm just gonna do this like I would if we were grilling it because it gives the the mate such a good tender juicy taste so I'm just going to make sure that I've got enough in here to look good in covered and I'll put plastic wrap over it before I put it in the fridge now would it soak it up so it'll Brian tonight and most of the day tomorrow for it you know we get home from work in will Friday because I'm using self-rising flour I feel that self-rising flour gives a crispier crust it's got your baking soda and baking powder and salt and all that in there not very much salt but it's got enough that it just gives the better a crisp better crispy Chris penis on the outside of the chicken I mean that's just what I think but I've got some seasonings there and these are some of my favorite seasonings for fried chicken I've got now you don't get this back a little bit if you don't like seasoned is this too much but I've got a whole tablespoon of garlic powder you want to cut that back you go right ahead I've got teaspoon salt I've got teasing a black pepper I've got a teaspoon of cumin I've got a teaspoon of paprika and I've got a teaspoon of poultry seasoning and all this is going to go in my flour and what I'm going to do so I'm just gonna take a fork and I'm gonna mix this up mix the flour up and I'm gonna get my chicken in here now what I did is I took a paper towel now i rinsed my chicken I took it out of that marinade and I rinsed my chicken and then I took a paper towel and I Drive as much as I can because the drier your chicken the crispier the skin so I tried to get us dry as I can because I like crispy so I'm gonna bring y'all closer and we'll get to promise chicken I'm just stirring my my seasonings up really good here in my flour get them all incorporated a forgotten there's no way we don't have a thermometer for your date for our there's one wine a good way that you can test that and that's taking a little bit of flour your finger and just kind of throw it it's not quite Harding that pretty little thing I'm just gonna mix this up here this flour good now a lot of people ask do you salt your chicken salt and pepper and season your chicken before you roll it and flowers and a lot of times I do especially when I've just soaked it enough in buttermilk but since I soaked I marinated my chicken in Italian dressing I'm not gonna salt or pepper it I feel like there's gonna be enough seasoning but any other time I would so I think I've got my flour mixed up pretty good I'm gonna take my chicken places I'm just gonna roll them around my flower you get a pretty decent coating of flour on there now I know that a lot of people like to do dip their chicken pieces in milk and egg or roll it in flour and then milk an egg and then back in flour and it is good chicken I just like it better this way this is the way my grandma cooked chicken this is a white Danny's grandma cooked chicken it was just simple ingredients and simple ways of cooking it now she didn't use a deep fryer I guarantee you she used her I'm spill it but I'm sure that she probably had a deep I'm still a - okay I think then we're good and I'm just gonna drop my chicken leg in there I got it in my chicken with my so that's the way I do at home say now these are little pieces of picking they're not real big you know what I'll just get my hands on where I'm going [Music] yeah let's fry up real good how much 30 something this is the size and y'all know the size it's your buddy around that vibe and you can type that bone out there belong people have trouble even getting the make going around that bone and the five it kind of scares them so you can place the bone out and let it bounce cool what we were doing what will we talk today it's like that guys and take that bone and break it right in the middle and that will kick your foot bitters down there by the bottom and you'll have all that blood down there by the bottom but I'm just going to try try now let's list all the real races and these are little fries so they don't quite long for these four to summer watch your hands and I'll bring it all back and we'll check on the chicken so I'll talk about chicken legs and my ways and I've been in here six minutes of course now they're little so you got to take that into consideration a big sticker flag is on Taekwondo and I turn to my big car down between 350 and 325 because it was getting a little bit part and I want to shoot my chickens and it's between 190 and 200 and it's got a good skull on it and this is why I like using a deep fryer because it gets that chicken it cooks it evenly all the way through and all the way around at the same time you're not having to flip your chicken and one side gets really crispy the other one gets burn or whatever so it's just an even cook on your fried chicken and I know these little wings are done because there's really not much to it but I love chewing on the chicken wing and you know what I can't understand use toast my kids were gunned chicken wings will squander cheapest things you could buy and cook and now because I guess because of super-boeing and different you know parties and stuff your wings are very very expensive now so my a whole chicken and cutting it up is really your cheapest way so my deep fryer still sitting on between 325 and 350 and I'm gonna put my thighs in and I've got a breast here that I'm gonna go ahead and stick in there too so those three pieces you don't want to load your your pod up too much because what happened is your grease will cool down wasting mash so that's just about right so I'm gonna make these three pieces cook and then I'm going to cook these other two I'm going to cook fry it'd be nice back then he likes and we come back we'll play store front so there you have it guys good old-fashioned fried chicken and no matter how you fright if you deep fry it fright my iron skillet if you haven't fried I baked some really good oven fried chicken either way it's good so I think I'm gonna taste it I mean I have been waiting for this there's that meat is so juicy from being in that marinade like many hours the meats got a really good taste to it just crunchy on the outside it's good really good chicken Matt neck fried chicken in a while so that's some good stuff y'all I hope y'all fry up some chicken it was always a staple at our house because a couple of priors would would feed a big family and when you can go outside to your homestead whether if your chickens are fur frying or for laying eggs you know the good Lord never what he was doing because they do keep us fed that's for sure [Music] you
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 198,394
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Id: sGQ_DMhcvmY
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Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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